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tv   [untitled]    June 27, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm EEST

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you saw her too, when president macron started talking about the possibility of nato troops being here, even in the form of instructors, this caused incredible fear among many of france’s partners, and putin is absolutely calm with kimchinin, as it turned out, he is discussing the issue of the presence of engineering korean troops on the territory of ukraine, occupied, no one is afraid of anything there, thank you vitaly portnikov, for these frank answers, they even dragged the timing a little. we are moving to our studio, where ours have already sat down and waited guests good evening everyone. we are ready to introduce those who are in our studio today and who will continue to participate in our conversation. we work live on the air, and in fact, all the events that ukrainians are currently experiencing are historical events, and it is also ours to be tangential to them, to understand them, to analyze them. the task is with you,
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oleg senyutka is with us, people's deputy of ukraine, european solidarity, good evening, andriy andrekiv, candidate of legal sciences, military-political expert, member of the aspen club of ukraine. oksana yuurnets, with us, people's deputy of ukraine of the eighth convocation, former head of the permanent delegation of ukraine to the nato parliamentary assembly. we will also talk about nato today. taras yeleyko, a fighter of the arata unit of the timur special unit of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine. good evening. taras stecki is with us. head of the ethics, politics, economics program, head of the department of political sciences at uku, good evening, and svyatoslav pavlyuk, executive director of the association of energy-efficient cities of ukraine. let's start with the topic of the front, this already such a traditional, traditional start for our program, and mr. andriy andrekiv, i have a question for you, well, let's put it this way, on the one hand.
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we hear about the successful use of ukrainian or long-range weapons that were provided by our partners to ukraine against targets in the russian federation, however, if we talk about the situation on the ground, the russians have some hundreds of meters, kilometers, some no longer existing settlements to the east, but nevertheless, they are advancing somewhere, are there any risks now on the front line, where things are going fine... can tear, are there such places? well, such places can be anywhere, because the length of the front is extremely significant, the zone of active operations, it is somewhere around 900 km, but you know what is impressive, for example, based on the results of the analysis of june actions and events, the ukrainian army from day to day destroys a significant number of artillery systems and guidance systems, if i'm not mistaken, on june 23...
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the number of artillery systems that were hit by the ukrainian armed forces reached 60, today it is 50, and i would suggest a certain proportionality of how we manage to destroy means of long-range damage, namely artillery, which correlates with losses in the enemy's manpower, i.e. already steadily during june, the daily losses of the russians amount to over 1,000 people. we understand that 100-100 are already such irreparable losses of the russian army, they will not have time to prepare, arm and send directly new military personnel, recruits in order to compensate for such losses. accordingly, the activities of the ukrainian army in the area of ​​damage to logistics centers, ammunition storage centers and artillery warehouses, it is in... successful, there, in my opinion,
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on june 22, it was possible to hit almost 120 vehicles and tanks, which means that such activity is effective, but the length of the front itself and the nature of the active actions of the russians indicate the next thing i would not agree with, for example, is the position expressed by vitaly portnikov very recently, that the russians intend to take some active actions, in fact, the russian army is exhausted. it is exhausted and their activity of destroying ukrainian civil infrastructure is a confirmation that they are preparing certain contractual positions not from the point of view of military successes and the achievement of military tasks and the achievement of results, but because of the actual terror of infrastructure, terror of the civilian population, terror of objects, and therefore the success of the ukrainian army is obvious in terms of the destruction of logistics routes, artillery systems and will impress
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the enemy, but the fact that they are sent to certain areas, well, this is already traditional with a huge number of losses in manpower, loss of logistics chains, interconnection between units, along with this... russians are actively recruiting additional military units, now there is information about the formation of an entire armenian corps somewhere in the area of ​​belgrade or kursk, we can predict the strengthening of their offensives somewhere at the end of summer, but they need time for this, and they do not have time. mr. yeleyko, we traditionally give the floor to the military at the beginning of the program, but now we heard that, let's say this, and it's nice to hear, our situation is not easy. enemies, despite all their sometimes self-confident statements that, what can we say now about the ukrainian army, whether the armed forces of ukraine feel the results, well, in particular, of the new law on mobilization, of these processes that are currently taking place, we discussed this for a long time in
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our studios, and this is, in fact, an important question for many ukrainians now, speaking in general... . about the army, it does feel a shortage of specialists, this law, it cannot prepare specialists in one minute, but collect them, having collected certain personal data there, sifting through a sieve, you will not even have time to sift through so many people , but i will say the following. .. a little bit it is a shame to say, to state that there was probably no such influx of recruits, volunteers for training to the recruiting centers, it is here
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that training is taking place at our base of the arata unit and we were ready to receive, teach, give certain... military specialties, and for civilians to get them without mobilizing, but planning for the future, unfortunately, we did not get such a number as we would like to see, well, let's hope that the situation will change after all, because that we are one and the same and must all sail to this shore, to... get to him, because we have no other option, to try to come to an agreement with the muscovites somewhere halfway there, to wait when this is all over, maybe we will agree on something, unfortunately, we will not agree on anything with them, and if even if we try
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to come to an agreement, the muscovites will fool us in order to strike a more powerful blow later, ah, so, accordingly, i immediately urge... ukrainians not to be afraid of the army, but to come and study, acquire a certain specialty in order to be useful, because there is mass specialties that do not give the opportunity to see the enemy there, as only through technical means, we have, it seems to me that a percentage of people who are conditionally on the front line are fighting with robots. although the so-called attack aircraft are cheap, well , what percentage really come into contact with the enemy on the front line among all, if along the entire line of contact, then about 100,000 servicemen, but these are not attack aircraft, these are logisticians, and this is artillery, this is drivers,
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absolutely all related services have gone, so there is nothing like that here something special, i would like... of course for the military to get more means of destruction, if we say that at some point the enemy runs out of steam and the ukrainian army stops him, it is only for the reason that we have increased the number of shells, and because of the fact that we have increased the number of mines and ammunition. and now at this stage, if we started the war in the year 22, when the parity was crazy, i'm afraid to say, because they called different numbers, in my imagination it was 1:50, for 50
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shells, or maybe a hundred shells of the enemy , we could answer one, but now somewhere one to five, one to three, and it's already such a good trend, because when it was one to... 10, so three months ago or 1:7, it was very, very painful, and we want to win, so accordingly, this we must reach parity. one to one, we need to give three to one, and then we can drive this brainy enemy. we are adding to our conversation yevhenna karasya, a nationalist, deputy commander of the 14th separate regiment of the armed forces of ukraine. glory to ukraine, mr. yevgeny. glory. before we start talking with you, i would like to ask our viewers who watch us on youtube, actively support this broadcast, put your preferences, if it's not difficult for you. it is important for us, a larger number of people will see it, hear these thoughts, well, join in too, you can write comments, we pay attention to them. we listen to them, it is this opinion of the people that is really important, as you
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see, mr. yevgeny, the current situation, because we understand what the russian federation is doing, in principle, their methods are unchanged, to some extent to appease, to induce panic, you know , infrastructural despair to cause us, so that all ukrainians are afraid, that's what he said about it portnikov, it’s a good definition, in my opinion, and what do we see, what is at the front, what can you tell me about... i wouldn’t say that they don’t change, the enemy changes, the enemy improves, and their reconnaissance and strike forces the complexes don't hit the cities like that anymore, iskanders, bloody missiles, they modify their reconnaissance drones, the lack of anti-aircraft means, right there in the complex of small radius of action and just plain manpads, our allies save them, and we will not hit petrio there are mamba cottages. according to ac300, we already understand that s300, er,
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i don't know whether they are secrets or not secrets, well , in short, we understand that we have problems with dpo missiles, we cannot spend expensive missiles on some reconnaissance drones, that's why they fly into the depths, they already hit various areas ects, and here they clearly have improved controllability, intelligence, improved engagement time interaction, they do not stand still, just as... they stand still on the issue of mobilization, they cannot drive an additional wave of mobilization, because this will lead to to internal destabilization, we we understand that the recent anniversary of the unsuccessful wagner putsch is still in front of their eyes, and the russian army is quite diversified, and there are units of so-called private military companies, which in fact are part of the ministry of defense, although they there are different statuses, they have such interesting ones as their abandoned guarantees help with goals, there are contract workers, there are mobs or mobs, as they call themselves purely mobilized, and they, for example , actively attract, try people from latin america, from africa, from the countries of asia
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in order to compensate for their losses, because the losses are increasing tremendously, the dynamics of this past month was a record for the entire time of the full-scale invasion in terms of losses in wounded and dead, they do not have time to compensate for their own dynamics, so what to build up, compensate, that is why they do not stand on the spot, they involve various people from third world countries, plus they themselves have a mobilization situation... simple, and their mabizians promise some kind of riots in the fall, well, they won’t riot, but anything can happen, because they have earned money and are already going on an assault like that, when vanka finally took off the bottles and saved up something here during the war in ukraine, here they tell him to go on an assault, they saw what happened near avdiivka, they reflected on it a lot russian mobs, and they are whining, and this is whining by a motivated public who would be happy to take the lives of ukrainians as well, but when such a war is a meat grinder, it's scary for them, they want to demobilize, they can't... do a new mobilization, they can't do demobilization, and that's why they involve such and such
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different characters in terms of weapons is just a vivid example, yes, for example, the 44th army corps, which took part in the kharkiv operation, this group of voik sever, which was inflated with this dog, by the way, i draw the attention of all viewers, as we all decided, let 's go to kharkov, they chased the psop around kharkov, well , as we can see, they crawled to vovchansk and stopped and drove to livtsi, that's all that this offensive group could finish there by approximately 40,000. we are certainly not without sin, we had our own problems, well, there was ours the answer is given, yes, we saw that they replaced the commander of the kharkiv otu with the legendary general drapaty, and there something got really bad for the russians, so when the 44th army corps was transferred there, the 11th was involved from keninsberg, by the way, we acquired it very well, that when there was a kharkiv operation, they ran away so much that the russian military reproached them that it was the people of the dnr, and the people of drenner shouted, what kind of dpr, we are fighting, you russians are screwing up, and so 11- and corps. did not manage, the 44th, 44th were involved formed in the direction of the countries of finland, so that
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if there was a threat that we did not start there, but all of it was transferred here, and the intelligence of the baltic countries and precisely finland showed already recently publicly available data that the bases of this corps were lowered, moreover , photos of the bases showed somewhere even in the suburbs of moscow, that is , they have very little reserve reserves, and the kharkov operation was certainly not given to us just there... many comrades died, my relatives, whom i knew a long time ago, back in the 14th year, the legendary fought people, but nevertheless they could not achieve the result, but they achieved that ours, let's say, are competent in such and such. to military analysts, people claimed that this was a diversionary operation in order to start building up the donbass, which we see, that is the time of aviar, there was avdiyivka and the key yes, as we see now, the escalation of the new york-teretsk direction began. it seems that our people were right in that it all led to the fact that now they are trying to bite into new york teretsk, to
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tear off another part of the donetsk region, and for them, this is already where a large group of troops is concentrated, this... for them it will already be that we are conquering the donbas there, so i take into account the fact that when we are somewhere and holding, this is the russian info-washer, then we need to listen more competent people, you don’t have to listen to me, it’s enough if there were people who claimed that how it will all happen, that’s how it happens, er, accordingly, a russian group that is in ukraine, even, right here is a vivid example, let’s get to the facts, that’s 62 tanks, they were used earlier in the 22nd year as for shooting from closed positions. with a cannon, and already in 24 and 23, we see that t-62s were involved in offensive operations, which does not necessarily indicate that the russian troops have some kind of abundance, there is an endless reserve of t-80s, and t-62s were involved precisely in the kharkiv operation and in the kherson direction, and the donetsk grouping, which they
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have there, this group of troops in the center , in my opinion, is under 80 thousand troops, there is also a group of troops in the south, there is a shorter west here... 40 at first, and there 200 in the kherson direction they reached together with paratroopers from there are up to 70 marines, here 200, the zaporizhia direction there are 60 thousand, here 200, but these 200 thousand troops, which solve the main task, in my opinion, i will not have any big ideas here, it just seems to me that donbass is still key for them, and completeness in terms of armaments, tanks, artillery, rszzo, anti-aircraft defense, it is here... very lame, very, very lame, and we are always told that the russian army is so huge, what the hell are they looking for to buy old soviet weapons from the countries of latin america, asia, africa, it turns out, that it is not like that and it is endless, and we can see that open sources and what was published by intelligence, russian bases for storing equipment for recovery, they are already letting go of a lot of things, and there are very bad cases left
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, and because of that they probably have losses there this month will there be another record or almost a record? there will be a silver prize, huge losses of auto equipment, and why auto equipment, because well, bterov, brdov and so on, bmp is probably not enough, therefore even the transportation of personnel takes place at the expense of equipment, that is why the russian state is fed up it's a bad job, but someone will gladly take it off the hook now, and we have it, and we have it, well , we, first of all, here, we fulfill the tasks of the measure, the measure for protection, yes, because we understand, after an unsuccessful the offensive on kharkiv, which has already become a kind of offensive on volchan with an unsuccessful one, then... no one is going anywhere to finland anymore, no one is going anywhere to the balka countries, poland also understands, there is no longer a corridor of nasuvalki, they already have about it somewhere they can tell themselves there in yekaterinburg, it's just that when the next tajik with a bomb comes there, no one will go anywhere yd, that is, we carry out western tasks and the west provides weapons, so it’s a little easier for us here, but the question of the volume and quantity of these weapons, here we are dependent, so mobilization, i
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think that roman kosenko summing up, and summing up, now on my opinion we are getting closer to a stinking truce, not because we want to, but because china, the usa, europe, russia, the question is how we will achieve it, it's going to be a hot couple of months now, when we have to give it our all, we are approaching a truce, this is karasya's opinion, it is important, thank you, iven karas, joined our online studio, by the way, i just had this thought, we didn't really plan to raise this topic, i will now ask mr. synyutka this question, whether we... is it even possible and should our authorities, our government, local administrations be engaged in such activities, vileiko said, that recruiting did not quite work as we would have liked, that's right, well, that is, there is such a thesis, and we understand that even in the armed forces of ukraine they are saying that , what about this story with the forced mobilization of people from
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streets, it doesn't always work, diplomatically speaking, motivationally it doesn't always work well. well, unfortunately, there is an example of the same russian federation, which there, in them there, i don’t know, regional state administrations, what are they called there, provinces or what, pay funds to those who mobilize, maybe we should move to some such the side of rewarding those people who will be ready to go to war, is it still an absolutely unacceptable story for us to imitate something that is happening in our enemy, this is the first part of the question, and the second part of the question is whether ukraine can afford such a thing now? are there any free resources available for this? war must be the business of every citizen and every government official. if only there will be thought in society. that it is not my business, it should be done by someone else, i think that the consequences of this can be very, very negative, so we must understand
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that from the president to any citizen, including the head of the military administration, head of the otg, everyone should engage in the general business of combating muscovites. i understand that the law that was adopted on mobilization did not fulfill that task. in the amounts that were expected and primarily due to the fact that he very often carries out repressive measures, but we believed that we should return to the situation of february, march, april of 22nd year, when no one from the central committee ran on the streets, at the same time there were queues to the military commissariats, no one encouraged people to join the army, to defend the country, and at the same time people went, took. weapons in hand, territorial defense was formed, that is, the motivation was completely different, so this motivation must be supported by financial resources, which was done, but at a certain
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point this financial part of the motivation was also stopped, because in the end the authorities reduced payments to the military, and the proportion instead of increasing by front line, what needs to be done, it has decreased in those parts. who are preparing to go into battle, should war be the business of communities, the business of the heads of regional military administrations, without a doubt, because each community is first and foremost it's people's turn, these are people, those who are fighting today on the front lines, these are those who are preparing and helping the armed forces of ukraine today. yes, there is a problem that the authorities robbed local communities, robbed local budgets, taking military funds. in the federal tax service and not using them as it should be, because as a percentage of the supply of drones, fpv drones,
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other unmanned aerial vehicles, 30% was the state, 70% were communities, these were volunteers, so it remained, the only question is where shared the money that was taken from the communities, and to this day we do not see that this money were directed to help the armed forces, that's why such a trial of the communities, on the one hand, it did not go in favor of the army, and on the other hand, those heads of communities who do not want to engage in war every day, they have now received such reassurance for themselves, you see, money was taken from us, we have nothing, we don't have enough for education and at the expense of what can we help, this is a very dangerous position and a wrong position, so i am convinced that today we must, realizing that repressive there are no measures... the best, and very often they explain their demotivational part for people, a person says: but i will not go to war, because
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you see that this is being done, this is being grabbed, this is being caught, it must be changed, and it must be changed first queue at the level of the parliament, we proposed when the law on mobilization was adopted, we propose now, it is still necessary to clearly define the term of service, because every military man must understand that he, having given a duty to the country and society, he has the right to decide for himself, and believe me, the majority military personnel, even after receiving a short rest, they will continue to fight, because those who left on the 22nd, 22nd year at the beginning of the 22nd, those who went through the war on the 14th, 15th, 16th, i remember i know, as our head of the secretariat from the office, i call him on february 20, 4 and... they say taras, because this is the case here, he says: no, no, i am already in the 80th brigade only because he is 14 the 15th year passed the war, and he showed himself, and he
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again took up arms and went to fight. it seems to me that we need to return to such means, we definitely need to return and eventually start production of means of defeating the enemy here in ukraine. well, it is very good that there is an initiative of peter pavel, the president of the czech republic. republic and we today finally started working, and we today, you know, vitaliy, we shouldn't behave like that, you know, finally started working, okay, maybe it's not right to say, started coming according to this, that what he wanted to do, he managed to do it, because he could say, we have another proposal, the prime minister of hungary, orbán, neighboring countries, but a completely different position, completely different approaches. and today we get the 155th and we get the 152nd caliber, and it certainly helps, but i would really hate, you know, to throw this theory at us... hats
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that were in the beginning of the 22nd year, which especially had such good ground after the counteroffensive in the kharkiv direction, we must understand that there are many muscovites, that their military-industrial complex is working, and we certainly do not need to fold our hands and give up today, we must understand that, in addition to the help of the west, we need to revive its own military-industrial complex, actually production, well, still, let's remember that... stugin, neptune, bohdani, this is what is made in ukraine, this is what has shown itself to be of sufficient quality, and this gives us a great chance not only to defend against the muscovites, to be truly equal partners with the western world and to do what is most important, to take this step so that ukraine joins nato, only then will this war be over. about the geopolitical processes currently taking place
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