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tv   [untitled]    June 29, 2024 4:00am-4:31am EEST

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are worried, let's say so, especially those who came from the russian federation, and in such situations, in such anxieties and constantly painted krych, skovycha, i think that many people will start to leave crimea, the russians need russians to be there, to there crimea was russian, well, that's why it's easier for them to have dozens or hundreds of people die there than for this propaganda that everything is fine there and everything is under their control to not work . and plus, the alarm is not all over crimea, but they announce the alarm only in akyar, as they call it sevastopol, and, in other areas, corners of crimea, well , there is never any alarm, there was, there is none, even if you look at the fact that the armed forces of ukraine, well, carry out strikes in all corners of crimea, where the russian military is located objects, well, this is our legitimate goal, that's right, because it's preparation for... maybe
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this year, maybe next, we'll already start the process of not preparing for the deoccupation, but the direct deoccupation of crimea, that's why everyone , well, the whole crimea is under ours, let's say, missile control, and our entire military facility, entire lithuanian settlements, our entire means of communication, our entire radar stations, ports, of course, that's why this preparation for the liberation of crimea has been going on for at least a year, and i'm sure . that these strikes we are making will only intensify, we have to destroy almost the entire military infrastructure of the russian armed forces in the crimea, well then we already understand, well then the attack, it can be landing, it can be from different directions , this is from the side of the well, it could be shadovsk, armyansk, it could be something else, well, here i think that in our general staff, well, i don't think, there are already plans, but only. right now, well, they can’t
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be used yet, because you have to be focused on the attacks that the russians are making to the east , the russians on the eastern front, on the northern front, yeah, and about crimea and the southern direction in general, well, there are forecasts that in september, maybe in the month of october, we will be able to intercept a tactical initiative in these directions, well, let's see, there will be more, another message from crimea this week was destroyed space communication center. in crimea, what is the importance of this cotton, why are these targets of space communication so important that we choose them among others, as you rightly say, the missiles we shoot with are not cheap, and for any small we cannot exchange them whole. well, what is this, most likely, it is a ground base that has direct contact with gonnass, that is, it is
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navigation, it is navigation of russian missiles, it is by these means, it is controlled by missiles, by these means the airspace is explored, controlled, in including directed planes russians, this is not the kind of communication that we have, maybe it seems to someone that something like mobile communication, communication is simply left there without mobile phones, no, this is a system, this is a system, how our missiles work using gps navigation in russia. the glanas system, they, this is also a satellite system, they use, and this, it is used for the guidance of missiles, let's say, the guidance of missiles, aircraft. thank you very much, mr. oleksiy. thank you for finding the time to join our broadcast, oleksiy getsman, was with us on direct communication, veteran of the russian-ukrainian war, retired major of the national guard. and let me remind you that you are watching the berber together program in ukrainian, hosted by us, andriy yanivskyi. khalilov, and this is a joint
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project of espresso and the atr tv channel. now we have a short break, after which we will talk about other topics. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reported about them, but not enough people knew what was going on. it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess and analyze the events. them, modeling our future, every saturday at 1:10 p.m., with a repeat on sunday at 10:10 a.m., studio evening with anton borkovsky at espresso. congratulations, we are continuing our joint broadcast of the first crimean tatar tv channel atr and the beraber tv channel together with the studio. i, gulsom khalilova and my
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colleague andriy yanitsky work for you. and we would like to introduce our guest, yevhen khlobostov, professor, dean of the faculty of natural sciences, kyiv-mohyla university. academy, as well as the head of the track, the head of the track, economic and environmental expert network of crimea platform, mr. yevgeny, congratulations, good afternoon, so good afternoon, we discussed with you as a military expert everything that happened on june 23 in crimea, and the strike by the armed forces of ukraine on russian military facilities and the shooting down of these rockets by russian air defense over the beach , over people, and we've all seen all these videos and yes. and after that, even the occupation administrations began to say that a lot of people canceled their trips to crimea and even their tourist trips, these tourist operators began to say that people simply they don't go camping in the senate, and so on.
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how does it all affect the tourist season in crimea this year, if you look at the latest attacks by the armed forces. it's just a different reality. russians are in a different reality, there is no war for them. that's why they go to crimea, supposedly it's absolutely safe there. i want to point out that there was no air alert, by the way, meaning that people were on the beach without even knowing that there was a potential danger there. on the other hand, crimea is currently a source of tourism only for russians, moreover, this is such an artificial tourism, because russia very much dates these tourist services, there are free tickets, there are discount tickets, various such, that is, it is so artificial from. i hope that after the return of crimea to the state borders of ukraine, when we will already develop the economy and, in particular , recreation there, we will first of all face a security problem, that is, how safe it will be to rest there. the second problem is the quality of services, well, by that time, most likely,
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ukraine will be exhausted by the war, and we will not we will be able to invest in quality tourist facilities and services. therefore, i am quite skeptical about it. in my opinion, crimea will remain a tourist region for many years to come, mainly for crimeans, and such a future tourist hub will probably still remain in that region from the side of turkey and adjara, but probably not yet with ukraine, no for the first time, that is, if we are talking about tourism, then it is clear now, we do not advise anyone to rest in crimea, because it is a theater of hostilities, after liberation. also probably have to wait, until it is safe there, that’s right, and plus, i understand that the people of ephesus, and the families of ephesus people, or some representatives of the russian administrations there and so on, who are under sanctions and can’t leave anywhere else, are going to rest and go maybe, but
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recently the occupiers said that even there in akhyar, the daughter of the mayor of magadan or something like that, the deputy mayor of magadan, was injured there, that is, there... the people of fes are resting and here are all these people who simply cannot leave to other countries? in my opinion, not only there the residents of fes are resting, there are still a huge number of russians who are in their own reality, they are in their own information bubble, there is no war in this bubble, and therefore crimea is like such a soviet nostalgia, a resort, a vacation, our crimea, finally they can go there, although no one forbade them to go there until the 14th year, that is , even in 10 years they... did not find out what was really happening, this information curtain was so created in russia that people who, as far as i understand, live in the north of russia , and are not very interested in what what is happening to the european part, eh, they
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imagine that everything is fine, there are no hostilities, missiles are not flying, and they do not expect such an arrival, not only is everything fine, people are buying crimean real estate from siberia, for example, following the example of our singers safir tara and so on, and what the occupiers say, they nationalize it all, put it up for auction, sell it , and so on, buy off the colonizer again, and so on, and they plan to send it all to the war against ukraine. this is how to evaluate this pseudo-nationalization of the russian occupiers,
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does it have any legal meaning and so on, what are we going to do about it and can we draw parallels, for example, with 1944, and when... these crimean tatars were deported, the nkbdshniks came again, and then the children of the nkbdshniks and in in 2014, they simply burned ukrainian passports and shouted crimea and russia forever. this question is deep, well , because firstly, if we talk about the economic profit from such rolls, it is minimal, against the background of the cost of the war, to say that it somehow helps russia to fight more effectively against ukraine, probably not, this is an informational excuse, russia is trying to show russians, crimeans and other russians that we have dealt with a potential fifth column of pro-ukrainian elements. and their real estate went to the needs of the ied. yes, well,
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but really, to say that this has any effect on the situation in crimea, does it affect our attitude, does it have any legal consequences? unfortunately, there is no. russia does not recognize a huge number of international judges. that is, and even, i gave such an example, russia is part of the signatory of numerous law enforcement conventions. but if she doesn't follow those conventions, she. simply does not fulfill them, without even explaining why she does so. well, it doesn't, because there is no compulsion. the world is largely built on contracts that do not provide for the enforcement of these contracts. and among the vast majority of civilized signatories of such agreements, there is not even an idea that it is possible to so brazenly not fulfill something, without explaining your position, well, i don't want to, if you have already taken on the obligations, you have to. thy the parliament there ratified this agreement, that is, after hitler, no one imagined that
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a new hitler could appear, who could simply disobey all international norms and so on, absolutely, absolutely, and this still surprises our partners in the european union and in the countries nato, they are always trying to present some kind of problem with russia that needs to be submitted to some international body, to try to find out some relationship with it through legal authorities, but that's easy. not happening, well, this week, please, can i do one thing question, and then you, just us, when we talked about international conventions, there are courts and so on, you know, i will remind our viewers that recently the european court of human rights recognized the obvious, and they finally, after 10 years, after as ukraine submitted to the european court of human rights all the crimes of the russian occupiers, which they committed there, yes, russia violated 11 articles. out of 18 possible ones regarding human rights, and there is already a court decision, and russia will not
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comply with it, as i understand it, and then, is there any point in making such decisions and so on, what it means for us then, for us it means our movement in the system of international law, we, as a state, part of the world community, which fulfills international obligations, supports this general movement towards legal issues regarding. our problems and in relation to the russian federation, but there is again no mechanism of coercion to force russia to comply with any international agreements. well, by the way, the second world war is really a very good example, when, well, what treaties did hitler's germany fulfill, or which ones were observed, and none. and in as a result, this is a new page in the history of europe. with russia, the situation is more complicated, because today i do not see even in... in the ideas of any kind of victory for us and our allies, relatively speaking, a parade in moscow, as well as a change
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in the political system in russia, we do not set this as a goal, which means , unfortunately, russia will continue to be in a state of hostility towards ukraine. and that is why, in my speech at the recent expert network forum , i emphasized that we need to think about the formation of such a frontier economy. unfortunately, we do not have modern russia leaves chance, rather than being ready for further unfriendly actions. actually, i also wanted to mention the ispl, but, in addition, the latest news that was just spread by the media yesterday or the day before yesterday, which was announced at the forum of the expert network of the crimean platform, but you did not say it, about the situation around hersenes, you probably heard, and some people interpreted that in general with... hersenez, well, it didn't quite sound like that, damage was done, and damage was caused
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by the large construction near hersenez, which we will see when we liberate crimea, whether there will be any left after all, that museum, what will we do with these illegal buildings, because the illegal building, which is called the kerch bridge, will of course be destroyed, but all these buildings that the occupiers will build and have already built. during these 10 years, what will happen to them, what will happen to the people who work there, what will happen to the people who live there and residential buildings are built there, how will we act in relation to... russians who fled to crimea, and in relation to all these infrastructural changes. this is really a very thorough question, because crimea was visited by according to various estimates, there are from 750 to over 1 million russians there, these are people who did not have any rights to cross the borders of ukraine and stay in crimea, settle, buy real estate and
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so on. of course, the crimea was filled with real estate, and the taurid track. and other objects, and in the future, of course, that ukraine will not destroy them, well, i can't imagine that our government makes a decision to blow up such a number of residential buildings there, uh, i think that we have someone to place there in crimea , in these buildings, we have many people who went through the war and are still fighting and protecting our today, and that's why i think that this real estate should be distributed already through some government programs, some where it will be confiscated and or distributed. have to leave the territory of ukraine, but there are people who came there as teenagers, who became adults, who created their own families, when, relatively speaking, part of the family has a passport of a citizen
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of ukraine, part does not have this passport, they already have their own children who can to appear during this time. thus, this issue is not a mechanistic one, that is, there is a need to form a certain policy, how how to treat these people, how to deport them or encourage them to return to the territory of the russian federation. the only thing we have to understand is that if we leave this million, relatively speaking, new crimeans in crimea, we will never see either ukrainian or crimean tatar crimea. and the recipe that was used in the baltic countries with gray passports, does it work or not? what does the experience of these countries show? this, this, in fact, this experience cannot be used mechanistically, because despite the fact that even in such a small country as latvia, almost half of the population was so-called russian-speaking, i.e. non-native population, some of these people, after integration into
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the european union, became absolutely loyal citizens of these states, learned the appropriate language. received citizenship and are working today, but a huge number of people for various reasons, including some, you know, such soviet principles, they remain people with limited rights, and today this is also a certain challenge, a certain problem for these small countries, well, that is, they they cannot go to the elections there to elect someone there and even go to public positions, yes, but they live there, uh, but they live there, and this was a requirement of the european union, that is, that there should be no... forced deportation of these people, a certain part of these people do not have state passports , in which they live, but they are there and form a certain political environment, and an emotional environment, and well, that is, in fact, these are people who, if they do not adapt to the state policy, to
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the state formation of the state where they are , they automatically become like this called the fifth column. that is, they are a certain danger for the future of this state, the same situation will be the same for crimea, but it is still an element of instability, even if, even if people are part of society, but have not changed their views, we know the story with latvia that mep from latvia tatyana zhdanok, as it turned out, was an fsb agent, she was elected precisely in this russian case, that is, she represented their interests in the european parliament, given that ukraine is also going. to become part of the european union and we will also be mps, people who are not loyal to ukraine, but live on its territory, can once again delegate someone to the european parliament and actually influence the entire european policy in general, this is such a horse of the nutoryan, in fact, which is introduced into the body of ukraine,
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that is, this problem is deeper, than it seems, it seems to me that it is deeper, and you still have a solution, it is definitely deeper, well... today, at the level of the expert network of the crimean platform , we discussed that after deoccupation, crimea should be for five, and better for 10 years deprived of the right to elect its representatives to the electoral authorities, i.e. to the ukrainian parliament or to the local ones, you have such historical experience, for example, with hitler's oblast, and then the political situation, political struggle and, in particular, deputies to the european parliament, if we are at that time in .. as part of the european union, it will be military-civilian, first military, then military-civilian administration, well, then we will move on to traditional forms of governance, cultural ones. there should be programs that bring the ukrainian context into information environment, and as far as i understand, administrative reform must take place, because despite the fact that
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the heads of military administrations will be appointed, it is still necessary to build a decentralized system of self-government, the kind that operates in the free territories of ukraine, and whether you understand the final construction. sevastopol, akyar will be a part, a separate administrative unit, will be part of the crimean peninsula, there are various scenarios that are being discussed, it will definitely be part of the crimean peninsula, i would very much like it to be okear, and not sevastopol, secondly, we need a political decision and a constitutional decision, in my opinion, to deprive sevastopol of its special status, that is, it should be the same city , like all cities in ukraine. moreover, taking into account a certain political component, which we see today in sevastopol akyar, his status must be definitely not special, absolutely
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ordinary. how it will look in the future construction is a question that can be discussed: from the fact that it will be a city in within the borders of the bakchosarai district of crimea, can there be one of the cities, like yalta, with a part of its own unified territorial but this issue today, of course, is not resolved, it is being discussed, it is a problem for communication, experts, government officials. but under any conditions, we need to see such a new governmental structure of crimea today. today there is a decision regarding the formation of unified territorial communities instead of those districts that exist in crimea today. it will be a completely different scheme of administrative management, and we will to focus on it, but still it will work fully only after. well, now you said about akyar and about the so-called sevastopol, and i am wondering whether we will see a change in the toponymy
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of the crimea in the near future, is there any progress on this matter, there is a lot of progress, in particular, the crimean-tatar resource center i made it so that these developments were public, ugh, you can see new names, new old names, let's say, returned names for everyone. yes, toponyms of crimea, but this requires a lot of work from us by the deputies corps, so that the renaming takes place at the level of our parliament, and this is not an easy process, and plus such a decision is during wartime, during wartime there are restrictions on this matter, because we still have two oblasts also in mainland ukraine, which should have been renamed a long time ago, i mean dnipropetrovsk and kirovohrad regions, which in fact are already syacheslav and constitutional regions. here he admitted that there could be such a renaming of the slavonic region and the kropyvnytskyi region, and despite the fact that there is a war, we still have in this region remain, they remain so,
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it is simply a matter of the fact that even before the deoccupation of crimea we must be ready, and when we enter crimea, so that we already have all the work done, so that all bills, everything is ready, the only question is to accept and implement it in crimea, there are two more important questions, er... well, i will ask one question, infrastructural, so that we are ready for the liberation of crimea, we are liberating crimea, it is clear that the energy bridge laid by russia and together with the kerch bridge, will be destroyed, and it is clear that the water supply to crimea already has problems due to the fact that russia blew up the kokhov gas station, what are we going to do, where are we going to give the stream from. where are we going to get water from, are we going to find it, are we going to restore the chukhov canal, and will we be able to, excuse me, let me add, restore this northern
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crimean canal? first of all, we will not be able to restore it, and it makes no sense today, it is standing dry, and after many years, when the fate of the kokhov reservoir will be decided, i am particularly a great critic of the restoration of the kokhov reservoir, we are there today we have absolutely a unique ecosystem that should develop, live there and solve the water supply problems of that part of ukraine, we have to look for other engineering solutions, i think we will find them, as for the canal to crimea, these are again highly debatable issues, because, well, first, you can build a closed channel, not an open one, because, well, from the open channel, evaporation was set at 50%, or even more, that is, we actually evaporated this water completely needlessly. they were changing the climate, but slowly, yes, and if you remember what it looked like this north-crimean canal, it is a swampy area around it for several meters, and it was generally such a structure that needed even
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before... serious repair and renewal, but climate changes, the lack of water from the north-crimean canal and an increase in the population, i.e. in crimea , water consumers became from 2 million to 3 million, i.e., this is a huge number of added water consumers, at the same time, let's pay attention to the fact that no serious water communication facility was updated in crimea, it remains in this state quite complex, we investigated water communication systems. crimea for the 13th year, for example, when there were still ukrainian objective statistics, there the level of attrition of funds related to water supply and drainage reached up to 80% in certain administrative units. that is, nothing better has become more likely than not. and the second problem is that today the authorities in crimea, the russian authorities, raise underground water from underground horizons and run it into communal water supply systems. it's an uncontrolled...
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flow of such underground water, first of all, that actually dewatering these horizons, the water changes its quality, it becomes very salty, it needs additional processing in order to make it safe for consumption, and the main thing is that now this water will not be there, and when we return crimea, we will see this water the crisis, as they say, in all aspects and the situation that will be very difficult for ukraine. as for energy, this is a difficult issue, but today we do not have enough power, and this deficit is very glaring for ukraine, to put it conventionally, tomorrow to annex crimea to ukraine, we physically have no way to ensure energy supply to crimea today. of course, it is obvious that russia will not supply anything there. that is, electricity, water, and gas supply, these will be the challenges to which.
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we need to prepare, we talked a lot about this at our meetings of the expert network, what mechanisms are there to involve our partners in the black sea basin, to create a system of additional local generation so that people do not end up in a disaster, well, imagine the situation there one happy day for of ukraine, the last russian soldier leaves crimea, after that the russians turn off all the generators of the entire energy supply and the entire situation, crimea stops in a state of catastrophe. and we must have an answer at that moment, we will now bring in some local energy supply system, we have a solution to the problems of water supply, drainage, and we must provide for the basic needs of the crimeans so that life remains there, despite the fact that we do not yet know which the scenario will be de-occupation, and at the same time we still have problems with the world, and we have problems, perhaps the experience of solving these problems, which we are now
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experiencing when mobile is created. power plants, and when some autonomous energy sources are created, it could be used after the liberation of crimea to provide the crimeans with electricity, so the power of the zaporizhia nuclear power plant will not be enough, or we cannot predict what will happen to it at all, we have a couple wait a minute, uh, as nuclear energy experts say, in particular olga kosharna, for today zaporizhzhya the nuclear power plant is located in such. in a state that it is technically impossible to put it into operation, it is a long way for the station to be included in any power grid in a safe state, it has been in the state of so-called cooling or cold idle for too long, and therefore we cannot count on the power of the zaporizhzhia nuclear plant, even after we fully restore our control over this facility. thank you very much, mr. yevgeny, choksagan, for
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coming to our studio at the right time. khlobistov, professor of the kyiv-myhylya academy, was in the studio of the beraber program on the atp tv channel and on the espresso tv channel, this is a joint project, and we, presenters andriy yanitskyi and gulsum khalilova, hosted this program together, see you in a week. see this week in the program. judicial control: candidates for the position of the head of the state judicial administration, who irrationally disposed of budget money? very often ambitions prevail over common sense. but who appears in the bribery case? this is an incessant desire for development and formation successful, effective system. greetings, you are watching judicial control, i am tatyana shustrova. the judicial system of ukraine is in a state of complete transformation.


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