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tv   [untitled]    June 28, 2024 6:30am-7:01am EEST

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a couple of days ago, and showed the breadth of views and, i would say, such, you know, the flexibility of the spine, solovyova, the story that was discussed in russian social networks, when she was one of the sports commentators during some, well, i don’t know , happened beautifully , some of their internal struggles, about one assemblyman, said that this is exactly the same, this is our movement. a russian person, well, and that, you know, what he said sounded right on the verge of nazism, and you know, suddenly it turned out that solovyov rushed to defend him, so let’s do both, now let's see, a handsome athlete, look who, the groom is real, 20 years old, girls, take note, but only so that there is a good couple, we don't need any scars, we must have good genetics, that's...
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kicked out, all the more so, if you look at masha zakharova, well, let's take a look, well, to make sure somehow, somehow, it's really not clear what the bad word "schmary" is about masha zakharova, well, on the other hand, it's clearly understandable, i.e. you can say such a word to a nazi, but not to a jew, well that is, here you also need to understand the subtleties, and you see relatively, when there... he says that
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there are some unknown ones, then you don't have to, but apparently masha zakharova already lives with them, that's rusich, that's what you understand, skrepa, that directly, i don't know, the local salt of the russian land, so yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, it's the same story, the same absolutely literally the same story. a story about islamic radicals. well, first of all, it must be said that partly islamic radicalism rose in russia because russia decided to be friends with the taliban, and after that idil, who for some reason, he is not friends with saleban, well, somehow he started to fight a little with russia. they warned, well , there was one terrorist attack in crocus hall, well, that's basically it. the other, because they are also the same
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idols, the same as people, although russian about them, again propaganda tries not to talk, not to recognize, because then it will be necessary to recognize the crocos, to say, well, if there is an idol, then there could have been an idol there, but no ukrainians, well, but who would take it upon themselves to suddenly accept such a thing and admit it directly, and on the other hand, there is clearly an increase simply international confrontation in russia constantly. there are always some videos, there are always some about the fact that the local muslims did something, the russians don’t like it, or vice versa, the russians don’t like the muslims, they record some tiktoks, some other things, and that’s a lot of this right now in on russian social networks, it's just some kind of, you know, well, the main topic of internal life in general, constant tense relationships, well... on the other hand, well, all this
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is not done by people, some, you know, far from power or people who are generally disadvantaged so, how can you say migrants there, something else, no, specifically in dagestan, these turned out to be people of high social status, and this is such a sudden surprise, how is this, how did it happen. who do they think they are, what is happening in dagestan, is that they were recruited from gray, poor and unhappy beggars, no, these are princes from rich families, everything is fine with us, everything is just great with them, they feel great, they had business, their parents, i understand that this is a terrible tragedy for their parents, and their parents held key positions in the party, that is failure. they were not watched over, but if
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six months ago, no, a little more, there was practically a jewish pogrom, it was miraculously possible to avoid bloodshed, who sat behind the bars, who was left behind... really, because even then this pogrom was carried out at the airport the children of the local elite, and now they were the children of the local elite, when he says yes, the party, well, this is exactly the footage from that pogrom at the airfield, there were not even just children there, there were simply officials who worked in some positions in the russian authorities , which were simply taken. participation in all this, well, because, well, yes, they are like that, and now it's not just any party, it's united russia, the main party, in principle, the party of power, well, somehow it suddenly became so noticeable that this whole thing is so muslim, well, i
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would say, well, not that even radicalism , and such fundamentalism, in principle, comes from those people who rule in national... republics. one of the militants, who staged a terrorist attack in dagestan, was going to escape. this is the same women's clothing, where only the eyes are visible. and the investigation believes that he wanted to abandon both the woman and the two children. and hide in niqab, in some other region, then through some other countries to be somewhere under protection. and we will sit and... think about whether we need to ban naqab on the territory of our country. that these are the people who
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were there, one was the son of the head of the district, the other was the owner of a cafe, someone was engaged in big business, and now they took weapons and went to kill. that is, now it is necessary to draw several conclusions that the wahhabis who are coming on their heads, these are not just barmales in slippers, these are not some wild people who just came down from the mountains and were brought to the territory of russia, and they fell into radical islam through their own brotherhood. no, these are people, as we see now, who can do business, who hold public positions, who are trying to get into power.
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it shows another such story, which is also being very actively discussed in russia these days, and this is exactly what the film about ramzan kadyrov was released. not just any kind of movie, but a project edition, on monday, the 17th published an investigation in june, in which they literally tell, well, about the life of ramzan kadyrov for the last, i don’t know, 30 years, about his family’s rise to power, about what he did there, the name of this film is very telling: murders, a harem of minors and the secret of the heirs... kadyrova, the film is 2.5 hours long, well , there is a lot of very interesting things in it, so i simply recommend you all to watch it, because it is not just about chechnya, it is not just about russian , there is something separate and ramzan kadyrov, he
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in general, about how the russian government works, because it tells about how specifically the fsb brought ramzan kadyrov to power, how an entire city in russia was given over to looting. krylanna kadyrov, and this city, believe me, is not located near chechnya, and how they were given all the opportunities, well, just to profit from russia, all this was supported, facilitated in every way, physically removed their competitors, that is, they killed, well, that is, there are many very such stories, but i want to show you only one moment, because it is closer rather to that... cultural of some kind, which is currently being discussed in these very russian social networks and what exactly causes this, well , the biggest one, that these muslims are like this, they behave like this, they somehow already imagined too much about themselves here, so come
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on, let's just see a small fragment of this film. kadyrov has several permanent wives, although russian laws prohibit polygamy. as well as a huge number of concubines, in chechnya there are many beautiful girls who live with the stigma of former concubines. kadyrov, whom he got rid of virginity, which is why they are not married later. everyone knows about copper kadyrova, ramzan officially introduces her as his wife. kadyrov's propaganda claims that medni gave birth to ramzan 14 children before she was 42 years old. it is not true. the fact is that kadyrov simply takes children from his concubines, whose marriage he cannot officially recognize. this is a drama for children. here is kadyrov's second oldest son. eli, eli's mother, fatima gazuyeva, is one of the unofficial wives of the chechen ruler.
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fatima, as the mother of ramzan's three other children kadyrova. once i witnessed a family drama, fatima wanted to hug one of her children when she came to ramzan's house, but the father strictly forbade it. fatima ramzan took his wife under circumstances worthy of a separate story. khazuyeva took second place at the only beauty contest in the history of chechnya. it was held in the spring of 2006. at the moment when khazuyeva received the prize for the second place, she was already carrying her son ramzan. at that time, fatima was 14 years old, she was still studying at school. well, that is, a pedophile, a polygamist. everyone is disturbed laws are possible, i'm not saying anymore. about some norms of life there in general, and what, and the same
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solov'ov who shouts, then: how come, what is this, why are they here, that's all, takes money from him, promotes him, advertises him , moreover, everyone in chechnya knows that this is happening, there is even a song about it in chechnya, about it in these stories about kadyrov, so what is it, see you. there are discounts that represent infamous discounts on balsamgel 15% in travel pharmacies for you and savings. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on new hourly format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion
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from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. summer is a time of rest and recovery. and i believe that this year we will be able to present a real fairy tale and a little peace for children, a world that destroyed by war. these are the children of fallen heroes, father or mother, who, protecting us and you, our country, died at the front. and they, like no other, need our support, because they are our future. our experience has shown that traveling helps children
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recover faster after a loss, children feel better emotionally. i am asking you to support our project. we are planning to organize two trips for the children of fallen heroes this summer. children will experience bright emotions, they will get to know a new country, a new culture, find new friends, the most important thing is that they will receive the help of qualified psychologists. and maybe now this video will be seen by entrepreneurs or owners of large businesses who will be ready to join and help. remember that your donations are the key, the key to the hope, dreams and support of those who lost a loved one, because their parents went to protect our country. i really enjoyed my trip to austria. did you like the museums we went to every day? it was incredible and i really liked how we went to... i went to the cities of sasburg, vienna and linz. this trip
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influenced me quite positively, i became more cheerful. thank you so much for such an incredible trip, it will never be forgotten in my heart. let's together give memories that will warm hearts and help to survive these difficult and scary moments. ukraine is a sovereign and independent, democratic, social, legal state. the sovereignty of ukraine extends to its entire territory. ukraine is a unitary state, territory. of ukraine within the existing border is integral and inviolable. today, the armed forces of ukraine, all ukrainians, stood up for protection state and constitution. we know what we are fighting for, what we stand to lose, and what we will never allow to be taken from us. happy constitution day. glory to ukraine. see this week in the judicial control program. candidates for
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the position of head of the state judicial administration. who used budget money irrationally? very often ambitions in. they prevail over a healthy gland. but who appears in the bribery case? this is a non-finnish desire for the development and formation of a successful, effective system. greetings, you are watching judicial control, i am tatyana shustrova. the judicial system of ukraine is in a state of complete reboot. the reformation process is extremely difficult, in particular because of the fact that it is ongoing during a full-scale war. the higher judicial bodies, the higher council of justice and the higher confirmation commission of judges were actually formed from scratch, however, the course of judicial reform, which is a key requirement on ukraine's path to the eu, is influenced by other events, in particular, the total exposure of corruption schemes in the judicial system. since the time when the head of the state judicial administration
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, oleksiy salnikov, was arrested for bribery, this position remains vacant the competition has been ongoing since march of this year, we will tell you about those... those who apply for a high chair today. but let's start with the news. oleksiy tandyr, the judge of the makariv district court of the kyiv region, who last year in a state of alcoholic intoxication beat to death national guard serviceman vadym bondarenko at the checkpoint at the entrance to kyiv , has finally been released. the supreme council of justice rejected his appeal against the decision of the second disciplinary chamber regarding dismissal from the post of judge. 11 voted for. vrp members against zero. the supreme council of justice decided to leave unchanged the decision of the second disciplinary chamber of the higher council of justice dated april 24, 2024 number 1241/24 on bringing to disciplinary responsibility the judge of the makariv district court of the kyiv region tandyr oleksiy vitaliyovych. during the meeting
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, tandyr tried to delay the proceedings. insisted that the vrp violates the regulation and his right to defense. the lawyer insisted. to examine the evidence and the video file from the scene of the accident. the so-called study of the so-called evidence and the principle of the approach we have not been able to do understand, to be honest. it will be recalled that in may 2023, the head of the makariv district court of kyiv , oleksiy tandyr, in a lexus car , hit 22-year-old national guardsman vadym bondarenko, who was on duty at a checkpoint in kyiv, three minutes before the start of the curfew. at the last meeting of the second disciplinary chamber of the high council of justice, regarding the tandyr case, there was a video from the scene of the accident was released, the footage shows the judge opening the car door, getting out of the driver's seat, approaching the body of the downed national guardsman and grabs his head, but then he tells the police that he is a passenger and calls them prejudiced people. i see signs of alcohol in you,
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please enter the device, you agreed to take the test, you blocked me, i don't understand why, i think you are. for more than a year, tandyr was removed from the administration of justice, is in pre-trial detention and still received a considerable salary, but finally the supreme council of justice dismissed him from his position, although the judge can still appeal this decision. the higher qualification commission of judges could not elect a new chairman again after... dismissal of the previous head, roman ignatov. this is the second attempt. last time , in april , none of the members of the commission volunteered to take this position. this time there were two candidates: ruslan sydorovych and andriy pasichnyk. however, none of them could get the required number of votes. therefore, vkks will later hold new elections. we will remind you that
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on march 27, roman ignatov, the previous head of the higher kvaliv commission, resigned at his own request. last year. in december , information appeared in the mass media that he allegedly has russian citizenship. the head of the vkk himself denied this. at the beginning of this year, the commission came to the conclusion that it is impossible to definitively establish whether roman ignatov received russian citizenship in the 1990s. currently, the state bureau of investigation is conducting a pre-trial investigation in criminal proceedings against ignatov under the article on treason under martial law. state judicial administrator. the agency has been working without a head for almost a year, since last august, the national anti-corruption bureau and the specialized anti-corruption prosecutor's office exposed the head of the state judicial administration, oleksiy oil seal on bribery of judges of the supreme court. according to the investigation, in march of last year the official received
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$7,500 from a representative of a commercial enterprise, five of which were to be handed over to the judge for the decision. salnikov had to keep for himself mediation services. in nabu, it was reported that after the arrest of the head of the supreme court, vsevolod knyaz, salnikov's behavior changed dramatically and he began to evade the decision. question, but he was not going to return the bribe he received. head of the state judicial administration promised to contribute to the decision by the judges of the supreme court, in particular through the involvement of its former chairman. currently, there is a competition for the position of the head of the most important body of the judicial system, which provides organizational and main financial support for the activities of judicial authorities, that is, it concentrates absolutely all financial flows on itself. on the chair. heads of 13 applicants. we will introduce you to the brightest of them. for example, to take the place of corruption suspect salnikov, wants his deputy maksym pampura. he also
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appears in the bribery case, however, so far only as a witness. however, according to the specialized anti-corruption prosecutor's office, pampura had meetings on behalf of salnikov and communicated with the judges of the cassation administrative court regarding the annulment of the decision of the appellate instance. now maxim pampura is temporary. the acting head of the state judicial administration, an unceasing desire to develop and form a successful and effective system that is able to withstand security challenges in the judicial branch of government. and this is another applicant, ivan legostaev. he is the ex-head of the south-eastern interregional department of the ministry of justice in dnipro and a supporter of sharia. according to u-control, in 2019 legostaev transferred uah 100,000 to the sharya political party. contributions two years ago, this party was banned in ukraine due to the spread of anti-ukrainian propaganda regarding the change of the constitutional order, violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity
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of ukraine, undermining of state security, as well as propaganda of war and violence in the conditions of military aggression of the russian federation. ivan legostaev now declares other views. it is necessary to record the crimes committed by the troops of the russian federation and display them on the appropriate state register. according to the anti-corruption center, ivan legostaev owns a lot of real estate. from 2015 to 2015, he declared six plots of land, three apartments, a non-residential building, a garage, a storage room, and a common room, but he did not specify the value of most of this real estate. in 2023, legostaev took out more than uah 4 million in loans, despite the fact that, if we believe in the reliability of the data specified in the declaration, he had three times as many of his own. another contender for the position of head of the state judicial administration is oksana kumanska nor,
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former director of the lviv research institute of forensic expertise of the ministry of justice. very often, ambitions prevail over common sense and the demands that ordinary people expect from us. oksana kumanska nor has a rather ambiguous reputation. in 2019, she was dismissed from the post of deputy. these are the head of the main territorial administration in the lviv region for matters of state registration, yaroslav zhukrovsky, the head of the kumanskaya tunnels , accused her of corruption schemes. according to the anti-corruption center, in 2022 , the candidate for the position of head of the judicial administration was accused of illegally dismissing her subordinates at the lviv scientific research institute of judicial expertise, which she managed. what's more, she is still a defendant in several criminal proceedings with... in particular, about the irrational use of budget funds by the institute of forensics and improper performance of official duties. civil service, that's it you know, i wanted to invest my soul and knowledge
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in order to reform this sector somewhere, and maybe add the knowledge of this experience somewhere in the private sector. the competition for the vacant position of the head of the state judicial administration continues. in future issues, we will introduce you to other candidates, and hopefully the working group will be meticulous. will investigate and verify the integrity of all applicants. for today, i have everything, it was the judicial control program and i am tetyana shustrova. if you want to report corrupt judges or illegal decisions, message me on facebook or at this email address. see you in exactly a week. good bye. congratulations, i am asking you to help me find this
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girl. her name is katya tsviridova, she is 15 years old, a girl who disappeared at the very beginning of the russian invasion, nothing is known about her, actually since february 24, 2022. katya lived in the kherson region in the city of gola prystan, which is now temporarily occupied. due to the fact that, for obvious reasons, the connection with the occupied territories is complicated, and in some places is completely absent, then to find out whether... the girl is still is in the kherson region, but it is not possible, but perhaps the residents of the naked marina will see this program on the internet, so i ask you, if you know at least some information about katya sviridova, let us know on the hotline 11630, you can also write to the chatbot of the child tracing service at telegrams, please do not remain indifferent, also in the kherson region
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and also at the beginning of povnomash. after the invasion , this boy disappeared, his name is kyrylo selivanov, he is 17 years old, and he disappeared in the temporarily occupied village of gladkivka, which is actually not far from the bare pier, from where katya sviridova, about whom i spoke at the beginning. i ask you to look carefully at the boy's face, maybe you will recognize him. unfortunately, there is no news about him since february 2022. of course, it is possible that kirill could be taken out. to russia, as unfortunately often happens with children in the occupied territories, but this is only an assumption, and in fact the boy may still remain in the occupation. so i am asking absolutely everyone, and yet, especially residents of the occupied part of the kherson region. look carefully at the photo of the boy. if you recognize him, do not delay and please call us immediately on the hotline of the child tracing service at the short number 11630.
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calls from all mobile operators in ukraine are free. if it is inconvenient or there is no possibility to call, you can write to us on the website or in the chatbot of the child search service in telegram. let's not be indifferent and let's do everything possible together to find the missing boy. i really hope that everything is fine with kata sviridova and kirill selivanov, that they are alive, healthy , and with your help. it will be possible to find them. and by the way, it may well be such that a girl and a boy, for example, together with someone from their relatives, fleeing from the war ended up in one of the european countries. so please remember this number 11630. it is the only european missing children hotline that works in 28 european countries. and therefore, if you are in one of the european countries and suddenly see a girl and a boy who look like
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katya svirida. and kyrylo silivanov immediately call the short number 116-30. let's do everything possible together to find the missing katya and kirill. i told only about two of the many difficult stories of missing children. you can find information about all the boys and girls we are trying to find on the website of the children's search service. here is a photo. children who are missing and need our help, so please look at their faces, if you know any information about any of them, please contact us immediately, the hotline number of the children's tracing service is 116/30, calls are free from all mobile operators in ukraine. we have created a resource through which you can report about
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any crime against a child. in any city, at any time, just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stopcrime ua. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio for news time on espressu tv channel. the russians attacked residents of bilozersk community in kherson region, the enemy dropped explosives from a drone and injured four people in novodmitrivka. this
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was reported in the army. in the administration of the region. two civilians.


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