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tv   [untitled]    June 28, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm EEST

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states, murder and bloody war, all about it in serhii rudenko's book anatomy of hate, putin and ukraine, look for it in ukrainian bookstores. there are discounts, they represent unbreakable discounts on hepatrombin gel 15% in travel pharmacies for you and savings. greetings, russian propagandists, they are especially pitiful when they start telling who flew where, and then some minister was released somewhere, or putin went somewhere and was greeted like no one else, well, this time they have... two main news: one - this is
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the minister of internal affairs of russia flew to the un to a meeting with, well, other ministers of internal affairs, and they only let him in there , you know, like a dog that has to go on a leash from the airport to the hotel, then to the un meeting hall, then to the hotel, back to the airports and everything, that is, more they won't let him go anywhere, because he's been under the sledge for a long time. of the whole world is located, here, but the joy, huge on this occasion and literally, you know, an achievement, a russian plane flew somewhere, from moscow to new york , the board of the special flight detachment of russia ill 96300. following this plane now watching half the world. according to the flight radar website, the plane passed the territory of unfriendly europe. flew into the waters
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of the barents sea, turned around there and headed for the atlantic via the north sea. the last time officials from russia flew to the usa in july 23rd. did it coincide? but on the eve of late dinner , an unexpected contact took place between moscow and washington. you know, it would be a good result for the world, if any zloty, any russian plane would be a sensation, everyone would say: "my god, they have something flying." well, but this also good, i think the option is that when something arrives in new york, they just have some kind of hysteria, about the second thing that he mentioned, an unexpected call, all the russian propagandists for the second day, literally can't say anything, only about what you see, lloyd ostyan, the head of the pentagon, called the minister of defense of russia, and what do you think, it is necessary. we need literally a great
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american gentleman, after all, he somehow got through to this raw poor defense minister of russia, he somehow finally got through, something there he told him, well, you know, some kind of, well , i don't know, a deep inferiority complex, it's hard to see anywhere else, except for the russians in connection with this call. unexpected contact. the day before, late in the evening, pentagon chief lloyd austin held talks with his russian counterpart , minister of defense andriy bilousov. this is the first conversation between the heads of the russian and us defense ministries since bilousov took office. the last time the heads of military departments communicated was in march 2023. then austin spoke on the phone with shoigu. we will proceed from what is in washington, god forbid.
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you see, in order to please a russian propagandist, it is enough to simply call someone from the west, and that's it, and there are already pants full of joy, well, as usual, they have schizophrenia, on the one hand they shout, it's the americans who were scared of something and something like that , they will now be afraid, and on the other hand they say that no, they will use it for their own purposes and it will be even worse for us, well, of course schizophrenia, i mean people. who are somehow very
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worried that they are not spoken to to the west why did the americans decide to call immediately after shelling the sevastopol beach. it is absolutely logical, not based on emotions, but rationally to wait for an answer. it seems that the united states of america is very afraid of this answer. what answer are they afraid of? i think they are afraid of the answer that our president talked about. expectations of consequences are unknown, which is usually confusing to the pentagon, but if you asked me today what consequences i expect, fair, i don't want to appear bloodthirsty, but... the appropriate answer would be hit the californian beach. i expect to hit the california beaches. we must clearly understand that this channel will be used by the americans in their interests, first of all. i'm afraid they're trying to lull the vigilance. after this call
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, there will be more attacks on crimea, more sabotage, and more attacks on our country's infrastructure and civilian population. to hit a beach in california, but somehow it's scary, very scary, because there will be no beaches left in russia after that, you know, because more news in russia has the impression that there is none, i 'm telling you, they are discussing for the next day how they finally called, so let's... tell you about the news that the russians most likely won't find out about from their propaganda channels. well, first of all, let's take a look, let 's just remember how putin went to china, literally in may of this year, how he was met there, and you all remember, i
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also told it here, as they told, and they did not meet anyone like that, but look, the motorcade is going, and here the guard is standing, and so are the reds... paths to and fro, and here they all go with a great friend, and no one has ever been friends like this, and yet it is like this, and look, and shake hands with all the other members of the delegation, how beautiful it all is, how beautiful it all is, and friendship is forever, and there are no greater friends than china and russia, and children sing and jump and in general everything is somehow so unusual, all this is of course beautiful, and... and all this russian television shows, admires and everything. and now let's see what russian television for some reason did not show. a couple of days ago there was a four-day visit polish president andrzej duda. look, it’s the same, only even with
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his wife, well, because putin doesn’t have a wife, he has these women all the time, and duda, you see, has a wife who can even be introduced to people, and he greets everyone and ... and look again, there is a guard and red carpets, and an orchestra, and in general, find 10 differences, simply, is there any difference from the way putin's great and extraordinary friend and president of poland andrzej dudo was met? i don't see a difference, absolutely met, because it just turns out to be a chinese protocol, moreover, they signed almost the same thing about friendship and mutual understanding. about 15 days of visa-free travel, the possibility of visa-free trips for poles to china, is that now the big friend is also the biggest, and you see, somehow the polish media at the same time got away without talking about these, you know, endless broadcasts for 5 hours, exactly how
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duda is going, where he sat down, which car, everything is just somehow more banal, you see, well, i don't know, that's how you are a friend. i haven't omitted putin for a long time, because, well, it's just somehow even it is a shame to tell after that that putin went somewhere somewhere, he was somehow received, and a great friend, well, how great he is, he is no more a friend than president duda turns out to be, he is exactly the same friend, here is some unexpected news for russia , it's such a small, well, it's not a small news, but it's such, let's say, rather such a stylistic one, but there are very serious news, which somehow, one day... the russian media talked about them and everything, and mavchok. i mean, such a big shooting, literally a terrorist attack that happened in in dagestan on june 23, well, let's say, right there , everything was very, very somehow cruel, well
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, it hasn't happened in russia for a long time, well, it wasn't that long ago, after krokus, but there, after all, it was such a direct terrorist attack in the middle moscow, but... it's like a separate center, well , something like that, here it's a little different story, because it's already on the periphery, and it's such a terrorist attack , you know, with a... national focus, there they tried to tell that a terrorist attack, which someone organized specifically as a provocation, something like that, well, something such a delusion, here, what happened, well, first of all, the shooting, right in the middle of derbent, unknown people there fired at the church from the synagogue, then in derbent they cut the throat of protheer mykola katelnikov right in the orthodox church, then they finally burned the church and... glorious the temple and actually the synagogue were burned, well, that is
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, the shooting continued for three whole days on the streets of the city, well, and in the end it turned out that these are not some unknown people, but they are literally the children of the head of one of the districts of dagestan, well , that is, well, as if like people not some there 17 people suffered serious consequences. of them, 15 local law enforcement officers were killed, 25 people were injured in total, so this is a serious terrorist attack, and what do we see a couple of days after it, and after it we see the complete silence of the russians on russian tv, as if nothing had happened, something somehow disturbing, why am i worried, such a simple question, what happened in... what happened in dagestan, why what happened in dagestan in some
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strange way in our country now, it just does not unfold a thin layer on molecules to see why it is not analyzed how we flirted, did not pay attention, but here they walk, cheeks, even in the emirates, only one with the flag of the motherland, and the other, well, all of them, kept silent, stood up for the defense, derelicts, scoundrels and scoundrels who tried... here he mentions the attack on the makhachkala airport, where they said at the time that they were bandera people from ukraine, and then it turned out that it was our local youth from makhachkala, for some reason they ran to the airport to look for jews, so that arrived there plane. from israel and they searched so much that they almost destroyed the entire airport, they searched for jews there
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even in the engines of the plane, the story was absolutely shameful, but it is not interesting here, but interestingly now he is shouting, what is this, how did this happen , you know, there is an explanation for how this happened, there is an explanation why they are silent now, and this silence about this whole story now and in general, how this is what is happening. in this international context in russia, it even began to strain some such russian social networks, because there they write, well, how much can you search for some the ukrainian trace, and this is what is constantly being told now on russian television, well, that is, the only day when they talked about it, they said that it was the anglo-saxons who arranged all this, they recruited everyone, well, it’s funny to listen to, they were also questioned there in social networks, so and so now this whole story with these... well, in derbent and makhachkala, they will tie it to the ukrainians, well, you know, they haven't tied it in any way, they haven't been able
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to do it, but the answer is still how it happened , well, first of all, regarding how they burned down the synagogue and in general that how did they arrange it, and even after they had already tried to commit jewish pogroms there, everything is very simple, here is the answer, because the fact is that when uh... hamas terrorists attacked israel, killed 1,200 there, even a little more people, russia said that they are good terrorists, we support them, and israel has no right to insult them in any way, well, nothing, they attacked and attacked there, but these are the people who fight for themselves, and then in russia it just went away some kind of anti-semitic propaganda.
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what is true, islam is our native religion, and for france was introduced to hundreds of millions of muslims, of course not to everyone, but still anti-semitism is a cultural norm that passes... from generation to generation, and no amount of political correctness will do anything about it, you can analyze why this is so, but let's just accept it as a fact , well , first they say that anti-semitism is a cultural norm for muslim, i emphasize russia, which has suddenly turned out to be muslim, and then they ask how it
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happened, well, it happened, moreover, then it was such a disgusting sight that ... a worker, one of solov'ov's employees, who is an ethnic jew, he even expressed himself on this matter and simply, well, he broke through literally with such statements, it is clear that here is deputy minister bohdanov, who drank heavily, while still in the office, the ambassador all.
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does not hide, another heavy-drinking scumbag, who nevertheless is the speaker of our ministry of foreign affairs, after solovyov apologized literally and fired this very satanovsky, i would like to apologize to the ministry of foreign affairs of the russian federation and the extraordinary and ambassador plenipotentiary bohdanov and mrs. zakharova absolutely. unfair in content and inadmissible in form statements voiced by an employee of our channel, yevhenii yanovych satanovsky, as a result of which i do not see the possibility of continuing professional communication with yevgeni yanovych, i made a decision to dismiss yevheni yanovych satanovsky from our channel. but you know,
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the story about the smear itself did not end here, moreover, it became relevant literally as well. a couple of days ago, and showed a breadth of views and, i would say, such, you know, the flexibility of solovyov's spine, that's a beautiful story that was discussed in russian social networks, when one of the sports commentators during some, well, i don't know, some of their internal competitions, about one athlete, said that he was exactly like that, that's it this is our movement. a russian man, and that, you know, what he said sounded right on the brink of nazism, and you know, suddenly it turned out that solovyov rushed to defend him, let’s do both, now let’s see, handsome athlete, look, which, the bridegroom is real, 20 years old, girls, take note, but
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only to be a good couple, we don't need any scars, we must have good genetics, that's it... kicked out, especially since if you look at masha zakharova, well let's take a look, well , in order to make sure somehow, well , it's really not clear what the bad word "shmara" is about masha zakharova, well, on the other hand, it's clearly clear, that is , you can say such a word to a nazi, but you can't to a jew, well
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that is, here you also need to understand the subtlety, and you can see relatively when there... that some are there you don't need these unknown ones, but they probably already have masha zakharova, that's rusich, that's what you understand, scraper, that's right, i don't know, the local salt of the russian land, so what , yes, yes, yes, yes takoe, well, this is the same story, the same absolutely literally the same story. in relation to islamic radicals. well, first of all, it must be said that partly islamic radicalism has risen in russia. because russia decided to be friends with the taliban, and after that idil, who for some reason is not friends with the taliban, somehow started to fight a little with russia, they warned,
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well, there was one terrorist attack in crocus hall, well , it’s a different one in principle, because the same ideals are also the same, the same as people, although russian propaganda tries not to talk about them, not to recognize them, because then it will have to and crokos to admit, to say, well, once there... well, there could have been non -ukrainians there, but who would take it upon themselves to suddenly accept and admit directly, and on the other hand, there is clearly an increase in simply international confrontation in russia, there are always some videos, there are always some about the fact that the local muslims did something there , and the russians don't like it, or on the contrary , they don't like the behavior of the russians... muslims they record some tiktoks, some other things, and this is a lot of this in russian social networks right now, it's just some kind of you know, well, the main theme
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of internal life in general, constant tense relationships, well, and on the other hand, well, all this is not done by some, you know, people who are far from power or people who are generally retarded and like... well, you can say there are migrants, something else, no, but it turned out to be specifically in dagestan people of high social status, and they are suddenly so surprised, how is this, how did this happen, who do they think they are, what is happening in dagestan, that they were recruited from gray, poor and unfortunate beggars, no, this.. . princes from rich families: everything is fine with us, everything is just fine with them, they feel great, they had a business, their parents, i understand that
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this is a terrible tragedy for their parents, and their parents held key positions in the party, this is a failure, they were not looked after, but if six months ago, no, well, a little more, practically a jewish pogrom was organized, it was miraculously possible to avoid bloodshed, who sat behind the bars, who was poka... really, because even then this pogrom at the airport was done by the children of the local elite, and now it was the children of the local elite, when he says yes, the party , well, this is exactly the footage from that pogrom in the airfield, there were not just even children there, there were just officials who worked in some positions in the russian authorities, who were simply taken. participation in all this, well, because, well, yes, that's who they are, and now it's not just some party, this is united russia, the main party, in principle,
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the party of power, well, it suddenly became so noticeable that the whole of it is so muslim, well, i would say, well, not that even radicalism, but such fundamentalism, it basically comes from those of people who rule in the national... one of the militants who staged a terrorist attack in dagestan was going to walk in a closet, this is the same women's clothing, where only the eyes are visible, and the investigation believes that he wanted to abandon both the woman and the two children , and hide in a niqab, in some other region, after some time other countries will be somewhere under protection, and we will still sit and... think whether we need to ban naqab on the territory of our country, we can sit and think whether it is worth doing it or not, and when we see the list of those who
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staged a terrorist attack, here well, everything is open, it is clear that these are the people who were here, one son of the head of the district, another who was the owner of a cafe, someone was engaged in big business, and now they took weapons and went to kill. that is, now it is necessary to draw several conclusions that the wahhabis, who are coming for their heads, are not just there barmales in slippers, these are not some wild people who just came down from the mountains and were brought to the territory of russia, and they fell into radical islam through their own brotherhood. no, these are people, as we see now, who can do business, who hold public positions, who are trying to get into power. in those regions,
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moreover, what is the hypocrisy of the situation, it shows another such story, which is also being very actively discussed in russia these days, and this is precisely the fact that a film was released, a film about ramzan kadyrov, not just any kind of film, but edition of the project on monday, june 17 published an investigation in which they literally tell: well , i don’t know about the life of ramzan kadyrov for the last 30 years, about his family’s rise to power, about what he did there, the name of this film is very telling: harem murders of minors and secrets heirs of ramzan kadyrov, the film is 2.5 hours, well, there is a lot of very interesting things in it, so i just recommend you all
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to watch it, because it is not just about... in chechnya, it is not just about russian, there is a separate ramzan kadyrov , he is generally about how the russian government works, because it tells about how specifically the fsb brought ramzan kadyrov to power, how an entire city in russia was given to the krylan kadyrovs for looting, and this city, believe me, is not near chechnya, and how all opportunities, well, just to profit from russia. and all this was supported, they all contributed in every possible way, physically removed their competitors, that is , they killed them, well, that is, there are a lot of such stories, but i want to show you only one moment, because it is closer, closer rather to that cultural something that is currently being discussed in these very russian social networks and what exactly causes such a big problem that they are muslims, this is how
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they behave, they...somehow have already imagined too much about themselves here, so come on, come on, let's just watch a small fragment of this film: kadyrov has several permanent wives, although russian laws prohibit polygamy, as well as a huge number of concubines, in chechnya there are many beautiful girls who live with the stigma of former concubines. kadyrov, whom he got rid of virginity, which is why they are not married later. everyone knows about medna kadyrova, ramzan officially introduces her as his wife. kadyrov's propaganda claims that medni gave birth to ramzan 14 children before she was 42 years old. it is not true. the fact is that kadyrov simply takes children from his concubines, whose marriage he cannot officially recognize. this is a drama for children. here is
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kadyrov's second eldest son. eli, eli's mother, fatima gazuyeva, is one of the unofficial wives of the chechen ruler. fatima, as the mother of ramzan's three other children kadyrova. once i witnessed a family drama, fatima wanted to hug one of her children when she came to ramzan's house, but the father strictly forbade it. fatima ramzan took his wife under circumstances worthy of a separate story. khazuyeva took second place at the only beauty contest in the history of chechnya. it was held in the spring of 2006. at the moment when khazuyeva received the prize for the second place, she was already carrying her son ramzan. at that time, fatima was 14 years old, she was still studying at school. well, that is, a pedophile, a polygamist. everyone is disturbed
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laws, maybe i'm not talking about... any norms of life there in general, and what, and the same solov'ov who shouts, then, how come, what is this, why are they here, that's all , takes money from him, promotes him, advertises him, and everyone knows that this is happening in chechnya, there is even a song about it in chechnya, about it in this story about kadyrov, so what is it, see you. oh, i remember, you see, although they say that our memory is weaker with our hands, but i am attentive and remember everything, we take the memo effect from dr. you can feel the difference, the active substances of memo effect improve the functioning of the nervous system and contribute to the normalization of mental
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