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tv   [untitled]    June 28, 2024 5:30am-6:01am EEST

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president trump or will you accept the election results? if they are fair, absolutely, i would rather accept this and these elections, but there was not such a ridiculous level of fraud, and in a week somewhere we will hold it. press conference, but absolutely i wouldn't have done anything else, it would have been very easy for me not to bog down, and i didn't think to bog down until i saw how badly he was doing, i'd rather be somewhere else, very nice, and again, no judgments, no questions from political opponents, but what is happening now it's...
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by your numbers, after you lost last time, you ran to other courts, and let's see when the election ends on your no court has accepted these cases, basically, but you continue to provoke these lies, about these no theft. this evidence is complete, and i don't think you're going to accept defeat, because you can't accept any defeat, we 're going to go back to the presidential debate with george. while the debate is on hiatus, and we look forward to its continuation, i invite you to the voa special after it ends events where we summarize. the first presidential
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debate in the usa this year. the main highlights are the attitude of the candidates to support ukraine, the reaction of the press and observers, and what americans who watched the debates in bars over a glass of beer think about the speeches of joe biden and donald trump. about this and more at 8 am ukrainian time on all platforms of voice of america in ukrainian. we work for you in communication.
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now closing remarks from the candidates as determined by lot first president biden you have two minutes we have reached significant progress, after the divisiveness that president trump has left, we are now in a situation where, first, we have to ensure that we have a fair tax system, ask anyone in the audience if this tax system is fair, but
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the fact of the matter is because those who earn less, they did not see. inflation was a result of his pandemic policies and now he wants even more taxes to be paid because he is raising tariffs, he wants to push medicare as well. negotiate prices on drugs with the big pharmaceutical companies, and we reduced that, reduced insulin prices, and what that did was it reduced
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the deficit, because the government didn't... pay those inflated prices, and everybody in america benefited from that, he wants to get rid of that , we 're going to increase the credit that people have for we're going to increase childcare options, we're going to reverse inflation, and president trump's you... you've got two minutes, this person is just complaining, he's saying, we want to do this, we want to do se, but it does nothing, it only does what increases danger in our country, because he
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allows millions to enter the country, we looked like fools in afghanistan, and iran and ... during my presidency he was bankrupt, he did not have money for hamas cheesbol, also again ukraine should never have happened , he said here for 3.5 years we are already living in hell, the palestinians are driving the world, when you say charlottesville, now 100, 100 times more charlottesville, because no one respects. you in the world, but you must respect your president, and what we did was extraordinary, we reduced taxes, reduced regulatory prohibitions, i reduced prohibitions, and so it increased jobs, even
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in terms of medicine, we, we try to create our materials to ... not to take them from asia or from europe, but what have we done for troops, it was extraordinary, this is a choice for our troops, instead of waiting for 3 months to see a doctor, they can now be treated, live and their lives have improved, this country will be again. thank you former president trump, president biden. i thank those viewers, listeners who were with us since voice of america. join our
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broadcast. we will have analysis and reactions to the main statements that were made during the debate. for world leadership. for global leadership, because china constantly calls itself, along with the united states, the main superpower. washington constantly omits china. no, you are a regional power, this obama did, and now biden. does not to mention trump. trump is fiercely anti-chinese. many events are also connected with the fact that elections are expected in november. if trump comes to power, well then china will not recover much. and they understand it. they already remembered the four years from 2016 to 20. when trump's decisions on the trade agreement to withdraw production from the territory of china greatly influenced the situation. all the more so, let me remind you that due to the consequences of covid, and trump paid part of it himself. epidemic, despite the fact that the new president biden was inaugurated in january 2021, he
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wants to demand some compensation from china and everything else. this is just an excuse. it's not about money, which can be won in the courts in america and demanded from china. this is an excuse to put pressure on china and obtain favorable solutions from it, primarily economic. china is aware of this and is definitely preparing for the moment that if suddenly trump comes to power, how to behave in this situation? we understand that maybe war is not profitable for china, but on the other hand, if war was not profitable for it, then maybe it would articulate its position more clearly, in particular , it would send some observer there to the swiss peace summit, but no, china started playing a different game and began to hint at the creation of this or that negotiation a potential platform, both with the participation of china and russia, that is, china here very clearly supports the aggressor state and, accordingly, on... in your opinion, if we proceed from the realities of what was discussed and what was not discussed at the swiss summit, what are the prospects
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of holding an additional of the peace conference, as if everything could go that way, if it were not for putin's idiotic barbaric ultimatum, which accompanied the meetings and negotiations in switzerland, putin rolled out the ultimatum, no one would blame him for this pulled, but he went for it. and i will say this, that if putin had not been pulled out by this ultimatum on the eve of the peace summit, then the summit itself would have been somewhat underestimated, there immediately appeared the urgency to delay russia, to hold a second summit, and somehow the swiss organizers were in a senseless hurry that it should be held before elections in november in the usa, i think it's ridiculous, you make decisions, and president trump comes and they have to be changed, radically or not radically, but it will change the situation anyway, it's better to wait for the american ones... elections, it will be clear who will become president and then somehow act in response to this
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new situation, it is obvious that it will be different doctrinal positions between biden and trump. china did not participate because it did not see its direct benefit, even as an observer, how to send li hui, who is the representative on this topic, did not see its direct benefit, so the united states, represented by camila garis , participated from below the importance of the summit. biden did not come to... a total of three points, which did not solve the problem of the war as such, and it was agreed by the majority of participants on the eve of this summit. yes, it means the return of children, the exchange of hostages, prisoners of war. yes, it's a grain deal and nuclear security, right? that is, in connection with the possibility of strikes on nuclear power plants, in particular zaporizhzhya as, and the grain agreement, which one way or another, even without it, continues to exist in the black sea basin. loads are messing around, maybe. not in the same volume, problems are created, but nevertheless, that is, without seeing significant possible
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solutions, china withdrew from this summit, in order not to increase his weight with his presence, but china took the initiative that it is necessary to hold another conference in general, they say, we are ready to hold it precisely with the participation of russia. i, for example, do not believe in the participation of russia in such a future swiss summit, unless some of its preconditions are accepted, and what are these preconditions? to abandon international law, it is elevated to the rank of the main, decisive instrument for the settlement of the war in ukraine. yes, how can moscow agree to this. all that putin voiced, it has nothing to do with international law. he offers to negotiate on completely different grounds. that's why such a reaction. well, what is it? how can we withdraw the troops? ukrainians leave the territory under the pretext that these territories are included in the russian federation. well, the logic is clear. tomorrow you will include anything from..." in general, this is our territory,
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it is written in our constitution, move away from the administrative border, well, this is madness, we cannot agree to such a thing, it is even dangerous to discuss it, because in this way , the possibility of discussing such crazy demands is legitimized in general, you know, if putin is invited now, he will say: i announced the plan to you, i said that my alaska, let's discuss, and they will sit down to discuss, no." you know, after all the armed forces of ukraine cannot retreat from the administrative borders of zaporizhia, kherson, donetsk, and luhansk regions, well, how come they won't retreat, it's the territory of ukraine, it's not the territory of ukraine, it's russian territory, we wrote in our constitution, you understand, how crazy it is from the point of view of international law, absolutely crazy, there is nothing to talk about, well, nothing to talk about, but for some reason putin has already announced exactly such a plan, it is more radical than the points he previously published, my opinion, my assessment that he he did it for the americans first of all, not even for the swiss summit, he showed the americans that this is his position, push
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it, we know that there were confidential exchanges and confidential consultations. between washington and moscow, they during this whole half-year, at least, strongly intensified. this can be understood from sullivan's visit to kyiv, when he said there was no need to fire at the refinery. this is also probably some of the agreements, demands from moscow. this long delay with the decision of the united states to allow kyiv to use western weapons, in particular american hymers. we know that the hymers are shelling the neighboring territory, the belgorod region. the delay in this decision was also caused by the fact that... they tried to agree with moscow that it would not advance on kharkiv, not take actions that would lead to mass casualties in kharkiv oblasts, we understand that, it was written about, indirectly reported, it was not so strongly denied by anonymous sources in the white house, it did not happen, and putin summed up these consultations, he said: no, four oblasts should
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go to me, no, not yet sanctions must be lifted, and a complete ban on ukraine joining nato, these are insane conditions, he wants to... get territories and limit ukraine's sovereignty, which will ultimately lead to war. if ukraine is not protected by nato, then there will be a new war. it is important to understand this connection. that is, he is talking about agreements does not say anything about security guarantees. because they are already after the war, he will not let this war end in the literal sense, so that these agreements on security guarantees regarding ukraine will start to work. it is also obvious, because putin's plan is to capture all of ukraine. but with all that, the swiss summit could not seriously discuss this proposal, there is no content, the essence of its implementation, and on the other hand there are voices that russia should be invited to the summit, she should participate, it seems to me that this is putting the cart before the horse, as they say first you need to agree, after all, on what grounds the parties are ready to seek a compromise, if you abandon international
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law as such a tool, and it is possible, then there are no questions, well, let's do it then... diplomatically, militarily, politically, in another way to seek a compromise, but even then the answer must be adequate, then, sorry, we remove all restrictions, countries want, supply any weapons, we are no longer afraid of a military confrontation, we remove from ukraine the responsibility to remain a nuclear-free state, why is it should adhere to the budapest memorandum? moscow denies the budapest memorandum, withdrew from its obligations to ensure territorial integrity and respect for sovereignty. country, so why should the country continue to adhere to this nuclear-free status? why? where is the logic? if all these restrictions are removed and everyone agrees on the law of force offered by moscow, and calls it geopolitical realities or something else, then let it be a two-way action. then it is not necessary to hold large swiss summits, but to gather the parties that will gather in a local one
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format, five to six countries on one and the other side. let china organize it, and then that's it. talk from a position of strength, that's all, and we will increase the supply of weapons. what does putin want, he wants that there are no international legal requirements for him, and for ukraine they are preserved, both in terms of non-nuclear status, and the cessation of arms supplies, and god knows what else, status, conditions, to find ways, for ukraine to remain in the international legal regime, complying with the norms of international law, the requirements of security issues, everything as dictated. to all the countries of the world that are members of the un, and in relation to themselves they are not going to comply with this, in relation to their demands, they do not take this into account, they generally ignore it, but this is impossible, and therefore the swiss summit, which, if based on the priorities of international law, must decide for itself, does it remain in the space of the international legal field, or does it go into the space of force or some diplomatic methods
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of settlement with concessions, peace in exchange for land, well, something like that, because with ukraine it is not the same... the situation as in the middle east with israel, or somewhere else, this is a completely different situation: ukraine was a recognized member of the international community, these borders, all its rights, its sovereignty, were recognized by russia itself many times, for decades. ukraine is a newly created state on the ruins of a vanished state, but not some state that once separated from someone. ukraine was not separated from anyone, it was created in exactly the same way as russia. even the russians celebrate their creation, there are declarations. about sovereignty, respectively the collapse of the soviet union, when in december he rested in god since 1991. why should ukraine look for some historical reasons in this sense? explain to moscow, to agree with them in order to revise the borders, revise the sovereignty of the country, it is also a newly created country, like russia and
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ukraine, two new countries that already have a history, then you can bury it there. moscow insists on exactly this: here we are, as the soviet union, ukraine is our country. why is it yours, why did you decide? they consider themselves the successor of the soviet union and this is how they declare their status. but this is not a question of state borders. sovereignty and everything else, the debts of the ussr, they can imitate, but no more than that, and the right of succession in the case of the complete collapse of the ussr on its territory, there is no such right, it does not exist, it is impossible, because such a country as russia simply did not exist, it was not existed, therefore, from this point of view, both the swiss forum and other similar initiatives will have to decide whether you are departing from international law or trying... to our viewers, i wish to remind that
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mark fegin, a figure of the russian opposition in emigration, a former member of the state duma, and a well-known video blogger, was currently working on spresso. thanks mark, all the best, goodbye. well, the time of our program has run out, stay with the spresso tv channel, my colleagues will inform you about all the most important events of the day. watch out. themselves and their loved ones. see you on air. see this week in the judicial control program. candidates for the position of head of the state judicial administration. who irrationally disposed of budget funds money? very often ambitions prevail over common sense. but who appears in the bribery case. this is an incessant desire for development and formation of a successful company. effective system. greetings, you are watching judicial control, i am tatyana shustrova. the judicial system of ukraine is in a state of complete reboot.
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the reformation process is extremely difficult, in particular due to the fact that it is ongoing during a full-scale war. the higher judicial bodies, the higher council of justice and the higher qualification commission of judges, were formed practically from scratch. however, let's go judicial reform, which is a key requirement on the way. ukraine's approach to the eu is influenced by other events, in particular, the total exposure of corruption schemes in the judicial system. since the time when the head of the state judicial administration, oleksiy salnikov, was arrested for bribery, this position has remained vacant. the competition has been running since march of this year. today we will talk about those who apply for the high chair. but let's start with the news. judge makarivskyi. of the district court of the kyiv region of oleksiy tandyr, who killed himself last year in a state of alcoholic intoxication national guard serviceman vadym bondarenko at the checkpoint upon entering kyiv
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was finally released. the supreme council of justice rejected his appeal against the decision of the second disciplinary chamber regarding dismissal from the post of judge. 11 members of the vrp voted for, zero against. the supreme council of justice decided to leave unchanged the decision of the second disciplinary chamber of the supreme council of justice dated april 24, 2020, number 1241/24 of the fourth year on bringing to disciplinary responsibility the judge of the makariv district court of the kyiv region tandyr oleksiy vitaliyovych. during the meeting , tandyr tried to delay the proceedings. insisted that the vrp violates the regulation and his right to defense. the lawyer insisted on examining the evidence and the video file from the scene of the accident. the so-called research of the so-called evidence and the principle of the approach we have not been able to understand, to be honest. it will be recalled that in may 2023, the head of the makariv district court of kyiv , oleksiy tandyr, in a lexus car , hit 22-year-old national guardsman vadym bondarenko three minutes before the start of the curfew.
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who was on duty at a checkpoint in kyiv. at the last meeting of the second disciplinary chamber of the high council of justice, regarding the case of tandyr, a video from the scene of the accident was made public. the footage shows the judge opening the car door, getting out of the driver's seat, and approaching the body of the downed national guardsman. and grabs his head, but later he will tell the police that he is a passenger and call them prejudiced people. i see signs of alcohol in you, drink, please, device, you agreed to take the test, you blocked me, i don't understand why, i consider you biased people, you will pass the test, look, i consider you biased people, you were driving a vehicle, right or wrong, i don't know, you are the driver, no, who are you, i am the owner. car, i did nothing, i was a passenger. for more than a year, tandyr was removed from the administration of justice, is in a pre-trial detention center and still received a considerable salary. however
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, finally the supreme council of justice released. removed him from office, however, the judge can still appeal this decision. the higher qualification commission of judges was again unable to elect a new chairman after the dismissal of the previous one head roman ignatov. this is the second attempt. last time, in april , none of the members of the commission volunteered to take this position. this time there were two candidates: ruslan sydorovych and andriy pasichnyk. however, none of them could get the required number of votes. therefore, vkks will later conduct new ones. we will remind you that on march 27, roman ignatov, the previous head of the higher qualifications commission, resigned on his own accord. in december of last year, information appeared in the mass media that he allegedly has russian citizenship. the head of the vkks himself denied it. at the beginning of this in 2015, the commission concluded that it is impossible to establish with certainty whether roman ignatov received russian citizenship in the 1990s. currently, the state bureau of investigation is conducting a pre-trial investigation in criminal proceedings
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regarding. nato under the article on treason under martial law. the state judicial administration has been working without a head for almost a year, since last august, the national anti-corruption bureau and the specialized anti-corruption prosecutor's office exposed the head of the state judicial administration oleksiy salnikov on bribery of judges of the supreme court. according to the investigation, in march of last year, the official received from a representative of a commercial company five of which were to be handed over to the judge for a decision. salnikov had to keep for himself mediation services. in nabu, it was reported that after the arrest of the head of the supreme court , vsevolod knyaz, salnikov's behavior changed dramatically, and he began to avoid solving the issue, but he was not going to return the bribe he received. the head of the state judicial administration promised to contribute to
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decisions made by judges. of the supreme court, in particular due to the involvement of its former chairman. currently, there is a competition for the position of the head of the most important body of the judicial system, which provides organizational and main financial support for the activities of judicial authorities, that is, it concentrates absolutely all financial flows on itself. there are 13 applicants for the chairman's seat. we will introduce you to the brightest of them. for example, his deputy wants to take the place of corruption suspect salnikov. maxim pampura. he also appears in the bribery case, however, so far only as a witness. however , according to the specialized anti-corruption prosecutor's office, pampura had meetings on behalf of salnikov and talked about canceling the decision of the appellate instance. judges of the cassation administrative court. maksym pampura is currently acting head of the state judicial administration. uncertain desire for development and formation of a successful, effective system.
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which is able to withstand security challenges in the judicial branch of government. and this is another applicant, ivan legostaev. he is an ex-boss of the south-eastern interregional department of the ministry of justice in dnipro and a supporter of sharia. according to untrol, in 2019, legostaev transferred uah 100,000 to shalya's political party in two installments. two years ago, this party was banned in ukraine due to the spread of anti-ukrainian propaganda regarding constitutional changes and violations. sovereignty and territorial integrity of ukraine, undermining state security, as well as propaganda of war and violence in the conditions of military aggression of the russian federation. ivan legostaev now declares other views. it is necessary to record the crimes committed by the troops of the russian federation and display them on the appropriate state resource. according to the anti-corruption center, ivan legostaev owns a lot of real estate. from 2015 to 21
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, he declared six land titles. plot, three apartments, a non-residential premises, garage , storeroom and common premises. however, he did not indicate the value of most of this real estate. in 2023, legostaev took out more than uah 4 million in loans, despite the fact that, if you believe in the reliability of the data specified in the declaration, he had three times his own savings, $277 and almost 80,000 euros. another candidate for the position of head of the state judicial administration. oksana kumanska nor, former director of the lviv research institute of forensic expertise of the ministry of justice. very often, ambitions prevail over common sense and the demands that ordinary people expect from us. oksana kumanska norr has a rather ambiguous reputation. in 2019, she was dismissed from the post of deputy head of the main territorial administration in lviv oblast on matters of state registration. head of kumanskyi.


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