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tv   [untitled]    June 29, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm EEST

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we are a nation united around you. 15 in ukraine, the news team talks about the main thing. for this moment. annaya vamelnyk is with you. greetings to all viewers of espresso. heroic resistance. the ukrainian military pushed back the russians from terny and yampolivka in donetsk region. the defense forces recaptured the positions and secured them, the press service of azov reports. the muscovites tried to storm the occupiers, they acted chaotically and without any plan, - the military emphasizes. suffered heavy losses of destroyed equipment. tens of personnel
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, hundreds, i should note, since the beginning of the year, the enemy continuously attacked our positions near thorny. the situation on the route was threatening. president volodymyr zelenskyi met with nariman dzhelyal, who was successfully returned from russian captivity. he was captured in 2021 in the crimea, and has been held in captivity since then. the kremlin prisoner thanked the head of state for his assistance in the exchange process. i just remembered, anyway it will happen someday, and this is a big deal, and the fact that it is happening, and our boys and girls know about it, and their relatives see it, it is a great hope for them, and it inspires to hang on there , a forces are needed there in order to hold on, the russians attacked one of the critical infrastructure facilities in the zaporizhzhia district, according to the information of the head of the regional... administration
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, ivan fedorov. there is damage. people were not injured. and the occupiers hit the tractors in the kharkiv region. oleg sinyi, the head of the region, reported that two people were injured. the information is being updated. the russians covered the village of zolota balka in the kherson region with massed artopsyl. a 72-year-old man was injured. the police and medics went to help him. and an ambulance attacked a moscow drone, the ministry of internal affairs said, the victim was taken to the hospital. his wife was waiting for him at home. the russians attacked the settlement again in a few hours. the projectile flew into their yard. the woman died. the police once again urge people not to delay and to evacuate to safer regions. the number of victims in donetsk region has increased. the russians
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killed four people, another seven were wounded in the lyman community, the enemy attacked the village of zarichne. they died there in a private house three locals in new york, a 59-year-old resident was killed by russian attacks, two more women were injured, one of them was in serious condition, the regional prosecutor's office reported. the occupiers launched an air strike against turkey. in the yard , a man and a woman, as well as three other people, received shrapnel wounds to their legs. wounded in torskyi, kurakhivka and shcherbynivka. you can take revenge on the russians for terror with a donation. espresso tv channel invites you to join the project from scratch to life. this is a collection of atvs for the rapid evacuation of the wounded and the delivery of ammunition. support with a donation soldiers of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade kholodny yar. they will choose victory every day, they will not leave the wounded and dead on the battlefield. so, atvs are indispensable helpers for evacuation. and. they allow you
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to move off-road as quickly as possible, which helps efficient work. your support significantly increases the chances of the citizens of kholodnoyariv not only to successfully perform combat missions, but also to return from them alive. join the collection, our goal is uah 4 million. there is a result. thank you, our viewers, for your help with military gatherings. not so long ago, you donated uah 2 million for drones for the 93rd brigade. cold ravine and the 72nd brigade of black zaporozhets. the espresso tv channel together with the public organization baza ua have already handed over drones of their own production to our fighters, and they reported on their successful use and sent us the results of the work of your donations, which turned into means of defeating the russians. we added the remaining money to another fee and bought a quad bike. we would like to thank
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the public organization baza yua sprovit, tv channel expresso and all viewers who joined the collection for these beautiful pyvidrons, which will bring our victory closer and help. the enemy's decision, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, we express our gratitude to the tv channel, the bazay foundation and caring citizens for the collection, we received fpv drones that we will attack the enemy, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, payment by physical labor in odesa, a citizen of moldova and his minor brother organized an illegal scheme to transport men abroad. for... escape two acquaintances. the boy was supposed to transfer the violators across the border, and the organizer control the process. for such a service, the fugitives did not give money, but performed agricultural work on the land of a foreigner. all four were detained by border guards,
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administrative reports were drawn up on the fugitives, and the police will work with the organizers. several settlements in the belgorod region of russia were heard. explosions are written by the local governor. he traditionally blamed the armed forces of ukraine for the shelling. for example, two agricultural enterprises were damaged in the shebekin district, and three cars were damaged cars and kamaz, and in the neighboring kursk region, seven houses, three cars and a local gas pipeline were destroyed. make it impossible to circumvent sanctions. the eu adopted a number of border against the belarusian economy, which are already acting against russia because of the war in ukraine. the council of the eu continues the ban on the export of goods and technologies for dual purposes, introduces additional restrictions on the export of goods that should strengthen the belarusian industry. the eu will also ban the transit through the territory
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of belarus of some goods and technologies can contribute to the country's military-technological potential. missiles, interceptors, hawk and 155mm ammunition, the united states of america is preparing a new package of military aid worth 150 million dollars, according to reuters. it will be announced on monday. the new us aid package will also include other munitions and equipment to support ukraine's defense. let me remind you that since 2022, the usa has provided ukraine with more than 50 billion dollars in military aid. in poltava , for the first time this year, the city day is celebrated today on june 29 instead of september 23. so they voted residents of the community. how does poltava celebrate despite the war, ask your colleague anna
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morozova. anya, my congratulations and tell me and our viewers what events are planned and why you decided to change the date? greetings from poltava, yes. indeed, earlier the day of the city was celebrated in our country on september 23, this date was defined by soviet propaganda as the day of poltava's liberation from world war ii. as a result, last year poltava finally took a step towards cleansing itself of the propagandist holidays imposed by the soviet authorities, and today celebrates the city's day on june 29 for the first time. it the date of the first mention of the city in the ipatiiv annals, it was chosen by the townspeople during electronic voting. today is solemn. we do not have these celebrations, the emphasis is on volunteer activities, open meetings of the military and needs. at 9:00 a.m. today , a general national moment of silence took place, during which all traffic was stopped in memory of the victims. later in the morning, we had a free trolley tour
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of poltava, and today three museums of the city are accepting visitors for free. the official opening took place at lunch of the veteran center, which has been working as a veteran for two months. their families and the families of fallen soldiers. the purpose of such a center is to prompt, direct and simplify the receipt of those services that the state guarantees to our defenders and military, so please listen to a short comment according to this center. there are many problems with processing some documents, with further treatment, with rehabilitation, with communicating with each other in the family, because... servicemen who are currently at the front, who were released after serious injuries, people who have gone through a very difficult, difficult experience that needs to be adapted to the civilian environment, and the civilian environment needs to
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understand how to communicate with such veterans, also in support of the 116th brigade of teroborona, an athletics race has already taken place as part of... raising money for the purchase of radio electronic elements for the fight of our military, as well as the third assault brigade today is preparing to deploy a location for the townspeople. where artifacts of the war will be displayed, certain educational lectures will be held , such as on mine safety, and will also collect for the needs of our defenders, so this is how poltava is celebrating its city day in a new way today. thank you, it was espresso correspondent anna morozova about the city day in poltava, and instead of traditional celebrations, residents rallied and collected money for the needs of the armed forces of ukraine. and , of course, look for more interesting videos on the espresso youtube channel, be sure
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to subscribe, because there are live ether broadcasts, all news releases, programs and special projects that can only be seen here, as well as a short video on hot topics in the shorts section. share them, comment, be close to us. that's how things are for the moment, i'll see you at 6 p.m., then the meeting. welcome to the air of my master colleague mykola veresnya. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. we are with you for two hours, now we will understand what is happening. in ukraine and in the world, this is definitely a ukrainian war, the united states, europe, poland, ukraine, and russia, without
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russia, what would it be like today. well, let's start, as always, with the war, ivan korichevskyi, the military expert of defense express, will appear now. thank you, mr. ivan, for finding time for us. thank you so much, lots of questions, i'm afraid i'd double your ether to figure it out, well, no, can't do that. look, mr. wang. i will ask the first question, the intensity of the bombing and the parallel waiting of the f-16 and the alleged eight israeli high-marshals are going to be somehow provided by the united states to ukraine, we do not know to whom to sell, give or otherwise, that this is for defense, i repeat to ukraine that this is for the people of kharkiv, the f-16 can create a situation when they can't bomb. may the martians create such a situation that they cannot bomb? this, i
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think, is the most important thing for ukrainians right now, no, no, no, not some empire that awaits us ahead, but simply that today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow , this extremely heavy bombing stops. please, sir. to begin with, let's clarify that we are not talking about hyrs, but about patriot, and that is probably the most important thing, probably patriot, sorry, i apologize to everyone, it was patriot, i am not like that, i am an anti-patriot. so someone like that came out, well, what about on the other side, well, you said about an anti-patriot, because here it will be, you know, the most unpleasant and sad part of the answer, because, well, if you know how to say this option simply by israeli patriots, well, this is approximately when people themselves, well, the so-called batok, well, in in the sense, the usa buys a beaten-up car, well , they say that the car can drive, it just needs to be brought to a human form somehow, it’s just that with these israeli patriots, unfortunately, unfortunately , the situation is the same, because on the one hand eight batteries. these are 32 launchers, and not even only there for kharkiv, in theory it would be enough, but it is also possible
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to cover something else, but the problem is, first of all, that negotiations with the israelis are just going on, that is, it does not mean that it is possible there that at least the day after tomorrow they will return these patriots and somehow they will travel to us there, unfortunately, there are only negotiations going on there, the second problem is that these anti-aircraft missile complexes of israel have served for 30 years, and to put it mildly, and even if you don't, even god let it happen it is such a miracle that... these air defense systems will be given to us, they will have to be taken to the usa for repair, well, because , unfortunately, these are worn out anti-aircraft missile systems, and even if we make a correction for the fact that israel does not have the most modern modification patriot, only the pak-2, which cannot shoot down ballistics, but just to protect kharkiv from planes with guided aerial bombs, literally what the doctor ordered, but the problem is that they need to be repaired by these israeli patriots, before there is about them to speak in general, in principle, give such a peculiar story since... last summer, there was also a time when they promised us to give 200 markava tanks to third countries so that they would give us their tanks, but
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in the end all these mirkavas then ended up in the gas sector, there with boiled braziers, but the old tanks were by israeli standards, that is up to the 16th, let's say, here the probability options are higher, well, to be able to at least drive away the russian planes from kharkiv with bombs, they are higher, but first of all, it cannot be done immediately, that is, they have to be some, let's say, long aerial battles, so to speak saying, longer than two or three weeks, respectively , those people who hurried to declare, well, really such a probable thing that the appearance of f16, if they are even targeted, simply to use for the defense of kharkiv, that it will help, they did a bad service. that it was better to first wait for this effect, when oops, why are the russians not flying, well, roughly how it happened to them from 300 to kharkov, well, and then, for example, to announce that they worked on it in the 16th, so this is very this is, let's say, an unpleasant factor, but panevan, look, that's what i have the impression that ukrainian society, ukrainian journalists, by the way, may also be worth preparing for society journalists
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that nothing happens quickly, we, we constantly start thinking, oh, we have already agreed on let it go. oh, we have already agreed on what until 16, 16, everything that is being discussed today will appear in six months at best, at best, in the version with planes, as we understand, more than in a year they, maybe in the summer of this year will arrive in ukraine, that is, simply everything that the west does, it, it, well, it is a style, how to say, it is such, such a system, under which you nothing fast you won't do it and you shouldn't count on it, do i understand correctly? well, that's right, here it would seem that even last summer should have taught that nothing will happen quickly, you don't need to warm up in advance , but i don't know the mood of expectations should have been taught, but why didn't it teach an open question, because well, it would just seem like the first it was written to the source about these israeli patriots that there are negotiations going on, that it
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is possible that god knows when they will give, why they took the path of such forgiveness and... to give a story, oh, israel will give right tomorrow these patriots, well, it’s unclear, because, well, once it’s gone, israel hasn’t even announced a political decision that it’s reviewing something about armaments for us, south korea has at least announced, but someone there too knows how to use google, and that's why i was already in a hurry to warm up the mood even in south korea, that they are the ones who will immediately give us k2 tanks, the most modern k-9 self-propelled guns, kaisam air defense systems, which are a local copy of the c400, well, even... and what, because in this case here, if we south korea would just start directly to give shells is already an achievement, but they hurried to overheat, why didn’t last summer teach anyone anything and just why do you want to sell something fast, well, that’s an open question, i think you don’t have it either, south korea, but nuka, well, as our friends, kotsaps, russians say, from this place, in detail, what is there, what
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is there in us, south korea, which are possible for us, i repeat for the audience? unguaranteed prospects are possible, but suddenly it may happen that we can take something out of seoul in the beak, let's say so, please, well, if we talk about the thing that you can literally take out of the syul is artillery ammunition, caliber 155 mm and 105 mm, but 155 mm is limited in south korea, its own production is only 200,000 pieces per year, but 105 mm. of the americans during the cold war , 3.4 million shells of this caliber, well , plus or minus 200 extra howitzers of this type, that is, you know, in our case, we could simply count on the fact that south korea would give us so much in terms of artillery, it
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was already would, you know, like that, well, it's wildly optimistic, even from such things, for which it would be worthwhile there... to deal with south korea in the issue first of all, they have 40 russian t80 tanks and 70 bmp-3s, it is russia that once owed them money, so they got up from their knees, we got it, well, that is our country had these machines in them in april 2022, then the south koreans, well, forgive the headlines , froze, if they at least now give us these bmp tanks obtained for russian debts, there is already an open question, whether it is possible to drive and shoot on them, or can these south korean transmissions be disassembled for... for another to drive and shoot at us, because there is always a problem with spare parts, you already know that, it will be considered a royal gift, because the fact that people there usually like to google us on social networks, look at what cool weapons south korea sells, well, there it sells only within the framework of commercial contracts for billions of dollars, no, well, if of course we start saving billions of dollars for our armament, then they will sell everything to us, but the problem is that we are in no
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hurry to do anything like this, we just ask, then we are surprised that we, why we are given little, when we ask, we must buy. the time rush is critically difficult, the enemy attacks head on, what does this mean? the main thing is that it's not a vlob, i don't understand what a vlob is, i think the audience doesn't understand what it is, but it's critically difficult, when it's critically difficult, it means we can lose time, or what? well, i understand that at the moment... no one excludes the option of possible loss of the time gap, the question is simply how much time will be gained in order to grant such a sad pun to maintain the defense of the time gap with the fact that. well, exhaust the russians as much as possible, because with on the other side, an amendment to the fact that they are not even trying to bypass the defense there, or a message, for example, about a micro-district, a waterworks, what they are worried about there, because
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there is such a vulnerable bypass of our defense, which the russians could take advantage of , but it turns out that the russians were rejected from there even according to our official reports, it turns out that the russian paratroopers operating there now see nothing better than to simply fight in the front of our defense, because they have a political task to take it... city ​​in order to open the way for advancing into the depths of donbas, but on the other hand, it is possible to simplify the presentation of the situation even so, the situation on the front will not be tense only when the russians suddenly, in principle, stop attacking, they will have at least some area there zero attacks per day, it will not be tense, everything else is more than zero attacks per day, it will be a tense situation now, especially since when we are still talking about the front, we need to take the general framework of events. the russians are now trying to prove that they know how to fix reals on land in order to impose some conditions on us. accordingly, now the price of the issue is not even so much to get some specific geographical boundary, but, you know, to show last and decisively that these russians cannot record the realities on the ground, accordingly, they
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cannot dictate the conditions, so this simply emphasizes how big, very big the price, the question for our defense, and it is much more than just the situation there in the interim and in turkey, just in case, well, that is, the front is more or less stable, as far as i understand, fortunately so far... more or less stable, no matter how the russians try to push, they push hard. another question, here, the president of the russian federation said that we will restore or increase, or start the production of short- and medium-range missiles, he is making wishful thinking, because when i hear such reports, i frankly begin to think, with what, why will he do it. this is a complicated story, it is necessary to restore production, this is a factory, these are specialists, these are engineers, these are technologists, these are workers, for this it is necessary
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a huge number of different materials, for this you need a lot of things, which may have been in the soviet union, but which are no longer in russia, and when he says this, i, menya terzhayat смутные добавка, and unfortunately i do not cause you . well, because you can start with the basic items, the iskandirka is a cruise missile, which by itself violated the rsnd agreement, that is, even in principle, the very existence of the fact that it is a medium-range cruise missile, in principle , denounced this agreement, the caliber in principle this too there was such a story for the russians, how to circumvent this agreement on small and medium-range missiles, and in principle not to run into sanctions, they say you can just put a missile on a gunboat that will sail on the volga, but there is another one about... the problem of 2015 and 2018, the russians successfully coped with the project called rs-26 rubezh , let’s just call it a simplified long-range
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, well, medium-range, that is, relatively speaking , 500 km, that is, roughly speaking, if we speak in such realities, well, consider the rsd 10 a pioneer the russians managed to resuscitate and simply they are on great happiness for the civilized world somewhere around the turn of 2017, even though the successful launch of this rs-26 turned the corner. now it turns out, there are some frontiers there, if they go into mass production, well, maybe they will make 20 pieces a year, but it will be a medium-range ballistic missile, which europe does not have the means to intercept, the americans, as you know, are currently doing anything there , but not umbrella security there in those regions that are not, you know, the area of ​​direct interests. thank you very much, ivan kirichevskyi, military man the defense express expert, as always, very thoroughly explained everything to us, not everything. i still have 5 million questions, but there is no time , because we have to give way to advertising, advertising will be now, after advertising we will go with you
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is frank and unbiased, you draw your own conclusions. good health again, ladies and gentlemen, so we watched the ad, now, as i promised to brussels, maria holub, an expert on european integration, will contact us now, ms. maria, good health, thank you for finding it's time for us, thank you very much, good day, so negotiations on accession have started, that means ukraine. moldova is starting the process of joining the european community, and you can explain what this means, these are some, some directions, yes, some delegations come en masse to brussels or brussels delegations en masse come to kyiv and say, give us transport, give us what we need , what we can, what we can't, what are the conditions of the european union, what should be the transport, is it possible to go to the red world?
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go to the traffic light, or after all, just like in europe is only on green and so on, that is, these moments are correct, i understand how these negotiations are taking place, please, ms. maria, er, mr. mykola, everything that you mentioned will happen, and much more, why, that’s why that we have officially opened negotiations on accession to the european union, but this also means that we have officially opened this whole quite complex and, to some extent, long one. bureaucratic process, because now there will be two such main moments, yes, that is, we will completely we are preparing our negotiating team, we must fully prepare our vision for the negotiations, we must also prepare our society so that it is already in the inevitable movement towards the european union, it has begun.


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