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tv   [untitled]    June 27, 2024 12:30am-1:01am EEST

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211 382 please include such a practical question, you know, not political, not something that can be hyped, but very practical, interesting, doroz will spend the next few hours with us in an interesting conversation valentina lyvaychenko, people's deputy of ukraine from batkivshchyna, committee of the secretary of the supreme council on ukraine's eu integration, former head of the sbu in 2006, 2010 and 2014-2015, mr. valentin, i congratulate you. good evening, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, well, regarding integration into the eu, i immediately want to ask, well , to start with the fact that ukraine is starting real, the actual, as president volodymyr zelenskyi said, the negotiations on joining the european union, different terms are called: from seven to 10 years, from two to five, someone says that in general everything can happen much faster, what is the reality of how long these negotiations will continue and what is it, well, where does ukraine have work to do. very good to
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speed up these negotiations or to make them successful at all? the most important thing is that i myself work in this committee on european integration of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, i am the secretary of the committee there, i am absolutely professional for you i answer that negotiations on the accession of ukraine began yesterday, the first intergovernmental conference was held in luxembourg, there will be a second one, but the issue is not in conferences, but in terms, i absolutely responsibly declare that ukraine is integrating at the pace... at which we are integrating within two or three years, it is quite possible, in my opinion, it should complete the negotiations, and therefore come to a full-fledged agreement on membership during this time, not on intentions, not on candidacy, we are already a candidate country, by the way, we also received such a status, and i will tell you what is the secret of such success of ukraine, primarily because the armed forces of ukraine really heroically defend the country. and this example, this victory inspires
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our european partners, and they are all partners of the anti-putin coalition, for ukraine, for you and me, that is why i say that we have an extremely favorable situation, opportunity and ability to complete reforms within the country, which are necessary in order to be a full member of the european union, and accordingly the negotiations, the negotiations will be in favor six during, that is, change for... substantively , six-seven so-called clusters, but in fact these are 6-7 sections, six-seven directions, where ukrainian negotiators, negotiators, 35 of them, determined by the presidential decree, during the coming year, two will be led these negotiations, here are the terms for you and here is the real content of what is happening now, well, we really wish success, of course, first of all to the ukrainian army and we will support it in every way, well, and ukrainian diplomacy, officials who directly and the people... also , by the way, which directly
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will deal with this matter. the international criminal court of the united nations has issued warrants for the arrest of the former minister of defense serhii shaigu, and the commander-in-chief of the army of the russian federation, the aggressor country, gerasimov. please tell me if now, well, because i have one, i always like to think about some conspiracy theories. i don’t voice them, but i sit and think to myself, it’s always interesting, and it’s always possible for people like gerasimavshaigu, who are in office at all, to simply get angry, take them to court, blame everything on them, in the event that if there will be any agreements or the need for negotiations with russia as a party, well, there are always people who can be angry and forget about putin, about other people who are actually the creators of this war and those people who advised putin, i think that among there was definitely not shaigu, probably gerasimo, but there were completely different people among them, and how? you evaluate this
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warrant, what should it lead to? i will tell you, as it is in reality, the bench of defendants in gas is inevitably approaching putin, the two commanders in chief of the russian the ministry of murder, which was issued arrest warrants by the international criminal court in march of this year, and two more arrest warrants yesterday for former defense minister shaigu and now. gerasimov, the current head of the general staff of the ministry of murder of the russian federation. this is a bench of defendants in gas. and the arrest warrants from the judges of the international criminal court are already clearly indicated there. mr. vasyl, let's tell our viewers this. quote: there is enough evidence to believe that these war criminals of the russian federation committed war crimes crimes and crimes against humanity against ukraine. the time of terrorist rocket
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attacks, it concerns the period from october 22nd to at least march 23rd, so there were such materials in any case. there are orders of the judges of the international criminal court, but the qualification is important, and the qualification is given by the international courts, the international criminal court clearly defines that they are war criminals, and there is sufficient evidence about their war crimes and crimes against humanity. moreover, i predict and am sure that there will be more orders, because finally the world community is entering the final stage. of the international criminal trial against putin and his war criminals, and for us, for ukraine, this is extremely important, because it is about the issue of responsibility, the personal criminal responsibility of every war criminal of the russian federation, and the second is compensation for damages,
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compensation for damages to ukrainians, and those , who were or are in captivity, and those who were tortured in kherson torture camps, and those who lost their homes in mariupol. the whole country in destruction, and there is almost no ukrainian family that has not been affected by russian aggression in one way or another, and this is a huge, huge loss to ukrainians, citizens and ukraine and the ukrainian economy, and now especially energy, this is the importance of personal criminal responsibility and the issue of compensation for damages to ukraine. well, now we are continuing the topic of war, the topic of russia, but from a slightly different angle. let's talk, but first let's listen to the commentary, so the head of the pentagon, the secretary of defense of the united states of america, lloyd austin had a conversation with the head of the ministry of defense of the russian federation andriy bilousov, the newly appointed, let me remind those who may not be paying attention, he
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was appointed instead of shaig, they were there some time ago, discussed the war in ukraine with him, and this was reported by the pentagon spokesman, patrick ryder, let's listen, minister austin spoke today. on the phone with the minister of defense of russia andriy bilousov. during the conversation, the minister emphasized the importance of maintaining communication lines against the backdrop of russia's war against ukraine. the last time minister austin spoke to his a russian colleague, then it was the minister of defense of russia sergey shoigu on march 15, 2023 . march 15, 2023. now we have them, they haven't talked for a year and a half, so what... they will obviously never talk again, and she, he is suspicious, there is already a warrant for arresting him , what to talk to him, he needs to be delivered to him march 23- oh, it was still, i remember now about the situation at the front, well actually it was always difficult, i remember, it was in my opinion
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even before the explosion of the kakhovskaya hydroelectric plant, if i i'm not wrong in front of this just like that, but here 's why, because people who, let's say, don't know these subtleties of diplomacy, politics, what you always have to have. the communication contact between the nuclear states, the largest nuclear states in the world, they will say that this is treason, now they will agree with our backs and that's all, this is what needs to be explained, please explain, i worked in washington for more than one year as the consul general of ukraine, therefore, i will not only explain, but i know that such a line between the ministries of defense of the usa and russia has been established and it has been established for more than 20 years ago, and this telephone line is not for politicians and not for any... rological or not very political agreements, it is a line exclusively for prejudice and warning about possible military threats, or forewarning of military provocations. more specifically, when the russian federation launches another wave about the possible use of nuclear weapons, or
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about a possible strike somewhere in the arctic, well, russian propaganda invents a lot and, you know, defiantly spreads it, then this line works. and then telephone conversations take place, now a telephone conversation has taken place a conversation at the level of the head of the pentagon, that is, the secretary of defense of the united states, mr. austin, with the new, now relatively new, but for the americans, the new minister of defense of the russian federation, belovusov. the content of the conversation, which related to ukraine, consisted of two points: first, there was a warning and strict from the american side regarding the non-use of weapons of mass destruction, including nuclear weapons, and secondly, the american side clearly confirmed that within the framework of ramstein, within the framework of military aid in accordance with the defense aid package approved by the us congress, the united states has supplied and will continue to supply ukraine with high-precision weapons for the defense of
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ukraine. there are actually two main topics. and of course, i think that the ukrainian military-political leadership is very well understood, a lot. the most important things need to be done, important things that may have been impossible before due to a lack of weapons, now they are supposedly being handed over, but yesterday even shells finally arrived in ukraine on the initiative of the czech republic. plus high-precision weapons, which, which provided by the united states of america, missiles, attack missiles, all this is very important to achieve a lot, and plus the mobilization is going well, even the ministry of defense says so, even those people who always said that our mobilization is bad, now they say, well, as if , as if it is somewhere, but i will have time to do it before november, in november there will be elections in the united states of america and there may be a new head of the white house, well , the new, old one, donald trump, he made such a statement that in the near future... donald trump will win the elections in the united states trump will do whatever it takes to
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to establish peace and restore american strength and restraint on the world stage, said the comments of trump's staff to the voice of america request. well, actually, i will quote, let's look at this quote now, let's listen. yes, i, i will voice her, and you see her. president trump has repeatedly stated that the main priority of his second term will be to agree on an end to the russian-ukrainian war as soon as possible. president trump, well, this is a lifetime title, he was the president, so he president trump believes that european countries should pay more share of the costs of the conflict, as the us paid significantly more, which is unfair to our taxpayers . well, please tell me whether trump will really be able to resolve, as he says, the conflict, as they call it there, something like russia against ukraine, in fact, in a few days. and in
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the trump team, which is responsible for security and defense, it is clearly called, no one there calls the conflict, it is a war of russia against ukraine, but i want to reassure the ukrainians of our tv viewers that, for example, tomorrow they will start a debate in usa, and what will be heard and heard in the us in political debates, it doesn't mean that someone is going to do it directly, it's a political process, and it's up to americans and... then the american voter to decide who to vote for, and it's for more for the voter, by the way, there are all these debates and current statements, since there is an election campaign, well, it is already clear that if there is a debate tomorrow, it is already in full swing, the peak of the political campaign, but returning from politics to reality, and reality is next, for us, a completely different event will be of great importance, this next month, the nato summit in washington, and indeed the americans are there... they are just hosting the anniversary summit of the alliance, but there will be a very
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serious and special place for ukraine and decisions about how to further help the armed forces of ukraine. i know that a serious decision is being prepared, nevertheless, to launch a fund worth 40 billion dollars, at least from the member countries of the alliance, to help ukraine, to help the armed forces of ukraine. i will say, the priority of this fund, which will be determined immediately: anti-aircraft. in ukraine and not only and not so much by themselves systems, how many additional detection and guidance radars, and most importantly the missiles themselves, because to all, as to all the air defense systems that currently cover the ukrainian skies, ukrainian cities, there is not enough, well, of course, missiles, and we are talking about nasans and the arst, and the patriots, and this is the component, the important component that, for example, if you ask me what we are doing and what... we are discussing with our american partners before the summit in july, we are insisting and emphasizing exactly this,
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so that the armed forces of ukraine, our anti-aircraft forces desperately need these ammo now. and it is absolutely fair, you noted, the czech initiative of half a million, half a million 155 mm shells for the ukrainian artillery from yesterday, today , thank god, is already at the disposal of the armed forces, and this... means that the south, east and north, our brigades , especially the gunners, will now have enough ammunition to fight back and knock out ora, but we have to achieve the same situation in the supply of missiles for the air defense of ukraine. you know, we, we were just talking yesterday in the big ethereum with the deputy of the kherson city council from kherson, and i say, how are there shelling, artillery, she says, and now... even from our side there are more exits than from the enemy, well, i mean from the left bank of the kherson region, where the enemy is, so i don’t
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i say that it is so everywhere, of course, i understand very well that it is not so, but here it is important that a new person has become at the helm of nato, the secretary general of the north atlantic alliance, mark rutte, the former prime minister of the netherlands, and so what says the director of the council of europe's national affairs on this occasion white house security mike carpenter in... voa comments, some people don't like it, but i personally like the metaphor of the bridge to nato, because that's exactly what we're trying to achieve, the so-called bridge to nato is needed in order for ukraine could reach to enter the alliance on the same day, when there is political will for it, this is very, very important to understand, and actually mark rutte can go down in history as the secretary general under whose rule or whose leadership nato will be expanded and proper ukraine will be a part of the north atlantic alliance, how do you
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assess, how do you assess the prospects, the prospects of mark rutte's work, i... absolutely agree, firstly, with your conclusion, mr. vasyl, secondly, it is very positive news for us that one of the allies of ukraine, the prime minister of the netherlands, mark rutte, will indeed be the new secretary general, and from july with the new secretary general there will be a new nato, nato will also change, there is no doubt about it, and first of all it will change in a bigger, more serious way, and support of ukraine, and b) for us, for ukraine, we will do everything possible to make it as soon as possible. to join this defense alliance, for nato to prepare such decisions for us, for no one else, well, as an example, i will cite a year, two, maybe three years ago, how many skeptics there were out of disbelief that ukraine would not be a member of the european union, we would not soon receive the status of a candidate , and about admission, it is not known at all when we will start negotiations, so what, we
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responded by becoming a candidate a year ago and responded by starting negotiations on admission yesterday, so we need to continue in the same way to hold a position and move and strive for membership in nato, all the more, i repeat that for us it is very good news that mr. rutte will become the new secretary general, and very good news that all 32 countries, members of the alliance are partners of ukraine, are partners of ukraine on the anti-putin coalition, you know, every night i try to watch various experts and ukrainian, well... those russians who left russia, but they also voice something there, of course, i divide all this into two, three, but lately there are a lot such news appears, putin has made a decision, well i translate into ukrainian, very often these headlines are like this on youtube, they say something terrible has happened, this terrible thing has happened, this phrase just kills me, it’s always there, something terrible has happened, putin has decided to launch
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a nuclear attack, it is already known when the nuclear attack will take place, the evacuation of the kremlin is being prepared and similar things, but this topic is spreading. and as for what putin can do, well, he is not the only one who makes this decision, we understand, but that the kremlin allegedly decided to strike an obviously tactical nuclear weapon on the territory ukraine is there or where they are still thinking, and even in the ministry of foreign affairs of turkey they have already made a statement regarding the possibility, well, nuclear war is difficult to talk about, because ukraine does not have nuclear weapons, a nuclear strike is obviously on the territory of ukraine and what it can lead to , let's listen. so i will obviously announce it myself, if we do not listen, in a word, the war in ukraine can spill over into other countries and grow into a nuclear one, said the minister of foreign affairs of turkey, hakan fidan, on the agenda can to raise questions about the possibility of using
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nuclear weapons, he thinks, how do you assess the risks of... decide on the task of striking a tactical weapon, before that it was said that in this case the entire black sea fleet of russia will be destroyed in fact with one strike from the marble, aegean, mediterranean seas, the nato fleet, the us sixth fleet, there and so on, but... now and so we are already the black sea fleet bit by bit they knocked out, how, what argument can there be for putin, and is it really not simple, not just bluff, but a real possibility? i clearly assess this as another russian ipso, especially based on such propaganda bluffs, bluffs and myths. second,
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at the beginning of this broadcast, you and i partially denied what russia could or was planning. strike any weapon of mass destruction, including nuclear or other, not only nuclear weapons are weapons of mass destruction. we denied it and i clearly confirmed that this is what it was for the head of the pentagon, the secretary of defense of the united states, called the minister of defense of russia to make sure and convince, as before, not to even think about using nuclear weapons or other weapons of mass destruction, this is what the military experts told me and they know what they are talking about. they say, i mean the pentagon. the second, as before, are the mechanisms of deterrence of the russian federation of putin personally, as well as now, they, believe me, have not become weaker, but... much more serious, so i conclude that this is a russian dog that may have rolled it's a little late for turkey, but turkey has also voiced, firstly, we need
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to keep a cool and sober head, and secondly, i confirm that our allies, primarily the nuclear powers, both restrained and are restraining the russian federation. i thank you for your comments, thank you for joining the conversation, valentina lyvaychenko, people's deputy of ukraine. this homeland also headed the security service of ukraine in the past and is in the parliamentary committee on european integration. thank you mr. valentin, and now let's see how you vote. we asked if do you have alternative sources of electricity for your home? the results will be at the end of the hour, so yes 0.800 211 38 and one, no, 0800 211-38 and... two. so, alternative sources of electricity for your home, i wonder what they are, well, maybe here we will see how once again ukrainians are preparing for the cold weather, and actually
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it is necessary now, we understand, children, old women, people who have restrictions, certain , well, light, electricity is very often needed right now, it’s there, i can lie down, sleep, if there’s no light, or something work by candlelight, and there is the thing that you need to heat the water, give something to the sick somewhere, well... in a word, we know that it is needed, well, i need it, but i will get over it, yes, now in valery romanenko, aviation expert, leading researcher of the state aviation museum, we will talk about military and front-line topics, mr. valery, i congratulate you, and good evening, i am glad, glad to see and hear, well actually, let's start with this, from what could not help but please and inspire a certain confidence and maybe... cautious, but hope for ukrainian citizens, because the military, they are fighting, they are not there hoping for something, or cautiously hopeful, they are simply fighting with what they have and have a result, or they do not
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have any result , but the citizens who are outside the front line, and they certainly have some hopes and expectations, observing what is happening at the front, the means provided by the enemy, provided by the enemy, allowed the armed forces of ukraine to expand strikes on the territory occupied by the russian federation, also there also flies over the territory of russia. comment on where the border of these borders is, where we can go now and what else we need, how do you assess what the defense forces have already managed to do with the weapons that our partners have provided us? well, you see that strikes are being actively carried out, i will not mention crimea, everything is clear there, and the whole of crimea is a zone of continuous destruction, to which our partners have no objections. and another option, now we can carry out strikes at operational depth in russian regions adjacent to our borders, but unfortunately, i
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am not yet sure whether we can strike and, i think that there is no such permission yet, strike on russian territory to the depth of the atacoms flight, so far there seems to have been no such information about such permissions, well oh... i can only say one word, because maybe i'm either wrong, or i didn't quite understand that the alleged strikes up to 100 km deep into the territory of russia were approved or not by the united states? well, yes, but the atapak is capable of hitting at 300 km, and russian airfields are 300 km away, that is, if you take let's say an operational depth of 300 km, that would be fine for suppressing. russian aviation, or drive it so far, well, not to olinigorsk, but still somewhere near volgograd there and then, so that
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at least an hour and a half would have to fly to the front line, unfortunately, there is no such permission, but anyway, some , well, let's say, the ice has broken in this matter, and it's very encouraging, well, let's say, what ukraine was able to do, i don't know what means of defeat, whether it was drones or something else. set fire to in my opinion, whether it was in rostov or, in my opinion, in the voronezh region, in my opinion, it was the voronezh region, a huge warehouse with weapons, the territory there is several hectares, quite seriously, there we are now seeing this video, if this is the one there exploded and burned from the night somewhere until noon, and then more in my opinion and further, i understand that these are our drones, and by the way, how do you assess the effectiveness and struggle of the enemy against our drones , there was recently a story that ... the russians plant even their own drones, which they are flying towards ukraine, there, that is , this teroborona is frightened, their belgorod region, they are already planting everything they can, and this is how
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they are fighting. how effective drones are, again, if we talk about such formations, is it really possible to achieve this by our means, or does it already work here, well , other means of destruction provided by partners, well, this is a question rather for the spokesmen of the armed forces, what were the strikes, it they have to answer if they have the appropriate permits, and the situation is that we can't attack anyone with drones don't ask where to hit, that's why our... drones are our everything, with our drones we can hit to, well, where to the extremes, even to engels, there were further strikes there 1,500 km away, if they hit the voronetsky region, you need to see , what is the range to this warehouse, most likely it was our missiles after all, but if we used western missiles, then we would have to ask for permission if it is more than 100 km, the situation is something like this. drones,
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we can strike at any distance on any objects on russian territories, the only thing that the russians really have is powerful, powerful systems of reb, let’s say, drones of this kind, tactical drones, they really, well, there’s a hall, an eagle, theirs, yes, they are able to force a landing even, well, by their own means, yes, but in relation to . drones, the reb works much worse there, for example, when the space communication stations in yevpator were struck, there was a beauty, this is a fairly powerful russian and modern electronic warfare system, it could not do anything with the strikes on the covered object, you know, here are such... statements or
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waiting, again not statements, because the military usually do work, not statements, there are certain spokesmen for statements, spokesmen who, again , usually make them quite sparingly, but the words that it is possible that by autumn it will be possible to move on to deoccupation of crimea, i certainly did not serve and although i have a military department there, but i am not an expert in the issue of deoccupation or artillery work or other... somehow there actions and certain actions regarding the liberation of the territory, but i perfectly understand that what no matter the rockets, no matter the blows, no matter where it was coming the territory of crimea, your territory is the territory where your infantry came, the infantry will go through minefields, go against fortified areas, go against aviation, go against many things, no matter how you knock out air defense there, you still have to liberate crimea, you have to go with your feet , the feet of our soldiers, is it realistic, and are
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these really the blows that are inflicted? if they continue to expand, they will make the enemy somewhere and himself tremble a little, or they will not tremble a little in crimea, and the plan to start the process of deoccupation, i do not say right away, but the beginning of the process of de-occupation is possible under, as they say, the circumstances that exist, if it develops approximately as it is developing now, but look, crimea is such a territory where there is a huge grouping of russian troops. of all kinds, there are ground troops, and the navy, and the air force of russia, the aerospace force, yes, this grouping is necessary, it needs a constant, constant supply of everything, even food, there crimea has never been able to feed itself, even civilian population, there were strikes on the crimean bridge, it was damaged, and in general, in general, if we get... it
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can be destroyed for 300 km, then we fired, we fired well at the kerch crossing, there were strikes, that is, they are also capable of interrupting, and that’s practically all, well, the russians are still building the railway, but the railway too will be, even under the strikes, the railway through the captured territories to the crimea, and there are also bridges there, and they will be under the blows of hymarcy, you are absolutely right that only... a soldier's boot on the territory means that this territory is captured, but if interrupt communication and supply of crimea, and the capabilities of the russians for the defense of the peninsula will be significantly reduced, reduced by orders of magnitude, and the situation may be the same as it was near kherson, when they realized that it was impossible to...


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