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tv   [untitled]    June 29, 2024 9:30am-10:00am EEST

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changed faster and more successfully than in other countries, and where in fact ukraine is now an example. ugh. for example, last november i was at the rebuild ukraine conference in toronto, where a representative of the province of quebec was there. ugh. and he said yes, we just have, we have signed a partnership with the ukrainian ministry of digital, and i use the example of the actions of the developers, the actions of the teams in order to, so to speak, break through the blockage in the brains of my employees, he says, because we have a system so stable that people think how to go about digitalization, they think categories, how to make paper processes digital, he says: but what they did in action, they just instead thought about the essence of what we are trying to achieve here, and found a digital way to it, and not just recreated or sped up ugh, ugh. the former
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paper path of digital, so ukraine is capable of this, it is necessary to transfer this consciousness to this, say, fiscal and economic plane, recently heitmantsev said that there is no way out but to raise taxes, on the other hand, we know that the huge mass of working capital is in the shadow and with for a variety of reasons, including because if you... for example, you work in a business, you're a manager or an owner, sometimes it's easier for you to break the law and you're in a safer situation about what you said than when you try to follow the law and give all reporting, yes, because they will find something, all the same, it’s easier for us to work, for example, with cash, than with and so on, yes, well, here in april we published an investigation about the electronic system of tax
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checks, and she also consumes a lot of resources, it gives less than 1% of ukraine's budget revenues, 99% is paid voluntarily, but it primarily affects its law-abiding business, where you can find fault with some formal errors or signs in its declarations, so of course, here it is... it is necessary to organize everything so that working in the shadows was scarier and less profitable than working in white, and sometimes it is the other way around. what now with investments in ukraine? they, you know, in a strange way, it seems that last year there were about 6 billion dollars that came in, both financial and the business itself. at the level of, well, many
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years before the 19th ee year, uh, so to say that there is an interest in ukraine, and familiarization or awareness of the possibilities of ukraine is increased, it is, as they say, no bad publin world, so, uh, and i i think, after repetition by such people as chancellor scholz or others. that ukraine is a future member of the eu, means that it indicates to the players, in particular the european market, that they should look for some opportunities here, er, but, er, it is necessary, this actual confidence in tomorrow is not only security, they are already working here over insurance programs, reinsurance so that some safe other risks work with them, but precisely under the review of supremacy. so right, will my firm
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be my firm tomorrow, er, this is an important question, obviously, for any investor, er, in the segment, let's say, everything related to the national bank, i think these questions are no longer there, he has already proven over the last 8-9 years that he is a regulator, transparent, fair, understandable, so that people, if they think about ukrainian banks, insurance companies, that's all, it is... solid, in other segments, it is necessary to guarantee this legal certainty to people, i think that precisely, the signing of the law on the baby, in the version that was demanded by both business and international partners, is a positive signal, and of course, everyone will very carefully look at the competition for the leadership of this... now restarted
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organization, it will be there approximately as it was with nabu, that is, there will be a commission from which international experts will also be involved , and they will have the decisive word in the selection of the candidate, and hopefully that's all actually has to change, and babe will finally prove that it is an independent body. on the other hand, we have beb, we have nabu, there, we have, for example, the anti-corruption court, but it is always some kind of parallel structure to the already existing ones, why don't we reform the actual, well, what is, what is the main body, yes, i already expressed some, well, the prime minister. and for western ambassadors that after all , ukraine is the birthplace of the doctrine of creative destruction, the noise of peter in chernivtsi, and that it is true that everyone, both from the ukrainian side and in particular from the international side, wants to be with
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launching something new, shiny, bright, cutting the ribbon and so on, the question, i'm sorry, is this more plumbing or something else, or sapper, let's say that it is necessary to dismantle those structures that already existed and that created those problems in the past or in the present, no one really wants to take on this, and so it is true, ukraine is oversaturated with law enforcement structures, the country is actually not that rich, well, to have so many, for that it is necessary that, say, those people who were once involved in the economy in sbu, in the national police, in the ministry of internal affairs, everything that is not a baby, let's say, they should find some other occupation for themselves, or move on to other law enforcement topics, but really, and not just
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rename their department to something otherwise , continue to do the same, or as people who already have certain knowledge in the economic sphere , go to a private site. and to work, to find oneself in the new ukraine, otherwise we have a duplication of powers, budget drags and so on, and the actual lack of budget, here there is another such problem, this it is also related to the nature of the ukrainian state system that in ukraine all state bodies are separate legal entities, ugh, so you can't directly transfer either people or money from one to another. we don't have much time left, i wanted to go a little more global, yesterday we talked about constitution day, about how important the constitution is, about how difficult it was to adopt for almost six years, about like, that it was the result of a compromise, and things
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like, for example, the loss of crimea, then, well, for example, it is necessary to speak honestly about it now, but - this, this is not criticizing the people who put incredible efforts into this constitution, in the end. adopted in this form is far from the worst, the question is different, there are things that lay down this legal uncertainty regarding the branches of power from the very beginning, and now returning to the beginning of the conversation, when i quoted mykhailo vinnytskyi, well, if you think about it, there is a minister, there is his deputy, whom he trusts, the deputy minister, it is difficult for him to go to work, because there are some scoundrels who are to the essence of his subordinates, what is happening in general, gather them all and say, tomorrow do not come here to work, i will take another. x people, you are all incompetent and you are corrupt, i don't want to see you anymore, and i even bang my fist on the table, but he can't do that, because it's not quite a ministry, he's not quite a minister then, he doesn't have those powers, which should be, and the labor code of ukraine almost guarantees that with a suitable lawyer they will be reinstated in these
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positions, there have already been x times all kinds of changes in ukrainian ministries, the police and so on, and the bugs of many were later restored, they feel great, they can insult the minister to his face... and come to work in a much more expensive car and laugh at him, so here is the actual problem, i think that the law about the civil service, which was adopted, was modeled, i think, partly in canada, yes, but was modeled in countries of stable development, ukraine is constantly in stages of change, and it is necessary to have legislation. which allows for change, so for example i think structures like ministry of statistics, you just mentioned new structures, this is a positive new structure, uh, because it was unencumbered by these pre-existing relationships and could and could and does its work without toxically
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inhibiting itself, uh, really , here we need such a pragmatic approach, in general... in which, in some more stable future of ukraine, these issues of relations between the branches of government will need to be settled, because there really is duplication. and there in the constitution, and often what is criticized in ukraine, that this one drags it on himself, that one drags it on himself, if there wasn't this drag, it wouldn't be possible to do anything, so because someone has to take responsibility and someone has to see things through, well, there is a story, how democracy works, there is a parliament, there is a government, and it's better, probably, well, i don't think there's any better way, we almost don't know any examples when... well, yes, but
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it's necessary to, well, i think, i generally think that the government should be the government, the president should be the president, the parliament should be the parliament, yes, but it is better to define who exactly is responsible for what, and from whom to then ask, uh, and then give the authority of compliance to act accordingly, it would be obvious, it would contribute to a better solution. problems roman vashchuk was with us today. business ombudsman and, as he calls himself, plumber of ukrainian business. our viewer wrote about the fact that we still need to clean and not clean those pipes, but thank you to everyone who is engaged in plumbing in the country. yes, what are these words, mr. roman, to you. thank you for coming to our studio. thank you for the conversation, dear friends, this espresso tv channel, it's a marathon, saturday, today, and we're going to take a short break, come back, and continue talking about things at the front. stay with us. when you
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get closer to victory, together with the central security service, the sbu. join one of the best special forces in the country. we are expanding and hiring. we invite civilian specialists of various fields. experienced commanders will ensure your high-quality training and education. questionnaire and choose the direction where you can be most effective. we are waiting for you in the team of csooa, sbu. together. let's write a story of victory. details on the official pages of the sbu. dear friends, we we are back on the air, lesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk, let me remind you, we are working in this studio for you today throughout the day. i want to tell you, because iryna koval, our presenter, who is a volunteer and a charity fund, which actually conducts a collection for our
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military defenders of the hundredth brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, for whom we are collecting on maviky, just answered me. and i already know how much is on the private card, and there is uah 315,000, and together, dear friends, we have 1 million, my god, 427, if, no, 327, yes, 1,327, yes, little by little we are confidently approaching 1.5 million marks, i don't know if we will have time to reach 1.5 million as of tomorrow, 73 00 remains before we... already have 1,400, so join, please follow the reminders, monobank qr code here, card, the number is here, and later we will remind you, and the details of the private bank, in the meantime we will talk with igor romanenko, retired lieutenant general, military expert and founder of the charity fund we will close the sky of ukraine, we will talk about what is happening at
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the front, mr. igor, we welcome you, i congratulate you, some kind of stingy messages actually from front and... what is the state of affairs there now? tense, especially in certain directions, such as taretsk, well, on the baking of liman, chasov, taretsk and chasovyar on more, probably, in liman on the contrary, well, it was tense and still is, but ours was pushed back, counterattacks were carried out and the situation improved, and since it is further north , then maybe this will have a positive effect on the situation around taretsk, but at the same time in yary , the enemy is attacking the southern part of chaso yar, the kanal micro-district and is trying to enter the new micro-district from the flanks,
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applies means of destruction, activates the reserve. in other words, it is very difficult and intense that this type of action is taking place there, in others, let's say, the situation does not change significantly, it is positive from the side of luman, there are already yampelivka thorns, but in these directions we managed to conduct counterattacks and push back, as it were, the enemy's position. well, it fundamentally improves from what is happening, this is very important in providing ammunition, why? because the supply of ammunition, even taking into account those means that are immediately affects the situation, that is, if a month ago we had the ratio of our
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one artillery ammunition for 10 russian ones, we improved the situation one to five, then... now we manage to concentrate our support capabilities in certain directions and bring one to three, this is such a very significant result, thanks to the fact that the americans help, ee cherska the initiative is working, and the allies are those who have them as much as they can, they also help, this is very important, eh, in addition, in relation to the occupied territories, there is a struggle for air over... well, in general, over ukraine and over the temporarily occupied crimea, where in order to carry out further actions, to strike with means of destruction, it is necessary to destroy the enemy's anti-aircraft and anti-missile defenses. we remember that their complexes are older soviet s-300s,
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which they converted to tactical earth-to-earth, and now they are restoring the missing ones. of anti-aircraft missiles, that is, they restore how they were produced, as an anti-aircraft complex, but it does not destroy the atakamsa, the old missiles of the united states, the s-400, the modernization of the s-300 does not destroy the effective ones, either, our drones, except for the american attacks of the ams, our drones targets are difficult for them, because they have a small footprint, they do not see them at all. maybe it's too late, but one way or another , we saw attacks on objects, all over the territory of crimea, they couldn't do anything, in order to counteract this, they started a new complex. prometheus, but the name helps only to the extent that this very complex in the dzhankoya district, we remember that there is a hub for the concentration of many
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logistical things for the troops of the russian federation, so they are right there, if according to our intelligence data they put such a complex, so that the exams can be immediately demonstrated not in advertising, which has no analogues in the world, but the war checks all this. and they didn’t succeed, if they did, because they were struck, and not only the launchers, which i once again draw attention to, that in the anti-aircraft missile complex , the central components are the locator and the command post, and the launchers can be 5, 6, 10, one , there will be one, the complex will work, but if the command post or locator is knocked out, the complex will not work as a fire unit, and we succeeded if we hit it. crashes damaged either the locator or the command post, now it is being sorted out, and several launchers, if they are blown up by rockets, that is good, but the main thing is that it is modern,
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it was developed, it does not cope yet, this is the situation, you know, eh, i want to ask anyway, mr. general, i have a question for you, to which i know that there is no definitive answer, and since it is very important and worries everyone, i will still try to ask it to you, and yes, you know, last year, at the beginning of the year , sociologists asked ukrainians when the war would end , and more than half of ukrainians said that there will be war by the end of the year will end, now it has already started, it has not started, already in the middle of next year on the 24th, and now again this week they polled ukrainians on the opinion of when the war will end, now more than 60% say that it will end within a year, a maximum of two, and every fourth ukrainian ... believe that the war will end already this year, and this is fueled to a certain extent by the current diplomatic activity, president zelenskyi said that
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another peace summit will probably be organized this year, and it should end with some kind of peace agreement, and now we often hear this phrase that sooner or later any war ends with a peace agreement, but now i am reading a historian, a military expert, actually laurence freeman from the well-deserved. a professor of military studies at king's college london, who says that in reality, very few wars end in peace agreements, and in particular not in wars where the goals were opposite, the antagonism was very great and there were heavy casualties on both sides, very few wars of this modern day end peace agreements, from the falkland islands, for example, between argentina there and britain, to the iran-iraq war, the korean war, and so on, they ended differently. yes, look, in order to discuss this issue, it is also necessary to clearly distinguish what a war is, how it ends, and what
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a cessation of hostilities is. these are, as they say, two big differences in our odesa. why? because the legal war between russia, as the juridical body of the soviet union, will not end. still between japan and the russian federation, there is no corresponding treaty, the japanese do not agree to the capture of their islands and so on, that is, it is because of the war, it a very complex process, and i don't think it will end even next year, according to them, and a cessation of hostilities and an agreement, respectively, can take place, there are three options for action, that is , directly in 24, the first is pro-ukrainian, if the americans and allies change. .. a high-quality supply of military equipment, then we will be able to stabilize the situation by the end of the year, next year we will carry out actions, occupation actions, the second
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interim, the americans, therefore, pay more attention to their election processes, which means that the supply is as it is now, and therefore it is better that the situation does not change. on the front and in general, and the third option, which is worse for ukraine, it consists in the fact that, as an option , trump comes, stops aid, and our situation worsens significantly, and based on this option, what we will be able to implement, here is struggle, that is, depending on the resource that will come to ukraine, and then which of all the options should work will depend. how and when will the negotiations regarding the cessation of hostilities take place , well, maybe in the future from...
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about the war, but i have my doubts at the moment, because the parties have opposite views on the outcome of the war, that's right. air defense is critically important for us now, we may not have understood this completely last year, when we wanted abrams and all kinds of offensive things, but this year became sobering, when entire power plants were destroyed as a result of missile attacks, and this continues now israel will hand over to us... eight patriot installations, as if they had already agreed on what kind of installations they are, in what condition, and is this a lot? it is not enough, but it is true that we need to decide on the terms, what is an installation, passing installations, we have already talked with you, it is as if eight launchers and one locator command post, this is one battery, one fire unit, the question is about the old versions of the patriots, which are in israel, they are taking them out of combat
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readiness, because... they have developed their own and, therefore, they have some cheaper missiles, a cheaper complex, and it is this that they are taking into service, they could hand it over to us, but they hesitate and maybe the scheme will work, i think so, in the best case for us, then they are there will be given to the same americans, the americans and the free will decide what to do next, but anyway, the main thing is that they appear later. modernization, it is necessary to restore and deal with it now, it will take time, and it will take time to train the staff, it is a complex collective weapon that requires training and time, and we need the complexes yesterday, so we must fight intensively for implementation, including this at the present time, out of seven, if the decision to make five complexes of batteries of the patriot
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under the chair. i emphasize the batteries, that is, they they can introduce a fire unit, and these two are still getting somewhere, but we understand that seven is the minimum minimum, one kharkiv is needed for air anti-missile defense, at least two patriots, then what will cover the patriot and remove the defense altogether sv-16 and gripenov, by the way, they absolutely don't let the americans in - that means the swedes, and we remember that the swedes have two planes, which they supposedly provide us with regional observation, that's what we beat, well weaker than the russians, a50, we need them very much, because even if these two planes will work, as the poles have two, we will organize such a system of reconnaissance and control in the air, this will very significantly increase its effectiveness in the use of su, f16 even with
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missiles there, well, average at 120- 160 km, which most likely the americans will provide, and this is fundamental, it is without the safety of our pilots, but we have to ask questions, i would tell the americans, the russians, what is needed, what we can do and how they help in the fight against the cabals and how we prepare for the establishment f6, but not only gripes and mirages, the complex must be prepared now. mr. igor, thank you, igor romanenko, retired lieutenant general, military expert and founder of the charity fund close the sky of ukraine, dear friends, the alarm is spreading, the map of ukraine is turning red, there is a threat of a russian attack, so be careful, please come to the shelter and stay with espresso, if you can continue to watch our air in the shelter, we are working and will also go to our backup studio now, stay with us. i think i will
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i'm going, i'm going, i'm approaching the checkpoint, do you want to join the army, i say, i want, tomorrow, no, i say, the day after tomorrow, because i'm off, that's it, the military commissar came, okay, go through the commission, that's all, i say, okay, i will only pass i'll come and that's all, well, let's go and my journey through the zhytomyr military commissariat began, i already went there without a queue, without anything, but like that, they just sent us two times, back there, back there, the third time they took everything away, and so my service has begun.


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