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tv   [untitled]    June 28, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm EEST

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a new week on espresso, a weekly summary information and analytical program, a clear understanding of the key events of the past week, analysis of the causes and consequences of these events from experts, forecasts of the development of the situation for the current week, the opportunity to ask your own questions and join the discussion. spend the final monday evening with us and confidently step into the new week. new week project. with khrystyna yatskiv and andriy smolii every monday at 8:00 p.m. at espresso. events events happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports on them. however, it was not enough to know what was happening. it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat at 22:00. studio event with anton borkovsky at
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espresso. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads, we will have even better ones. a special look at events in there will be some katsaps in ukraine, on the border of kyiv and beyond. what a world he dreams of. mr. norman, can we imagine that? all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny: saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. ukraine is a sovereign and independent, democratic, social, legal state, the sovereignty of ukraine extends to its entire territory. ukraine is a unitary state, the territory of ukraine within the existing border is integral and inviolable. today, the armed forces of ukraine, all ukrainians have become. for protection
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state and constitution, we know what we are fighting for, what we can lose and what we will never allow to be taken away from us, happy constitution day, glory to ukraine. dear friends, we are back on the air, this is our final half hour on the air on espress. olesya bokulyuk, andriy saichuk, we will spend these hours, half an hour for you, join our collection, you still have the opportunity to do it, we have already collected 40 thousand with you and even a little... more, you can still donate for the hundredth brigade of the armed forces of the armed forces artrozvidka needs our help, needs drones for to see where the russian positions are and to send artillery there, shell them and knock the enemy out of our land, let's join in, 2.5 million in total are needed, and we are already approaching the 15 million mark, and we can do it as soon as possible do, only with
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your help. all details, qr codes are on your screens. scan, record, take photos quickly. because we are already including our next guest, oleh rybachuk, politician, public figure, vice prime minister of ukraine for european integration, in 2005. mr. oleg, you are welcome to see you congratulations. mr. oleg, when we slept, america did not sleep. well, we tried to sleep despite all the russians. what's the shelling, did you follow the debate because it was four in the morning when it all started, did you watch it and what was your impression if you watched it, yeah, you know, your sound cuts out, i don't know, you me now you hear fine, we hear fine, fine, yes, oh, when you spoke in chorus, i heard you better too, yes, i, i... woke up at 3:30 today and was already
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watching cnn at four and for sometimes switched to the bbc to watch this debate and then went on to discuss it publicly. well, my impression coincided with the general one, when i was asked by your colleagues how to sum up, my answer was something like that in the form of a debate. trump obviously won, although in fact biden said much more important things, but in american politics, elections and election debates are such a mixture, it is a certain show, and because of the way they were prepared, the way they were discussed, it is obvious that biden was very important here to prove that he is in normal physics'. and mental form that he is capable
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of being a leader for the next 5 years, because many people noted such a striking contrast between biden from... as early as four years ago, when the first debates took place, and the current biden, well , in general, it must be said that americans, well there are no illusions, none of these candidates is a visionary, they, they are not philosophers, they are not visionaries, they cannot ignite pictures of the future with their vision, but what i noted, well, first of all, how your colleagues from... .journalists significantly improved moderation, ot us, we still have to learn and learn, because we don't have a culture of such debates, we can have there again, if not the stadium, then something else, and they just drew conclusions from the previous debates, and due to the fact that they were very
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tough moderation, that they simply turned off the microphone, and it is obvious that biden's team also worked on him, because he, he really wanted to interrupt there. he tried, but the moderation was great and tough, so the debate passed, they didn't get the job done from the point of view of biden and his administration, because they wanted to somehow to break this trend and revive the situation, because there is such stagnation in the race, but on the other hand, i have already heard a lot of exchanges between american and international politicians there, so it's time. and the people who win the debates, they don't necessarily win the presidential race, even more often, they don't win than they do, so the intrigue remains, although they started talking about maybe the democratic party needs to look for some other candidate, they don't have one yet no
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official nomination has taken place, it will be sometime in a month, and maybe there will be intense ones now negotiations among the democrats, how to do, i... respond to such a rather unsuccessful presentation in the debate that biden demonstrated. you know, donald trump, despite the fact that i would definitely not support him, but some arguments seemed valid even to me, that is, his criticism for his indecisive position in support of ukraine, biden, in that, for example, withdrawal from afghanistan, powerless, actually became an invitation to attack ukraine, all this in words'. gave enough justification, as well as the fact that trump rejected putin's so-called peace initiatives and called them unacceptable, maybe it's not so bad for us, and what did you hear from trump, well , first again, i think the debate was won by
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the reporters, the cnn moderators, they, well , they just made trump answer questions, you know, to take a politician. they are like politicians, as above, you take him by the tail, he slips away, and here is the phrase you said, journalist, directly asked trump that putin put forward such and such conditions to ukraine, do you think do you accept them? trump, he had two minutes for an hour and a half, talked about anything but this. the journalist turns to him again and says, and it happened several times, several times the journalists forced, biden did not have this, but they forced trump. to give to inconvenient questions, so it can be said that this phrase was extracted from trump with pincers, he said so, well, of course, i do not agree and then went about his business, but trump raised the issue of ukraine, so hardly less often than under biden, that is, even in
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the last two minutes, where every word is worth its weight in gold, he managed to insert there ukraine, to mention ukraine, and not because... he is our friend, i think, but because he feels, first of all, he feels that this is important to his voters, because when he completely torpedoed the vote on financial aid to ukraine, it is obvious his pollsters told him, listen, the voters don't like it, and trump then and supported this package, and johnson's rhetoric changed, so the voters, the rank-and-file, or such ordinary voters of the republican party. a clear position on putin is very important for the president, and the second thing is that he understands what it is weak, but he has one, he had a referendum: i am the best president, biden is the worst, i am strong, biden is weak, and that is why he compared the terrible withdrawal
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of american troops from afghanistan, and he also repeated the phrase that if i were then there would be no war, but he, he never said so. said, firstly, he did not do two things, he did not explain to us ukrainians how he was going to end the war, but american journalists also drew attention to the fact that he did not answer the question. will he recognize the election results if he loses them, and this is paradoxical, because he still believes that he won the previous elections, and his answer is so alarming, well, if the elections will be fair and just, then, but the journalists say, the last elections were fair and just, and the journalists asked him, if there was no decision in the courts, you could not prove it in any court. about the fact that there was something wrong with the elections, but this threat to the recognition of the elections also remains, we still
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wanted to talk about our politics a little, in fact, this week we, my lord, like his mykola, and mykola, my friends, hey, cutlet tyshchenko, you see, it's already going on, this week they handed him suspicion, last week there was a scandal in connection with the fact that he decided to wring his hands. military, so to speak, to study it. and there was a reaction, that's how we learned about some such, well, not exactly family, well , but such close, close family relations of yermak and tyshchenko, mr. yermak wrote, reacted to what happened, and some ukrainians said that it was good, that yermak reacted and it was a good reaction, and part of the ukrainians said, why do we even have... to take into account some opinion of yermak, who is
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the head of the president's office, when we did not elect this person, why is this opinion important to us, you as a person who headed, although not the president's office, but the president's administration, mr. ole secretariat secretariat, god, i'm sorry, the secretariat, i'm sorry, i wanted to call it like the poles, the office, but i was not supported, well, then the compromise was the secretariat, but not the administration, right? how did you react, i apologize for the blunder, how did you react to such a reaction that you can say what, what is happening in ukraine, who now, what weight is the position of the head of the president's office now, and whether any person who will be in this position is equal to the person that andriy yarmak is, well, the president's office, the president's secretariat, the president's administration. it is a black box in a bank, you never know what is happening
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inside there, due to many factors, the personality of the president, and the personality of the person he appoints as the head of this structure, since the structure itself is not legalized in any way, that is to say, it is not regulated by anything except the provisions which the heads of this structure are preparing themselves, then... then this is such a thing in itself, until this is regulated, until the powers of the president and his relationships with other branches of government are regulated in general, we will have this situation, this we already have six presidents, the main problem of each president is the club of informal friends, but yermak is already just the head of this office, an informal friend, he just got angry with zelenskyi, well, he got angry. not from the word to be evil, but from that word to become one, they became one, and people who are good to them
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they know, they say that you cannot separate where yermamak is here and where zelenskyi is here, and it scares me a lot, because really we - it scares me, what should i be afraid of, i mean that for ukrainian statehood, here you are in the previous interview, i looked a little there, they talked about the prospects of european integration, in order for us... to be able to withstand this terrible war, and in order for us to become an organic partner of the european union, we need to have the same system of government , when there will already be almost 35 in the european union countries, for them it is critically important that each country that joins the european union is guided by certain principles, well, this coordination, like in the military, cannot be otherwise, the model that we have, the model of governance, accordingly affects and on... democracy, it is not characteristic of any of the european countries, it is characteristic of more,
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and i really don't like it when i say it publicly, but such a model, where practically all the power is in the president, in his closest circle, is russia, belarus, maybe there is kazakhstan or some other asian countries there, there is no such thing in european countries, in european countries the role of elected politicians is high, politicians who receive this mandate before... very often ukrainians say, who is yermak? we did not elect him, but those ukrainians who are in the government system know very well who yermak is and feel it first hand, so it is systemic. the problem is the system, it is a problem that really already affects our prospects of joining nato and the european union there, because with such a government we cannot compatible, we are not compatible with nato, we are not compatible with the european union, there is no such thing, well, cronyism, god be with him, there are no such things when the leaders,
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the president's entourage have more influence than the prime minister or the elected people's representative... and when someone from the president's service, the president's office, known in the country as the curator of law enforcement agencies, i am talking about tatarov, and as much as we talk about it, all this continues and there are no conclusions regarding mykola tishchenko, then he will keep most likely, he will retain his mandate, because you see, we have such legislation, we don't have a method of recalling majoritarians, i don't understand at all why we have majoritarians. present in the verkhovna rada, there should be parties that would be responsible for such types, and the voters could judge what kind of party it is if it takes such people into its ranks, but in ours, and i want to emphasize this, we have again attempts to return yanukovych's mixed system on the sidelines, the deputies are talking about it, arakhamia still speaks to me. mykola martynenko, the late head
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of interfax, spoke... about the fact that arakhamia told that in the autumn before the war, the servants of the people were already planning to change the election laws and return to the majoritarian system, because this allows any power to be preserved, the majoritarians always go to the elections against everything bad for everything good, and come to the parliament and serve always president, this is a tradition that has been preserved in ukraine for 30 years, that is why we have these challenges. are very serious and something must be done about them, otherwise the threat to our survival becomes not only military, domestic political, the way organized order in the country, it is very dangerous now, and something must be done, we have a full-scale invasion, what can we do about it? well, first of all, we can prevent, and and and, i
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would like to focus on this, what my feeling, what the... lead to, this is now trump's chances of being elected, lead to the fact that somewhere in a year or so there may be a situation when we will simply be forced to take a break, and putin will be forced to take a break, it was trump who spoke about it, in other words, we will have something like this, we are not talking about the details on which borders, under which conditions everything will be, but a very real situation, when, well, how are we? football players, whose legs, you remember , are trampled, the doctor comes and freezes them so that it doesn't hurt so much, they can freeze us a little so that it doesn't hurt so much, and we will have a few years to become stronger than russia, and in putin will have a few years to rest, gather strength, koreans, chinese, technology, everything else, and i
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know very well what putin will do, he demonstrates it, but i am horrified to think what will happen in ukraine. whom we will have pause, the first thing we'll do is throw ourselves into the election race, because it's for the people, the yermaks, the tatars, they absolutely need to stay in power, and they will do everything so that we quarrel among ourselves there, and we are guaranteed to quarrel , and from the three to four 5 years that we will have to become a modern, strong country, we simply risk breaking apart from the inside without even military intervention of russia, that is the threat of that very s... system of power, which is now in ukraine, and it really worries me. multiply that by the demographic crisis, by misunderstanding of what to do with the borders, to open them after the freezing of this conditional one, and what will be the movement, in which direction from ukraine or to ukraine in order to go to ukraine, i recall here that two years ago, when there were still few people about i generally understood and said that pavlo sheremeta said that our main
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problem, in fact, which we still do not understand and do not see, is the outflow of people, then we were just... running a business and working here in this country will be better than in the countries where they are now, and it looks like a fantasy, without good governance, because we see now only examples of bad governance and worse and worse governance, it's huge just like that, just like that, such colossal challenges and so ineffective. a well-thought-out, distorted system of government, and therefore for such people as tyshchenko, well, they naturally rush into this system, because we have a negative selection for politics, we all have. personnel appointments are again made through the fair, not not because of political merits, not because of qualifications, how can you
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try to become so serious with such a system of government to the partners of the european union, quickly pass this distance, win the war, convince them to create conditions for business development, make independent branches of government there, preserve an independent press, return ukrainians, give... them faith that their return will allow them here, not just there, now i'm just waiting for someone to finally write in the chat that saichuk, kyrybachuk are again, as the phrase was, plunging us all into the abyss of despair, that we, well , it's very difficult to call me a zoophile, but i clearly understand what this is about not just need to speak it is necessary to cry about it, at every step, i do not hear any arguments that somehow... and i want to say that i held a number of meetings there, i will not talk with which people, but a lot of people understand and support me, precisely because we have a window
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of opportunity, we can't miss it, we just can't, we have this tradition, we always know how to fail any opportunity, but this is the case when such a concentration of risks that now it's about it is necessary to shout, there are at least some good ones, in conclusion. which our viewers reached for, that on our is there anything playing here? in general, people are playing on our side, because every time i have such a discussion, i simply remember the dark times, when it seemed to us that everything, what is not taken into account in the west, what is not taken into account by the ukrainian authorities, what cannot be formed into a party, we have it, this is the vast majority of such, well, as they say, passionate... ukrainians, people who, without thinking, are ready to give everything, including their lives, in order to we as a country took place, and i think, i am sure that this is the case
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it will be that the issue of ukraine's struggle now is not only the issue of ukraine, so there, the threats of trumpism are growing, but the european union is changing, we have good personnel appointments, you have discussed this on previous occasions, on previous occasions. on the previous program before our inclusion, and the main thing is that we have no way out, simply, you see, if we were hostages to what the bank would come up with, that's one thing, but we firmly set out on the path of european integration, even yanukovych was forced to imitate this activity, zelensky, who is very distant out of understanding, i am already silent about yarmak, these are the european integrators, but they understand that objectively there is no other way for ukraine. that is, we have an internal request, we have an external opportunity, and therefore we will definitely, we, we will definitely do it, we just need to not give the authorities the opportunity
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to delay this process. thank you, thank you, mr. oleg, for the conversation, such a sobering one, another sobering conversation on the espresso tv channel, not about the abyss of despair, but about how to get out of the abyss. oleg rybachuk, politician, public figure, deputy prime minister of ukraine. of european integration in 2005 was in touch with us, dear friends, thank you for being with us these four hours, thank you for the 42 thousand that you donated today, lesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk, worked in this studio for you , see you tomorrow at 8:10, well eterespresso continues, so stay tuned, it will be interesting. attention, a profitable offer: order a smart light bulb at a special promotional price, only uah 149. durable,
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12:00 pm
news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. second time in a week. day in kyiv, a woman was hit by a subway train, according to rescuers , she died, the incident happened at the golden gate station. they were called to the scene doctors and law enforcement officers, traffic on the green branch has already been restored. let me remind you that yesterday a man was hit by a train at the university metro station. national guard fighters destroyed an enemy plane in donetsk region, telegram reported.


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