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tv   [untitled]    June 29, 2024 3:00am-3:30am EEST

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ukraine will present a clear and detailed plan for the end of the war, it will be ready by the end of this year, said president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi, also according to him, in the near future we will announce a detailed vision, that is, we are ukraine, regarding energy, food security and exchanges, i i mean prisoners, well the russians not only prisoners, they also took civilians as hostages and captured them. besides, as i told you, not everything depends on us, we have productions in terms of technology, drones, rebs, artillery, it really increases, because we have to be strong on the battlefield, because if you are weak, it is not because someone wants to fight, we didn't want to from the beginning, and now nobody wants, we just want peace, but we must be strong, and that's why
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we develop our production in order to be strong, because russia does not understand anything except strength, and does not respect anyone except the strong. ukraine will receive $60 billion in military support every year, prime minister of ukraine denys shmehal said during the government meeting, these funds are provided for in security agreements with 20 partner countries. the signing of such documents opens up new opportunities for cooperation in the defense sector and provides a basis for future security in... kyiv region: a 66-year-old man fell into the elevator shaft from the height of the fifth floor, it happened when the lights were turned off, he opened it on his own the elevator, however, fell into the mine, the national police reported, the victim was conscious at first, but died on the way to the hospital in an ambulance. he blew up the deputy's property on... karpaty
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detained a 42-year-old organizer of the crime, his intermediary threw a grenade into the yard of the people's elected official in mukachevo, the explosion damaged the facade of a residential building, a fence , and cars. fortunately, the people were not injured, the demolition worker was supposed to receive thousands of dollars for his work. a few days after the crime , the organizer himself was caught and detained in uzhgorod, and he and the intermediary were informed of the suspicion. ukraine celebrates constitution day , the main law of our state has been adopted by the people for 28 years. on june 28, 1996, after the so-called constitutional night, the verkhovna rada she worked non-stop in the parliament for almost a day and the morning she approved the document , the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyy also congratulated the ukrainians on their holiday. the first word of the first article of our constitution is ukraine. from the first minutes of the war, millions of people proved that for them ukraine really comes first. everyone
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who thought, first of all, not about himself, who understands that in times of war, a key duty comes to the fore. the 17th article of the constitution, the protection of ukraine, is the most important function of the state and the cause of the entire ukrainian people. devotion to this is proven every day millions of ukrainians. and... really just a big thank you to everyone who stood up for the defense of ukraine, fulfills their constitutional duties both on the battlefield and in other areas of work, and the memory is eternal and thanks to those who gave their lives for ukraine, for protection of its territorial integrity, its citizens, and its right to be not only on the world map, but also in our hearts. thanks and respect. good evening, we are from ukraine. yes,
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yuri fizer and i are talking here and have come to the conclusion that we cannot be presidents of the united states of america, and yuri is very sad about this, but there may be donald trump and joe biden, what are their chances and the results of their debates, yuriy, good evening, please tell me. good evening to you, vasyl, good evening to everyone who joined us at this time, indeed, this is what i will talk about, the first ever debate between the current president of the united states of america, joe biden, and the 45th donald trump. ukraine concluded. security agreement with the european union, appointment to positions, well, not yet appointment, but agreement on key ones positions in the european union, and the motor accident on the railway in slovakia, about this and other things in a moment in the column world about ukraine, and i will start with what vasyl announced: a truly historic meeting in the evening, eastern time. but
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the coast of the united states of america in kyiv, it was four in the morning, for the first time in history. the current president of the usa met with the ex-president, it happened on the site of the american tv channel cnn. both plan to get nominations from their political parties for the next election, which is scheduled for november 5 this year, so for them, it was a real chance to somehow influence the voters, who are still hesitating which of the candidates to vote for. obviously, during these debates, ukrainians were most interested in the part during which they discussed issues of international politics, and in particular, the russian war of aggression in ukraine. well, starting a speech on this topic, donald trump is already familiar to himself. declared that if the united states of america had a real president who was respected in the world, there would be no war - there would never be a war. the ex-owner of the white house generally blamed the current us president in that he even encouraged russia and putin to this war. well,
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one more point is very important during the discussion of exactly what is happening in our country, the last one concerned. ready to go to negotiations, but for this ukraine must give up the temporarily occupied territories of luhansk, donetsk, zaporizhia and kherson regions, including even the regional centers, kherson and zaporizhzhia, which are currently under the control of ukraine. so, when they asked trump, and vasyl was asked this question several times, he somehow bypassed him, he didn't want to see him. and what does he think about it, in the end donald trump said that it is absurd and it is not discussed at all, so that is why it is a plus from donald trump, but in general he, vasyl and i already spoke before the broadcast, in general he did not answer directly to any of asked
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questions, while joe biden essentially answered the questions asked, and personally, frankly, it seemed to me that joe biden... exactly, if we talk about the meaningful content of these answers and the meaningful content of the discussions, then joe biden it was he who looked much more convincing, because well, donald trump is in his amp, he is asked, he is asked a question, he begins to answer the first sentence to this question, and then he moves on to a topic in which he is well-versed and which he wants the question in the fact that his voters, maybe it suits them, well, it's exactly the same here now without political likes and dislikes. well, like a stadium, poroshenko vs. zelenskyi stadium, well, i also wanted to hear clear answers, but for many voters there were enough slogans, well, that’s normal, that is, everyone works for his audience, it's just that the consequences are different, at least you know, some kind of visual representation, but
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despite the fact that they are both elderly people, joe biden still looks older, it's harder for joe biden, is there a difference of a year, a difference, there two years, or three years, it seems joe biden. well, it was more difficult during these elections, and it was felt at certain moments, this can be seen, and he is now performing the duties of the president, so he has more workload, so there was no such expressiveness, you know, trump too already an elderly man, but he once answered, you know, he emotionally played the americans, and that's why the cnn channel right after this debate, and i watched it by the way, i woke up before four o'clock to watch it live, that's the cnn channel on the site of which this debate continued after that about... in a poll, and there 2/3 of the people who watched this conversation between biden and trump preferred trump, but this is a democratic channel and these are democrats, but this is what i understand that this is the first round of this debate,
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that was the story, i think, when hilary clinton and trump had a debate in the last election, and there was also a story when, well, not like that, there was no such thing here, but there was a story when hillary clinton was there... she had some health problems, and this also played a big negative, although she is still alive, healthy, everything is fine with her, but for some reason people pay attention to this, but what do you think, could it be, or maybe, well, now i’m not asking you to remember everything from history there usa, when you lose a debate but you win an election, well that was, it seems to be the case, that was, i forgot who it is, it's with george w. bush, i think george w. bush was there. and ee albert gore, well no, i'm not going to remember it now, but it was something, something like that, or it was already, it was, okay, i'm not going to make it up now, but it was definitely, yes, so it's more of a show all- yes, yes, i still want to say two words about the fact that
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the american viewers who watched these elections gave, as i said, two/thirds, preferred joe biden, personally it seemed to me that joe biden, donald trump, personally, it seemed to me that... somehow it was joe biden who was more convincing, even though he worked worse for the public, but here vasyl, you know what the difference is, because who wanted to hear what, i am a ukrainian who... i do not participate in the american elections, but when i watched the segment when they were talking about supporting ukraine and when joe biden again says those standard phrases, oh, if i were the president of the united states, this war would never have happened, this war would never have happened, and in the end i would sit down and die right now there is zelenskyi with putin and that's all, and biden speaks, and he specifically talks about help, which he gives and which he will give, that's why i, as an american, a ukrainian, accepted it, i will like it. americans who listen to the same topic, they listen and john donald trump
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says: "oh, we spent billions of dollars to help ukraine, which is thousands of kilometers across the ocean, what will an american, well, yes, he will prefer donald trump, or as he says, we will not pump and pump and pump oil, the fact that now the price of oil may fall, and it will be less than the cost price, he will not tell the americans about this, but i will tell you here, you know, about what i would have agreed on, history has taught the president in a good way." when he said that if i had been there then, we would not have surrendered the crimea, but you surrendered the entire south by and large, well and and and the east, that is , history has shown, well, here are the conditions for you, but come on, don’t give up, it didn’t work out, so why talk, it’s the same here with trump, well , when you say something, history can turn out in such a way that you will be told yes , you have the opportunity, you became the president, agreed in 24 hours, putin will say: go through the forest and quit the phone and everything, and what will biden and trump say, well, i tried, i tried, yes, but summing up the topic. experts say that they evaluated all the answers and say that none of
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the candidates for nomination from their parties, meaning republican and democratic, was able to fully convince, prove themselves and that it was almost the worst debate in the history of holding such debates debate, well, let's watch, i'll follow up, oh, by the way, one more thing, i thought it was over, but no, cnn even reported... and even wrote about it the new york times that after this debate within the democratic party , perepolog, they're even thinking about possibly replacing joe biden as the nominee to receive this, the candidate to receive this nomination from the democratic party, so i'll keep an eye on that , you will be the first to know the details, so enough of the debate, let's move on to another, the european union stands for naro. military supplies to ukraine, including missiles, ammunition and air defense systems.
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this is stated in the document based on the results meeting of the heads of eu member states in brussels. at the same time, this should be done urgently. in addition, european leaders also called for continuing work on the introduction of new anti-russian sanctions. the reason is the same - to force putin to stop the bloody war in ukraine. in addition, the heads of state and government called to intensify work on supporting ukraine in preparation for winter. well , the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi and representatives of the european union signed a document at the summit in brussels, according to which in the next four years the european union will support kyiv and give us 50 billion euros. this money will be used for military equipment, military training, support for defense reform, and cooperation between the european and ukrainian defense industries. according to our president, ukraine is right there in brussels. does not want to prolong the war with russia due to heavy losses, well, for this, kyiv plans to prepare a settlement plan within a few months,
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and the eu also undertakes to provide ukraine with humanitarian aid and support for recovery the country and implementation of reforms, support for energy and nuclear security, as well as the introduction of security ukraine may also conclude with poland in the near future even before the summit. at nato in washington, which will take place from july 9 to 11. the head of the polish government, donald tusk, informed journalists about this today following the results of the european union summit. according to him, the text of the agreement is almost ready, while he specified that the parties still have to agree on some wordings. in addition, donald tusk emphasized that poland will not be able to help kyiv to the detriment of its own defense capability. well, it is about the fact that warsaw. will not be able to give us such types of weapons as fighter jets, and donald tusk warned our
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president about this. the european union should invest more money in strengthening its own defense capabilities. the president of the european commission, ursula fonderlein , said this during a press conference following the results of the same summit in brussels. in particular, she called on the leaders of eu member states to invest more. 500 billion euros for this, and to do it, according to her, needed over the next 10 years. ms. fonderlein clarified that this money should be raised as a direct account. financing from the budgets of the eu member states, as well as from the eu's own funds, and this need is simply motivated by the fact that the european union in recent years has lagged far behind china and russia in the pace of increasing defense spending, and by the way, what i talked about during several broadcasts, it did happen, ursula fonlein, her candidacy
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was agreed upon for the position of president of the european commission for... for the next 5 years, although for this still needs to be approved in the european parliament, on july 16 there will be a vote, at least 361 members of the european parliament must vote for her, for her candidacy. well, kaya kalas was agreed upon by the prime minister of estonia for the position of the main european diplomat, she will replace her. the position of josep borel, and antonio costo, the ex-prime minister of portugal, was agreed to the position of president of the european council, he will replace charles michel in this chair. members of the international community should interact on on an equal basis, to respect each other's sovereignty and not to apply force
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policy measures. such a statement was made by chinese leader xi jinping during speaking at a conference in beijing dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the so-called, so-called five principles of peaceful coexistence with india. according to him, equal cooperation should be the basis of orderly, as he called it, internationalization, while mr. xi added that in the international arena it is necessary to create conditions under which every country will find its place in the multipolar world. well, he is simple for some reason he makes such statements, respect for sovereignty. territorial integrity, independence of any country, every country must find its place in the multipolar world, and at the same time it does not want to help ukraine, not to find its place, because we have our place, but to defend its place, because there is one neighbor, which decided that no, ukraine does not have such a right, if they read the note, this,
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i don't know if it is, well, obviously their philosophy, and about sitting on the bank of the river. wait until the corpse of your enemy floats up, then the only question is, if the chinese are waiting, then which enemy’s corpse should float there, then for me it’s a mystery, although it may be the enemy who is now considered a friend, it’s hard to say here, this civilization has been chinese for about 500 years, what are they there they think to themselves, it's very difficult to say, it's a huge layer, let's just hope that, after all , common sense will be enough, common sense will be enough, to join a just peace in this story, well, i really want to... and finally, a fatal accident on a very large a pity happened on the railway in slovakia, at least seven people died as a result of a collision between a passenger bus and a passenger train in the south of the country, more than 10 people received injuries of varying degrees of severity, several even had to be hospitalized with serious injuries. according to local rescuers, all
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the victims were passengers of the bus. it is also known that the first carriage of the train caught fire as a result of the collision. fortunately, the driver was not injured, the reasons for this collision are currently unknown, because, according to eyewitnesses, schlagbaum was there at the crossing, well, he was closed. well, that's all i have in the world about ukraine column, that's all for today, and for this week we'll meet with you next week on monday, but don't switch, because there's still a lot of interesting things on our air. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already approached the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live drone attacks, kamikaze. political analytics. objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season. exclusive interviews,
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reports from the hottest points of the front. frankly and impartially, you draw your own conclusions. good evening, we are from ukraine. we continue, this is a big ether, and by the way, a lot of interesting information awaits you ahead, we will talk, by the way, about problems and opportunities and risks in the labor market, because it affects all of us, mainly us, most of us are employees , there in one or the other. that is why it is very important to understand the situation, well, now an overview of economic news from oleksandr morshchyvka, let's take a look, and then return to the conversation with our guest, whom i will introduce. national bank put into circulation a new commemorative coin of the medical forces of the armed forces of ukraine. the tribute is dedicated
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to the selfless work of military medics who provide qualified and specialized care to both servicemen and civilians who find themselves in the war zone. the face value is 10 hryvnias, the central element on the reverse is a cross, on which is superimposed a stylized snake covering pirnach. the cross symbolizes a sign of comprehensive assistance recognized in europe and the world, and the snake is a symbol of medical forces. the 14th package of sanctions against russia was adopted this week the council of the european union. the restrictions are aimed at sectors of the economy important to the russian regime, including energy, finance and trade. the sanctions also include measures against the import of russian liquefied gas. the eu will also ban new investments and the provision of goods, technology, and services for energy projects such as arctic lng-2 and murmansk lng. temporary protection for ukrainians. the border continued. the relevant decision was adopted by the council of the european union. the directive gives refugees the right to residence, access to the labor market, housing, as well as social and medical care the mechanism of temporary
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protection was extended until march 2026. currently, about 4 million ukrainians live in the countries of the european union. a third of them are children. employers have problems finding people due to migration and mobilization. researchers of the razumkov center state that at the beginning the number of able-bodied people. population in ukraine decreased by 40% compared to 2021. analysts note that the decrease in the number of specialists is caused, in particular, by demographic losses. job search sites have recorded a record for the third month in a row at the beginning of the great war, the number of vacancies, for example, on workuua - more than 106,000, on the robot ua platform - more than 108,00. they are mainly looking for builders and drivers. ukraine takes another bank on the balance sheet. we are talking about the court's decision to transfer motorbank to the state. it belonged to the sanctioned businessman vyacheslav boguslaev, deputy minister of justice inna bohatyh reported. this financial institution will become the seventh state bank. let me remind you that last year the state's share in
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the banking sector was more than 53%. earlier it was reported that the government is preparing to sell sens and ukrgasbank. this is the recommendation of the imf. it is designed to equalize competition on the market. thanks to the growth of banks' incomes and increased taxation, the state budget will receive at least an additional 30 billion this year. this was announced by the head of the parliamentary committee on taxes and finances, danylo getmantsev. the treasury has already been replenished by 25% more than last year. only nine financial institutions were operationally unprofitable. they mostly had inefficient business models and a number of long-standing problems - added the people's deputy. most of the income will come from banks aimed at the needs of the security and defense sector. well, we will. with our guest, this is serhiy marchenko, the founder of the recruiting agency borshch, about the labor market in ukraine, needs, opportunities, problems that may
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arise and vacancies, all that concerns each of us who are currently in ukraine and are not able to of defense, in the armed forces of ukraine, and somewhere here in or in the real sector of the economy, or somewhere else there, they are looking for a job, it is of course important, by the way, those people who are looking for a job in the defense forces also, they use recruiting centers in order to find a job, but again, we are now talking about the real sector of the economy, mr. serhiy, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, i will start with this, literally a few days ago i read a story about the fact that construction workers in ukraine are now looking for workers, and in particular for the simplest professions that do not require a diploma. engineering institute, let's say, and they are looking for employees even from uzbekistan or from the countries of southeast asia, because there is a huge there is a lack of specialists, i understand that mobilization is ongoing and necessary, i will not
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touch on this topic now, but this is just as an example, and what is the general situation on the labor market, what are the needs, how fast are these needs growing and how is it possible to satisfy them ? well, in general, the situation on the labor market is difficult, it has been difficult for several years and you know, this situation changed like a wave, at the beginning of the invasion in the 22nd year, employers began to lay off workers en masse, if you remember, the 22nd year, it was the year when people didn't have jobs, people didn't could get a job, because no one knew what would happen, and just in case, just in case, the employers fired the workers, and then by the third year they began to look for, to recruit these workers again, but they faced the problem that those people whom ... they fired, they already have another job, and they are no longer interested in offers, and employers began to go to the market,
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and it turned out that there are no people on the market. because according to various estimates, about 6 million people left, and mostly women of working age left, who took their children, er, and according to the data of the national bank of ukraine, we lost 30% of the working population in just one year 20, compared to 21 in 22, and this is a huge figure, because 30% of people of working age are essentially 30% of those people who were employed in us in the economy, and now they are not employed, now they are not working in our economy, and of course there are very large imbalances, and these imbalances are now such that if you even now ask, in which industries, as journalists like to ask, where people are most needed , then i won't say in which fields, because in fact people are needed in absolutely all branches,
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absolutely all professions. they just don't exist, but all employers have very big problems right now, you know, we just watched a video, there is lviv, rynok square, in lviv, let's say, there are a lot of relocated businesses, in lviv oblast, it's not only lviv, lviv oblast, i had the opportunity to live for a certain time, from mykolaiv oblast, from kharkiv oblast, people are working, well, let's say, that is, relatively speaking, there are people somewhere, businesses are working, somewhere it's really bad, and... here the question is, how much to what level , well, it's more like that a global question, we are unlikely to be able to find an answer to it now, well, but in principle you can think about it, to what level the economy can decrease, we understand that this is a no no no key no no, well, the main thing is that it is not large, maybe only enterprises , these are small and medium-sized businesses, but they are still taxpayers, that is, there is a certain limit to which the business can shrink, and then simply, as they say... there will be
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nothing to take from there to feed the budget? well, look, we are still registering business growth, economic growth, here there was, well, due to the fall of the big one in the 22nd year, now the so-called rebound is recorded, yes, that is, we have reached the bottom and we have pushed back from the bottom and are suffering a little bit, but look, you have asked a very interesting question, because... see how the market reacts to no people? employers begin to compete more for e-resources, employers try to hire workers and offer them higher wages. for example, just last year, in just one year, average wages in ukraine increased by 22%. that's a lot. this is in
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four times the rate at which wages usually rise in the pre-war period, and we will now soon reach a stage where employers will not be able to raise wages any higher because they are simply resting on their operational efficiency, they simply cannot raise wages because in there are much fewer people in ukraine, fewer of their clients, their earnings are lower, and the earnings of... staff have to be increased, because otherwise you won't be able to hire them, and we are facing in the future, in the near future, we are facing, i will say this, a serious a whole bunch bankruptcies of small, small and medium-sized businesses, which simply will not pull out this wage growth that has been happening for several years now, and the trend of
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this wage growth, he continued. because there are no people, and employers are ready to pay any amount of money for people, there is such a thing here, here is the question, well, first of all, now, is it so relevant now, i am not talking about people, maybe there are older people, well, not everyone, not everyone can retrain for some other profession, but people who, and sometimes can, that is, i don't want anyone now- to discriminate, so i won’t talk about victor, but because it depends only on people, whether they want to relearn or not, but now tell me... defense industries have orders, but they can’t fulfill all of them, there are billions of products that so far cannot be implemented, because it does not have permission to sell, say , ukrainian products abroad, but in any case, this is a market that will grow, even after victory, it will grow, there is no doubt, because europe will be militarized in in any case, and the world also, and...


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