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tv   [untitled]    June 29, 2024 4:30am-5:00am EEST

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professor of the kyiv-myglyan academy, was in the studio of the beraber program on the atp channel and on the espresso channel, this is a joint project, and we, the host, andriy yanitskyi and gulsum khalilova, hosted this program together, see you in a week. see this week in the judicial control program. candidates for the position of head of the state judicial administration. who did not manage budget money rationally? very often ambitions prevail over common sense. but who appears in the bribery case. this is an unconfident desire for development and formation successful, effective system. greetings, you are watching judicial control, i am tatyana shustrova. the judicial system of ukraine is in a complete state. rebooting the reformation process
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is extremely difficult, in particular due to the fact that it is ongoing during a full-scale war. the higher judicial bodies, the higher council of justice and the higher qualification commission of judges, were formed practically from scratch, however, the course of judicial reform, which is a key requirement on ukraine's path to the eu, is influenced by other events, in particular, the total exposure of corruption schemes in the judicial system. since the time when the head of the state judicial administration , oleksiy salnikov, was arrested for bribery, this position has remained vacant. the competition has been running since march of this year. today we will talk about those who apply for the high chair. but let's start with the news. oleksiy tandyr, the judge of the makariv district court of the kyiv region, who last year, while in a state of alcoholic intoxication, killed a soldier of the national guard.
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bondarenko was finally released at the checkpoint upon entering kyiv. the supreme council of justice rejected his appeal against the decision of the second disciplinary board chamber regarding dismissal from the position of a judge. eleven members of the vrp voted for, zero - against. the supreme council of justice decided to leave unchanged the decision of the second disciplinary chamber of the supreme council of justice dated april 24, 2024 number 1241/24 on bringing the judge to disciplinary responsibility. oleksiy vitaliyovych tandyr of the mokariv district court of the kyiv region. during the meeting, tandyr tried to prolong the proceedings, insisted that the vrp violates the regulations and his right to defense. the lawyer insisted on examining the evidence and video file from the scene of the accident. the so-called research of the so-called evidence and the principle of the approach we have not been able to understand, to be honest. we will remind you that in may 2023, the head of the makariv district court of kyiv, oleksiy tandyr, drove a lexus car three minutes before the start of the curfew. shot down 22-year-old national guardsman
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vadym bondarenko, who was on duty at a checkpoint in kyiv. at the last meeting of the second disciplinary chamber of the high council of justice, regarding the case of tandyr, a video from the scene of the road accident was made public. the footage shows the judge opening the door the car door, gets out of the driver's seat, approaches the body of the downed national guardsman and grabs his head, but then tells the police that he is a passenger and calls them prejudiced people. you blocked me, i don't understand why, i consider you biased people, you will pass tests, look, i consider you biased people by vehicle, right or not, i don't know, you are the driver, no, who are you, i am the owner of the car, i i didn't do anything, i was a passenger, tandir was suspended from the administration of justice for more than a year, is in the pre-trial detention center and will still receive it.
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at a considerable salary, but finally the supreme council of justice dismissed him from his position, although the judge can still appeal this decision. the higher qualification commission of judges was again unable to elect a new chairman after the dismissal of the previous chairman, roman ignatov. this is the second attempt. last time, in april , none of the members of the commission volunteered to take this position. this time there were two candidates: ruslan sydorovych and andriy pasichnyk. however, none of them could score. necessary the number of votes, so the vkks will later hold new elections. we will remind you that on march 27, roman ignatov, the previous head of the higher qualifications commission , resigned on his own accord. that year , in december, information appeared in the mass media that he allegedly had russian citizenship. the head of the vkk himself denied this. at the beginning of this year, the commission came to the conclusion that it is impossible to establish with certainty whether roman ignatov received russian citizenship in the 1990s. currently, the state bureau. conducts a pre-trial
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investigation in criminal proceedings against ignatov under the article on high treason in conditions of martial law. state judicial administration. has been working without a head for almost a year, since last august, the national anti-corruption bureau and the specialized anti-corruption prosecutor's office exposed oleksiy salnikov, the head of the state judicial administration, for bribing supreme court judges. according to the investigation, in march of last year the official received 7,500 dollars from a representative of a commercial enterprise, five of which were to be handed over to the judge for the decision. salnikov. had retain mediation services. in nabu , it was reported that after the arrest of the head of the supreme court, vsevolod knyazev, salnikov's behavior changed dramatically, and he began to avoid solving the issue, but he was not going to return the bribe he received. the head of the state judicial administration promised
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to assist in the rendering of a decision by the judges of the supreme court, in particular through the involvement of his former head. currently, a competition is underway for the position of head of superpowers. the left body of the judicial system, which carries out organizational and main financial ensuring the activities of judicial authorities, that is, it concentrates absolutely all financial flows on itself. there are 13 applicants for the chairman's seat. we will introduce you to the brightest of them. for example, his deputy maksym pampura wants to take the place of corruption suspect salnikov. he also appears in the bribery case, however, so far only as a witness. however, according to the specialized anti-corruption agency. of the pampura prosecutor's office had meetings on behalf of salnikov and talked about the annulment of the decision of the appellate instance by the judges of the cassation of the administrative court, now maxim pampura is the temporary acting head of the state judicial administration, an unwavering desire for the development and formation of a successful,
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effective system that is able to withstand security challenges in the judicial hill of power. and this is another applicant, ivan legostaev. he is an ex-chief. of the south-eastern interregional department of the ministry of justice in dnipro and a supporter of sharia. according to untrol, in 2019 , legostaev transferred uah 100,000 to the shariaa political party in two installments. two years therefore, this party was banned in ukraine due to the spread of anti-ukrainian propaganda regarding the change of the constitutional system, violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of ukraine, undermining of state security, as well as propaganda of war and violence in conditions of military aggression. ivan legostaev of the russian federation now declares other views: it is necessary to record the crimes committed by the troops of the russian federation and display them on the appropriate state resource. according to the anti-corruption center, ivan legostaev owns a lot of real estate.
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from 2015 to 21, he declared six of land plots, three apartments, a non-residential premises, a garage, storeroom and common premises. however, he did not specify the cost of most of it. of this property. in 2023, legostaev took out more than uah 4 million in loans, despite the fact that, if we believe in the reliability of the data specified in the declaration, he had three times more of his own savings, $277,000 and almost €80,000. another contender for the post of head of the state judicial administration is oksana kumanska nor, former director of the lviv research institute of judicial expertise of the ministry of justice. ambition is very common. they prevail over common sense and the demands that ordinary people expect of us. oksana kumanska nor has a rather ambiguous reputation. in 2019, she was dismissed from the position of deputy head of the main territorial administration in the lviv region for state registration.
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yaroslav zhukrovsky, the head of the kuman mine, accused her of corruption schemes. according to the center for combating corruption, in 2022 , a candidate for the position of head of the judicial administration. accused of illegality the dismissal of her subordinates at the lviv scientific research institute court of expertise, which she headed, moreover, she is still a participant in several criminal proceedings, in particular about the irrational use of budgetary funds by the institute of forensic expertise and improper performance of official duties. you know the civil service, so i wanted to invest my soul's knowledge somewhere in order to reform this sector somewhere, to add that knowledge, this experience, if possible. from the private sector. competition for the vacant position of the head of the state judicial administration continues. in future issues, we will introduce you to other candidates, and we hope that the task force will carefully investigate and verify the integrity of all applicants. today
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i have everything. it was the program judicial control and i by tatiana shustrova. if you want to report corrupt judges or illegal decisions, write. me on facebook or at this email address. see you in exactly a week. good bye. your place is waiting for you, the lights stay on, for dinner - what you love, warm bed grows. there will be walks, swings and swimming, they are waiting for you on your
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streets, at school, in your church, because in your house they see dreams about you, you are always in front of their eyes, they cry for you, they pray for you. we were surprised, because we knew that you were already somewhere nearby. half the battle is knowing how hard it is to win. and we will do everything to hug you as soon as possible. therefore, when you are at home, when we are together... we are more than a family. we are a nation
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united around you. greetings viewers of the espresso tv channel. my name is kateryna galko and this is our exclusive conversation with the head of the unicef office in ukraine. let's chat. about how to help small ukrainians, let's start. so, in november 2023, you began to perform the duties of the head of the representative office of the united nations children's fund in ukraine. what are the main projects implemented by your organization in ukraine? thank you. unicef has been working in ukraine since almost the first year of independence, and we are guardians of the convention on the rights of the child. we have been present in ukraine for a long time. and continue to work to promote the welfare and protection of children's rights.
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following the full-scale invasion of the russian federation in 2022, unicef has significantly expanded its activities in line with its mandate to ensure that all key types of assistance are provided to support the most vulnerable children. as unicef, we play a leading role not only in our programs but also in emergency response, especially in areas such as nutrition, education, child protection, water and sanitation. we do this on behalf of all humanitarian partners, in ukraine we perform many functions, as a rule-maker. function: we coordinate the efforts of humanitarian partners in the areas i mentioned, as well as
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provide direct support, which is the heart of our activities in ukraine. this support extends to health care, vaccination and nutrition. in the field of health care and nutrition, we play an important role in the early development of children. in particular, children of preschool age, as well as in meeting the educational needs of children and developing the skills of young people. we also have programs aimed at child protection, social protection, water supply and sanitation. from the beginning
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escalation of the war, we expanded our presence on the ground. unicef works not only in kyiv. we have offices in such cities as kharkiv, dnipro, poltava. and also in lviv, in the west of the country and in the south, covering. odesa, mykolaiv, kherson and other regions. we are currently implementing humanitarian response programs. as well as recovery activities in communities and municipalities that are in the recovery phase, because it is safer there, and the current situation allows us to focus on recovery that focuses on children and youth. we also want to do
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everything, so that when the war is over and peace is restored in the country, systems will be created to provide all services and support children. what are the main problems of ukrainian children now during a full-scale war? there are a lot of them. when it comes to the impact of war on children, we primarily focus on the east and south of the country. but there is not a single child in ukraine who has not been touched by the war. and of course, when we look at the consequences of the war, we see terrible statistics. we know that almost 2,000 children have died or been injured since the beginning of a full-scale invasion.
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we also look at the general situation of the children. each air attack and anxiety affects their psychological well-being and psycho-emotional state. moreover, we are talking about the entire child population of ukraine. was forced to leave their native homes, become internally displaced persons, or move to other countries, some remain in the territories outside the control of ukraine, we are concerned about the situation of absolutely all children, because a child remains
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a child, regardless of where he is, the war affects. on all ukrainians children without exception. we are also witnessing serious educational consequences of a full-scale invasion and escalating casualties. let's not forget that before the war, there were two years of the coronavirus pandemic, when children studied remotely. now that the war has been going on for more than two years, many children are still forced to study online. we know that nearly half of school-age children are learning online or in a blended format. this is worrying. because, if
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you look at the results of training, even before the war, the general picture was not... too much optimistic, when it came to children's competences and skills in key areas, the situation will obviously worsen with the start of the war, in addition, children lose communication with peers, because they do not attend schools and kindergartens, which affects their social. there are many problems related to children's health. we observe an increase in the number of children with disabilities and children deprived of parental care.
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these problems existed even before the war, but now many children lose their biological parents or end up in state institutions care because families are no longer able to provide the support they need for unecef this means. focusing on the most vulnerable families. thanks to the generosity of our partners, we try to reach all children. but sometimes we are forced to single out
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those who need our help in the first place. the most vulnerable group are children deprived of parental care, children with disabilities, children in frontline areas, children who do not have access. to basic services, such as education, health care, social protection etc. one of the main problems we are facing now is related to water supply and drainage. even before the war, ukraine mostly relied on old water supply and drainage infrastructure. this is now becoming an increasingly difficult task as children need access to safe drinking water and sanitation services.
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since march, the energy infrastructure and other life support facilities, which are so important for children, have been constantly bombarded, which makes children. even more vulnerable. we also we pay special attention to preparation for winter. regarding the educational process, it is worth noting that almost a million children study in a mixed format. and almost 900,000 more online only. in order for them to be able to return to full-time education, we must provide
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the necessary services and conditions in schools. in particular, shelters and school meals have been arranged, especially in the frontline areas. you mentioned education, and that's what i... i wanted to ask you about your cooperation with the ministry of education of ukraine in helping children who cannot attend school, could you elaborate on how you overcome this problem? in total, approximately 4 million school-aged children face barriers to access to education, and our main partner in government is... is the ministry of education and science, which we work closely with to address these issues. we also help
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coordinate the efforts of development partners and other stakeholders through educational and sectoral coordination mechanisms. in particular, we participate in several initiatives. first, we helped the government in the development programs to compensate for educational losses. in addition, we supported the development of a national strategy for inclusive education and curriculum reform at the political level. now the country is in the process of integration. to the eu. education is a priority area on the agenda of the european union, with an emphasis on
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early and preschool development. we strive to ensure that as many young children as possible have access to school education and receive the necessary support. we give support to schools, teachers and students, especially in the frontline areas. in particular, providing digital devices for online learning. unicef has given nearly 100,000 digital devices to frontline schools, allowing students to stay connected. education if they cannot study full-time. in addition, we help in the development of educational content.
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wherever possible, we try to help the government and the ministry to improve school infrastructure and all necessary services. in particular, we support the creation of a second metro school in kharkiv to provide children with an appropriate learning environment. no one does would like children to study underground, but i personally visited the first metro school, and we understand that this is our reality at the moment, so we must adapt and expand our support, in 2023 alone, we helped almost 1,300 thousand ukrainian children gain access to formal and informal education.
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including early learning. we have established 32 digital education centers to facilitate face-to-face learning and make up for educational losses. especially in the frontline areas. we also provide support for children aged three to five, providing opportunities. normal preschool education and we plan to expand these services. our initiatives are also aimed at social support of schoolchildren and teachers. we implement various programs to support adolescents and young people through non-formal education, providing them with skills for future employment and productivity in
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today's environment. and also for them to be able to join the recovery and make their contribution. you mentioned that children are the most vulnerable, and my next question is about them. in this troubling time... many children have lost their parents and, unfortunately, many of them end up in orphanages and special institutions. as far as i know, you have a special project to help such children, please tell us about it. this reform is not new for ukraine. even before the war, there were many initiatives that would...
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relate to the so-called reform of childhood protection, designed to provide each child with a favorable family environment for development and growth. now, with the support of the country's leadership, the first lady and the government, we are implementing the program "better care for of every child", which focuses on... providing adequate support for vulnerable children, especially those deprived of parental care. one of the components of this reform is to prevent family separation by identifying vulnerable families in difficult life circumstances. and
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providing. the necessary assistance, or either monetary or by providing access to services. in ukraine, a network of community resilience centers is also developing, and unicef also supports them in establishing services. in addition, we allocate in... or adoption, that is why on international family day, may 15, we together with the government, the office of the president, the coordination center for guardianship and care.


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