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tv   [untitled]    June 28, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EEST

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the line of defense that we have now, yes, that is, there, i hope that they are there, they can be improved, the engineering support of the operation has no limits to perfection, it is a lifelong process, but also the formation of strategic reserves, somewhere deep in the rear, and perhaps even on the territory of our allies, this is probably a much more important task, and probably also the formation of some strategic reserves of weapons, which, after all, should be more direct. let's say, we are running out of time with you, unfortunately, we can talk for a very long time, there are still many questions, thank you, that you joined us, it was viktor kyvilyuk, a military expert of the center of defense strategies of ukraine, a reserve colonel of the ssu, now we have to go for a break, after that we will be joined by kyrylo sazonov, who will tell us directly from the front line what is happening. do you suffer from heartburn? i
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recommend izoto. isoto interacts with acid in the stomach, which leads to a reduction in heartburn symptoms. your water if heartburn bothers you. there are discounts, representing unbreakable discounts on fen 20% in pharmacies psylansky, pam and oskad. exclusively on the air. our channel, congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics causing resonance in our society: drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other cities of russia. analysis of processes that...
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we are coming back, these are chronicles of information, chronicles of war, excuse me, we are joined by kyrylo sazonu, a serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine, who is, well, in the direction of chasivoy yar, congratulations, kyrylo, congratulations, mrs. olga, i am very glad to see you, i miss you very much, i glad to see what you have too. everything is fine,
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and actually he wants to describe the situation descriptively, to find out, because eh usually lately, about the time of the iar so much... she said yes, they say that they are trying to storm, but the positions there have not been lost, it was not possible to advance and so on, but still, i would like to know in more detail, where they are trying, what they are trying to do , where exactly the fighting is going on, and what is actually happening in your direction, olo, the fact that in luhansk subortytsia and the general staff report that there are constant assaults, and we are holding our positions, this is the pure truth, maybe not everyone understands what is going on with... is covered by these dry summaries, 11 assaults continue, six have been repulsed, five are ongoing now, this means that we do not have a minute of peace here, not a minute, they are constantly assaulting, that is, now when you are told that at the beginning of the day, for example, there were 11 assaults
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or 17, 17 11 of them were repulsed there, which means that right now there are battles going on in five or six points on ivankivskyi and kolinov, and three assault attempts are going on now. this is how it happens, and for a week already there has been a constant battle in some place, there was not even half an hour when i could write there in himself in a telegram that now there is shelling, there are no assaults, we are waiting, we are hiding, no, they are constantly climbing somewhere, sometimes such a massive assault, mechanized, sometimes in small groups they work in pairs quite harmoniously, that is, four to six people, a group, two or three pairs advance. so inconspicuously they are trying to enter the city, to gain a foothold somewhere, so that reinforcements will come, and this continues constantly both here and in toretsk, the assaults are constant, it is not so easy, because , for example, my friends, comrades from bakhmut from last year, mowgli reported, now in the hospital, they took him yesterday, or the day before yesterday they already
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had five holes, but he feels pretty good, he is already on the mend, he is already joking, we signed off today, this is our price. they also pay for their assaults, and they pay a lot, because when they assault, they have not yet reached our positions in the affected area, and the forces of our 41st brigade, our mortars, our thunder brigades, our drones, very well minus the personnel and equipment, that is , according to these summaries, that the assaults continue, and we hold our positions, and our losses, and very large enemy losses, it seems, they opened it recently in the turkish direction, but i... understand that it had to happen, because they still haven’t been able to take the chasivary, it’s hard for them to wait for the evening assembly at pokrovsk, because i only have such the half-rumors from our guys are not bad from karlivka, and toretsk is an intertemporal and pokrovsky direction, itself, well, it was very
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logical for them to start here about trying to advance and a little to undermine the threat of our counterattack from horlivka, because it is generally nearby, but then ... ours too, too is holding on, chasivyar is holding on, it is hard, they are constantly throwing cabs both at us and behind our backs, they are throwing them at the cities of measure, at kostyantynivka, at pokrovsk, at slovyansk, kramatorsk, druzhkivka, they are throwing rockets from airplanes, hails are working, they are working , unfortunately, and thermo, thermobalic weapons, then the sundial, pinocchio, ours respond, too, arta works well, our grads work well. i have already said that our mortars, that is , we work, work, hold on, ukrainian chasivyar, ukrainian turkish, do not surrender to the ukrainian donbass. to your brothers, we are wounded of course, i think we all want to recover as soon as possible, and how, well, how best to rehabilitate ourselves so that
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we are, well, healthy and full of strength. of course, i would very much like them to be okay. tell me, kirill, do you feel a change, well... for example, in equipment, did some replenishment of weapons arrive, how do you feel about it now, do we still rely more on fabs, on these fpv drones, on some things like that, so are there really more weapons now? in the conditions of a shortage of shells and missiles, of course, fpivishki drones and drones with weapons have become our main force that impresses. the enemy there is said to have reached 80%, but such questions as statistics on the direction of the operational command there, or on the front in general, such statistics can only be given by its general staff or the leadership of the direction, i do not have such statistics, as for
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shells and missiles, i am very- i know very little and can say very little, because how many will you have, how many tamin shells do you have now, how many will be tomorrow... only the neighbor has a secret, even from his own, because that is the most important thing, what the enemy wants to know, where, how much bc we have, when, how they will bring it, and where we store it, that became clear. even more than in march, than in winter, but we are still waiting, we are waiting for much more, we are waiting for two things, we are waiting for us to have more shells and mines to destroy the enemy in the zone of destruction so that he cannot even come close to ours positions to destroy his logistics, and we are waiting for planes to shoot them down, their planes that drop cabs, because it is almost impossible to shoot down a cab, when it is dropped from the plane, they drop them somewhere over donetsk, they already reach konstakhs, well, you are already a little behind... you were thinking about such tactics of the enemy, when they are there in twos, twos, threes, trying
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to break through, what kind of tactics is this, how effective is it in general, well, how do you evaluate it , this is a normal special forces tactic in any country, and in us and in great britain and in the united states, one covers, one advances, then another suppresses fire, advances, the second, well, this is a normal tactic, and what do they achieve like that, they are like that in a way they try to take such a position. grab there, i don't know, one side, seize the position, advance to ours, to our area of ​​responsibility, because if there are armored vehicles with personnel, of course we will destroy them, and we see them when they break through one by one, two by two, well, arta will not work with expensive shells two at a time persons, it is already a job for our infantry, for our stormtroopers or for drones, here they advanced microdistrict, canal, a group of four people, two couples climbed up, hanged themselves. the russian ensign was recently mined and escaped, well i don't know if they escaped or not, because it's not because of us, well, we didn't
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get caught, because it's not the first time that a drone blew up a log and the explosives they planted, well, that's good, but you know, you probably also saw this epic video when there the russians are driving buggies in the ocheretino region, and on the road they are driving, they literally counted 60 units of broken vehicles. russian equipment, that is, a mass of battered russian equipment, and on the other hand, i understand that, nevertheless , they have less equipment, but it is still enough to storm, or not so enough, but both here and near chasik there is a lot on the road from chasik to bakhmut, the main route to kalinovo and to the bakhmud-kostyantynivka route, a lot of destroyed enemy equipment, even now i... i don't remember the numbers of the official reports, because there is a lot of equipment, and trucks, and trucks, and buggies, and motorcycles,
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here they made everything possible from a motorcycle, such a monster is also like a tank, as they are called, a barbecue or a barn in different ways, a lot of equipment destroyed, there is still such a rare prey here, it is a tulip, recently knocked down, it is a 240-mm mortar, that is , well, imagine if the caliber projectile. 155 or 152 mm cause a lot of damage, then here is a 240 mm mortar, self-propelled, one was knocked out near ivankivskyi, the other one was also knocked out earlier on june 6, here are two tulips for putin on russia day, we gave them, borisoglebsk-2 is very important, how many tanks were knocked out, geezer, hey, i'm not even counting, but all that armor serves the simple function of getting through the zone as quickly as possible. well, the use
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of these very buggies and motorcycles, how effective is it, how successful is this tactic? as the faster you move, the more chances you have to stay alive and reach either the position or get out of it. we also use motorcycles and even bicycles, well, on a motorcycle, for example, you can break away from fividron in the green, you go into... he does not see you, or he moves down, you are quite fast and can pass where a car cannot, when you are driving a car, a drone is following you, then your only hope is that it will fall somewhere nearby, that is , it turns out that, in principle , it is not possible to track this particular motorcycle even from the fp of a drone or from another it's so easy, it's one thing to follow, he still needs to be impressed, he shoots there and he sees. that someone is advancing, but the half-foot has to catch up and hit, and in zelenskyi, when you are riding
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a motorcycle in the trade wind, it is not so easy, the guys blew up like that, but it is interesting, well, it means that you have to adopt, well, the best practices, what can you say, if this this, well, a good option, maybe it is worth somehow to supply our troops with a war of smart guys, this is already a war... not with machine guns, not with breakfasts, not with mortars, a war of drones and ours and drones the enemy, the war of the children of radio electronic warfare between us and the enemy, this is already an intellectual war, a technological war. when all the time the guys are inventing something, inventing something, how to destroy the enemy, how to knock his drones off course, how to land them, and they also work, unfortunately, from all directions in russia, that they developed some kind of military weapon there, precisely the slaves, precisely their means of radio-electronic warfare were ready as best as possible, here
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the direction where they prepared for the war was quite good, we had from the very beginning it's difficult, but they didn't count on our drones in such... numbers, for example, the first wave, the 22nd year, the beginning of the war, they destroyed entire enemy columns with bayraktars, huh, then there's another question a little more, you already mentioned a little about toretsk , tell me how dangerous it is for chasovoyarsk, this attempt to attack turetsk, how dangerous it is for the grouping of our chasovoyarsk troops, this direction is so flanking, threatening. this is very bad for us in chasivyar, and for, well, that is, my guys from the 41st brigade, they are now defending chasivyar and on turetsk, our guys too, and i just returned from there today, it’s bad for everyone, because they go into if they take toretsk to kostyantynivka 20 km next to a straight road, if
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they move further from toretsk to kostyantynivka, it’s a threat to the flank in the pokrovsky direction, where ours is probably on... difficult, i know, well, the most difficult situation on the front right now is the pokrovsky direction, they are entering the flank, they are entering our rear almost, if it goes to konstantin, then we have to stop the turks, without options, ugh , yes, and then tell us a little about it about the turkish direction, since your brigade is standing there, what happened there in the end, how do you estimate why... these positions were lost in the noise, there are still nearby, since there were no positions in the noise, they dispersed a little, the positions there have not changed since the 14th year, when the troops were disbanded, the first agreements, i think, were minsk agreements, then the guys who fought here and fought here in the 14th year, they are quite sorry, because they say that then, if there was a team, they would have liberated the city of horlivka, because the boys were standing on
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the red partisan side, then nearby pandilimonivka, horlivka, the exit to the center, and another group... stormed, was ready to go on an assault and quite successfully terrorized the orcs from the turetsk side precisely, because this is toretsk, and here are the districts of horlivka, nikitovka, besarapka, holma, the settlement, this is also the area of ​​the city of horlivka, and that is, pressing from one side, they had the opportunity to open the way for the guys from the south, from pantelimonivtsi, and the enemy there was one brigade, they had a base in cafe barontsli , which is very popular in the city of horlivka, that is... these positions are not changed since the 14th year, noises they did not exist, everything is already there, a pile of bricks has been there for many years, there is no position, but nothing, there is no such settlement, forget it, nothing was lost there, it was a gray zone, which was a gray zone, called, had the right to be called, as long as there was no active fighting, as long as there was a skirmish line, now this was our bridgehead, yes, unfortunately, it is no longer our
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bridgehead, now they are storming both the north and the south and trying to advance everywhere, they have pulled in here. the staff is quite large, but, but that's all they can do, while they are pressing, somewhere we are losing positions, well , somewhere we lost, somewhere we were repulsed, and to say something about them, while there is such a difficult, well, significant promotion about them, well, there is no such thing, but urgently, unfortunately, unfortunately, we have to finish, completely, time has run out, kyrylo, say hello to lyutsyk irem there, thank you for joining our broadcast kyrylo sazonov, a serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine. we will meet with you in a week. see this week in the judicial control program. candidates for the position of head of the state judicial administration. who is irrational managed budget money? very often
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, ambitions prevail over healthy common sense. but who appears in the case about... this is an unconfident desire for the development and formation of a successful, effective system. greetings, you are watching judicial control, i am tatyana shustrova. the judicial system of ukraine is in a state of complete reboot. the reformation process is extremely difficult, in particular because of the fact that it is ongoing during a full-scale war. the higher judicial bodies, the higher council of justice and the higher qualification commission of judges, were formed practically from scratch. however, on... from the court reform, which is a key requirement on ukraine's path to the eu, is influenced by other events, in particular, the total exposure of corruption schemes in the judicial system. since the time when the head of the state judicial administration, oleksiy salnikov, was arrested for bribery, this position has remained vacant. the competition has been running since
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march of this year. today we will talk about those who apply for the high chair. but let's start with the news. oleksiy tandyr, the judge of the makariv district court of the kyiv region, who died last year in a state of alcoholic intoxication a soldier of the national guard. vadym bondarenko at the checkpoint upon entering kyiv was finally released. the supreme council of justice rejected his appeal against the decision of the second disciplinary chamber regarding dismissal from the post of judge. 11 members of the vrp voted for, zero - against. the supreme council of justice decided to leave unchanged the decision of the second disciplinary chamber of the supreme council of justice dated april 24, 2024 number 1241/24 on bringing to disciplinary responsibility. judge of makariv district court of tandyr kyiv region oleksiy vitaliyovych. during the meeting , tandyr tried to delay the proceedings. insisted that the vrp violates the regulation
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and his right to defense. the lawyer insisted on examining the evidence and the video file from the scene of the accident. the so-called research of the so-called evidence and the principle of the approach we have not been able to understand, to be honest. we will remind you that in may 2023, the head of the makariv district court of kyiv oleksiy tandyr in a lexus car 3 minutes before curfew. what time did he shoot down 22-year-old national guardsman vadym bondarenko, who was on duty at a checkpoint in kyiv. at the last meeting of the second disciplinary chamber of the higher council of justice, regarding the case of tandyr, a video from the scene of the road accident was made public. the footage shows how the judge opens the car door, gets out of the driver's seat, approaches the body of the downed national guardsman and grabs his head, but then tells the police that he is a passenger and calls them biased people.
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received a considerable salary, but finally the supreme council of justice dismissed him from his position, although the judge can still appeal this decision. the higher qualification commission of judges was again unable to elect a new chairman after the dismissal of the previous chairman, roman ignatov. this is the second attempt. last time , in april , none of the members of the commission volunteered to take this position. this time there were two candidates: ruslan sydorovych and andriy pasichnyk. however, none of them could. get the required number of votes, so the central election commission will later hold new elections. we will remind you that on march 27, roman ignatov, the previous head of the higher qualifications commission, resigned of his own
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free will. that year, in december, she appeared in the mass media information that he allegedly has russian citizenship. the head of the vkks himself denied it. at the beginning of this year, the commission came to the conclusion that it is impossible to definitively establish whether roman ignatov received russian citizenship in the 1990s. currently state. the bureau of investigation is conducting a pre-trial investigation in criminal proceedings against ignatov under the article on treason under martial law. the state judicial administration has been working without a head for almost a year, since last august the national anti-corruption bureau and specialized the anti-corruption prosecutor's office exposed the head of the state judicial administration, oleksiy salnikov, for bribing supreme court judges. according to. investigation in march last year, the official received 7.5 dollars from a representative of a commercial enterprise, five of which were to be handed over to the judge for making a decision. salnikov had to
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keep for himself mediation services. in nabu, it was reported that after the arrest of the head of the supreme court, vsevolod knyaz, salnikov's behavior changed dramatically, and he began avoid solving the issue, however, he was not going to return the bribe received. head of the state vova's administration promised to assist in the decision-making by supreme court judges, in particular through the involvement of its former chairman. currently, there is a competition for the position of the head of the most important body of the judicial system, which provides organizational and main financial support for the activities of judicial authorities, that is, it concentrates absolutely all financial flows on itself. there are 13 applicants for the chairman's seat. let's introduce you to the brightest of them. for example, his deputy maksym pampura wants to take the place of corruption suspect salnikov. he also appears in the bribery case, though only as a witness. however, according to the data
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of the specialized anti-corruption prosecutor's office , pampura had meetings on behalf of salnikov and communicated with the judges of the cassation administrative court regarding the annulment of the decision of the appellate instance. now maksym pampura is the temporary acting head of the state judicial administration. uncertain desire for development and formation of a successful, an effective system that is able to withstand the security challenge in the judicial hill of power. and this is another applicant, ivan legostaev. he is the head of the south-eastern interregional office of the ministry of justice in dnipro and a supporter of sharia. according to untrol, in 2019, legostaev transferred uah 100,000 to the sharya political party in two installments. two years ago, this party was banned in ukraine due to the spread of anti-ukrainian propaganda about changing the constitutional order, violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of ukraine, undermining state security, as well as propaganda of war and
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violence in military conditions. aggression of the russian federation , ivan legostaev now declares other views: it is necessary to record the crimes committed by the troops of the russian federation and display them on the appropriate state resource. according to the anti-corruption center, ivan legostaev owns a lot of real estate. from 2015 to 21 years, he declared six plots of land, three apartments, a non-residential premises, komoro garage and public premises. however, he did not indicate the cost of more. part of this real estate in 2023, legostaev took out more than uah 4 million in loans, despite the fact that, if we believe in the reliability of the data specified in the declaration, he had three times more of his own savings, 277 thousand dollars and almost 80 thousand euros. another contender for the position of head of the state judicial administration, oksana kumanska nor, former director of the lviv research institute of forensic expertise of the ministry of justice. very often ambi. they
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prevail over common sense and the demands that ordinary people expect of us. oksana kumanska has a rather ambiguous role reputation in 2019, she was dismissed from the position of deputy head of the main territorial administration in the lviv region for state registration. yaroslav zhukrovsky, the head of the kuman mine, accused her of corruption schemes. according to the center for combating corruption , a candidate for the position of head of the judicial administration in 2022. the court of experts, which she headed, was accused of illegally dismissing her subordinates at the lviv research institute, moreover, she is still a suspect in several criminal cases proceedings, in particular, about the irrational use of budget funds by the institute of forensics and improper performance of official duties. or in the public service, you know, i wanted to invest my soul and knowledge somewhere in order to reform this sector somewhere, add that knowledge to...
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somewhere in the private sector. the competition for the vacant position of the head of the state judicial administration continues. in future issues, we will introduce you to other candidates, and we hope that the working group will carefully investigate and verify integrity of all applicants. for today , i have everything, it was the program judicial control and i am tetyana shustrova. if you want to report corrupt judges or illegal decisions. message me on facebook or at this email address. see you in exactly a week. good bye. good evening, we are from ukraine. will there be north korean troops on ukrainian territory, how does ukraine use french weapons to take
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the gunpowder of war. well, yes... also inflation, how much it will increase, like gasoline prices and tariffs will hit ukrainians and the prospects of summer and autumn, regarding the dollar, i will talk about this and not only about this today for the next hour and 45 minutes, this is a big ether, my name is vasyl zema and i am colleagues with you again for the next hour 47 minutes events from outside ukraine. today , volodymyr zelenskyi is in brussels, that he managed to sign a security agreement with the leadership of the european union, that it is real. gives to ukraine and why scholz is asking for more money for ukrainians in germany, does he plan to return ukrainians home. about all this, i hope, we will have time to talk today, and plus, of course, all the events that will take place during our broadcast, we will promptly tell you about them, we will inform you. well, now i will add to the conversation serhiy zgurets, the director of the defense express agency and the host of the military summaries of the day column. sergey, congratulations , good evening.


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