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tv   [untitled]    June 28, 2024 2:30am-2:59am EEST

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the threshold of war is approaching, and also inflation, how much it will increase, how gasoline prices and tariffs will hit ukrainians and the prospects of the summer and autumn in relation to the dollar, i will talk about this and not only about this today for the next hour and 45 minutes, this is a big ter, me my name is vasyl zema, and i, my colleagues, will be with you again for the next hour and 47 minutes. events from outside ukraine. today , volodymyr zelenskyi is in brussels, and he managed to sign a security agreement with the leadership. of the european union, what it really gives to ukraine, why scholz is asking more money for ukrainians in germany, does he plan to return ukrainians home? i hope we will have time to talk about all this today, and plus, of course, all the events that take place during our broadcast, we will promptly tell you about them, we will inform you, and now i will add serhii turkets to the conversation , the director of the defense agency and the host of the military summaries of the day column. sergey, congratulations, good evening. i congratulate you, vasyl, i congratulate our
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viewers, today we will be in our column talk about how our fighters use french weapons, let's look at their tactics, about whether the military from north korea will reach our land, and about the technological projects of the ministry of defense, which is looking for this new powder of war to have an advantage over the enemy. more on that in a moment. i will start our column with a video in which the mig-29 fighter of the ukrainian air force accurately uses french high-precision bombs against the enemy, the hammer itself, the supply of which began in january 24 , but this is the first video of how this bomb hybrid and rockets are fired... on the video itself
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, you can see that the pilot makes such a flight at a low altitude, then climbs up, launches these hummers and performs an anti-missile maneuver quickly enough to avoid detection by enemy radars and to avoid a possible hit by russian air defense systems . why i put this video... as the beginning of our column, because in fact here we see the tactics of using this long-range weapon, which has a range of 70 km, it is actually a hybrid of a bomb and a missile, to which there a guidance system and a rocket engine are added, which should provide a range of 70 km, but in reality this range is much shorter, because our pilots are forced to operate from a low altitude, in order, i repeat, to avoid detection and strikes of russian... complexes, in particular
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the h400, we know the tragic cases when at a distance of 200, using jemelers at 80 km, and further a gray zone, where a significant number of russian airfields are located, more than 20 military airfields, and places where military facilities of the russian federation are located, including complexes s-400, so in any case we understand that the expansion of strikes deep into russian territory is precisely the main element. in order to destroy the russian air defense system and enable our aviation to work with the full potential of the technical characteristics of belcubian weapons, which are in the samples supplied by our partners. and at this time, the enemy tries to use the advantage in manpower. we know that now the enemy there is recruiting about 30,000 personnel every month, using material incentives for signing contracts, but she appeared yesterday. interesting information that acquires
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new details about the fact that the military from north korea can probably relocate to donbas in the format, as reported by one of the foreign publications e-e, to provide engineering support for the russian troops there, this was reported by the south korean television company shosun and... . it was said that such relocations could take place even next month, it was claimed with reference to south korean officials that north korea expects that it can send engineer brigades to support the russian army, while we know that north korea has somewhere around eight or nine engineer brigades or regiments, as they are clearly... called, and that's why north korea
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is there is going to receive somewhere in the range of 115 million dollars every year, such data is circulating in the press, but... but let me remind you that so far this is actually only an assumption, although it is true that russia receives ammunition and missiles from north korea, and now we see that there are bet on gaining manpower so that this component the enemy was leveled, we have to scale our means of impression, scale technological approaches in order to be able to counter any force regardless of which country they appear on ours. at the front and what technological approaches are currently being adopted by our ministry of defense, our general staff? we will talk about this with our next guest, we are joined by lieutenant colonel pavlo kishkar, senior officer of the ground forces command, head of the
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accelerator project office of the ministry of defense. sir paul, i congratulate you, glad to see and hear. congratulations, mr. serhiy, congratulations to ukraine. i would like to start our conversation with the fact that you are currently the head of the project office of the ministry of defense, which is engaged in the promotion and development of technologies for the needs of the armed forces. i would like to understand what is currently relevant and necessary for the ministry of defense, because this initiative has been in existence for more than a year, and what is the highest priority right now, what are the key bets that this project office is making in order to... so that on the battlefield with appeared exactly technological solution? there are two main areas: unmanned aviation and ground-based automated complexes, there are separate projects for automating the introduction of troop management, combat management, by the way, taking into account
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the number of developments and the amount of industrial production that is currently being carried out in ukraine. so we want to be the leaders in these three areas in the world, i think that by supporting our own production, by supporting our own manufacturer, we will be able to keep this trend to remain number one in unmanned aviation, and in the ground component, and develop automated troop management systems. mr. pavle, how is interaction with the general staff now established, because, as i understand it, synergy is needed with the ministry of... and the military in order to ensure the maximum rapid progress in the directions you mentioned? i believe that we have a working situation between the ministry and the general staff, there is a working contact with
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each commander of the unit that is directly involved in hostilities, and i think that this is such a ... horizontal opportunity communication, it radically distinguishes us from the enemy, they have such coordination, yes, there is no horizontal coordination, so we are constantly in communication 24/7, so that the latest developments fight and robots fight instead of people, given that the enemy outnumbers us in number of personnel, quality of training and technology should... er have an advantage on the battlefield against any number of orcs that come to our land. mr. pavle, is it possible to imagine such a situation when a certain area of ​​our front is protected, relatively speaking, by ground troops robotic platforms and aerial platforms,
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and the operators are, well, somewhere in an unguarded, remote place, and precisely due to technological capabilities, well , they provide cover... our front lines, we are going to this, i think we are going with this quite confidently, communication is needed with those people who will be the operators of these systems, because considering our flaws in mobilization and the fact that we have created the image of rejecting people, we will scare those who would like to be the operators of these systems tomorrow, the very systems we have . is developed, developed, we even have a whole command newly created from unmanned systems, which will acquire capabilities in the form of newly created parts, accordingly , there will be modern technology, and we will directly invite those people who want,
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know how and want to test their abilities directly on the battlefield, using these unmanned systems, such an offer... the armed forces have, but in general , the return of confidence in the armed forces and in the commanders, of course, needs some kind of perfect solution, because the state did everything to frighten people, we are also working on this, we explain to the ministry what to do and to the command responsible for mobilization that it is not necessary to do so, and how then to restore this trust, what do you advise the ministry of defense to do, so that, alas, or sometimes there were shameful cases that have a negative effect precisely on the relationship between civil and military personnel, what should be advised? what should be changed? we have two subjects - the state and society,
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it is difficult to communicate with society with each element, it is much easier to teach the state to communicate and restore trust, because it is a much narrower circle of persons, therefore the state has to invite people who want to serve, to invite directly to those commanders with whom they agree to serve, directly directly to... write it in the regulations, no, no in telephone law, it should be directly a person who came to the commander and wants to serve, has the legal right to register there and be a soldier there, instead the state should determine and give a signal to those people who went abroad to return, here is an offer for that you had the opportunity of the law... a way to return, to serve, to leave and visit the family
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in europe, from europe, that is, this offer must be open, there must be a simplified booking for business, this reservation must be in electronic form, and it must take no more than 10 minutes of business operations of one or the other, and the reservation should be made immediately, and then if the state does not agree with that reservation, it should ... take steps to remove that reservation, we have developed a reserve plus, an electronic system from which information can be removed very quickly and apply, and accordingly, if the state has changed its mind to conduct a reservation for a certain type of business, well, remove it later, but do not keep people in limbo, this trust will be formed from this, the second and most important thing is that the state must start with itself. reduction of their non-working and unnecessary bodies during the war, liquidation
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of local self-government bodies, those territories that are occupied, at the moment it is not necessary to maintain them, these people can be redirected to other areas of state work, i think that these are the four steps that i mentioned, it could stimulate the return of trust between ukrainian society. to the state and vice versa, and the state could trust its citizens, especially since most people are determined to undergo military service, just the right conditions, a person must have determination, he has the right to choose a unit, he has the right to training and preparation, respectively, she has the right to understand when she comes back from this war back to her family, and if that was communicated, i think that ... easily people agreed to join and support, then moreover, the economic front is as important
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as the immediate combat front, well , in fact, regarding the first point, when a person chooses a unit and wants to get there, and the commander must know that this person will really get there to him, this topic is in our the conversation with you has already come up, i think for the fourth month in a row, that is, this means that even this first one... which ensures such a direct contact between society and the army still does not exist, that is, i am sure that you have repeatedly told various officials about this to persons in the ministry of defense that this should be ensured, then the question arises, either they do not hear, or the existing mechanism of mobilization, well , it suits certain officials more than the things you said, which should ensure trust between the army and society, well, i i hope not. therefore, the front
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will move forward, they will be exactly the same as other people, and they are interested in conducting a dialogue, honestly, frankly, and simplifying the system, but in fact, not much has changed in the system of state management, and in the system recruitment management, and in the system military management, and often densely a system... of a smaller order, that is , the mobilization system manages the general life of the state, determines which business survives, which business dies, who goes to the army, who doesn't, yes no... maybe, it has be a general state policy, perhaps the president should intervene and appoint a responsible person, one authorized by the president to somehow modernize this reform of the mobilization process, to make it more humane, to establish reverse communication between the state
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and society, if the president has a hard time with personnel, contact me, i will help. and i would like to return a little to the issue of technologies, you now provide, well, really, let's say, an important role, so that new developments appear on the battlefield as soon as possible, but do the accelerator or other structures of the ministry of defense or the general staff have units that analyze russian experience, russian trends, to get ahead of them, because there were reports that a number of structures were disbanded. who were engaged in this, and this probably has a negative effect on the analysis of the situation on the battlefield and on the analysis of russian tactics, so or not, what is your vision, how we analyze the russian experience? the analysis is carried out by several structures, not only by the ministry of defense and the armed forces, but also by other military formations,
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there are such units, but now i am directly in a scientific institution, and i am in contact with scientists, so that their latest developments reach technological implementation , very interesting, i'm almost three o'clock, we were going to work for an hour, we're working for four, and i think it won't end quickly, but going back to of your question, the analysis of the combat use of russian developments is carried out in that part. which you mentioned, they were more concerned with the modern developments of ukrainian production, not with the analysis of russian e-weapon types of weapons, i think that the reform of the units both in the ministry of defense and in the general staff, which are responsible for the it cluster, for the cluster
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of unmanned aerial vehicles systems, for a cluster of ground automated systems, an automated troop control system, it will only improve, to a greater extent it concerns the reduction of certain units that do not have applied development, and people who have the appropriate knowledge, skills and abilities, they will not be lost, believe me, they will be redirected to other high-tech areas of development of the introduction and combat use of modern types of weapons, and we are over we are working on this so that not a single... person from these teams is lost, as well as not a single project, we heard more than two hundred modern developments, both of an applied nature, from that in this massif, promising developments, they will be implemented in the troops, that's why
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we have already learned to separate the wheat from the chaff. this is pavlo kishkar, we are now trying to restore contact, and pavlo is just the representative, the head of the project office of the ministry of defense, the accelerator of the ministry of defense, which directs its efforts to ensure that the best technological developments, which already have a high degree of readiness, undergo verification first on training grounds, and then in... combat operations, and then in the format of orders, they already became serial products and became part of the status of regular units that will use them already massed in the battlefield, as it is now with unmanned systems, ground systems, naval unmanned systems, and this is what is the basis of our technological advantage over the enemy, because the enemy has a numerical advantage over us, we
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have to provide technological changes that provide precisely the technological advantage over the enemy. these were the main military results of this day, then the broadcast will be continued by vasyl zima, so stay tuned to the espresso channel. thank you very much to serhiy zgurets, thank you to his guest. we have many important thoughts heard, in fact, fair opinions and would really like, say, that the phrase "perhaps the president should say about it, and he will change something", was heard by the president. of course, we should not live in such a patriarchal state, but a monarchical one, where one person has to decide everything, but very often, as we see, when certain information reaches the appropriate people, certain decisions will be made. regarding the fact that each person should preferably occupy the position for which he is most suitable in the armed forces of ukraine, for the sake of efficiency the work of the armed forces of ukraine, it is absolutely
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worth supporting here, well, but there is no ideal ideal society, ideal army, ideal relations anywhere in the world, we strive for this, and of course during the war i would really like to have something at all wants to work, good. i will then say in my own words, we are collecting money for our soldiers who are fighting in the solidarsky and zaporizhzhia directions, they need a minibus in order to transport repair and recovery groups, mobile, closer to the front line, or is it the so-called gray zone, that is, neither ours nor yours, where, as they say, ghosts and our and enemy troops walk, and this is a very dangerous territory, because again it is official... not controlled by any of the parties, and here in this gray zone or on the contact line very often our armored vehicles are either blown up by an explosive or a mine or a high-explosive, or they are hit
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by a certain means of impact there or an rpg or something else, and it needs to be repaired very quickly, because again, a working apc or bmp or a tank is a plus, because a tank can hit an enemy defender, you can strike at a concentration of manpower, you can strike at the enemy's armored vehicles, the apc allows you to move... infantry from one point to another under the cover of armor, again, well, the bmp can also conduct effective combat operations, you see qr- we need to collect the code for the minibus so that mobile repair teams can be sent to repair this equipment very quickly, we have already been able to collect with you, now i will tell you how much, you and i have already managed to collect 571,663 uah, we have 60,000 uah left, i i hope that for today and for tomorrow, plus my colleagues will join in others... and we will be able to collect this amount and close this issue and finally give our military the opportunity to purchase the necessary transport. petro
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obukhov, deputy of the odesa city council, is in touch with us. mr. peter, i congratulate you. greetings, good day. first of all, i will ask, i read this today, i have information about odesa, odeshchyna, but i will still ask how the last day passed, regarding enemy attacks, shelling, if we are talking about odesa, odeschyna, please. it was still this morning an attempt to attack the odesa region with one missile, as far as i understand, this missile, well, as they say, lost its capacity, or maybe it was shot down, uh, well, but still, the enemy does not leave odesa odeschina alone for quite a long time, more often than not rather, on infrastructure, on other objects, on energy objects, on those objects that we are not talking about, the enemy tries to target, or sometimes he... manages to target or fails to target, in any sometimes causes destruction, what is the situation with the provision of water and light in odesa and again in odesa region, because it is important to understand how much these enemy
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attacks now make it possible to provide people, at least with these humanitarian, humanitarian needs that people have, water, electricity, please, well, electricity is turned off, as in 5, 6 hours each, there is water, we will get it, i don't expect it. already this year, gas generators from japan, and all large boiler houses will be provided with electricity in case of blackouts and also water supply, that is, i hope that this winter will pass normally in our country in odesa, well actually i will hope for that too, by the way, it is very good, let’s say odesa, i understand that you are on your own at the level of the city region, you also negotiated with the government or with... organizations in japan regarding the supply of of these gas generators, that is , it is a local initiative, as they say, right? yes, our mayor and vice-mayors went
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to japan last year, to the sister city of yokohama, and there they agreed that japan helps odesa a lot, it also provided water purification systems, in case something happens to our water supply the main thing, then we will be able to take untreated water, make it drinkable, that is, some work is being done here, well, it is very difficult, these generations. they cost a billion hryvnias, and at the session that took place, by the way, yesterday, we allocated 30 million hryvnias to equip them, that is, when they arrive, it will be necessary to make some kind of foundation there, to connect them to the network, that's us we are already doing it at our expense, well, this is actually a very cool initiative, we know that a number of countries help one or another region of ukraine, for example, neighboring odesa, mykolaiv the region actively cooperates with, say, the kingdom of denmark, we can see ode odesa. with japan, i think, not only with japan, it is very good that there are people who find opportunities and implement them, and convince our partners to transfer what is needed. i'll ask
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what this topic is about, it's been around for a long time, well, not that long, but it flashed very brightly in the ether, the topic of this fight that happened, well, if you can call it that, and between, well, it's not a fight, it was a tense situation between tsc employees and ambulance workers help, although again there were different people, i will not update here, well, but the story had a continuation in that sense, thank god, not in the sense of a fight, not in the sense of clarifying relationships, in the sense that the reservation of employees ... ambulance in odesa, at least now we are talking about odesa, well , the city council supported the application regarding the reservation of ambulance workers, i would also like to add that 600 workers have been laid off from the emergency service, again, is this true, is it not true what kind of people these are, and to what extent will it be possible to resolve this issue specifically regarding the reservation of ambulance workers, which employees of all or only certain specialists who provide assistance, who er...
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drive this ambulance, please, what is the status of solving this issue and whether it was possible to establish a dialogue, what is most important between the local council, local authorities and representatives of the city or regional territorial center of recruitment and social support, please, well, look, when that situation and that fight happened, i even saw information about it in in the western press, it was on the bbc, it was on other media, and it was very... very unpleasant that we became famous in this way, indeed, at that time the emergency workers were not booked, by this, they were all tricked by the regional structure , we had a session of the regional council this week first, and then the city council, and a very strange story happened at the session of the regional council, they asked the cabinet of ministers to book a pause, employees of security agencies, and an amendment
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to... at least before this request there are still employees the deputies of the regional council failed, unfortunately, there we have such a coalition of servants of the people from the police, and they support such ridiculous things, and they do not support some reasonable ones, and after that the deputies of the odesa council of the odesa city council decided to make their appeal to the governor and to of the cabinet of ministers to ask to book emergency workers in particular . er, they really weren’t booked, er, the dialogue continues, there are more of them, well, no one is stopping them in the way it was, there really is a release, er, by the way, women, doctors also, they're conscripts, so, so they might be at risk as well, but my understanding is that this scandal, it's caused a stir, and this situation will be resolved, and,
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well, hopefully, again , here is a question... of a wise approach, but pain, we are talking about people, well, let's say, you said about security workers, i will not judge again, because there is no such right, who should be banned, who should not, maybe employees circus, maybe the representatives of football clubs of the first league, the top league should be for, i don't know, again i don't know, but sometimes, well, if you look at kyiv, look, after mobilization, again, mobilization is a necessary process and it continues, and the ministry of defense says that there are good results, that is, we see results, but it's just a fact, 27 % of employees... in kyivmskvitla, there are 14% of staff shortages, well, this is light for people, and these are people who solve urgent needs, it is clear that there may be some people who do not solve, do not repair lights, they just sit in the office somewhere in kyivmskvitli and booked, the capd of his work for the municipal utility sector of the city is zero, this also happens, well , let's be honest, people do too.


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