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tv   [untitled]    June 27, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm EEST

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oleksiy goncharenko, people's deputy of ukraine, was on the air of espresso, now we pass the floor to our colleague anna eva melnyk, because it's time for news on the espresso tv channel, so colleague, we congratulate you, we pass the floor and ask you to share with us what we managed to find out about. good afternoon, colleagues, thank you for your work, the news team will continue to work, we will tell you about the main thing, and i will start this issue with an important one, the eu allocated the third tranche to our state, so how much money did ukraine receive next. the third tranche from the european union in the amount of 1 billion 900 million euros, ukraine received, the eu allocated funds from a package of 40 billion within the framework of the ukraine facility program, the ministry of finance reported. of ukraine, the next
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tranches within this program will be in the fall. let me remind you that since the beginning of the full-scale war, the european union has allocated almost 35 billion euros of direct budget aid to ukraine. ukraine will sign a security agreement with the european union - announced president volodymyr zelenskyi, who arrived in brussels for the meeting of the european council. this contract is for the first time with... strengthens the commitment of all 27 member states to provide ukraine with broad support, despite any internal institutional changes. also , ukraine will conclude two similar agreements with two more states. zelenskyi has not yet named with which ones. on the instructions of the president, the prime minister of ukraine denys shmehal instructed the ministers to make working trips. in the regions, members of the government should
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clarify the situation in energy, defense industry, medicine, infrastructure and in preparation for the academic year. shmehal added that the results of this work will be carried out regional and visiting meetings of the government, where problematic issues of the specified regions will be considered. a man and a woman were injured by a russian drone strike. the occupiers were caught in a civilian car in novovorontsovka, kherson region. the regional military administration was notified, the wounded were hospitalized with explosive injuries and shrapnel wounds. and medics saved two sisters who were attacked yesterday by muscovites from a drone in kherson, informed the regional head of the region oleksandr prokudi. a 12-year-old girl received multiple shrapnel injuries face, chest and legs, her condition was stabilized. a girl over 15 years old
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received a traumatic injury, bruised soft tissues of the head, the condition at admission is of medium severity, currently the girl is being examined today and continues treatment, the children's lives are not in danger. espresso tv channel invites you to join the project from scratch to life. this is a collection of atvs for the rapid evacuation of the wounded and the delivery of ammunition. support the soldiers of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade kholodny yar with a donation. they choose victory every day, they do not leave anything to chance wounded and fallen, so quad bikes are indispensable helpers for evacuation. and they also allow you to move off-road as quickly as possible, which helps efficient work. your support significantly increases the chances of the citizens of holodoyariv not only to successfully perform combat missions, but also to return from them alive. join the gathering. our goal is uah 4 million. the introduction of global
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diagnostic and treatment practices in the capital marks the end of post-traumatic stress disorder awareness month. the final event was the international scientific one conference for specialists in psychology and psychotherapy. ukrainian and foreign specialists shared their experience of treating ptsd. there will also be exhibitions and thematic lectures. let me remind you that in 2023, according to the national health service, 13 thousand people were diagnosed with ptsd. it is not easy to recognize and see the signs of post-traumatic stress. specialists from many countries are working on this in order to ask certain questions and conduct screening. this screening can be a self-screening, a self-examination, you simply answer yourself honestly. on these questions and
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you understand that you need to go to a mental health specialist, then stigma starts to work, and awareness month is about overcoming that. within the framework of the ptsd business month, united help ukraine, together with other organizations in ukraine, hold a number of institutions, and these are conferences, these are webinars, these are seminars for psychologists, for psychiatrists, that is, for specialists who work in this direction, work with patients directly and conduct professional assistance, therefore we consider the training of such personnel to be very critical for the possibility of creating and... them services and assistance in ukraine. bloggers who worked for the enemy were exposed in odessa. the seven persons involved in social networks published provocative streams and fake messages about the ukrainian military, as well as representatives of the tsk. in this way, they tried to disrupt the mobilization. in addition, they
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disseminated the coordinates of roadblocks and the routes of movement of mobile groups of local military commanders. the information was sent to russian telegram channels. workers arrested the perpetrators. the security service of ukraine threatens everyone with up to eight years imprisonment. €3,000 for crossing the border 24 conscript men planned to enter moldova illegally, according to the state border service, the organizers of such an expedition demanded €12,000 from each of them and are trying to transport okholians in large groups at once. but those who got into the field of view of the law enforcement officers were charged with violators. the ministry of protocol, conductors are wanted. two men will be tried in kyiv for kidnapping and extorting money. the case was referred to the court by the metropolitan prosecutor's office. according to the investigation, in december of that year in the city center, criminals dragged a 29-year-old man from kyiv
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to his car and accused him of non-existent debts. they took $25 and a phone from the victim. after that , it was received three more times. demanded $50,000. during this time, the law enforcement officers searched for the perpetrators, and the hostage was released. three cyclists of the ukrainian national team were injured in a traffic accident. it happened during their training in the lviv region. according to the law enforcement officers, a 47-year-old car driver collided with a 17-year-old girl cyclist the athlete crashed into two more cyclists. as a result of the accident , the participants received minor injuries and were taken to the hospital. a new bookstore has appeared in ivano-frankivsk. previously, it delighted book lovers in kherson, but due to intense shelling in the city
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, it is impossible to continue its activities, my colleagues from the carpathians also replenished their own library. this is the new gouverner bookstore in ivano-frankivsk. the network with this name until recently worked in ha however, once again constant russian shelling, the founder anna lisova of the bookstore decided to transfer the books and the necessary equipment to ivano-frankivsk. in april , a rocket flew near a book warehouse in kherson. the woman says that now there are many people from kherson in prykarpattia, and the kherson state university is also working. this was one of the reasons for resuming the work of the bookstore, specifically in ivano-frankivsk. i came to ivano-frankivsk to see what kind of city it is. at first glance i really liked it, so green, so very powerful, a lot of young people, children, this is exactly what is not now enough in our kherson, the city welcomed us very well, and i decided that this is where i
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will open our first bookstore, although the bookstore in ivano-frankivsk has only been open for the second week, but regular customers are already appearing, on the shelves you can find... children's, adolescent, fiction and motivational literature, there is also a large selection of educational games for children and adults, a lot of people from kherson come in, they know what the governor means, they know right away if our people ask what it means and where it is so glorious, why such a name, the kherson people immediately they come in, they know, they come out of curiosity, they call sometimes, because we have a website, so far it's still like that, but people call or, anna promises, soon. the chain of gouverner bookstores in ivano-frankivsk may expand. there is a demand for literature in the city, and readers want to support the bookstore in difficult times. ivan haruk, volodymyr voloshchuk from prykarpattia for espresso tv channel. and in conclusion, there are already three dead. russian
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rescuers continue to eliminate the consequences of the passenger train accident in republic of komi. the local ministry of emergency situations reports that... at least 70 people were injured, nine out of 14 cars derailed on one of the railway sections the day before. the train was heading from vorkuta to novorossiysk. according to preliminary data, it happened. it is due to the washing of the railway bed. the day before , there were heavy downpours in the region. the investigative committee opened the case due to violation of traffic safety rules. that's all i have, i'll see you at 4:00 p.m.: you can always read more about important things on our website espresso tv, because my colleagues work for you around the clock, also subscribe to our channels in social networks, support our youtube channel. before meeting. ukraine does not supply
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electricity abroad. this is a fake. this was announced by the ministry of energy. in particular, deputy minister of energy mykola kolisnyk. now i quote his statement. i emphasize that there is no export on a commercial basis. these are actually deliberate fakes, which... are everywhere like dogs. today, we are clearly focused on balancing the internal needs of the energy system in order to ensure stable power supply and power supply for own needs. therefore, ukraine does not sell electricity abroad, it is a fake. we have already received information from the ministry of energy. well, in the meantime, we are adding vitaly kulik, political scientist, director of the center for researching civil society problems to ether. mr. vitaliy, welcome to our airwaves. i congratulate you. that zelensky in brussels will sign security agreements, so -called security agreements, why so-called, because
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they do not guarantee us any proper protection from a military point of view other countries, well, but we will understand that we will have long-term support, military and financial support will be possible, this is important, but at the same time we also started negotiations on ukraine's accession to the european union and had the opportunity to talk about this before the news with oleksiy goncharenko and... he says that it would be great if we completed this whole thing by 2030, what are your forecasts, do you think that we will really be able to make it so that we became a member eu? well, there is a lot, but on the way to eu membership, first of all, it is a hot phase, and it is obvious to end with a treaty, or... and
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this period of decreasing intensity or cessation of hostilities may be favorable for ukraine's membership, the acquisition of membership in the european union. the second important component is that when we talk about membership, it's obvious that it's homework and it's at home. task, it involves 35 policies, 35 policies in which we have to make certain changes, in particular, this is the issue of the judiciary, this is the issue of combating corruption, this is a question of regulating economic processes, this is a question of administration, administrative justice, etc., that is, 35 policies where there are questions about our system, where we have to synchronize our administration with european standards, practices and experience, respectively, this is a really significant work, in the same before the beginning of the great invasion, many experts said that the main array of homework is related to
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the so-called neighborhood matrix and the candidate matrix, which we performed, that is, at the beginning of the great invasion, there were assignments that could be would be to submit as certain achievements, as a starting point already passing the membership acquisition procedures. but the war, the great war, the great invasion, actually destroyed these efforts, in many positions, the vision of ukraine in the division of labor in the european union is changing, accordingly, we have to conduct a whole round of negotiations and our convergence of positions in terms of industrial policy, technology, etc. with the european union , if earlier we were seen as an agrarian semi-industrial country, and accordingly our... place was in europe in the distribution the european way of working is like this, then , accordingly, the situation may
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change significantly now and there will be another place, this also applies to the penetration of corruption, because this is the main question that our european partners ask the ukrainian leadership, what is actually happening in your country, to what extent has corruption really permeated your state the apparatus, to what extent it is perceived by society and to what extent society itself participates in corrupt practices. will you not bring this corruption with you to the european union? and here the question is not about the number of anti-corruption officers bodies not to the surnames of those who lead them, but to their effectiveness. this is a question of the effectiveness of nabu, it is a question of the effectiveness of saf and other anti-corruption institutions. we have created a lot of them, but we see that there are not so many large appointments and people with positions who were appointed for long terms, obviously this will be reflected in the ratings. further, this is the regulation of the regulation of economic processes, during
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martial law, the state actually interferes in well... in all economic processes in the country of regulation, total regulation takes place, as directly through the application any new restrictions or inventing new taxes from vidmansov, ending with the telephone right and the redistribution of spheres of influence, and not the fact that the lifting of martial law will cancel it all, that is, we will be able to roll back from... the issue of regulating economic processes, so this worries our european partners, so they say, look, before the 21st year, you had gains, you had some achievements, but after the 22nd year, we understand martial law, but what will come out, that is, what deregulation mechanisms do you apply, what rules you will have to act, to what extent the judiciary will be really fair in your country and whether
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the european courts, your economic agents, will not collapse later, protesting against this or that economic one. policies of your government, it concerns human rights, it concerns the fulfillment of obligations under many conventions that ukraine has ratified and assumed. now we hear about the suspension of these conventions, and in a wartime situation, of course, this is justified, but there is nothing temporary that becomes long enough, extended in time, because after the end of hostilities it is quite possible to be that the authorities will say that we will now have a... normal state, that we have to go through some quarantine period of adaptation to a normal post-war life, we cannot oh, mr. vitaly, extremely realistic, maybe a forecast, but it still remains a forecast, so on the other hand, well, as if by the end of this year , the second regular peace summit should be held, yes,
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and today we also understand that it will be part of this great geopolitical process. this intellectual feast is not just for connoisseurs, but also for the average public in general, in particular we are talking about the debate between donald trump and president joseph biden, and we also understand that it is possible that our initiative and activity in holding the next peace summit may be related to a possible change in the political climate and power in the united states? well, let's be honest. in front of himself that the ukrainian issue is one of the decisive ones in the election race in the united states, and biden needs to sell the victory in ukraine to his voter, he must convince his the voter that his policy was correct and his support for ukraine justified, that providing us with military equipment, ammunition, weapons, permission to strike on the territory of russia will not lead to
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a nuclear apocalypse and will not significantly affect the american taxpayer, will not worsen. essentially his economic condition, this is the main topic that is raised by republicans and because of which democracy is beaten, accordingly, biden has to explain something to his voter, to talk about it, and he pays attention to these and these questions, on the other hand, of course, that ukraine, when it talks about the second peace summit, about initiating the first peace summit, we also have to take into account the readiness of the players to... participate in the game with us on our side, because, as far as i am concerned, in us and in our information space , and in the political leadership there was some kind of overestimation of the expectation from the global south, which supposedly is about to switch to our side. in fact, none of this indicated that this could happen, and now, when i hear about the second peace summit and about the institution of the president of ukraine to
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the involvement of the organization of american states, it should be on... america, and central america, makes me wonder who zelenskyy is going to focus on there, who he sees as an ally and provider, an advocate of ukraine, except maybe argentina. therefore, mr. vitaly, allow me, i just very much understand what my colleague asked, i actually wanted to ask this question as well, regarding the change in the political wind in the united states, and whether all these processes are really not connected with... with the fact that already in november there may be a completely different schedule, it's just that zelenskyi said today at a press conference with the president of the european council, charles michel, that we don't have time for long-winded talk. to swing, we need to come up with a way to end the war as soon as possible, and we actually understand that this global peace summit, as it was called by the administration
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of the president, the office of the president, sorry, in switzerland, it was not such a global peace summit, it was more of a meeting more supporters of ukraine or people who have not yet decided on their position, but we understand that some skeleton is conditional, china, russia, iran, north korea, it is already formed, and how? do you think they will try to find a compromise with them, because russia puts forth frank ultimatums, ukraine is also not ready to make concessions, under such circumstances, are any diplomatic talks possible in such conditions? in my opinion, it is not worth expecting that these countries will immediately change their position, they will not change their position, as a rule, most countries are convinced that the bet on neutrality is the most optimal when the contradictions between russia and the west escalate. or china and the west, and will focus more on such power centers in the third world or in the global south, on china and on brazil, for example, to see how
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saudi arabia will behave, since these countries, they, there is india, since these countries, they are the centers around which certain processes take place in their regions, and countries that are dependent on, say, china, that receive loans and financial assistance. from china in the same africa and to some extent latin america, they cannot afford great love of maneuvering in foreign policy, so they will pay attention to the position of beijing, and obviously they will rather welcome the summit initiated by beijing, than the summit initiated by ukraine and plus the west, a collective event, and this applies to many african countries, where the political modes and despite our efforts, the embassy and to strengthen its influence, to drag its side, it is hardly possible, because it is practically impossible to stop chinese investments, chinese aid
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in these countries, the same applies to india, first india expresses interest in participating in the summit, and then lowers its representation, and this affects india's partners in south asia and in africa, where india is also present with money, large investment projects, and these countries also take a neutral position, they take a step back, if earlier they declared their readiness to even sign a memorandum, then at some point they take a step back and express their unwillingness to take a more proactive role, so i would look at initiatives that are now coming from the global south, maybe i would work with these initiatives and not for nothing would set inflated expectations from. of the second peace summit, if it happens, i have great doubts about its effectiveness, for example, about mediators, we can talk, but we now have a so-called grain agreement, ukraine and
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russia have not signed anything, can we use this model when any negotiations to end the war, what do you think, well, the current situation in the grain corridor, it has a unique phenomenon, so it is unique because there is no russia there. he grain corridor functions without the participation of russia, despite the fact that there turkey even tries to present itself as a representative of russia's interests in this scheme, and from time to time tries to return russia as a participant in the agreements, but as they say, a good word and a machine gun do the trick , in our case , a marine drone does its job better than any diplomacy with intermediaries, but in reality. the fact that there is an interest of turkey itself, turkey signed by the way memorandum, as a result of the summit, there is an interest in the countries of the maghreb and some
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african countries in the fact that the intermediate agreement does not just operate, but expands, and they see this as an opportunity, and kyiv also sees the opportunity to put pressure on russia, this is an instrument of influence, say , that we can go down in history with an earthly... an earthly corridor to expand the number of its participants, well , from my point of view, it is also unlikely, but the issue of food safety and the uninterrupted supply of grain, the world markets are interested in this not only the so-called starving african countries, but also the main operators of food markets located in the european union and in china, because china is a consumer of ukrainian corn, for example, china will be interested. that this corn should go to his market, and that they are interested in the land corridor, is evidenced by the fact that even their ship came to the odesa port, despite all the warnings
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of the russians. thank you, vitaly kulyk, political scientist, director of the center for researching civil society problems, was on espresso live. i remind you now about this qr code, which appeared on the screen before going on a short break. i would like to remind you that the collection of the tv channel and the charitable fund of iryna koval, our colleague, is ongoing, with joint efforts we are now trying to raise funds in order to purchase mavics for the hundredth brigade, which is currently in the eastern direction. our goal is uah 2,500. help the military to save their lives. defend our peace with you, and remember that every hryvnia of yours is very, very important in this regard, now we have a pause, so i would like to remind you that the above-mentioned debates between president joseph biden and donald trump, it will be possible to watch, uh, this morning, that is, on june 28, tomorrow at around 40 in the morning, there will be a broadcast on the espresso tv channel, then, dear tv viewers, it is not only about
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american politics, but also... in particular, about ukrainian future, so let's watch together, who will have the appropriate opportunity, at four in the morning, at four in the morning, yes , on the 28th, that is, this coming night, well, now, and the spresso tv channel will provide translation, so you can also watch it on our youtube channel broadcast, now short pause, yes, attention, a good offer, order a light bulb. dimming light at a special promotional price of only uah 149. durable, reliable and so powerful, and the price is only uah 149. in stores, ordinary light bulbs cost more than uah 250. and we offer you a light bulb that shines even when there is no light for only uah 149. take advantage of such a favorable offer. the smart light bulb works even without electricity for up to 6 hours without recharging.
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