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tv   [untitled]    June 26, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm EEST

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not a crisis - this is a full-scale war, in its own way it is necessary, this is a quote: it is necessary to make efforts to prevent the expansion and intensification of the conflict, reduce tensions and create conditions for peace negotiations. china encourages and supports all efforts that contribute to the peaceful resolution of the crisis, again the crisis, i emphasize this, as they see it, the crisis, contributes to the construction of a balanced, effective and sustainable european security architecture. china is ready to continue playing constructively. in the political settlement of the ukrainian crisis again this in your own way, mr. maksym, you have read the session of the foam, let’s please avoid the terminology, optical formulations and everything else, so why did i actually propose to start the hay, because the real plan, well , not peace, not us, not establishing peace, but at least ending
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the hostilities on some... this is what sidzin says, he this plan to date is already, so to speak, outlined quite clearly as a prospect of freezing the conflict. freeze means, uh, cessation of active hostilities, actually what took place in donbas between the 15th and 22nd years. cessation of active hostilities without, uh, significant, uh,... institutional uh, so to speak, commitments of the parties, meaning after that negotiations and bargaining and everything else starts, that's what china is proposing , and not only in this statement, but also in the previous ones, we remember, the gradual reduction of tension, which involves the cessation of arms supplies, the cessation of foreign support, er, well, and so on, the ceasefire, well, we remember
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from of the minsk agreements, as it happened, initially, large calibers were prohibited there and so on, and if we look at putin's quote in this context of this freezing plan, which is actually proposed by china, today, then we understand its true meaning, which is that this negotiation process , here, but... to put it mildly, the negotiations, the stakes of which are membership in nato, sanctions, well, actually, these are the two main lots that are played out there: the lifting of sanctions , which is of interest to russia, and membership in nato, which is ukraine is interested, but perhaps to a lesser extent nato is interested. everything else is what is called optional, as it sounds harmless and not cynical to us, even the territorial issue is ukrainian, it is... in this case, it is not
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fundamental for those parties, the west and the east, who agree, that is, putin in this case in this case , he simply broadcasts this peaceful, relatively speaking, xi jinping's plan in quotation marks and sets his price, well, so to speak, like an ordinary shopkeeper from st. petersburg, setting a very high maximum price that he can imagine. i see another question here, sir olezhe, well, he also commented, i will ask putin and sizenpin to comment on the statement, but he puts this price on what is currently happening on the front line, we understand that a lot will be determined by november, when the presidential elections in the usa will be held, we understand , that a lot will also depend on their results, and i am leading to whether the situation can change when putin's price is too high. will be
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reduced by him, because i will simply remind our viewers that at one time putin said, well , at least in, as they say, putin used to say, and his mustache, sandpaper, it is meant that there is no one to talk to in ukraine, because the government in ukraine is illegitimate, the term of office of the president has expired, and with whom, and then they said no, no, no, there is someone to talk to, zelensky, there it is written in the constitution, that is, they somehow very quickly understood that there is someone to talk to, it can happen over time, after certain events at the front and other epiphanies. and the price will fall, putin's, and his ambitions will decrease, please understand that time has a very serious effect on where the framework is moving, russia is gaining ground, putin is trying to issue ultimatums, ukraine is on the rise, space is emerging to tighten the collar around the neck of putin's regime, i would pay attention to sidzimpin's statement for one more moment, absolutely everything else. i agree with what has been said, these are elements
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of the statement on european security. china is actually still freezing the russian-ukrainian war. or other moment and the opportunity within it to become a co-shareholder in european security, as a guarantor that the russian-ukrainian war remains frozen, as one who restrains in the muzzle of putin and russia, and accordingly thus enter as a guarantor of security, as one of the elements of the construction of european security from russia for european states. dzimpin's visits to paris were dedicated to this. serbia and hungary in terms of economy and security. with hungary, this is an element of pressure already on nato, so that now hungary can play not only in the interests of moscow, but also in the interests of china, and in the event that nato
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expands its influence in the indo-tikhakan region, becomes more actively involved there, then , what if the united states wants to interact with japan, and korea, south, etc., then in this way, then china will... enter the european space, blocking transatlantic initiatives from the middle, and nato through the factor of european states, the risks that will be created there will to convert into european ones and vice versa, if the chinese role grows in europe in ensuring security, then he will convert it into a violation of transatlantic unity, in order for europe to maintain autonomy and separateness from american policy in the pacific. region and to the indo-pacific, that is why the chinese interest is here, it is not only to play its role in the russian-ukrainian war, to convert it into its geopolitical influence, but the question is that it is all earned and all these interests are promoted, and issues are solved at our expense, we don't have any more people,
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unfortunately, people die, the infrastructure is destroyed, we even lose finances, well, in general , it becomes a prospect. so non-obvious, i mean the perspective of ukraine's development. ukraine will, of course, but again, many things become unclear regarding the return of ukrainians home. the question is when it is possible to sit down, talk, when it can happen, and whether it really is, if, for example, relatively speaking, donald trump wins in the united states of america and says: "yes, everything, let's sit down, because there is no time, in me and we will talk." and whether it will be accepted in ukraine, in a country that, in our country, that has invested tens of thousands, you can say here. and hundreds of thousands of people killed in this great war? please, sir, clarification for you, and then actually mr. maksym can answer, please? well, here part of the answer already lies in this very claim of china, the opposite is positive, let’s say, or the other side of this
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is that the conversation now about the freezing of the russian-ukrainian war is actually a conversation about a precedent that will influence the general european security, therefore not only ukraine, but also a significant part of the european states will also not agree under any circumstances to such a scenario and certainly some of them will not agree at all to the admission of china to the fact that they have their action, especially a critical one action in ensuring european security, therefore, where there is a problem, there is an answer to this question next to it. the second part is related to trump, let's say, and the fact that he will really try to approach the projectile, it is obvious, and will try to solve the russian ukraine quickly by the method of simple solutions. war, but it will not succeed, the scale of the war is different, the intensity of the war is different, the shoulder, in particular in the mechanisms that are proposed, well, for example, trump's idea was to stop the war in 24 hours, saying that ukraine will not have weapons, and if russia does not leave to negotiations, then ukraine will get everything it
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needs to win over russia. well, the first moment, we lived without american help for six months, and ukraine did not come the next day and say: "okay, we surrender." six months, that is... trump has no way to quickly force ukraine to do something with the help of american aid, at least, this has already been demonstrated. the second point is that the european countries will not agree to this, and it will break transatlantic unity and, on the contrary, the level of determination in europe will increase. not quantitatively, but qualitatively. and the third important point, okay, this is a working scheme in case one of the parties wants to sit down for negotiations, and the other side does not want to force it, and let's imagine the situation, neither russia nor ukraine agrees to sit down at the table. so to whom to send weapons and to whom not to send weapons, everything is the logical clinch of this formula, that is why simple solutions are scary, they only look good and easy, in fact they are extremely difficult to implement, they show their reverse side very quickly, all their danger simple solutions, exactly
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i will start with mr. maksym, if you want, mr. maksym, you can add here that all this is being solved at the expense of ukraine, and while they are thinking about how to freeze, not freeze, what is there... where are some contacts now lloyd austin and this belarussian and the minister of defense of russia were talking for the first time in a year and a half, but we are losing every day, the question is that we are losing every day and... people will certainly not agree to give something away, but again, but about, about how easy the solutions are, and, well, it's a phrase, it's associated with representatives of the current government, who offered simple solutions in many things, and of course, the story about teachers' salaries of 400 dollars became legendary, that it was supposed to be only 200 million, and then it turned out that it was much more, the column incorrectly praised, but here the question is not in that, trust in president zelenskyi... began to decline, i did not invent this, this is data from the razumkov center, which, by the way, cannot
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be suspected of working there against the president's office or in any opposition activity there or on anyone, that's enough weighted work, quite well-known, well-known and already with a certain long history of groups, a sociological sociological group, the rozunkov center, etc., which has been working for quite a long time in ukraine, and now the trust in the president has dropped by 13%... zelensky 90% trust in the army, there the parliament, the security service of ukraine, there are different ones, but here it is important whether the people really want and what they want, we all understand that we will not have elections, but trust is falling, is it possible that the approaches of the authorities should be changed now, and how to change what to do, it is more difficult to come up with a solution, whether to show, or to arrange a public, public that's a good word, but you can't say it on the air, er... the punishment of mykola tyshchenko, mr. maksym, well, by the way, i would start with
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what my colleague, mr. oleg sahakyan, concluded by saying that ukrainians will not agree to simple solutions, concessions, any, you know, over the past six months the mood in society has changed very much, i... i cannot operate with large databases of sociological surveys, but even what, so to speak, those reactions to tsk raids, t-shirts with the inscription ukhilyand and so on, all this is impossible to imagine, so say, in the first year of the war, in the second year of the war, and so on, now it becomes possible, now society, as we say, today, this word agrees. and i would consider this decrease in trust in zelenskyi or in
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the presidential institute, well, as far as i understand, the poll still says personally, as a symptom of this, a change in the mood of society, the loss of such, i would call it mobilization, and so on the word is used a lot in different contexts, in different meanings, this... mobilization, we are gradually losing this mobilization from various reasons, for natural reasons, well, because the war lasted, as you say, ukrainians are dying, and the country is really declining and losing not only light, electricity, but also people who are not only dying, who are leaving and so on, and in this context , what to do, a political decision, a political decision on... for me, in this situation, it is not visible, well, i mean ideas about some kind of coalition government there or
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something else, eh, such a simple example, if this loss of trust in zelensky was converted into growing trust in other politicians is possible would be to say that this is a normal way and this is a way out of the situation, at this stage we are talking about a loss of trust in... in state institutions, and without, so to speak, filling these state institutions with trust, precedents that give grounds for this trust , nothing will work, i hear you want to ask something, no, no, no, i’ll just listen to mr. oleg about this right now, and then we’ll listen to president zelenskyi, who came to donetsk region and made arrangements there again, well it's not revealing because i understand perfectly well when i see it. happens in donetsk region, the president understands that some officials were supposed to be there and solve
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many problems, which, by the way, we include different regions every day, and listen to what problems there are, and very often these problems are not solved, but about simple solutions and a decline, a decline, i won’t say, the decline there is catastrophic, but a decline in trust in the president, fatigue, disappointment, expectations that have not been fulfilled, or simply somehow people already see that these people may not succeed, they are something and... yours opinion, i think everything you listed is relevant for certain groups of the population, and what's more, some people will have these thoughts, i would move away from the very thing, and what... people talk about, and why are we in such a situation, you know, politicians and diapers have a lot in common , in particular, the fact that they need to be periodically changed, and elections are not invented to simply change surnames, this is one of only derivative points: elections are needed in order to constantly recredit the authorities in
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trust, because in the republic that is exactly what very important, any democratic one, so that the government is not only legal, i.e. according to the law, but also legitimate, and we currently have no way to ensure this pumping of blood through the electoral process, because elections are actually like a heart that pumps blood with a certain rhythm and renews her. accordingly, we need to take a step back, move from modern diapers to powders and remember what are the restorative mechanisms, and we need to provide additional mechanisms now. electoral way to ensure recrediting the trust of the authorities, this is the deconcentration of certain powers below, where there are capacities for this, because there was a concentration of a whole range of powers in the center, but the capacities remain non-state, in the business sector, non-governmental, volunteer others, actually self-governing. secondly, it is necessary
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to provide mechanisms for the redistribution of responsibility, it is necessary to carry out reinstallation, to return a part again. powers to the institutions that should deal with them, because otherwise all spears will fly in the direction of the president, the office of the president, because understood that hypercentralization, it also has a reverse side, all the responsibility goes there, and it must be distributed, thus mortified, and thirdly, it is necessary to create a number of initiatives that would now provide new opportunities, new horizons for the actual development of the state in conditions of war, we have to accept that it is impossible to run this war in a sprint mode, a lot has been said about this, but nevertheless, mobilization, energy, the political process, and all other processes by which we see crises now, they are being carried out in the sprint mode, also quite often unprofessional, unprofessional, etc., and accordingly it is necessary to allocate resources and look for models
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that would ensure the renewability of our resources, otherwise we will simply run out, this applies not only to... the process of ensuring trust in the authorities, but and wider than all economic processes, now that mr. smart said, under the mobilization of society, we lost it, because the war is somewhere there, society is somewhere here, politicians are somewhere separately, i will just say that now even the ministry of defense says that the mobilization processes have improved, but again this is the expected result of the law on mobilization, but it will be short-lived, it is understandable, it does not happen like this for a long time, it is extensive, well, it is waiting for god that... which is expected, not worse than it was , but you know this, just like an airplane, when it takes off from the ground, it turns on the afterburner, but it does not fly on the afterburner all the time, it then turns it off and already flies in a different mode, this is also about the mobilization of the economy, about economic booking, regarding the fight against corruption and investment attractiveness, well, you really have to live in a different way
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regime, i am just a short example here, we were once in bed and there they said to spend water sparingly, and i wanted to drink it, i got there for the first time +52 in my opinion, and i drank it, then when i returned to in the place where we were, all my lips were bleeding because they were cracked, and i left, for some reason i thought that there would be enough water, but it was not enough very quickly, it's the same here, you know, you can drink all the water, and then we have to live somehow, this is where we need understanding, but for now, for now the president, well, i don't know apparently, some plans are also in the works. but the president correctly, in my opinion, points out, points out to certain government officials their shortcomings, the head of state was in donetsk region, let's listen to what he said, and there will be a separate conversation in kyiv, in particular with government officials who should be both here and in in other places near the front, in complex communities,
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where people need immediate solutions, solutions that are simply not visible from kyiv... and i was surprised that some relevant government officials were not here for six months or more. there will be a serious conversation and i will do the appropriate things about them conclusions well, by the way, i do not comment on the reaction, whether it is correct or not, regarding general sodul , we saw it, but, again, i do not comment in any way, i do not know, but quick conclusions were made, a replacement was made, regarding government officials , this is the president's statement from a political point of view, i understand that... he obviously understands what he is talking about and has seen and why he is saying it, mr. maksym, these are not simple decisions, these are necessary decisions, i would say. there is er, well, such logic is more emotional, to the credit of our current
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president, we can say that he is he does not lose his mobilization, and so to speak, his reactions are still sharp and, so to speak , reactive, at least when he sees that people are already around. well, in such a calmer mode, i will put it mildly, then, well , there are such emotional sharp reactions, i think that on the one hand it is natural, and on the other hand it is clearly not enough, because such reactions, i will say again, they they don't adjust the system, they don't create trends, they don't create this recrediting trust. which can occur at the expense of elections, of course, but in such more routine and er normal or, as it were, everyday
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conditions, such recrediting is possible simply by good, correct personnel decisions, not to mention legislative decisions, but it is more difficult for us, because even that the mobilization law itself, which we so fleetingly praised today, accelerated mobilization, but in terms of, you know, the creation of such a system and its transparency and fairness, there are a lot of questions about it, so with this there is such regulation at the institutional, regulatory level equal, we have it's always difficult, and it's probably difficult to fix, especially in wartime conditions, but good personnel decisions are good decisions, forgive me for such taftology, in any conditions. even more so in the conditions of war, mr. oleg, there are emotions, the mobilization of the president, this is where people write in chat rooms, they say, we should not listen to zelenskyi,
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maybe, but we cannot not listen, he is the president of the state, the supreme leader, we listen to a person who makes a decision, and if, say, the military asked about the general that the gentleman is talking about there, it was the decision made is right, it is wrong, i don't know, but it was made by the person we are listening to, president zelenskyi, i cannot fire the general. relatively speaking, i can't fire some official, or say about it, he can, that's why we listen, but already, how to say, i don't want to say, sorry, it's just objective life, we listen to people who make decisions , and it is important, in relation to these, to what extent the analysis of the flights and the work of the president here in kyiv can be after his statement on donetsk region, because it seems to me that donetsk region is just an excuse, i think that the president has a lot of questions on different aspects, and this is just an excuse for me to talk, i don't want to be associated with yanukovych here, come to me, i 'll tell you later, but still, it seems to me that he wants to talk much more broadly, and he has much more problems, he sees, than what
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he said about donetsk region. i will actually take the three topics in parallel right away, but we will have three minutes, one minute per topic. very briefly. first, about whether you need to listen or not. you can get wet from these problems, to live in their own. the capsule is comfortable and listen only to those who tell you what you like, watch only those whom you like, and in the end, when you go outside, you are horrified, because it turns out that you live in a completely alternative reality, nothing to do with it intersect, and she influences you, but you no longer influence her. the second point is about mobilization and the fact that we praised it, situational results. yes, it gave some acceleration, but it's like an old car, where the engine in... doesn't work anymore effectively, let's try to bore him, pour high-octane fuel into it, and accordingly, at a short distance, we will really squeeze out of him the speed that he
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could never even imagine in his life that he could give, but then everything will quickly fail, now it is happening in an extensive way, and in this way we are burning the strategic reserve now with a low efficiency ratio, due to the fact that this system neither in its principles nor in its organization, it is not a product of the 21st century, it is a product of the xx century, even in its soviet forms, in which it was characteristic of ukraine, well, not everything there is connected with the soviet union, but, unfortunately, in our country, often the ancestral injuries of the soviets manifest themselves here as well. regarding personnel changes, i think that first of all the president talked to people, we have regional coordinators on this platform in 12 regions, and just the other day i had a meeting with them again, and when you talk to people who tell specifically, that it is on the ground, and such emotions do not appear, so i roughly imagine what i could hear president zelenskyi in the east of ukraine and in relation to the profile reintegration policy and in relation to the information policy and in relation to the security
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policy. many aspects and problems that people actually face every day from the energy sector, starting and ending with humanitarian issues, and accordingly, i think that such an emotional reaction is due to the fact that he saw it firsthand, and there are only a few government officials here, but the problem is that there is no bench, and therefore personnel decisions can be made, but then they appear temporarily performing duties, because no one wants to go to those positions in the conditions that have developed both objectively and subjectively, therefore, unfortunately, there may be a solution. only systemic personnel rotations will not help in this case, because the problem is worse than the name, but in any case , war is a time of strong people who have to make strong decisions and take responsibility. thank you very much, we were with oleg, oleg seakyan, and political scientist, co-founder of the national platform for sustainability and cohesion, and maksym rozumny, political expert, doctor of political sciences. thank you, i wish you a quiet evening, and finally we will raise the results of the survey, we asked
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today whether you have alternative... sources of electricity supply to your home, well, as before, 13% have, 87% do not, the national team of ukraine is leaving euro 2024 , and actually a fatal defeat, unpreparedness, defeat, i don’t know what against romania played a cruel role in this story, ukraine leaves the tournament with four points, where there are countries that scored only three points, such is the irony of fate, but somehow they say they are to blame. thank you for being with us, it was vasyl zima, the program. it's easier with you until tomorrow, take care, all the best, fm, halychyna. listen to yours. tingling,
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