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tv   [untitled]    June 28, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm EEST

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a hoarse voice, confused phrases, slowed down reactions, the one and a half hour debate between the candidates for the us presidency, donald trump and joe biden, turned out to be a failure. for the latter, it led to panic in the democratic camp, there was despair, disappointment and talk of replacing the candidate, writes the american press. my name is vlasta lazur, this is svoboda live. even the headlines in publications close to and quite loyal to the us democratic party now sound quite unsympathetic towards the current american president. biden's failed speech at debate makes democrats talk about replacing him in the election, writes the new york times and notes that the president ... forcefully
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uttered phrases: the debate turned into a disaster for biden, writes the atlantic magazine, the president was even physically uncomfortable to watch, it is said in the publication. democrats are in a panic, they doubt biden's future - the washington post concludes. his voice was soft and hoarse, he repeatedly tried to clear his throat, but without success. sometimes his answers were ambiguous, and sometimes one moment he froze, the next he began to answer about... abortion, before suddenly switching to immigration. when trump spoke, biden often stared, mouth agape, eyes wide. the split screen gives the impression of the aging grandfather that he is, rather than the shrewd leader he hoped to portray. donald trump won a convincing victory in this debate, 67% of americans think so. these are the results of a cnn operational poll conducted after the debate. another 33% of respondents awarded victory.
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biden, as a result of the joe biden debate only heightened the fears of many voters who believe the 81-year-old democrat is too old to be president. well, here too, if we are talking about age, then for the sake of justice it should be said that trump is not much younger than biden, he is 78, but, as political observers state, he looked more cheerful and , unlike biden, did not dig into his pocket. at the same time, the cnn channel, where the debate actually took place. counted 30 trump's false statements at once. the washington post writes that trump's speech was full of his usual exaggerations, ordinary exaggerations and lies. cnn counted nine false statements in biden's answers. and yet, whether the debate was the beginning of the end of the biden presidency, rhetorically asks the new york times. what significance will these debates have in the further pre-election struggle in the usa. will biden decide to withdraw from the election? and if so, who can be his next? and does it have
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any significance for ukraine? in the end , donald trump can become the president. what can ukraine expect then? ukraine and during these debate, donald trump, for example, admitted that the conditions for ending the war in ukraine, which vladimir putin puts forward, are unacceptable. well , many of the diplomats and political scientists with whom i have already managed to talk say that this is, among other things, a resonant statement. our broadcast is joined by andrii vesilovskyi, the extraordinary respected ambassador of ukraine. congratulations. good afternoon, madam. well, mr. ambassador, do you agree with the conclusions of the american press that this is a failure and the beginning of the end of biden as president? i don't know if it's the beginning of the end, but definitely a bad debate for biden and a good debate for trump and definitely the majority of people who watched tend to think that biden is not in the shape, physically and mentally, to be in the next four years.
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to become president tomorrow, and to lead the united states of america for four years. and what do you think, will there be a replacement for biden, or is the democratic party gone? biden already said today that he is feeling well and performed well, and therefore, allegedly, in this way , he made it impossible for any thoughts to replace him. another question is whether it actually exists. a full-fledged master in his own house, will not the leaders of the democratic party talk to him, who will be able to convince him that what needs to be removed, for this, for them to talk about it, they must have at least three iron candidates in their pockets, who tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, they will reach the national level and match trump. and they have these three candidates in their pocket? and they don't have these three candidates, because in recent
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months, at least i don't see, we haven't heard about being in the democratic camp there was a struggle, there was a struggle in the republican camp. and there were quite strong contenders for the second place, if not for the first place, well, everyone is talking about nickels, of course, but there were still a couple of interesting candidates, in the state of the democrats, this was not the case and that is bad, that is , in the grand scheme of things, the circumstances were such that biden doesn't even have someone to replace? there are several governors who could claim the position of americani. name them, i'm not, no, not 100% american, but there are definitely, well, i could name them, but i will say is not an expert in this narrow issue, but here the question is different, whether the relationship of these possible candidates with
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the leadership of the party, the democratic party, first, second, the relationship of these potential candidates with the president. biden, because he also has to take part in this and say: "ha, really, i have a cold, i have a headache, my legs hurt, and so on, i can't, but john is so-and-so, he will replace me decently. that is , , for this there must be a history of relations, for this there must be, and a positive aura around this candidate, he must to be obvious, and then he can go to the national level, in the four and a half months that remain before the election. well, i do. i understand, there are four months left before the elections, and even less until the convention of the democratic party, it seems that it will be in august, this convention will be, or rather, and it should be there, an official candidate should be nominated there, because for now that trump and biden, they are such informal candidates, it is faster,
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after all, it is more a formality of approval, i need to find a person for the democrats, if they are going to take on biden's replacement, they need to find a person who in a week... will be seen in the united states by voters in general and by democrats and republicans as a serious challenger to trump, not as a replacement for john biden, but as a serious challenger to trump. everyone will say, oh, yes, this one, yes, yes, this is serious, am i this person, i repeat, it is not visible, at least not visible, yes, i have, now something, maybe a philosophical question, but nevertheless, i think , ours... it will be interesting, but from your point of view, why in principle it turned out that way the candidates for the presidency turned out to be, well, two quite old men, so trump is under 80, biden is over 80, which indicates whether this is some kind of crisis of young political elites, or
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whether the answer lies in some other processes and phenomena that maybe i can't understand, if you're talking philosophically, i 'd say it's the inertia of power. the inertia of power is a terrible thing, that is why once in ukraine they were going to elect president kuchma for a third presidential term, and he refused it, we remember it, everyone around brag, it's very convenient, you have a strong candidate, you are close to him, you have some dividends from this, whether it's positions, or money, or just fame, and now you push him further, and he... . will take a higher position and , accordingly, you too will rise somewhere, such a group is around trump, the same group is around biden, and this inertia of power is working, and her common sense is not immediately
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suffocating, suffocating, and the same nikki haley, well, as of today, we see that trump has won... in this debate, basically by vivacity and uh, false statements, but by vivacity, nikki haley would win this matchup by truthful statements, plus unquestionable vivacity, because we've seen her meet with voters, so uh, the power inertia of that, yes so to speak, a bunch, this bunch. which always surrounds the leader, especially in rich america, where it was historically formed, it worked, take another historical example, in which the kennedy clan
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has been holding on to a certain level of power for years, decades, or even centuries wants to nominate its representatives for the presidency again and again, that is... these groups exist, they have formed in the united states, there was no analysis of the danger, of this situation, and as a result we have what... we have, and here is the last , the last, two-party system is also not at all, not the best thing, there is no third, and since there is no third, in the united states there is legislation, when there is no market, the two largest companies cannot operate, they cannot monopolize it, it must be mandatory 'must be the third, why didn't they think of it's in politics, uh, okay, going back to the debate, does that mean, you said at the beginning that it's definitely a losing debate for biden. does a failed debate mean or does a failed debate equal
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a failed election? and another debate is planned in september, now we have after this failed debate, let's call a spade a spade, there are many ifs, many ifs, if biden is replaced, if he is replaced with a strong figure, if this strong strong figure without quarrels, without image... will receive a nomination during the convention democrat party in uh august, here's these if, if, if they come together, but it sounds unrealistic from what you're saying, here, then in september this or the surrogate, well the pseudo-surrogate wins over trump, then that will change the situation, uh - eh, as for whether it will be possible for biden to do it all, and i personally, like andriy vasilovskyi, i
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personally have doubts, uh, i didn’t see, i didn’t see in him, not only physical, but speaking of readiness, here the problem is even worse, he was not strategically misoriented for the debate, he was oriented to remember dozens, if not hundreds, of numbers... numbers of the names of legislation, the number of certain immigrants and everything else, and pour, pour, pour, pour trump with this, and trump, like the one the golfer was holding a club and hitting from time to time, well, he mentioned the game of golf during the debate, yeah, yeah, yeah, and he was hitting like, you know, fun, and that's it... a sense of calm confidence on the one hand, and on
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the other hand, blind bureaucracy, it is the worst, the americans, there are probably ukrainians as well too, they don't like this, you know, didactic pettiness, but no, here it is, yes, yes, yes, it was in fact and so on, uh, the fact that trump was babbling is a fact, but it had to be refuted . similarly, in a short, to the point, calm phrase, rather than a list of true facts. uh, we, i 'll say to our audience, we're not just, we're not showing you the video or any parts of this debate, the fact is that cnn, the american tv channel that broadcast this debate, has, has exclusive rights to broadcast, so we we limit ourselves to pictures or quotes, now, mr. ambassador, about ukraine, i think that... we will discuss this ukrainian context with other diplomats today during the debate, it existed there, trump
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was asked whether he is ready there, whether he agrees with concessions putin, with putin's proposals for concessions, he said that he considered them unacceptable, but at the same time, he also mentioned the money that the united states should allocate to ukraine every time to help, and what preliminary conclusions from these debates should be drawn now ukrainian power, well, if, if it had, of course, if, if you think so. it is definitely necessary to find people who have a close relationship with trump, and definitely start them, ask through them what he expects from ukraine, and we cannot know what he really expects, maybe he needs some small, let's say, secondary, but an excuse. as for the disaster that happened to him when he persuaded president
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zelensky to, well, say, play his game, let's be this way, we remember this whole story, maybe he needs it, maybe he some agreements are needed on the european continent, where ukraine now plays a serious role, perhaps he needs access to the russian federation through ukraine. to speak with russians openly now, and this is to pollute oneself, does trump need it, maybe not, er, maybe he is looking for... in the ukrainian-russian contradictions some benefit for himself, that is, all this must be determined, for this a bridge to or to trump himself, because or to whoever will shape his foreign policy in the near future, and this is what any a way to use our
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ukrainian diaspora for this, traditionally the ukrainian diaspora has always gathered together. around the republican party, there were serious people who had access to the very top, including in the congress, maybe it should be done through financial circles, through its big, big manufacturers and so on, that is, you have to think about it very realistically, and it is real, because it looks like it is unreal, at least what we have seen in the public plane of statements. the appeals of the ukrainian authorities to trump to come to ukraine, that's all didn't work, and sometimes we got the impression that it was unreal, or at least that was the impression those potential negotiators gave us, i don't want to offend anyone, but when we talk to the president of china or
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the president, ex-president on tv or via twitter united states, come to us, well, it looks funny. well, well, well, it’s not like that, it has to be done, forgive me, it’s clear, and, well, well, even the president of germany or france won’t allow it, you see what johnson is doing, johnson is going quietly to maralago, maybe because johnson to work, i don't know, i, i, i don't accidentally call johnson, we, we know his relationship, maybe because of the poles. i don’t know, well, the poles also traveled like that, the president is a duda, the poles are more involved in this story, but the english are serious, it’s true that labor will be in power there, but johnson remains and the party remains and so on, that is, it can’t be, even if it is such a hot topic as its
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russian aggression, as it is europe, which united for the sake of introducing ukraine into the european union, for the sake of accepting ukraine, we see what concessions they make themselves themselves and their rules, pulling us into the european union. we see that we are actually on the threshold of nato, and only the war as such restrains nato in order not to take us away, all this is there, and it cannot be that trump is far from this and does not consider it in his interests. if not pre-election ones, then... at least in our first political decisions, we will not, we will not forget that with trump and biden, the house of representatives is changing, a third of the democrats are changing, this is a total change, mr. ambassador, it is already more yes, a distant prospect, but this is this is very serious, thank you very much, thank you
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very much, andrii vasylovskyi, the extraordinary attentive ambassador of ukraine, we talked about the debate. president joe biden and presidential candidate donald trump. the spokesman for biden's company, seth schuster, quoted by the hill publication, said that biden will not drop out of the election race after the debate with donald trump. what is being said now in the united states about the likely replacement. well, what about ukraine, what conclusions can kyiv draw after these debates. to our broadcast my colleague tetyana vorozhko, senior editor of the ukrainian voice of america, joins. tatyana, my greetings, and my word to you. congratulations. congratulations. to replace, basically, when this debate started, let's say the first reaction of the democratic camp was, you know, even panicked, and let's just say, the biggest thing, the biggest task that president biden had during this debate was to dispel concerns about his age, about his energy, about his ability to think quickly and articulate his thoughts, well, we saw that the president was,
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and he spoke in a very quiet voice, and very often, let's say, he was distracted by his thoughts, well, in general , the democratic camp here... his speech, as well as his participation in the debates, were both unsuccessful, and we saw, for example, a cnn poll, which, well, cannot call it representative and logical, but still 67% said that trump won, 33% said that biden won, so they immediately started talking about whether it is possible to replace him, there were even analytical articles on this topic, very quickly, the debate is not nearly over yet, publications have already appeared, if to do this, then how to do it, well, to do it, first of all, it must be done with the consent of... biden himself, then it is also not technically impossible to do it, in the sense, sorry, it is difficult, but maybe it can be done during during the democratic convention, well, but the first... kamala harris' statements at first refused to talk about it, she said that we have a candidate, well, now they appeared, because these speculations, they continued, actually now there was a clear message from
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biden's headquarters that they would not do it, and that's it of course, one more possible argument in favor of this, because who could replace him and maybe it could be kamala haris, and they usually conduct internal such measurements of a sociological survey from others. democratic leaders, well , for now, until this moment, or until now, biden is the strongest candidate against donald trump. no, they are unacceptable, but listen, this war should never have started. now biden has already given ukraine 200 billion dollars or more, he gave 200 billion dollars. that's a lot of money. i do not i think that something similar happened once. every time zelensky comes to this country, he takes 60 billion dollars with him. he's the best salesman in the world and i'm not blaming him, i'm just saying, the money we 're spending on this war, we shouldn't have spent, it should never have happened,
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i'm ending this war between putin and zelensky as president-elect even before his inauguration on january 20th, i will settle this war, people are being killed so needlessly, so senselessly, i will settle this issue and i will settle it quickly before i step in for office, the fact is that putin is a war criminal, he has killed thousands and thousands of people, and he has demonstrated one thing very clearly: he wants to restore what was part of the soviet empire. he doesn't want a part, he wants all of ukraine. this is what he wants. and then do you think he will stop there? do you think he will stop if he captures ukraine? what do you think will happen to poland, belarus, what do you think will happen to nato countries. by the way, all this money we give to ukraine is weapons. which we manufacture here in the united states, we we provide weapons, not money, and in general, our nato allies have allocated as much money for ukraine as we have, that is why we are strong.
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well, this was actually related to your second question, regarding the statements made regarding ukraine. and, regarding the analysis, i spoke immediately after the debate with professor michael kimmage of the catholic university, well , he drew attention to several points, firstly, regarding president biden, and... he, his voiced opinions, they clearly coincide with what he said earlier, he showed such, well, let's say this, showed stability in supporting ukraine, supporting europe, but kimych said, he was not able to clearly, clearly formulate it from the point of view of rhetoric, it did not sound very clearly, that in relation to trump's statement, it is analyzed much more, and they turn , pay attention to several points, firstly, what the statement about, he said clearly, that putin's conditions are unacceptable, is an important point. and as for the accusations against biden that he can end the war, it's been said before, that the war it is quite expensive, it was heard before, but for the first time there was a statement that he
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would do it even before the inauguration, that is, now it is being discussed, analyzed, what it would be, what it could mean, and kimich also drew attention to that biden, i'm sorry, trump, let's say this, said, let's say this, a little from two positions, on the one hand, he talked about the fact that ukraine is across the ocean, that it is very expensive. costs, that is, it is not such an urgent necessary such an urgent very critical problem for the united states, but on the other hand on the other hand, he showed himself that i will be stronger, i will be able to finish it, and he suggested that in this way trump appeals to both parts of the republican electorate, those who support ukraine, those who do not support ukraine or do not support their own aid to ukraine, so that each of these electorates, they could, let's say, interpret as they like. tatyana, thank you very much, well, we will follow, of course, how this debate will end for both two presidents, i understand that i do not know, if you can briefly explain, after what period
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some time now there may be some first sociological polls that would really show who lost what, who gained how much interest after the debate, i can't hear tatiana, i don't know, maybe something happened to her sound, yes... well, a sociological poll quickly, yes tatyana, i didn't hear you, maybe you will repeat it again, okay, and we can see it quite quickly, psychological surveys are conducted all the time, in addition to this , such, you know, aggregated surveys are conducted, and so what we, well, we can still quickly about it will take a few days to find out perhaps, thank you very much, tetyana vorozhko, senior editor of the ukrainian voice of america service, and actually supporters of both parties were not completely satisfied with the results of the debates. well, for example, those who traditionally support the democrats say that they expected, of course, more from joe biden, they expected that he would put more pressure on, for example, trump's criminal past, and
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staunch republicans, they want to traditionally... support donald trump , but admitted that they would like to see him even more prepared for the debate. listen to what supporters of both candidates say. biden's voice was a little hoarse, but he was telling the truth, he was telling the truth, meanwhile on the other hand, where is donald trump, he just lied, just outright lied, and then... i really think biden could have done a lot better, using trump's history, his track record, and he was a little soft on trump, i think he should have been
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a little tougher. my favorite moment was when joe biden couldn't speak well because everyone knows he's too old for the job, and trump just said to him, hey, i have no idea what you're going to say now, because joe biden has, you can say, the opinions are not here, i think
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trump could be better, trump ... didn't come out with the criticism that should have shown, and joe biden came out, you know, he's better than i expected. i didn't really learn anything new. the only thing that caught my attention was when trump said that if he won he would try to stop ukraine and russia to save money because we were giving them so many billions of dollars. well, even though a cnn poll showed that donald trump won a convincing victory in the debate, and biden suffered a setback, a number of american political scientists are not sure that this will exactly affect the results of the election, they say that the supporters of each of the candidates remain loyal to them despite everything, and listen to what a professor of political science
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at the university of washington thinks about this topic . biden needed this to be kind of the first round of the campaign where he really sets the narrative where it's about democracy, he's running against a convicted felon, you can't love me, but the other guy is even worse, he just set it up as the main point of the campaign and will continue to do so for the next six months, but did he? no, definitely not, what was trump supposed to do? he had to appear. and not explode, he did that for 45 minutes, and i think the degree to which he exploded was even less than the worst expectations, but again, i think he feels very confident today, as do the republicans , and who knows, maybe in three or four days when we we'll see the polls, it 's really going to change, and i think i wouldn't be so cocky if i were them, because i just don't think trump has changed anyone's
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mind today. well, i also want to share with you the headlines of the american press that appeared today after the debate, and i want to say that a number of these publications, or rather the publications on whose pages these publications appeared, are traditionally considered to be such bigger supporters of the democratic party, as the newspaper writes politics came out today with the headline, well , almost verbatim, what the hell are democrats in a panic looking for a replacement for biden. or, for example, the atlantic, this is what i quoted at the beginning, a disaster for joe biden, or, for example, cnn, it was painful, they quote commentator van jones about biden's speech at the debate, or, for example, the washington post , biden's speech is muddled, rambling, and that's unnerving democrats, or, for example, the new york times, that's frightening, democratic voters are worried about how difficult the debate was for biden, or, example,


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