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tv   [untitled]    June 28, 2024 6:30pm-7:00pm EEST

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er, and this is precisely the strength, the economic strength of states with developed economies. well, actually, i think that your company also has something to show foreign companies, given the volume of supplies of equipment for the armed forces, supplies including ammunition. but with regard to ammunition, your company is currently undergoing the process of supplying 120 mm caliber mines, what about this process, was it really successful? to simplify the process of passing, are the labyrinths of the past still sufficiently complex, and the labyrinths have not gone anywhere and there are questions about of this process, but as of now it is adequate, i will say so, because it is necessary to check. indeed, it is a weapon, it is a dangerous
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product, yes, it explodes, that is why its characteristics must be checked, but - again, such a checking process could still be speeded up, simplified, ah, show as much as possible, let's say, the targeting of the result, to provide the capabilities of such, m... providing such tests and so on, unfortunately, as of now, it is performed there by the enterprise on its own, with such a complex in a bureaucratic way, how long has the supply of this mine been going on, how many months have passed since the beginning of this process, two and i will ask about one more story related to the bmp, because the spanish government announced that it... gives an option , when
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the spanish manufacturer will manufacture and supply a certain number of bmps kodo to the armed forces, for now this topic is being discussed in the spanish government, but we know that your company offered an option when this project would be such that ukrainian enterprises for the production of this bmp. what is the situation at the moment, how do you feel about the initiative of the spanish government, what is happening around this project now, well, from the point of view, as a ukrainian, i certainly support everything that will be provided to us for free or for, well, at the expense of others countries, and as an entrepreneur who is familiar with the armament of military equipment, i will say that after conducting tests of this machine, the representatives
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of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine, well , they were simply delighted by the results and by the reports that were based on the results of these tests the second issue is that from the point of view of a uh, a businessman, let's say, who understands uh the principles of supply, there must necessarily be competition between the several systems offered for supply, in order to... to lower the cost of the supply , let's say, the package that is proposed in this package of proposals, to increase, so on and so forth, our proposal concerned precisely the supply of samples that will undergo testing, in the future with the organization of production in ukraine, including there from... it was possible to start with localization
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the combat module of the tower and so on, unfortunately, we stopped at the fact that the general staff did not make the specified systems necessary for conducting their tests, and thus this project stopped at this point, as we relate to what the spaniards will do at their own expense from... without any ukrainian component to supply positively from the point of view that we will receive military equipment, as well as the fact that it is possible that this project will also be able to negotiate its localization, but for this something must be done and from our side, if we don't do anything from the ukrainian side, then spain will, accordingly. are not interested in helping us with
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this, mr. vladyslav, thank you for the inclusion, thank you for the explanation, for what your company does for the security and defense forces, let me remind you that it was a general. the director of ukrainian armored vehicles vladyslav belbas, a company engaged in the production of armored vehicles, ammunition, mortars for the needs of the security and defense forces, a number of agreements were made at the eurosattors exhibition, which we hope will give impetus to the expansion the potential of private companies to provide security and defense forces with weapons and military equipment. these were the main conclusions based on the results of this day, then... the broadcast will be continued by vasyl zima, so stay tuned to the espresso channel. thank you very much to serhiy zhorets, thank you to his guest. we continue with a lot of interesting and important information ahead of you today, i will
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briefly tell you the economic results of the week, an overview from oleksandr morshchyvka. who lost the debate, donald trump or joseph biden. yuri fizer will talk about this in detail. expectation from play matches. of euro from yevhen postokhov, well, there will also be guests, today we will talk about strange decisions regarding the license for fuel production in ukraine for people connected with russia, what treason is happening or what to call it, and also about constitution day, but something later, literally in a few moments, now i will ask you to join the congregation. i continue to believe that this week, if not during my time on the air, then during the work of the air of my colleagues, but by the end of the week we will close this collection. we have only 53 hryvnias to collect for the minibus for our military personnel working in the soledar and zaporizhzhia areas. this minibus is needed in order to quickly deliver mobile repair teams, either to the gray zone or to the contact line, where it is necessary to urgently repair
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armored vehicles, whether it is a tank, whether it is an infantry fighting vehicle, or an armored personnel carrier, the repair teams will walk for a long time under by enemy fire, and we understand that this is a great risk for people's lives, and it is... time, and time in war is of great importance, because again , a tank repaired in time can destroy the enemy, can cover the infantry, can cover other means of armored vehicles, the armored personnel carrier can transport our troops, again under the cover of armor, and not move in a clear field, and the infantry fighting vehicle can also inflict fire damage on the enemy while moving and transport infantry, in fact, when it is possible to do it quickly, it is much better, because this is the life of the military, and again, it is time, and it is for this minibus that we... we need to collect uah 630,00, in fact, for this week, for this week we were able to collect 73, hryvnias, because we started this week with 504 thousand, and now we have 577 thousand, you are really great guys, we have 53, even a little less hryvnias left, i think that today we
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will be able to collect a sufficient amount, well, if i believe, what we will collect, but even if it happens that we do not collect during our broadcast, there is still saturday, there is still sunday, and i think that my colleagues ... will finish this story and the military will be able to get the necessary money to purchase minibus thank you very much once again for continuing to trust us despite everything. well, we continue to work in interests of the armed forces of ukraine and the defense forces. andriy magera, with us, lawyer, ex-deputy chairman of the central election commission of ukraine. mr. andrii, i congratulate you. and congratulations to you too. and glory to ukraine on the day of the constitution of ukraine. the glory of the heroes is also mutual. thank you. well... it will be 30 years since the constitution of ukraine was adopted, today i read a lot of betrayals, i will call it that, or maybe it is the thoughts of people with a taste of betrayal, that the constitution has already been violated, who just could not and did not want to, and violated it
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because of this power, and now they will say again that a it is you, so you are sitting, criticizing the government, no, i will not criticize anyone, i understand that wartime requires non-standard solutions, and if we talk about the basic law, well... now the rights and duties of citizens, they are ensured, and to what extent this constitution is relevant in time of war, and what are the issues, perhaps, which are not settled, but should be settled, because of which again certain collisions arise. please. the current constitution was adopted, as is known, in 1996, that is, at the time when the north and east... the states adopted the constitution due to the storming of the parliament building, due to the shooting of the parliament building, due to the breaking of the opposition, due to the liquidation of the opposition, the ukrainian constitution was adopted within the walls of the parliament, that is, by the people's deputies
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in the most legitimate way, this is a very important moment, perhaps and is the reason that the civil and political rights and freedoms enshrined in our constitution. they were obviously fixed not in the worst way and this was recognized by many experts of international institutions, in particular venice commission. if we are talking about a specific period. time about martial law, it is quite obvious that in the conditions of martial law certain civil and political rights and freedoms can be limited due to the fact that there is a war, the maximum concentration of the state is necessary to repel resistance, to repel an enemy attack, so all this is understandable , at the same time, the constitution even under conditions of martial law prohibits the introduction of the death penalty... for example, it guarantees the right to honor and dignity, the
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same guarantees remain regarding the freedom of a person and his inviolability, the right to petition remains in its entirety, it does not go anywhere, that is, there are certain rights and freedoms, the effect of which is limited, and some, and others, they continue to be valid, as shown by the constitution during this time, it is obvious what is. .. the contradiction between separate legal regimes, i mean, the constitution, in addition to martial law, declares a state of war, and even constitutional lawyers argue among themselves whether a state of war should be declared or not, whether martial law is enough or not enough, whether they can whether or not constitutional rights and freedoms can be limited during a state of war, these questions, they continue, the second moment, during numerous changes to the constitution, and they, let me remind you, there were seven attempts to... change the constitution, unfortunately, unbalanced the text of the constitution has come out, so we will have
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to work on it in the future, probably after the end of the war, we will be forced to move towards the adoption of a new constitution, which was not progressive in its time, but time certainly passes, and the constitution is somewhat becomes obsolete, she does not can keep up with the times, for example, in relation to local self-government. regarding the new rights and freedoms that have appeared in our digital era, so everyone will have to work on this, but only after the end of martial law. by the way, i remember very well, then i worked as a journalist, i don't remember which tv channel, but it was 2003, maybe you can correct me, i think it was 2003, if not 2004, but when they tried to change the constitution under medvedchuk, when... they actually wanted to make kuchma the prime minister with powers, well, actually change the form
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of the government and actually extend kuchma's power for an indefinite period, and then i remember such expectations, i was sitting in the press box, then, well, on the second one there in the hall of the parliament, and when the vote was taken, i think three or four votes were missing, and well, 300 there were not enough votes, and then this attempt to change the constitution, to actually rewrite it and change the form of state government by and large failed. then there were certain moments when they moved to the ukrainian home, there they also tried something, that is, attempts, i do i know that there were attempts to make a different form of government under someone else, the question i have now is quite practical, because you know, we don't know when the war will end, we don't know how many people there will be in ukraine, what resources and opportunities we will have , which losses we will have, how much we will be demoralized or, on the contrary, motivated, here it is difficult, it is difficult to say which agreements will be signed, which will be... the peace initiative has been approved again, but do you think
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it is relevant or not the question is really relevant transformation of ukraine into a parliamentary one the republic, not the parliamentary presidential one, actually what is there, let's say in italy or there in germany or in austria, for example, won't it change anything, and it shouldn't be done, because again, a lot of people will leave to the authorities that we do not see. when many people who were in power will disappear forever, there will be some uncertainty, and this future will have to be shaped, or a change, again, of the form of government, to a different one, well, maybe somewhere i am confused in the terms, you will forgive me, i not a lawyer, but will it be relevant or will it not come to that, and c we will be left with the president, the parliament, the government as the executive power, and nothing needs to be changed, it will not change anything for the better, but it is worth emphasizing that under... any modern democratic form of government, whether it is parliamentary, presidential or mixed,
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there is both the president and the parliament, these forms, the three forms of government, in fact, the two determining factors that distinguish them are the factor: the way the government is formed, in a presidential republic it is done by the president without the intervention of the parliament, in a parliamentary republic in the form of a republic, this is done by the parliament. the president, as a rule, is elected by the parliament, and his function is only post-nominal . and the second sign, a very fundamental sign: in a presidential republic there is a very strict distribution of power, the president cannot dissolve the parliament, the president cannot submit bills to the parliament, instead , the parliament does not interfere in the executive branch of power, in a parliamentary republic there is a mixing of powers and parliament and the government, sometimes it is not clear where
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the prerogative of the parliament ends, and where the prerogative of the government begins, and how strange it looks in the parliamentary one. in the republic, the parliament is the weakest institution, in the presidential one it is the strongest, because the president cannot, but the parliament performs a key function, it forms the government, and the government represents certain parties by and large, you actually brought me to a very valid point, very important, why? because indeed the parliament forms the government, but later, as soon as the government is formed parliament, the government begins to dominate. over the same parliament headed by the prime minister, every time will blackmail the parliament, give us the government's program, about the approval of the question of the government's trust, these are a lot of things that he will practically blackmail the position of the parliamentarians, if you do not vote, there will be parliamentary elections, that is, there is also such an interdependence of the government and
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the parliament, but i would like to emphasize that the parliamentary model in... will function in that state in which political parties are developed, where there is a high level political culture, because very often, often in the parliamentary model, not one party has the majority of mandates in the parliament, but several, they are forced to negotiate, these are coalition agreements, agreements, this is a very difficult process, well, and most importantly, i will just say that, for these parties to have, let them be unacceptable for someone, acceptable for someone, but at least for these... parties to be in the legislative field, not to be traitors there, as we had, we had one block, well, conditionally, but had at least some history, well, there are parties that do history in ukraine, at least some, and you understand what kind of party this is, well, we have a moment, but please, and for you to complete the thought, and here, in fact, i would like to send such a key message, perhaps -what form of government, presidential, parliamentary
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or mixed, requires certain rules, compliance with these rules, if we do not follow these rules, then i... even if we do not introduce the form of government, believe me, it will not work as effectively, but this means that we need to move towards the rule of law, but still raise the level legal consciousness, there is no other way, otherwise it is a rollback to russia and belarus, we must understand that we will no longer have a third option, this is a very important moment, then there really must be a social contract and a contract of political elites, well, we will have new ones the elites were formed after the war, it is clear there. everything can be changed, but again the question is what society will grow to, and what it will grow to, what state it will be in, it will form its own constitution and form of power and coexistence, but only time will tell. thank you thank you very much for joining us, thank you for your comments, andriy magera, a lawyer as the deputy chairman of the central election commission of ukraine, here i am reading a post, we have a chat here and
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the viewer is writing, and the viewer is andriy a, i’m just like u franz kavka. josef k. andriy a. well, good. it would be strange to discuss what to discuss if there is no parliament. and what a parliament, there is none. in fact, we have a parliament. you know, i always try to slow down any betrayals, because if we didn't have a parliament, it would be, well, it would be different history, believe me, history would have been different. the parliament in ukraine is imperfect, not ideal, but it exists. and more than once in history, this parliament very often saved ukraine, when yanukovych. fled along highways, fired at, remember this story, the parliament was saving ukraine then, so let's not pretend that we don't have him at all, he's not perfect, well, but who is perfect in us, yes, now i'll just take a second, let's talk about another topic, here we will try to disperse it with treason, and maybe taras zahorodnyi will stop this treason. political technologist taras foreigner with us, mr. taras, i congratulate you,
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good day, happy constitution day, after all, although we have a different topic, but we have 11 minutes and there will definitely be enough time, i would like to... it would be worth asking you after the war to change the constitution, or to change the form of government, or to change anything, or, in fact, to prepare a little there somewhere, then we will go further on this constitution, actually a very cool constitution, no, look, this constitution was made by medvedchuk in order for the state power in the country was dysfunctional, well mykhailo, mykhailo the orphan, the father of the constitution, no, changes are the 96th year of changes. back in 1996, by the way, the constitution was quite good, the only problem was to expand the powers of the parliament, simplify the impeachment procedure, there is order. the president, then they were returned again under yanukovych, but there were, yes, no, look, i am a supporter, i am a supporter of the american model, where there is a president who is the answer and heads, heads the executive power, we have
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a problem with what in our state, what people elect president with universal suffrage, and he is responsible for everything that happens in the country, the prime minister is some kind of incomprehensible person who is elected by some incomprehensible deputies, and we have it fixed. the confrontation between the president and the prime minister, and this, i am sure, was done on purpose, medvedchuk was deliberately pressured to make our government dysfunctional, so i am a supporter of abolishing the position of prime minister, expanding the powers of the parliament, for him to have a simplified impeachment procedure, the parliament should have, the parliament should have... investigative commissions in order to have more powers, including for investigation and so on, then we get a more or less
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functional model, because otherwise we will always be stuck in this ineffective model, which does not give the state the opportunity to move forward. well, in any case, again, i think that the society will be in what state it will be, what it will grow up to, what it will understand, what it will experience and how it will perceive itself, well, such there will certainly be a constitution, it is always an expression of what we are ready to live in, such a social contract, it must be, if there is no such contract, then what will happen in ukraine once already, these are the maidans, revolutions and, well, not the violent overthrow of the government there, but at least some very fast and painful changes that could be made much simpler, well, today i saw this... news and immediately told my colleagues, i say, let 's talk about it, because it needs to be discussed, here it is, well, at first glance , it's betrayal, so mnovinsky's company, it that pilot from st. petersburg who came to ukraine is
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an active supporter of the moscow church in ukraine, was with yanukovych for a long time, is an oligarch, has a business in ukraine, was even once a journalist at the opening of one of his plants in vinnytsia, but here is his company, although he was under sanctions, novinsky and yermalayev returned licenses for... ukrainian subsoils, the state geology service and nader implemented the corrective decision of the nsdc on clarification of sanctions, the company of vadym novinskyi and vadym yarmolayev restored the validity of special permits for the use of subsoils, in particular gas extraction. wrote about it. please explain how it is, what it is. well, look, we don't know everything about the invoice, it is possible that we still call these companies nevinsky's, but according to the papers they are nevinsky's, there... there is no connection, i do not rule it out, because, well, if so, then may be a strange decision, because, or why, for example,
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they are not confiscated, if sanctions were introduced against him there, yes, if there are specific grounds and so on, well, let's see there, i haven't seen the documents, it's difficult for me to say, and there are strange decisions, another, here is the recently higher anti-corruption court, our such reformed prose. suddenly lifted the arrest actually from the property of mr. firtesh in obolgaz, and they almost returned to his property again, well, it seems that this issue has already been resolved, and it is again in state ownership, i see the farm, but we see that even the so-called reformed the courts also for some reason, you know, have such a feeling for different citizens who are interconnected with different structures, which... are not always loyal, well, but i'm reading now, where is it for me this is a geosoil decision, so the effect
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of the special permits was stopped due to sanctions against the ultimate beneficiaries, the owners of the company, well actually irmaeva of navin, well, and then she was just i lead to the point that, well, it is already the day of this news, it was she who was made public, well, the decision , addendum to the order dated june 26, i.e. two days ago, this news appeared yesterday. well, what do you think, maybe it’s worth explaining to people, because again, later they will say that journalists are spreading treason and something else, well, how are they writing to you here nadraainfo, a profile publication with a link to the application i am certain from the state general directorate that special permits have been returned to the companies whose ultimate beneficiaries are novinsky, which was under sanctions, perhaps again this is a communication issue, see the question there again, i do not rule out that these people are now the ultimate beneficiaries, that's what, that's what we it can be related. again , i have a version from this output, because it is logical, if there are specific specific beneficiaries, they are confirmed, including by sanctions. in this
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case and suddenly it changes, well then the excess of authority on the part of these nadors, yes, but i do not rule out that again, why do i have such a version, i do not rule out that there are simply no such final beneficiaries of narmaev, i know what else i would like to ask you about, but again, without speeding up, and there is nothing to dispel all betrayals, everyone understands that... the situation is such that things must be discussed, as they say, with a cool head, this is another wave of mobilization, of course it will end at a certain stage or decline, the mobilization process will continue , as it happens, someone is removed from the register, unfortunately, people die, new people come, but it is not something like that, and when we can say, well, when the action ends, the consequences of the action are active by the law of mobilization, and certain things will be
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formed, normalized and... called, and we will see that in we are there for mobilization, for business, for enterprises, for taxes. when will it be possible to say what ukraine is going into the fall and winter with, precisely in terms of money, taxes, opportunities, provision of the army, because it is important, and in terms of other things, so that we understand where we are and what we stand for we can still, conditionally speaking, what will we still have in reserve then to confront the enemy, who is also looking for resources, looking for reserves, but today i read that 30,000 a... illegal migrants, these, not migrants, but migrants, were involved by russia in the war against ukraine. 30 thousand six brigades. please. well, look, these are the priorities of the state, first of all, where, tens of money. when the minister of finance comes out, about a year ago, and tells that 8 billion is located abroad, which agro-defenders took away, the question is why, why does the minister of finance, who formally heads, including tax,
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by the way. a former taxman himself, is there any money in the state? is there money in the state, enough to close without raising taxes? enough to close without raising taxes, this is a struggle with values, which basically crumbles with the same tax, yes, if it is not enough, then reduce, reduce vat refunds for the export of raw materials, for example, grain, iron ore, and so on. i assure you, a lot of money will be found right away, and in order to stimulate recycling in... our state, as well as to have money, we now have a priority only the defense industry, we only have the defense industry should work now, this is a priority for our country, which must work for sure what affects the defense and what ensures, well, not the minimum, an acceptable life of citizens, yes the communal sphere, there is also another transport sector logistics, what not, well, including, yes, but i am a supporter of the fact that we should limit
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imports. some goods that are not specifically related to the war, for example, why ukraine still imports prestigious cars into the country, the same currency is exported abroad, why is it so necessary, or excuse me, in the 23rd year for 1 billion dollars of alcohol was imported, why do we have such a quantity of french or other wines there, or elite wines and or the military and so on, taxes must be raised, if they are raised, you are right, you absolutely know, it is always necessary... you are where you are it hurts, and not only citizens, then it will somehow come out, which will also be enough for the army, very, very briefly, but well , we literally have a minute, but the european court lifted sanctions from the russian oligarch pumpyansky, please explain, how does this already begin some kind of countdown has begun for the russian oligarchs, who already turns out to be neither with putin, nor with help, and in general they insulted him for nothing, and now they said that, well, you are well done, well,
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look, first of all, we do not know the circumstances of the case. i do not rule out that pumpyansky said that he is not a russian oligarch, like most russian oligarchs, for some reason now they say that they are israeli oligarchs in general, so i do not rule out that the lawyers there did a good job, i think that one of the good lawyers is resources, he could present evidence, such as foreign citizenship, that he has nothing to do with russia, i do not rule it out, or he could have done some favor to the states that helped him, after all, to have sanctions lifted from him, i am here alone, in conclusion today i listened to vitaly in the morning just having breakfast portnikov at fegin's, where he said that philip kirkorov also appears, according to his information, he has a passport of a country of the european union, has real estate there, and in general it is strange whether he is still sitting in russia and, as they say, falls on his knees before.


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