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tv   [untitled]    June 29, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm EEST

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population in zakarpattia region? well, i think that as of now there are somewhere around 15 million. what is the population of hungary? eight, probably. imagine that hungary decided that it didn't need the european nato alliances and occupied the zakarpattia region. what is the population in hungary, 8 million hungarians and 1.5 million ukrainians? there are no hungarians in zakarpattia oblast. do you understand? it is you who gets the area with 15 million. foreign population, hungary has not lived in such a state since trianon, since 1918 , hungarians have already forgotten what international relations, they have the last national minority, i apologize for the political incorrectness, was the jews, who were destroyed during the holocaust, there was no one else, and like hungary in principle. this is a classic
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example of a mononational state, how can you imagine the government of such a country, which then receives in the parliament, well, if someone recognizes this occupation, of course, some party of ukrainian landlords, which has 25 there, with such a number, it is clear that all ukrainians vote for one ukrainian party and how many it has in the parliament 25%, well, 20, at least that's how it can be, and without this party, you won't form a government or a president. you wouldn’t dream of such a thing in your wildest dreams, but you have a marginal territory in the composition, oh, which one, which is also adjacent to the russian occupation zone, and in galicia, well, you invent such things sometimes, i don’t know, it’s not me inventing, it's actually what people are saying, i mean i asked the question what people are saying and i relayed to you because i guess a lot of our...
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that you live in a country where most people have no logic, as a class of thinking, no logic, because they are all the time, and by the way, you can't even blame people for this, because they are people of soviet heritage, and they think that they must have done that in such a situation, you know, this the idea is that if the police came to my neighbor's house and took him somewhere, and the apartment remained empty, i would definitely stop by. i will take his tv, if nothing happens to me, people do the same, but people in buch do that, well, not people, not people, russians, who in principle have nothing to lose, but orban there is something to lose, he is the prime minister of the country, he is not a member of the european union, he must join, and he is blackmailing everyone there, and they all stand and say, but how should we solve this issue, comrade viktor, and can you imagine if all it is lost, with whom it will be, vladimir putin will not be particularly interested. what
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does viktor orban want in this life, he has seen a lot of such viktor orbans, and by the way, what is interesting, the largest, who is interested in this issue, the largest national minority of hungarians is in two countries, in romania, and in slovakia, in romania that's not the case that a small district in transcarpathia, like we have in romania, there is a whole region, a whole region, in fact, by the way, in the center of the country, even. not near hungary, but separated from the conventional border, yes, where the majority of hungarians live, the situation is similar in slovakia, but there they are actually close to the border, just as we have in the situation with ukraine, but there , we see, the hungarians well, we understand that both romania and slovakia, they are members of the eu and nato, and therefore of course questions for orban. to these
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countries not so much, well, not so much, there there are hungarian parties, although there, although there they influence political processes, yes, although there, by the way, they set a quota for these settlements, and it is 20%, i am in front of the program, not 10, yes not 10, yes 20 %, it concerns romania, well you know that romania always has a difficult relationship with hungary. but the influence of these hungarian parties is very great both in romania and in slovakia, political parties, it's just that transcarpathia is small in our country and there is a hungarian party there, and there is a hungarian party there, and it is in the transcarpathian oblast council and in the behriv district council, there is also a member of the european parliament, as a rule, from the transcarpathian hungarians, so of course, ukraine actually protects national minorities, but even if you take ukrainian legislation, it... is entirely
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european unconscious, it, it also protects the romanian national minority, is protected, especially after the last changes that were made in 2020. the third year and at the beginning of 2024, that is, in fact, if we put aside these manipulations of orban, we understand that both polish and romanian , and bulgarian, and zakar and ee hungarian, national minorities, they are in ukraine, they are protected, we are not discussing that now, we are discussing what we need, if you want checkers or to go, we need to insist... what we have absolutely correct , reasonable legislation, with which i completely agree, by the way, i always asked another question, why people who protect the linguistic rights of hungarians in ukraine do not understand that if our hungarian citizens do not know the ukrainian language, they find themselves in a certain language ghetto and cannot be equal
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to compete with citizens of ukraine who study in ukrainian schools, of course, but we are talking about whether we want to join the european union or continue to... defend our absolutely correct position, if we want to join the european union, we will have to deal with these with all demands, work differently, reject some demands for international support, adopt some demands, level some demands, just like i told you, but if we go the way of protecting justice, that's what you said, we did everything and that's it we are fine, then we are thus doing what orbán wants us to do, because he wants us to stay at the door of europe. union as i can't for much longer, and he will really invent a million conditions to restrain us, and this is an absolutely obvious thing to me, yes, that's actually the way, you don't need to entertain yourself with illusions that we will enter today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow
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next year, this way , but we are going fast, by the way, before the negotiations, we went fast, so we went, we went fast, but this path will not be as fast as it is possible for someone i want, a few minutes before... and we will return to another very interesting topic, which is about the debate between biden and trump, by the way, a very hot topic that is currently being discussed in all, in fact, countries of our planet, do not switch. your place is waiting for you, the light is left on, for dinner - what you love, a warm bed is made, there will be walks,
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swings and swimming, you are waiting for you on your street, at school, at your church. because in your house they dream about you, you are always in front of their eyes, they cry for you, they pray for you, we they came, because they knew that you are already somewhere nearby, half the battle is a sign. how hard victory is given, and we will do everything to hug you as soon as possible, so when you are at home, when we are together, we are more than a family, we are a nation
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united around you. watch at 21. news, summaries of the week. accession of ukraine to the european union. negotiations have officially begun. our country expects to join the eu by 2030. the hague awaits shoigu and gerasimov, just like putin. the international criminal court issued arrest warrants ex-minister of defense. of russia and the chief of the general staff of the armed forces of the russian federation on charges of war crimes in ukraine. beach vacation, despite air worries, the holiday season in odessa is in full swing. about all this and much more at 21:00 on espresso.
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every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. do you want to understand? how ours today will affect ours tomorrow, see saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. free political club, we are returning to the live broadcast, today we are talking with vitaly portnikov for two hours, discussing and discussing the most resonant and important topics for our country, the debate between biden and trump, no less. an important topic for the world and for ukraine as well, because
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the fate of our country will also depend on the elections in the united states of america. mr. vitaly, we saw the whole country, the whole world saw these debates, according to polls conducted by the cnn channel, before things, a tv channel that is closer to the democratic party. de facto 67% of those people, again, who voted, they said they think trump won this debate, in addition, angshes polls were conducted yesterday, according to those polls, 60% of citizens, again, those who were polled, we can't say 100% how representative it is. stated that it is worth replacing the candidate from the democratic party, and besides that, we also see
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various statements, statements from the editorial board of the new york times, from the speaker of the house of representatives mike johnson, we see this new cover of the times magazine, the time where, biden goes and... so to speak, supposedly the democrats are in a panic, and so these statements, they've been snowballing like this for two days in a row, which all this shows, it shows really that biden has problems four months before the vote, i see a poll that 80% of respondents said they didn't change their priorities after the debate, so and so poll. and i consider this to be an absolutely real answer to all questions, because it does not
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matter who thinks and who debates vetch? so if 80% or 40% of people said they changed their mind about who they should vote for, we might think biden has a problem if 80% of people still think they'll vote for trump or biden , they are not interested in the debate, so it means that it does not matter what will happen there, but... if we are talking about those people who waver, who are undecided, we know very well that in reality it is not even about about 80 or 90%. i am more than convinced that those voters who are confident in their candidates they will vote, some for biden, others for trump, there is almost nothing to convince them, unless, if trump voters are not convinced by the fact that he is currently undergoing a dozen different criminal cases at the debate, and more . if we are talking about the fact that in fact he has already been sentenced in a number of cases, or
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is approaching the announcement of these sentences, and still 90% of his voters say, well, we are not interested in this, we are not interested in this, but we want him , but we well understand that there is still a small part of citizens, voters in in the united states of america, these are the people who are either undecided or wavering, and there are seven states as of today that generally determine the er... electoral process, ultimately determine the outcome of the election, could this debate affect those a few percent of people who are now critical, because the chances of both candidates as of today are 50/50, no, the work of the candidates in these states will really affect the mood of these people, so i want to remind you how george, how donald trump won in hilary clinton, he specially engaged in the same... in which the republicans could theoretically defeat
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the democrats, and hillary clinton did not engage in these states, because she was sure that these states were in her pocket, in one or two states in which she lost, she didn't even come, because she was sure that she would definitely take them, given the electoral system of the united states, whoever wins... calculates in which states a problem can await the candidate, that is, you need to take into account a simple equation , and here i don't know how it will be, but... it's in indeed, the number one issue is: first, to work with voters in the so-called undecided states, and the quality of the election campaign of biden and trump in these states will depend on how they vote, not on the debate, and to understand which states are problematic for democrats in this particular
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situation, because again, if trump hadn't managed to take a few traditional... democratic states in what year was it in 16 in 16, he wouldn't have become president of the united states, in 20 these states already voted for biden, that's the main issue, the topic of uncertain states and the topic of unexpected states. this is the electoral equation. does the debate situation factor into that equation, no? firstly, this is not the first debate, there will be more, secondly, by and large all we have seen in the debate is that biden may be in serious physical condition, i honestly don't really understand what they are doing this for debates were organized, look, biden was on a european tour, then at rallies, his
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donors, spoke everywhere, met. in normandy, the big seven, this rally is for fundraising, just recently, right? why interestingly, he and his advisers believe that an 81-year-old person should work like a 25-year-old guy, but you and i would have such a pace of work, we would look happy at the debate, we are not 80 years old, but this is actually a person, yes, by the way , this person is still in the interval. between these trips , he also works as the president of the united states, which is also an incredible daily stress. we saw a simple thing in this debate that trump is more energetic than biden, it's not a question of age, they are the same age. so let's imagine that trump will win the presidential election, by how much he will be years old when he finishes his term,
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how many, well a year even older, 82 or 83 years old, 83 when he finishes, yes? yes, at the time of the election, he will be 82, at the time of the election, 79, and he will finish, if he is elected, he will be 83, 83, yes, well, well, well , right, right, 53, that is, not a boy either, and we don’t know either , how it will look in 1 year, because this is aging, it happens faster than we think, so i think that i am honestly surprised by the panic. well, let's even decide that you suddenly opened the eyes of everyone in new york the times, the economist, friedman, everybody else, and you saw that biden is 81 years old, you didn't know that when he decided to run for a second term, and nobody told you, nobody said, mr. president, move on, let's let's choose another candidate, everyone said biden, only biden, only biden, now
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suddenly everyone, and it turns out he is, we thought that this... face is wise, but this is a frog, well, well, it's strange that you saw it now, that this is not a young person, but the democratic party had primaries, 95% of the participants in these primaries these are members of the democratic party of the united states, supporters of this party, people who are registered, voted for biden, not 60%, not even 73, which for us is a record number when electing a president, well , of course, because the current president, but because there is no there was no real competition and everyone was for biden. imagine the united states democratic national convention. biden comes out and says, "i'm tired, i'm leaving," quoting another president. and they say, well then let there be kamala harris. well, it looks strange. none
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the person did not nominate kamalukhali from the party members to the president and him. i will feel insulted, i went, registered, voted, only to have my vote trampled. so why do i even have to participate in all these elections where there is no candidate i voted for? i would argue , on the contrary, that such an outcome of the debate should have led to even more. the concentration of those who want donald trump to spend the next four years in prison, and not in the general office. this is the main task of all people who would not like to die in a trap
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the third world war, which is almost inevitable if trump is elected. instead, we see some kind of scandal, some collective letters, some statements of the editorial boards, what speaks of the degradation not of biden, but of the degradation of the american european political. class, these people will lead us to the grave and their compatriots too, i here support president barack obama, who in such a situation did not start hysterics, reminded that he himself had a failed debate, by the way, it was the first debate with mitt romney, and for these debates somehow did not become a big deal kind of a problem for obama's election, obama won that election in... this also has to be remembered, this is a true story, and biden was characterized by obama and his post -debate statements as someone who always looked out for
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the interests of the american people, and trump was completely logically characterized as a person who cares only about his own interests. and in this debate, it was obvious. of course, biden was much less energetic than trump, but trump in this debate... was also trump, a man who accused, lied, historicized, looking absolutely awful, as she has always looked throughout her time on this earth, because there has not been a day in the history of donald trump that he has not looked like donald trump. and here there is another question, not for americans, but for ukrainians. you notice that the closer the presidential election gets, the more likely it is. the election of donald trump as the president of the united states, the louder the voices of those who believe that if the gentleman is suddenly going to be like that, then you should be in time to
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kiss the gentleman's ass, be the first in line, because then there will be so many people who want it, that maybe the gentleman will not have time to understand that this is exactly your kiss, because he will already be sitting and there will already be many people who will be his, who are these people, well, i see it in social networks, in comments we need to build a relationship with trump, well, first of all, you need to understand, it is impossible to build a relationship with someone who does not notice you, this trump peace plan, so- called, proposed by his advisers, once again confirms the simple fact that for donald trump, ukraine as the subject does not exist, there is already a simple idea, you have to force the president of ukraine to start negotiations with russia, otherwise... we will not give him weapons and money, right? trump himself constantly talks about volodymyr zelenskyi, i would like to, who even spoke at the debates, well, he repeated this thesis, yes, who always
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leaves america with 60 billion dollars, as if zelenskyy is a person who takes this money, because we just have problems in the economy there, we can't give ourselves advice, not because we have a war and our infrastructure and economy are being destroyed by the enemy, fine, but the same the idea is that ukraine doesn't have to decide anything, here we are... we'll tell her what to do, if she says no, we just won't give her money, it's not up to them to decide how to live in this life, trump knows better , in relation to putin, there is no such thing, however, no one is saying, that is, putin is offered certain advantages, if he agrees, then we can cancel sanctions, then we can agree to the fact that russian troops remain in the territories , which they occupied, i.e. ukraine is talking... as with serfs in the language of the whip, they talk to putin as a partner, how do you want to build a relationship with him when he doesn't care about you, he used to care when he was president,
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he cares now and he will care when he is president, don't create any illusions for yourself, of course, if this person becomes the president of the united states, it will be possible to pressure him with the help of american institutions and american public opinion, it will be possible to force him to make decisions that he will not like. using trump precisely the american political system that reacted to his actions during his first presidency, not giving him the opportunity to realize his intentions, which were very dangerous for the ukrainian state as well, but this would be contrary to his true wishes, his true desire, and he already today he expressed that if i am a reasonable president of the united states, russia, north korea and china will not be our enemies, but will do wonderful things, it's like, what? it is necessary to make them become such friends of this incredibly intelligent man, well, i have a question, you know, because you know, i would understand... if the plan
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of trump's advisers was based on some whips for ukraine and russia. here, let's say, we don't give money and weapons to ukraine, we demand negotiations with russia, and for russia, we will emphasize for russia that if it does not negotiate and ends this war, we introduce american troops on the territory of ukraine and the americans themselves will defend trump, allegedly based on this the plan says that it will give more weapons or give more. money, but here the question, as far as i understand, is not the conclusion of russian troops from the territory of ukraine, i will not discuss this at all, this is about a freeze, about a freeze of the conflict, but now the question arises, why is putin doing this freeze, i am always interested, and it is really important for me to understand why these people think , that putin needs to freeze the conflict in such a situation, well, trump will give ukraine more weapons, well, biden is already giving them. in general
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, i think that biden should now give more weapons to ukraine, before all this became a reality, but putin does not understand that ukraine can receive more weapons, that it can hit russian positions, but he is waging a war of attrition, and he will stop this war of attrition precisely because he will not be able to fight further, and not because trump will threaten him with something, so maybe we should give ukraine first more weapons, more money, exhaust russia, then putin himself will want to talk. not trump will offer negotiations to putin, but putin will offer trump mediation to end this war, at least on some normal terms for the kremlin. well, in theory , this is the position of the united states america, that there is actually a war of attrition, that is, they are now giving us weapons, they are now giving us financial support in order to exhaust russia and incline it to victory, well, because this is the only way, the question,
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the question is simply what. .. due to the previous events that we observed from november to april, we did not receive this help on time, and in fact this rather large period of time was lost, i do not argue, but here, too, it is difficult to blame george joseph biden and leho blame donald trump for this, and from this behavior of trump and his clients, you can imagine how they will behave when they get into power, this is also a reality, you see, we remember how they... behaved, but again, you and andriy, we have to remember that there are no ideal situations in the united states anyway, we don't know how the elections as such will end, that is , the president, the senate, the house of representatives, the democratic president, well, if he wins biden, republican senate, republican house, or not, a republican president, a democratic house of representatives, a republican senate,
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there can be different ones. layouts and each of these layouts, any one of them, is like a chessboard, you can sit down and play with each position, there are a lot of them. democratic president, republican senate, democratic house of representatives, democratic president, republican senate, republican house of representatives, democratic president, democratic senate, republican house, and so on and so on, that is how many options there are 18, if i'm not mistaken, or 24, you have to sit down and count how many different options there can be, and each of the options changes. american politics, but there is a clear option, when the president gets everything, but not for a year and a half, and then the situation changes again, well, then there are 19 options, in general, there are a lot of options, and this also does not give us the opportunity to say exactly what will be american politics, because it is not a monarchy, it is not even emmanuel macron's fifth republic, relatively speaking french, when it is parliamentary elections very
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it is important, but the president remains a sovereign, uh, the american president is not a sovereign, as we can see, for these, for these six months, the delay with help, if we are talking about the theoretical version of what is being discussed now, are you considering at least in theory the possibility of replacing the candidate from the democratic party, joseph biden said today that he is not going anywhere, i don't really understand how that... at all should happen technically the way it can happen, technically it can only happen one technically, no politically, joseph biden is speaking at the convention, before the convention of the democratic party before even that i think according to the laws of the state of ohio the party's presidential candidate must be registered by august 7th, yes yes in three months, uh, that is how many months are left?


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