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tv   [untitled]    June 28, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm EEST

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and the soviet union, which it adopted as its weapon, russia, and that russia first demands the impossible, then sits down with it at the table of changes, demands what never belonged to it, and as a result, sitting at the table negotiations, she bargains for something that is there for a third or for half, just achieves her goals, and as a result receives a part of what never belonged to her, but it seems to me that with a generally sober approach to what russia is , what she is like and how she behaves on the international stage the international arena should approach any general efforts to involve russia in the conversation, it seems to me that now is the time to look for the possibility of additional russian pressure on russia, to look for the possibility of additional capabilities for ukraine in order to have a completely different one. situation than the one we
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are in today, and we could together with our partners put pressure on russia, instead of simply involving it in some negotiations and giving it what it wants. by the way, federal chancellor of germany olaf scholz spoke in the bundestag and said about that he is against negotiations with putin regarding the war in ukraine and any territorial concessions by russia. let's hear what scholz said. putin continues to be completely focused on war and rearmament, and no one can ignore that, this is most evident in his alleged cease -fire proposal, because it is not just a cease-fire, no, it says that ukraine must surrender territories that were not yet occupied by russia, moreover, it must... militarize itself and withdraw
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from any future military aid. anyone who believes this will lead to lasting peace in europe has watched too much rush today. mrs. ivanna, what scholz said, and what putin said before, how will it affect the july nato summit, and in october, the new nato chief, mark rutte, the former prime minister of the netherlands, with whom... quite good relations in of the ukrainian leadership, by the way, he and trump, in my opinion, are quite good, they used to get along, i mean rutte, will there be, will there be these arguments that scholz talks about, that with is it impossible for russia to agree on extras for the participants of the july nato summit in washington in order to make concessions or give a signal to the world that ukraine will be a member of the north atlantic alliance? well, as far as i... understand, we
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cannot count on inviting ukraine to the alliance today, certainly already at the washington summit, but this does not mean that the partners are not currently thinking about how not to offer ukraine a clear path to membership in nato, and this does not mean that their intentions about our future membership, well somehow... they have changed, it is difficult for them, but they do not have unity regarding this issue, and obviously, in an organization in which everything is decided by consensus, there is no such consensus on this issue today, for various reasons, and this is probably, well, a big and meaningful discussion regarding whether these statements will somehow affect both scholz and the future new leader, the general secretary. nato rutte, his role in the alliance on
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how the events at the washington summit will develop, i do not expect any major additional changes, we are about we understand what is being prepared, but the fact that the west understands more and more clearly that it is impossible to negotiate with criminals, with dictators, this awareness should come to everyone in general. the leader and head of the civilized world, and this will then be able to create this clear red line, by which russia will be able to understand that no, ukraine will decide on its own, will decide together with the alliance, and it has no influence and will never have any influence regarding the future of ukraine and regarding its choice, regarding security or economic unions or... some other things,
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which she wants to implement for herself in international politics, this process is still, unfortunately, in the formative process - well, sorry for the toftology, that's all. the process of forming this clear message for the russian federation is still in the process, but it is obviously becoming more and more crystallized, and i hope that our partners will have enough strength, courage and political will to clearly indicate this to putin. thank you, mrs. ivana, for including me, it was ivanna klypush sensadze, people's deputy of ukraine, head of the parliamentary committee on integration of ukraine to the european union. friends, we continue to work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching us live there on these platforms. please subscribe to our pages, like this video, and take part in our survey.
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today we ask you the following question: is it appropriate to rate ukrainian politicians during the war? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, either yes or no, if you do not have a clear answer, but there is some personal opinion, please write in the comments under this video, and if you watch us on tv, please take a smartphone or phone and vote if you think it is appropriate to rate ukrainian politicians during the war, that is, to conduct sociological surveys, to build ratings of ukrainian politicians, then 0800 211 381 or 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program, we will sum up the results of this vote. well, actually, why are we talking about these ratings and why are we talking about ranking? because just yesterday , the razumkov center published the results of a sociological survey, according to
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which volodymyr zelenskyy maintains the highest rating of trust in society among ukrainian politicians, also among the leaders of the rating. with a positive ratio of trust and mistrust are the head of the mykolaiv regional military civil administration vitaly kim, the head of the sbu vasyl malyuk and the minister of foreign affairs dmytro kuleba. at the same time, what does sociology talk about? it shows that the trust of ukrainians to zelensky fell to the lowest level since the beginning of the war. back in february, march 200.23 , zelensky was trusted by almost 85% of those polled, in the future, trust in him gradually decreased and now stands at 53.8%. at the same time, 37.8%
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do not trust him. what does andriy bychenko, director of the sociological service of the razumkov center, say? as a politician, zelensky is treated better than the president. zelensky with all his relevant entourage and services, that is , zelensky is treated better as a politician than the entire infrastructure that he heads, that is, the office of the president, and accordingly all the executive services, the executive power, so these are actually the results of this survey, and we are waiting for the inclusion of one more of our guests, yevgeny magda, who is the director of the institute of world politics, who, i hope he will tell us about what it means to rate and conduct similar opinion polls during the war, because we know that
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there will be no elections in ukraine during the war, that is, neither presidential nor parliamentary, well, at least at the moment there are everyone's consensus political forces that say that elections cannot be held during... war, and this, first of all, limits the right of those who vote, and many people are in the armed forces of ukraine, including on the russian-ukrainian front , and the right of those who can run for the presidency of ukraine, or run for the ukrainian parliament, so when we say, can this survey be used in any way, do i mean a trust rating or not? mistrust of certain politicians, then obviously we have to understand, and what exactly is behind this attempt at rating, what's going on, and we already have yevhen magda, executive director of the institute of world politics, mr. yevhen, i congratulate you, thank you for joining our broadcast, i congratulate mr.
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serhiy, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, well, sir yevgeny, i have already started the actual topic itself, the questioning of what... do you think, why are such sociological studies conducted, not even why they are conducted, but why they are made public, for what? well, you know, here i think. we must start with what ukraine is currently experiencing for itself, which is obviously the most difficult the period of our recent history, but also the period of its completion, formation as a political nation, and the ukrainian state, an independent ukrainian state, is facing war for the first time in a century, so we ourselves need to understand whether we... are in a democratic paradigm or not, i i think that
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sociology helps us in this sense, we must also realize that my already published thesis that the more you gain authority, the more responsibility you will have, then it works. absolutely right in the situation, that is the proportion is obvious, because for the vast majority of people there is no doubt that volodymyr zelenskyi is the president and a legitimate president, but they also associate problems with him, that is, problems, well, let's say, not everything is smooth and as we would like everyone wanted in the military sphere, and there are certain problems in the economy, and in energy, and many
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other things, that is, zelensky, he is responsible for everything good and everything bad, and i think that if we compare with previous years, then this is evidence that society more tired of the war, and therefore it puts should zelensky make such complex assessments, should... be done, i think yes, because these complex assessments also testify to the lack of communication of the government with its citizens, with the voters, this is also an obvious and understandable fact. mr. yevgeny, when citizens evaluate zelensky as a politician or as a president, it is obvious that his trust rating, or the rating of trust or lack of trust in him, depends on it. including from his team, literally for the last week we have been witnessing how
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this whole story is unfolding with mykola tyshchenko, who in the dnipro tried in style in the 90s there to deal with the call centers and offer, as i understand it, their roof for these call centers, or to collect some kind of tribute from them, and on their way is an honest military serviceman whom they tried to deprive of freedom, or maybe ... opportunities tyshchenko, how are these scandals, given that the guards, policemen and mykola are responsible for the fact that, well, mykola tyshchenko is not just a people's deputy of ukraine, he is the godfather of andriy yermak, the head of the office of the president of ukraine, and although yermak himself says that they have not communicated for a long time, but when we we are talking about tyshchenko's criminal responsibility, why is there no parallel conversation about the fact that there should be political responsibility, and... how did that tyshchenko get into that politics in general, and are
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tyshchenko, zelenskyi and yarmak responsible for what he is doing now in ukrainian politics ? a very good question, because tyshchenko is actually an activist in his own right, and his behavior actually creates problems for the rating of the authorities not for the first time, and the work of his restaurants... during covid and his aggressive meeting with voters in thailand already after the beginning a large-scale invasion, well , there are quite a lot of such things that can be mentioned, it’s different mischief in transcarpathia in quotation marks, that’s all, well, you know, i think that we will not have enough air time allocated for our communication with you in order to remember everything, but now uh... uh, i think he's on the way to being, instead of, as
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he's often called, and you know this, as a person who knows ukrainian politics very well, that he's called kolya cutlet , yes, and now it will be kolya valve, because it will be a valve for releasing the steam of dissatisfaction. i do not i believe that the law enforcement officers began to act so actively against tyshchenko. just to themselves, because in their version of the comedian , the blindfold suddenly fell off their eyes, well, in ours, let's not deceive ourselves. it is obvious that there is a political decision, and it is obvious that this decision was made at the bank. i heard that tyshchenko is almost a personal friend of zelenskyi, i don't know that, no, i treat the ruling political party in general, well, let's say, with some
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caution because of their manner of behavior, because their aggressive ignorance, it... . which are there shouldn't be politics, but you have to understand that handing tyshchenko over to conditional law enforcement officers or imitating justice is not everything, because the demand for justice in society is constantly growing, growing every day, you know, it grows with every power outage, it grows with... . various reports about various developments at the front, it is increasing with reports about some corrupt representatives, including anti-corruption bodies, but we are now talking to you about conducting investigative actions regarding kyril tymoshenko, but we are not let's tell each other that kyrylo
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tymoshenko is just a person who is accidental, the truth, because it's not, because it's not true, it's a person. which, since the days of covid, has been dealing with the supply of various necessary things there, while not forgetting its own interests, and now in recent months it has started to deal with the information support of the ministry of defense, and this has begun to create certain problems, including, you know, when the powerful telegram channels start giving each other no... hints, so to speak, live, then it's, well, i don't, i don't i think that even the last of their subscribers deserve to read this for the simple reason that there is a war going on in the country, and this dirty laundry of theirs, it will be shown to ordinary citizens, it is simply not necessary, we need
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some elements of the consolidation of society, and not, a discussion in style. those that a thief stole a club from a thief, it's true, it's not the one, well, it's not what we deserve, at least after the revolution of dignity, and i'm sorry that in a situation where we have objective the reasons cannot be elections, neither parliamentary, nor presidential, nor even local people, we still find ourselves in... a situation where we become hostages, i will say, let's say, more academically, of the low political culture of our political actors, and how is it, mr. yevgeny, that it will affect zelenskyi's political future, because monopolies - this is mono-responsibility, that is
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, one way or another we come to the point that there is political responsibility for that. what is happening in the state and in particular in the team , including, and well, the state really should not be a witness to any clashes between these servants of the people and competition for some contracts there for money, for influence, for control over call centers, well, that is, in principle, one company competes among itself. yes, they are all from the same sandbox, and the problem is that the level of their iq, in principle, corresponds to the level of people who are in the sandbox by age, that's what the problem is, and they sincerely wonder why, gathering sand of their capabilities, yes, scooping up , making such, well, not a mountain, a tower
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of their capabilities, they are strange... well , they are in our sandbox in the ukrainian language, they drag, give me dog or donkey poop, well, from the side it looks exactly like that, but in fact zelenskyy, with all his, well, at the moment, the highest popularity among ukrainian politicians, first of all, he risks, returning to our first question, that in a few months more people will distrust him than trust him. that for the president in the conditions of war, in my opinion, is a sufficiently difficult signal, and secondly, that his political perspective, it will absolutely be. not obvious, of course we can discuss, say that it is in our bubble with you people who are enough for him were skeptical, well, you
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treat him as an object of research, and i treat him as a politician, which surprises me, because in 2019 , his information campaign was really flawless, as it is now toothless. there is informational behavior of the authorities, although in theory it should be the same people, but to conclude my opinion, i believe that zelenskyy, by saying publicly that he will win only this presidential term, he could regain his authority and to a large extent solve his hands, but then he had to say goodbye to and further with someone from those already... the legendary five or six managers with the help of which he manages the country, it is impossible to manage a multi-million country with
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a multi-million population, which is waging a war with the help of five or six managers, this is , forgive me, the burp of absolutism, and it is simply not characteristic of ukrainians in any historically, not in ours, well, i would say, if i may say so, in our national character. thank you, mr. yevgeny, for the conversation, it was yevhen magda, executive director of the institute of world politics. friends, we continue to work live espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching us on these platforms, please subscribe to our pages and vote in our poll. today we are asking you about whether it is appropriate to rate ukrainian politicians during the war, we mean to conduct a sociological survey and publish the ratings regarding. certain politicians, so everything is quite simple on youtube, yes, no, if you have your personal opinion, please write it in the comments under the video, if you watch us in
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tv broadcasts, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote on the numbers, if you say that it is appropriate to rate ukrainian politicians during the war, or rather you think so, then 0800 211 381, not 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free. at the end of the program, we will sum up the results of this vote. next, we have roman tsimbalyuk, journalist, former vlasko runiyan in moscow. and a famous youtube blogger, a person known to millions. roman, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. thanks sergey, hello. well, traditionally i invite our tv viewers to subscribe to roman tsymbulyuk's youtube channel. roman already has 1,220,000 followers. well, we need to make 2 million, so... join his youtube channel, there is always interesting and useful information, roman's wonderful comments. roman, let's start our conversation not with the european union and not with mykola tyshchenko, because
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another event that happened these days, but it is not so often discussed in ukraine, is the decision of the international criminal court to issue a warrant for the arrest of the former minister of defense, and now the deputy chairman of the bez council of russia, sergei shaigu, and the chief of the general staff of russia, valery gerasimov, does this mean that there can be no peace agreement with russia now, because there are war criminals, putin , shuigu, gerasimov, and in a situation where the state is ruled by war criminals already certified by the international criminal court, there can be no peace negotiations, well, you see, even with terrorists they are negotiating with them. if there is an opportunity, they can also negotiate, well, such and such realities, i don't like it either, how i don't like the fact that all these legal
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mechanisms, the courts, they are so slow, there have been 2.5 years of war, and only now the shayga has been accused of war crimes, although in general it is already time to add to this cohort, including andriy bilousov , the new minister of defense of russia. federation, because nothing has changed in terms of the methods of waging war, so here, if we say whether they will be tried, well, everything will depend on the results of the war, now there are a lot of options for the further development of events, and here the president says that we are not we can to wage a war for years, then the question arises, how not to wage it for many years, or inflict on russia from... the relevant damage is not significant and effective, for this we need weapons, and the entire nomenclature that is in nato warehouses, and here is there are many nuances,
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therefore... the negotiations will still be conducted, this must also be understood, not for nothing, the new war criminal, andriy bilausov, recently had a telephone, telephone conversation with lloyd austin, this is precisely what emphasizes the fact that with terrorists and russian war criminals of negotiations lead while they have weapons in their hands, by the way, about weapons, about a strategic defeat, about which from in... during these two years, our western partners talked about the fact that russia must suffer a strategic defeat. last week , vladimir putin said that for russia a strategic defeat would mean the loss of its statehood, that this cannot be allowed to happen and that if the loss of statehood is possible, or , let's say, is on the way to the loss of statehood, then we must go to the end. when
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he said that it was necessary to go to the end, this is it means getting nuclear weapons and blowing up the entire planet, because this planet will not survive without russia, or russia will not withstand the fact that it will fall apart and as a result of these ruins dozens of countries will emerge there, and this is also unacceptable for putin. what did the kremlin grandfather mean? well, you see, they are always like that lately, you have to... notice that putin has become more careful with his words, he said that he will go to the end, but he did not explain what he meant by that, that's right, it's the end of the russian army, the end of the physical or something something else, that's why this story needs research, but you see, maybe after some time you and i
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will review the strategy of the west-west. in terms of our relationship to this strategy, because now the further we go, the more there are such bells and whistles that everything is not so good in the swamps, that the war is very expensive, that they lack people, lack of money, and whole branches of russian economy, such as coal, well , there are also problems with the gas crisis, they are negotiating something with iran, as far as i know, iran has... and the corresponding resources are there, that is, if we are talking about, as i understand it, this is actually what they are constructing this thing, the west, such a slow suppression of the russian monster, maybe it will work someday, but you see, they are doing it slowly, but including our ukrainian lives, so there are a lot of
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unknowns here, you see, a change in the supply of weapons by western partners changes the situation very quickly, here we are reading the news today, so there fa 500 arrived in kharkiv, they wanted to blow up the university, they got close, but we haven’t heard about it for a long time that they shot the s-300 at the same kha at which they have been shooting for the last two years, that is , it seems to me that we need to emphasize more actively in conversations with our western partners that these discussions that we are having, well, there, for example, general sodal was removed for excessive losses, so people need to be told that at some stage you
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will say, we will give you... a billion tanks, who will manage them, that is, you see, this is how, well, how, history is written by historians, and we are actually writing this history in modern times right now, and therefore the end of russian history the federation has the impression that there is no final answer, well, plus, again , when you talk about the collapse of the russian federation and so on, as far as i can see, the western world does not want it, it does not want it at all, well, the western world did not really want it, so that the soviet union would also fall apart, and ukraine would be an independent state in general, but there are some historical, objective processes that are taking place, bush convinced, the elder convinced that ukraine cannot be an independent state, but it happened.


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