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tv   [untitled]    June 26, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm EEST

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there is not much time left for khomenko to sit in the chair of the leader, and we hope that soon we will tell you in our program how this traitor will end up on the dock, and then in prison. it was a collaborator program and i, olena kononenko, if you want to talk about the kremlin sellers, write to us at this e-mail address or just on facebook, together we will send all the traitors after the russian ship. see you in a week on espresso. what future awaits general yury sodol, whom the military blames for the deaths of thousands soldiers, and if the general had such
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an ambiguous reputation, then why did volodymyr zelenskyi appoint him to key positions in the ukrainian army? we are talking about this today, as well as the political prospects and transcarpathian interests of mykola tyshchenko, who has been under house arrest since yesterday. my name is vlasta lazur, this is svoboda live. today, volodymyr zelenskyi presented the new commander of the joint forces of the armed forces to the military in donetsk region. look at what he looks like, he is the same one who replaced the now disgraced one general yury sodol, who was accused by some military personnel, some activists and bloggers, as well as some deputies, such as maryan bezugl, of seemingly not taking into account the losses of the military. zelenskyi, as if responding specifically to this accusation, said today that, among other things, the task of the new general is to protect the lives of soldiers. listen. presented today. to everyone who is responsible for
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the defense in donetsk region, he is a young man, but his knowledge of the front, his experience is exactly what is needed. the task for general hnatav, obviously, it is very important to destroy the occupier and protect the lives of our soldiers. so, andriy hnatov, the new commander of the united forces of the armed forces, almost his entire career is connected. with the marines, for example, hnatov was among those marines who did not betray their oath and left crimea during the occupation, and now the young general must prove that this time zelensky made the right choice , unlike the previous one, because hnatov's predecessor yuriy sodol lasted only 4.5 months, zelensky appointed him february 11 by his decree and released two days ago, against the background of harsh criticism of the general. the apogee of the scandal was a statement to...
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the chief of staff of the azov brigade, bohdan krotevich, who said that the ukrainian military general had killed more soldiers than any russian general. at the same time, maryana bezugla wrote posts on facebook in which she called sodol the butcher. well, the icing on the cake was the appearance of sodol in odessa, where the general awarded the mayor gennady trukhanov. in the end, zelenskyi announced the dismissal of the general. if you throw it at the address of sodol are true then there is at least one question in this story. and general sodol from... always had such a negative reputation, or did it deteriorate instantly in recent months, because if he always had such a negative reputation, then why did zelenskyi appoint him as the commander of the joint forces of the armed forces of ukraine on february 11 of this year, and attention, 20 in may, literally a month ago, sodolshiy became the commander of the operational-strategic grouping of khortyts troops, which, by the way, he still heads. well, here, for example, what the blogger and volunteer serhiy wrote about this appointment at the time sternenko. listen to understand. khortytsya
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is the entire eastern front from the north of kharkiv oblast to ughledar, and this appointment is a personnel disaster, a worse candidate that could not care less about a soldier's life was hard to imagine. previously, sodol commanded the marines, no combat marine will say a censorious word about him. it is very strange to see the state declaring the value of human life and appointing to such a high position someone who treats personnel in the worst traditions of zhukov. well, one more question, what will happen now with the application to the sbi, which the military wrote to sodol, there will be an investigation of the acting commander of the operational-strategic grouping of khortyts troops, they will be tried, and there are many such questions in this story, we will look for an answer to some of them today, and in the meantime, i will only note that today a large publication about of general yuriy sodol also appeared in the american edition of the washington post, where the editors stated that they had read the statement to the security intelligence service, which the military wrote to prosodol,
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and that's what's there, what it's about, there it is noted that in this statement that in 2022 sodol did not manage the defense of the city. refers to mariupol and did not spend a single hour in mariupol, but he was awarded the title of hero of ukraine. krotevych also accuses him of not providing azov with ammunition and not building defense structures. and also, as krotevych claims, the washington post writes, and then he also witnessed how, in response to a request from one of the commanders to provide instructions, sodol said: we are finished and hung up. well, yes. also this is again i will remind you, this is us now we are quoting from the washington post, and the journalists claim that they have at their disposal a statement to the security intelligence service written by bohdan krotevych against yuriy sodol, although krotevych himself did not specify any surname, he simply spoke of the general. we will return to this
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statement, and now we will begin our own discussion, what prospects await yuriy sodol, and in general, what this whole story is about, gennadiy druzenko, public activist, co-founder and head of the first voluntary mobile hospital, joins our broadcast named after mykola porogoov. congratulations. good day. glad to hear from you. each other tell me, please, what do you think about this story with yuriy sodol, does he now have any prospects of remaining in the army in a leadership position? well, in principle, he holds a leadership position, but are there any prospects that he will cease to hold it in the near future. it continues to be headed by asuf, that is, operative. of the strategic grouping of hortes' troops, that is, he was removed only from the position, as far as i understand, of the commander of the united forces from the ssu, therefore, i have no idea whether he will remain or not, this is a matter for the higher military and political leadership, that is, it seems to me a bit strange
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that he is removed from one position, but at the same time is left for others, yes for an equally important one, because let me remind you that we have two such main asuvas, now the main ones. the battles are taking place precisely in the sphere of responsibility of the asu in khortytsia, that is, we have an asu in tavria, in the south of the asu of khortytsia, please, to the north, hennadiy, and please explain to me why, why, in principle, sodol had two positions, he was also the head group of khortyts, and the leader of the combined forces of the armed forces of ukraine, is this a normal tradition? no, this is a normal tradition, that is, let me remind you that such a formation as... the joint forces was created in the 18th year, when the ato turned into a joint forces operation, i will go on for quite a long time, but also other generals, right here there is no problem, there is a problem when these things were disconnected, i.e. a double signal went out, if
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a contradictory signal was sent against both society and the military bodies that are subordinate, i.e. on the one hand, the president heard the request of society. which became very resonant after the relevant appeal of tavr, ah, the chief of staff of azov, and on the other hand, you know, half a step was taken, that is, if general sodel really did what he was accused of, then of course there should be an investigation and not just removal from the position, a criminal case, if not, then why was he removed, because they care about the rating, and this... of course there is a problem with this, there is a problem with this double, if contradictory signal, and why it happened, i don't know , perhaps, well, i doubt that the supreme commander does not understand such things nuances of the leader there, or rather the commander
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of the asu and the combined forces there, that it would be logical to shoot zabokhpasat or not to shoot from any, huh, but i also want to draw the attention of your audience and ours and then ask you a question. after all, around sodol there was such a rather active media story from completely different people, on the one hand , the military wrote a statement to the state security bureau against him, such as bohdan krotevych, on the other hand , maryana bezugla wrote posts on facebook, and even with similar words, such as ot krotevych characterized general, maryana also wrote about promyasnik, about the fact that losses are not counted, at the same time, volunteer serhiy stetsenko accused sodol of miscalculations there. in the position of the head of the marine corps, well, and so on, and please tell me, is it a coincidence that at the same time, from several sides, dissatisfaction with yuriy sodol began to be voiced, or can this whole story have a script and a director that what do you think,
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well, it is if the posts of bezuglyo really coincided almost in time with the appeal to the dbr tavra he. already bohdan koratevych, but sternenko, as far as i remember, i used to speak against sodel, that is, here, i don't think this is a staged attack, i think i just broke in... because today the washington post published some excerpts from bohdan kertevych's address to the sbi, well there very serious accusations and they concern not only modern times, but also mariupol, as yuriy sodel was responsible for this direction at the beginning of the war. that is, if, well, the accusations are very serious, if the investigation confirms these accusations, then there should be... just removing the responsibility from
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i already quoted the washington post, and i will quote it again, it says that general sodol inadequately manages the military, his decisions led to the death of thousands of servicemen, these are all excerpts from the washington post publication, but see if the claims to him go back to the 22nd year there, that is, they are not some fresh claims. explain to me why then on february 24th, as a result of various personnel changes, zelensky appointed sodol as the commander of the united forces armed forces of ukraine. well, we can only guess here, this question should be asked to the president of ukraine. one of the versions is that then the top military leadership of the country changed, when zaluzhnyi's team left, then syrsky's team came. in principle , it is logical. that any application for the appointment of senior military leadership must either
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be signed or at least endorsed by the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine. and it is not for nothing that part of the criticism, at least from the most blunt, also touched general syrsky regarding the rumor about a close dismissal, which is now just very actively circulating in the military and not only media, do you think the syrian one is next after sodol? i am not engaged in political fortune-telling, i am talking about those rumors that are currently circulating among people in camouflage and without. well, if the president is dissatisfied with what is happening at the front, it is logical to ask the one who commands forces and means? i just think you're still closer to the sources of information than i am, given that you 're talking to the military. then gennady, one more question. see when it was approved bill on mobilization, please refer to the verkhovna rada. came to convince the deputies that the law must be supported, not syrskyi, not umerov, the minister of defense, not
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supreme commander-in-chief volodymyr zelenskyi, but they sent sodol, and at first i thought they sent the best of the best, because maybe he has trust among the deputies, and after his speech is supported by the law on mobilization, now after this scandal i think, or maybe in fact they sent someone who was going to be fired anyway, so that he, so to speak, collected the whole negative? you know, once in the 18th year , i heard from an officer, i was just there at the general staff, that the army and the logic of things are not compatible, do not look for such deep moves, well , they sent and sent, apparently the deputies forgot that it was general sodel, then i don't remember if he was a general, more likely , he was in charge of the 25th dnipro brigade when they set out on february 20 to disperse. maidan, thank god, probably thank god, then the armored personnel carriers overturned, how many people were injured there,
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they never reached kyiv, that is, this obviously, a person who does not discuss orders, carries out orders, and by this he is categorically different from the new formation of officers, a vivid representative of which is taver, well , bohdan krytevych, because you see, one of the lines of conflict that azova is an exemplary unit that really cares about people, we worked with them. this is not from hearsay, we know, they were ordered to advance despite the lack of ammunition, as we know today from the leak of information to the washington post, and then this was probably the last point, because an offensive without ammunition, without a sufficient amount of art support, is almost certain death there in the flint forest or, to be more precise, in the silver forest, that 's why you see, here i don't think that we need to look for some kind of intrigue, they just sent someone who... doesn't discuss orders, carries out orders. gennady, i have one last question for you, now, as for a lawyer, who and in what way
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should now evaluate and judge the general's actions? well, we deal with this, if there is no treason, then the sbi, and there are competent people who can assess it, they are civilian investigators, does it not matter? ah, they have to turn to experts in the field of political responsibility should usually be determined by the president who appoints the recognition. dismisses the entire military leadership, well , actually, the verkhovna rada can listen to the report, but you see, both the prosecutor general and the generals today ignore the desubjectivized one. parliament, that is why we have what we have, i repeat, it is very bad that the president simply informed society that he released sodol with one of the trade winds and did not comment on why, that is, the signal is not finished, a message to society incomprehensible, i.e., whether it was because it began to beat in terms of ratings, or because he really lost,
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as bohdan keratevych wrote, more ukrainian soldiers than any russian general, and... misunderstanding, she, she has a very bad effect on society. thank you very much, gennady druzenko, lawyer and co-founder and head of the first volunteer mobile hospital named after mykola pirogov. we talked about yuri sodol, the general, and we will continue to talk about him, now yuri butusov, editor-in-chief of the online publication "cenzorgnet", joins our broadcast. yuriy, my greetings. congratulations. what is yuriy sodol's reputation in the army? sodol? many tens of years, so there is a category of people, and who served together with him when he was a battalion commander, a brigade commander, and a brigade commander he met the beginning of the war in 2014, since that time there is a significant number of people who to him about him they respond positively enough,
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he was the commander of the marines, he also appointed and promoted many people. but in 22 , a full-scale war began, and in this one from the beginning of the war, yuriy sodal was the commander of the operational-tactical group for a long time, then the commander of the operational-tactical group as part of the marine corps, and commanded in several operations, and now he has received the support of the country's top military-political leadership and... commander-in-chief volodymyr zelenskyi approved the decision of commander-in-chief oleksandr syrskyi to appoint yuliy sodal to the most important position in the armed forces. he was the head of the largest strategic group of troops oosu in khortytsia. it is already in may, it is already here in may of this year recently that he it's not
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in may, no, actually there, well, i'm not a little bit , it's our mistakes, it was him'. of this situation in the media sphere, in fact, sodel began commanding khortytsia immediately after the commander of sub-khortytsia, oleksandr syrskyi , was promoted and became the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, so he took over the affairs from the end of february, and since february, sodal already commanded osa in khortytsia, that is, for several months. yuriy, look, what we, what we hear from... the military, and today the washington post published a large publication with reference to krotevych's statement, we see that the claims to sodol are very old, there since the time of the defense of mariupol, and the president, for example, could not have known this , or maybe he really did not know, it was me in i want to ask you what you think, that is, but there were some dissatisfactions on the part of the military, why , despite this, despite such a reputation, he
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was appointed to such high positions in the army in february. the first part of your question: did the president know about sodal's decision to leave the defense of mariupol sodel's order to leave to defend mariupol two brigades, which were not provided with either shells or fortifications, no medicines at all, nothing at all, in fact two brigades, i mean the national guard, the 12th national guard brigade, the 36th marine brigade the infantry was left practically unprotected. having given the order to defend mariupol with almost nothing, of course, that this was not sodel's decision alone, of course, this decision was made from the very beginning, it was clear to supreme commander-in-chief volodymyr zelensky, he owned the whole situation, that there was nothing there, no shells, no water, no
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medicines, nothing in general was done for defense, and yet the decision was made. on commander-in-chief volodymyr zelenskyi, commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine valery zaluzhny, to hold mariupol, even though it was not prepared at all for defense, and sodal was the executor of this decision, the claim, i think, azov, azov was criticized a lot, azov and the command of the azov regiment even since that time, she criticized in the first place not even that this order no... i was absolutely assured that there were no attempts to somehow strengthen the troops at a time when the roads and paths were still open there for a few days, and that something could be done. there were suggestions to sodal that azov would advance not to mariupol itself, but to berdyansk and cover stila himself of the mariupol grouping. all this was rejected by sodel,
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although in fact he was the immediate superior and he still had the opportunity to influence decisions and to build battle formations in a different way, to prevent such rapid encirclement of mariupol from all sides. and what do you think, and i want to tell you that i myself... due to the criticism of the commander of azov redis denys prokopenko, sodal was removed from the command of the troops, the operational-tactical group south, the command of the united forces, in march 22 official duties, he was removed from this position, and then he was reinstated as the commander of the otu, after redis was given the order to surrender, so there, that is... the conflict was already serious at that time, why then his appointed now? see in our country, if you consider the personnel policy
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of the army in this way, then you can conduct such scandalous broadcasts, in principle, by dozens of our leaders, it will be non-stop. now this situation became known only because of a post on facebook, only because of this, other teams simply do not write posts on facebook, this is the only difference. yes, we have management problems, this situation is just typical, in fact, and it is absolutely typical for the armed forces. sodel is just one of those, well, such bright representatives, when the commander, who in principle, well, is normal so, without any particular remarks, he manifested himself as a combatant, as a combat officer, then he rises in positions, receives orders from above, and of course these orders, they are all carried out by the generals... the tasks that are given to them from above - the supreme commanders-in-chief rate, they perform not quite adequately, competently, this happens in history, because not all managers can correspond to higher
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positions, this is a normal situation, but then no one here draws conclusions, and these managers continue to repeat the same things in their positions the mistakes themselves dozens of times worsen their execution, this is what happened to sodal when there was a lot of criticism for his leadership of otu. he was assigned to a landslide, and instead of drawing conclusions, because this is already a larger scale, he continued the same micromanagement, fighting for points on the map, for observation points and, well, what he really should not have been doing at all, it resulted in , what happened, he opened two proceedings against the command of the 12th brigade on completely irrelevant, of course, tactical issues azov, well, remembering... then that background, which was already in the 22nd year, the chief of staff of the brigade command wrote a post on facebook, and this one
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particular leader was removed, but the reaction was immediate, the president, listen, well it seems to me that there has never been anything like this, when a general is removed after a post on facebook, this is the first case, the main thing here is not a post on facebook, there are a lot of posts on facebook about generals, this is the first time. leghly wrote, filed a statement in the criminal case about the commission of an offense against his commander, i.e this is a subordinate, unusual soldier, and this is the chief of staff of one of the brigades, i.e. operational units, so he submitted an application to the law enforcement authorities for the commander of the operational-strategic group, and one day after this application. the leader was removed, not because there is any corruption, some moral issues or something else, but because of official issues, that is, the supreme
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head of state immediately, why did it happen, why did it happen, why was such a reaction instantaneous, so look, well, actually , we talked a lot about it on your broadcast, the logic of actions of the ukrainian leadership, the stake of the supreme command in planning the war, unfortunately, it is exclusively of an emotional and psychological nature, so i stopped hearing and seeing yuri, maybe he has something to do with the connection . the connection is lost, but i hope that we will turn it on in a minute or two, i just want to quote once again what bohdan kortevych's statement to the sbi says, we have already started discussing the statement of the sbi. let me remind you, there it is said that the actions of sodol led to the death of thousands of servicemen of the ukrainian armed forces, well, after this statement, sodol was released, and now the investigation,
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now the main question is whether there will be a trace. in what way will it take place, will there be a trial, if such a unique situation has happened for the first time, in fact, it turns out that it will be a precedent, including such a legal one, maybe even a precedent, yuriy butusov joined our broadcast, i am already told so i joined, i see you, yuriy, you talked about the fact that this is the first such case in history, i asked you why such a reaction, you say that it is informational and psychological. the operation you said something like that was intended or served as a reason, well, unfortunately, i want to tell you that simply all decisions are made by our authorities from the point of view of pr, but now it was necessary to make a decision, publicly, a public scandal broke out between the commander and his subordinates, and when the leadership of the country, the president , he had to make a decision, because a subordinate cannot enter into a public conflict with the commander, with the commander without consequences, and
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when... it happened, it was necessary to decide decision, and here, of course, they simply falsified the public informational weight of sodel and the azov regiment and brigade, well, of course, it became obvious that it was necessary to remove, to remove someone for whom no one would support informationally, and indeed it should be noted that the army did not support sodel, at first of this wave, the posts of bloggers at the beginning were very telling... sodel's army did not support him because his command methods caused, caused a great deal of criticism from within the army, among subordinates in osuv khortysia, among subordinates in the marine corps, that is, those people, first of all brigade commanders, battalion commanders, were the main source of criticism of sodel, and therefore he was shot down instantly, without any hesitation, he did not have
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his support. that means his decisions were recognized as non-existent yuriy, then i have the following question: how can these certain actions continue in the legal sphere: investigation, courts, sodol occupies the position of the head of the khortyts military group, can he be tried when he occupies such a position, or may continue regarding him investigation, do you even believe that this story will end in a judge, look, there will be no judges in the war against the generals... there will be absolutely no way, yes, the statement says that he is guilty of the death of thousands of servicemen, it will be left as it is without legal attention? absolutely, you will see it, we can do broadcasts with you later on the anniversary of this statement, you will see, that is, there will be no such investigations under the current government, because the statement about mariupol was made by krotevych, because the circumstances of the entourage are still there.
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there are no law enforcement agencies in mariupol are studied in general, there is a big case about the surrender of the south of ukraine, when the enemy captured everything so instantly, so within the framework of this case there is an episode, and why mariupol was surrounded on the fourth day of the war, well, this case does not exist, that is, this episode does not exist, no one does not interrogate the participants of the events, no one is interested, it happens on... by accident, but because in fact, if the military begins to explain who ordered them, not to carry out fortification work, not to check, not to check readiness to repel an attack, not to concentrate ammunition , that is, everything will be not to point to the military command, but to the position of the supreme commander-in-chief and president volodymyr zelensky personally,
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who i want to... give there appointed to the position the highest head of the sbu in crimea, who was responsible for the south of the fsb agent kulinich, and when all this will be in court, and they will start to look for whether the inakkaz were carried out by such wretched people, who carried out military commands, then they will go out on themselves, on the person who also appointed the dbr investigators, so it will be a completely dead case, and there will simply be an exchange, they will close the cases against... azov's command, what are the two proceedings opened by sodal against azov, and they will also postpone the long case, they will also postpone sodel, there will be no court actions there, this case will not get to zelensky, just like yuri, today, june 26, 2024 , well, let's meet in a year on this topic, and we will draw conclusions, thank you very much, yuriy butusov, editor-in-chief of the internet publication censornet, we talked about...


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