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tv   [untitled]    June 28, 2024 3:00am-3:31am EEST

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and the scandal led to a push and this situation will be resolved, but let's hope, again here is a question of a wise approach, but pain we are talking about people, well , let's say, you said about employees of security structures, again i will not judge, because i don't have such a right, who should be banned, who shouldn't, maybe circus workers, maybe representatives of football clubs of the first league, the top league should be in favor, i don't know, again, i don't know, but sometimes, well, if around kyiv, look, that's after mobilization, again... this is a necessary process, and it continues, and the ministry of defense says that there are good results, that is, we see results, but it is just a fact: 27% of the employees of kyivmskvitla are booked, there is a shortage of personnel 14%, well, this is a light for people, and these are people who solve urgent needs, it is clear that there may be some people who do not solve, do not repair lights, they just sit in an office there somewhere in kyivmiskvitla and are booked, and the efficiency of their work is for the communal, communal sphere of the city zero, that also happens, well let's be honest, people...
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they do tricks in different ways, but the question is that, after all , it is necessary to approach so that the city can live, transport, communal services, ambulance, elevators should be repaired, excuse me, the pipes should be cleaned of shit, some more things to do, well it should be, it should be, or when you look at the 700 thousand banned, and these people are not at all clear why they and not others, well it shouldn't be, that's why there is a dialogue, it's it is important, i think that the ukrainians are still the result of the dialogue, although sometimes they flare up somewhere passions, but find. a common language and it is very important, i think that during the first stage of the law on mobilization, all these difficult points will be agreed and resolved, the issue of beaches, you know, in odesa many people are now coming from other regions of ukraine and possibly local residents, although as they say, they rarely go to the beach, but i haven't been this year yet, so we see a lot of people, you know, and when our side says so, well, the military, in particular there... that's why the russians
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drive people to the crimea to rest on the beach or they are talking about the holiday season in crimea, because crimea is, as ryfat chuvarov said , a front-line zone, and therefore the russians are to blame for the fact that rockets can fall, because the fragments of rockets are on the beach, there is no need to rest in crimea. well, excuse me, odessa is also actually a front-line zone, if you can say so, if not front-line, because odessa is constantly attacked from the air, and also the people on the beaches are people who, well, they all flew there from turkey or from another place of the sea. ends, immediately odessa begins, that's all, that is , there is no place for a conventional rocket or shahed to go. how is it to solve the issue, because on the one hand we say, look, they are setting up their people there in the crimea, and we are setting them up, and they will say, look, you also have odesa, we are shooting at you, although we criminals, why don’t they say that, but you have people lying on the beach, and we are not to blame, but what did you beaches reveal, how to find a solution here, well, there are different situations, first of all, they in russia do not feel , that they have a war there. it's enough for them, it's still strange that
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something flew to them, they don't understand, why, how did it happen, and here it is obvious that the fault of the russian authorities, and they admitted, by the way, that they shot down our missile there, this atakoms, and because of the actions of their air defense, this is what they constantly accuse us of , that it was supposedly our air defense that was to blame, but their air defense was to blame there, they themselves admitted it, it was very strange for me, well, as for odesa, we have one officially open beach, on this beach... there is even a storage facility, there are still plans to place some concrete shelters on the beaches, but sorry, well, everyone knows that we have war, everyone knows that rockets are flying at us, shaheds, that even several times this year , sea mines or even land mines have already landed on the shore, and everyone must take this responsibility on themselves, this is one of the reasons , why haven't i been to the sea yet, and well... officially, these
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beaches are not open and the authorities did not tell you to go swim there, we will protect you, there was no such thing, but we understand that it is impossible to stop people, and even there in times covid and it was very funny, when there was a ban on swimming on the beaches, the police came first, they had such a task to take pictures every day that no one was bathing, and they first came and asked people to get out, well , to take a picture, and then they didn't even ask for that, they asked them to move a little like that. take care, we will take a picture that the sea is clean and everything and we will go, well, that is, well, in order to prevent people from swimming, it is necessary to set up some borders from the police, no one will do this, so everyone must have his head on his shoulders, or the one whoever is responsible for his children, he must understand that he is responsible for them, we already had a case about a month ago therefore, when serhii kivalov arrived, such an irony of fate, but there was an arrival of rockets, rockets with a cassette part.
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battle, several people died there, i think there were six or seven, several were still in hospitals, then died, and it was just such a seaside resort area, so everyone, everyone understands it. mr. petar, i am the end myself, but the good news is that during the 10 months of the great odesa sports, a record amount of cargo was transported, this is again, glory to the armed forces of ukraine and everyone who joined this work, and literally in one sentence, but it is very important, they will build in odesa, i read that in odesa, maybe it is in odesa region, maybe the information is wrong, they will build a waste incineration plant that will produce electricity, i just have one question, it is when it can happen, not because of what i say , let's hurry, no, just curious. when it can be implemented, because this is a very good idea , in fact, well, look, it will also be implemented by the japanese, they will do it in odesa, yesterday at the session we allocated 4 hectares of land for the construction of this plant, but it will be quite slow, for us no deadlines they didn’t name it, but it’s been years, i understand that, yes,
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but still the idea is good and god forbid that it be implemented and work for the good of the city, thank you very much, petro obuho, the deputy of the city council was there, the odesa city council was with us in touch, remember? phrase: for the benefit of kharkiv and all kharkiv residents, yes, well, but we were talking about odessa. thank you, mr. petro, and now we will move on to domestic political issues, and with us, for one second, oleksiy koshelya, doctor of historical sciences, chairman of the committee of voters of ukraine, is with us. sir oleksiy, i congratulate you. good day. we discussed this a little yesterday, but today i want to talk more substantively, the results of a sociological survey provided by the razumkov center. and there the news made it into all the headlines, the president must have read it, he thinks: well , there are other results, and why did you bet that trust in me is falling, he was probably offended, but of course i am joking, but the news that trust in the president has fallen,
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but the issue there is that trust in the institution of the president and specifically in volodymyr zelenskyi are slightly different of trust, volodymyr zelenskyi, is allegedly trusted more than the presidential institute itself, please explain how you evaluate these results in general, the key, at least moments in terms of trust in state institutions, the economic state there, as evaluated by the people of this rozmkov center, which were made public yesterday , please, i am always used to reading the first sources and i carefully read the text of the center’s research sensibly, to be honest, this media campaign about the fact that zelensky personally is trusted more than the institute, well, i just see such signs an active media campaign, i don't want to imply anything to anyone, but i will not like it very much, that is, there are certain natural things, for example, president volodymyr zelensky's confidence indicators are falling, and we have been observing this since around the end of december, there is a drop there in fact, every month,
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for example, last month according to kmis , trust was 61%, now according to the ramkov center, it is around 54%. so there is a fall. reasons, there is a logical explanation, i.e. a scandal with the resignation of a lousy man, minus 5% confidence in the head of state, there are any scandals in the servant of the people faction, corruption, there is tyshchenko, everything else is also noted, but there is nothing catastrophic, that is, the president has a trust level of 54%, these are absolutely normal natural processes, but there was such a campaign about , what did they say with a miracle or... there , zelensky's personality is higher than, for me it is not clear, these and these are political games, i see, and it is very unpleasant to me that a lot of media was tied to it, maybe some people just don't they know that, in addition to being volodymyr zelenskyi, he is also the president, well i'm joking, of course, but i perfectly understand
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that there are certain people who may think that this president is one person, and volodymyr zelensky is another person, well, there are many different people in ukraine, but i also completely agree with you, well listen, trust and love... and associate some hope with the same person for the sixth year in a time of war, at a time when there is economic hardship, when it is difficult, when mobilization, when people are dying, injured, when there is still no information it is not visible, but by the forces of the armed forces of ukraine after all it is possible to restrain the enemy, instead of feigning blows, to say that in this situation people will love the president, general sirsky, relatively speaking, even those people on whom the prime minister depends, well, it is very difficult, so 50 and a half percent. it seems to me that this basically indicates that there is still a margin of safety or not? i think that the power has a margin of safety in general, by the way, the parliament has a margin of safety, but our organization conducted a study, literally yesterday we made it public,
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there are negative pages, let's say, the number votes of two groups of the former opzh for draft laws that become laws, i.e. for the support of the authorities. tripled from 20% to 60, this is an extremely large figure, and now we consider even the groups of the former opzh as members of the coalition, by the way, this also affects ratings and trust. and to institutions and to individuals, and on the other hand we see that every fifth vote is adopted by a constitutional majority, this means that the parliament has a margin of safety, the president, the government also has a margin of safety strong enough, but the question is , what if if we do not get out of political games and do not increase the efficiency of management decision-making, then we can quickly destroy this margin of safety, but weak efficiency... weak quality, low quality of management decisions, it
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affects literally everything, is it possible, can we talk about the parliamentary crisis, because you know, after this ongoing story, it has only just begun, well, if this story had started a long time ago precisely with the scandalous and scandalous stories surrounding people's deputy mykola tyshchenko, there would be no to call it in a popular way, after all, well, let's wish ourselves, at least whoever wants to call him. by some nicknames, we are talking about a people's deputy, who was elected, by the way, by the people of kyiv, in fair elections, that's the same, because always when they say, there's such a guy there, no, you, you elected him, well, the people elected him, he's a people's deputy , mykola tyshchenko, but now this story has come out and has entered a critical phase, and it is already starting to talk about the parliamentary crisis, but now it will be with mr. tyshchenko, then it may be with others, and in general it will fall, will fall, at least the majority, there are some signs that it will fall, in addition to the fact that a certain number of... deputies, it's no secret, want to leave their seats, their
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positions, although there are gentlemen like the one called a joker, he is the 153rd number on the list, by the way, he may get to the verkhovna rada, i don’t know if it will strengthen, improve work, but are there signs of a parliamentary crisis, or is it better to talk about it closer to the fall, and not in the middle summer, thank you very much for your question, because really often, when considering this or that crisis, looking at one scandal or another. corruption fact, they immediately start talking about the crisis. i have been seeing signs of a parliamentary crisis for quite some time, well, let's say, the last calendar year - that's for sure. well, what does it manifest itself in? this is manifested in the ignoring of opposition bills, it is manifested in the ignoring, what is more frightening, in the ignoring of government initiatives. and we see that more than 70% of government bills are simply not adopted there. i see signs of a crisis in the fact that the parliament is not able to. set priorities, and a number of draft laws, including of the military, is adopted with a very significant delay,
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but i always brought up examples, duty-free import, import duty-free and vat, gunpowder, drones, spare parts for drones, rebs, these were all separate bills, these decisions were adopted with a delay of one and a half years, so in my opinion, in the conditions of war, this is simply a sentence for the government and for the parliamentary majority, this is actually... a sign of a parliamentary crisis, a very serious one, but again, there is a margin of safety in the parliament, here is an example of our study, in six months this year, the parliament adopted 70 draft laws, for no draft law in the monomajority, not you, the monomajority did not give 226 votes, well, in principle, this is not surprising, until the 22nd year, we observed approximately the same trends, but there approximately. 70-190% of deputies vote, that is, the majority
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can still work, and at the expense of the allies, unfortunately, including at the expense of opz, decisions will be made, why, why , unfortunately, because i see that now in the parliament one of the key problems is the dependence of the authorities on the two groups of the former of the opposition platform for life, and when we speak, we ask the question why... the church bill is adopted, why it is not adopted, may i update, ladies, it is from the groups of someone, the fugitive medvedchuk and now or present boyko, or about or what, i i just don't know, i don't know what other groups there might be, whether there are any other groups, groups of the former opzh, but if, if we actually trace who votes for bills that become laws, then we see that the informal coalition today, this is really a servant of the people, a deputy... group of dovia and groups the revival of ukraine and the platform for life and
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peace, i.e. two groups of the former opposition platform for life, actually now these political forces, these groups are most actively working as allies in the parliament, well at least we are talking about the factor of passing bills, but this dependence on opzh, it is obvious that it can also explain the absence of a decision to take away mandates from... deputies of local councils from banned parties, by the way, conduct a lustration for politicians, at least assets from banned pro-russian parties parties, in order for them to... the next two election cycles, i.e. for 10 years, to delete them from active political life and a number of other decisions that we attribute to the block of de -russification, decolonization, i know that at one time, when very they were waiting for the elections, well, it was somewhere more than a year ago, they had already started to collect some ratings there, something else,
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conduct such surveys, order for themselves, even some headquarters for themselves. organized, and then all this immediately disappeared, because they realized that there would be no elections, i very briefly, literally 10 seconds, but now there are some such powders about the fact that we are starting to prepare for the elections, somewhere someone appears, or now in this sense it is dead, and everyone understands that it is not worth preparing for it now, he will not be there, according to my observations, six months ago we definitely saw the activity of the headquarters, oh such pre-election games are extremely big, now i don’t personally observe it, but here... the zones of political intrigues are completely open, at least in order to drown their alleged political opponents, now work, work without break thank you very much for participating, thank you for your comments, oleksiy koshir was with us, historian, head of the committee of voters of ukraine, and literally in a few moments of news. ukraine is a sovereign and independent,
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democratic, social, legal state, the sovereignty of ukraine extends to its entire territory. ukraine is a unitary state, the territory of ukraine within the existing border is integral and inviolable, today the armed forces of ukraine and all ukrainians have stood up to protect the state and the constitution. we know what we are fighting for, what we can lose and what we never will let's take it from us. happy constitution day, glory to ukraine. good evening, we are from ukraine. so, let's get started. muscovites continuously attack antonivka in the kherson region, as a result of one of the shellings, the house caught fire, when the rescuers came to put it out, the russians hit their comrades, well, this is actually their traditional terrorist practice, criminal. in another district, villages were hit by a tank, there is no information about the wounded, reports the head of the kherson city military administration, roman mrochko.
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another house caught fire due to shelling from garden and the russians. an ambulance was vilely attacked with drones in novovorontsovka in the kherson region, the car was damaged, fortunately the people were not injured. a civilian car was also hit, the driver of the vehicle was previously injured. well, the situation at the burshtyn thermal power plant is critical, burshtyn mayor vasyl andrieshyn said. he said that last year the russians hit the enterprise twice. then the roof of the building was damaged. today, there were more than a dozen of them, and chances are that the station will resume work in winter are very low - noted andrieshyn. currently, the city authorities are working to build two boiler houses for residential buildings and four more for kindergartens and schools. this is the situation on the eve, well here it is conventionally on the eve of winter, because of course we understand that it is summer, it already smells like winter,
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because it is approaching, we see the situation, how to change something, here is the amber tess. are changing, they will not turn off the lights in part of the front-line territories of ukraine, at least this was reported by the head of ukrenergo volodymyr kudrytskyi in an interview with "hromadske". the restrictions will be canceled due to the difficult humanitarian situation and the threat to the lives of civilians, according to kudrytskyi, the cabinet of ministers is currently working on the possibility of changing the method of applying shutdowns for settlements that are located in the shelter of the front line. well... security in ukraine largely depends on the agreements that ukrainian high-ranking officials conclude today outside the borders of our state. important day, ukraine and the european union signed a security agreement. it happened in brussels, in belgium, at the leaders' summit. ukraine does not want to prolong the war. we do not want it to continue with our hands - i quote the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi. together with our partners, our state will prepare
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an action plan based on the points of the peace formula within several months to stop russian aggression. president. charles michel of the european council said that the agreement will guarantee long-term support for ukraine. similar documents were also signed with lithuania and estonia. armenia has called for an immediate ceasefire in ukraine - local media reports the statement of the head of the ministry of foreign affairs cases of ararat mirzoyan. yerevan opposes hostilities in ukraine, because the country itself faced similar destruction in the south caucasus region. official emphasizes that it supports not only peace and stability, but also, what is important, the territorial integrity of all countries. earlier, the prime minister of armenia, nikol pashinyan , stated that his country was never an ally. is russia at war against ukraine? in fact, this is a very important statement, we know what armenia and azerbaijan experienced in this
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story with nagorno-karabakh, we see what this situation is over, they are not shooting there now, the russian troops were withdrawn from the territory of armenia, they were there, and armenia, which has always traditionally been said for a long time to be pro-russian there, they are under there, because there are russian troops there, and time changes, therefore... one must always have permanent interests, when your permanent interests, integrity, peace, security, and you promote and support your friends, partners, in peace, in security, in the fight against the enemy, the time comes, and they support you, so you should always have your own interests are correct, and then partners will support you, someone will become a partner, thank you very much, by the way, to the brothers of the armenian people for such a good statement, and i think that this is not only a statement, but also actions, germany will continue. the number of ukrainian recruits in 2025 , the head of the european union command, andres marlow, announced. even more ukrainian military personnel will be able to undergo basic training abroad.
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in germany, instructors from 14 countries train snipers, tankers, engineers, soldiers, air defense, drone operators and paramedics another word was to thank the armenians very much for this statement. of course, thank you to everyone. you and many representatives of the georgian people are fighting in ukraine, the georgian legion, i don’t know, i have friends on facebook, brothers from azerbaijan who are fighting for ukraine and for themselves, so of course we have support from different countries, whatever no matter what the relationship was, we are always for peace, for security, for territorial integrity and for everything to be resolved as much as possible at the negotiating table for all peoples, who are both the government and by the forces of its citizens, and direct participation in the war on the battlefield... ukraine is helping us, great thanks and honor to all, and eternal memory, by the way, to all fallen fighters for ukraine from other countries who came here as volunteers to support us. that's why it
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was important to say it. a powerful impetus for the development of technical education at the national university of lviv polytechnic opened a research and educational center for engineering and robotics. as part of the project, the university received equipment for four modern laboratories and an inclusive space without restrictions, the total cost is about half a million dollars, well, first of all, this center will play three main functions: the first is as an educational center, we will train our students, and not only ours, we are open to cooperation as well as spalteh education, which needs just the right specialists very close to specialized targets, and most importantly, this center is allowed to do it and allows it to be done, because it is modern equipment, has very high precision and very high efficiency, and accordingly it ensures high labor productivity, why these machines are good for students, first of all, the student until today, although we
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had similar type of old soviet-era machines, but this is a modern american-made machine, where a student can practically see the program that he wrote either on a specialized program or in manual mode and try it in action. lifesaving book for the blind, lviv regional branch of the ukrainian union of people with disabilities in partnership with the resource center of the lviv polytechnic was printed 10 new literary works in braille with a total circulation of 500 books. they also produced their audio versions, involving professional actors and blind children for this. the norwegian association of the blind and visually impaired acted as a financial partner of the project with the support of the abelis foundation. tomorrow, the organization will send all inclusive books to blind children in different regions of our country. what really makes our books unique is that
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they are adapted for the sighted and the completely blind, meaning they have braille, plain flat, there are colored relief drawings, and most importantly, they have a tactile qr code with an audio version in the roles. these books... are basically in color, not black and white, like the old books for the blind, that is, they are fully colored, colorful and attractive to the eye. well, actually , our whole team was engaged in the selection of books, we consulted, we consulted with parents, we consulted with children, so we looked at what books are currently popular and interesting, some books were recommended to us by children that they really wanted to read, we were guided by the fact that the books were intended for preschool. these are the ones from alphabet and, in particular, such very inclusive social books. a great initiative, and a great implementation. second
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year. on the tragedy in kremenchuk. on june 27, two years ago, the enemy launched a missile strike, targeting the shopping center. then , let me remind you, 22 people died. ivan melekhovets, alone, one of the first to arrive at the destroyed amstor, to save people, his memories of the terrible events of that day in our next story, let's see. more than a hundred rescuers, 20 pieces of equipment and a fire train. terrible events in... these 27 in june 2022, firefighter ivan melikhovets saw it with his own eyes. after the air -raid alarm signal, he and his colleagues went down to the shelter, within a few minutes they heard the sound of an explosion. dispatchers immediately started receiving messages. arrival at the amstor shopping center. i remember everything as if it happened literally yesterday. the first is a very large amount of smoke, noise, shouting, a lot of broken
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glass, there was. maps and this product, this chemistry, it once burned, it had a very unpleasant smell, well, that is, our guys, we immediately turned on the devices, because what to do without devices it was very difficult. ivan recalls, the ceilings were falling, people begged for help, then there were no people indifferent to someone else's grief at the place of arrival. civilians then helped, they were the first there were some guys, ordinary citizens of the house of our arrival, because it was still time until we arrived, so they... already started to take out who they could, who they could get, when it was already very hot in the premises of amstor, then we were already in special protective clothing, equipment in special protective devices, then we went there to rescue people, that day several the rescuers were also injured, - says our hero. unfortunately, we had two, two people were injured at that time, one was the head of the guard, i don't remember in which unit a floor slab fell on him and there... very
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big injuries, in particular the pelvis, and the other guy, he is from this regiment , but unfortunately, he is not on day duty today, it is in the front part of amstor, they went in, they brought out one woman, and the second one was lying on her plate, on the lower part of the woman, she shouted: "help, save." and this boy came, he started to pull her out, he couldn't pull it out understand - to understand his strength, his, he thought that he would lift that slab by his own strength, but he tried, well, it turned out that... that this firefighter had torn ligaments on his back and then he was given medical assistance , but, unfortunately, we were not able to save the woman, because as soon as his nakchar pulled that boy out of there, another slab fell and, unfortunately, the person died. ivan melikhovets says that every rescuer is capable of mastering his emotions and fear, however, he admits, until now. passing
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the place where amstor used to be, he has an idea same question. i don't understand by whom, or even by what, i don't fear that word, it has to be that there is peace in a peaceful city, in a peaceful place where the majority of kremenchug residents and other visitors to the city spend their leisure time, where there are no soldiers at all, a rocket flies there. the russian rocket took the lives of 22 people, visitors and workers. amstor, near the place of the impact, is currently being set up with a memorial square for the victims. from kremenchuk for the espresso tv channel. night memory of the dead from that enemy attack. and thanks to those who risked their lives to save people. well, and us we move on, reminding you that this is a big ether, and now about events outside ukraine in a review by yuri fizer. let's listen and see. one of the leaders of the french
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far-right national union party, headed by marine le pen, declared his readiness to provide military support to ukraine. jordan bordella said this in an interview with financial time. according to him, if his political force wins early parliamentary elections, he and his colleagues will continue to provide assistance to ukraine, but at the same time, the far-right politician put forward a demand: military support of kyiv should not lead to escalation. tensions in relations with moscow. the first round of elections in france will take place this sunday. in the russian war in ukraine, hungary does not support any of the parties, but at the same time official budapest calls for a peaceful settlement as soon as possible. this was said by the head of the hungarian government, viktor orbán, after meeting with french president emmanuel macron in paris. according to him, the leadership of hungary advocates peace, and at the same time it does not work for ukraine or russia. worth it too
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to emphasize that from july 1 it will be... pest takes over the chairmanship of the council.


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