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tv   [untitled]    June 26, 2024 6:30pm-7:00pm EEST

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as we will have something to open and show, then we will tell about this cooperation, the deal defense company, i will tell the listeners a little, serhiy, i understand what you know, but the del defenses company supplies rst systems, which are very effective here in ukraine, everything else will be supplied by the company, it has a lot of interesting things , we have agreed on cooperation, on assistance in training, other systems, on the supply of some type of weapons and not only weapons, but also defense for ukraine, i think that this official information, it will be proven at the right time, and we will tell you how we organize cooperation, this is a difficult story, many companies want to organize... cooperation with ukrainian
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companies that have practical experience in the use of weapons, practical experience in training soldiers on the front lines, and therefore i think that this kind of cooperation, which will be supported by the ukrainian and german governments, will lead to future successes and a technological breakthrough in the equipment that is currently not available... ready, i would say the majority even western equipment is not ready for this war, so with our help we can make this equipment better, and with their help protect our country, and what will this cooperation require from your team, what transformation, what new competencies, will you have to select people, will they have to be trained, retrained, how will this be one of the... significantly, this is a change in the very, very
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approach to military business, to supplies, to maintenance, to support of products that are delivered to the front line, whether they will to protect ukrainian cities or energy facilities or other critical infrastructure facilities there, i.e. the cooperation itself is to do it according to western... standards, this is already a very serious challenge, and we are very closely discussing every detail of cooperation, every, we talk to those people who have been working there for 20-30 years, who have a very serious experience of supplying serious equipment, so we very carefully select the opportunities that we can provide, and accordingly, we... we very carefully select those
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people who who can cooperate with westerners by companies of this type, and which can make a serious contribution to the improvement of those weapons, which are made according to western standards and which can help ukraine defend itself. mr. valery, thank you very much for including, for and greetings, best regards. i congratulate you on this historical first important step, because it is true that when a ukrainian private company will cooperate with the powerful german giant diehl, which is a manufacturer of air defense systems and not only in this area, it means that the competences of our defense and industrial companies are such that these alliances have already become possible in such difficult conditions, when ukraine is defending itself against russia. aggression, these were
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the main military results of this day, then the broadcast will be continued by vasyl zima, so stay tuned to the espresso channel. thank you, dear zahorets, thank you to his guest, and i wish success in cooperation with the german giant to the ukrainian arms manufacturer, it is very important that we reach the world level, we were actually at the world level, but now in different... configurations, yes so to speak, in different ones in terms of weapons, we are at the world, world level, i will remind you once again that today our national team has to decide about its future at the euros, will it leave it after today's match against belgium, or will it go further? in any case, we will not be able to help the rebrov national team in any practical way, but we can definitely help our military, who defend ukraine every day, beat the enemy, protect our lives and yours... and
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win back ukrainian territory at the front. and i ask you to join the collection for repairs heavy armored vehicles in the combat zone. we are talking about the soledar and zaporizhzhia directions. the repair and recovery regiment works mainly on the contact line or in the so-called gray zone in the open air in all weathers , day and night. so for emergency recovery and return to the battlefield of damaged military equipment. in particular, we are talking about tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers. we need a minibus that will deliver mobile, repair teams and equipment to the war zone. and also pneumohydraulic jacks for operative repair of foreign equipment. i want to say that you and i are going to ours. the goal, our goal, i will remind you, is to close this collection this week, and we have every chance to do it, we were able to collect, during the big broadcast, we collected with you in two days, now, so that i do not deceive you, 4,000 uah , in general, my
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colleagues still joined in, we collected even more, as of now we have 563,778 uah, in fact we have 67, uah left to collect. i think that if just now everyone, everyone who can contribute, even 100 hryvnias, we can, we if we can close this fee, let us achieve our goal and this week we will finally allocate the necessary funds for the purchase of a minibus. now the plot is for your attention: beatings, abuse and even torture by electric current, unfortunately, ukrainians are well aware that it is russia that is capable of such inhuman horrors. but will it ever be possible to find and punish the guilty, because there are actually many, from those who give the orders to those who carry them out. for the international day of support for victims of torture, we tried to find out who and how can be held accountable for such malice, crimes, details in our
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plot. no one shall be subjected to torture, cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. article 28 of the constitution of ukraine. every year on june 26, the whole civilized world unites in support of people who have become victims of torture and those who are being tortured today. despite the absolute prohibition of torture under international law, russia continues to disregard both generally accepted conventions and universal human principles. first on the crimean peninsula, then on the territories donetsk. luhansk regions, and later in other regions of ukraine. the russian federation began to kidnap and torture people, and almost immediately it turned into a system. these are purposefully the same methods, and they are not rehrenized, which means that they
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are applied not just by someone there who exceeds the authority of the type of executor, systematically. it cannot be said that it is high. the russian leadership, there the governors, as representatives of the executive power, or at the federal level, they are not involved. to find the culprits, that is executioners directly is almost unreal, however , the so-called principle of responsibility of commanders and civilian superiors comes into force here. not only those who abused, but also those who gave criminal orders will be held accountable, because torture is one of the most serious violations of human rights. may well be considered both a war crime and a crime against humanity, they can be prosecuted, including as crimes against humanity, just as serious, but they are, shall we say, the result
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of large-scale and systematic or governmental politicians, they are more difficult to prove, they are more serious, so even if they are not crimes, they are definitely war crimes, at the level of the victim state. they can turn to law enforcement agencies and public organizations, but with the search for justice at the international level , everything is a little more complicated, since russia was expelled from the council of europe, new applications against the russian federation cannot be considered in the european court of human rights, however, you can turn to the human rights committee un or to the relevant committees against torture. this body functions, russia... has not withdrawn from the additional protocol, the faculty, well, the optional protocol, which gives this quasi-judicial body the authority, and accordingly it can issue judgments, judgments against the russian federation, and they must be enforced, while the european court already does not have powers,
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there is no jurisdiction at the moment, but he continues to consider old cases. regarding such crimes, ukraine cooperates with the international criminal court. currently, the office of the prosecutor general has registered more than 450 criminal proceedings on the fact of ill-treatment and torture of prisoners of war and more than 2,100 for torture of civilians, but we are aware that the full figures are much higher, because thousands of our compatriots are still being held in temporarily occupied territories and on the territory of the aggressor's country. ukrainian prosecutors and investigators discovered more than 160 torture chambers and places of detention where the enemy kept and tortured our people, and tortured during the temporary occupation. in general, for brutal treatment of a civilian.
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on the 12th, 265 persons were notified of suspicion for crimes against ukrainian prisoners of war, and 73 war criminals have already received sentences for torture and ill-treatment of civilians. in particular, on january 3 this year , the main executioner of isolation, denys kulikovsky, was sentenced to 15 years behind bars. as of june 2024 , more than three victims of torture and inhumane treatment have been recognized in ukraine. 1,800 civilians and over 2,200 prisoners of war. however, such figures are far from reality. russia tortures thousands of ukrainians every day. while the whole world is watching and condemning, the russian federation will continue to act. so, today international day of support for victims of torture. we will talk about it with our guest. oleksandr pavrichenko joins us, he is the executive director of the ukrainian helsinki union for human rights, congratulations,
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congratulations, i don't know if you watched the story that we just showed our viewers, but in any case, there is a huge problem: russia is doing what it wants to do and with military, and with civilians, and in the occupied territories and in poland. actually, ukraine claims about 14,000 cases of torture in russian captivity. all interviewed after release from captivity declared torture, it is reported. the united nations, let's try to outline first the scale of this torture, the nature of this torture, and again, is there anything different when we talk about military prisoners, when we talk about civilians, again in captivity or in occupied territories , so look, it's really a question of application in what is called torture or torture, because the terminology is different, but essentially... it's the same phenomenon legally defined in terms of of the european convention on human rights is
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torture, torture is a un term that is used, but it does not affect the essence of the matter, indeed, in fact , all ukrainian prisoners of war are subject to systematic torture, and when we talk about what types of torture and what kind of torture is it, whether even types of, say, gender -based violence are used, i.e. with signs of sexual violence, rape, or are there other forms of sexual violence, that is also a question, and indeed it happens, constant, let's say, the threat of, for example, rape, or even the very facts of rape, the use of various types of constant, on a constant basis of physical impact, that is, beatings. this is recorded in almost every case when interviewing those who have come out of captivity, and there are
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several types of violence used, primarily physical violence, violence with the use of force, or the use of various means, such as, for example, interrogations, or simply when torture is used, or the same electricity. electric shock, electric shocks, some means of suffocation and so on, that is, here we can have a full spectrum, when it is collected in a pile, but in fact it is necessary to say that it is difficult to establish the direct performers, because they are all hiding behind the fact that they in masks, there are no personal data, and here the responsibility can... be established at the command level for the use of such practices, and i can
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immediately say what positive information there is, the international criminal court this year focuses in detail on the conditions staying in places is not freedom in the context of war, that is, we know that the first two cases that were opened with arrest warrants are actually ukrainian deportation cases. the first thing is where putin lviv maria lviv lova. the second case is the shelling of energy and civil infrastructure. we have four arrest warrants. and now this year. a special emphasis, well, in fact, attention is paid to the conditions of detention of ukrainian prisoners of war, as well as civilians, who are behind bars, due to the armed conflict and the use of all kinds of misbehavior, in addition to what i said these types of, let's say physical physical
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violence also applies and uh, let's say that. what is called improper conditions of detention, that is, it is either staying in cold conditions, or, on the contrary, in overcrowded cells where there is no air, no light, high temperature heats up, this is also not providing medical assistance to those who need it, and actually in fact, moral torture because of this, leading to suicide, are such. cases, because we record when interviewing those who come out of captivity like this answer that some were even present at the suicide attempts, or even at the suicide, that is, please tell me , i can only clarify, you have listed the various methods that the inhuman enemy uses, and does he use, is there evidence or facts that, that the enemy uses chemical
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substances in order to bring people to a certain state, well, this is also such a well-known practice. this is especially the case for the fsb, when people are broken, or something else will be done to them, precisely with the use of injections of certain chemical substances, for which a person is not prepared and perhaps a prepared operation in principle cannot, because this is chemistry, look here, we are not interrogating a large number or interviewing, i would say, rather a large number of those who came out of captivity, according to the testimonies of those soldiers who once. .. the military were prisoners of war, they were subjected to such cruel methods of physical influence without, let’s say, the use of chemical substances, due to the fact that they were not beaten out of any special displays, there, for example, they were, well, by, let's say, ordinary mediocre military men
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who didn't have any additional information they wanted from them, let's say. er, the main desire of the occupiers is to break the will, that is , to turn a person into such, you know, an irresistible er element, which will simply be completely obedient and will not fail, well, a broken person will be, but he must be broken physically too, both morally and spiritually, and because of this, it is used, well , in fact, daily, multiple beatings, it's like practice, but that's it for today. day we know that literally a few weeks ago there was such a thing, let's say, there was a riot in the russian detention center of the city of rostov-on-don, where hostages were taken from among the administrative staff, and apparently those who committed this act were killed, but during the assault by that
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sobr , do they already have some special units that, let's say... stormed this remand detention center in rostov, so on the remand detention center in rostov nadana, let me remind you that ukrainian prisoners of war from the same azov regiment, from the aydar regiment, and uh, they are applied to them this practice of deliberately beating them by a convoy when they are being transported, thank you very much, unfortunately we ran out of time, i would have listened more, but unfortunately, frequency restrictions, thank you very much for joining, thank you for your work and for the fact that you gave us these comments. oleksandr pavlichenko, executive director of the ukrainian, hertsinsk union for human rights, i am still on a positive note, although there is no positive here, but yesterday it was possible to return another 90 military armed forces of ukraine from polon, in particular , the defenders of mariupol, chornobyl came home
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nuclear power plant, teroboronivtsi and border guards. well, we saw that video, you're seeing it now, you were told about it. president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi, head of the president's office andriy yarmak and ombudsman dmytro lubinets. we understand that it is not an easy task to return prisoners of war, but luckily everything was successful and our citizens and soldiers returned home from captivity. well, now we will talk about corruption, martyna bogoslavets is in touch with us. now one second. she is the head of the anti-corruption center of mrs. e. martyna, i congratulate you, good, good evening, good evening, mr. vasyl, i will start with a phrase that is worth discussing, and then we will move on, as they say, from the general to the specific. andriy yermak, the head of the president's office, said that corruption exists everywhere, well, in principle, i will somehow agree with him here, the issue is only in scale,
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and ukraine is not the most corrupt country in the world, i will quote, but some people deliberately scale the problem, because otherwise can lose, lose the meaning of their work, thus helping russians who invest millions in the promotion of the events of the narrative ukraine is the most corrupt state. please comment on this statement, and then we will move on to the post. investigated the story with eggs for 17 hryvnias, he found a new story there, which shows that not everything is so good here, please, mr. vasyl, the first two points at once, first, yermak is right that ukraine is not the most corrupt country in the world, but this is the only thing where he is right, because secondly, i am very afraid that now... this is not the first time we hear such a narrative from the office of the president, from the side, from the side of the government, this happened recently at official panels in berlin at
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the recovery conference, from which i just returned, where top ukrainian officials answered questions from the hall, questions from the german side, questions from internationals about the struggle corruption - which is responsible for the fight against corruption in ukraine. this is russian propaganda, that is, at one of the events that preceded the official urc conference in berlin on monday, which was organized by kshe, the minister of economy to a question from the hall, how in general, the government plans to fight corruption, we help a lot of countries, what is your state of fighting corruption, mrs. sverodenko answered, it is all russian propaganda, to which she was met with dissatisfaction and booing from the hall. and some laughter from the hall, and that's why it 's actually scary, because it's such a general technique, a general tendency to call all people who
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work in the civil sector in investigations and work in the anti-corruption field, that they work for the sake of russian propaganda, and they say corruption has been completely defeated in ukraine, and that's all russian propaganda, it is possible, you know, even when irmak writes about it on twitter or in his social networks, he can subjectively write anything, we live in a democratic country, but when exactly such a narrative is heard from official panels , from international panels, where all intelligent people sit, where people who have eyes sit, who know how to read and read exactly the western press about the latest scandals, it very much leads to a large number of questions. what's more , i will tell you that er, we like to communicate in language. in the language of specific stories, and that is why recently, even our own investigation into the withdrawal of a large amount of funds for construction, for the reconstruction
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of fortifications itself, in the kharkiv region, where for incomprehensible, incomprehensible companies that were created, literally tens of millions of hryvnias were withdrawn there for several days for the purchase of forest for such fortifications , we understand that such contracts were signed by the leadership, the leadership of the regional military. administration, which, in particular, is obvious that the leadership is appointed from the president's office, and we learned that literally a week ago, contracts were again concluded with these same firms, here is the result of the reaction to the investigation, the reaction to the work of anti-corruption public activists who work, as yarmak says, to the satisfaction of russian propaganda, of course, or a case, for example, the godfather of the same gentleman. he doesn't have any relationship with him now, i'm just saying this before the statement so that we understand that, as
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of now, he says i don't have a relationship with tyschenko, my godfather, okay, he has a relationship now, of course, he doesn't have a relationship with him now relationship because in order to no longer have relations with him, excuse me, it is necessary to stand in front of this country on dnipro street, the guards beat a military man, and it is already clear that when the whole country already sees it, it becomes a witness, then already mr. yarmak does not have a relationship with klum, and when we talked, they actually covered the thresholds, wrote publications about the fact that the companies of friends of kyiv developers, mr. tyshchenko, are destroying reconstruction in zakarpattia, rebuilding social infrastructure objects, where the prices of construction materials are inflated four times materials, again no... just yesterday, our publication was literally published on ukrainian pravda, where such companies earned uah 21 million on the purchase of construction materials to build a single, all-too-small school. in smt
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in transcarpathia, of course, until now, until they are beaten, we have another topic, in any case, i still believe in what we have, well, i don’t believe, but i know, we have certain bodies that are supposed to deal with this, here the question is, in particular, to them and to their freedom of action within the limits of their powers and courage to work within the limits of their powers, despite calls from someone, because i don't know who to understand him, i don't know, but again, let them work, you journalists, investigators work, mr. nikolov also works, in particular, he tells such a... story in we have four minutes, but we will discuss it, because this is a very important case, and this is exactly the story that casts a stain on the investment attractiveness of ukraine, we want investment in ukraine now. so there is such an international company, the international hegemon, mcmsc, which controls 20% of the world's maritime container traffic, they wanted to launch container transportation between turkey and odesa, announced the first res, but took it and canceled it, and reported
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to the international association. that the cause was groundless inspections of cargoes and delays in customs clearance of export containers, in any case it is said that there is such a scheme, we delay as much as possible, and then we just start talking to the business, that’s what they say, and when the amount of the ransom, to start working becomes less than your losses for da damage and storage of this cargo, you simply solve this issue, well, this is a kind of coercion , coercive, non-coercive bribe, please explain what it is and how to deal with it... how to solve this story, because it is a stain on business, on investments, and on the attractiveness of ukraine? i have the feeling that the anti-corruption activists, whom yermak calls, who work for the sake of russian propaganda, as if we colluded, because this morning a letter like this appeared from the association of employers of chernihiv region, who talk about the same thing
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only at tenders. in the chernihiv region, where the state audit office is located of the ukraine service in chernihiv actually requires a rollback of several percent, or the tenders will be blocked, this is the same thing, by the way, which only the pro-sea ports of nikol are talking about, or or or otherwise, if this is not done, that is, all the tenders that you won , as firms, or go into reconstruction, then such tenders will be blocked and such purchases will be blocked by the state audit service from... the cream of management in chernihiv region, the same applies, for example, to ports, so what does it say nikolav, that is, the form of the rollback, it is obvious that it cannot be recorded like this somewhere officially, but everything is secret, secret, this is all history is happening, how many such cases are in the courts, we just literally have a minute, so what, how many such cases are enough loud ones in the courts, i'm not talking about any, well, petty corruption should be in the courts, and even 100, hryvnias you appropriated somewhere there should also be a court, well,
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not anyone. should not steal in the state, especially during the war, then there is none at all, but are there any cases that are ongoing in the courts, no closed, not let down on the brakes, serious corruption cases are ongoing, it is obvious that the higher anti-corruption court is finally working, and a large number of such cases are being investigated, the truth is that all cases are like this now, they concern specific top officials, for example, they concern judges, they concern the demand to... vomirnaya, when they demanded a bribe, yes, when, for example, we know that suspicion was recently announced to the mayor in general, mukachev, for the allocation of land plots, that is, these are all cases, they mostly concern officials, very often, who often demanded undue benefits, or, for example, created such schemes, which nikolov talks about, specifically about sea ports, i do not know about such cases, but about cases related to construction, cases that on
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actually these are on reconstruction. yes, such inflated prices were fixed in procurement systems or such kickback systems were created, then of course there are such courts and there are such cases. it is also necessary to understand that the sentences in the main, which we will now increase, for example, to the anti-corruption court, again this verdicts concerning specific top officials who, again, demanded, for example, a bribe, that is, an illegal benefit, and these and these are actually schemes for overstating. the prices of the scheme for those kickbacks, it is not so easy to investigate them, because it is obvious that no one directly says that you must pay, as the employers, the federation of employers of chernihiv oblast say, for example, we have, we have to put a full stop, in any case, good luck to you in your work, i hope, of course, that corruption is not something that will be overcome quickly, i do not believe in pink elephants.


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