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tv   [untitled]    June 28, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EEST

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congratulations, the program of the ukrainian voice of america chas time is on the air, i and the host oleksiy kovalenko. ukraine has signed security agreements with the european union, as well as lithuania and estonia. the agreement was signed by president volodymyr zelenskyi, who is visiting brussels, where the eu summit is currently taking place. the document, called the joint security commitments between the european union and ukraine, provides for the commitment of the european union to assist ukraine in nine areas of security and defense policy. including: with delivery weapons, military training, cooperation in the defense industry and demining. bohdan tsyupin, our european correspondent, who joins our live broadcast from london, will tell you the details of this agreement. bohdan, congratulations. bohdan, what is provided by this agreement between the european union and ukraine. but what is the significance of this agreement and how does it actually differ from similar agreements with nato countries? the first thing that catches your eye is the difference. between
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agreements with individual countries and with the european union - this is the actual name, as you said, this document is called joint security obligations between ukraine and the european union, this document is quite small, it attracts attention, in particular, because many paragraphs in it begin with the words, the european union will continue, continue... ukraine in one or another area, that is, in fact, we have a statement and approval of the work of the support that the european union provides to ukraine, which is already an obligation to provide this support in the future, and ukraine, for its part, in that document undertakes, for example, to continue reforms, as well as promote accountability. in how
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the european union's aid to ukraine is used, that is, the ukrainian president in brussels, was probably not caught off guard by any surprises in this document or in other agreements signed today with lithuania and estonia, on the contrary, he emphasized in a speech to european leaders that this support , which ukraine already receives from international... partners should be faster and should be stronger, because he said: ukraine does not have time, ukraine sees the dead and wounded on the battlefield, and also sees that russia and russian president vladimir putin still have hope that they can further achieve the goal that moscow has regarding ukraine through war. in may, putin tried
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to expand the war by launching a new offensive in the east of our country. thanks to the bravery of our people and your decisions, we stopped this russian offensive, but this new offensive proved that the current pressure on russia is not enough. so, first i wanted to mention the military support, the artillery shells and the fulfillment of every promise. important not only for protection life, but also to destroy the russian illusion that they will be able to achieve something through war. bohdan, speaking generally about the process of european integration, can this agreement play any role in ukraine's path to european integration? and also, what statements are being made now by hungary, which, as we remember, repeatedly criticized its support for ukraine. these. joint security commitments
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signed by the heads of the european union and the ukrainian president are not, and the ukrainian president is not part of any formal process of ukraine's accession to the european union of the union ukraine is currently in the official process of accession negotiations, there are intergovernmental consultations, specifically on certain issues. which need to be agreed, this agreement, this agreement is not part of this process, but of course, if ukraine and the european union are getting closer, if they cooperate more closely, in particular also in the field of security, then this will obviously contribute to european integration, as for hungary, which of course, we often pay attention, because the hungarian government led by viktor orbán leaves no opportunities or misses out on... opportunities
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actually block many european initiatives to support aid to ukraine, so far from hungarian representatives there are no comments at all about this. there is no agreement, that is, the hungarian prime minister and the minister of foreign affairs, or the government spokesman, are silent on this matter, perhaps because they do not believe that this directly affects their interests in any way. bohdan, and one more question about appointments in the european union after the recent elections. according to the results of the preliminary meetings in brussels , it is expected that ursula fonderlein will be offered to work as president. european commission for a second five-year term. and there are predictions about the prime minister of portugal, antonio costa, who may take the position of president of the european council. how accurate are these forecasts and how can they, what role can they play for ukraine? well, this is not exactly
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a forecast, it is a message that the consultations of the political forces represented in the newly elected european parliament have agreed that they will nominate these three main candidates. the third is an addendum to funds and fonderlia is kaya kalas, the prime minister estonia, which offers the position of the supreme representative of the european union on foreign policy and security issues. now in brussels, at dinner , the leaders have to agree, in the end, whether they agree with such results of political bargaining, but in any case, even if they agree to approve. the positions of these officials are still held by the european parliament, so i suspect that the negotiations are still taking place, but today or tomorrow we will probably know the results for sure. cooperation with ukraine will obviously be affected by this, because we can see from previous experience, that the energy and what
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efforts are made in which direction by the leaders, it still matters for pushing the processes. bohdan, thank you very much, we were contacted by our bohdan tsyupan, pey correspondent. on june 27, us president joe biden and ex-president donald trump will hold the first of two debates scheduled before the november election. we will broadcast the debate between biden and trump on june 28 at 4 a.m. kyiv time and translated into ukrainian. you can watch this broadcast on the voice of america website in ukrainian voice of america co. also watch the special broadcast with ostap yarysh and yulia yarmonko, where you can hear in detail how we talk about the debate later on june 28 at 8:00 a.m. kyiv time on the youtube and facebook website of gos amerika ukrainska. the debate will take place
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without a live audience and will last 90 minutes. this debate could become a turning point in the rival's fight for voters' votes. voice of america journalist joins our live broadcast from atlanta. natalka song. natalka, congratulations. many of the audience call these debates decisive for the campaigns of both presidential candidates. what exactly makes this debate so important? alexey, congratulations, if we talk about the debate as a historical event in the context of history, the need for this debate, such an event for american society, then of course, they have an absolutely historical role, they have been taking place in a television format since 1960. then in such a televised duel at that time, the candidate from the democratic party, john f. kennedy, and his republican opponent, who lost this election, nixon, and actually lost for
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results of the debate, so this is another reason to watch them for americans, for the general public, especially those people who are interested in international politics, it is clear that this meeting, it has a decisive. it is also important because the two candidates will be able to talk about all those issues that so concern both americans and people living outside the united states, they will happen, will happen at an unusual time, this is not yet a debate in the classical sense of the word, cnn calls them such a civilized conversation, because the rules have changed significantly, and this one itself the conversation does not take place in autumn, as it usually happens. the time of the presidential race, it's happening now in the month of june, it's happening in a format where there won't be a large audience, the general public in that place in the cnn studio where joe biden and donald trump are going to meet, they're also going to have a limited amount of time
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that they can to answer a certain question, after that their microphones will simply be turned off, they will not be able to consult their own. with their team, with representatives of their team and will not be able to to bring notes with them, so there will be only the two anchors dane bash and jake teper in the cnn studio, as well as the candidates themselves. donald trump and joe biden, let me remind you, they have not yet officially become candidates from the republican and democratic parties, respectively, moreover, the special importance of this meeting, today's meeting, also lies in the fact that donald trump and joe biden have not seen each other for almost 3.5 years , their last meeting live in the same room happened just in the fall of 2020, when they also met for to talk about certain issues. during the debate, and they haven't seen each other since, but we 'll be watching how
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their meeting goes today. natalka, what are the expectations, what topics are expected to be raised during these debates, do the viewers expect a focus on foreign policy, in particular support for ukraine? support for ukraine, as well as the issue of peace in the middle east, will be a rather important part of this discussion, moreover, precisely... the issue of support for ukraine, it will be a decisive factor for the so-called voters, who are still undecided or wavering in their assessment, it is primarily about the so-called classical republicans, for whom the containment of russia and enhanced national security are important, including in matters of foreign policy, we just discussed this issue with the professor of the university of georgia, charles by and large let's see what he is. what
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will an educated white voter who believes in strengthening the national defense and who identifies as a republican, but who has a glaring problem, think about this? with trump's support. such people can say, this is not my republican party, and in the end, vote for a democrat. trump's approach is to push ukraine, to go to negotiations in which putin will have most of the trump cards in his hands. how should they deal with it? colleague, actually 1 million american ukrainians, they are watching with special vigilance what a peaceful trump might look like, or in general trump's plan to resolve the situation, and regarding the war that russia has unleashed against ukraine, it was made public a few days ago by our colleagues from the reuters agency, actually the main parts of this plan, they relate to the fact that
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ukraine will be forced to refuse, in order to sit down at the negotiating table, possible membership in nato, or postpone it for a certain period, sanctions may be somewhat lifted, partially lifted, and moreover, ukraine will not be able to win back its territories by force, but will resolve this issue diplomatically, as this is exactly the issue for those ukrainians who live here in georgia, its fate, the further fate of those ukrainians, who came here under various programs that were offered to them, offered to them by the american government so that they could be in the united states, because they were seeking asylum during the war, it's quite acute, and we talked to a ukrainian woman, she is also a member of the ukrainian congress committee, her name is tetyana lendzel. let's see what she had to say. even among ukrainians, there are a lot of
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such hardcore supporters of trump, but i also know among my environment there, what kind of people there are in the previous elections, they voted for trump very zealously, in this election due to the fact that their relatives from ukraine came to the united states, some friends shared their thoughts with me there, they are very afraid that after coming to the post of president for the second time, just like the past... in the first three months of his term, trump canceled the tps program for many countries and introduced an entry ban, it seems for seven countries, and for muslim countries, that is, the practice is already there, nothing prevents him , taking office, cancel the password program for ukraine, potentially. so, we spoke with voice of america journalist natalka pisnaya, who is currently in atlanta and will be closely watching the debate between the presidential candidates. joe biden and donald trump. thank you natalka. ahead of the debate, donald trump and
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joe biden are stressing the dangers of electing their opponent. more details on the expectations of the debate in stories from the atlanta correspondent of voice of america cal. narrated by yuri mimon. donald trump and joe biden have their say on the eve of the first debate voters that the election of their opponent will be disastrous for the near future. trump, for example, says that biden is destroying the country. inflation is raging, crime is out of control. europe is in chaos. the east is imploding, iran is emboldened, china is on the march, and this horrible, horrible president is dragging us into world war iii. president biden says donald trump will take the country back to the dark days of his presidency. all progress and freedom, all possibilities are at stake. trump is trying to make the country forget how dark and disturbing things have been
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times when he was president and we will never forget. public opinion polls show ratings. candidates are about the same, which raises the stakes in the debate, says northeastern university journalism professor alain schroeder. i think the tie rating puts some pressure on both candidates, both in terms of the opportunities the debate gives them and the risks. the debate is unique in that it features both a sitting president and a former president, says university of pennsylvania communications professor kathleen jamieson. public knows both of these candidates very well as individuals, probably knows their temperament, their habits and character, but this year, because of the age of both, there is a need to see if they are psychologically and intellectually stable enough to be president of the united states. political debate is a platform to send a message and gain a moment that will become
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a subject for discussion in society - says political scientist bret o'donnell. candidates need to consistently emphasize their message in these debates, and they need to win a few as well moments that will then become the subject of conversations, and which the press will pay attention to, and which will be able to give the candidate a specific advantage. this will be the first presidential debate in the history of the united states, when none of the contenders has yet been officially nominated by the candidates of their parties. there will be no opening remarks at the debate, and both candidates' microphones will be muted unless it is their turn to speak. yuri mimonka. voice of america. russia remains on the battlefield thanks to china's support - said assistant secretary of state for europe and eurasia james o'brien during a congressional hearing this wednesday according to representatives of the biden administration, economic aid
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for kyiv is directly related to defense. and washington must assure that ukraine will not only be able to successfully wage war. and at the same time will restore its economy. this will reduce ukraine's financial dependence on partner countries. for this, according to obrien, it is necessary to increase the funding of american state institutions that cooperate with ukraine. voice of america congressional correspondent kateryna lisonova was present at these hearings. congratulations katya. congratulations alexei katya, so how does the biden administration currently see the strategy of supporting ukraine in 2025. what jdep representatives said during hearings in this committee on international relations. according to representatives of the state department, the main strategy is for ukraine to win this war. this can be achieved in two ways, according to representatives of the state department, by strengthening ukraine's position at the front and unlocking the ukrainian economy. according to the officials, this can actually be achieved by other two points, it is by strengthening the air defense of ukraine,
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precisely by working in the defense sector in this industry and by unblocking the work of ukrainian ports that... ukraine itself could export its own and thereby strengthen its economy. actually, i suggest to listen in more detail in the comments of the officials themselves. the goal of our strategy is quite simple: we want ukraine to win. we want her to thrive, fighting her way to victory. how to do it? keeping russia in the east, russia's destabilizing fire positions and places from where it threatens ukrainian territory in crimea and near the... borders, as well as restoring economic life, which means having adequate air defenses and the ability to export through southern ports. the request for fiscal year 2025 is based on the fact that the economy and security assistance to ukraine go hand in hand. putin knows how critically important
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ukraine's economy is in this struggle. that is why he attacks grain exports, energy infrastructure and the civilian population. he wants to go... the economy, undermine trust and morale. we hope that us resources will help to develop ukraine's economy to generate more income, support livelihoods and reduce dependence on us and other donors. catio, if we talk not only about economic, but also about military strategy. i know that the legislators also raised the very important issue for ukraine of lifting all bans on the use of long-range american weapons to strike the territory of russia. is there any changes in the administration's position on this matter? actually , the legislators who raised the issue of lifting all bans from the ukrainian army on the use of long-range american weapons on the territory of russia, they emphasized that this is a requirement. of both parties, that is, both republicans and democrats seek and demand this. in turn , the representative of the state department, answering this question, said that if russia decides
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to expand the current offensive front, then ukraine will be allowed to fire at a greater distance inside the russian federation. but at the same time , the representative of the state department o-brian emphasized that now it looks like russia is losing the ability to conduct its attacks because of... the blows it has already received on those territories that ukraine has already been allowed to hit, i suggest you listen to the conversation between the representative of the congress and the representative of the rain department in more detail. recent reports indicate that the administration is restricting the use of us weapons on russian territory to within 100 km of the ukrainian border, well short of the attack cams' full range of more than 300 km. how many russian airbases are there? in the area of ​​action of atakams, which the administration does not allow to be affected ukraine. our main priority was to provide weapons and concentrate them in the areas
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of greatest need. so, first this was the area where russia was on the offensive near kharkiv, and now, as jake sullivan said last week, if russia tries to expand that front, ukraine will be allowed to hit targets at a greater distance. katya, this year there is a package of help. ukraine was delayed for six months, does the administration have any plan to avoid such delays next year and can they help with this russian assets somehow seized? first of all, the officials of the white house, who reported during these hearings, emphasize that they are calling for a direct increase in funding for those american state institutions that work with ukraine by at least 6%, so that they themselves do not depend on these packages aid, who vote in congress, but to say. in general, they say they 're not really counting on any potential bailout they could vote on next year in congress, and
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that they, they say, consider russian assets their main hope and hope, and actually it is about the 50 billion dollars that the seven countries agreed to lend to ukraine with the condition that this loan will be repaid precisely at the expense of interest from russian... assets that are currently stored in banks in western countries, if at the expense of these interests it will be possible to pay off this loan of 50 billion, and this money can be given to ukraine, and in general, state department officials claim that these funds from percent of russian assets, or in general, maybe even potentially russian assets, this is now the main possible potential source of funding for ukraine next year. katya, thank you very much, we were in touch again. congress correspondent of voice of america kateryna lisynova. employment
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without knowledge of the language in california. immigrants from ukraine who do not speak english are forced to look for work, change their profession, switch to another language, or create jobs for themselves. like in a new country resettled women from... found out khrystyna shevchenko. rasputin is in this eastern european grocery store. valeria from okhtyrka in sumy oblast has been working for a year. after moving to los angeles two years ago, she first worked as a hairdresser, just like in ukraine. i cut hair the first time, then i saw an ad in the groups, and i came here for an interview and was accepted here. her partner is from the mykolaiv region, also a forced migrant, who asks not to disclose her name, she found a job in this shop by accident, - says the woman, who was baking a cake on
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order and it was here that i found a rare sour cherry for america. we talked to the manager, asked, and he said that a person was needed at the cash register, well, he came, tried, and the way i worked in ukraine, well, almost in... in this store, you can buy food mainly from eastern european countries, most of the local ones clients are emigrants from countries that once belonged to the soviet union. they cook here, like in ukraine, ukrainian borscht, please, chicken - also, a lot of dishes that we loved in ukraine. i wouldn't say that many russians come here mainly different people come, but... this is russian, this is the language in which we can communicate in order to understand each other sufficiently, so that there is understanding, if you are surrounded
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by russian people, then... these are those who do not support their country, their russia , and who support us ukrainians. valeria admits that she still needs to improve her english. at school, if i studied, but school english, well, if it is different from the real american, that is, i will now enroll in courses, there was little opportunity for this before, but what concerns work, then there are no problems. but for yulia kokhanova, who came to the united states with her daughter from kyiv in 2022, finding a job was not only a challenge, but also the ability to have a flexible schedule. and it was very difficult, it was very difficult to understand that you are alone with a child, and a job where you will be involved there for 8-9 hours every day is not suitable for you. it was such chaos at the beginning, i didn't know what to do at all. so she had to invent the job
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herself, and she... found the solution in the mirror, how to restore the youth of the face without injections will receive the most effective training at my three-day intensive, i am yulia kokhanova, an expert in all-round fitness, i am 36 years old and i know how to erase the age of my passport, i am no longer able to take care of myself, as it was in kyiv, so it is worth going to a cosmetologist here very expensive, and i have always been engaged in face fitness for the past two years, so i passively integrated this habit into my own. taught all my friends and at some point my friends told me that i should integrate it into the masses. a woman teaches face fitness, and while her followers improve their faces, she improves his ukrainian. the woman comes from donetsk region and spoke russian all her life, now she teaches courses exclusively in ukrainian. this path began and now we have a lot of women in our community who improve themselves and improve me, that is, we are alone.
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we motivate one and i like that i have the opportunity to work for ukraine, that i have the opportunity to somehow pay taxes. therefore, 60,000 subscribers, the own brand of swimwear online, allow yulia to pay for housing and school expenses for her daughter. however, she does not shy away from the state help the state of california pays her $900 a month. currently, in the plans to develop the business for the american audience, why is it necessary to improve english? and... you are a winner or you have lost this game, it is about the states, i think that i will be the winner here, because ukrainians are just like that, they are strong-willed, stubborn, there is no other option here, except not to grow, from time to time of the full-scale russian invasion of ukraine , more than half a million ukrainians came to the united states under various programs. from los angeles, khrystyna shevchenko, victoria voskevich, bohdan shevchenko, for the voice of america. on this we
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will say goodbye. good night and good morning, see you soon. there are discounts representing unbreakable discounts on memicar ic, 10% in pharmacies, plantain pamtosh.
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"mom, i threw up and i'm sick, the heat always leads to poisoning, intoxication can cause dehydration and it's important to restore the water-electrolyte balance when ordinary water is not enough, i recommend reo to adults and children, let's save ourselves with reo water, reo saves, reo - water for special medical purposes". vasyl zima's big broadcast. my name is vasyl winter, this is a big broadcast on the espresso tv channel. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. my colleagues and i will talk about the most important things. two hours to learn about the war, about military, frontline, component, serhii zgurets. but what does the world live on? yuriy fizar, it's time to talk with me about what happened outside of ukraine. yury, good evening. two hours to keep up with economic news. it's time to talk about money at war in...


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