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tv   [untitled]    June 27, 2024 4:30am-5:01am EEST

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in connection with the restructuring, which was also not particularly approved by beijing, but still the warming took place: china went its way, moscow followed its way, today china is aware of moscow's vassal dependence, moscow simply has no options , it is limited , the global door to the global economy and the global world is now only through china, it cannot open through the west. china doesn't want putin to lose this war, because if he... plays, it's chaos inside russia itself. pro-western forces may come to power and say: "and why do we need china, what kind of strategy is this for the east? we are satisfied with this, but it does not want a great victory for moscow, because if moscow seizes ukraine, then it is also unprofitable for beijing. moscow will feel its independence and say: "and we do not need some masters in the east who will tell us how to behave." therefore , it is important for china to maintain this delicate balance and most importantly to be guided by its own interests,
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what china wants, it wants to integrate taiwan, it definitely wants to return painlessly without war, just like this he did with hong kong, macau and so on, he wants to return taiwan under his control, it is obvious, there are significant forces against this, we are not taking taiwan itself, but also the usa, they are covered by the non-aligned agreement with taiwan, japan is generally not interested and neither are other countries , why do they need it, it strengthens china and so on. on the other hand, china is interested. let's say, in the continuation of the rivalry with the west, primarily with washington, but in no case do not bring this rivalry to an armed conflict, because china does not need it at all, but it is not china at all necessary, because china has a gigantic trade turnover with europe and with america and is interested in continuing this cooperation in one form or another, you see, economically, china is extremely interested in normal, stable relations with the west, maintaining its claims from leadership to global
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leadership, because china constantly calls itself, along with the united states, the main superpower. washington constantly omits china. no, you are a regional power, that's what obama did and now biden is doing, not to mention trump. trump is furious anti-chinese many events are also connected with the fact that elections are expected in november. if trump comes to power, well, then china will not be very happy. and they understand it. they already remembered those four years. when trump's decisions on the trade agreement to remove production from the territory of china greatly influenced the situation. moreover, let me remind you that due to the consequences of covid, and trump caused part of the epidemic itself, despite the fact that in january 2021, the new president biden was inaugurated. he wants to demand some kind of compensation from china and everything else. this is just an excuse. it's not about money, which can be won in the courts in america and demanded from china.
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this is a reason to put pressure on china and obtain favorable solutions from it, primarily economic. china is aware of this and is definitely preparing for the moment that if suddenly trump comes to power, how to behave in this situation? we understand, yes, maybe war is not profitable for china, but on the other hand, if war was not profitable for it, then maybe it would articulate its position more clearly, in particular, it would send some observer there for the swiss peace summit, but no, china started playing a different game. began to hint at the creation of one or another potential negotiating platform, both with the participation of china and russia, that is, china is very clearly supporting the aggressor state here, and accordingly, in your opinion, if we proceed from the realities of what was said and what was not said at the swiss summit , what are the prospects for holding an additional peace conference, as if everything could go that way, if it were not for the idiotic v... barbaric
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putin's ultimatum, which accompanied meetings and negotiations in switzerland. putin issued an ultimatum, no one pulled him for it, for one place, but he went for it. and i will say this, that if this ultimatum on the eve of the peace summit had not pulled putin out, then the summit itself would have been somewhat underestimated, there immediately appeared the urgency to delay russia, to hold a second summit, and somehow the swiss organizers were in a senseless hurry to hold it... should be held before the elections in november in the usa. i think it's pointless. you make decisions, and president trump comes in, and they have to be changed, drastically or not, but it will change things anyway. it is better to wait for the american elections, it will be clear who will become the president, and then somehow act in response to this new situation. obviously, these will be different doctrinal positions between biden and trump. china did not participate because it did not see its direct benefit, even in quality. the observer,
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how to send li hui, who is the representative on this topic, did not see his direct benefit, therefore, the united states, represented by camila garis, took part in the importance of the summit. biden did not come to the swiss summit, plus there were three points in total that did not solve the problem of the war as such, and were agreed by the majority of the participants on the eve of this summit. yes, it means the return of children, the exchange of hostages, prisoners of war. yes, it's a grain deal and nuclear security, right? that is, in connection with the possibility of strikes on nuclear power plants, in particular zaporizhzhya as, and the grain agreement, which one way or another, even without it, continues to exist in the black sea basin sea. cargo they are messing around, maybe the problems are not on the same scale, but nevertheless, that is, not seeing significant possible solutions, china withdrew from this summit, so as not to increase its weight with its presence, but china took its initiative, which is generally necessary hold another conference,
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he said, we are ready to hold it precisely with the participation of russia. i, for example, do not believe in the participation of russia in such a future swiss summit, unless some of its preconditions are accepted, and what are these preconditions, to refuse international law, it has been elevated to the rank of the main, decisive instrument for the settlement of the war in ukraine. so, how can moscow agree to this? everything that putin announced has nothing to do with international law. he offers to negotiate on completely different grounds. that's why such a reaction. so what is it? how can we withdraw the troops? ukrainians leave the territory under the pretext that these territories are included in the russian federation. well, the logic is clear. you turn on tomorrow. whatever, you know, alaska, washington state, you include someone and say, in general, this is our territory, but in our constitution it is written, move away from the administrative border, well, this is madness, you cannot agree to such a thing, it is even dangerous to discuss it, because in this way the possibility
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of discussing such crazy things is legitimized in general demands, you see, if putin is invited now, he will say: i announced the plan to you, i said that alaska is mine, let's discuss it, and they will sit down to discuss it. no, you know, after all, the armed forces cannot retreat from the administrative ones the borders of the zaporizhia, kherson, donetsk, and luhansk regions, well, they won’t retreat, it’s the territory of ukraine, it’s not the territory of ukraine, it’s russian territory, we wrote it in our constitution, you understand how crazy it is from the point of view of international right, it's absolutely crazy, there 's nothing to talk about, well, there's nothing to talk about, but for some reason putin has already announced exactly such a plan, it's more radical than the points he published before, my opinion is an assessment that he did it for the americans first of all, not even for the swiss summit, he showed the americans that this is his position, push it. we know that there were confidential exchanges and confidential consultations between washington and moscow, and they
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intensified during this entire half-year, to say the least. this can be understood from sullivan's visit to kyiv, when he said: there is no need to shell the refinery. this is also, probably, some of the agreements, demands from moscow. this long delay with... the decision of the united states to allow kyiv to use western weapons, including american weapons, hymers. we know that the hymers are shelling the neighboring territory, the belgorod region. the delay in this decision was also caused by the fact that they tried to agree with moscow that it would not attack kharkiv, not take actions that would lead to mass casualties in the kharkiv region. we understand this, it was written about, indirectly reported, it was not so strongly denied by anonymous sources in the white house. i should leave, no, the sanctions should also be lifted, and a complete ban on ukraine joining nato, these are crazy conditions, he wants to get territories and limit the sovereignty of ukraine, which will ultimately lead to
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war. if ukraine is not protected by nato, then there will be a new war. it is important to understand this connection. that is, and he does not say anything about agreements, about security guarantees, because... they are already after the war, he will not let this war end in the literal sense, so that these agreements about security guarantees regarding ukraine start to take effect, this is also obvious, so that putin's plan is the capture of all of ukraine, but with all that , the swiss summit cannot be seriously discussed could this proposal, there is no content, the essence of its implementation, and on the other hand there are voices that russia should be invited to the summit, it should participate, it seems to me that this is the cart before the horse. as they say, first you need to agree, after all, on what grounds the parties are ready to seek a compromise, if you refuse international law as such a tool, and it is possible, then there are no questions, well, then let's be diplomatic, military, political, in another way seek a compromise, but even then
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the answer must be adequate, then, sorry, we remove all restrictions, countries want to supply any weapons, we are no longer afraid of a military confrontation, we remove from... the responsibility to remain a nuclear-free state, why should it adhere to the budapest memorandum? moscow denies the budapest memorandum, withdrew from its obligations to ensure territorial integrity and. the weight of ukraine's sovereignty, so why should the country continue to adhere to this nuclear-free status, why, where is the logic at all, if all these restrictions are removed and everyone negotiates according to the law of force, which offers moscow, and calls it geopolitical realities or something else, then let it be a two-way action, then it is not necessary to hold large swiss summits, but to gather parties that will meet in a local format, five or six countries from one and the other side, let the chinese organize.
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there were no international legal requirements in relation to him, and in relation to ukraine, they were preserved both in terms of non-nuclear status, and the cessation of arms supplies, and god knows what else, status, conditions, to find ways for ukraine to remain in the international legal regime, observing the norms international law, security requirements. everything is dictated to all the countries of the world that are members of the un, and in relation to themselves, they are not going to comply with it, in relation to their demands, they do not take it into account, they generally ignore it, but it is impossible, and therefore the swiss summit, which, if it comes out of the priorities of international law, has to decide for himself whether he remains in the space of the international legal field, or whether he goes to the space of force or some diplomatic methods of regulation with concessions, peace in exchange for land, well, something like that, because it is from ukraine. it's not the same situation like in the middle east with israel or somewhere else. this is a completely different situation. ukraine was
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a recognized member of the international community. these borders, all its rights, its sovereignty, were recognized by russia itself many times over the course of ten years. ukraine is a newly created state on the ruins of a vanished state. but not some state that once separated from someone. ukraine was not separated from anyone. it was created in exactly the same way as russia. even russians celebrate. there is a declaration of sovereignty, accordingly , the collapse of the soviet union, when in december he has rested in god since 1991, why should ukraine in this sense look for some historical reasons, explanations, prove to moscow, agree with them in order to reconsider the borders, reconsider the sovereignty of the country, it is also a newly created country, both russia and ukraine , two new countries, which already have a history, then it can be buried there. moscow on... is precisely this: here we are, as the soviet union, ukraine is our country. why is she
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yours? what made you decide? they consider themselves the successor of the soviet union and yes declare their status. but this is not a question of state borders, sovereignty and everything else. the debts of the ussr, they can imitate, but no more. and there is no such right of legal succession in the case of the complete collapse of the ussr on its territory. it does not exist, it is impossible, because such a country as russia simply did not exist. her. did not exist, therefore, from this point of view, both the swiss forum and other similar initiatives will have to decide: are you retreating from international law or are you trying to return moscow to is this a field thank you very much, mark, for this extremely meaningful conversation, i want to remind our tv viewers that mark fegin, a figure of the russian opposition in emigration, a former member of the state duma, was currently working on the air of aspress. well, a well-known video blogger. thanks mark, all the best, goodbye. well,
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the time of our program is over, stay tuned to the channel. my colleagues will inform you about all the most important events of this day. take care of yourself and your loved ones. see you on air. i think, i will go, i will go, i am driving up to the checkpoint, do you want to join the army, i say, i want to, tomorrow, no, i say, the day after tomorrow, because i’m off, that’s it, the military commissar came, okay, pass the commission, that’s all, i say, okay, i’ll pass, only i’ll come and that’s it , well, let's start my epic about the zhytomyr military commissariat, i already went there without an eye. without anything, just like that , they just sent us twice, back
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and forth, back there, the third time they took us away, and that's it, and that's how my service began, it's a pity, how you look at the map there and that's all, where else have you been, how is it all, well, that is, they have res, they you understand how i had a pass with grenades, they don't know what to do, so... not frightened idiots, no exactly, that's all, they did, everything is standing, everything, they, do not accept any movements, that is, but logical, something, that some tactics can be, it doesn't matter...somewhere they use someone's tactics, it's incomprehensible to him, that is, they have a resource, it's these chmobics there, and they put them, but there were no drones, but now they are flying over you like swarms, well, you can't even
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sort things out and it makes no sense, that is, if he needs to overwhelm you, he will overwhelm you... for war, who is created, who is created, you just need something in your head that everything, this, this, this you need, for training, it means that someone sent you, you were sent there for something, you learned so, so, so , therefore, you don’t need much there, it’s all a fraction of a second, that is, when you’re lying down, shooting, you remember what you were shown, what you were taught, if you didn’t
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learn anything, then of course, you won't do anything, but if you do even a little bit, you don't need much, there is this, that, that, that, some. to tell him what it is, where it is, here the gun stands straight at 12 and left, work in the rear, work in the enemy's rear, get to the rear, do something there, some
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task, it's already over there, if there's only one task there , let's go there and look. there this, that, that, that, that, and if we can still win, then we can win right away, this is our task , it's a small one, it is, well, if they don't show it on tv, but it's a good mess we will make such a plan there, it is possible to make it there, and we do it, we did it, if you have a head and arms, legs, damn it, eh, physical some elementary eta, then...
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i was not born for war, we were all born, but now we all have an army, all of us, i generally glue billboards, but from the forest, my eyes are high, oh, and yes, well, i just don’t do that i understand. bürgenstock, one of the most picturesque swiss mountains near lake lucerne. magnificent views, fresh alpine air and a very expensive hotel resort, which more than once became a negotiating platform for settlement. conflicts the global peace summit will be held here next weekend. this is a ukrainian initiative that was born in the fall in 2022. then, during the g20 summit in indonesia, president zelenskyi presented his peace formula. 10 points to end the war. the key one is that russia should withdraw its troops from all ukrainian
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territories, including crimea and donbas. in fact, this is the formula for ukrainian victory. and ukraine for a year and a half already. is trying to enlist the support of the world in its implementation. the west generally recognized zelensky's plan as the only fair way to end the war, but with the countries of the so-called global south everything is much more difficult. before the latter, kyiv hoped that china would join the meeting in the swiss alps, because it is almost the only country that has influence on putin. however , two weeks before the meeting, beijing refused to participate in it. the arrangements for the meeting in switzerland still fall far short of china's requests and the general expectations of the international community, which makes it difficult for china to participate. we always insisted. on participation in the peace summit of both russia and ukraine, as well as on the discussion of all peace proposals in a fair and equal manner basis otherwise, it will be difficult for china
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to play a significant role in restoring peace. china's refusal was unfortunate news for ukraine. especially since representatives of beijing took part in a preparatory meeting in jeddah in saudi arabia last year in august. according to the authoritative british publication financial times, during a may visit to beijing. putin personally asked chinese leader xi jinping to ignore the summit. after china's final decision, a number of other countries followed suit, including brazil, saudi arabia and south africa. president zelenskyi was not only disappointed but also irritated by this similarity. the united states of america has contacts with some countries where they are encouraged to participate in the peace summit. china. unfortunately, on the contrary, today he is working to prevent countries from coming to the peace summit. there is a big difference between these two positions. as of
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the beginning of june , about 110 countries have confirmed their participation in the summit. western countries will be represented at the highest level. in particular, german chancellor olaf is to come to switzerland scholz and french president emmanuel macron. the usa will be represented by vice president kamala harris and biden's national security adviser jake sullivan, but the level of representation of the countries of the global south that decided to attend the summit will be much lower. in particular, india will be represented by the secretary of foreign affairs or the deputy national security adviser, the indian press reports. and even for the sake of such a result, ukraine had to make concessions and present only three points from zelenskyi's formula for discussion. these are food and nuclear security, as well as the issue of prisoner exchange and surrender. illegally deported ukrainian children. the agenda is as narrow as possible in order to reach at least some kind of agreement. we should not expect more -
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german chancellor olaf scholz said on the eve of the summit. there will be no peace talks. we are still a long way from that as long as russia believes it can achieve its goals on the battlefield. it is about attracting countries from all over the world to make it clear to moscow that international law and the statute. the un continues to act. russia must withdraw its troops from ukraine. concern regarding the possible results of the summit , the european pravda publication also strengthened. it claims that it has read the previous communique of the meeting, which seems to say that its participants are based not only on the ukrainian peace formula, but also on other peace proposals. that is, in essence, the so -called peace plan of china, which moscow supports and which it proposes to freeze, is legalized. the conflict on the front line, the information of the bloomberg publication that after the summit in switzerland in the fall, the eu apparently plans to organize another in saudi arabia and
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this time to invite russia to a meeting. in an interview with frankfurter alamaig, this was indirectly confirmed by viola amhert, the president of switzerland, the host country of the first summit. with the help of this conference , we want to create a dialogue. a platform where, as a first step, we will discuss how to achieve peace in ukraine. it is clear to us that we will not sign a peace agreement based on the results of the conference, for peace both sides must be at the negotiating table, at the moment it seems impossible, russia could spoil the participation in a possible next conference. the idea of ​​the summit, when it was first born in the minds of ukrainian diplomats, was to agree on the terms of ending the war without russia, and only then to put pressure on the aggressor with a common... position of the world, but if the meeting in switzerland is limited to only three non -key points, but ends with meaningful formulations, it
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will not be easy to do it. the withdrawal of russian troops from ukrainian territory, the payment of reparations and the restoration of international law, all of this was carried out within the framework of the meeting in bürgenstock, which means that it is unlikely to significantly bring ukraine closer together to a just peace. greetings, this is svoboda live on... radio svoboda. we have already approached the serpent himself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live drone attacks, kamikaze. political analytics, objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season. exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. freedom life - frankly and impartially. conclusions, products. every week, maria gurska meets with the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish sejm , the representative of the polish government for the recovery
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of ukraine by pavel koval. every sunday at 3:30 p.m. with a repeat at 10:00 p.m. in collaboration with sister. see this week in the judicial control program with tatiana shustrova: candidates for the vrp according to the president's quota, how to save for elite property while eating. rations from the state, i am a person who knows how to save, and what new facts of judge gorbasenko's dishonesty did the state administrative court discover? the fortunes were analyzed and a conclusion was made that there are no questions. congratulations, judicial control is on the air. institutional rebooting and personnel renewal of the judiciary based on the norms of professional ethics and integrity is the basis of the judicial reform currently underway in ukraine. its successful
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implementation is the main thing. requirement for our further path to the eu, about how successfully the transformation is taking place and whether the moral and professional qualities of the judges meet high standards, we will talk today, but first the news: the sixth administrative appeals court refused to reinstate the former judge of the supreme court of ukraine bohdan lviv in staff of the supreme court. the panel of judges confirmed the law. liberation of lviv on on the basis of a letter from the sbu that the judge has russian citizenship. we will remind you that bohdan lviv is probably a citizen of russia. according to the journalists of the scheme project, he received his russian passport back in 1999, when he was already working as a judge in ukraine. and in 2012, at the age of 45 , he renewed this document. the judge's family also owns real estate in moscow. the security service of ukraine confirmed lviv's russian citizenship. already at the last court session, a representative of the sbu
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reported that... the security guards established through the registers that the russian citizenship of lviv exists, but now it is impossible to either prove or disprove information about the existence of citizenship. bohdan lviv still continues to assure that he does not have a passport of the aggressor country. the high qualifications commission of judges continues to clean the judicial system from unscrupulous servants of themis. recently , the judge and head of the commercial court of kyiv once again conducted an interview regarding suitability for the position held. region pavlo gorbasenko. consideration of this issue takes place after it was postponed for clarification the previous time additional information. last year, the commission postponed the final decision on gorbasenko and expected additional explanations and documents from him. therefore, at this meeting , the question of whether he will remain in the judge's chair was to be finally decided. during this time, the public council of integrity discovered new facts of gorbasenko's dishonesty and drew up a new conclusion so that the members of the commission could
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study it. veronika kraydenkova, a member of the regional development committee , submitted a motion to postpone the meeting. in fact, there should have been a review and completion of the review of the question of his suitability for the position, but the public integrity council moved to adjourn the meeting because we voted on a new resolution yesterday. the new conclusion of the state criminal court states that the father of judge volodymyr gorbasenko, in the midst of a full-scale war unleashed by russia against ukraine, is conducting business in the temporarily occupied crimea. he lives on captured russians. territory and is a co-founder of two limited liability companies: sevele nastok and u-invest, respectively, pays taxes to the country of the aggressor, moreover, the father of the judge turned out to be a member of the base peacemaker. as it turned out in february-march 22, volodymyr gorbasenko's mobile number was recorded in roaming on the territory of the kyiv region temporarily occupied at that time, which may indicate his participation in russian aggression. after the russian seizure of crimea, gorbasenko's wife issued
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credentials. father-in-law's right to dispose of his property on the peninsula, while volodymyr gorbasenko granted similar rights to his son, a judge. everything points to the fact that the head of the economic court of the kyiv region maintains close ties with his father, who may turn out to be a collaborator. we also see that there is information that he most likely maintains ties with his father, which can clearly be a criterion for his being recognized as unscrupulous. the public integrity council drew attention to the probable second fictitious divorce. judge gorbasenko with his wife, kyiv city council member hanna svyredenko. they allegedly broke up for the first time at the end of 2014. however, they remained in such a wonderful relationship that they went to europe together 5 days after the divorce. in february 2017, she was born to a former spouse the first child, joint trips abroad became more frequent. in 2022, the couple married again, gave birth to a second child within a year, and divorced again. having submitted


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