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tv   [untitled]    June 28, 2024 3:30pm-4:00pm EEST

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easy to use and mobile, once you're done, it's enough to bother with standard overall saws, strong saws are convenient to use even in hard-to-reach places, call and order a reliable and convenient tool from only 799 uah, with the possibility of free delivery, powerful strong saws, what necessary, call, attention, a good offer, order a smart light bulb at a special promotional price, only uah 149, durable, reliable and... powerful, and the price is only uah 149. ordinary light bulbs cost more in stores 250 uah, and we offer you a light bulb that shines even when there is no light, for only 149 uah. take advantage of this advantageous offer: the smart light bulb works even without electricity, up to 6 hours without recharging, the secret is in the built-in city battery, it is so convenient, especially now, and the smart light bulb is not afraid of voltage drops and will not break when it gets old. the standard base is suitable
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for almost any chandelier or floor lamp. the light was suddenly turned off, it is necessary to turn it on again candles or to look for a flashlight in which the batteries have run out, let there be light in your home, always a smart light bulb for only uah 149, it works even without electricity, the offer is limited, call! attention, total sale, kors garden trimmers unpack tv with a discount from only 799 uah, only 799 for. reliable tool, high power, easy to use, very profitable, minimum effort, maximum result, order in time while the video is being broadcast, trimmers are light and very powerful, mow the lawn by fences, along path lines, by sidewalks, curbs, around trees, trim bushes and even branches, simple and easy, leave big heavy mowers a thing of the past, choose kors trimmers, classic or with lawnmower function, call now to order for a special at a reduced price, just look at how much...
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our trimmers are powerful, can handle even the thickest weeds and are virtually silent, no more heavy gas lawnmowers, oil or gas to fill up, just convenience and well maintained area, order right now lightweight, powerful and reliable kors trimmers from only uah 799, the offer is limited, call, information day of the tv channel in rozpala, thursday is already 15:32 an important signal from polish prime minister donald tusk. so, ukraine and poland, poland can sign a security agreement before the nato summit in washington. the summit, i remind you, should take place in july. i am now quoting polish prime minister donald tusk. i have to determine, with the secretary of defense, how we can continue to help ukraine, but we don't have to to weaken poland's defense capability. there is 99%. the probability that we will sign this
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agreement with president zelensky. let me remind you that ukraine has already signed agreements on security guarantees with almost 20 states and the european union. well, we will also inform you as they are received, important events are happening not only abroad, concerning our geopolitical situation, but also our energy industry. important information from the head of the ivano-frankivsk regional military administration, svitlana oneshchuk, who stated that bursh'. thermal power plant on ivano-frankivsk region is not subject to restoration, it was badly damaged during russian shelling, it was attacked more than 12 times, says that there is a certain threat to the city of burshtyn, it may be without heat and hot water in winter, the city has already agreed to allocate six boiler houses for social facilities and the population, this is not very pleasant news, but let's talk now about payments for our internally displaced persons. arkady petrosyan, head of the association
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of young idps of ukraine, is already in direct contact with us. mr. arkady, we welcome you. glory ukraine. good day. glory. well, an extremely important story is the support of our internally displaced persons, yes. we understand that there are certain, so to speak, trade offers from various countries of the european union, which need labor force, yes, let's say, a little, a little cynically, well, the market. and further, on the other hand, we understand that it is our sacred duty, when we are talking about the ukrainian state, to help people who were forced to leave their homes, either because their homes were destroyed by the enemy, or because that it could just happen soon, but in any case, the arrangement of their life on ukrainian land, well, this is largely the duty of the state and local communities, how does the situation look now? yes, you rightly
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said that the modern war with russia continues for a person, and the competition with the countries of the european union, with the countries of the west, with other countries continues in the first place. for every person, we have 4.9 million internally displaced persons within the country, since march 1 of this year, the majority of idps were deprived of payments, the so-called optimization, payments left 5,005 to 36,000 people who applied to tsnap, or continued automatically, these are primarily vulnerable categories of people, people with disabilities and so on, but in... in june of this year, this, this month, people have been delayed for three weeks already payments, to our association, many people, whom we helped in the evacuation from bakhmutai, are contacting us, it’s just that we have social networks, they write that people literally have these 200 hryvnias, they need it, it’s for food, it’s for medicine, and
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yesterday she wrote to us the grandmother is 60 years old, she did not have enough money to buy something trivial there products and so on, we had to really... volunteer to help send her money, because we know this person and so on, and our team, our association of young fpos today made a request for public information to the ministry of social policy about that , so that they have to explain why payments are delayed to people, even to those who are entitled to them, however, even the issue of payments does not solve the problem of internally displaced persons, first of all, the main problem of idps is... and today, the residents of bakhmut , residents of kherson, residents of mariupol, residents of luhansk region, residents of the zaporizhia region, including, cannot prove that their housing is destroyed, or even if they are not destroyed, they do not have access to it, and
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they do not know, they want to live in ukraine, they do not know when these territories will be de-occupied, and they do not know when they will be able to receive compensation, or take a loan for housing, and so on. therefore, our team of the association of young idps of ukraine developed a draft law, i remind you of 1161, which was submitted by the people's deputy of ukraine faction of european solidarity by artur gerasim to the parliament, it passed the first reading, it was unanimously supported by 225, 255 people's deputies of ukraine. next, we received amendments for the second reading, we are actively working with the deputies so that this draft law is adopted, in the second reading and signed. president, we are hereby creating a mechanism for all housing in the temporarily occupied territories to be equal to that if people do not have access to it and people have the right to receive compensation, then this is a big the burden on the budget is a separate program with international partners, but it is necessary to gradually approach it,
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to create mechanisms for one of these, just yesterday the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe voted on the fact that they will pay ukrainian refugees after the war so that they... return home, most of these people have nowhere to return, let's be honest, even if bahamud is de-occupied there, it is completely destroyed, 99% of the housing stock has been destroyed by russia, the country, the aggressor, and people have nowhere to return, they must have to receive funds in order to rebuild this housing, in order to buy a new housing in another part of the territory of ukraine on credit or for compensation. dear mr. arkady, look, whatever the model would be, well , forgive me, i will also tell you about the price. which would be the cheapest model, the most effective, the simplest, we understand that we can wait for some or other additional grants from the european union or the united nations organization, it may take some time, yes, and people need to be resettled, on the other hand, we understand that housing needs are also different for people, there
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there is a certain amount of square meters and so on, and at the same time there are certain wishes, some want to live in big cities, others agree to live in district centers. someone would like or be ready to live in the village, but how to put it all together in order to, well, arrive at some healthy formula, yes, because we also understand that during the war our state cannot afford very many, at least, maybe they wanted to, well, but, unfortunately, in the third year of the war , there can be no quick and easy solutions, on in the opinion of the team of our opo association, there are two mechanisms, the first... mechanism is compensation for housing, real estate to those who had it in the temporarily occupied territories, and the second mechanism is for those people who had no property, especially for young people, this preferential credit programs according to the yeoseli type, but the yeoseli
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does not work very well now, few apartments are bought, because it is difficult, for yeoseli there should be a separate preferential program, two mechanisms, these mechanisms can combine each other, they must be supported. united territorial communities, because internally displaced persons are fresh blood for any, for any community, especially a small one, of course people have their own priorities, their own. however, you have to be realistic that it won't be quick, there won't be a quick mechanism for implementing these programs, it's very difficult, it's very difficult budget-wise, but this, if you start working now within five dashes of seven years, it can be done and it can be done, but we need to work now, we need to advocate, we need to put pressure on the authorities, because with the vdp in places of temporary residence, it is no longer the case that people live in schools, that people live there on the floors and so on. this is not acceptable, it is necessary to work on creating mechanisms. thank you, arkady
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petrosyan, the head of the association of young idps of ukraine was on our air, they talked about the difficult situation with payments, there are delays in payments for internally displaced persons, and we hope that a representative of the ministry of social policy can also see our air and react somehow, because we understand, now payments amount to approximately two thousand hryvnias, and people count on these funds and would like them to receive them in... good, now we will have a small break, after it we will continue our information day, i also want to remind you that there is a qr code in the corner here, which we regularly try to show you, so that you can join our gathering during our information day , about which i spoke at the beginning, this is actually a collection for quadcopters, for the hundredth brigade, which is currently in the eastern pakel direction, our goal is 2.5 million uah. the amount is large, but we understand that with joint efforts we will be able to close this collection, because we have not already closed it with you
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one collection and this time we hope for your support including it, so please do not be indifferent, remember that even 1 hryvnia, it is important, because if we are watched by thousands of people, tens, hundreds, or even millions, we have our audience both in ukraine and abroad, so please join us, now we have a short break, after which we continue the information day from the press. be with us attention, a profitable offer. order a smart light bulb at a special promotional price, that's all 149 hryvnias durable, reliable and so powerful, and the price is only uah 149. in stores, ordinary light bulbs cost more than uah 250, but we offer you a light bulb that lights up, even when there is no light, for only uah 149. make time. take advantage of such a favorable offer: the smart light bulb works even without electricity for up to 6 hours without
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recharging, the secret is in the built-in city battery, it is so convenient, especially now, and the smart light bulb is not afraid of voltage fluctuations and will not break when dropped, a standard socket will fit practically to any chandelier or floor lamp, the light suddenly turned off, it is necessary to light candles again or look for a flashlight in which the batteries ran out, let there be light in your home, always smart light for only uah 149, works even without electricity, offer limited, call! attention, a profitable offer: order a smart light bulb at a special promotional price, only uah 149. durable, reliable and so powerful, and the price is only uah 149. in stores, ordinary light bulbs cost more than uah 250, and we offer you a light bulb that shines, even when there is no light, for only uah 149. make time. take advantage of such a favorable offer: the smart light bulb works even without electricity for up to 6 hours without
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recharging, the secret is in the built-in city battery, it is so convenient, especially now, and the smart light bulb is not afraid of voltage fluctuations and will not break when dropped, a standard socket suitable for almost any chandelier or floor lamp, the light is suddenly turned off, it is necessary to light candles again or look for a flashlight in which evil gray batteries, let there be light in your house, always on smart light for only 149 hryvnias works even without electricity , the offer is limited, call smig, physical activity, sneezing, even during such a small load, urinary incontinence can make itself felt, femininost uroro helped me , thanks to the natural components feminost uro helps to restore control over urination, feminost uro - urination under control, there are residues representing residues on urulsan 15% in pharmacies plantain, pam and oskad. mom, i'm in... and i feel sick, the heat always leads to poisoning, intoxication can cause dehydration, and
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it is important to restore the water-electrolyte balance when ordinary water is not enough, i recommend reo to adults and children, we will save ourselves with reo water, reo saves, reo is water for special medical purposes, there is discounts represent unbreakable discounts on mevycar ic, 10% at pharmacies plantain, pam and saver. vasyl winter's big broadcast, two hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours. to learn about the war and how the world lives, two hours to stay up to date with economic and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like-minded to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening. ukraine is a sovereign and independent,
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democratic, social, legal state, the sovereignty of ukraine. on its entire territory, ukraine is a unitary state, the territory of ukraine within the existing border is integral and inviolable. today, the armed forces of ukraine, all ukrainians stood up for the defense of the state and the constitution. we know what we are fighting for, what we stand to lose, and what we will never allow to be taken from us. happy constitution day. glory to ukraine. the information day continues. tv channel, which we now include in our obituary of victor yagun, major general of the reserve of the security service of ukraine, deputy head of the sbu in 2014-15. glory to ukraine, mr. major general, we congratulate you, glory to the heroes, good health. well, first of all, we would like to ask you very delicately about our specific successes, like when we talk about
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the remote destruction of enemy objects. we understand what our fighters are doing. this is quite persistent, information regularly arrives about the destruction of certain important logistics and communication centers, for example, on the temporarily occupied crimean peninsula, in the south, on the territory of the immediate enemy, on the territory of the russian federation, and so on and so forth. how do you assess the pace and how does it generally affect the enemy's defense capabilities, well, i want to believe that some kind of irreversible change will soon take place in crimea. yes, when it will be extremely difficult for them to maintain the current state of affairs, because their air defense systems are also crumbling, well, if we talk about the fact that our warehouses, headquarters, i don't know, logistics centers are being remotely carried out, it
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is clear that in the first place this does not even concern the crimean peninsula, the north of ukraine, this is... kharkiv region where they tried to actively attack ukraine. well, you know about the last success, where - in the voronich region, in the vilkovsky district, vilkhovatka, er, actually within this, this town, there 2-3 km from it, an exploded warehouse that started to detonate, they tried to hide this information, uh, if you look at the map, it's actually just the first. the level of logistics transportation, there is no railway there, there is road transport, so it is quite critical for them, they depend on the railway, all these logistical chains, and there is information about the possibility of concentrating 90,000 in this direction and in the direction of sums, and it is impossible their deployment, as intelligence now says, is also
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a consequence of permission to use. long-range weapons, primarily atoms and heimers on the territory of the russian federation, so i am not saying that the situation has changed critically in our direction, but there is also a decrease in the pace and not an incomprehensibility of the position of the russian troops in terms of what they are doing there, because we know about the blocking of up to 100 people on aggregator factory in velchansk, about now the transition to reconnaissance and sabotage work in other directions, and that is , there is no longer a coherent front there, and they understand that it will no longer be possible to tighten and deploy the front front, so they are clinging to those pieces of our territory that they captured in order to well hold back
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a significant number of our troops, that's what the north is about, that's about remote engagement. on the territory of crimea, everything depends on whether we will be able to do something with the bridge, currently the bridge is used at 25% of its capacity, first of all, they are very afraid to use it as a logistics chain for military equipment and ammunition, it is the railway, they use the railway there for... passenger transport, so they also use the road itself canvas, they let only small cars through there, small ones. trucks, they are very afraid that we will try to carry out the same attack as happened last time, when a truck with explosives hit the bridge,
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so only cars and or very light trucks up to 20 tons, budanov says that it is possible carry out such a strike that we have the capabilities, well, let's see, because in fact it is quite, quite complicated... the process, if we cut off, well, we are already trying to cut the crossing, you knew, you know, that they hit the ferries, they were damaged, they were restored, but this is all in the process, such a process is constant, that is, if they are beaten again, i think that the ferry may not survive, and without ferries, only if there is a bridge and an opportunity, some ephemeral opportunity. the crimean so-called corridor, they somehow took the railway there and gradually stretched it, yes, well, accordingly, how far can we keep it under fire
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control, and in general, can we stop it at a certain moment, that’s how we understand, if we collapse the crimean defense the enemy, well, it must be done simultaneously and very clearly, yes then they may find themselves in the pass, because the black sea, paradoxically, we control no worse than... the enemy, why are they actually blocking the sea of ​​azov with barges, because they hope to use the sea of ​​azov and this crossing to the kerch proper for e as a transit for their logistical all these capabilities, but one must understand that we are talking about the military, and there is a significant number of e civilian population, and they are trying to... cover themselves with this civilian population, including by providing some there free or very cheap tickets in order to drive tourists there, the so-called
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swindlers, and thus try to put pressure on us, which is a cover for the civilian population, the population of russia does not understand that they are falling into a trap, and at some point they can simply to be in such when it will be impossible to leave crimea, about 2 million people who need to be fed, 800 thousand of them are there, these are those who have already arrived and settled there after the occupation, this is all such a serious burden for the russian logistics machine, how will they be with that cope, well, let's see, for them it is already starting to be a big, big problem, such a suitcase without a handle, it is impossible to throw it. i think that many experts say that if there is any change in the situation at the front, it will not be in the direction of the rising north, but in the crimean
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direction. mr. viktor, look, here is kyrylo budanov, whom you already mentioned in your last interview, in one of the last interviews he stated that the situation on the front in ukraine will not turn into armageddon, but will remain difficult for at least another month time, and says that it is actually about... that russia will put maximum pressure on the front on the eve of the 75th anniversary nato summit, and we also understand that the next peace summit, so-called, and president zelensky today, by the way, in kyiv , i repeatedly spoke about the fact that kyiv is currently preparing proposals that should be formulated by the end of the year, we also see that there are many such, you know, hints that some compromises will have to be reached, and so on, or don't you think that now... it will be just this one the stage when both sides, both the aggressor and the victim - this is ukraine, will now try to squeeze as much as possible on the battlefield before these
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negotiations, because again, these are not my words, i am referring to many people who are also politicians, yes and military experts , including, say that one of these options is possible - a certain kind of freezing of the war on the contact line, well, freezing is simply impossible, impossible a priori, why, because... it's one thing when we directly agreed in the format of the minsk agreements, directly, notice, there was contact at the level of the highest authorities there, the presidents there, but when we recognize criminals, their leadership, and tell me, please, who from russia or from ukraine will sit down at the negotiating table, the minister of foreign affairs, well, the presidents will not be able to sit down, because they are the only one... an international criminal, they do not perceive the other as legitimate, who are the heads of the parliament, well, the heads of the verkhovna rada and the head of the state duma,
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is the example from ukraine, from ukraine, no-no, the mediator is meant , i don't know in what format the highs occur negotiations of such and such a level, well, but we understand that there are some very many non-lazy mediators, you know, states, initiatives may appear, we will not know about them, but they will somehow talk about all this and then they will distribute it in political corners, listen to me carefully, everything is very simple: if the territorial integrity of ukraine is not the first point, there will be no negotiations, that's all. believe me, why? because the west is not interested in stopping this war because it has invested too much in it, you see, he invested too much in it, and they are now playing for the long term, you look at these agreements to open factories, to launch enterprises in the united states, in europe,
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that is, they will, they... all contracts are for at least 5 years , and they understand that russia will simply blow up in the next year and a half. and now they work only in one direction, including when duda is traveling to china. warn china that if it extends its capabilities and aid to russia, in some way moment, it will turn out sideways for him in terms of contacts with europe and with, well, with the united states, there is a separate topic. china, that's why everyone is now working for russia to stop, russia to stop. mr. viktor, look , the statement of the former chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, mark milia, is simply quite eloquent, he basically says the same thing that our former head of the armed forces of ukraine valery zaluzhnyi once wrote in a huge article about the war, which is at a dead end , and actually this dead end. we are already
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three, it has been going on for almost a year and we understand that now no one is ready to predict how this war can change in some different directions, that is, what is the perspective of this war in general then, it is a war for decades? anything can happen, listen, this is not our first war in ten years, you look at what is happening in cyprus, what is happening on the er demarcation, er korean peninsula, what can we do, ukrainian society and ukraine. is not ready to give up its territories, if it only agrees that the territory remains under the control of the russian federation, everything else is pouring down, no reparations, no criminals will be handed over, and russia actually comes out of the water dry and in fact with a victory, we are satisfied with this, i do not know if the society in ukraine is ready to accept the so-called victory in this way, for me it is not a victory, it is defeat is complete. mr. generalor, look, you remembered.
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about the fact that russia can crack somewhere in a year and a half or a year, that is, what indicators should we pay attention to, we have about 40 seconds to a minute, the economy, everything is very simple, in fact, a huge problem in economically in the russian federation, no, not the resources, not the capabilities of the factories, not that they work there 24/7, namely economic capabilities, and capabilities, not even capabilities, capabilities. eh, and this, this is quite, quite a serious situation, including, by the way, human resources, which they do not have, they do not have, prepared human resources, you think, just like that he went to korea, vietnam, trying to drag there a huge number of laborers for the enterprise and in agriculture. thank you sir viktor, viktor yagun, reserve general of the sbu, deputy head of the sbu from 2014 to 2015. was
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in direct eteriso, we are moving on and now we pass the floor to our colleague anya eva melnyk, who has already prepared the updated edition together with the news editorial office, colleague, we pass the floor and ask you to share with us what you managed to find out, congratulations colleagues, thank you for your work, the news team continues to work, i will tell you about the main story, in particular about the situation in the regions after the attacks of the muscovites, stay with us. burshtynska tes was completely destroyed and not subject to restoration - said the head of the ivano-frankivsk regional military administration.


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