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tv   [untitled]    June 26, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm EEST

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the following shots may shock you. live news from the scene. drone attacks, kamikaze, political analytics. objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season. exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. freedom of life, frankly and impartially. you draw your own conclusions. we are coming back, these are chronicles of information, chronicles of war, sorry, we are joined by kyrylo sazonov, a serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine who is, well, in the direction of chasivoy yar, congratulations, kyrylo, congratulations, mrs. olga, i am very glad to see you, i miss you very much, i glad to see you are doing well too.
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well, actually, he wants to describe the situation in a descriptive way, to find out, because usually lately, i would say so much about the weather, so they say that they are trying to storm, but the positions there have not been lost, it was not possible to advance and so on, but that's all i would still like to know in more detail where they are trying, what they are trying to do, where exactly the fighting is going on, and what is actually happening in your direction. olya, the fact that in luhansk subortytsia and the general staff report that there are constant assaults, and we are holding our positions, is the pure truth, maybe not everyone understands what is behind these dry summaries, 11 assaults are ongoing, six have been repulsed, five are ongoing now, this means that we do not have a moment of peace here, not a moment, they are constantly storming, that is, now, when you are told that at the beginning of the day, for example, there were 11 assaults or. points, battles are being fought on
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ivankivskyi on kalinov, and three assault attempts are currently ongoing during the yar period. this is how it happens. and so for a week there is a constant battle in some place. it wasn't even yet half an hour, when i could have written to myself there in a telegram that there is now shelling, there are no assaults, we are waiting, we are hiding. no, they are constantly climbing somewhere. somewhere and... such a massive assault is mechanized, sometimes in small groups they work in pairs quite harmoniously, that is , four or six people, a group, two or three pairs advance, so imperceptibly, trying to enter the city, to gain a foothold somewhere so that reinforcements come, and this continues all the time here and in toretsk, the assaults are constant, it is not so easy, because, for example, my friends, comrades from the bahmuta from last year, mowgli and white, is now in the hospital and was taken away yesterday. the day before yesterday
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he already had five holes, but he feels quite good, he is already on the mend, he is already joking, they signed off today, this is our price, they also pay for their assaults and pay a lot, because when they assault, they still in the affected area, they did not reach our positions, and the orta of our 41st brigade, our mortars, the grymiv brigade, our drones are very good minus the personnel and equipment, that is, according to these reports... that the assaults continue, and we are holding our positions, and our losses, and very large enemy losses, this is how it looks, on the turkish direction they opened it recently, but i understand that this was bound to happen, because in chasivyar they still could not take it, it is difficult for them on pokrovsk, wait for the evening summary, because i only have such half-rumors from our guys that skarlovka is not bad, and toretsk is between chasivyar and the pokrovsky direction. himself, well, it was very logical for
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them to start here with an attempt to advance and to slightly undermine the threat of our counteroffensive from horlivka, because it is generally nearby, but toretsk is also ours, it is also holding on, chasivyar is holding on, it is difficult, they are constantly throwing cabs at us as well, and behind our backs they are throwing at peaceful cities, at kostyantynivka, at pokrovsk, at sloviansk, kramatorsk, druzhkivka, rockets are being thrown from airplanes, the guns are working, too, arta is working well, our guns are working well , i already said, our mortars, that is , we are working, working, holding on, the ukrainian chasivyar, the ukrainian turkish, they do not surrender to the ukrainian donbass. of course, we all, i think, wish your brothers, the wounded get well soon, and how, well, how best. that
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they are healthy and full of strength, of course, i would very much like that everything is in order with them, tell me, kirill, and do you feel a change, well, for example, in equipment, did some replenishment of weapons arrive, how are you now do you feel like we still rely more on fabs, on these e fpv drones, on some things like that, uh, well, that is, are there really more weapons now? in the conditions of a shortage of shells and missiles, of course, drones, drones and drones with weapons became our main force, which hits the enemy, there... they say it was up to 80%, but such questions as statistics by direction, by e, there operational command of some kind, or at all by the front, such statistics can only be given by the general staff or the leadership of the direction, i do not know such statistics possess, as far as shells and rockets are concerned, i
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know very, very little and can say very little, because how many will you have, how many shells do you have now, how many will be tomorrow, how many will your neighbor have. and this is a secret even from our own people, because this is, well, the main thing that the enemy wants to know, where, how many bc we have, when, how they will give us a ride, we are going to store it, here , of course, it has become easier than in march, than in winter, but we are still waiting, we are waiting for much more, we are waiting for two things, we are waiting for us to have more shells and mines to destroy the enemy in the zone of destruction so that he cannot even come close to our positions to destroy his logistics, and we are waiting for planes. to shoot them down, their planes, which drop cabs, because it is almost impossible to shoot down a cab, when it is dropped from the plane, they drop them somewhere over donetsk, they already fly to konstakh. well, here you are they mentioned a little bit about such tactics of the enemy, when they are there in twos, twos, threes, trying to break through, what kind of
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tactics is this, how effective is it in general, well, how do you evaluate it? this is a normal special forces tactic in any country, and here, and in great britain, and in the united states. one covers, one advances, then the other suppresses fire, advances, the second, well, this is a normal tactic, and they achieve this, they try to seize some such one position there, i don't know, one side seize a position, advance on us into our area of ​​responsibility, because if armored vehicles with personnel come, of course we will destroy them, well, we see them when they break through one by one, two by two, well, arta will not work with expensive shells for two people. this is already work for our infantry, for our stormtroopers or for drones. here they advanced into the neighborhood, the canal, a group of four people, two couples climbed in, hung a russian flag recently, planted a mine and ran away, well, i don’t know if they ran away or not, because it wasn’t because of us, but we didn’t
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you got caught, because this is not the first time, the drone blew up the block and the explosives that they planted, well, that's good, but you know... you probably also saw this epic video, when the russians are driving a buggy in the ocheretino area and on the road that they are driving, they literally counted 60 units of battered russian equipment, that is, a mass of battered russian equipment, and on the other hand, i understand that, nevertheless, they have enough equipment to storm, or not so enough, but here and under the clock. there is a lot on the road from chasik to bakhmut, the main route to kalinovo and to the bakhmut-kostyantynivka highway, a lot of destroyed enemy equipment, even now i can’t remember the numbers of the official reports, because there is a lot of equipment, and trucks, and trucks , and buggies,
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and motorcycles, here they made everything possible from a motorcycle, such a monster is also like a tank, as they call them a barbecue or a barn in different ways, a lot. the equipment was destroyed, there is quite such a rare prey here, it is a tulip, it was recently shot down, it is a 240-mm mortar, that is, well, imagine if a caliber projectile 155 or 152 mm cause a lot of damage, then here is a 240 mm self-propelled mortar, one was hit near ivankivskyi, the other was hit earlier on june 6, here are two tulips for putin for russia day, we gave borislav as a gift. khlebsk2 was hit very importantly, how many tanks, motolyk, beh, i don’t even count, but all this armor performs a simple function, how to quickly cross the affected zone under our fire in order to advance to our positions, land an assault, well, the actual use of these buggies and
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motorcycles themselves, how effective it is, as good a tactic as it is, the faster you move, the better your chances of staying alive. and to reach or leave the position. we also use motorcycles, and even bicycles, well, on a motorcycle, for example, you can break away from fividron in the green. you go into zelenka, he doesn't... see you or moves down, you're fast enough and can drive where a car can't, when you're driving a car, a drone is following you, then your only hope is guys that he will fall somewhere nearby, that is , it turns out that in principle it is even possible to track from a fpv drone or from another, this particular motorcycle is not so easy, it's one thing to track it, it still needs to be hit, he shoots there and he sees that someone is just. moves, but the half-foot has to catch up and hit, and in zelenka, when you ride
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a motorcycle in a trade wind, it's not so easy, the guys broke away like that, but it's interesting, well, it means you have to adopt, well, the best practices, what to say, if it's such, well, that's a good option, maybe it's worth it somehow to supply our troops with smart guys, this is no longer a war with a machine gun. not with breakfasts, not with mortars, the war of drones and ours and the enemy’s drones, the war of our enemy’s radio electronic warfare, this is already such an intellectual war, a technological war, when all the time the guys are inventing something, inventing something, how to destroy the enemy, how to knock his drones off course, how to land them, and they are also working, unfortunately, from all directions of russia, so that they develop some kind of military weapon there, the guys, exactly... the means of radio-electronic warfare, they were ready as best as possible, here the direction where
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they prepared for war is quite good, for us from the very beginning it was difficult, but they did not count on our drones in such a number, for example, the first wave, the 22nd year, the beginning of the war, byraktars destroyed a whole column of the enemy, uh, then there is another question a little more, you already mentioned a little about toretsk, tell me how dangerous is this... an attempt to attack turetsk, how much for the grouping of our chasovyar forces this direction is so flanking, threatening, it is very bad for us in chasiv yari, and for, well, that is, my guys from the 41st brigade, they are now also defending chasivyar, and in turetsk, our guys too, and i just returned from there today, it's bad for everyone, because they go in if they take toretsk to constantine. 20 km nearby is a straight road, if they move further from toretsk
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to kostyantynivka, this is a threat to the flank in the pokrovsky direction, where ours is probably the most difficult, the most difficult situation at the front now is the pokrovsky direction, they enter the flank, for us they go almost to the rear, if it goes to kostyantynivka, so to we have to stop the turks without options, uh, well, yes. and then tell us a little bit about the turkish direction, since your brigade is stationed there, what happened there in the end, how do you, well, assess why these positions were lost in the noise, there are still nearby, how you didn’t have any positions, then dispersed a little , the positions there have not changed since the 14th year, when the troops were disbanded, the first agreements, i think minsky, then the guys who are fighting here and fought here in the 14th year, they are quite sorry, because they say that... if there was a team, they would liberate the city of horlivka, because the guys were also standing on the red
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partisan, then near pantelimonivka, horlivka, the exit to the center, and another group stormed, was ready to go on an assault and quite successfully terrorized the orcs on this side of turetsk , because this is toretsk , here and there are the districts of horlivka, nikitovka, besorapka, holma, the village, this is also the district of the city of horlivka, and that is, pressing from one side, they had... the opportunity to open the approach to the guys from the south from pantelimonivka, and the enemy had one brigade there base in cafe baronzli very popular in in the city of horlivka, that is, these positions did not change in 14th year, there were no noises, everything is already there, a pile of bricks has been there for many years, there is no position of anything, there is no such settlement, forget it, nothing was lost there, it was a gray area , which was a gray zone, was called, had the right to be called, as long as there were no active hostilities. as long as there was a skirmish line, now it was our bridgehead, yes, unfortunately, it is no longer our
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bridgehead, now i am being stormed by both the north and the south and are trying to advance everywhere, they have drawn enough personnel there big, but, but that's all they can do, while they're pressing, somewhere we're losing ground, well, somewhere we've lost, somewhere we've fought back, and it's so difficult to say something about them so far, well, it means promotion, well, there's no such thing, huh. quickly changes, unfortunately, unfortunately, we have to end, time has completely run out, kyrylo, say hello to lyutsyk yerem there, thank you for... kyrylo sazonov, a serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine, joined our broadcast. we will meet with you in a week. laughter, physical activity, sneezing. even during such a time a small load of incontinence can
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make itself felt. feminost uro helped me. thanks to the natural components of feminost uro, it helps to regain control of the bladder. 15% at travel pharmacies for you and savings. russia continues the energy terror of ukraine. electricity generation facilities were attacked again this week. according to ukrenergo , the equipment of facilities in four regions was damaged: vinnytsia. the regular shelling of the russians in kyiv increased the lack of electricity, so the blackouts became longer. against this background, the government is asking parliament to approve the draft law on the completion of
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two power units at the khmelnytskyi nuclear power plant, the specialized committee gave the green light to the draft law. i did not vote for it, i will not vote for it in the hall of the parliament and i will explain to other colleagues why this is a wrong approach, and it is an illusion that someone really needs it. i think we are close to a consensus, close to bringing this bill to the floor, to vote on the first reading on the basis. yesterday i saw that even those factions that doubted, that asked very deep questions about the manufacturer, about the terms, about the amount, about financing, left the hall satisfied after talking with minister holoshchenko. construction of the third power unit of the khmelnytsky as began in september 1985, and the fourth in june 1986. both are designed for a capacity of 100 mw. despite the construction readiness of the third unit at 75% and the fourth at 28 in 1990
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, the construction of new power units stopped the moratorium on the construction of new nuclear capacities, the condition of the unfinished units is not fully known. i cannot understand the minister of energy galushchenko. here in berlin at the conference on the reconstruction of ukraine, he spoke at the section related to energy, and you can find his quote for sure, and he said there that if they ask me, should i build 900 mw, which will be in operation through? years , or one gigawatt, which will be built quickly this year, or three, the next two years, then i say yes, 1 gw is better, because it is the survival of people, in a week he comes to the meeting of the verkhovna rada committee and starts telling how necessary on the fathers
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of old construction structures, the strength of which was... as far back as 2012, i was at a meeting of this board, where it was clearly stated in the decision of the board that the strength of the structure was not proven, it was not proven, in the 12 years that have passed, they definitely have not strengthened. according to energy minister herman galushchenko, if the draft law is passed , the third unit can be connected to the network in three years after the start of work, the fourth in four. funds from the budget for the project are not... attracting loans. in our country, the key power plant relies on its own funds and the problem is not with basic consumption. our key problem today is peak load. speaker units cannot be turned on and off quickly. you run them and they work for weeks. the international atomic energy agency supports ukraine's plans to
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complete the units at the khmelnytskyi nuclear power plant. this was stated by the general director of magat, rafael grossi. in addition, in april of this year at the same nuclear plant, a project to build the fifth and sixth power units using american technology began, and in the case of the completion of the third and fourth units the capacity of the khmelnytskyi as will exceed the currently occupied zaporizhzhia. we will support it, this is again what i discussed with minister galushchenko and with the director of the energy atom, mr. kotin. we are in contact about how the agency can... support these plans, we think they are very timely plans, so keep moving forward, regardless of how events develop in zaporizhzhia, as a result of russian in... ukraine has lost over latvia, lithuania and estonia together. the national bank
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of ukraine has calculated that the restoration of distributed generation, which we desperately need, will require billions of dollars. dmytro adidora, yulia belska, espresso tv channel. see this week in the collaborators program. who takes ukrainian children to russian regions? of all regions of the russian federation, and how the zaprodenka develops russian culture into a genetic one, it allows the integration of children's and youth musical groups. greetings, i'm olyna kononenko and this is a collaborator program about traitors who follow the call of the heart and wallet went to serve the rashi occupiers. we have already prepared new faces of treason for you, who are asking to be defamed throughout the country. she ran a business in st. petersburg. earned bloody rubles in russia, and now she can sit down for 12 years. recently, the security service of ukraine detained
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natalia veretenikova, the daughter of the former mayor of poltava, oleksandr mamai, in kyiv. for what, i'll tell you now. natalia, 36. she owned an advertising company that worked in kyiv, moscow and st. petersburg. in 2020, the moscow branch was closed, and in the second it started actively earn. as it turned out, veretenikova's agency took part. par-campaigns for putin's united russia party in the period from 2022 to 2023. according to the investigation, on the eve of the single voting day, the woman ordered to use hundreds of advertising stands and billboards of her company to spread pro-kremlin propaganda. natalya remotely managed the advertising business in russia and received millions in dividends from it. from cooperation with the kremlin, she received a profit of more than 35 million russian rubles. suspicion has been reported so far in collaborative activities, she is in a pre-trial detention center without bail. all her property, with a total value of over uah 270 million
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, was seized. among the blocked assets are three apartments in kyiv, minsk and shares in the authorized capital of two ukrainian companies. that's it, she advertised herself for a good term. russia day is a holiday of a strong, strong, multinational country. maybe she wanted to say to be ashamed, because now being a russian is equivalent to being on the outskirts of the entire civilized world, but our collaborators do not need another world, they are ready to carry out any orders of the kremlin in order to get their dream positions that were not available to them before. everyone promises russian peace. traitors to the motherland have a successful career and it does not matter that this career may be in non-existent institutions. zaprotans are ready for anything, even to kidnap ukrainian children
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for the illusory opportunity to appear important. nataliya vitalivna tishchenko, born in 1984, originally from the city of kherson, went for this. we feel the support of all regions of the russian federation, for which we are very grateful. we we know that if they happen in kherson oblast. it is known about tyshchenko that in the period from 2001 to 2006 she studied at the history faculty of kherson state university, and later worked as a methodologist in the preschool unit of the kherson educational and educational complex number 56. from august 2022, she decided to give up everything that connected it with ukraine and was headed by a children's school captured by the occupiers. kindergarten number 10 in kherson, she recruited workers there, paid them wages in russian rubles and transferred the educational process in an institution for russian standards. people began
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to trust more, send their children to school and are no longer as afraid as in 2022, and this is important. before the liberation of kherson, tyshchenko went to the occupied henichesk, where she assumed the position of project manager of the commissioner of children's affairs of russia. a country for children in the kherson region. the country for children project is a charitable foundation. our main task is to make every child's childhood happy. in fact, the main task of this project from the kremlin is to steal from temporarily the occupied territories of ukraine as many children as possible to russia. for example, tyshchenko herself talked in propaganda stories about the removal of children from the kherson region to vladivostok, russia. it is obvious that this traitor coped with the task, which is why she was promoted. in the fall of 2023, nataliya tyshchenko became the so-called deputy
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minister of labor and social affairs for the occupiers. protection of kherson region. children now have many opportunities for education and development. but this is not the only new position. the invaders also made tyshchenko co-head of the kherson occupation branch of the pro-putin movement people's front. from this organization, she travels and distributes humanitarian aid to children and low-income families, not forgetting to glorify putin, moscow and rashka in general at every opportunity. may 10. in 2024 , our law enforcement agencies declared tyshchenko a suspect for his participation in a project promoting the deportation of ukrainian children to russia. if this bastard doesn't deport herself to bolot, she's guaranteed a cell in prison. there will also be something to do self-education and development, finally study the constitution of ukraine and remember that the borders of our state are indivisible, and its territory is integral and inviolable. well, this
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person literally sings de firamba for russian soldiers. meet shkinder anna oleksandrivna, born in 2001, originally from henichesk. shkinder has been singing since childhood, dreaming of a career, a big stage and supporters. but when henichesk was occupied, the invaders made the singer an offer, they would leave moscow to her. stage, duets with putin's artists, concerts on the red square square, she, instead, will praise the soldiers of the svo and great russia. here is one of her performances in bolotnaya capital. how much joy, how much pride in her eyes. along with the stage, the rascals gave the traitor the position of teacher of vocal art at the heniche school of arts. now she promotes the culture of the russian world among children, prepares them for performances on various russian national
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holidays. and also to participate in russian song contests. it allows the integration of children's youth music groups from new regions of russia into the russian one musical and theatrical environment. shkinder is a frequent guest on pomyny television. she even took part in the new year's program galuboy aganok, where she sang russian pop along with hasmanov. oleg radion gazmanov, and other talented artists, anna shkinder. there are no suspicions about this young prostitute yet, but i feel that she has already prepared herself for a criminal case and a long term of imprisonment. and finally, i will tell you about the new head of the temporarily occupied oleshki, khomenko ruslan anatoliyovych. unfortunately, we are on the front lines zone, but despite the constant shelling
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of our enemy. we made a holiday for our children today. it is known that he was engaged in family business, was the founder of several companies, in 2016 he opened the kompromis legal agency. his political and, at the same time, his media career began under the occupiers, when he sat in the chair of the fake head of the oleshkiv municipal district. oleshkiv municipal district shows a high voter turnout. we make our choice for the benefit of our future. in his position, yakhomenko works on the russification of the city, receives awards from gauleiter volodymyr salda, returns to the city the monuments of the soviet government, for example, to lenin. we were able to restore such a remarkable pedestal to this day. it is very gratifying that people in the settlement are supportive. based on the pace at which the occupiers change heads in the temporarily occupied territories, sitting in the chair of leader khomenko
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for... not long, and we hope that we will soon tell you in our program how this traitor will end up on the bench, and then in the prison it was the program collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you if you want to talk about the kremlin sellers, write to us at this e-mail address or simply on facebook. together we will send all the traitors after the russian ship. see you in a week on espresso. what future awaits general yury sodol, whom the military blames for the deaths of thousands of soldiers, and if the general had such a number.


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