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tv   [untitled]    June 28, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EEST

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news time on espresso tv channel is working in the studio. for the second time in a week in kyiv, a woman was hit by a subway train, according to rescuers, she died, the incident happened at the golden gate station, medics and law enforcement officers were called to the scene, traffic on the green branch has already been restored. let me remind you that yesterday a man was hit by a train at the university metro station. fighters of the national guard destroyed an enemy plane in donetsk region, tv reported. khramkanal national guardsmen
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of the 31st brigade. the sud-25 attack aircraft, also known as the rook, was making a combat sortie. in he was hit by an igla portable anti-aircraft missile complex. five people died and 20 people were injured during the day in donetsk region, the regional police reports. two children are among the injured. they were injured in selidovo. the occupiers dropped an aerial bomb there. in total , six local residents were admitted to the hospital. the russians shelled the village of yasenove with iskanders, killed one person and wounded another, and damaged the farm. kurakhov's enemy covered it with jet artillery. two people died in the city, and the same number were injured. two shops and a bus station were also damaged. another man died in turetska, in the city. the occupiers dropped an aerial bomb. artillery shelling took more lives. one person in siversk.
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russian troops killed a resident of golden beam in the kherson region. oleksandr prokutin, the head of the region, announced. an elderly woman came under enemy fire and was mortally wounded the night before. and the russian oil depot in the tambov region was attacked by a drone. according to the local authorities, a fire broke out on the spot. they say already they sent a team of rescuers there, who supposedly contained the fire. it is about 3 km from there to the nearest settlement. the authorities are already preparing for the evacuation of the population. another enemy agent was detained by the security service of ukraine in donetsk region. a resident of mirnograd spied on the defense forces and leaked information to russian special forces. and they later prepared assault actions at the front. first of all, he scouted the bases of ukrainian defenders on pokrovsky. direction, where
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continuous battles are going on, for this he went around the area and fixed the required locations, marked the coordinates on google maps, the man faces life imprisonment for treason. one of the radiation monitoring stations was destroyed near the zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant as a result of shelling and fire, the international atomic energy agency reported. the point was located. 16 km from the nuclear plant, the destruction significantly reduced the ability to effectively measure radioactive emissions during emergency situations, said the agency's general director, rafael grossi. now, according to the information of the ministry of defense, four stations are functioning, before the start of a full-scale war, there were 14 of them. and finland is sending new military aid to ukraine. decision on the transfer of the 24th package of military support. adopted by
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president alexander stup. the total cost of defense equipment is more than 2 billion euros. as stated in the ministry of defense, for security reasons, the countries will not disclose the content of the aid, the methods and terms of its delivery. us presidential candidates donald trump and joe biden argued over ukraine during tv debates the leader of the republicans said that he would stop it. in the event of his election as the head of the white house even before he takes office. trump also clarified that dictator vladimir putin's conditions for the cessation of hostilities are unacceptable. the republican also said that ukraine will not win the war against russia, because kiev is allegedly running out of people and soldiers. instead, biden emphasized that putin is a war criminal whose goal is to restore the soviet empire. so after ukraine , the russian dictator may attack... attack
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should never have happened to ukraine, people are being killed needlessly, senselessly, but i will settle this war between putin'. and zelenskyi as the elected president, and i will do it even before i take office on january 20. you want the third world war, then let him go and win, and let him tell putin: do whatever you want with nato. at the summit in brussels, the leaders of the eu countries elected new heads of the main institutions, in particular, they approved the candidacy of ursula funderlajen for the position of the president of the european commission. this will be her second topic. at this position. in addition, the eu heads of state approved the candidacy of ex-prime minister of portugal antonia košta for the position of the head of the european council, and the candidacy of the prime minister of estonia kai kallas for the position of the head of diplomacy was approved. the final appointment must be supported by a vote in the european
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parliament on july 18. i would just like to express my gratitude to the leaders who accepted my candidacy for the post of president of the european commission, this decision is important for me after the presentation of my political orientations for the next 5 years, and for now one more step needs to be taken on this path. to become a student in order to join the army, a new scheme for evading military service, men were kidnapped in kyiv. a scientist... from the capital's higher education institutions contributed to the enrollment of men conscripted into the military, his own son, a private entrepreneur, was looking for clients , they charged from 200 to 1,500 dollars for their services, evasive students were admitted to the ranks of students with numerous violations,
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the scientist arranged men for day labor training and guaranteed them successful completion of the sessions. during site searches work and residence of offenders. we seized cell phones and laptops with correspondence with clients, notebooks with drafts, and academic files. so far, we have announced suspicions to those involved. the maximum penalty is up to eight years of imprisonment. on the border, relatives of prisoners of war remind us of the fate of our defenders. mothers, wives, sisters and children of marines gathered in the capital to talk about the conditions of detention in russian torture camps. and the action was organized. public organization 501 battalion, relatives defenders from the authorities and the coordination headquarters demand the return of marines from russian captivity, marines are almost never returned from russian captivity, these are units,
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for example, 270 people from our battalion got there, 24 were exchanged and five tortured ones will be returned, this scares us very much, because of this we unite with all... the families of the marines, and demand from our authorities a solution to this issue, among them are more than all those convicted by the enemy, among them are more than all the losses in captivity, they have already been returned by two hundred from captivity, they are more than all , there are fewer of them they are all changed, they are less than all returned, the marines have not been changed and are not being changed, we have a requirement to change them. marines, our boys are dying, they are brought in coffins, from captivity, we want to see our relatives alive. in lviv, in lviv, on the occasion of celebrating the constitution day , a rally of unity took place, 28
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cars of emergency services, volunteer and veteran organizations, as well as military formations took part in it. the car race started at 9:18, which coincides with the time. adoption of the constitution of ukraine 28 years ago. today in lviv oblast we celebrate the day of the constitution of ukraine, our most important document, which was adopted, it was accepted for 24 hours, today we had a car run that started at 9:18 a.m., this is the time when the constitution itself was adopted, our military, our law enforcement officers took part in the run , respectively , our volunteers, and after that we ceremoniously raised the flag, today we also set a record, thanks to this record we will bring these sweets to our boys, who are in the vynnykiv hospital, our regional institution. in addition, we will continue solemn session where we will also listen to those who were just at the origin of this constitution. i congratulate you on the holiday and thank you
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for accepting so many refugees from the east and south of ukraine, and my family is also here, afraid to return to mykolaiv. with god's help, we will win. glory of ukraine. glory to heroes. the espresso tv channel calls for participation in the collection of drones and components for art reconnaissance of the 100th brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. the first batch that we plan to purchase is eight. improved models of flycomb mavics and five 3t mavics. quadrocopters are the eyes of to the skies, which burn security and provide an opportunity to confidently move forward, most importantly, they help save the lives of our military. we need to collect 2.5 million hryvnias with you, so don't waste time, join the collection for our defenders. i wish you good health, we are soldiers of the 100th brigade art intelligence, we ask you to join our gathering for drones and their equipment. which will help us in the future to destroy the enemy and protect our homeland. glory to ukraine! glory to the heroes. and
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the death of the enemy. look for espresso on youtube and be sure to subscribe, because it's live there ether broadcasts, all program releases and special projects that can only be seen here. also a short video on a hot topic in the shorts section. subscribe, comment us your important thoughts. for more interesting and up-to-date information, follow updates on our website, as well as on our social networks. i say goodbye to you already until tomorrow. today in the verdict program with serhii rudenko. help from europe. will intensify ukraine signed a security agreement with the european union. 27 member states will provide
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broad support despite any institutional changes what does this mean for ukrainian security? the north korean contingent in kimchen is sending its engineering units to the war in ukraine. how will the west react and should ukraine expect troops. european countries on their territory. leader of public trust. zelensky retains the first place in the rating of ukrainian politicians, but trust in him continues to decline. what mistakes did the president make and how to correct the situation? glory to ukraine, this program is a verdict. my name is serhii rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish you all the best good health to all. over the next hour, we will talk about ukraine, the world,
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the war, and our victory. let's talk about the meeting of the european council, which is taking place literally these days in brussels. today, president zelensky signed security agreements with the leaders of the european union, as well as with representatives of lithuania and estonia. let's recall the situation, which consists of a possible departure. contingent of the north korean army to the russian-ukrainian front, and let's talk about the warrant issued by the international criminal court for two military criminals, serhii shaigu and valery gerasimov. we will talk about all this over the next hour with our guests, with the people's deputy of ukraine, the head of the parliamentary committee on european integration, ivanna klympush tsinsadze, yevhen magda, the executive director of the institute of world politics, and my colleague. roman tsimbalyuk. however, before starting our big conversation, i suggest you look at how
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the 33rd separate mechanized brigade brilliantly repelled a large-scale mechanized assault of the enemy in the area of ​​the village of peremoga, that is to the south of mariyanka, three tanks and one bmp were destroyed. let's watch this magical video.
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glory to the armed forces of ukraine and death to the russian occupiers. friends, we are working live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us live on these platforms. please subscribe to our pages and also take part in our survey. today we ask you about whether it is appropriate to rate ukrainian politicians during the war. is meant conduct public opinion polls and create trust ratings for ukrainian politicians. everything is quite simple on youtube: yes, no, if you have your own opinion that goes beyond the unequivocal answer, write: please in the comments under the video, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote for the corresponding numbers , if you think it is appropriate to rate ukrainian politicians during the war, 0800 211 381, no 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, vote at the end program, we will sum up the results of this
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vote, i want to introduce today's first guest, this is ivanna klympushenza. people's deputy of ukraine, head of the parliamentary committee on ukraine's integration into the european union and former vice-prime minister on european integration, euro-atlantic integration. mrs. ivana, i congratulate you, thank you for joining our broadcast. good evening, thank you for the invitation. well, first of all i want to congratulate you, since the path that ukraine is starting today, and the basements of these negotiations, which the european union is starting with ukraine, will start. even during your vice-premiership and during the term of office of the previous president of ukraine, so i congratulate you and thank you for doing a great job so that we are already on the threshold of the european union itself, and first of all, first of all, i would like to ask you, does this mean that the beginning of these negotiations with
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ukraine and moldova puts an end to everything. these attempts by putin to involve ukraine in the post-soviet space or in the resuscitation of the soviet union, can we say that in these days ukraine and moldova finally say goodbye to the soviet union and russia? i thank you for the recognition and our efforts, it is really the work of a huge number of people in different positions in different fields for many decades and obviously very focused. work since the revolution of dignity, and this is a new stage for us, a stage of such very serious thorough work, but with a clear light at the end of the tunnel, yes, with a clear possible result, which, unfortunately, the same association agreement did not give us, in which did not have
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a european perspective, those who follow for this file and for these, for this direction to... they understand how much struggle there was for this european perspective, how much struggle there was for any additional opportunities for ukraine, and everything was changed by the great war, everything was changed by this desperate resistance of our ukrainian society and the armed forces of ukraine, russian aggression, because the settings of the european union itself have changed regarding the awareness of its geopolitical role and opportunities and not... the need to open its doors to those who are currently under attack by russia and its efforts to restore its empire in a physical form, and not only to continue its imperial essence, for us for sure, i am convinced that now it depends on us how quickly we will reach that, well, such
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a desired goal, formulated by many, many, many ukrainians , which for us is an important element of our general future and our opportunities for development, our opportunities to live in a civilized world, i think that this is the final point on the opportunities, well, to hold in its claws the russian federation, well, one or other parts ukrainian citizens, to whom... they promised the russian world and obviously they have already fully shown their face of the russian world, and i want to believe that it is clear to everyone how diabolical, diabolical it is. mrs. ivana, today the meeting of the european council started in brussels, and today, president zelenskyi has already signed an agreement with the heads
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of the institutions of the european union, charles michel and usuru. agreement in the field of security, in addition , security agreements have been signed with lithuania and estonia, and this security agreement with by the european union, what is it giving to ukraine, is this a signal not only to ukraine, including the russian federation, that ukraine is part of the european space, that ukraine is part of the future euro-atlantic space, or are these clear signals and... dots above and in order to explain to the whole world that now ukraine will sooner or later be integrated into the european union and the north atlantic alliance. well, all those promises about assistance, further assistance to ukraine in the military, humanitarian, economic, and financial spheres that were included
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to this agreement on these joint security obligations between the european union and ukraine, they say that all this will continue on the condition that ukraine continues to continue. to demonstrate our progress towards our european, towards the future, towards the membership of the european union, through commitment to the rule of law, democracy, basic values ​​and freedoms, and this again emphasizes that all this aid that is given today and that is promised to us to provide in various fields both tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. she will is directly linked to whether ukraine will remain in its struggle, or in its transformation there, a country that
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meets the critical copenhagen political criteria that concern, well , the basic principles, the balance of power, democracy and freedoms, i want to believe that our the current leadership of ukraine. understands this responsibility, that it is precisely about the irreversibility of our path and the dependence of this path on what is done inside the country, and not only on how and how aggressively the russian federation acts against people of ukraine and against the state of ukraine. ms. ivano, literally from july 1, the presidency of the council of the european union is transferred to hungary for six months, and now there is information that hungary is demanding ukraine to recognize all of transcarpathia as traditionally hungarian. ukrainian pravda has published a list of 11 proposals of hungary regarding national minorities, which
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ukraine has publicly pledged to fulfill in order to start pre-accession negotiations on joining the eu. the edition calls the clause on the conditions for the implementation of language rights a key stumbling block of the rights of national churches, according to which the whole transcarpathia should actually be recognized as traditionally hungarian. you definitely know the situation in transcarpathia and understand what is being said when hungary tries to put these 11 points on ukraine's path to the european union, what to expect during the presidency of hungary in the council of the european union, and how ukraine can find a common language with the hungarians who.. ... they have, well, let's say, an ultimatum of 11 points that we have to fulfill. well, first of all, with regard to hungary's presidency, we
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understand that there is now a process of negotiations, namely its part, which concerns the assessment of our legislation for compliance with european legislation, which will take place and be carried out by the european commission, has been launched. therefore, at this stage, hungary will not be able to use its own. chairmanship, in order to somehow limit our joint work with european institutions, and somehow hinder, using the additional political leverage of his chairmanship, and that is why it was fundamentally important to hold this first intergovernmental conference during the belgian chairmanship, and that is why so many efforts were made it was worked out so that it took place on june 25, and in no way moved to july or later, because we understood that we would lose these six months. and hungary will make no effort to ensure that this intergovernmental conference takes place and that these negotiations are launched. and as for these 11 points, well, you are right about
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the fact that this is actually not a constructive proposal and a real ultimatum, but today i managed to talk with quite a few diplomats from various member states of the european union, which is obvious. bno to us perceive this document of hungary, these demands of hungary and understand that ukraine can conduct a constructive dialogue, is ready to conduct a constructive dialogue where it is at all possible, and where there are some justified demands or expectations, or where there are demands or expectations, which concern the practices operating in the european union, therefore our... colleagues will still focus on the extent to which ukraine has implemented all the recommendations of the same venice commission
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regarding the national rights of national... acts and will focus on the practices and the right of both the international union and international law, and not some whims of hungary, when it decided that all over transcarpathia it is necessary to put up hungarian signs, to switch to the hungarian language, to allow civil servants or local self-government employees to speak exclusively in hungarian and not know the state language of ukraine. i do not understand at all how it is possible to function in such, in such, well, with such limited knowledge in a state that is a unitary and b, in which there is one state language, how it is possible to be guided by some documents, submit any reporting, to control the processes that are in this territory, so i am convinced that we will have to lead where it is possible to find a compromise. and we
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will hold this conversation and find some solutions, and where there are absolutely unacceptable demands, we will have to seek full understanding, full, i emphasize the understanding of all the other 26 member countries of the european union, and then jointly put pressure on hungary regarding the inadmissibility of their ultimatum demands, it is also possible, and it has also been done many times, well, actually, i in general, i believe that if hungary will not only ... in relation to ukraine, well , take such measures, will continue to demonstrate its special attachment to the dictatorial and terrorist russian federation and will violate the internal rules of the european union, then over time the european union will come to what the belgian presidency called for recently and apply the seventh article of the founding agreement.
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of the european union regarding the deprivation or suspension of hungary's right to vote within the union? another important event this year, mrs. ivano, somewhere at the end of 2024, the second peace summit should be held in saudi arabia, and andriy yermak and volodymyr zelenskyi are already talking about it. volodymyr zelenskyi says that ukraine is forming teams and...groups that will develop action plans based on the peace formula before the second global peace summit, and yermak says that he is currently preparing for a meeting with representatives of the russian federation. let's listen to what zelensky says. we need real steps, anything that can bring a just and lasting peace closer for ukrainians, and therefore reliable stability for everyone in the world. and it should be... really
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honest, not pretentious. peace with such an aggressor as moscow cannot be a subject of bargaining. like any other criminal, the kremlin will want more, but even russia can be forced into peace and recognition of all the principles and goals of the un charter. mrs. ivano, is it possible to force russia to make peace at the second peace summit, and what should be done? actually be the subject of discussion with russia? you know, i still don't see any prerequisites to introduce for possible getting some kind of decision in dialogue with the russian federation, which the russian federation would be ready to adhere to. in this context, i remember the words of kaya kalas, who spoke about the tactics of the russian federation and
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the soviet union, which she adopted. russia that russia first demands the impossible, then sits down with it at the negotiating table, demands something that never belonged to it, and as a result, sitting at the negotiating table, it bargains for something that is there for a third or for half , just achieves its goals, and receives a part as a result that which never belonged to it, but it seems to me that with a generally sober... approach to what russia is, what it is like and how it behaves on the international, on the international arena, one should approach any general efforts to attract russia before the conversation, it seems to me that now is the time to look for opportunities for russia to put additional pressure on russia, to look for opportunities for additional capabilities for ukraine in order to have a completely different situation than the one we are in today. and
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maybe together with partners.


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