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tv   [untitled]    June 27, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EEST

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the compromise that was reached during the appointment of ryuta is very important, by the way, hungary was also against it, and the compromise in relation to ukraine, and hungary does not block the european integration aspirations, the euro-atlantic intentions of ukraine and the further cooperation of ukraine with nato, and for that, it is not participates directly in nato actions in relation to ukraine. a compromise, which would probably have been possible before, happened just now, and... i am positive about it, in fact, some of the rhetoric from the hungarian side has decreased, and first of all, orbán shared the results of the european elections, he lost two mandates from fidesz in the european elections, one way or another, the kyz party is gaining a very active leadership position there, it is the party, by the way, of a former member of fidesz, peter magyar, who is showing quite a strong presence. oppositional
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attitude and already has a rating of at least 30% among the hungarian society, the opposition was born there and notice, orbán already has a little bit of this euro honor in relation to brussels, in relation to the partner countries, it is decreasing, well, actually we all understand that 11 so-called... languages ​​for ukraine were made public today, you can be critical of them, but i treat them as a certain intermediate stage of agreement, i can say with absolute confidence that according to some requirements, ukraine does not able to fulfill them due to the fact that it is necessary to change the constitution, during martial law, the referendum, which is required when changing some chapters of the constitution, it is impossible, it cannot be held, and there is a high probability that ukrainian society, well, it is not supported,
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hungary will be headed by poland, and this , i know, that listening to individual polish politicians will still open up, will give ukraine many prospects, and i will be very brief, literally, but this night, this night at 3:30, well, it will be at four, and by the way, you can watch it on the espresso tv channel this live broadcast, there will be a debate between the current president of the united states of america, joseph biden, and the 45th president. and ex-president donald trump, there are interesting conditions that during the speech, when trump will speak, biden's microphone will be turned off, it will not be possible there, as it was organized by volodymyr zelenskyi's team, the stadium, interrupting, shouting, voting, well , with all due respect to the current president, it was wrong, well, that is, it was dishonest, and it was dishonest to do so, but in the united states of america this is a democracy, not a mystery fair . a show and there they elect a person who
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influences not only the fate of the usa, but the fate of the whole world, and therefore for some reason there we want everything to be fair with the elections, in our country we want everything to be a show, well, i hope this will never happen again there will be so much shame, but there when trump speaks biden's mic is off when biden is speaking trump's mic is off people want to hear a person not hear noisy accusations or just empty words what should we expect should we watch this debate well look i'm flying... a technologist who has gone through more than one election campaign, i can say that i will definitely watch, because i am interested from a professional point of view, i am very interested, as a citizen of ukraine, on the other hand, on the other hand, i would like to hear a certain declared position trump in ukrainian to the question, because now in the context of these plans of trump, we are talking about the plan of the so-called kellogg freitz, who made a little contribution. you know,
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such differences in the ukrainian environment, biden is preparing for this debate, it will be more difficult for him, and trump will use it as much as possible to, you know, humiliate biden because of his age-related opposition will still be, absolutely, if you think that it will stop trump there rules, i want to tell you that you don't know donald trump well, he will break these rules, i'll see i'll tell you this, i'm sorry... well, i saw biden up close in 2009, well, live, but i didn't see trump, so i don't know, you're right, i don't know, trump, please no, i 've read trump's books, negotiations in the style of trump, i read, but i don't know personally, so look, i will say this, what is biden's strategy, first, to show himself as a balanced politician who is more desirable to the american voter, trump, biden will have strong arguments, an immigration decree signed, by the way, where... good
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economic indicators, subdued inflation, the topic of abortion, what will trump do? he has a choice, first of all, he seems to have no problem keeping the nuclear electorate, which loves apathetic steps, so for this electorate he is something apathetic for sure, i just wasted my time here, i think i still have time, i didn’t have it , and i wanted to talk to you so much, thank you very much for participating, well , let's see these debates, oleg posternak, political scientist, political technologist was in touch with us, now there will be a short pause, then we will continue. laughter, physical activity, sneezing. even during such a small time stress, urinary incontinence can make itself felt. feminost uro helped me. thanks to the natural ingredients, feminost uro helps restore control over
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trump's plan to end the war next year. the election headquarters said that ending the war in ukraine will be a priority for trump in the event of his victory. the most important thing today at 21:15 in the project is veliky lviv, the platform, where everyone gets the floor and everyone is heard. on the air of the espresso tv channel. verdict with serhii rudenko, now in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22.
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yes, well, we continue our, we continue our airwaves, and now i will invite a guest to the conversation, we will talk about economics, we will talk about economic topics, oleg penzyn, a member of the economic discussion club, is already in touch with us, mr. oleg, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, mr. vasyl, well let's start with a topic that i know for sure, you are very expert in justifying your, at least your arguments that you give, questions about... economy booking. there are a lot of politicians on this issue, little economics, little practice, and very often economics does not come to practice, because someone is on it earns points, someone hypes, someone really needs to solve an economic, business problem, but it is not solved. please explain what is happening now with the issue
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of economic reservation at the level of the parliament, what is happening in the perception of society about this issue, and how urgent is real, normal, balanced and wise. wise decision on this issue by people's deputies? well, look, in this situation there is a bit of a pessimist, there are three draft laws in the verkhovna rada. none of them have yet made it to the first reading in the session hall, we have already heard from mr. hetmantsev's previous statements that the time of good decisions is over, all subsequent decisions will be very bad, that is, the decisions will be either bad or very bad. he so carefully hinted at the need to raise taxes. we are talking about increasing the value-added tax to 23%, we are talking about increasing excise taxes on tobacco, alcohol,
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and fuel, we are talking about introducing a military levy on fops, but all the same initiatives that i am talking about now, they are at best they will give, well, 70-80, 100 billion plus revenues to the state budget. even without taking into account the additional expenses related to the new wave of mobilization, you and i already had a big hole of 200 billion hryvnias, it was formed due to the fact that at the beginning of this year we did not have military and technical assistance from our partners, in particular from the americans, they resolved the issue for a long time... whether to give military and technical assistance to ukraine or not, and the soldiers at
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the front needed ammunition and weapons, and then the state budget withdrew 200 billion uah - 5 billion dollars from the monetary maintenance, which should have been paid in end of the year, and paid in january, in february for actual military equipment, ammunition. and armed, that is, even for those people who are currently fighting, there is a shortage of about 200 billion, each additional 100,00 mobilized is 130 billion uah plus from the budget, so when we talk about social justice, there are some things , you just have to ask yourself whether the guys will fight for free or not, if we clearly understand that it is free. war is something like complete idiocy, so
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we need to immediately look for money, which is not there, so that economic reservation, despite all these political speculations, is, well, so far the only way, apart from the bills on increasing taxes indicated there, to collect additional, well, at least there at least 130, 150, 108. depending on which of those three bills will be adopted, so i repeat once again, economic reservation is not about justice, it is about money, i apologize, although it is about justice, because right here the question, right here the question is that very important, besides, well, i just don't i agree, i do not belong to very rich people at all. and that's why i don't agree with the words that yes, there are rich or rich people, well, how to measure wealth in everyone's own scales,
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but i'm not talking about people who can afford what they want, i can't afford what what i want, that's why i'm probably not a rich person, but when they say, but when they say that it's for the rich, and that's for the poor, well, listen, really rich people without any reservations live the way they want to live, even during war let's be honest if these people don't, there are people who volunteered for the front, rich people who donate, who donate, who give their last, but i'm just saying that if a person wants to escape, and he's really rich, he doesn't need economic armor, he will solve the issue without it, and this issue is completely different, and you are very right here, but it is important that these people are not only able to book themselves economically, but that these people are still useful to the economy and pay taxes, in addition to the fact that they, well, because you can book, as they say, the driver of the bank director and profit he doesn't do much for the economy, but he is booked, well, no, no, look, well , first of all... who is rich, who is not rich, tell me, please, can we consider
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a rich person who sits on a salary from call to call, and is so important to the businessman, who is actually an employer, that he is afraid of losing that person due to mobilization, so he is ready to pay a certain amount of military levy for him, this person who is sitting on a salary, whether he is rich or not , well, logic, and there is a proposal for a legal one for... the project wage of 36 hryvnias, tell me, please, 36 hryvnias of legal wages, this is a rich person, this is not a rich person. well, listen, by no means. and one more moment, and when you and i are talking about these things, uh, one of the actual reasons for the introduction of economy booking was to interest that shadow business, which at the moment does not pay a single penny of taxes, to get excited, that his workers
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can go to the front, and his business will become completely, that is, it will force. businessman to get out of the light and start paying taxes and book your people. at the moment, according to preliminary calculations, the shadow business of ukraine does not pay 750-800 billion uah per year to the state budget. well, that is , we have to understand with you that this category of people, who do not pay taxes, is actually the category on which, among other things, economy booking counts. so in my opinion. well, for all reasons, this is an absolutely necessary thing today, i am not talking about the form in which economic processes took place during the second world war in democratic in the countries of the united states of america and great britain, how the question of starting a business was approached there, in terms of saving
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resources, in relation to the actual. creating an additional product that would be needed by the soldiers, if there is a war, then excuse me, please, society should organize itself and start, well , jointly choose its independence, and not like that, excuse me, but there is some category of politicians who think more about their political future, rather than the survival of the country, well, let's see how it will go on, there is hope that they will come to their senses and finally... this at least in the first reading it will go to the session hall. i absolutely agree with you. thanks for joining, thanks for your comments. as i say once again, i will emphasize that it is very important, well-argued, professionally well-argued. oleg penzen, a member of the economic discussion club, was in touch with us and we can really only give advice to the deputies and wish them to wisely approach the solution of the issue, which is critically important for the country. there are always
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limitations to everything, but also opportunities. well, at 20:00 there is a verdict with serhii rudenko. serhiy is with us today, i will ask serhiy about what, please will we talk today? good evening. good evening, vasyl. at 8:00 p.m., we will have an hour-long program of verdicts, her guests will be ivanna klympush tsintsadzia, head of the parliamentary committee on ukraine's integration into the european union, people's deputy of ukraine, executive director of the institute of world politics yevhen magda, and my colleague, journalist roman tsimbalyuk. let's talk about the european integration of ukraine. it's happening today. this is a meeting in brussels, the meeting of the european council started, just an hour ago volodymyr zelenskyi signed security agreements with the european union and with two other eu countries, how will this affect the course of the russian-ukrainian war, how will this affect the course of our european integration. we know that this week is a historic week for ukraine, because
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the european union has started negotiations with ukraine on joining the european union together with... moldova is also going to the eu with us, how long this march to europe, ukraine and moldova will take, no one knows for sure does not know, but it is absolutely obvious that all putin's plans for the creation of the post-soviet space, which can be easily transformed into a soviet one, all these illusions of his simply collapsed, because it is absolutely obvious that after the european union, ukraine and moldova will be members of the north atlantic alliance, that's all we'll talk about. to talk with our guests, let's also mention how russia is currently trying to recruit soldiers of the democratic people's republic of korea for the war against ukraine, information has appeared that there are supposedly some engineering troops there or, let's say, troops that can help russia in war against ukraine, may appear on the russian-ukrainian
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front, as far as it is realistic, and the international criminal court has issued an arrest warrant. the former minister of defense of the russian federation, and now the deputy chairman of the russian security council, sergei shoigu, and the chief of the general staff of the russian federation, valery gerasimov, what does this mean, does the world at all abandon the prospect of peace negotiations with the current leaders of russia, because i will remind you that putin also has an icc warrant , and now in moskalkova, who is a children's shoemaker in... lvov moskalkova, please, who is accused in the case concerning the deportation of ukrainian children, the abduction of ukrainian children on the territory of the russian federation, well , now what... and heresies, in a word, such a spectrum of our topics today, well, let's remember, of course , the case of mykola tyshchenko, because it is indicative of the current government and for how
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the marker is for the current government and what the verdict will be in this case, obviously there will be a verdict, an election verdict regarding the servant of the people party, and president zelensky, in a word, we will start in 10 minutes, and the big broadcast vasyl winter continues, vasyl, i promise you. thank you very much serhii, so we expect at 20:00 serhii rudenko will tell what he actually announced, and i am ready to add my colleague, lina cheyno, to the conversation, she is next to me, good evening, please. good evening, vasyl, good evening to the viewers of spress, today we will talk about everything, starting with harry potter and ending with olena kryvytsi. so, let's start with the good and start with the money,
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you know, if a person has written a hit book, then he is on this book now in under the current conditions, he will be able to earn money for a very, very long time, and this book by itself can earn money for a very long time, i am waiting for such times to come en masse to ukraine, for the illustration of the first harry potter, hundreds were sold at auction. for almost 2 million dollars, so far this is the most expensive thing that has been sold in the world of harry potter, it will be just 2 million, and this is an illustration, it is a watercolor from the edition, it is an original, yes, in the only copy of harry potter and the philosopher's stone, artist thomas taylor and it was sold 10 minutes after the beginning of the auction, and traditionally... the name of the buyer is not disclosed, it usually happens at auctions, and because of this non-disclosure of names, there are often various rumors that paintings, for example, can be bought by
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their owners, artists, or to somehow raise these prices, in a word, auctions, this life is very important, i don't remember vasyl, but you are a writer, maybe you will remember when we had some such cases, when we sold something related to literature, some first editions, because i can't remember… such, it seems to me that after some time people will be interested in these first editions from the 90s, there, like the first edition, oksana zabusku's pursuit, maybe it was connected there with the first editions of kobzar by taras shevchenko there, let's say with some things from ancient times, now i don't remember anything like that, maybe some things are connected with the writing of this or that story, you just have to think. maybe there was something like that, well, but it’s definitely not in question, it’s not about 2 million, it was pounds, 2 million dollars, 15 million pounds, but in in any case, i still hope that our
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book industry will develop to the point where we still sell and buy various things like that, and we will also talk about movies now, i don't know how scandalous it can be, but we are on our airwaves it has been said more than once that our film community, unfortunately, is now completely divided. through the state cinema, because one part of the film community considers the work of the state cinema to be inefficient, the other community says that no, we will still be there, hanging around the state cinema, after all, there is funding there, we will support, and in connection with this, our cinematographers are starting to quarrel, i don't know if it is related to this, but at the odessa film festival eight films were shot at once from the program of the odessa film festival, unfortunately, too large, because the distribution a user who has rights... said, wrote to the festival organizers that you did not ask us for permission, we can now see what kind of films they will be, or rather they won't be, but bulib, i have already
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soaped up to watch atlantis again on the big screen, valentyna vasyanovych, this is exactly the film that is worth watching on the big screen, i believe, the ukrainian sheriffs of roman bondarchuk home, naryan aliyev, bad roads, natalky vorozhbyt, viktor robot, anatoliy lavrynishyna are also forgotten. hero of my time toni noyabrova and eurodonbas kornia hrytsiuk. all these films were supposed to be shown at the odesa film festival, but they will not be shown, but as far as i understand, various showdowns and negotiations are going on now, and because there are a lot of people who really want to see this, all these films, maybe they will be shown. let me remind you that the odesa film festival will begin on july 12. well, we are talking about olena kravets we don't have time to talk, i'll tell you. that first of all, my big program will be released on saturday at 4:30 p.m., where we will fully analyze elena kryvets as such, because she gave an interview to serhii lykhovoda on the youtube channel
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conversation and she. once again disturbed society, it seems to me that this is a very important case, because she was asked there how she feels about the fact that the 95th quarter was working, blurring the borders between russia, well, you know, this is the smallest slur, it seems to me that it is generally harmful the activity was anti-ukrainian in places, even where ukrainians were portrayed, and ukrainian culture, which were attacks on ihor kolomoisky's opponents and all that, and this is what olena kryvets said in response to this. that no, she doesn't regret anything, because she doesn't see any problem, she said that we didn't think about any blurring of borders then, and even more, she said that our jokes, our behavior was a reflection of society, that is, elena kravey, from my point of view, sees all of ukraine as a potential audience of the 95th quarter and does not even understand that there are and were people with other views who at least understood that the war it started in 2014, not in 22, that they didn't understand it, i also think that they
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won't understand it... it's a big pity, that's how we have to read it, thank you very much lina, thank you vasyl, well, thank you, friend lina , and well , look at the program she announced on saturday, of course, i watched it myself with great interest, well , before we add natalka didenko to the conversation, we have a moment of time, i will invite you to join the gathering. we were not able to collect a large amount today, well, but in any case , i am grateful to everyone who joins, we are in the principles of this week were able to reach from 504 thousand to 574 thousand, and this is actually very cool, in our time, when everything is not easy with finances, we see the situation is not easy, it is difficult and can be even more difficult, but thank you very much for each of your donations, we are collecting a minibus for soldiers who in the zaporizhzhia, solodarsk areas need this minibus to transport mobile repair groups down,
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to repair armored vehicles on the contact line or all... zones, and thank you for joining, well, about that, what will the weather be like tomorrow in on friday, whether it is as hot as today, or maybe a little different, natalka dyadenko will tell us, good evening, mrs. natarya, please vasyl, congratulations, dear viewers, everything is really just beginning, well, if we are talking about the heat, and we will talk not only about the heat, literally in a few seconds. we start our today's synoptic meeting with thunder and lightning from a thunderstorm, well , now the territory of ukraine is more defined by the field of increased atmospheric pressure, so the weather is dry and hot, but, for example, in the carpathians and around the carpathians there are heavy rains, downpours and strong thunderstorms, and therefore of course i remembered this classic
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summer sign and... we will talk about all kinds of different interesting facts, well, for example, by the way, the largest number thunderstorms in ukraine precisely in the carpathians, the record was 1900 in the distant 51st year, 64 days with a thunderstorm, it just thundered, probably the whole summer, in fact, 75% of all lightning remains in the atmosphere, does not reach the surface of the earth, the temperature of the discharge can exceed some incredible 30 00°, this is six times the temperature of the surface of the sun, believe me. on average , there are about 15 billion lightning strikes in the atmosphere every year, but we managed to count them here with the help of orbital satellites, airplanes, by the way, despite the myth of lightning, are practically not afraid of lightning, since this possibility was already laid by the designers, well, in the design of the plane itself, and in contrary to the common saying, lightning, unfortunately, often strikes the same place, twice, sometimes more, most often discharges strike oak trees, most often in
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beech trees, beeches, and energy, which is very relevant to us now, is contained in one average discharge of lightning, it would be enough to supply electricity to a metropolis with a population of ten million for a year, it is incredible, these are lightnings, they are very interesting, you can talk about them very long to talk, but we will talk about whether they will be in ukraine later, and now, as always, we are talking about the behavior of the earth's magnetic field, and now for your attention a prognostic... chart from which you will see what will be observed tomorrow, well you can already see these fluctuations, well, not bad, because especially at the beginning of the day , you can see that geomagnetic activity will increase so much, so please, whoever is feeling bad today, write it all off as magnetic pain, contact only specialists and we will wait at the end of tomorrow, when it all subsides, well, we actually move on...


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