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tv   [untitled]    June 28, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EEST

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to call it positive, thank you, yaroslav bozhko, head of the center for political studies of the doctrine there was teryaspresso, we are moving on, it is time for news on the spresso tv channel, so we pass the floor to our colleague annivimelnyk, who with the news editor is ready to share with us all the most important state of affairs for this wait a minute, annayeva, we congratulate you, we congratulate you on the day of the constitution of ukraine, in fact, we hope that you have a little festive mood today, just like us, so please share with us what you managed to find out. and news editors. by the way, good afternoon, colleagues, thank you for your work, i will continue to work, together with the news team we will tell you about the main thing, and i will start with the fact that the muscovites attacked odessa. all details. next, stay with us.
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in the afternoon, the enemy hit odeshchyna with a ballistic missile, it was probably an iskander m with a cluster charge, the hit caused a wheat field to catch fire, rescuers are extinguishing the fire, the southern defense forces reported, there is no information about casualties or damage. updated. information as a result of shelling of new york in donetsk region were killed four civilians, three more, including an eight-year-old girl, were injured by variable explosive injuries, bruises and contusions, they were taken to a medical facility. the child's condition is assessed as serious. let me remind you that in the morning the russian occupying forces once again attacked the turkish territorial community, having previously used the kap-250. the enemy shelled the village of new york. a woman died as a result of the morning
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shelling of the village of varvarivka in the kharkiv region, the ministry of internal affairs of ukraine reports. all the necessary services are now on site. it was expanded in kharkiv oblast zone of forced evacuation of a family with children. the regional defense council decided that more than 100 children with their parents and guardians will be taken out of the izyum, bogoduhiv, kupyan, and choguy districts. in general, evacuations are subject to. four settlements, - informed the head of the regional military administration oleg synigubov. places have already been prepared for people to live in safer areas. espresso tv channel invites you to join the project from scratch to life. this is a collection of atvs for the rapid evacuation of the wounded and the delivery of ammunition. support the soldiers of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade kholodny yar with a donation. they do not choose victory every day. they leave
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the wounded and dead on the battlefield, so quad bikes are indispensable assistants for evacuation, and they also allow you to move as quickly as possible off-road, which helps effective work, your support significantly increases the chances of the soldiers of the cold spring not only to successfully perform combat missions, but also to return from them alive. join the collection, our goal is uah 4 million. the government appointed andrii danyk, head of the state. services of ukraine from emergency situations, the cabinet of ministers made the relevant decision at today's meeting, the ministry of internal affairs informs, also appointed the deputy head of the state emergency service, vitaliy myroniuk. for the first time , the strategic committee of the armed forces of ukraine published a map of affected russian aircraft for the first six months of 2024, according to official data, more than 30 enemy birds were damaged. these are 9 su-25s, one su-57, two
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migs, 13 su-34s, one tu-25m3, 2 a50s and a few more. these data are conditional, according to ustratkomi. some of the planes could be returned to airfields for long-term repairs. information will be updated. fighters of the national guard destroyed an enemy plane in donetsk. officers of the national guard of the 31st brigade reported on the telegram channel. su-25 attack aircraft, also known as grach, made a sortie. he was hit by an igla portable anti-aircraft missile system. it happened on june 23. in denmark, training of 50 ukrainians for maintenance of f-16 aircraft was completed. they are already preparing to receive the first planes. in ukraine - said the commander of
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the danish air force, jan dam. we are talking about mechanics, weapons specialists and ground personnel for ukrainian air bases, another 50. specialists will begin training after the summer vacation, - added the military commander. he noted that denmark will train up to 20 ukrainian pilots by the end of the year. atrocity in mariupol, a migrant raped a 15-year-old girl, the mariupol city council reported, referring to the occupying public, according to a local resident, the victim was mocked by a man from... central asia. the forensic examination was later fabricated in his favor. specialists allegedly ignored traces of beatings and violence, the woman said. let me remind you that in the temporarily occupied mariupol there have been many complaints about the behavior of migrants. psychotropic agents were sent through their own
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chatbot. the kyiv police hijacked the activities of a drug gang. according to the materials of the investigation , the suspects were fixed. sale of goods in the capital. customers ordered psychotropic substances in a special chatbot. after receiving the payment, the sellers sent the geolocation of the place where the goods were hidden to the buyer. as part of the criminal proceedings , authorized searches were conducted, during which we discovered and seized about 4 kg of psychotropic drugs, among such as alpha pvp, mephedrone and others. according to this fact, the investigative department. four participants were notified of suspicion under the second part of article 307 - illegal storage and construction of narcotics. he approved of putin's actions. in kharkiv, law enforcement officers detained a fan of the so-called special military operation. the 44-year-old resident of the city
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had anti-ukrainian views and insisted on the need to liberate russian-speaking ukrainians and kharkiv itself. the prosecutor's office sent an indictment to the court. act for the fact of collaborative activity. operation confiscation. the factory of brothers medvedchuk and kozak, worth 5 million dollars, will be transferred to state management. the lviv regional prosecutor's office reported. according to the investigation materials, the company evaded paying taxes for years, and the profits were spent on financing russia's armed aggression against ukraine. other things will also be transferred to state ownership. factory, four off-road vehicles, two excavators, land plots and non-residential premises. the day before, the state bureau of investigation reported suspicions to the parties involved in this case. strong thunderstorms blew off the roof of the airport in new delhi, the capital of india. local
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media reports that due to bad weather and the collapse of the structure, one person died and at least eight others were injured. the russian oil depot in the tambov region was attacked by a drone, as reported by the local authorities, a fire broke out at the scene, rescue teams went there and supposedly contained the fire, the city is already preparing for the evacuation of the population. president of slovenia natasha pirc musar has arrived in kyiv on an official visit, ukrainian president volodymyr said zelensky they will sign today. security agreement, this agreement will be the 21st for our country, zelensky informed his colleague about the preparations for the second peace summit and thanked for the recent aid package. the leaders of the states also honored the memory of defenders who gave their lives for ukraine.
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finland will provide ukraine with a new aid package the ministry of defense of the country does not disclose details for security reasons, but notes that it... it is almost 159 million euros, the decision to transfer the 24th package of military support was made by the president alexander stup. i would like to note that the total cost of assistance to kyiv from helsinki has reached more than 2 billion euros. at the summit in brussels, the leaders of the eu countries elected new heads of the main institutions, in particular , they approved ursula's candidacy. for the position of president of the european commission, this will be her second term, in addition, the candidacy of ex-prime minister of portugal antonio košta for the position of the head of the european council was approved, prime minister of estonia kaya kalas was approved for the position of head of diplomacy. the final appointment must
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be supported by a vote in the european parliament parliament on july 18. i'm just. i would like to express my gratitude to the leaders who supported my candidacy for the post of president of the european commission. this decision after the presentation is important for me. my political orientations for the next 5 years, and in the meantime, one more step needs to be taken on this path. look for more interesting videos on the espresso youtube channel, be sure to subscribe, because there are live ether broadcasts, all news releases, programs and special projects that can only be seen here. also a hot topic short video in the shorts section, share them, comment, be there. and you can always read more about important things on our website espresso tv. my colleagues work for
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you around the clock, also support us on youtube and subscribe to our channels on social networks. see you at 16. informational. day, the espress tv channel is in rozpal itself, and now we will discuss the debate between the candidates for the presidency in the united states, donald trump and joseph biden. there has been a lot of discussion since early this morning about whether or not joseph biden should concede someone else, and perhaps some younger candidate will have to run. forgive the taftology, because the main opponent at this debate was not donald trump for joseph biden, but ... his own age, well, at least we see such reviews from the morning and
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we will really understand what this debate will mean, or really the rating of both biden himself and the democrats, he dropped sharply after this debate, whether biden will be ready to give up this seat for someone else is also a big question, because biden himself, by the way, said about these debates, we did well, this is his direct quote, and as i understand it... the current american president himself does not see any loss for himself in these debates, meanwhile we also see that the analysts of cnn, the tv channel , at which these debates took place, say that 67% of the audience gave victory to trump at these debates, and actually, what will this mean for the current president of the united states, this is also a question that needs analysis. vladyslav faraponov, head of the institute. americanist, analyst of internews ukraine already is in touch with us. i congratulate you, mr.
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vladyslav, and i want to ask about your first feelings after that debate, or during the debate itself, whether you had such, you know, emotions that something went wrong, and perhaps we should now seriously think about whether the current american president will really be the person who will actually participate in the presidential race? how do you think? i will say, first of all, that the debate, to be honest, disappointed me, because there was a lot of non-constructive content, there was a lot of mutual criticism of its candidates, and it was expected that it would be like that, but that it would be right to such an extent, it seems to me that it still interfered, as they say, with the very content and in general the idea of ​​these debates, i will remind you that usually such debates are held in september, in october. when the party finally decided on the candidates, here, since
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the circumstances were such that it is essentially known in advance who will be the candidate from the democratic republican party, accordingly, these debates are to some extent informal, but they took this step because the public, let's say , wanted to see the real thing my heroes, but to be honest, i will say right away that this kind of debate, especially when... they are prepared by already known candidates, especially in the age of information technologies, i do not think that they will have any significant impact on electoral preferences, the only thing that indeed this debate gave rise to this discussion, which you rightly asked, whether biden should give way to someone and so on, let's say, there are several scenarios, the first scenario is that the supposed democratic party itself replaces joe biden at this convention, that is, at.. .parties : i spoke with some in 2020
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so-called superdelegates, these are people who have a special vote at this kind of convention, that is, a convention is a congress of party delegates, if suddenly in the first round they do not choose a candidate for president and vice president, these superdelegates are included, then there was really the risk that it might work in the 20th year, but even then it did not reach this second round and there is no basis for it today. talking about going into the runoff, the only scenario where joe biden can be replaced, as they say, in terms of a presidential candidate, is his… own desire, and these are relevant grounds, and for this, most likely, joe biden will have to get rid of the presidential term, now, that is, which he is completing, yes, i do not think that he is ready for this, under all, under all known conditions, yes, under all circumstances, i do not think that joe biden will want,
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as they say, in english to go down in history, that is, to go down in history, yes, in the good sense of the word, with such a reputation, there a person who did not complete the presidential term literally a few months, i think, for his long career in the american politics, it will be an irreparable blow, and that is why i think that there will be no official replacement, and unfortunately, too many of my colleagues are making very big simplifications, and unfortunately, i see a great misunderstanding of how american politics works, but however... i will say that again, the only reason joe biden could step down is because he is unable to fulfill the duties of the presidency, and accordingly, this will lead to the convention having to be elected, accordingly, most likely kamal harris as vice president, president, yes, to be exact candidate for president, sorry, and
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accordingly, to look for a new candidate for vice president, this is the only scenario when a replacement for joe biden is possible. but the democratic party, as such, which advocates increased regulation of state participation in all states in all spheres of public life, it will never take the step voiced by many experts who allegedly passed the primaries, and you can ignore them convention, so the party will decide differently, such in american history, when primaries were actually formed in today's sense, and this is... the second part of the carter administration, there was no such thing, so there is simply no reason today to talk about a real replacement for biden, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. and let's talk about the prospects of the trump presidency, because it is important that part of ukraine, the issue of ukraine, is in these debates, fortunately, they devoted a lot of time to this topic, which is
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good. on the other hand, we understand that trump, for example,... for us, it was a positive signal that he rejected putin's proposals, which proposals, these were essentially ultimatums, and it is good that he rejected them, but on the other hand, we know that trump is a very unpredictable person, one day he says one thing, the next day he says something else, and accordingly, how do you evaluate these phrases, these statements that came from trump's mouth, he as if he even talked about the fact that he is ready to somehow resolve the issue of the war by january 20, and gave some specific forecasts for ukrainians, let's say, well , people who are not very familiar with american politics, for them it sounds very cool: oh, is ready to solve the ukrainian issue by january 20, no one has ever done that said, there is a person here who is ready to implement it, well, but let's look at the fact, what trump said and whether these statements correspond to reality? absolutely, you very correctly noted that it was trump who promised
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that he was ready to end the war by january 20, and why january 20 is either ... the date of the second inauguration of biden or the inauguration of the new american president, and accordingly, if we are talking about these debates are very interesting and essentially the only novelty, let’s face it, in principle there was a phrase about what it means that trump rejects or for him is putin's conditions are unacceptable, i.e. the actual freezing of the conflict and negotiations there under such conditions. when there, respectively, in essence , the territory that is controlled by russia remains under the control of russia, the territory that is controlled by ukraine remains under ukraine, yes, and accordingly, trump rejected it for the first time, and this is very, very good, because before all and in principle his, well, not the team,
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let's say this, the persons close to him, they hinted that trump would do exactly that, that is... basically, that there would be a freeze of the conflict and, as they say, on the existing at that moment, on that day there, the confrontation line, accordingly, and negotiations will take place, yes, that is, under such conditions, but i think that this phrase of trump, it allows him to leave a certain intrigue , i don't think that we will see any global meaningful explanation there today or tomorrow, i think that trump's team will drag out time and maybe there at... the convention, or after, it is the second half of the summer, or even already in september, they come out with a more specific plan what exactly they mean then if they don't... agree with that, the scenario, yes, that was proposed by putin. previously, trump, and he repeated it several times, and his team repeated it on the eve of the debate, they said that if
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ukraine does not want to negotiate with russia, in fact, with the mediation of trump or without mediation, it was not specified, then accordingly there will not be no help to ukraine if trump becomes president, instead they say to russia, if you don't want it... on the contrary to ukraine , american support for ukraine will significantly increase there several times, although, to be honest, it seems to me that this is the last the option is also partially actually populism, because there is simply not such a quantity of weapons and equipment now, at least in american warehouses, that, let's say, there will be deliveries of weapons and equipment three times more than there in the last year or the year before last, i.e. for... for this, it is necessary either to negotiate with partners, or to transfer everything that is there, or there is most of what is in the united states in the warehouses of the pentagon, well
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, that is, it is also such a strange story, i think that i would like to launch those or other inspectors to american warehouses, well , unfortunately, we understand that it is unlikely that the pentagon will allow rummaging in their barns, but here is what interested me, you mentioned twice... about trump's team, well, in the last couple of minutes, yes, trump's team, who are these people in reality, so we understand that there may be chiefs of staff, some image makers and so on and so on, well here is elon musk, for example, he is part of trump's invisible team, what it is, because there are certain certain environment of american of high business, which is sometimes even stronger, stronger, more influential than the american special services, yes. elon musk did several things contrary to the so-called national interests, the security interests of the pentagon, for example, yes, in particular , the story about the starlinks, which
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could mysteriously turn off there, did not work, and so on, that is, what is this trump team, and accordingly, knowing who these people are and what kind of environment it is, we can try to trace a certain line further to the real trump, not this hologram that discussed this morning with president biden, yes, and this team that keeps him afloat, stubbornly pushing forward. this is a very valid question, but the global problem is that we are certain that even there, in particular, we, the experts who deal with the united states, cannot claim today that there is a certain understanding there, 10 conditionally people who can enter the administration trump there in key positions, i will say the following that... that the trump team and the conservative think tanks launched the idea of ​​what is called project 2025, that is, the 2025 project, and they are engaged in this
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almost, well, let's say, not publicly, they are trying to find, i will say more local activists, that is, they are not interested conditionally, at least publicly for now, they are not interested in top personnel, but they are interested in precisely people on the ground, and i, as a person who lived in the united states... and saw how local politics is done on the ground, i will say that this is actually a very interesting approach and it is very, most likely correct, yes, because one of the speakers of the house of representatives said that all politics is local, that is, all politics begins at the local level, and accordingly , trump's team is trying to find volunteers there who will work in the local headquarters of the republican party, and this should be the headquarters there in every district. er, these are people for federal positions, these are people for judges, because in the united states local judges are elected, and federal judges are appointed by the president, and trump appointed quite a lot of
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conservative judges when he was president and so on. regarding elon musk, at with all due respect, i don't think he can be attributed directly to trump's team, but the statements that musk made earlier, you can definitely say that these views and these ... teams, let's say, they overlap, yes, i asked myself in some americans, why don't they actually, for example, speak out against the same, for example, tucker carlson, who went to putin there, and they say, well, sorry, we 're busy, we're reading musk's biography, that is, we must understand that people live in a different environment, yes, and unfortunately, in a two-party environment everything is very polar in the system, and accordingly, what seems green to us with... may look far from green there, and accordingly, if we are talking about understanding trump's team, then i am impressed by what was recently
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voiced by... volker , who worked as a special representative of the state department regarding ukraine under the trump administration, then he said: you don't need to guess what will be in trump's head, observe it, and we actually deal with it, who advises what, who voices what and what messages he then picks up trump, you can, but to talk about such one-hundred percent verified conclusions that there is supposedly an already formed team there, we don't know that yet, we don't even know. who will be trump's candidate for vice president, and he has not even commented on this yet, so i think that somewhere until the second half of the summer, when at least the candidate for vice president will be decided, and accordingly there will be more inflows for certain key positions in possible trump administration, the second administration, then i think that then it will be possible to talk about how best to prepare for the possible arrival of trump
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to the authorities thank you for. analysis by vladyslav faraponov, head of the institute of american studies, analyst of internews ukraine, was on espresso, live, working, working, i remind you, and we will now have a slight break, we will come back to you in just a few minutes, so stay with espresso. attention, a profitable offer, order the smart light bulb at a special promotional price, only uah 140.9, durable, reliable and so powerful, and the price is only uah 149. in stores, ordinary light bulbs cost more than uah 250. and we offer you a light bulb that lights up, even when there is no light, for only uah 149. take advantage of such a favorable offer. the smart light bulb works even without electricity for up to 6 hours without recharging. the secret is in the built-in city battery. it's so convenient, especially now. and the light bulb
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