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tv   [untitled]    June 28, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EEST

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headquarters invasion, and the united states is a key ally of ukraine, aiding and abetting it. is the ukrainian government currently considering a plan in case, for example , there is a change of leadership and opinion in the white house, the position of the white house on how to end this war will go against the way ukraine sees it. accordingly, this assistance may either decrease or cease altogether. is there an option and thoughts on how to act in this case? well, as for such a specific plan, plan b, relatively speaking, i... well, i have there is no such information, maybe it exists, but we see that what is happening is that, for example, nato takes on more obligations, now, now, for example, european politicians, the european union, well, literally yesterday, a security agreement was signed with the european union, that is, it shows that europe is increasingly taking over issues related to support and assistance to ukraine, that is , it is possible to... give it as such a plan b, but the fact
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is that the united states is the leader of the free world, and this is a state that essentially is now responsible for maintaining the international legal order, so, let's say, without the united states, it will be more difficult to fight against russian aggression, it is important for us that the states remain such a leader, including in matters of support for ukraine. there is still time before the presidential election in the united states. will continue in the united states, accordingly, the ukrainian side can get involved in how to communicate with the candidates and possibly convince them of those things that are important in ukraine, for example, how, for example, parliamentarians can in the near future work with by both politicians and their teams, how should this communication take place, what levers of influence should be pressed, what tools should be used, how do you see it? well, this is a very important question, because, you know, we have to be ready for the fact that the owner, let's say, of the house can change, that is, so that it
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is not a shock, we need to prepare for it and have at least some dialogue, in including at the inter-parliamentary level, we must understand that the united states is a democratic country where the congressman and senator have great influence, and therefore must be supported close contacts and dialogue not only with democrats, but also with republicans, because we see that a significant number of republicans, they support very influential. these republicans, they support ukraine, they are, you know, supporters of president reagan's doctrine, but there is also a certain number, fortunately a small one, who are skeptical about ukraine, but you have to work with everyone and you have to maintain a dialogue, including with the team presidential candidate trump, and it is necessary to use, including parliamentary connections, this is very important for of ukraine. perhaps you know, or such conversations. are being conducted, whether the ukrainian
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side, the ukrainian authorities, with the involvement of all possible institutions, and the parliament, and the president's office, are planning to talk about private personal meetings even before these elections, between president zelenskyi and president biden and president zelenskyi and the candidate for the presidency of the united states, donald trump trump, maybe there are already talks about such meetings, and if such meetings will take place in the future, why is it important? well , such meetings are probably very important to me it is not known whether there are any such private ones. acts, but i would like to quote president biden, who very aptly and rightly said that international relations are interpersonal relations, that is, it is necessary to create such personal contacts, and this is very important, because we are trying to provide such systematic, constant support to ukraine, this for us , it is a question of the survival of our state, that is why it is necessary to establish such contacts, including with... members of the trump team, this is important, well,
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we try to some extent to support such contacts are rather on such a theoretical, even scientific, i would say level, but there are such attempts. mr. oleksandr, i thank you for joining and telling, in fact, what the ukrainian parliamentarians saw and heard in those words that echoed at the debates in the united states. oleksandr mareshko, people's deputy of ukraine, chairman of the committee on foreign policy and interparliamentary cooperation, guest of the svoboda rado broadcast. and what do ukraine think about the upcoming elections in the usa, who, who is predicted to win and how it can change the policy of the united states towards ukraine, depending on who wins. our correspondents asked people about it on the streets of chernigov, kropyvnytskyi and kyiv. i will just point out that this is not a representative study, but simply the responses of people with whom my colleagues spoke. i think biden. ugh, why? well, i think that and...
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americans don't believe what trump says. biden, biden, why? an inner voice? i think, i think that biden will probably win, i think so.
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when there was trump, there were no wars, at least in the east, we are not talking about war, but if there is biden, then there will definitely be some kind of war, that is for sure, there will be war in ukraine, there will be war everywhere, it will not continue for another two years, at least, and we will die in these two years biden, because we need it. biden. well, it’s clear, trump, damn, russian support, damn, it’s known to everyone, if only, there’s nothing to hide, if only. and well, and american society, well, it kind of supports it, yes, because it doesn’t believe in investments in ukraine, yes, there is vanity and so on, and well, that’s the problem, yes, if we all also give back, well but we need biden and that's all, let him live for 100 years and become president and choose our
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victory together with us, i would have liked joe biden, but donald trump has such a chance, probably, and yes, well, for some reason i think that.. joe biden, joe biden is unlikely, because he is already such an age, and trump says that maybe, but i would not want to, but in any case, any scenarios will be positive, because this is their reputation, this their position in the political arena, well, in any case, everything will be fine, i think, we will go to one more topic at the end of our broadcast, this searches of kyryll tymoshenko the day before, when... the deputy head of the office of the president of ukraine was searched. he himself confirmed this information, which was reported by ukrainian pravda. tymoshenko says that the searches were conducted in a case to which he has nothing to do and that the law enforcement officers have no complaints against him. ukrainian pravda writes that they came to tymoshenko in the case of leaking information from nabu, it refers to a recent publication of the publication, where
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journalists say that despite the decision to search the head of nac-naftogaz of ukraine and former minister of community and territory development oleksiy chernyshov, nabu detectives never conducted this search, allegedly at the request of the agency's director, semen k. after that, journalist mykhailo tkach stated that criminal proceedings were opened in nabu for the fact that a search warrant was issued in chernyshov. i would like to note that since 2019, kyrylo tymoshenko was the deputy head of the administration, and later he was responsible for regional policy and coordinated the great construction program of the office of the president of ukraine. in 2022, bottlers bigusinfo published material that tymoshenko drives a chevrolet tahoe suv, which general motors provided to ukraine for evacuating people from the war zone. after some time, tymoshenko was spotted driving a porsche worth about 100 thousand dollars, tymoshenko himself stated that it was not his own car, and that he borrowed it from a non-public businessman, vemir davityan. in 2023, tymoshenko
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resigned from the office of the president, and now he works as an adviser to the minister of defense of ukraine. what you need to know about this case in general place accents correctly. yuriy butusov, military journalist and editor-in-chief censorship not included. broadcast, sir, i welcome you, i welcome you, thank you for joining, in fact, this is a complex story, there are many different investigations conducted by the internal law enforcement, please explain in simple language for the viewers who did not understand this specifically, why the law enforcement officers came to kirill tymoshenko, although he claims that there are no claims against him, and what exactly is the downpour in nabu? it is about a known for the last, in the last few weeks, when... the phone of one of the curators of the large construction, yuri golik, who has an office in the president's office, is a confidant of both president volodymyr zelenskyi personally, and the head of the office andriy yarmak, was seized, i.e. , who is one of the key - one of
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the key figures who supervises, actually controls the financial flows that are allocated for large-scale construction, including financial flows from our western partners. so, during the search, gollik's phones were seized, and naboo detectives found evidence that golik was receiving on these phones. information from officials of the national anti-corruption bureau itself regarding all investigative actions and operational actions that were carried out in nabu regarding yury golik, and, as is known, there was a big scandal there without details, its many nuances were widely reported in the media, and now now for nabu, this question is generally a matter of reputation, a question of institutional capacity. it is a matter of honor to determine who exactly is the source of the information leak, and
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kyrylo tymoshenko was together with golik, he was the official curator of a large construction project, golik is an unofficial curator, and it is obvious that the searches of kyril tymoshenko and the repeated searches of yuriy golik by the employees of nabu are still connected with the need to find out what... was the source of the leak, now with that according to the information available in the media, the source of the leak is nabu's management, in particular , nabu's deputy director gizo uglau was called the source of the leak in the media, so now for nabu, if this structure wants to ensure and confirm its reputation, they are needed, they are obliged to find a source, well... these searches of people who oversaw a large construction and were involved in the investigation of nabu, of course,
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now these searches are connected with these events. i noted that before this broadcast and yesterday we contacted nabu, there they told us that they do not comment on the situation, in particular with the search of kyril tymoshenko, so we are ready to give the floor to the representatives of nabu and all those mentioned in this broadcast in order to so that they could adjust, but tymoshenko writes in her social networks that all the demands of the law enforcement officers are mine performed, personally... i have no complaints, that is, in fact, personally, as a person, tymoshenko is not of interest to the law enforcement officers, they are only interested in some of him, i don't know, there are private phones, why should the search be carried out then, i can't say , i don't no, i don't have detailed information about the intentions, about the intentions of the naboo detectives, i just clearly see the connection that the case that is connected with the curators of a large construction, in this case on... there was a leak of information and now naboo searches the curators
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of large construction, this is obvious interconnected things, i.e. they still want to find out who could be the nabu contact of these persons, because they acted together, tymoshenko and holik, and obviously they must have common contacts, common acquaintances, maybe on the phones tymoshenko, you can find that information... which was deleted in golik's phone, because since golik received the information before his arrest, and obviously, as we know, completely cleaned his phone, obviously they thought that such information would now be in tymoshenko's phone, this my version of how i see this story coming out from those statements that were heard. mr. yuriy, please tell me, the national corruption bureau of ukraine, to what extent it is institutionally independent, because it belongs to ukraine, in particular to law enforcement agencies. who are fighting corruption, the attention of international partners of ukraine is also focused, and they put a lot of
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emphasis on it. we remember the elections, in particular, how the competition for the post of nabu director took place. in your opinion, given the scandals and the events that are taking place, how independent is nabu as a body? i do not i think that it is possible to talk about the absolute independence of the state body from the state, since it is still part of the state apparatus. some public structures can have independence from the state. but not governmental, i mean that institutionally naboo has a certain autonomy, and is naboo dependent, it's more likely to say, is naboo dependent on some of the people involved in the investigations that naboo is doing? this is a big question, now, which is hanging in the air, and now, if nabu wants to really show that it is not. we are independent of some influences, they should conduct an investigation, because the grounds for such
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remarks, they really exist, not only in the case of tymoshenko, there are several other cases, not one, not two, even, which were criticized in society, where the question arises whether they are not commissions, do they have any element of crime at all, why does nabu open these cases, these are cases that have been going on there for years, and then... it is decided absolutely, then it turns out that in fact there is no prospect or basis for conducting investigative actions enough controversial, so now... for nabu, it is precisely the time when it is necessary to prove that in such a high-profile case as a large-scale construction, which is potentially one of the most corrupting cases currently investigated by nabu, this is where nabu must prove, that they are independent of the office of the president and that
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they did not try to help some officials avoid responsibility, ma'am. thank you for joining and at least shedding some light on what is happening, and we are waiting for more details from law enforcement officers, in particular from those who are involved in this case in one way or another tangentially, journalists will monitor how events develop. yuriy butusov, a military journalist and editor-in-chief of the censornet publication, is a guest of our broadcast. your activity in the chat helps us to understand what topics we raise, important, unimportant, helps to choose these topics for the next broadcasts, so write, share this video with your friends, here you will find answers to those questions that bother you, those questions that ... important and you are starting an informational morning with us, we are grateful to you for that, this is the freedom of mornings project, my name is oleg galiv, traditionally every morning we see you here and on the air of the espresso tv channel in order to have the opportunity to talk about important topics. thank you for being with us, i wish you a relaxing weekend from our entire team, and we will see you on the air from monday. keep yourselves! when you sleep on
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for responding, listen, if another 30,000 is collected today... at monobank, then we will have 1 million at monobank. let's not forget that there is also a private card, by the way , now on your screens there are two qr codes, two card numbers, on the right, if facing the screen , monobank, on the left, privatbank. well, at privatbank, we already have several hundred, we are approaching the third hundred, and if we count like that, then we will have 1 million and up to 3,000, of course, if in... you will be active, if you will donate, and 1,300,000 is already half, even more than half of the amount we need, we need 2.5 million and... and this is a good result for this week, that you and i are making such progress, it's not just that everything is going , of course, it is more difficult with donations now, but i really hope that the viewers of the tv channel
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are those people who are always with our defenders, who understand how much they need our help and support, so join in, please, the hundredth brigade of the zsu will be for you incredibly grateful, well, now we will talk a little about... searches somehow on this week, there is a lot of news about it, and there was talk about the handing over of suspicion to tyschenkov during the week, but somehow his last name this week, again at the end of the week, they decided to change it to another one, it starts with the letter t, ends with enko, and that too kyrylo tymoshenko, kyrylo tymoshenko, he is like this one, as shevchenko wrote there, he appeared, then stumbled, ugh, his name sometimes disappears, then appears, then disappears in some news feeds, and there are always some scandals connected around it, let's talk a little about it with z volodymyr tsybulk. kyrylo tymoshenko
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is unlikely to join us ever, in his place he would join just in case, and what, and then it will be more difficult, maybe you know how to join, who knows him, you see, the fate of presidential favorites is not easy . on the crest, i say, then he climbed and then he sank. you bought plates in the service for $400, and today you already have searches and it is not clear what is happening, although it seems that you are stealing other people's clips, using them to order state, all kinds of cool patriotic, social ads and everything for you it seems to be going well, and then once something went wrong, well, you know how the joke goes that president zelensky himself decides who... proposed by yermak can be released, who can be imprisoned and so on, well, well, but that's all than a joke, because it is precisely because of kyril tymoshenko, as well as this kind of holik,
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that the story was initiated by the national anti-corruption bureau of ukraine, and as for mr. holik, he is such an interesting man, he was called in the press more than once such an informal, gray cardinal of the great construction of the presidential program . he supervised all this history and a figure in many anti-corruption investigations, by the way, and it is interesting with the fact that at the beginning of this month, knowing that there is an investigation into him in naboo, there are also scandals about how the investigations are taking place, in terms of top officials or people connected to top officials like them... emanating from the nabu where the leak is happening is a separate story now you know there is an internal investigation in the anti-corruption bureau itself as well as why these sources
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are taking place, but in relation to yuri golyk himself, then he went to austria on the 2nd of june according to the route system, all because he is a great volunteer, dnipropetrovsk, it seems, a charitable foundation called songs of the ato, issued him a volunteer certificate, with which he went to austria. to sing volunteer and patriotic songs there, he sings there so far, as i understand it , until now in austria, well, but you don’t know, uh, yodeling, maybe you know there, he sings somewhere like that , the alps come out beautifully, he is like that and the cows are shallow, and and the bells are ringing, volodymyr tsybolko, the political scientist is already with us, mr. volodymyr, we are glad to hear from you, we are connecting by phone, it is obvious that... uh, problems with the light, sometimes they make corrections in our ways of conducting a conversation, but nevertheless, you are welcome in our studio, congratulations, congratulations, glory
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glory to ukraine, mr. volodymyr, what do you think about these searches, with which they visited kyryll tymoshenko and yuriy golyk, well, you know, in principle, a certain kind of thing happened... the boomerang law, i remember 10 days ago, the media from orbits of the bank and began such a serious persecution of the anti-corruption officer shabunin, and we were told that shabunin moves around kyiv in a car, which military unit was given by volunteers, that is the same military unit in which shabunin serves, and then the story came to mind and i immediately thought it was a parallel. that in fact bankova has opened pandora's box and they will have to catch kirill tymoshenko in the case of the use
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of the gift by the americans. of the car in which he moved around kyiv, in fact, the americans handed it over for the evacuation of the civilian population from the occupied territories, so here too the law of boomerang happened, really, what is surprising is that in relation to kyryll tymoshenko, when investigative actions began under such a small restaurant in kyiv, the owners of which are russians, as it is not surprising, and eh... he could not think of anything better than to lock himself in a car, i.e. can you imagine a person who here operates with billions on a large construction project, here he locks himself in a car so that no investigative actions will be taken against him, that is, we can say that on the one hand he has an anti-corruption cluster, created during the time of the previous president poroshenko, he has not yet given his position, although... er, with
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the removal from the position of the deputy head of nabu giz uklava, the situation in nabu itself has worsened, and here we see the latest sociology, trust in anti-corruption bodies is about the same as in the office of the president, i.e. not small compared to the trust in the armed forces or in volunteers, for example, so in essence it is a consequence of the fact that the bank... time wanted to make anti-corruption bodies a tool for political persecution of its opponents, and anti-corruption bodies simply at a certain moment did not retain their autonomy, although, as we can see, the investigation against kyril tymoshenko is such a, well , we can say a heroic step on our part, well, in our situation nowadays, tymoshenko, this
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golic, history... sudden resignation allegedly due to health i am the head of vinnytsia ova, and before that oda, who before that was zelensky's business partner there in kvn and kvc, i don't know the correct name of kvn, probably. here, mr. volodymyr, i just have a question here, there are now efforts, it seems to me, to make some quick decisions, to try to put out these kinds of fires, which, fires that arise here. there are informational ones, but i, and zelenskyi’s team is all on fire, let’s see, er, so borzov seems to be his surname, the head of vinnenskaya ova, er, there is a scandal with the pit, the so -called pit repair, our money, resource, yuriy nikolov, informed, their recent investigation, the same procedure in
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zhytomyr region. costs conditionally 400 hryvnias, in vinnytsia for some reason this same procedure, i.e. a square meter of repairing a potholed road costs 1200, ugh, what happened, the same, to things, and we have not touched the kruglyak forest yet, we have fallen a little off the field against the background of all this, fortification, roundwood was purchased at the fortifications in the kharkiv region, less, less, less minutes remain, mr. volodymyr. if pi, to sum up, to sum up, i apologize for interrupting you, you know, one of, one of, well, one of the opinions that are currently being heard, in particular in social networks, nothing will happen to that tyshchenko, nothing will happen to this tymoshenko , now they will do some demonstrative and informational things, and then they will quietly get everyone out of the way again from under the blanket and will be given some new position, but as it happened with borzov in the end, he is already registered somewhere in the olympic committee with
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a sick heart. so, for example , didn’t something similar happen to kyril tymoshenko, when he was dismissed from one position, he went to the ministry of defense, that’s why there is distrust in these actions of the authorities and in general a drop in trust in zelenskyi, as this government has become, thank you, mr. volodymyr, volodymyr tsibulko, a political scientist, they talked with him about the affairs of this week, which are loud around kyril tymoshenko, around oleksandr tyshchenko and around others. people associated with the authorities. let's go to the news now. kateryna shirokopois is ready to talk about the latest information. katya, you have a word. lesya andriy, i congratulate you and our viewers on the holiday, the day of the constitution, and in a moment we will talk about the changes of figures on the political chessboard of europe and share the details of what is burning in the tambov region.


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