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tv   [untitled]    June 29, 2024 1:00am-1:30am EEST

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the feeling, it seems to me, they somehow missed, well, somehow , they are not catching up with their historical development a little bit now, they are not keeping up with it, it is the americans, but this seems to be the case, and with regard to the attitude towards people who are wise, first of all, age is physical, compared to the ukrainian one, minus 12 years, this is a consequence of medicine on... fruits of water, that is, somewhere here and there, well, of course, it is a difficult job for politicians, but nevertheless, it affects everyone, so if a bright brain works and wise decisions, frankly speaking, americans calmly look at some nuances of physical, there was one debate after the senator, well, i won't name it specifically, after the stroke, there was a debate immediately after the stroke. won, well, you
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know, this story is known, roosevelt four times as president of the united states, despite the fact that everyone understood the fourth term, that he was in a very difficult situation, nevertheless they gave him confidence and, that is, the institutional machine of the united states, the state, it is so strong that it allows decisions, well, which maybe from the point of view of which you are in favor of... maybe risky, but they have a lot of different ways out of it. thank you, mr. valery, for your answer. i will remind our tv viewers that we are working live, we have valery chaly, a politician and diplomat live, and we are conducting a survey during our broadcast, we are asking you this, do you believe that trump is capable of ending the war in ukraine? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, either yes or no, please write your own opinion in the comments below . video, like this video
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if you watch us live on youtube and on facebook, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote on the appropriate numbers if you believe trump is capable of ending the war in ukraine (0800-211-381), no 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will here are the results of this vote, sir. this week there was quite a serious and such a significant event to this event and to the fact that we came to this event, you and you were involved as a person who started the european integration processes of ukraine after the revolution of dignity in the team petro poroshenko, and now we are already on the threshold of negotiations with the european union, and moldova is also with us. does this mean that the decision
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of the european union to start negotiations with ukraine and with moldova is actually the destruction of all geopolitical plans and intentions of putin, to turn ukraine and moldova into a part of some pseudo country or a new country like the soviet union, so that in fact european politicians clearly made it clear to putin that his... plans for humanitarian, military, and political annexation of ukraine and moldova, well, in fact, they failed, and the next stage after the start of negotiations to join the european union for these countries will be an invitation to the north atlantic alliance, this is one of the steps to nato. many questions, firstly, thank you for mentioning that the process of european integration did not start with. or
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the application is already a formal one to receive a candidate, but we heard from all the official stands that in two years we passed everything here, well done, they submitted an application and became candidates, and they also opened the victory, this process went on for many years, i'll tell you what i am involved, only perhaps in some interesting moments, i remember that we prepared, it seems , in 1990, probably the sixth year, such a report, in general, what are the copenhagen criteria, the specifics of achieving these goals, and we handed it over to the then president, that is, even then there was, well, a lot of people didn't know about this path at all, although we had already decided essentially on the european future, well, in essence , our first eu deputies, even after the adoption of the constitution... i congratulate you,
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today, e- eh, just the anniversary of the constitution of ukrainian, they determined this path, further, i want to note that there were stages of integration, in fact, one moment that no one considers, do you think, we should, i say this to those who declare that european integration began just yesterday, that is, or during the tenure of the current government, nothing like that, do you think that the stages do not pass the free trade zones, first, the association agreements, by the way, the most interesting thing, i will say, we are now within the framework of the association agreement, and we will be for a long time to fulfill all requirements, including... the rule of law, including democracy, freedom of the media, the judicial system, fair criminal decisions, and no one has canceled this, so please forget the euphoria, because it will be a difficult process, yes, it is very cool, what is a political step, merit students in
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2014, who came to the square for european integration, the merit of the civil society of ukraine, which was not as oppressed as it was now and then... they even went abroad, put pressure on this decision, that is, but today we have forgotten about it power, we don't have this interaction at all, i i was involved in the fact that i was the head of the public expert council under the committee of ukraine , the european union, and we, the cabinet of ministers , listened, just representatives of non-state institutions, invited to meetings, european issues were raised in accordance with the legislation in the parliament, parliamentary... committee hearings were held and so on we've been moving, that's why it all started a long time ago, and now we're entering only a certain stage, and now to your question, is this stage the final answer to putin, at every stage of our integration, and i said,
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that it started with a free trade zone, economic integration, then the association agreement, russia put sticks in the wheels and very much... tried to counteract this, it happened even now, in principle, so there will be further stages, you will see, they will through the member states of the european union, they are trying to block our negotiations, that is, to block the achievement of the opening of the following chapters, it starts with basic issues, but there are 35 chapters, 33 in six clusters and two separate ones, so they will block it in stages, i think, many in what, now in the positive. what has been done is really a huge achievement of the ukrainian people, and i think that this is exactly the dream path that many people thought about before, and gave their lives for it, and not only now, because now it is intensively and very many
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people give their lives for this, but also in the ato in the 14th year, and even before that, even defending this position in front of the authorities. one way or another in ukraine, therefore, in my opinion, it is somewhere halfway, somewhere yes, because further, not in terms, i mean not in the hands, but precisely in the scope of tasks, because politically to pass, but politically to open negotiations now, is only half the work, further a very difficult job, where there will be a lot of opponents, and i assure you, whoever will be the next government in ukraine, he will not be. i am delighted with the implementation, because it is essentially necessary to accept the rules, this is not a negotiation, it is to accept the rules that civilized european countries live by, where the courts are independent, where there is no telephone right,
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where there is no selective justice, where there are no calls from upper offices, who are driven and they plant, even from political opponents, but who needs to go to the forest calmly? where there is no repressive system, and we still have elements of it , that is, these are only flowers now, and when the berries begin, then everything will be understood. and one more point, i believe that without joining nato, or without providing a security umbrella, bilaterally there, an agreement on the defense of the united states, not as it is now, but on joint defense, where troops enter our territory, without... this, well, european integration, let's say, will be complicated, therefore tasks there is a lot, we must continue to join forces, but this is the fact that, unfortunately, it will be difficult to take advantage of european integration now, but our children will definitely
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live in much better conditions than we do. well, it must be said that this week the european council approved the candidacy of the prime minister for the leading positions in the key institutions of the european union. proposed for the post of high representative of the european union, the president of the european council, the ex-prime minister of portugal antonio costa was elected, and ursula funderlajen is taking up the post leadership in her speech after the approval of the european commission for the second term , ursula fondeen thanked the leaders of the eu countries for their support and declared her readiness to present her program to the european parliament. let's hear what ursula funderlay said. i would just like to express my gratitude to the leaders who supported my candidacy for a second term as president of the european commission. it is a great honor for me and i am happy to share this very special moment. with antoni košta, the next president of the european council, and with my dear friend,
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kaya kalas, who is nominated for the position of high representative of the eu in the next composition of the european commission. for me, this means that i will seek to get the european parliament's decision on my appointment after presenting my political guidelines for the next 5 years, so we have to take another step forward. during the meeting. of the european council, mr. valery, zelensky signed a security agreement with the european union, so what does this security agreement with the european institution mean, because there are 17 or 19 separate security agreements that we have already signed, and at the same meeting of the european council signed with lithuania and estonia, which means a security agreement with the european council or with union, or rather. well, i will say this, in itself
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all the agreements are diplomatic, as diplomatic work, and it is good that there is some kind of in-depth there fixation of in-depth relations. er, for the practice of our relations with the european union, this agreement will not add much. it captures those mechanisms, that level of relationship that exists, although it also, intentions, well there, it is indefinite unlike there. other ten-year, well, indefinite, of course, why, because in fact it, well, it captures today's attitude of the european union, if we open the foreign policy section, and then the foreign policy and security section, we will understand that it is precisely in this section that we have advanced more than anything, in fact, so it does not surprise me that we we have such an agreement, i read it in vazhno. well, frankly speaking, there is nothing specific, let's say, i didn't find it, and it
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would hardly be there, because the european union is not a non-defensive organization, despite the fact that the structure is largely military in them also duplicates nato, but still, the european union cannot provide ukraine with security, but it can strengthen bilateral cooperation with its actions. supply of weapons, there are funds that were mentioned, that is, these things are simply collected in one document, and they give an opportunity to imagine our current state of relations, which is really the highest during the entire period of our interaction with the european union, and it, well, at least records that there will be no lower level, but how can it be lower if we are going to be members of the european union, how can it be smaller? well, therefore , such an added value as a small agreement, for example, with britain, which is not a member of the eu, or
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bilateral agreements with others, well, the usa, let's say, it does not have such an added value, very powerful, but nevertheless, it is very symbolic , and emphasizes that our integration into the european union is also about security. mr. valery, one more important point, returning to our path to the european union, it is hungary that has published or prepared a list of 11 proposals regarding national minorities. ukrainian truth published this list and writes about that, the publication writes about what ukraine publicly undertook to fulfill in order to start negotiations on joining the eu. the edition calls the clause on the conditions for the realization of the linguistic rights of the national minority, according to which the whole of transcarpathia is actually a key stumbling block. should be recognized as traditionally hungarian, well, these 11 points, these 11 proposals, now look
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like an ultimatum to budapest, kyiv, or am i misunderstanding what the hungarians want and what concessions they want in transcarpathia for themselves? let's start with the fact that i have not seen this document, well, that's what offered by the hungarian side, but i thank our investigators...experts, journalists, for showing this, although these points were already known from the statements of the minister of legal affairs of the country, well , i heard them somewhere even during my work, when i participated in a meeting '. with the hungarian side, that means, in principle, the position that ukraine has taken now, that if we were to skip this moment now and, as it were, talk about the fact that we will do everything, well, maybe it was practically correct, because now we need to sharpen the issue was to decide the beginning
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process, but then i know what the hungarian side wants, to put it briefly, the current concept of the hungarian government is as follows, not only with regard to ukraine, but also with regard to slovakia, romania, they want not only that the rights of national minorities in the countries should be ensured, well hungarians, they want the governments of these countries to specifically create conditions for the development of these minorities, so that they are no longer minorities, but... turn out to be dominant, that is, the idea of ​​gaining first cultural, then territorial autonomy in ukraine, that is, what are we, in what complexity, we got into a lot of trouble with the russians because of this, we actually gave crimea such autonomy, yes, even this autonomy was enshrined in the constitution, by
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the way, this is one of the consequences of the compromises of the social contract of that constitutional night of 1996, which we remember today that it was a compromise, it was an exchange, that is , it was a very big compromise to consolidate the autonomy of crimea, and as we saw, a compromise that gradually led to very big problems as a result, so once again go through the on the territorial rake some kind of autonomy on its territory, this contradicts the national interests of ukraine, this is clear, and there are additionally already mechanisms, that is... civil servants, hungarians, so that they are not required to speak ukrainian at work, so that representation is fixed in the central structures of power in in ukraine, well, in the parliament and so on and so on, that is, these are already further processes, so i think so, in order to remove the question of the whole
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of hungary, i will remind you that no one answered, well at least i did not receive an answer, what was done ? two days before the invasion of a large-scale invasion of ukraine on the 22nd, sometime on the 22nd in february, what did the hungarian military units do in the border villages, when they were withdrawing their troops, evacuating people and tanks entering there, what was it, i am told that the crossings were preparing to do this, in order to then evacuate the ukrainians, i doubt that the military was preparing steam crossings, so until i... do not receive an answer to this question, and why ukraine was forced to do some things even earlier, that is , let the hungarian side tell these questions, and then we will talk about something else, yes the rights of national minorities in ukraine will be guaranteed, and if we restore trust with the hungarians in such a way that we will
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together see that the hungarian side promotes our integration into the eu, because look, they want to... get the hungarian community, so unite it the hungarian community in a single political, cultural, and economic space within the european union, help ukraine to join faster, and you will get everything you want today, and then ukraine will look more calmly, even on some things that are autonomous inside, i sure, that is, i believe that this list of requirements should be resolved in parallel with the process of already joining the eu. maybe they will be when it is closed, well, we dream so much about the future, when the basic questions will be closed, when they will be there in each, there will still be certain transitional provisions, but then we can talk about some requirements so that some additional things are introduced in parallel from the moment of introduction , and the protection of national minorities, including
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hungarian, the hungarian language, education, a lot of things are being done now, and these issues you can remove, there are moments, you can remove, but definitely not to create autonomy, not to create some officials who do not know the state language, i am categorically against this, and if the demand for ukraine from the side of hungary is the loss of our, if it were, sovereignty in terms of security, well, i'm in such a case, i'm sorry, then why do we need such a union with such countries, members of this union? maybe hungary will leave this union? now, i would , in fact, consider such a scenario, because what hungary produces, it already got there at the level of its leadership in brussels. now there was even a question of depriving them of the presidency from the first day, well, they didn't do it, so this is a bargain that is not appropriate, as putin would say to orban. well, the very end of our
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conversation, mr. valery, the world 2 global summit should take place at the end of the year. andriy yermak has already announced that this summit may take place in saudi arabia and does not rule out that russia may take part in this summit. so what kind of... positions of moscow can we agree with, that they participate in this peace summit and in general, well, what does their presence at this peace-2 summit mean, the initial positions are very well known, where the occupation of the entire territory, including donetsk, luhansk region and crimea, well, the second is the return of all prisoners and compensation for losses, at least , that's all. and further, summits are a good thing, but this year there will be nothing, i will tell you briefly, no, there may be summits. there will be no decision, and why did i already say, because everyone will wait for november 5, then there will be a certain period, that is, no matter how much we want it, and
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the ukrainian side said that the plan will now be concrete, these are all maneuvers, and the parameters for exiting a large-scale war will be established, because i do not believe that with russia under this regime we will be able to, well , end the war, but... the solution to such a large-scale collision, well, it will not be within the framework of the summits, but in completely different mechanisms. thank you, mr. valery, for the conversation, it was valery chaly, extraordinary plenipotentiary ambassador of ukraine, politician, diplomat, who knows about ukrainian politics and ukrainian foreign policy, everything. thank you, mr. valery. and i would like to remind you, friends, that during this broadcast we are conducting a survey, we are asking you whether you believe that trump is capable of ending the war in ukraine. so, take a look. according to the interim results of our television poll, so 13% yes, 87% - no. we will continue the same survey in the second
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part of the program, which will begin 15 minutes after the news release from our colleagues from the bbc. let me remind you that you can vote on youtube and by phone lines, if you think that trump is capable of ending the war in ukraine, call 0800 21138. after the news release, we will return to the studio, i will have colleagues, journalists olga len and bohdan butkevich, we will talk about trump, about biden, about aristovych, about mykola tyshchenko, about members of zelenskyi’s team, stay with us, then the news release and stay most importantly with espresso with the verdict. there are discounts that represent unbreakable discounts on
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exodoril solution, 15% in pharmacies plantain to you and savings. vasyl zima's big broadcast. my name is vasyl zima, it's big. broadcast on the spresso tv channel. two hours of airtime. two hours of your time. me and my colleagues let's talk about the most important thing. two hours to learn about the war, about the military, the frontline component. serhiy zgurets. but how does the world live? yuriy feder is already with me, and it's time to talk about what happened outside ukraine. yury, good evening. two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchavka is next to me and sports news. i invite yevhen pastukhov to the conversation. two hours in the company of ulyub. winters,
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events of the day in two hours, vasyl's big broadcast , a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening on espresso. summer is a time of rest and recovery, and i believe that this year we will be able to present a real fairy tale and some peace for children, whose world was destroyed by war. these are the children of fallen heroes, father or mother, who, protecting us and you, our country, died at the front, and they... need our support like no other, because they are the future of our country. our experience has shown that travel helps children
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recover more quickly after a loss. children feel better emotionally, i am asking you to support our project. we we are planning to organize two trips for the children of fallen heroes this summer. children will experience bright emotions, they will get to know a new country, a new culture, find new friends, and most importantly, they will receive the help of qualified psychologists. and maybe now this video will be seen by entrepreneurs or owners of large businesses who will be ready. join and help, remember that your donations are the key, the key to the hope, dreams and support of those who lost a loved one, because their parents went to protect our country. to me really enjoyed the trip to austria, loved the museums we went to every day, it was amazing and i really liked how we went to restaurants. i visited the cities of salzburg, vienna and linz.
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this police station. thank you so much for such an incredible trip, it will never be forgotten in my heart. let's together give memories that will warm hearts and help to survive this difficult and scary moment. greetings, friends, live on the espresso tv channel, the second part of the verdict program, my name is serhii rudenko, and during for the next 45 minutes we will talk about the following. tough day for joe biden. most americans believe that donald trump defeated the incumbent president in the debate. which of the us presidential candidates looks more promising for the future of ukraine.
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rising star of russia. oleksiy aristovych gave three interviews to opposition russian bloggers in one week. why are the russians promoting the former adviser to the office of the president of ukraine? cleaning in zelenskyi's team. the scandalous cases of tyshchenko, borzov, tymoshenko and golyk. what's going on surrounded by the head of state and what the consequences might be. we will talk about all this later. how will you, friends, join our survey, today we ask you about whether you believe that trump is capable of ending the war in ukraine, yes, no, please vote on youtube, using the appropriate buttons or your own opinion, please write in the comments below this video on youtube, like this video, and if you're watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you believe trump is capable end the war in ukraine, 0800 211 381, no
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08002. 11 382 all calls to these numbers are free and vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. today, like every friday, we have a traditional journalism club, so i want to introduce the guests of our program, this is bohdan butkevich, a journalist, radio host and host of two youtube channels, centronet and showbiz. bohdan, i congratulate you. i congratulate you and the audience, serhiy. thank you. and olga led, my colleague, journalist of the espresso tv channel, author and host of informational war chronicles. olga, i congratulate you. congratulations. well, gentlemen, since, ladies and gentlemen, since we're asking our viewers whether they believe trump is capable of ending the war in ukraine? i will also ask you in the format of a blitz poll. we will talk about the debate in literally two minutes, but in the format of a blix poll, how would you answer this question, do you believe? that
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trump is able to end the war in ukraine, olga? no, of course, he is not capable of doing this in any way, moreover, he absolutely, in my opinion , does not, well, does not understand the reality surrounding this, that is, he says something that he thinks sounds very bright, he tries to guess the impressions of life there for a certain american audience and speaks with appropriate slogans, but he does not understand the reality of this policy at all, well... then it was visible even from because he talked, the war would never have started, he was the president when the war was in full swing, and why didn't he end it, well, it's a rhetorical question, bohdan, but you definitely have to understand that, of course, he is now saying that what his voters want to hear is the most important thing to him must be shown


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