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tv   [untitled]    June 28, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm EEST

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greetings to all viewers of espresso, yana yavomelnyk and news for your attention: ukraine will present a clear and detailed plan to end the war. it will be ready by the end of this year - said president volodymyr zelenskyi. also, according to him, in the near future we will announce a detailed vision regarding energy, food security and exchanges. besides, as i told you, not everything depends on us. we have production. in terms of technology, drones,
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rebs, artillery, it's really increasing because we have to be strong on the battlefield, because if you are weak, it is not because someone wants to fight, we didn't want to from the beginning, and now no one wants, we just want peace, but we have to be strong, and that's why we develop our production to be strong, because russia does not understand anything except strength, and... the strong do not respect anyone. ukraine will receive $60 billion worth of military support every year, prime minister of ukraine denys shmehal said during the government meeting. these funds are provided for in security agreements with 20 partner countries, the signing of which will open up for us new opportunities for defense cooperation and provides a basis for future peacetime security. in the afternoon, the russians attacked
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bilozerka in the kherson region, the regional military administration informs, a 45-year-old woman was injured, a residential building and a car were damaged. muscovites also attacked circuses in the kharkiv region and damaged civil infrastructure, writes the head of the region oleg sinyohobov. according to him, four people were injured. burshtynska tez has been completely destroyed and is not subject to restoration, - said the head of ivano-franki. svitlana onyshchuk of the vsk regional military administration. she noted that the station was attacked 12 times due to the destruction of the burshtyn power station in winter, it may be left without heat and hot water. the city has already turned to the government and the ministry of territorial development and rehabilitation, with the help of which they agreed to allocate six boiler houses for social facilities and the population. the tragedy happened in kyiv region. a 66-year-old man
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fell into the elevator shaft from the height of the fifth floor, it happened when the lights were turned off. he opened the elevator on his own, but fell into it mine - the national police reported. at first they were injured, he was conscious, but he died on the way to the hospital in an ambulance . he blew up the deputy's property. a 42-year-old organizer of the crime was detained in transcarpathia. his intermediary threw a grenade into the yard of the elected official in mukachevo. the facade of the residential building, fence and cars were damaged by the explosion. people were not injured. the subversive was to receive thousands of dollars for his work. a few days after the crime, the organizer himself was caught and detained in uzhhorod. he and the mediator were informed about suspicion the situation on the border with belarus is gaining momentum. the country announced an increase.
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guarding the border with ukraine, allegedly because of a drone that flew into their territory, reports the press service of the border committee of the republic. the other day we were in the gomel region, belarusian border guards shot down a quadcopter that was allegedly moving from the territory of ukraine to the depths of belarus, where they already discovered a hiding place with components for the manufacture of improvised explosive devices. espresa tv channel invites you to join the project from scratch. to life, this is a collection of atvs for express evacuation of the wounded and delivery of ammunition. support the soldiers of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade kholodny yar with a donation. they choose victory every day, they do not leave the wounded and dead on the battlefield. so for evacuation , atvs are indispensable assistants, and they also allow you to move off-road as quickly as possible, which helps efficient work. your support significantly increases the chances of the holodoyarivites not only to successfully perform combat operations. tasks, but also to return
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from them alive, join the gathering, our goal - 4 million hryvnias. in ivano-frankivsk, the architect ihor panchyshyn opened exhibition "my city". the author presented about fifty photos, more in the material of my carpathian colleagues. ihor panchyshyn, well-known in ivano-frankivsk, architect, restorer, and now a photographer. he is one of the founders of biennale impreza. he worked in restoration workshops in the city department for the protection of cultural heritage. at first, the author published his works in social networks. he says that his friends recommended that they be made of them. some architectural plastic, some, some elements weather, well, in the sense of the atmosphere of frankivska, stanislavska, which may not be immediately guessable, or typical, because they can be, if you consider some things separately, you will not say
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that it is stanislav, but it is all the atmosphere of stanislav, and i wanted people too looked at the city somehow so differently. not banal, not constantly paraded, but those looking for monumentalism looked for small things. to see deeper and in more detail is one of the main motives of panchyshyn's photo exhibition. these photos are just episodes from many years of observation of the city. the author tried to show ivano-frankivsk in various manifestations. he has a lot of such photos of such, one might say, little misses. which are not so much frankivska, but also stanislavska, well , for example, there is the wall of the fortress alley, by the way, he is one of the participants who
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contributed to the creation of this fortress alley, and in general contributed to the film and has to ... firstly, professional, basic education, the exhibition continues in the artistic space of vagabundo, from prykarpattia, ivan haruk, volodymyr voloshchuk, espresso tv channel. ukraine celebrates constitution day, the main thing the law of our state is 28 years old, it was adopted by the people's deputies on june 28, 1996. the verkhovna rada worked continuously in the parliament for almost a day and... approved the document in the morning. president volodymyr zelenskyy congratulated ukrainians on the holiday. the first word of the first article of our constitution is ukraine. from the first minutes of the war, millions of people proved that for them ukraine really comes first.
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all who thought, first of all, not about themselves. who understands that in times of war you come to the fore... there is a key duty. article 17 of the constitution. defense of ukraine - this the most important functions of the state and the cause of the entire ukrainian people. millions of ukrainians prove their devotion to this every day. the sweet ukrainian record was set in lviv oblast, where they created the largest copy of the constitution with 3,400 cupcakes and cookies. installation width. is more than 2 m, and the length is three. in this way, the organizers thanked our defenders, said the head of the regional military administration maksym kozytskyi. after setting the record, goodies and other goodies were given to the soldiers who are undergoing rehabilitation.
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and we have updated information, there are already six wounded in tserkony in kharkiv region, a private house and an outbuilding are on fire. that 's how things are at the moment, i tell you, see you at 18, the news team is working on the final release, read more about important things on our website espresso tv, also subscribe to our channels in social networks, see you!
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a convenient tool from only uah 799 with the possibility of free delivery powerful saws strong what you need to call there are discounts represent unbreakable discounts on citramon pills darnytsia 10% in pharmacies traveling to you and savings. a new week on espresso, a weekly summary information and analytical program, a clear understanding of the key events of the past week, analysis of the causes and consequences of these events from experts, forecasts of the development of the situation for the current week, the opportunity to ask your own questions and join the discussion, spend the final monday evening with us and confidently step into the new week. the new week project with khrystyna yatskiv and andrii. smolien every monday at 20:00 for espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime
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. two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like relatives to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. vasyl winter's big broadcast. project for smart and caring people in the evening with espresso. ukraine is a sovereign and independent, democratic, social, legal state. the sovereignty of ukraine extends to its entire territory. ukraine is a unitary state, the territory of ukraine within the existing border is integral and inviolable. today, the armed forces of ukraine, all ukrainians, stood up to defend the state and the constitution. we know what we are fighting for, what we can lose and what we will never allow to be taken away from us. happy constitution day,
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glory to ukraine. congratulations i'm andriy yanitskyi and gulsum khalilova, together on the beraber program, which is translated together. this is a joint project of the crimean tatar tv channel atr and the tv channel. which we do for viewers from crimea, as well as for all those in mainland ukraine who are interested in what is happening in crimea. if you watch us on youtube, please subscribe, like, bell and comment on this video, this is how youtube algorithms work, so you will only see us if you are active. well, we will, as usual, traditionally, and today we will talk about crimea, about the deoccupation of crimea and about... everything that happened there during this of the week, that is, we will talk about the results,
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and of course i would like to start with the main news, the one that happened this week, and we can say that on june 23 , the armed forces of ukraine carried out a very powerful attack on the russian occupiers, and after that manipulation, twisting of facts, speculating on human deaths and other methods to throw off responsibility... moscow started a very huge propaganda campaign, blaming ukraine and even the united states of america for the deaths of civilians. on uchkiivka beach in to occupied ahyari during a rocket attack on sunday. how so, please, andriy. we will ask oleksiy hetman, a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war, a retired major of the national guard, to speak with us on this topic. mr. oleksiy, congratulations. i congratulate you. congratulations mr. oleksiy, this
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is the story of the attack of the ukrainian military forces on... the base in sevastopol, as a result of which there were also civilian casualties, the russians say that it is as if the americans, the ukrainians, are specifically hitting civilian objects along the beaches where peaceful people rest, at the same time i have a conviction that this is not the case, what happened in reality, well, first of all, they saw the links of another rocket there, not that... we are firing russian rockets, could the fragments of the rocket have reached the beach, well, theoretically it is quite possible, but to say that we deliberately attacked the beach, well you know, if there was a desire to attack the civilian population, you could have chosen a target with higher casualties, if we had such a terrorist target, because what actually happened there is hard
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to say, but well, it's hard to say from the point of view that it's very unlikely that... it was our missile, because we attack only military objects, we need to look at the military objects that we attacked and what is the distance to this beach, where civilians died , well, civilians, in order to understand what really happened there, and more once, well , none, well, listen, listen, russians don’t respect themselves, well, the question is, there literally , you mentioned what military facilities are located there, really near this beach , literally 3x-4 km, and... military units are located, that is, it is obvious that the attack was first of all on military objects, anyway how does the russian air defense system work and why does it shoot down ukrainian missiles over the beach, and this question is primarily for the russians, and in general, if there was no occupation, i
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understand that there would be no reason, i lived for 22 years in crimea has never had any excesses, well, except... like some excesses related to the black sea fleet of the russian federation, when they hit somewhere during exercises and civilians die or pollute the sevastopol bay, and in general , i remember the ukrainian times in crimea i remember it as peaceful times, but now it is clear that during the occupation russians are fighting every day, this is a theater of war, what can you advise the residents of crimea who are there? how to behave, is it worth going to these beaches, is it possible that someone will look even from russia and finally understand that there is a war going on there, and that you should not go to the occupied territories, well , the fact that you should not go is clear, and that , that, how, how to save yourself, well, stay away from military facilities, and not because we can
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not hit a military facility and get wet, the fact is that we use weapons that are... highly accurate. the russians used and use weapons that are not highly accurate. well, for example, this x22 missile, it can deviate up to half a kilometer. well, for a moment. therefore, from the target, where it flies. there was information about this attack on the airfield, that the russians boasted that they had somehow changed the trajectory of the missile, well, this means that they, well, their anti-aircraft defense was working, but... well, it can hardly be considered that these are fragments of our missile , most likely these are fragments of an anti-aircraft missile of the russians, which, on the other hand , it seems quite strange to me, because such a distance as 2-3 km to the beach where this tragedy happened, and well, the anti-aircraft missile on the missiles, well
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, it would, it would only hit the combat course at such a distance, that is, there are a lot of them. the question of what flew there, well, you heard, we did, the ulankas were shown, but after this attack, near this beach, the russians themselves film everything, take photos, and identified that it was a russian tor missile, that is, the russians were already blowing up their buildings, they already dropped bombs on their own cities, it is quite possible that it was a provocation by the russians, it is very similar to them, that they deliberately killed, this is not the first time they have already done to... several of their fellow citizens in order to blame ukraine for this. once again, our missile could not get there, because it is highly accurate and it could hardly read. if you look at the map, from the side of the sea, they attacked with cruise missiles, they attacked with ballistic missiles, the ones that we can use, and the ballistic missile in circles,
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along the ballistic trajectory, it could fly from the opposite side, so here if just spread out everything on the shelf, conduct research without even exploring the branches just on the open ones. by looking at the video taken by the russians, you can find out that this is definitely not, not our truth, well , the situation is really very strange, because for the first time the russian ministry of attack reported that the ukrainian armed forces there attacked akhyar and so on , and almost the russian occupiers there very successfully shot down everything and so on, and while they were reporting about it to ukchkiivka, the lights were already on their way, and on the other hand, two hours later, we saw how the russian ministry of defense already reported something else, and said that ukraine
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had committed terrorist acts there, and so on, and, that is, we see that russia simply did not understand what to say, how to say it, how to explain it, and so on, and two hours later , the propagandists there again accused ukraine and even the united states of america of this, and... but at the same time , there was no anxiety, no anxiety, nothing in crimea, and even the crimean propaganda public, they, even there, are entertaining, and gauleiter akhyar, they just wanted, well, to him, they had a lot claims and they even said that he should be removed from the post of gauleiter ahyaro, so i have a question, why was there no alarm, why did no one say anything, and so on, well... first of all , they try not to announce the alarm, because they believe that in this way they are treating the local population, because there should be constant worries there, well, as for the accusations of russia,
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well, they did not come up with anything smarter than to try to tell that we want to attack the beach, you know, unconscious people, well for the exception may be some russian pasipaks, they know very well the situation, our partners, civilized in general, how difficult is our situation with weapons, how much we save the means that we can attack, the same missiles, they are supplied to us with interruptions in small quantities, so we can afford to shoot missiles on the beach, which is not worth 1 million dollars in order for four civilians to die, well, it is, well, it is, you know, pulled by the ear, but the russians come in, they call me... as they say, even if you spit in my eyes, i will, they they say that they will say, well, don't spit there, they will say that it is god's dew, that's why sir, mr. oleksiy, what about this question,
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crimea has actually been occupied for 10 years, occupied, and already two years of a full-scale invasion, well, for over a year , ukrainian missiles and drones have been flying over military facilities in crimea, and they are still not there... has some system of shelters for the civilian population, that is, the occupation authorities do not deliberately spend money, they do not equip public places with these shelters, but only after the events of this week, when it became evident that the civilian population is in danger from the actions of the occupation authorities in the first place turn, they also eh... announced that they would create some kind of mobile shelters in public places, but isn’t this
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just some kind of reassurance, if they were not able to build such shelters for a full-scale invasion in two years, then why suddenly expect local, that they will appear now? well, you know, to build some kind of mobiles, well, i think that this is self-reassuring, it seems to me that there could have been and... funds were allocated for some shelters, but they were scared in russia and so they did not build anything, you know, if they start, they will try to explain to the population inside the crimea that the crimea has come to its home port, that there are at least stones from the sky, that there is no reason to worry, that everything will be fine, and start spending constantly turning on the air anxiety, constantly starting. to draw a bomb shelter there so that people know where to hide from shelling, this will definitely not raise the morale of the population, and for
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the russians it is very important that people... continue, i don’t know who to compare with , even believe that the russians, well that crimea they can be comforted that they are in danger, that everything is just isolated cases, that something flies there, well, it is so easy for them, this is how their propaganda works, to start telling them that there is a bomber, that there are air alarms there that have to be activated every other day, well and people are worried there anyway, let's say so, especially those who... came from the russian federation, and in such situations, in such anxieties and the constantly painted cross of buskovyshche, i think that many people will begin to leave crimea, russian already there must be russians there if crimea were russian there, well, that's why it's easier for them to have dozens or hundreds of people die there, than if this propaganda that everything is fine there and everything is under their control doesn't work, and plus anxiety is not everywhere there.
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crimea, but they announce the alarm only in akyar, as they call it sevastopol, and in other areas, corners of the crimea, well , there is never, never was, there is no alarm at all, even if you look at the fact that the armed forces of ukraine , well, they are carrying out strikes in all corners of crimea, where the russian military is stationed objects, well, this is our legitimate goal, that's right, well, because it's preparation for, in the fact that it's preparation for... maybe this year, maybe next year, we've already started the process not preparation for the deoccupation, but the direct deoccupation of crimea, therefore all, well, all of crimea is under our, let's say, missile fire control, and our targets, military object, targets of lithuania, our targets of communication, our targets of radar stations , ports, of course, that is why this preparation for the liberation of crimea continues already, well, it's already been a year, at least, and i'm sure
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that... that these strikes that we are doing, they will only intensify, we have to destroy practically the entire military infrastructure of the russian armed forces in crimea, well, then we already understand that, well then i will attack, it could be landing, it could be from different directions, it could be from the well, it could be at shadovsk, armyansk, it could be somewhere else, well , here i think that in our general staff, well, i don’t think there are already plans, but only directly... we can't use them yet, because it is necessary to focus on the attacks carried out by the russians on the eastern and northern fronts, and regarding the crimea and the southern direction in general, well, there are forecasts that in september, maybe in october , we will be able to intercept a tactical machete in these directions initiative, well, let's see, there will be more, another message from crimea this week, the space communication center was destroyed
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in... in the crimea, what is the significance of this cotton, why are these goals of space communication so important that we we choose them among others, as you rightly say, the missiles we fire are not cheap, and we cannot exchange them for any small targets. well, what is this, most likely, it is a ground base that has direct contact with golnas, that is... this is navigation, this is navigation of russian missiles, missiles are guided by these means, airspace is explored by these means, they are controlled, including russian planes are sent, this is not the kind of communication that we have, maybe it seems to someone that there is something like a mobile communication, communication is simply left there without mobile phones, no, it's a system, it's a system, how our missiles work using gps navigation in
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russia. the glanas system, they, this is also a satellite system, they use, and this, it is used for missile guidance, let's say, aircraft missile guidance. thank you very much, mr. oleksiy, chokhsaglnost, for taking the time to join our broadcast. oleksiy getsman, a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war, a retired national guard major, was in direct contact with us. and i will remind you that you are watching the berber together program in ukrainian, which is hosted by us, andriy yanitskyi and. gulsum khalilova and this is a joint project of espresso and the atr tv channel. now we have a short break, after which we will talk about other topics. laughter, physical activity, sneezing. even during such a small load, urinary incontinence can make itself felt. feminost uuro helped me. thanks to the natural ingredients, feminost uro helps restore control over
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