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tv   [untitled]    June 29, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EEST

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suspension guys, atv is a way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, an atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from scratch. we call on everyone to donate to the collection from zero to life for atvs for the 93rd brigade of the cold ravine in the direction of chasiv y. the news team is ready to talk about the main thing for this hour. annaeva melnyk is with you. greetings to all viewers. the number of victims in the village of nadniprianske in the kherson region has increased to three. a woman who was injured as a result of a morning accident went to the hospital on her own shelling three people also died in odradokamyanka. new. oleksandrivtsi and
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novokairah. the occupiers searched the settlements with artillery and drones. damaged houses, rescue vehicles and farm buildings. near the highway , muscovites destroyed 10 hectares of grain as a result of the shelling map. 12 hectares burned near mykilskyi - the national police informed. a total of 13 fires were eliminated during the day by the rescuers of the kherson region from the impact of enemy ammunition. five residential buildings and 10 auxiliary buildings burned. also emergency workers extinguished the fire in the open area. the fire spread to three wheat fields with an area of ​​34 hectares. a 70-year-old woman was wounded by russian shelling in the village of kupyansk-vuzlovi in ​​kharkiv oblast. she is in the hospital, the enemy hit the local cemetery with cluster munitions. the dispensary, post office, and cultural center were damaged.
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educational institution and residential buildings, said the head of the regional military administration oleg sinyohobov. the moskavits and the village of odnorobivka were covered in artillery fire. the projectiles hit the administrative building agricultural enterprise and to the store. fortunately there were no victims. in dnipro, the person who died as a result of a missile attack was identified. she is a 76-year-old resident of the destroyed building, the national police reported. her body was found the night before, and dna samples were taken from relatives of the missing. in total, the number of victims has increased to 13, including a seven-month-old, an infant and a pregnant woman. three more are in serious condition, two women are considered missing. the day before, russia aimed a missile at a high-rise building in the city. destroyed four upper floors of the building. rescuers had to get people out from under the rubble and from blocked apartments.
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an enemy drone was landed in the dnipro region, according to the head of the dnipropetrovsk regional military administration, serhii lysak , the muscovites' drone was worked out by the defense forces of the east military command. you can take revenge on the russians for terror with a donut. espresso tv channel invites you to join the project from scratch to life. this is a collection of atvs for the rapid evacuation of the wounded and the delivery of ammunition. hold on donated by soldiers of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade kholodny yar. they choose victory every day, they do not leave the wounded and dead on the battlefield. so, atvs are indispensable helpers for evacuation. and they also allow you to move as quickly as possible without tracks, which helps efficient work. your support significantly increases the chances of the citizens of kholodnoyariv not only to successfully perform combat missions, but also to return from them alive. join the collection, our goal is 4 million hryvnias. up to 12 hours without light - this is
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the basic scenario - said the general director of yasno serhiy kovalenko. he added that real forecasts can be made at the end of august, since the deficit must be forecast. to do this , they will determine what consumption and generation will be. in winter, consumption in the country is the highest, my basic forecast is energy. the system will have a deficit of 30-35%. what does this mean for consumers? if the critical infrastructure is recovered and only then the leftovers are distributed, the deficit for people will be 50%, i.e. the basic forecast is 12 hours without light. it can be worse if not restored destroyed facilities and will not agree on imports, it may be better if they restore everything planned and the temperature is still favorable.
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a 24-year-old man who drowned in the ros river in the kyiv region was found. he rested on the beach in the village of bilotse. the rescuers of the kyiv district searched for the new moon for two hours with the help of a rubber boat and a bag. in the evening , the body was pulled to the shore - the regional emergency department was informed. there, they once again warn people to be careful when relaxing on water bodies. she received her deceased mother's pension for two years. in the kharkiv region, a 54-year-old woman was exposed, who in 2022 buried her 81-year-old mother and received a certificate of... her death, but did not inform the pension fund about it, so she was charged payments. in almost two years , the fraudster received about 80,000 hryvnias, the regional police said.
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a freight train derailed in russia. it happened near the city of ortsk, according to the local ministry of emergency situations. six wagons with cement from. were walking, three of them fell over, the consequences of the accident are still being eliminated, the causes are being established. troubled morning in occupied crimea, at least three people were injured due to the failure of russian air defense and falling debris in sevastopol. according to the occupation authorities, the explosions damaged private houses and fences on several streets in balaclava. in particular, debris fell in the coastal zone and in the balaklava district. the grass near the yalta ring also grew. the occupiers traditionally blocked traffic on the kerch bridge. the first round of extraordinary elections has ended in iran the president according to the election commission , the deputy of the islamic consultative
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council masoud pezeshkiangu is in the lead. he has over 42% of the vote. the ex-head of the supreme national security council of iran is catching up with him. from jalili with 38%. they are the ones who will fight for the position of president in the second round scheduled for july 5. the total voter turnout is about 40%. let me remind you that on may 20, as a result of a plane crash, the president of iran, ibrahim raisi, died. that is why today the state is electing a leader. a student of the school of law of the ukrainian catholic university received a scholarship name of the hero tara. the money completely covers a year of study at the institution, they established a scholarship in uka on the initiative of the family of the fallen hero and with the support of the poroshenko charitable foundation, they hand it over to students who study in an exemplary manner and profess patriotic
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values. well, the only thing is that we and taras' parents had the same list, and we will not exchange it. opinions, because in principle there was a position of independent choice, and then from a large number of candidates through several rounds, independent, you do not think that we have already chosen immediately and so it all somehow happened behind the scenes under with a blanket, these were open tours, that's all, and then we applied the parents' decision and ours, and from this decision we can see that... this is ours, now our yulia, probably just studied well, i have excellent results with of my studies, in the first year i was the first in the ranking in my program, so in general somehow, probably a lot of effort, a lot of effort
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in order to learn the best things that will help ukraine in the future. a woman's view of the war, premiered in the cinema in october. from short films tapes shot by the participants of the her perspective project. the latter is designed to unite women from local communities and internally displaced persons, and their films show the problems girls face during war. in total , more than 80 women aged 18 to 35 from five regions of ukraine participated in the creation of films. actually making a video, i call that a secondary outcome. and because the most important thing is the process, the process of finding a problem, the process of filming, the process of writing a script and how people interact in this process, how they decide conflicts, how they distribute roles, and thanks to this process they build a network
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around themselves, we as a team discussed, understood that it would be important for someone to ask how they feel, for example, someone does not understand how to ask these questions correctly? the other side felt indifference, like, she regarded it as indifference, and the main goal was not to create a method of how to properly speak on sensitive topics, but to create a video with specific life... experiences, where women tell how to specifically speak on their , about their life circumstances crimean tatar language appeared in google translate, it was added to the translation list. this will allow millions of people around the world to learn and use the crimean tatar language, as well as make the culture of the indigenous people of ukraine more accessible, the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine said. it is also an important step to preserve the language that russia has been trying to destroy for decades. that's all i have, i'll see you
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at 3 p.m., then my wonderful colleagues lesya vakulyuk and andriy saichuk will continue ether espresso, stay with us. dear friends, we are back on the air, lesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk. in this studio today , we work for you throughout the day, and we have a huge list of guests and topics for you. to begin with, i want to quickly remind you about our collection. you collected 1,900 this morning, and we are already approaching 1,400,000, well, if we collect another 67,000, that's how it will be. on your screens now. all the necessary requisites monobank on the right, if we face the screen on the left is a private bank, card numbers under it are collected for the 100th brigade of the armed forces of ukraine
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for art intelligence, we take them to maviky, this is you you can also see them on your screens, these 13 mavics will help you see russian positions, and then they will fly to those positions and negate the muscovites, so join in, there is only a little left to 1,400, and we need a total of 2.5 million, but already how the hell... you see, we have crossed the middle, the equator, and all this is thanks to you, all this is thanks to your support, despite the fact that not only this collection is being collected, but this week you are still showing good results, i believe in you and i believe that you will help our boys, we will sometimes we will talk about what is happening at the front, dmytro snigerev, military expert, co-leader of the public initiative the right cause joins us, mr. dmytro, we congratulate you, congratulations, the news is breaking that the armed forces of belarus declare
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tension on the border and readiness defend against ukraine, what would this statement of the belarusians mean? well, let's talk about the fact that this, not even a belarusian statement, is an attempt by the russian federation to raise rates on this section of the ukrainian-belarusian border, its length. russians are wonderful understand that the attempts to stretch the efforts of the general staff of the armed forces, at the time of the redeployment of operational reserves to the kharkiv or sumy direction, did not actually give the desired results, namely the possibility of improving tactical success in the donetsk direction, therefore, most likely, it is said that the russians decided to go for escalation and in belarusian. the goal of the direction is to stretch the operational reserves of the general staff of the armed forces
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of ukraine. once again, i emphasize the length of the ukrainian-belarusian border of about 100 km. accordingly, if such statements are heard, then the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine, in order to prevent the scenario of february 22, will be forced to react, and to react, first of all, by redeploying operational reserves to cover probable areas of a state breakthrough. border, or in this case, will the front fall somewhere in other areas? will not be scattered, but let's talk about the fact that this is a clear evidence that the russians are using the so-called thousand cuts tactics, that is, simultaneous strikes in several directions in order to stretch the front line. i already have the previous ones said, the attempts of the russians to implement similar tactics in the kharkiv and sumy directions did not yield the desired results. they expected that the front would really crumble, and in the donetsk direction, but as we can see, apart from tactical
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successes in certain sections of the front, and this is primarily pokrovsky, there are no, well, let's say the successes they were counting on, namely access to the administrative borders donetsk region, this week's scandal with the dismissal of general yury sodel, the commander of... forces of the armed forces of ukraine, which we can do the conclusion of what is happening in the army, whether these accusations really could have taken place, let's say, they do. it is about an attack on syrsky through sodal, respectively. sodal is a person close to syrsky. moreover, if we see in the so-called bezugli's list, there are also several names of ukrainian generals. therefore, if earlier the version was thrown at us that
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it was a personal conflict along the lines of bezugla zulzhny, bezugla syrian, then now. we see a completely different situation. syrian apolitical person. if zaluzhnya was accused about the fact that he is a politician, and accordingly, he can, let's say, compete with the current president, then, well, what are the claims against syrskyi. especially to his immediate environment. those accusations against sodol raise, at least, questions. you know when i read. the so-called controlled leak of information, namely the reports of the american media, by the way, colleagues, where to start, and how the washington post got access to the internal documents of the state bureau of investigation, why the service the ministry of security of ukraine did not initiate criminal proceedings regarding the leak of information, this is information of an official nature, and we are talking
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about an investigation into high-ranking officials of the ukrainian army, and our sbi turns out to be passable. yard, where american journalists can get ultra-sensitive information, this is the first question, will the security service respond to a similar nature of the controlled leak of information or not, if not, then we are talking about a political order, secondly, sirsky is reproached, and sirsky too, by the way, throw away what they ordered to advance due to a certain lack of artillery shells, so dear society, we have been reporting in your broadcasts for three years that the fire damage ratio of the occupiers is 1:7, that is, if the occupiers have the opportunity, even as of july 24 , to issue from 12 to 15 thousand shells, and the armed forces responded with 2 thousand, it was a surprise, respectively, for the commanders of the lower ranks, if only literally at
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the moment of the controlled leakage of information about sodal, to his accusations , information was heard that the salute had begun to work initiative, the coefficient of fire impression decreased from one to three, so what are the claims against sodol. second, there are complaints about the unpreparedness of mariupol. i have a similar question: why isn't mariupol ready? it is said that on june 23 , 2021, i had to give operational information about the plans of the russian command in general, and there was talk about the plans of the russian command, i emphasize once again, as of june 21, it was known about the capture of berdyansk and mariupol, you without can find it yourself in the open sources, and i have a question for both bezugza and the correspondingly higher political leadership,
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and why the information was ignored six months before the start of a large-scale invasion. warned about the possible scenario of the development of events, and so that you understand that this is not a coincidence, you know, the fantasies of the right-wing cause, a similar situation, we were forced to give us general information about the plans of the russian command, at the time of crossing the river, at the time of the capture of ukrainian lysichansk, the intelligence group of the right case monitored the movement of the pontoons for... means and accordingly even the place of a possible pontoon crossing was indicated. the information is ignored, three days pass, the russians cross the river and literally in two days capture lyschansk, which we could have held for months. in the same way, i will also prepare a counter statement to mrs. bezuglo and , accordingly, to the representatives of the special services regarding the ignoring of the released information, and
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once again i emphasize that it was in the public domain and was handed over to the representatives of the national security and defense committee, which led to losses of ukrainian territories, the city of lysychansk, i emphasize once again, this is a large industrial city, it is actually the same mariupol, in fact it was handed over without failure, so they are throwing sodol, er, this question is so important, they are throwing, probably, including that it seems that this is a general who... neglected the victims and allowed himself, let's comment on that, we are talking about an operation in the krynka area, but the company and very respectful view. audience, it was a political decision, not a military one, just like the corresponding bakhmut fortress, it is exclusively a political decision, the ukrainian generals,
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respectively, both syrian and zaluzhny insisted that ukrainian troops be withdrawn from bakhmut, instead, even our western partners said that it is worth concentrating on the moment of the counteroffensive, operational reserves should... be involved on the zaporizhzhia direction, on the other hand, all operational reserves were actually destroyed during the bahmud operation, so this is a political decision, i emphasize the decision once again, it is said that the army became a hostage of political decisions, now sodol is accused of what turns out to be the operation in the krynka area led to numerous victims, and no one knew before that that the width of the dnipro in this city is extremely wide, more than a kilometer, which... makes it possible to carry out logistics, transport bc, take out the wounded, carry out personnel rotation , they did not know this, sodali, what is the side of the political decision, well, the main thing is that
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even sodal's stand, it does not solve the issue of krymutno, and look, colleagues, sorry, i'm already finishing, they accuse sodal of the fact that they even destroyed a ukrainian armored group in the number of n yati bmp, then the degree of idiocy for... scales commander osuv khortytsia, it turns out that he has to be responsible for decisions at the company level, well, at the most, at the joint company level, that is, people do not understand this, i'm sorry, what does sodol have to do with decision-making at the level of the battalion, the company and the company , but they are walking all over the internet, so look at what sodal has brought here. it was he who sent five bmps, in fact, for me, the only thing i can say, mr. dmitry, is that i personally see a serious crisis of confidence in principle, and this is one of
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the manifestations, one of the reasons, you know, in what the main point is the crisis of confidence, this whole situation undermines confidence in the decisions of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. explain to me who will be from the lower level of commanders to carry out orders, if he watches and understands sodol. they will remove it, they will not remove it, and if i carry out sodal's order, then i will go to the tribunal or not, and vice versa, if i do not carry out a criminal order, for example, in advance, what will happen to me, too, yes, yes, absolutely, this this is what we are talking about, and all these so-called leaders of public opinion, so sorry, they have to deal with them security service of ukraine, who are undermining the morale of the ukrainian army at a time of distrust in the actions of the higher... to the leadership of the defense forces of ukraine, while we are playing with public opinion leaders who , bitch, have never been to the front, but who
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position themselves as volunteers , who decided that they would rather be in the rear, they decided, we understand your emotions, but we cannot allow obscene words, children can watch us, thank you, this is a completely literary statement. i'm a decent person, sorry for this moment, it's direct ether, thank you very much zamutro sengerov, a military expert, co-leader of the public initiative on law, was with us, sources of ukrainian truth in law enforcement agencies say that the sbi will conduct, verify the actions of lieutenant general yuriy sodul, who was suspended, in fact, they will verify that how he commanded the defense of the kharkiv direction, dear, dear friends, we are going to take a short break now, then we will continue, we will... talk about how we will live without electricity, what awaits us in the winter, we will talk about it with ivan plachkom, minister of fuel and energy of ukraine in 1999 and 2005 and 2006,
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always be light in your house, the light bulb is smart. light for only uah 149, works even without electricity, the offer is limited, call, there are discounts , unbreakable discounts on citramon tablets, gift card, 10% in pharmacies for travelers and savings. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes that... take place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday political club, every saturday on espresso. the verkhovna rada regularly passes new laws, but how do these changes affect
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our lives. we have analyzed new resolutions to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation, how legislative norms change our lives, what to prepare for? on these and other questions, which worry ukrainians, the leading lawyers of the aktum bar association will answer. watch every tuesday at 7:55 in the legal expertise program on the espresso tv channel. verdict with serhii rudenko from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, with tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. dear
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friends, we are back on the air, we are continuing our marathon, we will now talk about our prospects with electricity for the winter, i want to thank you, in addition to everything that uah 3 - 400,300,300 has been added since the announcement of the reminder about our collection, the qr code is here here, the card number is here, and then we'll show you the beautiful guys that we're collecting for, and who radiate positivity about... about the fact that they have to do a terrible job, but all that will come later, and now we'll talk to ivan plachko, minister of fuel and energy of ukraine in 1999, 2005 and 2006, chairman of the council of the union of the all-ukrainian energy assembly, mr. ivan, we are glad to see you, congratulations, good health to everyone, if you are talking to us, then you have light, because this week it often happened that we and our guests, just in the middle of a conversation, this conversation was interrupted, because the internet disappeared,
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every conversation... i am traveling now, yes, i am traveling, because i am in my car, because i there is a connection, yes, that's good, mr. ivan, every conversation, now, who doesn't you meet, or someone calls and asks what will happen to the light, because it happens that you go to work in the morning, there is no light, you come home from work, there is no light, you go to bed, there is no light, and you get up again and there is no light, what awaits us next? well, look, we must, must understand that the situation that has developed today is for a long time, and what a situation, we have lost a very large volume of generating capacity, very large, 600 mw of the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant is occupied in our country, all coal-fired thermal power plants are somewhere 90.


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