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tv   [untitled]    June 27, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm EEST

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greetings to all viewers of espresso, i am anna yavomelnyk and this is news by order of the president, prime minister of ukraine. denys shmehal instructed the ministers to make working trips to the regions. members of the government should clarify the situation in energy, defense industry, medicine, infrastructure and in preparation for the academic year. shmegal added that based on the results of this work , regional and visiting meetings of the government will be held, where problematic issues of the specified regions will be considered. a man and a woman were injured by a russian drone strike. the occupiers grabbed the civilian car. in novovorontsovka in
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the kherson region, the regional military administration informed, the wounded were hospitalized with explosive injuries and shrapnel wounds. and medics saved two sisters who were attacked by muscovites from a drone in kherson yesterday, the head of the region , oleksandr prokudin , informed. her condition was stabilized. another girl, older than 15 years old, received a landmine injury, contusion of the soft tissues of the head, condition at the time of admission to secondary school difficulties, currently the girl is being examined today and continues treatment, the children's lives are not in danger. in the morning, air defense forces shot down a rocket over the mykolaiv district, its debris fell on the highway, reports said. the head of
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the regional military administration vitaliy kim. the truck driver was injured, the car was damaged, and there was also an accident at the place of the fall. another pickpocket was injured in it. drones attacked a plant for the production of aviation fuel in the tver region of russia . his at night allegedly four kamikaze drones were hit, kremlin media reports. previously, the pipeline, roof and building of one of the workshops were damaged at the plant. there are no casualties. also , the russian ministry of defense announced the downing of two drones over moskovskaya and another over belgorod oblasts. espresso tv channel invites you to join the project from scratch to life. this is a collection of atvs for the rapid evacuation of the wounded, for transport and for the transport of ammunition. support the soldiers of the 93rd separate unit with a donation. they will choose victory every day, they will not leave the wounded on the battlefield and the fallen so for... evacuation atvs
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are indispensable assistants, and they also allow you to move as quickly as possible off-road, which helps to work efficiently, your support greatly increases the chances of the cold springers not only to successfully complete combat missions, but also to return from them alive, so join the gathering, our goal is uah 4 million. a man who fell on the tracks of the kyiv metro was taken from the speed of the train car, the victim was hospitalized, he is in shock. condition, but the limbs were not amputated, the state emergency service reported situations the incident happened at the university station, due to which traffic on the red line of the metro was partially stopped. four stations were closed for the entry of passengers, now the movement of trains has been restored. law enforcement officers are investigating the circumstances of the incident. a group of collaborators was exposed by law enforcement officers in zaporozhye. three residents of the villages. it is even more surprising that
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the melitopol district received suspicions in absentia. since the occupation of the region, they sided with the enemy and worked in the so-called protection of public order in the melitopol cossack guard. by order the so-called atamans, they committed arbitrariness against people, carried out filtering measures and seized property. they also took an active part in propaganda events, raised flags with soviet and russian symbols. in ukraine, traitors face up to 15 years in... explanation called to support the russian peace, the police of the kharkiv region kidnapped a 69-year-old resident of the chogoiv district, who supported the occupiers. the man spread kremlin narratives and helped the enemy repair equipment. he was informed about the suspicion of collaborationism. heads mykhailo lannyo was taken into custody by the mukachevo district council in transcarpathia. the decision
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was made by the higher anti-corruption court. the official can also leave sizo on bail of uah 30 million. plano is a defendant in a land scam case. earlier, the court took under the custody of the mayor of mukachevo andrii balogu and one of the ex-officials of the city council. all three are suspected in the scheme of selling land at an undervalued price, which caused losses to the state of almost 75 million hryvnias. rescue book for the blind, lviv regional center, ukrainian union of people with disabilities in in partnership with the resource center of the lviv polytechnic was printed in font. 10 new literary works, with a total circulation of 500 books. they also produced their audio versions, involving professional actors and blind children for this. our correspondent ema stadnyk is currently in the publishing house. my congratulations, colleague, and tell me what makes the books unique and who
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will receive them? studio, congratulations. now i am in the resource center of the lviv polytechnic, here in a small room, lvivians. replenish the library funds of all ukraine inclusive books for blind children. i have a unique opportunity to talk with the coordinator of this project, mrs. oksana potymko. ms. oksano, please tell us about the uniqueness of your books and how they differ from books of similar samples, but from past years. thank you, congratulations. so, friends, i am holding a book in my hands now, it was printed in 2016, it is actually a book of the old soviet model, if you see, it is dark in color, and it has the same dark pages inside, it is readable, beautiful, but not attracted from the outside, and now i'm showing you a book that we printed as part of a project, a life-saving book
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for the blind, as part of many other projects, so this book is fundamentally colored on the outside, when we open it inside, you see, on the back of the title there is an embossed... code , the uniqueness of this qr code is that it contains an encrypted audio version of the book, created in roles by well-known ukrainian artists and completely blind children. one more thing, this book has embossed designs, i can see them by touch, yes, and it's printed in a universal design, i.e. sighted script and brall script at the same time. this is what makes our books unique. the uniqueness of our books, they are in color, they are attractive, they are accessible to children who are blind, who have low vision, who have mental disabilities, because there is an audio version, yes, who have reading problems, speech problems or
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physical disabilities . thank you. ms. oksana, thank you very much for your work. i would also like to mention that next week books from this small premises in lviv. to almost all corners of the regions of ukraine, in particular it will be kyiv, kharkiv, mykolaiv, zaporizhzhia, slovyansk, chernihiv, poltava, zhytomyr, lutsk and many other ukrainian cities. they will go to those children who really need them. studio stanom, for now i have everything, i pass the word to you. thank you for your work and information, espresso correspondent ema stadnyk, about life-saving books for the blind. lithuania will help ukraine in reforming the military education system. this was discussed during the meeting. deputy defense minister of ukraine and high- level strategic adviser of lithuania vitaliius vaikshnoras. it will be practical recommendations on military training, personnel system and motivation. vaik schnoras shared his country's experience in conducting an international independent audit and
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developing a reform plan. he also noted that vilnius supports kyiv on the way to improving military education. large-scale protests in the capital of israel talavi. thousands of participants of the action once again went to a rally calling on prime minister binyamin netanyahu to resign. they also demand that the government sign a cease- fire agreement and release the hostages received by hamas terrorists. earlier, netanyahu said that israel is ready to agree only to a partial cessation of hostilities in the gaza strip in order to return a certain number of prisoners. hamas insists that it did not allow it. people, until the tzahal withdraws its troops and ghazis. us president joe biden and donald trump will hold the first televised debate. they will last 90 minutes and for the first time in history will take place even before the national party congresses. at
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donald trump's insistence, opponents will have no records, just blank slates and pens. instead, the current head of the white house demanded that the fight be held without an audience. watch the live debate between biden and trump on june 28 on the espresso tv channel around four in the morning. i have everything here, the news team works, we. we follow what is happening in ukraine and the world, in the next issue on the 15th i will tell about the main thing, later on the air, meet my colleagues marta oliyarnyk and antin borkovskyi, stay with us. the information day of the tv channel continues, we welcome you, dear tv viewers, and we will inform you in the next couple of hours
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about all the most important events of this day. live in the spresso studio, marta oliyarnyk and antin borkovskiy, and traditionally we remind you that the collection of the tv channel and the iryna koval charity fund is ongoing, together we are collecting uah 2.5 million to purchase drones for the hundredth separate brigade, which is currently in the hellish eastern direction, we ask you to join this important gathering, you have. the ability to do it with the qr codes you see now on your screens, or bank card numbers are also available, take a photo of them, or write them down yourself, while you have the opportunity, and if you have a modern smartphone, then you can put it to the screen and go to this qr code, actually to the bank that has this collection and join it in any way that is convenient for you, remember remember that in reality there are no small donations and small meetings are not closed by small ones. small sums cover not small fees, so remember that your every hryvnia really matters and
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there are no small contributions, but we will now add ivan stupak, a military expert and sbu employee from 2004 to 15 years, and we welcome you, mr. ivan , to our airwaves, glory to ukraine, congratulations, studio, very grateful for the invitation, glory, yes, mr. ivan, well, first of all, we would like to ask you about the situation on the donetsk front, we understand . the concept is extremely broad, but in any case the direction of turkey, so the situation escalated already before yesterday, well, there is information that the enemy has come a little further, is advancing, how do you assess the enemy's advance, it is called a creeping offensive, nothing has changed , creeping attack, pushing ukrainian positions and trying to move forward, this is the kharkiv offensive from may 10, its goal was the main one. still, i see that, in addition to the fact that they planned to create unfavorable conditions for
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our defenders in the kharkiv region, i.e. kupinsk, lyman, to force to retreat from that side, but the general goal is to enter the borders of the donetsk region, and all these maneuvers, left, right, north, south, here are a few settlements, villages, towns, towns, these are all intermediate stops on the way to the goal of the russian federation, go to administrative borders of the donetsk region, and after... later, later, of course, they will fantasize further. they have plans for odesa, kharkiv, dnipro, and zaporizhzhia. yes, of course, there are with different probability of implementation, but they are not there, all the more so. well, plans are one thing, but the implementation of these plans is a completely different matter. and we understand that the russians counted on the fact that they would have a window of opportunity in the summer, so far it looks like this window of opportunity is closing for them, but... but we are still waiting for stronger support from partners and we understand that the enemy will now
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take advantage of this. what direction do you think the enemy can open now, as one of the most prioritized, we understand that now the pokrovsky direction is one of the most prioritized, as it is the starting point of the administrative borders of donetsk region. well, but we also see attempts by the enemy to continue their offensive actions in the kharkiv region. in general, how do you assess this summer campaign of the enemy, what can we hope for. this summer to see, i don't want to hope, to see something from the russians, but really we can try to predict that they will do, as one of the options is, and our military confirms that the russians are really taking their forces from the south, from this part-time worker, ugledar, storetska is taking its parts, manpower, equipment, for example, under the ugledar, they partially took away the marines, and there are also assumptions, calculations that they may appear. in the north of the kharkiv region, there is already such a branching of scenarios that it may be, we
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can, we can only try to predict with you, this is what, this is the strengthening of the offensive potential of the russians on kharkiv region, these liptsi and vovchansk, what they are doing now is the opening of a third direction, it can be as an option, it can be an option, sumy region, we do not forget about it, it can be an option of chernihiv region, i do not want to point out horror, fear there... but the crowd that is there, it can at any moment move in any direction that the russians will determine for themselves as a priority. yes, of course, there is a certain streak. from the united states, because the united states, when they gave permission for strikes on refi, they themselves outlined like this, well yes, more accurately for us they outlined that if there is an attack there on the sumy region, from kursk, from bryansk, then you can strike back at the biased, if there are shelling from these regions, from kursk, from bryansk, then too you can hit, i think that the russians are now at a kind of crossroads, so what
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to do, to advance or to advance, to advance seems to be great, but it can also fly. it has not yet arrived in these areas, that is, while we are sitting, i apologize, at the fifth point exactly, nothing is arriving at us, that is, i think they are now in the process of solving this internal issue for themselves, mr. ivan, look, i would also like to touch on such a topic as enemy resources, this is how the visit of the moscow führer to his allies from north korea took place, yes, well, in principle, my hypothesis about , that putin will not only be interested in artillery, yes. yes, information has now arrived that it is possible that north korea will provide them with construction and engineering troops to work there with some , i don’t know, fortifications in the temporarily occupied territory of donetsk region, we understand that this is most likely a certain testing, yes, well, so to speak, logistical coordination, what are
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the prospects in your opinion that the russians will be able to recruit a certain number. north koreans for the war, just think how it sounds, to recruit a few north koreans, and how to send canned goods to the front, look, there really is such a story, it has been considered for more than a year, since may 22, the russians , they fantasized about writing out 100 thousand north korean brothers, well, at that time somehow 100,000 from the north korean brothers , they did not manage to write out what is now, roughly, the russians can get... about 10,000, this is approximately 10-12,000 from the north korean engineering troops, this is very approximately, in total, for according to open data in north korea, there are about 40-45 thousand of these engineering troops, that is, you can’t get 10-12, it’s interesting, but in advance the russians will pay for such a transfer approximately
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115 million dollars a year, well, apparently a lot, on the other hand for there is not much in russia that... this can give, as an option, i assume that these people will, even if they are released, they will go to, well, not to the front, but will carry out work on strengthening, fortification, clearing debris, that is, what is currently being done by the russian engineering troops, russian regular units, and in this way they will be able to free up a little of the russian resources, that is, now this dirty work will be done by the cocky north korean brothers, and... those who are freed, they will be able to go to the front. well, for example, if we talk there, i don't know yet about ten or two thousand north korean shooters, for example, is this story believable or not? look, we envision any scenario, but let's look at it through the eyes of north korea, they, well, look, this is the issue, it's being looked at on a different level,
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first of all, if you look at it through the eyes of north korea, if they release so many of their military personnel . that is , in this way they are in the face of south korea, they are reducing their offensive potential, that is, if there are less than 10,000 troops there, and with whom to attack, that is, somewhere there will be lies in them, a problem, a problem, vulnerable, vulnerable. okay, the other side, imagine that these 10,000 leave, and they begin to not just be, like in a camp, work, as they work now in china, and they are sent to the front there, and they begin to see what.. . there is a different life, other countries, people live in a different way, much cooler, even in spite of the war, than they live in north korea, and then when they return, there may be 100-500 different questions to the authorities, and how so, you said , that everything is bad there, here it turns out that it is not so everything is bad, what is worse here, please remember the example of the second world war, when soviet
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soldiers began to return from destroyed hungary, austria, germany, to return home... "i am there such a department, virgin, virgin, strange, wonderful, strange" and then the russian okdb , well, it was necessary to spend approximately several dozen years to nail all these different opinions to the floor again, so that such incorrect opinions would not appear again, yes, mr. ivan, we agree with you, look, but there is more we have our internal ones problems, yes, in particular, with regard to the so -called useful idiots, who... with their possible subconscious make the question a pity, look, seven bloggers were detained in odesa, who tried to disrupt the mobilization and merged locations and. which to the telegram channels of the fsb. we understand that now the topic of mobilization is quite sensitive in our society, yes, but we understand that the war continues, the russians will not stop and
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the mobilization processes will continue . but we understand that there are certain people who work for money in order to help enemy, and there are just useful idiots who do it, well, they do it, because they think that they are doing some good by it. do you think we will now see an increase in certain of these. groups that will discredit these processes, and to what extent can the enemy still use such internal, i would say, sensitive topics in order to sway ukrainians and actually disrupt certain processes? when they said about useful idiots, i think you remember the person who said that her affair with ukraine is already over, and the ex will it's difficult, it's about paristovych, well, a little in the other direction, okay, let's go, there were such people during the war, unfortunately, and before... they are now and, unfortunately, they will be in the future, they are being found, i don't i can explain, even for myself, how so, you, just like everyone else
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, are under fire , rockets are constantly flying, you, your relatives, loved ones, and still they find in themselves, i don’t know, strength, curiosity to work with by the russian federation, yes, of course, the russians, each of these reasons is ours, they use it against us, they don’t need much to create informational pretexts, they are just looking for... blame the tape every morning: "ah, and again busik, again packaging in ukraine, wow, let's go, let's rock this situation. as an option, i skip, except that the media will create eyes here are the final quarrels between people and representatives of the state central committee, that is, okay, two/thirds do not show the video, but only show the ending, and there are already tears, fights, blood, broken noses, this is really interesting to the russians, as another option they have already started to try, but it seems to me that will". try to do it more loudly, these are attacks on representatives of the tsc. at night, on their families, on their houses,
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cars were set on fire. that is, it will be an attempt to show that this is being done by ukrainians who do not want to see the tsc near them, they they don't want to be in the army, they are ready to burn these cars, beat, kill, break, well , people, relatives, break windows, burn houses, that is, i think, russians, maybe this is ... to do in that situation, we understand that the russians have already started to apply this and tactics, they began to recruit there, well, i don’t believe that there are any particularly useful idiots there, these are either drug addicts, or people with a certain criminal past or criminal present, whom they involve in one or another of their mini-operations, yes, that is, they fell in love with motorists, military service . yes, well, several scoundrels have already been detained, and if it is possible to prove that they acted on the instructions of the russian special services, well, accordingly, they receive a reward according to the criminal code
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of ukraine, that's how far this case can be large-scale, mr. ivan, and what is the right thing to do, yes, well, because they rather use some social networks, crypto wallets and so on, that is, there is no such thing as some uncle vanya sitting here, you understand? at the import or at the bessarabian market and cut the tasks, look, they involve minors, you explain to them, nothing will happen to you, she's a hooligan and that's all, well, i burned everything to make you quarrel, ay-yay-yay and that's all, nothing will happen to you, after all, they are looking for different people and apply different approaches to them, there are people who are in debt to them offer to completely pay off debts, close them, or partially, there are people who have debts in these... gamblers, they like to play there , online casino players, they have lost a lot there, they come to them, they offer money, they offer just money, it's just so beautiful, here's your
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money, please do a small business like that, there are times when they mislead and say, this is a car, it must be burned, it's the most terrible thing, you do such a thing, that is, they work under the flag, for example, the ukrainian special services there is a person who does, she says, that's what i thought now, well, they asked me... they asked me, i did it, i didn’t know who it was, well, in general, whose car, something else, that is, they will really look for different moments and use them to their advantage, what to do, well, the only thing , what is education, if we are talking about schoolchildren, there, especially during the summer period, it is education, there, so that, parents look after him, they do not let him go just at 9:00 in the morning and he came there at 90 in the evening, and thank god, he is alive , healthy, no, follow, somehow load them, i don't know, read, learn something. well, not completely, completely, of course, i am right now they will say that wow, you are cutting, and well, and of course to look around, around, see, hear, if you see something suspicious, hear something,
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something that you don't like, don't be shy, call the hotline or the sbu or us to the police, but you said, if you see or hear something suspicious, what kind of plan, pay attention to tv viewers who are awake, we understand that our neighbors can perform an extremely important counterintelligence mission, you know, neighbors are there in the entrances, in the houses, in the yards and so on, what to pay attention to people, look, i really request that your esteemed viewers do not consider these requests, how aha? of course, he sits there, assigns me tasks, and what am i going to do there for the ssbu, the national police, they are there, what kind of money will they get, they have rates, they are marked by an extremely high level of social activity, restlessness and even, so to speak, i would said, healthy civic suspicion, absolutely true, it's called a civic stance, see something, hear something, say something, it can be, in the subway at a public transport stop
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transport, someone... where from the phone turned on the phone and i don't know the loudspeaker there, i'm not saying to eavesdrop, peek, but if you heard some phrase there, well, i don't know, something there, but you have to burn the hell out of it, well, pay attention, please, i understand that you can’t follow, run, but it could be, i don’t know, your neighbor, who i don’t know, is talking loudly on the phone in his apartment, and there are houses like that, where a painting, or rather a nail they put it, you know, against the wall and the neighbors can hear everything. who likes more, but still times, see something, hear something, say something, don't be silent, this is our joint work with you. thank you, mr. ivan, ivan stupak, a military expert, an employee of the sbu from 2004 to 15, was on espresso, i remind you that we are working live, and you can watch our broadcast right now on our youtube channel, if you haven't subscribed to it yet, please do it now because it's very, very important to us, we
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're trying to create exclusive... content to keep you up to date with the most important events, so please share the content you like, like and comment, and thank you to everyone who has already followed us, now we have a short break, after that we will continue with the espresso information day, stay with us, thinking about a new mattress, but here it stops you, have you thought about what you are sleeping on? old mattresses accumulate not only dust, but also moisture that a person releases during sleep. a new mattress pad or bed linen can only improve the mattress aesthetically. choose a camel orthopedic mattress and your sleep will become noticeably better. take advantage of the super offer for half the price. call now and order a camel orthopedic mattress. instead of paying the full price of the mattress, pay only half. due to the fact that
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