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tv   [untitled]    June 27, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EEST

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time gap the ukrainian general staff declares that the russian army will not stop trying to capture the city, because it has an advantageous location on the heights from which it is convenient to attack. in an evening address, the general staff reported that all attempts by the russian federation army to advance in the area of ​​the temporal ravine have failed, however, the constant attacks of russian forces sometimes disrupt the rotation of ukrainian troops and the supply of units, say servicemen of the 43rd separate artillery brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. every day is different here. one day some peace so to speak, perhaps this is a calm before the storm , the enemy prepares, accumulates strength, the next day he goes on the attack, we have more work, we work, one might say, without rest, therefore one day does not come, one must always be ready for work, what day, what night, what happens in the time gap, we will talk further, ivan petrychak, this is a representative of the press service of the 24th separate mechanized brigade named after king danylo, join our broadcast, ivan, congratulations, congratulations, thank you for
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joining, here bild writes about the advancement of forces defense near the temporal ravine, what is known about it, what successes can we already talk about? if you are talking, asking about the advance of the defense forces, then, unfortunately , i cannot openly tell you such information, regarding the information about the advance of the defense forces, i can say that the situation in the area of ​​the time ravine is currently extremely difficult, but also very dynamic, minor advances possible, because this is... dynamic defense, you understand, and it does not change the general picture, now we can say that our fighters are trying to inflict maximum losses on the enemy and prevent him from passing further, and regarding the information about you that you have just reported, i would not, in the place of military correspondents, publish such information about the achievements of the ukrainian army without... confirmation and official
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reports from the defense forces of the same, because we understand that it can to cause harm directly to the fighters on the front, and in general , against the background of the means and forces that are spent to maintain this defense and deter the enemy, it can look a little, you know, like a victory frenzy, so it is suggested that we leave it to our so-called journalist colleagues to note, it should be noted that this is actually known. the military columnist, he is a world columnist, it is not the ukrainian correspondent who reported on this, but we , in order to understand what the situation is, and we involve the representatives of the press services in order to understand what is really happening, please tell me from the information that you have, which you can voice, which territories are currently controlled by the russian federation in the city, on the outskirts, places, and most importantly, from how many sides the russian army is trying to put pressure on the times, and we we are talking about the fact that the fighting continues on...
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the siverskyi donetsk-donbas channel, that is, the russians are trying to push us to this channel, and this is like trying to go head-on, as well as bypass from the north and from the south, and as the commanders on the ground say , the situation is extremely difficult, but under control, there are constant strikes on the front edge from heavy weapons, these are both toss and the sunspot system, they also fire into the inner part of the city with these... sunspots are used by cabs, and just as directly on the front edge, as well as on the settlement of the point in depth. russian army, she pulls up the reserves to the temporal abyss in order to replace those combat-capable units that, i don't know, lost their combat capability during the military operation. well, we understand that russia does not have any limitations in terms of resources in terms of infantry, and we are moving along the front line...
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in general , we do not see any heavy weapons in our area of ​​​​responsibility, that is, we can say that the russians are more cautious about weapons , because everything that leaves from their side is now controlled by our intelligence officers from the air and there artillery immediately goes into action to prevent the russians from pulling up the same reserves again, that's basically the case, and about the military operation, it's like that in russia, i 'll remind you, they call it a full-scale war against. ukraine, the svo there have not yet changed this term. regarding provision, that is , the transfer of the forces of the russian army, does it worsen the logistics of the defense forces, does it not worsen, how can this be countered and how does this transfer generally take place? well, i would divide the logistics to the temporary yar and to the front edge. if we talk about logistics during the yar, it is fixed and working. it is clear that the active offensive of the enemy in any case makes it difficult to move around the battlefield, and... this is due to active shelling and
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the deployment of drones, which are used on the battlefield from both sides, but the supply of our units is established right at the time of vyar . if we are talking about the front end. then there are no places along the entire front line where it will be easy to supply to the front because again, this is a war, it can be called a drone war, everything is tracked from the air and any approach to the front edge is immediately fixed and the barrels are immediately directed there, and again, it is not only the russians who work like this, we also work in this manner, i would like to note our mechanics, drivers of the royal brigade, because here is a video where... these heroic people, no exaggeration, but literally under shelling in the shelter, you know, between the shelling and the relative peace, they try to go through this window to bring in ammunition and food and take away
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the wounded, and there is cases when one armored a ukrainian car that advances to the front edge, several semi-drones immediately aim there, they shoot down the so-called mangals, which are behind... protection from drones, and these cars are wounded, damaged, but they return from the battlefield from the front edge, drive there and return and perform their task. thank you ivan for stepping in and telling us what's going on in the time warp as of now, we'll be watching to see how things unfold. ivan peterchak, this is a representative of the press service of the 24th separate mechanized brigade named after king danylo, guest of our broadcast. decentralization of small power plants will be done by ukraine. it is urgently necessary to make the power system more resistant to russian attacks and start construction of distribution generation facilities, said the head of ukrenerg, volodymyr kudrytskyi. then they will not be able to concentrate on 10 or 15 large power plants, but will deal with
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a huge number of small ones. and here we come to the issue of decentralization of generation, and it should be done not after victory, not after the war, but just now. well, as you understood, now we will talk. about light and write in the comments, actually, what is your situation, have blackouts become more frequent, how do you cope with this, because according to kudrytskyi, for example, ukraine lost 9 gw of electrical generation capacity, this is as much as the neighboring ukraine consumes together , slovakia and three more baltic countries, latvia, lithuania and estonia. denmark is ready to support the restoration of ukrainian energy facilities that were damaged as a result of massive missile attacks by the army of the russian federation. the country's government will transfer funds to the energy support fund of ukraine additional grant in the amount over 4.5 million euros, the ministry of energy of ukraine reports on its website. these funds will be used for the rapid restoration of critical energy infrastructure facilities in the front-line, mykolaiv and kharkiv regions. mykola kolisnyk,
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deputy minister of energy, is already in touch with us. mr. mykola, i congratulate you. good day. thank you for joining. let's start with the main thing, why the blackouts have become longer and... what is the reason for this now? well, first of all, there is a reason for disconnections continuation of enemy attacks on civilian energy infrastructure facilities. as you have already mentioned, in fact, over the last eight complex energy attacks, combined attacks, these are rocket-drone attacks on civil energy infrastructure objects, we lost 9 gigawatts of power, this is actually shunting generation, heat generation and hydro generation. which enabled us and enable us to balance the power system during the hours of peak load, i.e. morning and evening, in view of this, we urge household consumers to consume efficiently, to consume economical, it helps energy companies
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to balance the power system and reduce actually these forecast schedules, capacity restrictions, because in this way you make it possible to more rationally distribute... the available capacity among all consumers. energy experts on the air predict that in the next two weeks, ukrainians should prepare for even tougher blackouts. do you confirm such predictions and what to expect next? well, first of all, experts act in their own interests, and usually they are commercial. last year, they were all the same experts gave very critical statements and slogans, which, as we know, did not come true in any way. this can be verified if we talk about the power system today, the situation is not easy, but it depends on a number of factors, in particular, it is like a question, first of all, we are sometimes with a terrorist country, and of course the situation depends on
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whether will continue and how the shelling of civilian infrastructure objects will continue, the situation also depends on the weather, for example today we have sunny days. which makes it possible to obtain increased generation due to solar renewable generation in the energy balance, there is also the issue of balancing due to available high-quality use. regarding import capacity, i would like to note that today we have 1.7 gigawatts of available imports, at the initiative of the government of the minister of energy hluchenko, negotiations are underway with european partners to increase this available capacity to 2.2 gigawatts of capacity, this will also give us being able to increase their own coverage of their own needs is also quite active the repair campaign for the restoration of objects damaged by shelling, this allows us to restore energy supply somewhere,
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but at the same time, unfortunately, part of the equipment cannot be repaired at all, so here is the key task defined by the government, as the construction of a distributed generation, and such a program actually began to operate already in the 23rd year, we have already built distributed generation facilities in some... communities, both for own needs and so-called prosumers, i.e. when more than required by a separate object and supply to the electricity grid is ensured, today we have an active company, an active program for installing both gas piston and gas turbine plants, and solar panels, for this purpose the government has taken a number of decisions, namely, to simplify the connection. and construction of new capacity, this is a simplification of construction requirements, this is a simplification of environmental requirements. after consultation with
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the regulator, the regulator made a decision to simplify connections to electricity networks and gas networks. in this way, this set of measures makes it possible to very quickly build and set new generation objects. at the same time , the government has worked out a number of decisions regarding financial instruments to support such distributed generation programs. in particular , the scope of the programs has been expanded. 5 7 9 lending, which enables individuals in condominiums to raise funds for the installation of generation for their own needs, and we already have the first positive examples when both solar generation and gas generation, other generators, all possible technical solutions for their own needs are installed, and the last, that is, there is also a zero credit program, which is just right for household consumers. in order for state banks to issue loans for household consumers, to install just the panels
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for their own needs, we don't have much time, in fact, unfortunately, this is important information that you sound, but there is an important question, so in the comments they even ask , nazar ivanchyshyn asks why there is a sector of possible outages in the outage schedules, why these schedules cannot be made clearly only that from such and such an hour these outages will occur, please explain to the audience, well, first of all we must understand that these are predictive charts. capacity, and of course, energy companies take the maximum measures to reduce the number of these hours of restrictions, so we understand that there are forecast hours, moreover, we want to note that these schedules come from the existing situation at a specific moment, and during a day we have a lot and quite often, unfortunately, unexpected shelling that can affect the operation of the system, the restrictions. electricity transmission capacity existing somewhere, it can also be a drastic change in weather conditions
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conditions or a drastic change in the balance of consumption, so consumption is one tool of how to help energy companies to balance the energy system and efficient consumption in particular during peak hours, that is from 70 to 9 in the morning and from 5 to 22 in the evening, is exactly what helps reduce these hours of disconnection. mr. mykola, we have one more minute and one more important question. and it is also from the audience, but rather even from those with whom we communicate in everyday life, standing at a public transport stop, i don’t know, just talking with our acquaintances, about situation with electricity, you can often hear that ukrainians there are suffering, sitting without electricity, meanwhile, ukraine continues to sell electricity abroad. please explain, as of today and for the last time there, for example, ukraine continues to export electricity to the countries of the european union? i emphasize that there is no export on a commercial basis, this is true. intentional fakes that are distributed as ipso, and today we
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are clearly focused on balancing the internal needs of the energy system for in order to ensure stable power supply and power supply for own needs. thank you very much, mr. mykola, for joining in and telling us about the situation in the energy system. mykola kolisnyk, this is the deputy minister of energy of ukraine, a guest of our broadcast. each of your comments is important, you see, there are interesting questions. we read to our experts so that you find the answer to them, in fact, write, comment on what you see, subscribe to radio liberty platforms, share this video with your friends, in this broadcast, in particular, there were answers to many important questions. that bother you, and it is precisely these topics that we try to raise in each of our broadcasts, this is the freedom of the mornings project. my name is oleg galiv, i see you here every morning on radio svoboda youtube, as well as on the espresso tv channel. we traditionally start the morning with you, we traditionally wish you a calm day, as much as possible in the conditions in which you are currently, and we will see you on the broadcast tomorrow, take
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price thanks to an order from the manufacturer. here three advantages for which ukrainians choose topper matryk. or follow the qr code and order right now. dear friends, we are back on the air. lesya vakulyuk, andriy seychuk, in this studio we are working for you today until 12 o'clock. thank you for being with us, thank you for watching us since 7 am and for those who have just joined, thank you too, and with that we say good morning, dear friends, now. let's talk to a man you already know well, and a man who defends us, this is the deputy commander of the achilles attack unmanned aerial systems battalion oles malyarevich of the 92nd separate assault brigade. mr. olesya, i am glad to see you, mutually, i wish you health, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes. mr. olesya, a traditional question to start a conversation, where are you, if you can say, what
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news do you have? the 92nd is on the line of the hlyboka rifle range. this is our line of defense, and we actively take part in military actions to deter the enemy. it is reported that drones attacked the retkin experimental plant in the tver region. according to various sources, they say that they produce there aviation fuel for russian military aircraft. also, not knowing. are you, mr. valesyu, involved in that? if i was involved , i would not say, but yes, we are currently performing many tasks, they are quite different and we are working on the territory of russia, we are also working for military purposes, but we do not comment on almost anything, because the tasks are quite complex,
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and few units are involved in them , and the secrecy of this planning in general, it has... the level, by the way, of shebekino, which is also russian, it seems to be the belgorod region, they report, that there was a powerful blow to the russian positions there, since shebekino, as i understand it, is such a military, military hub for russian troops that are regrouping there in order to enter the territory of ukraine, to reinforce those of their troops who are now trying, are trying to advance in your direction, maybe you can add something about it? well, i will say this, even in the middle of the unit we had such very serious discussions about what can be destroyed on the territory of russia, because very often... the enemy is moving through the territory of russia on the border, the border line in civilian cars, and we cannot know whether the occupiers are driving in this civilian car, whether there are any scouts or local residents, well, as a result
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of such a long enough observation, we realized that there are no civilians on the border anymore, there really only a military group, that's why everything that moves along the border, everything that crosses the border is destroyed, and shchebekino is already such a big... military hub, where our unit and others also work. like yourself is the enemy leading now, mr. olesya? the enemy continues to realize his goal, to reach kharkov. so they entrenched in vavchansk, entrenched in the deep, and they throw new and new units into the battle, they have already thrown in the marines, their elite units are enough, they are now trying to storm the deep there, but they are completely overwhelmed, very fierce battles are going on.
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how prepared they are, how different they are from some of those mobilized there or those who went on contract. the marine corps is completely different, but the situation, c where she is, it is not possible to show her professional potential to the full extent there, because there is a lot of saturation, little space, it is cramped, there are a lot of drones, there are not the wars for which, for which they were definitely prepared, but this is their choice, therefore they have come and will be destroyed, it doesn't matter if it's marines or some infantry, everything that comes from them will be destroyed. i read that in russia it was discussed that the military is mass-abandoning russian-made anti-drone guns, which the defense enterprises there made on
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order a state order for several billion rubles, that is because they turned out to be completely ineffective against ukrainian fpv drones and other drones, but nevertheless, how effective is the slave of the enemy now and... how much they are, how much they can stop our drones, which percentage, fish the enemy very effectively, it is developing, and it is not only some specific device that they brought to the line of contact and it works, it is a very complex system, it is related to air defense, air defense, rap protection, it all works together, but we are now there , you know, brick by brick, we are trying to dismantle their whole system so that... those of our newest weapons, which i hope will appear soon, can work more efficiently, so they are very effective ,
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work professionally, but we have no other choice but to work even more professionally and level all their gains and disassemble their systems. we have an advantage at the front in some way, in your opinion, an advantage in motivation, and if it's serious, then... night bombers, access to information that we have, i believe that our intelligence works more professionally, that's all, well, i don't want to list, there are many factors that also motivate us, and we understand that there are chances to win, that's why we need to develop , yes, this is radio electronic warfare, intelligence and other aspects that greatly affect the results. you know, almost a quarter of ukrainians in the last recent sociological survey said that they hope for the end of the war with a victory this year, 24
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percent, it seems, it is probably not so much, but quite a lot, or if these hopes can come true, then thanks to what, in your opinion, mr. olytsyu, what should happen in order for ukraine to win this year. well, on the border of 1991, this is my subjective opinion, i can repeat it three times, subjective opinion, on the borders of 1991, i do not know when, when it will be possible to leave, in general with the current number of troops, what we have and the technical means that we have, but some part of the territory can be recaptured this year, if you plan correctly and add up the factors that are favorable for this, so i don't know when the war will end, we, we don't even think about it, we just work every day, work, carry out military tasks, but we believe that one day it will end, well, yuriy botusov,
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who is almost always at the forefront. and sees the situation and communicates with the military every day, i think it's worth quoting him, he recently indicated that the condition for us to win or, let's say, the goal in general in this war, is actually to make the front line not impenetrable, which is now in order to start from strong positions later negotiations, well, somehow it seems to me, he will shape it. agreed, and the main factor, i think, which we must not forget, is not to fight to the last ukrainian, that is why ukraine without ukrainians will not be the same in ukraine, mr. oles, we still have a few minutes left, i wanted to ask you if you somehow feel the effect of how the mobilization is going now, well, in our unit, what can i say, the situation has improved, we are from the position of gay-gay-gay,
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come to us, we will take everyone. "come on, we need everyone, we're serious now we conduct castings, we hold interviews, we directly decide who we should take and who we should not take, and i will say that several people are already in place, maybe eight for one place in our division and the same competition, well , this is very important, yes , because even those whom we mobilized somewhere on the street, they say, oh, we know you there, we are friends there, lived there, lived next to you, we can come to you, and i say guys, i shouted about it there for a year on all broadcasts there, on local facebooks , write to our sub-sections, we are waiting for you you didn't go when you were caught somewhere, you wanted a vahilest, that's why we currently try such stages that we take only the best, because the life and health of the entire team and the efficiency of the operation depend on it, and we use very expensive equipment and we here we need only smart people who are responsible in the first place, that is why
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the situation has improved with technical means. the situation is worse than with personnel, now i will say yes, uh, but with technical ones, what is lacking, what is lacking, because there is a lot of intentionality hostilities, and when there is a lack of other types of weapons, for example, the ags has run out, the automatic grenade launcher system, the grenade launcher, yes, you work in the military, these are the same places when they did not work in the military, already all the disembodied commandos are trying to close those niches , where there is not enough conventional... weapons, well, more and more precisely, this is a confirmation of the video confirmation of the result, because even aviation, it’s cool, aviation, planes worked there, but you never understand, they hit, they didn’t hit, because there is no scout wing to that to make sure of this, and unmanned aircraft in general always work, they shoot everything, that is, there is confirmation, they were hit, they were not hit, so there are many more combat tasks, so
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technically we are a little late, sometimes we... we are working now, we have two or three days of technical reserve , that's why new meetings are constantly opened and drones are often handed over to us, which need to be improved, because technically someone somewhere has bought a large batch and is trying to distribute it to all divisions, these drones come to us, and they are already obsolete, technically completely obsolete, we throw away half there, we deliver it, we provide a bunch of new technical solutions there, so this is a constant process for us. no, because now there is a large reserve of drones, so if you see somewhere to support the collection of sterile systems, not only for our brigade, any brigade, we have many friendly units that are engaged in this, they are always supported there one, two 5 hryvnias, they really manage to collect a million and a half there are two, it works, mr. voice, thank you for your call, i hope that our viewers understand how important its support is to such military personnel as you, to all
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military personnel, in principle ours. defenders who need our help. thank you for this work and for the conversation, for finding time. oles melyarevych, deputy commander of the battalion of attack unmanned aircraft complexes achilles of the 92nd separate assault brigade was with us. well, kateryna shiropoyas is with us now. this means that we will watch a fresh selection of news, what happened there in ukraine and the world, she already knows. congratulations olesya. andrei, in a moment i will tell you about how poland and the baltic countries ask the eu to protect them from the russians and how the ukrainian border. succeeded in repelling the attack of the enemy drg in kharkiv oblast. news time on espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. at night, the russians launched a...


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