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tv   [untitled]    June 29, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm EEST

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the administration began to say that a lot of people canceled their trips to crimea and even their tourist trips, these tourist operators began to say that people simply do not go to the senatorial camp there and so on. how does it all affect the tourist season in crimea, this year in particular, if you look at the latest attacks by the armed forces. this is simply a different reality: russians are in a different reality, there is no war for them, so they go to crimea, as if it is absolutely safe there. i want to note that there was no air of alarm, by the way, that is, people were on the beach without even knowing that there was a potential danger there. on the other hand, crimea today is such a source of tourism only for russians, and it is such an artificial tourism, because russia very much dates these tourist services, there are free tickets, there are discounted tickets of various kinds, that is, it is such an artificial reproduction of this function, i hope that after... crimea to the state
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borders of ukraine, when we develop the economy there and, in particular, recreation, then we will first of all have security the problem is how safe it will be to rest there. the second problem is the quality of services, well, by that time, most likely, ukraine will be exhausted by the war, and we will not be able to invest in quality tourist facilities and services. therefore, i am quite skeptical about this, as for me, crimea will remain for many years to come. well , such a tourist region for recreation is mainly crimean, and such a future tourist hub, then probably it will still remain in that region from the side of turkey and adjara, but probably not yet with ukraine, no for the first time, that is, if we are talking about tourism, now, of course, we do not advise anyone to rest in crimea, because it is a theater of hostilities, after the liberation, we will also probably have to wait until... it will be safe there, that
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's right, well plus, i understand that the people of ephesus, and the families of ephesus, or some representatives of the russian administrations there, who are under sanctions and simply cannot leave anywhere else, go on vacation, well , the occupiers recently declared that even there in ah the daughter of the mayor of magadan was injured there or something so, yes, the deputy of meramagadan, well, that is , the thesbians rest there and all these people who simply cannot... to other countries, in my opinion, not only the thesbians rest there, there are also a huge number of russians who are in their own reality, such people are in their own information bubble, there is no war in this bubble, and that is why crimea is such a soviet nostalgia, resort, vacation, our crimea, finally they can go there, although no one forbade them to go there until the 14th year, that is, even for 10 years they did not find out what was happening in fact, so much... this
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information curtain has been created in russia that people who, as far as i understand, live in the north of russia and are not very interested in what is happening in the european part, they imagine that everything is fine, there are no hostilities , rockets do not fly, and do not expect such an arrival, not only everything is fine, people buy real estate, crimea from siberia, for example, from the northern regions of russia, sell something there. they buy in crimea, they are sure that this is their home forever, that there will never be a change, and then they come and you know, lately this topic intensified, when the russian occupiers nationalize the homes of even ukrainian people's deputies, ukrainian singers recently nationalized their homes, and so on, for example, our singers sofi ratara and so on, and what does he say... the occupiers, they nationalize it all,
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put it up for auction, sell it, and so on, buy off the colonizer again, and so on, and they plan to send it all to the war against ukraine. this is how to evaluate this pseudo-nationalization of the russian occupiers, or does it have some legal meaning and so on, what are we going to do about it and can we draw parallels, for example, with 1944, when all the crimean tatars were deported, the nkbd came again. and then the children of the nkvd and in 2014 simply burned ukrainian passports and shouted crimea and russia forever. this is a deep question, because firstly, if we talk about the economic profit from such bracelets, it is minimal. against the background of the cost of war, to say that it somehow helps russia to fight against more effectively ukraine, probably not. this is an information drive. russia is trying. to show russians,
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crimeans and other russians that here we have dealt with a potential fifth colony of pro-ukrainian elements, and their real estate has gone to waste. ied yes, well, but really, to say that this somehow now affects the situation in crimea, does it affect our attitude, does it have any legal consequences? unfortunately, there is not. russia does not recognize a huge number of international judges. that is, and even, i gave such an example, russia is part of the signatory of numerous law enforcement conventions. but if she doesn't follow these conventions, she just doesn't follow them, without even explaining why she does so. well, i don't do it, because there is no compulsion. the world is largely built on contracts that do not provide for the enforcement of these contracts. and among the vast majority of civilized signatories of such agreements, there is not even an idea that it is possible to so
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impudently not fulfill something, without explaining your position, well, i don't want to, if you have already undertaken the obligations and your your your your parliament has ratified this agreement there, then... after hitler, no one imagined that a new hitler could appear, who could simply disobey all international norms and so on, absolutely, and this still surprises our partners in the european union and nato countries, they keep trying to present some kind of problem with russia, that it is necessary to submit to some international body, to try to find out something with her through legal authorities, but this is simply not happening, well, this week, please, can i... questions, and then you, just us, when they talked about international conventions, there are courts and so on, you know, i will remind our viewers that recently the european court of human rights recognized the obvious, and they finally, after 10 years, after ukraine submitted to the european
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court of human rights all the crimes of the russian occupiers , which they carried out there, yes, russia violated 11 articles out of 18 possible regarding human rights. and there is already a court decision, and russia will not comply with it, as i understand it, and then, is there any point in making such decisions and so on, what does it mean for us then? for us, this means our movement in system of international law, we, as a state, part of the world community, which fulfills international obligations, supports this general movement towards legal issues regarding our problems and regarding the russian federation, but... there is again no mechanism of coercion to compel russia to fulfill any international agreements. well, by the way, the second world war is really a very good example, when, well, what treaties did hitler's germany fulfill, or which ones were observed, and none, and as a result, this is
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a new page in the history of europe. with russia the situation is more complicated, because today i do not see even in the ideas of any kind of victory for us and... our allies, relatively speaking, a parade in moscow, and a change in the political system in russia. we do not set this as a goal, which means, unfortunately, that russia will continue to be in a state of hostility towards ukraine. and that is why, in my speech at the recent expert network forum, i emphasized that we need to think about the formation of such a frontier economy. unfortunately, modern russia leaves us no chance but to be ready for the future. some unfriendly actions, i actually also wanted to mention the ispl, but in addition, the latest news, which yesterday or the day before yesterday, was just spread by the media, which was announced at the forum of the expert network of the crimean platform, but you did not say it, about
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the situation around hersenes, you must have heard, and some people interpreted that hersenez was destroyed in general, well, it didn't quite sound like that, damage was caused and damage was caused by the large construction near hersenez, which we will see when we liberate crimea, whether the museum will still remain, what we will do with these illegal buildings, because illegal the building called the kerch bridge will of course be destroyed, but all these buildings that the occupiers will build and have already built during these 10 years, what will happen to them... what will happen to the people who work there, what will happen to the people, who live there, residential buildings have already been built, how will we act in relation to the russians who came to crimea, and in relation to all these infrastructural changes? this is really a very thorough question, because according to
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various estimates, from 50 to more than 1 million russians entered crimea, these are people who had no the right to cross the borders of ukraine. and stay in crimea, settle, occupy real estate and so on. of course, the crimea was filled with real estate, and the taurid track, and other objects. and in the future, of course. that ukraine will not destroy them, well, i can't imagine that our government makes a decision to blow up such a number of residential buildings there, i think that we have someone to place in crimea, in these buildings, we have a lot of people who passed war and are still fighting and protecting our present, and that's why i think that this real estate should be distributed through some state programs, some of it will be confiscated and or distributed, as for these people, the situation there is not obvious, because some of them, well, 100% have to leave the territory
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of ukraine, ugh, but there are people who came there as teenagers, who became adults, who created their own families, when, relatively speaking, part of the family has a passport of a citizen of ukraine, part does not have this passport, they may already have their own children during this time, so this question is not there is a mechanistic one, that is... there it is necessary form a certain policy, how to treat these people, how to deport them, or encourage them to return to the territory of the russian federation. the only thing we have to understand is that if we leave this million, relatively speaking, new crimeans in crimea, we will never see either a ukrainian or a crimean-tatar crimea. and the recipe that was used by the baltic countries with gray passports, whether it works or not, what does the experience of these countries show? in fact, this experience cannot be used mechanistically, because despite the fact that even in
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in such a small country as latvia, almost half of the population was so-called russian-speaking, that is, not the native population, some of these people, after integration into the european union, became absolutely loyal citizens of these states, learned the appropriate language, received citizenship and are working today, but it is huge. .. a number of people for various reasons, including some, you know, such soviet principles, they remain people with limited rights, and today this is also a certain challenge, a certain problem for these small countries, well, that is, they are not they can go to the elections there, elect someone there and even go to public positions, but they live like this, but they live there, uh, but they live there, and this, by the way, was a requirement of the european union, that is, that there should be no forced deportation of these people, they ... a certain part of these people do not have passports of the countries in which they live, but they
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are there and form a certain political environment, emotional environment, and well, that is, in fact, these are people who, if they do not adapt to the state politics, before the state formation of this state, where they are, they automatically become the so -called fifth column, that is, they are a certain danger for the future of this state. however, it is still an element of instability, even if, even if people are part of society, but have not changed their views, we know the story with latvia, that the mep from latvia, tetiana zhdanok, as it turned out, was an fsb agent, she was elected by these very russian-speaking, that is, she represented their interests in the european parliament, given that ukraine is going to become part of the european union, and from us too will be mps, people who are not loyal to ukraine, but live on its territory,
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again, can delegate someone to the european parliament and actually influence the entire european policy in general, this is such a trojan horse, which in fact is introduced into the body of ukraine, i.e. this the problem is deeper than it seems, it seems to me, and you also have a solution, it is definitely deeper, well , today we discussed at the level of the expert network of the crimean platform. that crimea after deoccupation should be deprived of the right to elect its own people for five, or better, for 10 years representatives to electoral authorities, i.e. to the ukrainian parliament or to local elections, there is such historical experience, for example, from hitler's night and yes, yes and then the political situation, political struggle and, in particular , deputies to the european parliament, if we at that time we will already be part of the european union, but this problem remains. then the military-civilian administration, well, then
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we will move on to traditional forms of governance, there should be cultural and educational programs that bring the ukrainian context into information environment, and as far as i understand, administrative reform must take place, because despite the fact that the heads of military administrations will be in charge, it is still necessary to build a decentralized system of self-sufficiency. the one that operates in the free territories of ukraine, and do you understand the final design, that is, sevastopol, akyar will be part of... a separate administrative unit will be part of the crimean peninsula, there are various scenarios that are being discussed, it will definitely be part of the crimea peninsula, i would very much like it, firstly , to be an anchor, not sevastopol, secondly, we need a political decision and a constitutional decision, in my opinion, to deprive sevastopol of its special status as an anchor, that is, it should
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be so the city itself, like all cities in ukraine. moreover, taking into account a certain flight... not a component, which we see today in sevastopol akyar, his status must be definitely not special, absolutely ordinary. how it will look in the future construction is a question that can be discussed. from the fact that it will be a city in within the borders of the bakchosarai district of crimea, can there be one of the cities, like yalta, with a part of its own united territorial community. but this issue today, of course, is not resolved. it is being discussed, it is a problem for communication, experts, and government officials, but under any conditions, we need to see a new governmental construction of crimea today. today there is a decision regarding the formation of united territorial communities instead of those districts that exist in crimea today. it will be a completely different scheme of administrative management, and we will to focus on it, but it will still
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work fully only after elections can be held in crimea. well, just now you talked about akyar and the so-called sevastopol, and i am wondering whether we will see a change in the toponymy of crimea in the near future, is there any progress in this regard, there is progress, in particular, the crimean tatar resource center has done a lot for in order for these developments to be public, it is possible to see all new names, new old names, let's say, returned names, and toponyms of crimea, but this... we have to do a lot of work with the deputy corps so that the renaming takes place at the level of our parliament, and it is not an easy process, well, plus, such a decision is during wartime, during wartime there are restrictions on this matter, because we have there are still two oblasts in mainland ukraine that should have been renamed a long time ago, i mean dnipropetrovsk and kirovohrad oblasts,
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which in fact are already syacheslavsk and the constitutional court recognized that such a renaming could be, syacheslavsk oblast. and the kropyvnytskyi region, and despite what is going on war, these regions are still called that in our country, they remain so, it's just that we must be ready even before the deoccupation of crimea, and even when we enter crimea, so that we already have all the preparations, that all bills, everything everything was ready, the only question is to accept and implement it in crimea, there are two more important issues, well, i will raise one issue : infrastructure. so that we are ready for the liberation of crimea, we are liberating crimea, it is clear that the energy bridge that russia built and, together with the kerch bridge, will be destroyed, and it is clear that the supply of water to crimea is already a problem, due to the fact that russia blew up the kokhov hpp, what will we do,
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where will we supply power to crimea, where will we get water, do we know. are we going to restore chukhovsky and will we be able, excuse me, i will add, to restore this northern crimean canal, first of all, we will not be able to restore it, and there is no sense in it today, it is standing dry, and in many years, when the fate of kokhovsky will be decided reservoirs, i am, in particular, a big critic of restoration kokhov reservoir, we have an absolutely unique ecosystem there today, which needs to develop, there and solve the water supply problems of that part of ukraine, we have to look for other engineering solutions, i think we will find them, as for the canal to crimea, this is again a very controversial issue , because , well, first of all, you can build a closed channel, not an open one, because, well, from an open channel , evaporation was 50%, or even more, that is, in fact, we evaporated this water
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absolutely needlessly, changed the climate, yes slowly, yes, well... if you remember what this north crimean canal looked like, it is a swampy area around it for several meters, and it was generally such a structure that needed serious repair and renewal even before the annexation, but climate changes, the lack of water for the northern crimean canal and the increase in the number of the population, that is, in the crimea , water consumers have become from 2 million to 3 million, that is, this is a huge number of added water consumers, at the same time, let's pay attention to the fact that none. in crimea, everything remains in such a rather complicated state. we studied the water communication systems of the crimea for the 13th year, for example, when there were still... ukrainian objective statistics, there the level of wear and tear of funds in relation to water supply and drainage reached 80% in certain administrative units, that is
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, nothing has gotten better since then most likely. and the second problem is that today the authorities in crimea, the russian authorities, raise underground water from underground horizons and run it into communal water supply systems. this is an uncontrolled flow of such underground water. first, it is factual dehydration of these horizons, it changes its quality, it becomes very salty, it needs additional refinement in order to make it safe for consumption, well, the main thing is that now this water will not be there, and when we return crimea, we will see this water crisis all aspects, as they say, and that situation, which will be very difficult for ukraine, as far as energy is concerned, this is a difficult issue, so... today we do not have enough power, and this deficit is very glaring for ukraine. if, conditionally speaking, crimea were to be annexed to ukraine tomorrow, we would physically have it
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there is no way to ensure energy supply to crimea today. of course, it is obvious that russia will not supply anything there. that is, electricity, water, and gas supply, these will be challenges for which we must prepare. we are experts at our meetings. the networks talked a lot about this, what are the mechanisms, to involve our partners in the black sea basin, to create a system of additional local generation so that people do not end up in a disaster, well, imagine the situation there one happy day for ukraine, the last russian soldier is left crimea, after that, the russians turn off all the generators of the entire energy supply and the entire situation, the crimea stops in a state of disaster, and we have to have from. we will now install some kind of local power supply system, we have a solution to the problems of water supply and drainage, and we have to provide the basic needs of the crimeans so that
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life remains there, despite the fact that we do not yet know under which scenario the deoccupation will be implemented, and at the same time we have problems , we have problems, it is possible to have the experience of solving these problems, what are we now we worry when mobile power plants are created, and when autonomous... some kind of energy source is created, it could be used after the liberation of crimea in order to provide crimeans with electricity. so. the power of the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant will not be enough, or we cannot predict what will become of it at all? we have a couple of minutes. as nuclear energy experts say, including olga kosharna. today, the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant is not in such a condition that it can be put into operation technically impossible it is a long way for the plant in a safe state to be included in any power grid, it has been in the state of so-called cooling or cold
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idle for too long, and therefore we cannot count on the power of the zaporizhzhia nuclear plant, even after we fully restore our control over this object. thank you very much, mr. evgeny, for coming to our studio. khlobistov, professor of the kyivoglyansk academy. was in the studio of the beraber program on the atr tv channel and on the espresso tv channel, this a joint project, and we, the presenters andrii yanitskyi and gulsum khalilova, conducted this program together, see you in a week. do you suffer from heartburn? i recommend izoto. isota interacts with the acid in the stomach, which leads to a reduction in heartburn symptoms. izota, your water if heartburn bothers you. there are
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now, light, powerful and reliable. only from 799 hryvnias. the offer is limited. call we summarize the results of the informative saturday morning. the news service has prepared the most important events in the studio of kateryna shiropoyas. another ten ukrainians managed to return to their homeland from russian captivity, that's all president volodymyr zelenskyi said. these are civilians whom the enemy kept in prisons for years.


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