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tv   [untitled]    June 27, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm EEST

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to make a jewish pogrom, everything is very simple, here is the answer, because the fact is that when her hamas terrorists attacked israel, killed there, 1200, even a little more people, uh, russia said that they are good terrorists, we support them , and israel does not have the right to insult them in any way, well, nothing, they attacked and attacked there, but... this, these people are fighting for themselves, and then some kind of anti-semitic propaganda spread in russia, absolutely all propagandists took part in it , here is a vivid example, this is kiselyov, who spoke about the fact that anti-semitism - this is generally, well, a scrap, a scrap of russia and a scrap of the arab world, here on the globe is israel, the population of the country. true, islam
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is our native religion, and for france it is imported, for hundreds of millions of muslims, of course, not for everyone, but still anti-semitism is a cultural norm that passes from generation to generation, and no amount of political correctness will do anything about it, you can analyze , why yes, but let's just accept it. as a fact a fact, well , first they say that antisemitism is a cultural norm for muslim, i emphasize russia, which is already muslim suddenly appeared, and then they ask, and how did it happen, well, it happened, moreover, then it was such a disgusting sight that an employee, one of solov'ov's employees, who is an ethnic jew, he even
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spoke about it and simply, he broke through literally with such statements, it is clear that here is deputy minister bohdanov, who was drinking heavily, while still in the office, the ambassador was beating himself up, he does not want anything bad for israel, but he is 71 years old, he needs to think about the future and israel does not pay money, however, golden parachutes they don't give, but money walks around the islamic world, big money, here is masha zakharova, who, in principle, does not particularly like jews, and cannot stand israel, especially does not hide this, another scumbag who drinks heavily, who nevertheless, the speaker of our ministry of foreign affairs. after that
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, solovyov apologized literally and fired this same satanursky. i would like to apologize to the ministry of foreign affairs of the russian federation, and ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary bohdanov and mrs. zakharova, for completely unfair in content and unacceptable in form statements, voiced by an employee of our channel, yevhenii yanovych sitanovskyi. as a result , i do not see an opportunity to continue professional communication with yevhenii yanovych. i made a decision to fire yevhen yanovych setanovskyi from our channel. but you know, the story about the scumbag is not over yet. moreover, it became relevant literally also a couple of days ago, and showed a breadth of views and, i would say, such, you know, flexibility of the nose. solovyov,
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the story that was discussed in russian social networks turned out beautifully when one of sports commentators during some, well, i don't know, some of their internal competitions, he said about one assemblyman that this is exactly what he is, this is our russian person, and that, you know, sounded right on the verge of nazism, that , what he said, and you know, suddenly it turned out that ... a handsome athlete, look who, the groom is real, 20 years old, girls, take note, but just to be a good couple, we don't need any scars , we must have good genetics, here comes a representative of the russians, a powerful guy, no, just excuse me, be please, schmara - for whom we don't need schmara,
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i can do something, i certainly don't speak russian, i just want to understand, and what is the scary word schmara? and what's so scary about the word schmary? well, really, and with what, and for what the hell did you expel danovsky then? all the more so if you look at masha zakharova, well , let's take a look, well , to make sure somehow, somehow, it's really not clear what the bad word "shmara" is about masha zakharova, well, on the other hand, it's already clearly understood, i.e. to say such a word to a nazi. you can, but you can't be a jew, so here you have to also the subtlety of understanding, and relatively speaking, you see, when it is hinted that there are some unknown ones, then it is not necessary, but they probably already have masha zakharova, that’s it, that’s rusich,
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that’s what you understand, skrepa, that directly, i don’t know, the local salt of the russian soil, so yes, yes, yes, well, well... well, it’s one story, and the same absolutely literally the same story regarding islamic radicals, well, first of all, it must be said that in part , islamic radicalism rose in russia because russia decided to be friends with the taliban, and after that idil, who for some reason is not friends with saleban, well , somehow... started to fight with russia a little bit, they warned, well , there was one terrorist attack in crocus hall, well, this is in principle different, because also the same idil, the same as if they were people, although the russian propaganda about them, again, tries not to admit it,
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because then it would be necessary to admit the crocs, to say, well, if there was a problem here, then there could also be a problem there, and by no means ukrainians, well, but who would take it upon themselves to suddenly take and admit directly and... on the other hand, there is clearly an increase simply interethnic conflict in russia, there are always some videos, there are always some about the fact that local muslims did something there and the russians don't like it, or on the contrary , the russians don't like the muslims, they record some tiktoks, some other things, and that's it there is a lot in russian social networks right now, it’s just like that, you know , well, the main topic in general is internal life, constant tense relationships, well, on the other hand, well, all this is not done by some, you know, people who are far from the authorities or people who in general
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followed and as, well, you can say there are migrants, something else, no, specifically in dagestan, it turned out to be people of high social status. status, and this is suddenly such a surprise, how is this, how did this happen, who do they pretend to be, what is happening in dagestan, that they were recruited from gray, poor and unfortunate beggars, no, these are princes from the rich families, everything is fine with us, everything is just fine with them, they feel great, they had a business, their parents... it is a miracle if six months ago, no, a little more, there was practically a jewish pogrom, this is a failure, they were not watched over, but it was possible to avoid blood, who sat behind bars,
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who was punished, what conclusions were drawn, no, well, there were no conclusions, really. because even then this pogrom at the airport was done by the children of the local elite, and now it was the children of the local elite, when he says yes, the party, well, this is exactly the footage from that pogrom at the airport, there were not just even children there, there were just officials, who worked in some positions in the russian authorities, who simply took part in all this, well because they are, and now it is not just any party, it is. russia, the main party, in principle, the party of power, well, somehow it became so noticeable all of a sudden that the whole of it is so muslim, well, i would say, well, not that even radicalism, but such fundamentalism, it basically comes from those people who rule
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in the national republics, one of the militants who carried out a terrorist attack in dagestan was going to... these are the same women's clothes, where only the eyes are visible, and the investigation believes that he wanted to abandon the woman and two children and hide in niqab in some other region, then through some other countries to be somewhere under protection, and we will sit down and think about whether we need to ban naqab on the territory of our country, we can sit down and think about whether it is worth doing it or not, and when we see a list of those , who staged the terrorist attack, immediately everything was revealed, it is clear that these are the people who were here, one of the sons of the head of the district. the second one there, who was the owner of a cafe, someone engaged in big business, and now they took a weapon and
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went to kill, that is, now we have to draw several conclusions that the wahhabis who come on their heads, these are not just barmales in slippers, these are not some wild people who just came down from the mountains and were brought to the territory of russia, and they fell into radical islam through their own brotherhood. no, these are people, as we can see now, who can do business, who hold government positions, who are trying to get into power, they even take part in elections there. it is necessary to say more clearly, they are not trying to seize power, they are in power, they are the russian power in those regions. moreover, what is the hypocrisy of the situation? it shows something else such a story, which is also very actively discussed these days. in russia, and that's exactly what a movie was released, a movie about ramzan
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kadyrov, not just any kind of movie, but a project publication, on monday, june 17, published an investigation in which they literally tell, well, about the life of ramzan kadyrov, the last ones there, i i don't know, 30 years, about his family's coming to power, about that. what was he doing there, the name of this film is very telling: the murders of the harem of minors and the secrets of the heirs of ramzan kadyrov, the film is 2.5 hours, well, there is a lot in it very interesting, so i simply recommend you all to watch it, because it is not just about chechnya, it is not just about russia, there is a certain ramzan kadyrov, it is generally about how the russian government works, because it... tells about , how specifically the fsb brought ramzan kadyrov to power, how an entire city in russia
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was given to the krylan kadyrovs for looting, and this city, believe me, is not located near chechnya, and how they were given all the opportunities, well, just to profit from russia, all this was supported, all in every way contributed, cleaned in the physical the plan of their competitors, that is, they killed. well, that is , there are many such stories, but i want to show you only one moment, because it is closer rather to the cultural one that is currently being discussed in these very russian social networks and what exactly causes the biggest one that these muslims are such , they behave, but somehow they have already imagined too much about themselves, so come on let's see just a small fragment... kadyrov has several permanent wives, although russian laws and
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polygamy is prohibited, as well as a huge number of concubines, in chechnya there are many beautiful girls who live with the stigma of kadyrov's former concubines, whom he deprived of their virginity, which is why they are not married later, everyone knows about the copper kadyrov, her. this is not true, the fact is that kadyrov simply takes children from his concubines, marriages with which he cannot officially recognize, this is a drama for children. here is kadyrov's second-eldest son, eli, eli's mother, fatima gazuyeva, one of the unofficial wives of the chechen ruler. fatima. and also have three other children ramzan kadyrov. i once witnessed a family drama. fatima wanted to hug one
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of her children when she came to ramzan's house, but her father strictly forbade her. fatima ramzan took his wife under circumstances worthy of a separate story. khazuyeva took second place at the only beauty contest in the history of chechnya. in the spring of 2006, at the moment when khazuyeva received the prize for the second place, she was already carrying her son ramzan. at that time, fatima was 14 years old, she was still studying at school. well, that is , pedophiles, polygamists, all laws are violated, maybe i am not talking about any the norms of life there in general, and what, and the same solov'ov who shouts, then, how come, what is this, why are they here, that's all, takes money from him, promotes him,
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advertises him, and in fact, everyone knows that this is happening. in chechnya, even a song turns out, there is a song about it in chechnya, about it in these stories, about kadyrov, so what is it, let's see, tingling numbness or creeping ants in the limbs arise spontaneously and worry you, a special complex of active substances is long. antineuro helps in normalization functioning of the nervous system. dolgit antineuro capsules - help for your nervous system. ask for dolgit antineuro capsules at pharmacies with a 20% discount. in the latest edition of the magazine ukraine. exclusive interview with diplomat oleksandr khara. why does russia have the right to veto ukraine's entry into nato. resonant investigation is a road to nowhere. how
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see this week in the program. judicial control: candidates for the post of head of the state judicial administration, who irrationally disposed of budget money? very often, ambitions prevail over healthy common sense. but who appears in the bribery case? this is an incessant desire for development and formation of a successful, effective system. greetings, you are watching judicial control, i am tatyana shustrova. the judicial system of ukraine is in a state of complete reboot. the reformation process in... is not easy, in particular due to the fact that it is ongoing during a full-scale war. the higher judicial bodies, the higher council of justice and the higher qualification commission of judges have been formed actually. from scratch, however, the course of judicial reform, which is a key requirement on ukraine's path to the eu, is influenced by other events, in particular, the total exposure of corruption schemes in
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the judicial system. since the time when the head of the state judicial administration, oleksiy salnikov, was arrested for bribery, this position has remained vacant. the competition has been running since march of this year. today we will talk about those who apply for the high chair. but let's start with the news. oleksiy tandyr, the judge of the makariv district court of the kyiv region, who died last year in a state of alcoholic intoxication national guard serviceman vadym bondarenko at the checkpoint, upon entering kyiv, was finally released. the supreme council of justice rejected his appeal against the decision of the second disciplinary chamber regarding dismissal from the post of judge. 11 members of the vrp voted for, zero against. the supreme council of justice decided. to leave unchanged the decision of the second disciplinary chamber of the higher council of justice dated april 24, 2024 number 1241/24 on
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bringing to disciplinary responsibility the judge of the makariv district court of the kyiv region tandyr oleksiy vitaliyovych. during the meeting , tandyr tried to prolong the proceedings, insisted that the vrp violates the regulations and his right to defense. the lawyer insisted on examining the evidence and the video file from the scene of the accident. the so-called research of the so-called evidence and the principle of the approach we have not been able to understand, to be honest. it will be recalled that in may 2023, the head of the makariv district court of kyiv , oleksiy tandyr, in a lexus car , hit 22-year-old national guardsman vadym bondarenko 3 minutes before the start of the curfew. who was on duty at a checkpoint in kyiv. at the last meeting of the second disciplinary chamber, the highest council of justice, regarding the tandyr case, a video from the scene of the accident was released. it can be seen in the footage. how the judge opens the door of the car, gets out of the driver's seat, approaches the body of the downed national guardsman and grabs his head, but then tells the police that he is a passenger and calls them prejudiced
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people, don't get involved, stand up to the case, don't get involved, i see you as an alcoholic , please blow into the device, you agreed to pass the test, can you hear me or have you blocked me, i don't i understand why, i consider you biased people, come to the test often, look, i consider you biased. for more than a year, tandyr was suspended from the administration of justice, he is in a pre-trial detention center and still received a considerable salary, but finally the supreme council of justice dismissed him from his position, although the judge can still appeal this decision. the higher qualification commission of judges was again unable to elect a new chairman after the dismissal of the previous one. head roman ignatov. this is the second attempt. last time , in april, he did not volunteer to take this position none of the commission members. this time there were two candidates: ruslan sydorovych and andriy
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pasichnyk. however, none of them could get the required number of votes. therefore, vkks will later hold new elections. we will remind you that on march 27, roman ignatov, the previous head of the higher qualifications commission, resigned on his own accord. that year, in december , information appeared in the mass media that he allegedly... russian citizenship. the head of the vkks himself denied it. at the beginning of this year, the commission came to the conclusion that it is necessary to establish with certainty whether roman ignatov received russian citizenship in the 90s are impossible. currently, the state bureau of investigation is conducting a pre-trial investigation in criminal proceedings against ignatov under the article on treason under martial law. the state judicial administration has been working without a head for almost a year, since last august, the national anti-corruption bureau and the specialized anti-corruption prosecutor's office exposed the head of the state judicial administration, oleksiy salnikov, for bribing
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supreme court judges. according to the investigation, in march of last year, the official received from representative of a commercial enterprise $7,500, five of which were to be handed over to the judge for a decision. salnikov had to keep for himself mediation services. in nabu, it was reported that after the arrest of the head of the supreme court, vsevolod knyaz, salnikov's behavior changed dramatically, and he began to avoid solving the issue, but he was not going to return the bribe he received. the head of the state judicial administration promised to contribute to the decision by the judges of the supreme court, in particular through the involvement of his former head. currently ongoing competition for the position of the head of the most important body of the judicial system, which is organizational and main financial support for the activities of judicial authorities, that is, it concentrates absolutely all financial flows on itself. there are 13
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applicants for the chairman's seat. we will introduce you to... the brightest of them. for example, his deputy maksym pampura wants to take the place of corruption suspect salnikov. he also appears in the bribery case, however, so far only as a witness. however, according to the specialized anti-corruption prosecutor's office, pampura had meetings on behalf of salnikov and communicated with the judges of the cassation administrative court regarding the annulment of the decision of the appellate instance. now maksym pampura is the temporary acting head of the state judiciary. administration, an unrelenting desire for development and formation of a successful, effective system that is able to withstand the security challenge in the judicial branch of government. and this is another applicant, ivan legostaev. he is the ex-head of the south-eastern interregional administration of the ministry of justice in dnipro and a supporter of sharia. according to untrol, in 2019 legostaev transferred uah 100,000 to the sheriya political party in two installments. two years
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ago, this party was banned. in ukraine due to the spread of anti-ukrainian propaganda regarding the change of the constitutional system, violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of ukraine, undermining of state security, as well as propaganda of war and violence in the conditions of military aggression of the russian federation. ivan legostaev now declares other views. it is necessary to record the crimes committed by the troops of the russian federation and display them on the appropriate state resource. according to the center for combating corruption ivan legostaev. owns a lot of real estate, from 2015 to 21 he declared six plots of land, three apartments, a non-residential premises, a storage room garage and common premises, but did not indicate the value of most of these properties. in 2023, legostaev took out more than uah 4 million in loans, despite the fact that, if we believe in the reliability of the data specified in the declaration, he had three times more of his own savings,
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$277,000 and almost... another contender for the position of head of the state judicial administration , oksana kumanska nor, former director lviv research institute of forensic expertise of the ministry of justice. very often , ambitions prevail over common sense and the demands that ordinary people expect from us. oksana kumanskan has a rather ambiguous reputation. in 2019, she was dismissed from the post of deputy head of the main territorial administration in lviv. of the region on matters of state registration, the head of the kuman mine, yaroslav zhukrovsky , accused her of corruption schemes. according to the center for combating corruption in 2022 , a candidate for the position of head of the judiciary the administration accused her of illegally dismissing her subordinates at the lviv scientific research institute sudexpertiz, which she managed. moreover, she is still involved in several criminal proceedings. in particular, about
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the institute's irrational use of forensic expertise. budget funds and improper performance of official duties. civil service, you know, so i wanted to invest my soul and knowledge in order to reform this sector somewhere, to add the knowledge and experience of the private sector somewhere. competition for a vacant position the important position of the head of the state judicial administration continues. in future issues, we will introduce you to other candidates, and we hope that the task force will carefully investigate and verify the integrity of all. for today, i have everything, it was the judicial control program and i am tetyana shustrova. if you want to report corrupt judges or illegal decisions, write to me on facebook or to this email address. see you in exactly one week. good bye.
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security agreement between ukraine and the eu, what it means for... our state, who and when will pay ukrainians money for returning home and will the blackout schedules work tomorrow, june 28, this is news on espresso, we are talking about the main thing for today, with you is annayeva melnyk, my congratulations, the number of victims as a result of the russian attack on kharkiv has increased to four, announced the head of the region oleg synigubov . two more people have an acute stress reaction. the enemy hit the private sector of the kyiv district, destroyed residential
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buildings as a result of the explosion. and waves damaged windows in two buildings.


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