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tv   [untitled]    June 27, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm EEST

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only from uah 799, the offer is limited, call. kateryna shiropoyas works at the news channel espresso in the studio. a man fell under a train at the university metro station in kyiv. this was reported in the city administration. rescuers are currently unblocking the victim, so trains are moving on the red branch of the metro from the station akadem-mistechko dusulyavska and from khreschatyk to lisova. four starting stations.
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medics and law enforcement officers were called to the scene for passengers to enter. and in the morning , explosions rang out in kharkiv. in the air forces were warned about the russian attack by cabo. probably, the ammunition could have fallen outside the city. the consequences of the enemy attack are currently being clarified. six people were injured as a result of shelling of silidovoy in donetsk region, among the injured were two children, an 11-year-old girl and a 17-year-old girl. the boy was admitted to the hospital, this was reported to the city military administration. the russians dropped a 500-kilogram aerial bomb on an apartment building. three people were rescued from there. so far, rescuers have managed to put out the fire, as a result of the attack as well four administrative buildings, seven apartment buildings and five private residences were damaged. in the morning, air defense forces shot down a rocket over mykolaiv district. its wreckage fell on
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the highway, the head of the regional military administration, vitaly kim, said. due to the fall of the rocket fragments , the driver of the truck was injured, the car was damaged, and there was also a car wreck on the spot, in which another kermanych was injured. powerful explosions thundered that night in the temporarily occupied mariupol, as well as in berdyansk and melitopol. this was noted by the city councilor petro andryushchenko, head of mariupol. it was loud in the cherem neighborhood. primorsky district. according to andryushchenko, this could be an attempt by russian air defense to intercept air targets on the way to russia or the sea of ​​azov. the details are currently being clarified. border guards repelled an attack by the russian drg in kharkiv oblast. this was reported by the spokesman of the state border service andriy demchenko. an enemy sabotage and reconnaissance group tried to break through in the area of ​​the village of sotnytskyi kozachok. a shooting battle ensued there. the russians fired. ukrainian positions,
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the border guards managed to repulse the attack, an anti-sabotage reserve is on site. drones attacked factories for the production of fuel for aviation in the tvorskaya region of russia, it is about the retkin research enterprise, it was allegedly attacked by four kamikaze drones at night, the propandian media reported. previously, the pipeline, roof and building were damaged at the plant. one of the shops. there are no casualties. also , the russian ministry of defense announced the downing of two drones over moskovskaya and another over belgorod oblasts. they tried illegally escape from ukraine. border guards detained seven men. the four violators planned to cross the tisza and get to hungary. the other three minors accompanied a group of rubber boats to romania. and for tacos.
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the suspects had to pay from eight to 10 thousand dollars each. law enforcement officers made reports on the detainees. prepared strikes on zaporozhye. the security service detained an agent of russian intelligence. the attacker tried to find the exact coordinates of the location of ukrainian air defense complexes, as well as monitored the routes of the movement of military equipment in the direction of the front line. according to these data , the occupiers. predicted future missile strikes and combat operations in the zaporozhye direction. the perpetrator faces life imprisonment. us president joe biden and donald trump will hold the first televised debate. they will last 90 minutes. and for the first time in history, tv debates will take place even before the national party congresses. at donald trump's request, opponents will have no notes, just blank sheets of paper and pens. instead of the head of the white
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house demanded that the match be held without the audience watch the live debate between biden and trump on june 28 on espresso tv channel around four in the morning. " the memorial bell in ivano-frankivsk, an event with this name traditionally takes place in the city's memorial square. our colleague ivan haruk will tell you more about it. ivan, congratulations, did many people come and what does the memorial bell symbolize? currently we have no information i am in touch with our colleague, so as soon as we have the opportunity, we will immediately hold a meeting. ukrainian children from de-occupied communities received toys from american benefactors. help heroes of ukraine organization brought gifts to children in mykolaiv region and kyiv region. this is the third such action. its main goal is to restore the psycho-emotional state of young
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ukrainians. all the toys were collected by the organization's partner all over america, some of them were also given to children in the zhytomyr orphanage and the lutsk lyceum. in general this. the toys were given to children who really needed them again who had lost so much and we will cherish the flag we received from them, it is quite special and we will continue to pray for them and to support them and i am very grateful for this gift from the children. so the bell of remembrance in ivano-frankivsk, an event with this name traditionally takes place in the city's memorial square, and now our colleague ivan haruk has the opportunity to join in and tell: ivan, congratulations, how many people came and what does the bell of memory actually symbolize? greetings
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kateryna, the bell of remembrance in ivano-frankivsk has just ended in the memorial square, it is a traditional event that takes place every month here in ivano-frankivsk. the families of the dead are gathering, the military is gathering in order to to honor the memory of the dead, actually the military, today 37 families also received posthumous awards, both state and local, such events take place here every month, there is also a lot of pain and tears, because the families come with fresh wounds, you see behind me in the back there is such a stele with photos, many relatives, parents... come to also honor, see, remember those events, and actually for the families today they talked with people here, it is very important, because time passes a month, a year, more , but at the same time it is important for each of them that their invites that they are remembered, that their children
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are remembered here in their memorial park, well , actually, symbolically , this bell of memory is actually ringing here, you see, it is also established here. and every month they ring the bell in order to remind people that the war is going on and that the independence of the country is being gained with a lot of blood, so this is a symbolic event that gathers in the memorial square, where, by the way , heroes of various historical periods are buried , snipers, rebels, and now heroes of modern ukraine who died in the war with the russian federation, kateryna, thank you ivan, let me remind you, it was our colleague ivan haruk from ivano-frankivsk. the espresso tv channel calls for participation in the collection of drones and components for art reconnaissance of the 100th brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. the first lot that we plan to purchase is eight improved models of mavik flycombo and
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five mavik 3t. quadcopters are those eyes in the sky that burn safety and provide an opportunity to confidently move forward. and most importantly, they help save the lives of our soldiers. we have together with you. take uah 2.5 million, so let's not waste time, join the collection for our defenders. i wish you good health, we, the soldiers of the 100th brigade of artillery reconnaissance, are asking you to join our collection for drones and their components, which will help us in the future to destroy the enemy and protect our homeland. glory to ukraine! glory to the heroes. glory to heroes. to learn more interesting and relevant information, follow the update. on our website, as well as on our social networks. we will see you tomorrow, take care and stay with espresso. today
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in the program is the verdict. completed project european union. ukraine started on the path of acquisition. full membership in the european union, how long will the european integration journey last and will it also lead to nato? war criminals from... on a global scale, the international criminal court has issued arrest warrants for former russian defense minister shoigu and chief of the general staff gerasimov. who else could be charged and what could be the actual punishment? house arrest for the deputy. the court chose mykola tyshchenko as a preventive measure after the scandal involving the beating of a former military officer dnipro. who will bear political responsibility? for the dubious actions of politicians from the president's team. i remind you, my
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name is vasyl zemakh, he has now joined our broadcast. this is a verdict program, but today i will be its host, and during the next two hours we will discuss many important topics, well , we will, of course, report on what will happen during our broadcast, but we will start on june 25 within the framework. exchange of prisoners, ukraine managed to return 90 soldiers from russian captivity. let's watch a touching video of our homecoming defenders glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. glory to ukraine. glory to ukraine.
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of course, i would very much like all our military personnel to return from captivity as soon as possible, both military personnel and civilians, as well as abducted children. russia has caused a lot of trouble. well, in addition to the fact that it keeps our military in captivity, it does not keep them in accordance with the geneva convention, it tortures them, and there are almost no evidence of torture, and everyone who returns from russian captivity, a military officer says that torture was applied to him, and interrogations, but we are today we ask, that's why, do you have alternative sources of electricity for your home. it is very interesting, by the way, to know how ukrainians prepare for the cold, because it is still a few months away, already autumn. so, yes
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0.821 38 1. if you do not have alternative sources of electricity supply, then you please, then at the number 0800 211 38 2. please join, such a question is practical, you know, not political, not something that can be hyped , but very practical, interesting. doroz will spend the next few hours with us in an interesting conversation with valentina lyvaychenko, people's deputy of ukraine from the motherland, secretary of the verkhovna rada committee on ukraine's eu integration, former head of the sbu in 2006, 2010 and 2014-2015, mr. valentin, i congratulate you, good evening, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, well regarding integration into the eu, i immediately want to ask, well , to start with the fact that ukraine is starting real, actual, as president volodymyr zelenskyi said. negotiations on joining the european union are called different terms: from seven to 10 years, from two to
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five, someone says that in general anything is possible happen much faster, what is the reality of how long these negotiations will last and what is it, well, where ukraine has to work very well to either speed up these negotiations or for them to be successful at all? most importantly, i myself work in this committee on european integration of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, i am the secretary there. committee, i can answer you in an absolutely professional manner that negotiations on the accession of ukraine began yesterday, the first intergovernmental conference was held in luxembourg, there will be a second one, but the issue is not in the conferences, but in terms, i absolutely i responsibly declare that ukraine, at the rate at which we are integrating, within two or three years, it is quite possible and, in my opinion, should complete the negotiations, and therefore leave within this time. for a full-fledged membership agreement, not about intentions, not about candidacy, we are already a candidate country,
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by the way, we also received such status in record time, and i will tell you what the secret of such success of ukraine is, first of all, because the armed forces of ukraine really heroically defend the country, and this example, this victory inspires our european partners, and they are all partners, even in the anti-putin coalition for ukraine, for you and me, that's why i say: that we have an extremely favorable situation, opportunity and ability to complete the reforms that are necessary in order to be a full member of the european union within the country. and, accordingly, the negotiations, the negotiations will take place over six periods, that is , six or seven clusters of the so-called, but in reality there are 6-7 sections, 6-7 areas where ukrainian negotiators, negotiators, there are 35 of them, determined by the presidential decree, within the next these negotiations will be conducted in a year or two,
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here are the terms for you, and here is the real content of what is happening now, well, we really wish you success, of course, first of all. to the officials who directly and to the people's deputies also, by the way, who will directly deal with this case, and the international criminal court of the united nations issued warrants for the arrest of the former minister of defense serhii shaigu and this commander-in-chief, and the army of the russian federation, the country of the aggressor gerasimov, tell me please, or now, well, because i have so, i always like to think about some conspiracy theories, i don’t voice them, but i sit and think to myself, it’s always interesting, and it’s always possible to people like gerasim avshaigu, who are in office at all, just get angry, take them to court, everything is up to them write off, in the event that there are any agreements or the need for negotiations with russia as a party, well, there are always people who can be angry
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and forget about putin, about other people who are actually the creators of this war and those people who are putin's. i think that shaigu was definitely not among them, probably gerasimo too, but there were among them completely different people, and how do you evaluate this warrant, what should it lead to? i will tell you, as it really is, the dock in the gas is inevitably approaching putin, the two commanders-in-chief of the russian ministry of murder, who were issued arrest warrants by the international criminal court in march of this year and yesterday... two more arrest warrants for former minister of defense shaigu and the current head of the general staff of the ministry of murder of the russian federation gerasimov, this is a gas dock and arrest warrants from judges of the international criminal court, it is already clearly stated there, mr. vasyl, let's say this to our tv viewers, quote: there is enough
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evidence to believe that these war criminals of the russian federation... committed war crimes and crimes against humanity against ukraine during terrorist missile attacks , it concerns the period from october 22nd to at least march 23rd, yes, in any case, such materials were at the disposal of the judges of the international criminal court, but international courts provide important qualifications and qualifications, the international criminal court clearly defines that... these are war criminals, and there is sufficient evidence of their war crimes and crimes against humanity. moreover, i predict and am sure that there will be more warrants, because finally the world community is entering the final stage of the international criminal trial against putin and his war criminals, and for
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us, for ukraine, this is extremely important, because it is about the issue . responsibility, personal criminal responsibility of every russian war criminal federation, and the second is compensation for damages, compensation for damages to ukrainians, and those who were or are in polonia, and those who were tortured in kherson torture camps, and those who lost their homes in mariupol, and the whole country is in ruins, and there is almost no ukrainian family that has not suffered in one way or another from russian aggression, and these are huge, huge losses for... ukrainians, citizens and ukraine and the ukrainian economy, well now especially energy, this is the importance and personal criminal liability and compensation issues payment of damages to ukraine. well, now we will talk about the continuation of the topic of war, the topic of russia, but from a slightly different angle, but first we will listen to the comment, so the head
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of the pentagon, the secretary of defense of the united states of america, austin had a conversation with the head of the ministry of defense of the russian federation, andriy bilousov, newly appointed, i will remind , who may not be following, he was appointed instead of shaigu, were there some time ago, discussed the war in ukraine with him, and this was reported by the pentagon spokesman, patrick ryder. let's listen. minister austin today spoke on the phone with the minister of defense of russia andrii bilousov. during the conversation , the minister emphasized the importance of maintaining communication lines against the backdrop of russia's war against ukraine. the last time secretary austin spoke with his russian counterpart, then russian defense minister sergei shuigu, was on march 15, 2023 . march 2023, now we have them, they haven't talked for a year and a half, well , they will obviously never talk to shoigu again, he is suspicious, there is already a warrant against him,
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what to talk to him, he needs to get his to deliver on march 23rd, it was still, i remember now about the situation at the front, well actually it was always difficult, i remember, in my opinion, it was even before the blowing up of the kakhovskaya hydroelectric plant, if i am not mistaken, but why, because... people who, let's say, do not know these subtleties of diplomacy, politics, the fact that it is necessary to always have some kind of communication contact between nuclear states, the largest nuclear states in the world, will say that this is treason, this is now against our backs they will agree and that's all, that's what needs to be explained, please explain, i was working i have been in washington for more than one year as the consul general of ukraine, so i will not only explain, but i know that such a line has been established between the us and russian ministries of defense, and it was established more than... 20 years ago, and this telephone line is not for politicians and not for any conspiratorial or not very political agreements, this is a line exclusively
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of prejudice and warning about possible military threats, or not prejudice of military provocations, more specifically, when the russian federation launches another wave about the possible use of nuclear weapons, or you know, about a possible strike in the arctic - somewhere in the arctic, well, a lot of propaganda. russian invents and, you know, defiantly spreads, then this line works, and then telephone conversations take place. now there was a telephone conversation at the level of the head of the pentagon, that is the secretary of defense of the united states, mr. austin, with the new, now not relatively new, but for the americans, the new minister of defense of the russian federation, belorusov. the content of the conversation, which concerned ukraine, consisted of two points. first, there was a warning and tough from the american side regarding... the non-use of weapons of mass destruction, including nuclear weapons, once, and secondly, the american side clearly confirmed that within the framework of ramstein, within the framework of military aid
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to ukraine, in accordance with the defense aid package approved by the us congress, the united states has supplied and will continue to supply precision weapons for the defense of ukraine. there are actually two main topics. well, of course, i think. what they understand very well is the ukrainian military-political leadership, a lot of top leaders important things need to be done, which may have been impossible before due to the lack of weapons, now they are allegedly transferring them, but yesterday even shells on the czech initiative finally arrived in ukraine, plus high-precision weapons provided by the united states of america, missiles, attack missiles, all this is it is very important to achieve a lot, and plus the mobilization is going well, about this... they say, even in the ministry of defense, even those people who always said that our mobilization is bad, now they say, well, as if somewhere it is, but they managed to do it until november, in november
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elections in the united states of america and there may be a new head of the white house, well, a new old man, donald trump, he made such a statement that if he wins the elections in the united states, donald trump will do everything necessary to establish peace and restore american power and restraint on the world stage , this is stated in the comments of trump's headquarters to the voice of america request. well, actually, i will quote, let's look at this quote now, listen, yes, i, i will voice it, and you see it. president trump has repeatedly stated that the main priority of his second term will be agree on ending the russian-ukrainian war as soon as possible. president trump, well it's a lifetime title, he was president, so he's president trump, believes that european countries should pay a larger share of the costs of the conflict because the us has paid significantly more, which is not... fair to our taxpayers , well, please tell me whether trump will really be able to resolve, as he says, the conflict, and, as they call it there, something
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between russia and ukraine in a few days, having promised something to putin, and if zelensky said something, please, and in trump's team, which is responsible for security and defense, they call it clearly, no one there calls the conflict, it is russia's war. against ukraine, but i want to reassure the ukrainians, our tv viewers, that, for example, tomorrow they will start a debate in the usa, and the fact that the political debates will and will be heard in the usa does not mean that someone is going to do it directly , it's a political process, and it's up to americans and then the american voter to decide who to vote for, and it's for more for the voter, to things, and there are all these debates and current statements, since there is an election campaign, well, it is already clear that... that tomorrow the debate is already in full swing, the peak of the political campaign, but returning from politics to reality, and reality is next, for a completely different
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event will be of great importance to us, it is next month's nato summit in washington, and indeed there the americans will not just host the jubilee summit of the alliance, but there will also be a very serious and special place for ukraine and decisions about how to further help the armed forces of ukraine . i know something serious is brewing decision, nevertheless, to launch a fund worth at least 40 billion dollars from member countries of the aid alliance to ukraine. forces of ukraine, i will say the priority of this fund, which will be determined immediately: air defense in ukraine, and not only and not so much the systems themselves, but additional detection and guidance radars, and most importantly - the missiles themselves, because to all, because to all air defense systems , which now cover the ukrainian sky, ukrainian cities, what is missing, well, it is clear what rockets, and this is us, i am talking about nasans and arst, and
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patriots, and this is the ... component and important a component that, for example, if you ask me what we are doing and what we are discussing with our american partners before the summit in july, we insist and emphasize precisely this, so that the armed forces of ukraine, our anti-aircraft forces, urgently need these ammunitions, and absolutely you rightly noted that the czech initiative is half a million, half a million 155 mm shells for the ukrainian. thank god, tuileries has been at the disposal of the armed forces since yesterday and today, which means that the south, east and the north, our brigades, especially artillerymen, will now have enough ammunition to repulse and knock out the enemy, the same situation we have to achieve in the supply of missiles for the anti-aircraft defense of ukraine, you know, we were just talking yesterday in the great ethereum with... a deputy
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of the kherson city council from kherson, and i say how there is shelling, artillery, she says, and now even from our side there are more exits than the enemy’s, well, it means from the left bank of the kherson region, where the enemy is, so i don’t i say that everywhere yes, of course, i perfectly understand that this is not the case, but here it is important that a new person has become at the helm of nato, the secretary general of the north atlantic alliance, mark rutte, the former prime minister is not. well, here's what mike carpenter, director of the white house's national security council for europe, has to say about this in a voice of america commentary, and some people don't like it, but i personally like the metaphor of a bridge to nato, because that's exactly what we're trying to achieve , the so-called bridge to nato is needed for that ukraine could reach, join the alliance on the same day, when there is political will for it, that is very, very important, to understand, well, mark rutte actually can go down in history,
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being that general. secretary, under whose rule or leadership, nato will be expanded and ukraine will actually be a part of the north atlantic alliance, how do you assess, how do you assess the prospects, the prospects of mark rutte's work, first of all, i absolutely agree with your statement, mr. vasyl , secondly, it is very positive for us the news that one of ukraine's allies, the prime minister of the netherlands, mark rutte, will indeed be the new general. secretary and from july with a new secretary general there will be a new nato, nato will also change, don't have any doubts here, and first of all it will change in terms of greater, more serious support for ukraine and b) for us, for ukraine, we will do everything possible to join this defense alliance as soon as possible. for nato, such decisions should be prepared by us, by no one else, well, as an example, i will give another year, two, maybe. three
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because there were so many skeptics out of disbelief that ukraine will not be a member of the european union, we will not soon receive the status of a candidate, and it is not known at all about accession, when we will start negotiations, so what, we responded by becoming a candidate a year ago and responded by that negotiations on accession started yesterday, we must also continue to hold our position and move and strive for membership in nato, moreover, i repeat that it is very good news for us that mr. ryut... will become the new secretary general, and very the good news is that all 32 countries, members of the alliance, are partners of ukraine, are partners of ukraine in the anti-putin coalition. you know, every night i try to watch different ukrainian experts, as well as those russians who left russia, but they also voice something there, of course.


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