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tv   [untitled]    June 28, 2024 10:30am-11:01am EEST

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air time two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for... competent minds, in america they also say, let's have better roads , we will have even better ones, a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond, what a world dreaming sir orman, we can imagine it, all this in the informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10. around 18:15 on espresso. ukraine
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is a sovereign and independent, democratic, social, legal state. the sovereignty of ukraine extends to its entire territory. ukraine is a unitary state, the territory of ukraine within the existing border is integral and inviolable. today, the armed forces of ukraine, all ukrainians stood in defense of the state and the constitution. we know what we are fighting for, what we stand to lose, and what we will never allow to be taken from us. happy constitution day, slava ukraine. we are coming back, dear friends, and with us is stepan havrysh, the first deputy secretary of the national security council of ukraine in 2008-2011. mr. stepan, we are glad to see you. mutual thanks, glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, you know, while we had a break, andriy and i will talk about it... in a few words, i say
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who is our current secretary of the national security council, and we somehow thought about it, because after the media danilov, a completely non-media person appeared man, there is no one to answer even to mr. medvedev's next drunken ramblings, but the secretary of the security council is lytvynenko, he was this is the head of the foreign intelligence service, and once worked. including in the staff department of the nsdc, in my time when i was the first deputy secretary of the nsdc, he is a trained professional person, although it is clear that the very internal policy of the president's office is to appoint loyal, absolutely obedient speakers to all key positions, who will express exclusively the theses that... they are offered from
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the bank, and in principle lytvynenko is quite in this respect such, i would say, a person, quite... predictable, this is andriy's team yermak, which today is widely spread in all spheres of state life, today is the day of the constitution, and it is clear that the main topic was probably related to how effectively the constitution of ukraine works and works in general, i will say that as my time, co-chairman of the joint committee on creating a new edition. year, we discussed the basic law for a long time and tried to make it, well, let's put it this way, no longer western, more democratic, of course, the conflict with the communists and with the presidential
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administration of kuchma, this was done it is difficult, but we have advanced far enough to analyze what was done in this version of the constitution now, there are complaints that it does not work, indeed, as such, you know, a social contract, it actually exhausted itself, it was not designed for war , but the main thing is not this, the main thing is that the entire system of restraining counterweights, balances of the constitution is broken, and we have an authoritarian form of unconstitutional government as a whole, when all power is concentrated in the hands of a virtually small group of people who make decisions, and those independent branches of government that are supposed to perform these functions, the government, the parliament, the new... the creation of a branch of the president's office, and this is an extremely big problem, because it harms the progress of ukraine as a whole, in the conduct of the liberation war, and the mobilization of the unity of the ukrainian people and becoming such
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a bellicose political nation. it seems at first glance that this is not of fundamental importance, in reality it is of fundamental importance, today, well, i hear many different conversations about the constitution, about the fact that... the state as a whole, as such, because we missed a lot of the moment when there was a compromise between the communists and the national democrats, who rather fought each to get a part of their power and did not think about the future state, because of that we were constantly weakened, we did not only... we sold nuclear weapons to russia, we sold not only all weapons, we were in the top ten, the largest sellers of weapons, until the last one, literally before the war of time, but we did not actually build a state as such, and one more point in this regard, i will finish , this is the moment, we need to adopt a constitution to
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it could not be influenced by individual political groups, for example, the parliament, which is under the control of the president, that is, the constitution can no longer be changed, adopted in the parliament from my point of view, which should be... be reformed itself, where there should be some upper house , which will block, for example, the life of the monomajority, which automatically executes any orders, but in the time of a full-scale invasion, we can't do it, or we can, we can't, we can't do it for sure, but we can lead on this matter debate, you know, it's like a debate between trump and biden, who are not yet the candidates of their political parties, but they are already taking the temperature of the sector. the ocean that boils around them and doesn't know what to do with them both, by the way, right? that is, we are talking about the fact that we can influence this process. pay attention to trump's remark regarding the war in ukraine. he said that i can end the war in ukraine even before entering the presidency. that is, i think that such
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signals indicate that trump, well, let's say, has an appropriate strategy, yes, we do not know what this strategy is, it is quite so enchanted. hidden somewhere deep in his mind or maybe in his intuition, but at the same time, when we start to discuss what the state should be, what type of state it should be, that is, it should be a parliamentary-presidential or parliamentary state, that is, the president should be limited in powers or not, if the majority says that the president does not have the right to veto the law, does not have the right to veto the legislative initiative, the main instrument of actually managing politics, so to speak, of the parliament and the government. then we say that then the government will be the central figure. when we wrote in 4th year, i will say that we did not copy, but we took as a model the position of the french constitution, of the french state. ugh. i, therefore, therefore, therefore, the re-establishment and the new constitution, you know,
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well, now in the office of president zelensky they are talking about what should be in a few months, zelensky himself says it, a new peace summit, and this peace summit. there should already be a table with russia and after it some kind of peace agreement should be concluded, that is , there is such planning, mr. zelensky literally yesterday said that we have no desire. and the ability to wage a long war, we want to end it as soon as possible, and that also means that if we don't start reforming now and thinking about this re-establishment, then we will suddenly find ourselves at a point where it's like the war is over, and what's next? well, for example, will the borders continue to be closed, or will we open the borders, if we open the borders, we will have even more people leave the country, or someone will return, well, that is what i think about, says mr. sikorsky, that if you are not will carry out the reform. still war, you'll never spend them afterwards at all, and that's absolutely right, that's the only
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opportunity we have, using war as, you know, an emergency, when a person who can't swim is drowning, he learns to swim in a few minutes to to save one's life, that is, it is about the fact that the war is a classic classic midwife of national history, it has... us an extraordinary push for an open window of opportunity, which we want to close. let's evaluate a few points, well, first of all, zelensky has 100% mandate and consensus actually the unity of the ukrainian people for waging war. and does he have such a mandate for peace with russia, bearing in mind the previous istanbul agreements, which putin insists on as a basis for starting negotiations, i want. to remind everyone that the initiative on the non-aligned neutral status of ukraine was
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a ukrainian initiative, we came up with this initiative in order for russia to start negotiations with us, and we, please note that according to the leak of information, in washington in advance, where the anniversary summit is being prepared 9:11 july nato came to a formula to provide ukraine. the bridge consecrated there, illuminated by light bulbs, clean for joining nato, but there was a discussion about terms, and this term was where most of the countries of eastern europe and our central friends insisted in the statement to write an irreversible path for ukraine, that is, even this caused a certain reservation from side, first of all the americans, why, but because the americans are not sure that we will be ready to continue... the war of liberation and at any time we can enter into negotiations, will these
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negotiations be on equal terms, or will they be separate, from which position of force from which the actual platform of ukraine to bring these negotiations, from the point of view of support for the position of the world community, it is divided, the swiss summit showed that our allies and allies of our allies are on the side of ukraine, while others did not support, moreover , did not come at all. and china is not on our side, so the position of trump's advisers, who analyzed this situation , is that the trail of negotiations is to stop the war, stop the war and thus make a line, a negotiation line along the lines of the existing minsk-3 front, so what somehow we will succeed, they say that in the next putin may die and so on, we will be able to return ukraine by diplomatic means, it is not at all clear how to do this. and finally, well, the west put ukraine, well
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, at least 350, already almost 400 billion dollars of support, are these investments in russia, which will take over ukraine, or are these investments in ukraine, which must win, and this money must be returned to russia, or will russia agree to return the money? the issue of introducing a special is discussed at the event. this, by the way, is trump's idea, on resources that will be exported from russia, and this tax should be paid to ukraine as compensation, but will the aid to ukraine from the west be continued, primarily financial and economic aid, which is an infusion into the ukrainian state budget into the social system of ukraine, etc. when we sign an agreement with any agreement with russia, or not. this is already a matter for ukraine and russia, and finally the last one, it is the most difficult to
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understand, is the problem of the fact that in march 22 of the year, the un opened a specially extraordinary 11th session, at which it was adopted six resolutions on ukraine, where russia is clearly named as the aggressor, where its obligations to pay are clearly defined, the creation of a tribunal, a registry of damages, punishment of the guilty and generally called for. the decision of the international court of the un also in march 22 of the year that russia is obliged to withdraw these troops from ukraine, so it seems to me that it is very important in this context. to assess what the decisions of the second summit, which takes place, so to speak, outside the institutions jointly created by russia, including those ratified by russia, which russia accepts in their participation in the security council, in the un general assembly, so it seems to me that this is a question that needs clarification from the president and his,
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actually, analysts or assistants who deal with this. problems, we need to understand what we are talking about, to what extent this will lead to solving the problems of ending the war, that is, we will end the war, but we will remain in the territory that is currently controlled by the armed forces of ukraine, and that is enough, and i, who will receive 700 million there the ukrainian army tomorrow at the borders, because it is impossible to say that the war will be finished at all, so there is a bigger question here. answers, it seems to me that this push for the second global summit, where russia will be at the negotiating table, it has a hidden strategy, which, unknown to us, maybe there is a mathematical calculation, maybe there are agreements with moscow, about certain compromises, about certain concessions, the istanbul agreements stated that crimea
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remains for russia for 15 years to resolve issues between the president... of the country and russia, the same applies to donbas, but putin insists that we occupied zaporizhzhia, luhansk, donetsk and kherson regions, we occupied, it is hard to imagine, they have to get out of there, it is 26, km, it is the majority of the state of israel, so in this regard, so far, except for enough such, well, i would say, a political message, a message directed at what we are looking for. peace, and we are really looking for peace, but a just peace, we do not know what might be hidden behind these words, especially since none of the political groups in europe, america, have yet reacted to such proposal and does not comment, you know, but nevertheless, you know, even the latest polls
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show that the ukrainians themselves do not understand very well and there is a big difference of opinion. as under what conditions the war should end, i think that if the survey were conducted, for example, only among those who are now at ground zero on the front line, i think that we would get even different results, because i know from personal communication, there are very few military personnel who really believe in the liberation of crimea in the near future, in the short term, and are ready to die for it, and so, you know, ma ma, don't you think that there should be some kind of communication started? on this topic, because on the one hand, you know, we have president zelensky in the model of five years ago in 1919, when he went to the elections and he had, let it be very primitive, very simple, but some idea there in it was the end of the war, and he actually criticized the previous president with this, that you have a war, you have some bad agreements with putin, but i have a mediator
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, let's meet, does he still have this idea we will meet in the middle, where is the middle, where will the line pass in such a front? and because we officially have these 10 points, but it seems to me that in addition to them and zelensky himself, if i don't know if he himself believes, no one believes, because well, actually, you even remember this publication in the times, dad, at halftime, it seems that president zelensky said that no one believes in that victory, as i believe in that victory that is in his head, well, but here it is necessary somehow compare it with reality, for sure, what is happening now with communication, in your opinion, you, as a person who was on the national security council, do we have any strategy for victory, if we do, do we have to realistically share this strategy with the voters , with the people, with people who, for example, are being taken to the front by massive mobilization, well , people actually pay for these strategies, ideas and plans with their
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lives, so to speak, let's talk about reality, did you say that? that zelenskyi had a war plan and wanted to meet in the middle, he met in the middle, this in the middle led to the actual invasion of ukraine, didn't it, that is, until a few days before the invasion, dmytro kozak, who worked with andriy yarmak, allegedly brought to putin, there is a lot of talk about this, but there is no evidence for this, but it is a widespread point of view information space. allegedly brought a plan to withdraw from the minsk agreements and finally sign such a strategic agreement that would actually allow ending this confrontation. in donbas, that is, i understand that we agreed to create quasi-state autonomies there crimea and so on, and that’s the end of the discussion, how it ended, ended
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with the invasion, so the question is that it is impossible to come together in the middle, as regards the very strategy of war and peace in general, then let’s first say whether a military strategy of war is possible and whether it is possible peace and... what could be the alternative, what is the strategy of war now, maybe we are getting more and more western military weapons, equipment, technology, and we are approaching from my point of view, someone who has been involved in defense and security issues for a long time, i was co-chairman of of the ukrainian side of the commission of the ukraine-nato special commission, i was a person who managed the special services, more precisely coordinated their work and so on, that is, a certain... let's call it theoretical, but i have a unique experience, i can speak about it calmly, looking into the professional history of the war of the past and
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assessing the current one, so as for the war, we are approaching a certain next turning point in this war, we had it at the end of the 22nd year, we did not take advantage of it in the 23rd year, but at the same time now.. . we are approaching another the tipping point, when russia is exhausted, has no allies, its economic situation is deteriorating, despite all the attempts to tell us that they are getting much more income from oil and gas now, this is not the case, because the situation is becoming much more difficult, because the west tightens sanctions, now effectively removing russia from the mass dollar euro...flow of funds, transactions, controlling chinese banks and such, russia is seriously weakened, and how much capacity russia has to wage such a war, not so
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much. on the other hand, ukraine will receive more half of all resources for survival from the west, this is actually 120-130 billion euros every year. it is difficult to count all the money, but we can roughly say that within these limits we maintain the balance of our lives. and how long can this continue, well at least 25 years that's for sure, 26, 26 years most likely, regardless of whether trump comes to power or not, he said that he will not support the ultimatum putin, this means that he is rethinking putin's military policy and the possibility of negotiating with him, so in these conditions for ukraine a situation arises when it can wage war, and that would be enough big tragic events, but... can it offer peace, will this peace for ukraine be such that it will allow the existence of a sovereign state, i think not, well, mr. stepan , thank you for your opinion,
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stepan havrysh was with us our guest, actually the first deputy secretary of the national security and defense council in 2008-2011, and we, meanwhile, our our this fourth hour eteruyu vakulyuk is coming to an end. and there is one more hour ahead, dear friends, stay with us, we let's continue, thank you for donating, it's already almost 40 00, it will soon be for this morning, a good result, if you add a few hryvnias, it will be even better, so join us, our guys of the hundredth brigade are worth it, lesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk , working in this studio for you and will be back and continue very soon. do you suffer from heartburn? i recommend izoto. isota interacts with the acid in the stomach, which leads to a reduction in heartburn symptoms. isotaa your water if heartburn bothers you. there are discounts, they represent
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11:00 am
right now, light, powerful and not... only from uah 799, the offer is limited, call news time on the espresso tv channel, kateryna works in the studio. belt. in the morning in kharkiv , explosions were heard, probably outside the city limits. this was reported by public journalists. the air force warned of the launch of guided bombs in the region. currently, an air alert has been announced in kharkiv oblast. five people died and twenty people were injured during the day in donetsk region, the regional police reports. two children are among the injured. they were injured in selidovo.


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