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tv   [untitled]    June 29, 2024 8:30pm-9:00pm EEST

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the election is very important, but the president still remains a sovereign, and the american president is not a sovereign, as we can see from these, from these six months of delay with help, if we are talking about the theoretical version of what is being discussed now, are you considering, at least in theory the possibility of replacing the candidate from the democratic party, well , joseph biden said today that he is not going anywhere. i don't really understand how it's supposed to happen, technically, the way it can happen, technically it can happen only one way, technically, not politically, joseph biden says at the convention, before the convention of the democratic party before even that i think that according to the laws, it seems to the state of ohio, by august 7th, the party's presidential candidate must be registered , yes, yes, in three months, ugh, that is , how many months are left... during this time
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, biden has to give up ugh running, the national conference, ugh, of the democratic party must meet, because in the primaries there will be no time to elect someone a candidate for the office of the president of the united states. do you believe it? hard. well, what's supposed to happen is that biden now said no, you know, i realized that i'm not going to be pressure, his team will say that... well, mr. joe, you have to change, well , that is, in theory, of course, what can of course, that there is not much time left, and it is clear that with a probability of 3/4 or even more, or even 90%, it is difficult to say that the candidate will be replaced, there are theories that various candidates are being considered up to michelle obama, well... have you heard these stories, but it seems to me,
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yes, but it seems to me that after barack's statement obama is clear that michelle obama is not thinking absolutely, not even for a minute, not thinking about participating in this campaign, so absolutely, if, if we are talking about the statements of the candidates at this debate, in particular, trump said that ukraine is not. .. will win the war against russia, yes, although on the other hand , trump said that he allegedly does not support putin's actions in ukraine, and putin's conditions in ukraine, it is clear that he does. so, if we are talking about these statements of trump, these are chaotic statements, or do they still indicate that he has to abandon the previous ones his statements are quite controversial and still support ukraine, or is this a lie?
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chaotic man in himself, like a politician, but he knows exactly what he wants. he wants to come to an agreement with putin, but trump's whole problem is that he lives in a fictional world, all the time, and he believes in this world that he and putin can come to an agreement, he may be disappointed, by the way, putin already believes that he will come to an agreement with trump during trump's presidential term, well, nothing came of it. how are you you see, so trump's desire is clear, to what extent it can be realized, i don't know, i'm not sure about it, the more i think in principle that trump's second term will be very different from the first, because trump in his first term was a man , which reckoned with the interests of the establishment of the republican party, and this can be seen in the numerous memoirs of those. who worked next
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to him at that time in the white house. during these four years of the presidency of joseph biden , a situation of complete privatization took place, we can say degradation of the republican party of the united states. that is, the great old party that we knew before has disappeared from the political arena. and how did this happen during such a short period of time, isn't it a private political force? why did such transformations take place from one of the oldest political forces in the world at all, and because the party that existed relied on the electorate that can no longer bring it victory, uh, it was these, i would say, traditional americans, shall we say, with conservative values ​​that are becoming demographically less, we just have, right now not with traditional america. with the new
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america, and there is such a phenomenon that the democratic party in this new america has retained its traditional electorate of nuclear nuclear, because for the democratic party, apart from the people, let's say so. conventionally liberal views are voted by representatives of various minorities, from national to er political minorities, even, let's say, you know, left-wing , very radical people also vote for the candidate from the democrats and their latin americans, lgbt representatives society, the jewish community, the whole world, the whole world votes for democracy. these people are not decreasing, but increasing, demographically, there are even more latin americans, people are arriving, and they will naturalize in the future, he wants to expel them, i mean, we understand why he wants this,
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because these people are naturalized, it is clear that those who arrived, those who arrived yesterday or last year will not vote, and those who arrived 10 years ago, well, of course, what about the republicans... who always gathered at these traditional evangelical circles, a native of like mike johnson, there are fewer of them, the question arises, how can the republican party win then, demographically, only if it becomes the party of populism, it has no way out, it can be either the party of trump or the party of eternal losers, and they do not want , you do realize that politicians like mike mcconnell, who or george mccain, is... and all these elites, they're not young, but look at the new people, the republican parties, at
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taylor greene, at mike johnson, even at mccarthy, these are completely different people, without any there are, i would say, great political values, maneuverable, cynical. populist, sometimes fanatical, it's a different story, a different party, this didn't happen in four years, it happened over a much longer period, but just after four years, especially after the storming of the capitol, there was obviously an understanding that the republican party could or would win with trump, or not win at all, it's kind of weird, by the way, why, because we saw nikki haley beat biden by a... much bigger margin than donald trump, but for the republicans, it's means betraying one's own approach to politics, because why nikki haley is winning, because she is a minority person herself, she attracts attention from people who
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would traditionally vote for democracy, and this is a temporary victory, so to speak, because everyone thinks where should we take this nikihely once again, this is temporary, but here is trump's course. this is trutz, who promises success all the time. why were all the other candidates but nikki haley little trumps? you remember who the applicants were. they were even more radical, even more more radical than tram. trump. yes, landing party. hey, i don't remember the last name anymore. there was another candidate there who was generally pro-putin. this is such a republican party. and this, by the way, largely reflects the strengthening of ultra. of the right-wing, far-right political vector in the world in general, which is starting to win precisely on such wild populism, the former president of brazil, bolsonaro, is that trump? the new
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president of argentina, javier millay, is he trump? viktor orban, that's basically it. trumpism, the new reincarnation of marine le pen, that's it trumpism by and large, here is this new one, not the same as the national association before, but now this policy, you see, marine lippen under the israeli flag, this is not jean marie lippen with anti-semitic statements, but why is she under the israeli flag an outpost of the west in the middle east, uh, that's about how these far-right forces used to be under... their position, and there are examples like that . he had almost none
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allies in the world, now he can gather miley, le pen, orban, andrzej duda for his inauguration. because now the ultrapraya faction in the european parliament, you understand yaroslav kaczynski, is george maloney. imagine how many politicians have become who share trump's principles in latin america and europe, and this also suggests that the republicans have understood which way to go in order to maintain power, politics is always a struggle for power, and the means for this struggle very often they are not chosen, and as such like these people who, like mitch mcconnell, talk about the need to preserve values. they become marginal because the republicans of the 21st century have different values, and the democrats just
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might find themselves in a difficult situation, because they are forced to play on several boards at once, here are liberals, uh, here are left radicals, here is biden, here is sanders, and everyone these should be united, israel should be supported, and humanitarian aid should be provided to the gas sector. that is, if we are talking about the european union, then the european union is living its last days, i don't know to what extent, to what extent the right-wing radicals, when they are in power in countries like france, germany, italy, will be able to negotiate with each other, because if we talk about the fact that democracy is living, at least in some countries, the last decade or the last decade, then the european union becomes under its pillars
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of the european union, as of now, this is democracy, yes, yes, and the pillars of the republican party are also democracy, everything is just changing, there may be a union of autocracy, no, no, don’t look, that is, just reformatting of values, yes of the european union, the question is whether these people will be able to get along with each other, but on the other hand, if ... the average european, just like the average american, has a desire to expel migrants, well, how can it be and not to let in new ones, then between this, say, the national association and the brothers of italy, giorgi melani and fidesz can find a common language here, ugh, and here is the question, and for the christian democratic union of germany there will be a choice, or to become there... such party as these move to the right, or give a wide street
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alternative for germany? i think that the cdu will move to the right, i really think so too, although, let's be honest, it was the cdu that worked to, relatively speaking, let migrants into germany, and the republicans abolished slavery altogether in the united states, well, we are talking about what about transformations. if we're talking about the united states and we're talking about the struggle of two parties, one of which was the slaveholding party and the other was the anti -slavery party, and now these parties have switched with from the point of view of the political position of its liberal conservative roles, and we perceive it as the norm, then imagine what could happen to the transformation in europe, this is also a very serious problem and you ... i am now reading an interview with the french who are going
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to vote for marine le pen, her party, and they are told, listen, but you are going to vote for the fascists, and they say, what are you talking about, maybe it was once, but don't you see that the ultra-left mélenchon, the rebellious france, these are the real fascists and anti-semites, it is different now, fascists and anti-semites, they are on the ultra-left wing led by milanshov. and the socialist party of france unites with them in the people's front, so if we do not want to allow real fascists to power in italy, so that our prime minister is not jean luc mélenchon, we have to vote for marine le pen. even immael macron could not have dreamed of such a turn of events. well, by the way, when the left united, that's how emmanuel macron got scared, because he realized that many people would say exactly the same thing when mélenchon's party, which really is ultra-left and we know this scheme, it's the famous german choice between adolf
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hitler and ernst thelmann, well, what would you and i do if we had to choose between hittor and thelmann, you don't know, well , it might be easier for me, because i would be a jew, i would be able to decide everything, what is good, if i choose between hitler and thelman, i can at least somehow escape from thelman, i will have six months to leave, but what have you been doing, you no longer have such a problem? since we are talking about france, i am now looking at the latest sociological polls, we about three weeks ago, just during the elections to the european parliament, it was discussed that lipin's party now has from 32 to 37% in france, and can win as of now from,
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let's say, 260 mandates on average, well, let's see how it will be distributed. pause for a few minutes and we will return for another 10 minutes with a very interesting topic, do not switch. oh, i remember, you see, although they say that our memory weakens with age, but i am attentive and remember everything, we take the memo effect from dr. tice and feel the difference. active substances memo effect improve the functioning of the nervous system and contribute to the normalization of mental activity. memo effect from dr. tys improves memory and attention, helps to think. fm, galicia.
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lawyers of the aktum bar association will answer. watch every tuesday at 7:55 in... the legal expertise program on the espresso tv channel. watch at 21. news, summaries of the week. accession of ukraine to the european union. negotiations have officially begun. our country expects to join the eu by 2030. the hague awaits shoigu and gerasimov. as well as putin. the international criminal court issued warrants for the arrest of the former minister of defense of russia and the chief of the general staff of the armed forces of the russian federation on charges of committing war crimes in ukraine. beach vacation, despite air worries, holiday season in odessa in rozpala.
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about all this and much more at 21:00 on espresso. we are returning to the live air of the espresso tv channel, the saturday flight club, and we have a little less than 10 minutes left, we have one more interesting topic, we will talk now about india and the visit of the prime minister of india mr. modi to moscow. why is this important, because india is one of the largest countries in the world, a state. which actually, relatively speaking, has such a rather neutral position, a position the position it takes, that is, to be on the side of... the west and not to break off relations with russia, but here really is such a visit to moscow, by the way, for the first time in 5 years, which
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is taking place, a visit against the background of moscow's terrorist aggression against of ukraine. mr. vitaly, what does this indicate, is india, or the prime minister of india, linguistically speaking, trying to maintain some ties with moscow, or should we expect any. any specific arrangements? well, this is an important visit, especially against the background of the so-called strategic partnership between india and by the united states. because we know that recently narend ramodi was in the united states, he had such a triumphant visit, signing agreements with joseph biden and the united states, they see india as a serious alternative to china. and here are these special relations with india, they should show that in the american one. foreign policy and economy, there is an alternative if china is too aggressive towards america, this is one story, but there is another story, the fact that namodi is also
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afraid to leave vladimir putin in embracing the president of the people's republic of china xi jinping, he sees how china and russia are getting closer, it is definitely not in the interests of india, given that there is a geopolitical competition between india and china. very seriously, and there are territorial disputes, also obviously , which may sooner or later lead to some new conflict, and china is an important ally of pakistan, the eternal, i would say, india's competitor in the region, i said, india's historical competitor in region, and in this situation in a cheap fashion, at least it is necessary to restrain vladimir putin from any steps that will be taken. precede indian national interests, he has tools of pressure, because india buys russian oil. another important point, it is related to the internal political, i would
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say, situation in india. narend ramodi zabira was going to triumphantly win the loksabhiya assembly elections held recently but he actually failed to do so for the first time in his political career at all on... then when he was the chief minister of the state his party will to be in a coalition with other political forces, this is basically a bloc, and this bloc won the elections, but earlier in this bloc narendra modi's party itself had a majority in parliament and did not need any coalition agreements with smaller political associations, this happened, the indian opposition strengthened takes its positions very seriously, also the india block, but the main role in this block... is played by the indian national congress, which is headed by rahul gandhi, the son of the former prime minister rajiv gandhi, the grandson of the former prime minister indira gandhi and great-grandson
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of prime minister jawaharlal nehru. this is a dynasty, a great dynasty, as you know. and now the role of rahul gandhi in indian politics has increased significantly, but there is one important point here: the party that was building relations with moscow was itself... the indian national congress, not pharatsia jenata party in rendremode. during the years of such a special bromance between moscow and new delhi, this party was in opposition, even those formats that later created this party, they were in opposition. and narendra modi can fear that in terms of weakening his position, moscow may start playing with the indian opposition. this is also absolutely real. especially since no one can now say that ... khulgandi will not become the next prime minister of india, the next elections with such a trend may return the congress to power in countries, this is democracy, there the governments change, one way or
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another, of course, on renden modi, there is an outstanding political action from the point of view of obtaining power, or is he only jawaharlal nehru now able to compete for a term of office position, but everything can change the next time, and now many are talking about the moral defeat of the prime minister. will not be able to carry out constitutional changes, well , he will not be able to carry out many things that he has planned for himself for this term, and in this situation, of course, this can also be such a reason that forces him to go to india, it is already to russia, it is already causing a serious concern of the united states. but what can russia get for this? it is clear that russia is unlikely to reduce its communication with china. because china is helping it, well, right on the side of this axis of evil against ukraine, or
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at least for... it has such a quite understandable position, which leans towards russia, what can india offer such a china, i apologize, russia, in order to to keep it from further absorption by this union of china, china, russia, political union, of course, well, india is also a big buyer of russian oil, that is, china still cannot increase. accumulate as much oil as russia has if india refuses to buy it of russian oil, russia will need to look for new producers, that's one point, another point is the purchase of russian weapons, uh, uh, that's money for the russian budget, india is switching more and more to american weapons, but we know that the indian army for years , was armed with soviet weapons, india still has the potential,
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if not for... purchase, then at least for the modernization of these weapons, which are already in service with the indian army, this is also an important point, and in any case it is obvious that for vladimir putin is important, to visit him next time, if the prime minister of india comes to russia, then this at least shows that there is no isolation, that not only the head of the people's republic of china is there, but also the prime minister of india, and by the way, putin is already interested in modi's visit for the same reasons as for... may be interested in mozi, he needs to show china his own political autonomy, so we can talk as much as we want about putin's dependence on china, but if putin goes to north korea, he himself conducts negotiations with kimchinin, goes to vietnam, and there he is welcomed by the leaders of this country, and now the prime minister of india is visiting him, this shows that putin has his own position in
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the region, which is critical for the people's republic of china. it is right where china is, it is not somewhere in europe, and this means that putin is not just building a relationship of vassal subordination with xijie ping there, as we wanted to think, but that he is building a relationship of partner competition with him, because he has china has its own levers of influence, other than china it's money, and he has a weapon. and provocations in with new delhi, with pyongyang and with hanoi, these, by the way, for the people's republic of china , these are all more important, i would say, political points, so i think that in this regard, both sides have such mutual interest, but at the same time, i think namodi will say again to putin what we heard in samarkand during the meeting of the shanghai
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cooperation organization, that war... in the 21st century, it is not a means to solve problems, i think that a person, as on ren namodi, if not public, then not public, i must say this, because we saw that he does not mince words, he says, well, why, listen, he is the prime minister of india, why should he, why should he be afraid to say something, mr. vitaly, thank you, thank you, thank you to our viewers, who watched and analyzed for two hours, together with us, and we will meet with you already at the saturday political club exactly from... in a week at the same time, take care, let us everything will be fine with you, peace prevails, friends, the path of ukraine to the eu, the first stage, or the key ones?


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