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tv   [untitled]    June 29, 2024 6:30am-7:01am EEST

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and this is a big danger, right? that is, the issue that they tried to remove from the agenda, that there could be another candidate in the democratic party, on the contrary became the agenda, because they started in the party, well, let's not publicly discuss there that it might be worth changing the candidate, this is also the result of these debates , it's a bad result, it's a bad result, and in the end, i just want to say about this maybe not obvious thing, you know, wouldn't we discuss for... no, biden's physical condition, not whether he can speak there for a long time and speak better, than trump, if only one thing had happened, if during the presidency of biden, ukraine would have taken its territories, repelled the russians and moved forward, but if ukraine had succeeded in the war, all these problems for biden would simply not exist, because he would look who fights successfully for democracy
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in the world, who are the bad guys who commit aggression, he really opposes them, and this is the result that this is not happening, that now the biden team has to talk about his physical health, this is the result of their actually political already mistakes, they made a big political mistake when they bet on the fact that the war should be long, protracted, they will gradually exhaust themselves. for some reason they forgot that by gradually exhausting russia, they are also exhausting ukraine, and that they are not a little disproportionate to the size of the country, and that if everything they gave us at least in the summer of 23, they provided in the summer of 22 year, today's problems of biden simply would not exist, well, that is, in fact, we are now seeing the result of his own political mistakes.
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thank you olga, bohdan, but these debates did not take place mandatory, because the mandatory debate will be in september, when there will already be official candidates for the presidency of the united states of america, and it is absolutely obvious that this is such a touchstone, probably the democratic teams, or whether biden will pass this official debate after that, because now, in principle, these debates, well , maybe they can measure the support for trump 63% against 37%, for... for biden, and why exactly did the americans have to do this debate and whether biden really can't lead like everyone else already they start talking about it there to whisper, but trump, too, in principle, as olga said, he is not as well -prepared a politician as biden, because trump is, well, such an adventurer, a political adventurer in principle, and he was adventurous during the first presidential term . pak and now remains, because
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it is not clear what to expect from him in general, well , first of all, i absolutely agree with you that this is 100%, rather it was an initiative of the headquarters of the democrats, well, look, the question is that, unfortunately, this is again, you mentioned this column today friedman, a very cool column, i also read it this morning, and he also writes such things there, which are also very interesting about what i, they say , also considered until the last type because of personal meetings with... biden, for example , he is absolutely fine, and everything is fine with him and there are no problems, but he says that over the past few months, i don't know what really happened, well, i don't know, maybe he has more health problems, i let me remind you that the american press is very fond of agreeing on what he really has progressive parkinson's disease, i don't know if it's true, but it often remains, i'll repeat it in the american press, that is , it's impossible to dismiss the fact that mr. biden's physical condition has deteriorated a little, the more so, you understand, in america it's is absorbed every day, believe me very hard. i'm not talking about how
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the russian brotherhood is helping them and so on, what i'm leading to, i think that these debates were necessary in a certain sense, but you very correctly said that the democrats themselves would look at biden and understand, and in general, it’s whether the story turns out or not, and i want to say that in fact , it’s clear now, they are now giving comments that no one there will change anyone and so on, but first, let’s wait for the next public opinion polls and see ratings after. debate, because, again, according to what is already being published, trump is recognized as the winner by 2/3, but in the grand scheme of things, it really didn't matter what they were going to talk about, because it was obvious that trump will have nothing talked a lot and it didn’t happen, he, i say, he had an answer like a down boy to everything like what you can say about there on january 6, 21, why did you give the command to storm there like white days , but at the time... when we stormed
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the white house there, we didn't have any problems at the border, just so you understand what this debate was, how trump introduced this conversation, how it all happened, and what i am leading to is, in fact, the main thing. mr. biden's intrigue and task at these debates was to prove that he is energetic, that he still can, that there are still times on the counters, and so on. unfortunately, i don't know, it depends on who likes who, but he could not prove it. that is, yes, it is clear that fact checkers have already found dozens of facts in trump's lies. yes, of course, biden was much more clear in terms of facts, but you are wonderful. you understand that this is still a story about emotions, it's not so important what you say, it's important how you say it, and here, unfortunately, mr. biden showed that everyone is like that these, unfortunately, fears about his physical condition, they all, well, let's say this, they, unfortunately, have ground under them, eh, and therefore i would not rule out, now of course, no one
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will remove anyone from the elections and so further, but i will remind you that the republicans, in fact , this convention where they will nominate their candidate, well... there will be trump finally, i think it will be in july, and the democrats, if my memory serves me correctly , something in the number, i think the ninth, or the ninth, it seems august 9, and i would not rule out that now they will be very, very actively studying, so to speak, these polls, they will be very actively studying the opinion of party sponsors, so i would not be 100% sure that joseph biden will be the candidate of the democratic party, of course, the decision must be made. he is, but again, thank you for reminding me, mr. serhiy, of this column, a very cool column, where mr. friedman wrote very clearly that he was very strongly advising mr. biden to step aside because he showed , that unfortunately, well, that's all, you have to go, and he's like
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very cool dude, and freeman has a very cool write-up about, like, right now , humanity is on the brink of massive changes, artificial intelligence and all that, and it's going to affect every person on earth, and that young john. v biden would be a very cool person to lead all these changes, but unfortunately, not the biden that was, these are not my words, thank you for reminding me, this was written by thomas friedman in the new york times today, you know he is one of the coolest, probably public american intellectuals, so i what can i say, just quote and agree with him, well, besides the fact that he is one of the coolest democrats, in fact, he really supports biden, that is, he is not a republican person, he is just the kind of democrat who would have vote for biden. let's be honest. well, let's wait for the official nomination of two candidates, let's see who will be in the real debate, which will take place in september 24th . i would like to remind you that the presidential elections of the united states of america will be held in november. the new owner of the white house should visit
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the residence on january 21, when the inauguration of the new president of the united states of america will take place on the 25th year. i remind you, friends, that we work live, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are watching us live right now, please subscribe to our pages, like this video, and also take our poll, today we ask you this, do you believe that trump is capable of ending the war in ukraine, for he spoke much of this ability and of the possibility of ending this war and including during the debate, so on youtube yes, no, or your own opinion, please write in the comments under the video, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you believe , that trump is able to... end the war in ukraine. 0800-211-381, no, 0800-211-382, all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. well, while the united states of america, both democrats and republicans
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define themselves, or will define themselves candidates for the presidency of the united states of america, a potential candidate for the presidency of ukraine was depicted, well, at least in an interview with ksenia sabchak, oleksiy arist'. declared that he will run for office in the next elections in ukraine, aristovych gave three interviews in the last week, and these interviews appeared in russian media and on and they were all given by good russian so-called ksenia sabchak, who is close to the putin family, ekaterina gordeeva, dmitry bykov. in an interview with the russian blogger bykov arestovych spoke in favor of freezing the war in ukraine along the current front line. let's listen to what aristovych said. council, freeze on the line. freeze advice on the current line of fire.
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transformation of the peace summit into negotiations on collective security and the holding of elections in ukraine. he has no chance in ukraine. that's it, the question is closed. it's very easy to do: it's the olympics. macron is pleading with the chinese for a ceasefire during the olympics. from july 15 and until august 10, one and a half months not to shoot. after that. start shooting again it will be very difficult, believe me, the majority in both russia and ukraine will be against the resumption of fire, and neither putin nor zelensky will be able to ignore this opinion. well, actually, today we are talking about aristovych, as a person who is being actively promoted by russian bloggers, and i already said that sabchak also interviewed oleksiy aristovych, what he said there, we will talk a little later, in... it is clear that russia in this situation is betting, well, on the conditional zelensky
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2:0, i don’t know, i call him anti-zelensky, but a person who will to run, as he says, for the presidency of ukraine, and it is clear that these interviews that they took during this week are not directed primarily at the russian audience, which , you see, there is a seemingly illegitimate president zelensky, but there is such a capable oleksii aristovych who is ready to freeze the war on the demarcation line and is generally ready to talk about something, they say there are adequate people in ukraine? well, you know, it's well, first of all, it's the same russian propagandists, you know, there is such an advanced detachment, such a shadow detachment russian propagandists, well, who is the oppositionist ksenia sobchak, well, who is putin’s godmother, or who is she, well , no... tell me about the other gardieva, who does she have or a husband or who is
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some kind of intelligence worker the russian community, that is, there are some quite strange connections, let's say directly , with this whole environment, in fact, well , this is one of the sides of attempts to somehow pressure ukraine in order to induce it to capitulate, and that's it. and i would say that aristovych does not play the role of zelensky here 2:0, and medvedchuk 2:0, because this is an attempt to find a candidate who would be pro-russian, but it did not work out with medvedchuk, because he simply caused disgust in ukraine, even in his own camp, the pro-russians did not vote for him, well were not ready to vote, because he is simply repulsive on a physical level, he is very antipathetic. here they found something new, they are promoting it, yes, they are pushing it, i wouldn't say that it was only aimed
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at an exclusively russian audience, these interviews are precisely aimed at that, well, let's say, you know, still the russian-speaking audience in ukraine. in russia, there is a tendency to exaggerate the size of this electorate and the size of this audience, they are constantly fooling themselves... er, they are simply fooling themselves by thinking that this is a huge part of the ukrainian population, and here again the banderivites seized power, that is , they evaluated the victory of zelenskyi so that in the end the pro-russian forces won, and then the benders somehow seized power, how they seized power after that, well, it’s a mystery, but that’s the way it is, they are preparing such a candidate again, they believe that these are finally pro-russian forces. win in ukraine, they will then simply hand over ukraine to russia, and yes, this is the kind of candidate
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they are preparing completely consciously, it is not necessary to assume that this is not happening, moreover, as i have already said, now to medvedchuk, who no longer shines as directly as a person who claims to be a gagulayter here, but rather as a more shadowy person, well, after all, he already has a russian passport, but he has now been given large budgets for the real thing. not work with ukraine, that's it directly to him again, and he is actively working, i do not even rule out that he works with the same arestuvych, maybe that is why the interviews appeared, that is, i do not know, for sure, but we can assume that there are some such connections yazki, so i think it's medvedchuk 2:0, with everyone around him now they will try to rally the eyes, you know, the underachievers from opzzh, from sharia, who completely burned out. of all these, in fact, such murky pro-russian forces will now rally around arestuyuch.
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bohdan, you are on your youtube channels, once again i will remind our viewers of the names of these channels, they are censor net and showbiziki, you can join these youtube channels by subscribing, marina danylyuk yarmalayeva and bohdan butkevich host these two channels. you actively and painstakingly analyze in general what arestovych does, what statements he makes. these three... big interviews, which appeared to him for the russian public and for the ukrainian pro-russian public, they testify that he has already won support, is he still... trying to sell himself to the russians, or already in a certain way, the russians saw this niche in which there could be arrests, is it clear that opzzh is prohibited, shari is prohibited, and there are 20% or 15%, all the same, of people who chose these political projects and voted for these projects,
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anyway, they are still somewhere in ukraine, well , i'll say it, i won't lie, i didn't watch this interview, because i've had this bastard for a long time, well, i don't know, to be honest, well, i just don't know how to explain to you viewers, look, there are people who voice and facial expression, i have a gag reflex, i don't know, but in my childhood i watched how my parents' generation was watching there, you know, all kinds of kashpirovskys there , you know, some alanov chumakovs, some of these marys of the virgin christ, i don't know , when i look at ristovich, i immediately see an effervescent. well, that is, this fiery voice, his disgusting manners, well, i don’t know, i have the impression that there is a real crook sitting in front of you, a crook, sorry for the russian word, there is no other way to say it, it’s a crook, and well, i just want to convey a large hello to all those ukrainian politicians who made it possible for this swindler to become what he became, to get the podium, especially , of course, a huge
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thank you to president zeryanskyi, but the truth is that aristovych repaid him , as a real swindler should, look, i'm being honest, i am very happy that russia wants to give money to aristovych, i will explain why, i will not tire of saying that the russians, thank god, do not respect us, they really still consider us one people, and that is very good, let them think so and further, why, because when they begin to think of someone as not one nation, they begin to study them very carefully, and i will tell you that they are quite good at getting into the heads of americans, british, germans, french, because they understand that they are other people , and type, you have to seriously fight against them. as for us, they still consider us to be the wrong version of russian, and therefore every time the russians try to impose something on us that they invented themselves, it turns out complete bullshit, as always, look at all the grant-narratives of russian propaganda for the past 10 years since the 14th year, that we have a civil war, not a war, that we do not have a country, that ukraine is not a real country, that
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there are no ukrainians, there were boo-boo, русский язык, nothing happened, but nothing happened, why, because they... really don’t bother studying ukrainians for real, but instead, friends, they are brilliant, they are brilliant in using our mistakes, that is, where they see a pain point, oh, from there they start pushing with all their strength and everything works out great for them right away, and look, as soon as our wonderful government gives a wonderful opportunity, active action, mobilization begins right away, there will be crimea in three days, two or three weeks, blah-blah-blah, everything is used quickly and beautifully. comes in, therefore, regarding aristovych, see if he has any audience, well, in a certain sense, of course there is, but it is already a specific non-ukrainian one, according to which i remember just the other day, another study of the rozmkov center came out, if i remember it does not betray, aristocrat, whether the level of rejection is 69 or anti-rating, it seems 70%, something like that, well, that is, almost 3/4
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of people, understand, this person is no one in ukraine anymore, not a single adequate... person will not accept him, can he have any supporters? they can, of course, just like any swindler, swindler, charlatan, well , there will always be some kind of ram or lamb, i don’t know how to correctly change the word ram to take, sheep, for sure, yes, who will like it, it’s blaney, but honestly, if they decided that they would return aristovych to ukrainian politics, well, thank god, honestly, i am much more afraid that in russia one day enough sense to bet... on a non-public pro-russian person, on a person who, on the contrary , will not publicly shout that she is russian, that she left ukraine and so on, no, but quietly find such a, you know, type of goat, and he will not shout that let's be friends with russia and so on, well , that is, what is actually always very, but russia has never been able to do soft power, if they are really going to invest, i will repeat varistovych, i am
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not sure, by the way, friends, that it is so, because look, well, you must not forget that everyone with all this... what she wants to hear, now he is just like the russian public, because he is pushing them a real crook, a televangelist, he is simply changing, you know, how to say the target audience that he is breeding for money, then he was breeding ukrainians , just a pity, alas, the government. gave him the opportunity to do it on behalf of the authorities, let's not forget, by the way, about this direct crime committed by zelenskyi and his entourage, who invited this creature to work a second time during a large-scale let me remind you, but now he works for the russian audience, i honestly saying, i don’t really believe that they are going to bet on aristovych, because well, well,
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who is aristovych, i’m sorry, it’s, no, it’s clear what you can tell me now, well , yes, the same could be said about zelenskyi , no, you can't, because zelenskyy is not ristovich, please excuse me, even when he was still there just in the role of a leader, or the most successful one in the territory of the former cis, so to speak. let's say so artistic such a showbiz artistic group, which was really very successful, it's not a question of which content was made, they were successful, so i didn’t even compare him with zelensky anyway, he’s just a crook, sorry, so it’s not that you shouldn’t underestimate him, but just look, you know, like me, the same thing, when there everyone grabs, that’s how mr. portnikov broke latin, mr. portnikov is handsome, well done, respected and attentive, but i’m yours... that every time a ukrainian public intellectual or anyone starts talking to these old people, i’m sorry, whores,
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we're already going to lose, it's one thing when ours are there artists, musicians go to cannes and prove there that there is a ukrainian vision, why talk about the topic with old whores, similarly aristovych, you see, every time we give him some additional value, this scumbag, on the contrary, is very happy and thinks that he very cool, he thinks, oh class and what... some fool will sign up, i 'll cut his money, honestly, the best way to fight against this shit is to just throw him out of the public space, well, we can't, you see, we still have ours you colleagues who can't live a day without including some racist shit on the air, every time i want to look these guest editors and editors in the eyes and ask, how much will you drag this shit on our air, you he will learn english finally, i don’t know... he will learn polish, czech, how much russian crap will you drag here, stop doing it, aristovich, it concerns first of all that this is not just russian crap, it is also a crook, just a crook ,
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but perceive it, you know, as a bazaar catal, and then everything will immediately fall into place, with the goals of this being, and what he is doing it for, where he is doing it, for whom, don't take him as a public persona, he is a crook, a crook, he just steals your money through your towns, and not immediately go into the pocket, so... thank you, bohdan, olya, here is this, i would say so, political swindler, well, yes, such a concept, a political swindler, we will use it as far as he has any opportunities at all, and how likely is it that he can even claim something that he declared there ksenia sabchak that i will run for president of ukraine. and whether he has any voters at all, or about this , listen to how he can technically do it , he has not lived in ukraine for 5 years in a row
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, actually, actually, well, that is, in order to run for office, you need to live in ukraine for 5 years in a row, he no longer lives for more than a year , this opportunity has already disappeared from him , even if elections are called tomorrow, well , what about me... what if he suddenly decides to come and live, well, we understand that he won't do it, because it threatens a lot of things , he's afraid, well, no, i think that's what it is, but then again, you have to understand a little here, but by the way, i completely agree with bohdan that russians simply always misjudge, but they don't misjudge, they underestimate and incorrectly evaluate, that 's why they are trying this bet... now i will draw the same thing, because aristovych , you know, they have absolutely such a wonderful plan, as they believe, that if they provoke elections in
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ukraine now, some people will come who will want to negotiate with russia, and then here they are they will finally be able to take over ukraine , you know, by soft power, because they will simply hand over everything to them, well, that's their real plan, don't think that there is any other plan, there isn't. has a different plan there, it is such that now someone will come who will first agree on the freezing of the war along this line, then admit that the territories that were captured by russia, let these territories of russia leave, after that, well, in principle , somehow it will happen again that under yanukovych, when all the structures here will be flooded with some russians, and then everything will somehow be all of them arrive, that is, this plan exists, it does not need to be said that it is not... why are they why for them, because the russians always choose a person who is public after all, they do not create anyone from scratch, they do not work like that , there is someone who is already you'. they
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choose from what is available, but now from what is available, they do not see any more pro-russian politicians who would be popular from their point of view, except for aristovych, it happened, all their people got burned here, well, it really happened, just it's called, we're already choosing the best from the worst, but they have one now choice, well, actually, i agree with bohdan, yes , it is very good that they are so wrong in their assessment, because it is absolutely. it won't play at all, it's an absolutely losing bet, thank you, thank you olya, the very end of our conversation, let's remember these scandals, the weeks of the presidential team, because mykola tyshchenko from the trip to dnipro received 24-hour house arrest as a result for attacking a former military officer from kraken, borzov, serhiy barzov, who headed the vinnytsia regional military-civilian, military
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administration. painted there in a drunken state state, there is this video, he ordered the tcc officials to issue summonses to young men with whom he had a dispute, a search warrant came to the former official of the dnipropetrovsk regional military administration, coordinator of large-scale construction, yury golyk, and the same search warrant came to kyryll tymoshenko, the former deputy head of the office president of ukraine. i... like all these stories, how do they influence whether and whether they influence how people perceive zelenskyi's team, because we have a monopoly, and monopoly, as i always repeat, involves mono-responsibility, is zelensky responsible for the fact that, as we see, these scandals, is there any electoral answer, will it be, bohdan, well, i will remind you that
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according to... again, everyone's latest polls, our people, well first of all, finally , support for zelenskyi itself is starting, soon it will be less than half, but on the other hand, it is not very good from the point of view that , sorry, we still have to have the legitimacy of the government, but less with the fact that look, people hate the environment, have long transferred direct responsibility for everything they do zelensky, on his entourage, on the fact that he does not know how to choose his entourage there, even his supporters, these are again not my words, you can open the research of kmis, razumkov, who else is there and what rating. published, it is a red thread everywhere, that is why everyone is here as if it were all slightly different stories, with tyshchenko it is a very revealing moment, after all, yermaka’s best man and it immediately went very hard on the media, but they could not help but react to it , look, all these stories, they are if, they are from different moments, they are not the fact that there is just some kind of trend, because with kiryusha tymoshenko - it's her there, it's a story about a case that stretches back to the 21st year of grand theft, tyshchenko - it's a more
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recent moment, it's as if it's just... you understand , everything starts to get tangled in a single ball, why? because, how to say correctly, you know, it accumulates, accumulates, accumulates, people, okay, people understand that under zelenskyi will be the legitimate president until the next elections, whenever they are held there, but that does not mean that zelenskyi has the right to a complete usurpation of power, not only that several people rule on his behalf, whom no one elected at all, not only that, each of them has a lot of issues of a corrupt nature, an emotional nature, just to top it all off. and so on, and people, well, society starts, some consciously want changes, and they start, and these, and these don't want any changes, they start messing around, and you know it, like a snowball computer, it will just really mess up these messes more and more, and the more volodymyr oleksandrovich will fight against the fact that the government should be somehow renewed, something should be done so that it is not resolved only between him and yermak, well , there will be more such situations, because it is impossible for two people to control the entire situation in the country,
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especially with the help of such absolutely... . talentless people, what are these five or six so-called active managers that he has, thank you, thank you, bogdan olyu, i think that they will have to show some kind of punishment now, because life for now, life shows that, in principle, when you have an otaku with some very, let's say, dubious power, yes, where there are a lot of such fcaps, well, you have to find the fault of the guilty, then you can hold it, well , for a long time on... actually, there are many examples of how it can do for a long enough time, but for this you need to really punish someone of your own, i think that they will be forced to do it, and that's all, just forced, whether it's buyatishchenko or someone else, uh, just from the other side, you know, well , it is not, no, it will not have such a large, expressive society, if it will be one, there is the figure of tyshchenko, them will have to do much more that...


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