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tv   [untitled]    June 29, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm EEST

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meeting of the shanghai cooperation organization, that war in the 21st century is not a means to solve problems, i think that a person like naren namodi, if not publicly, not publicly, i will definitely say it, because we saw that he to his pocket at the league, he says, well, why, listen, he is the prime minister of india, why should he, why should he be afraid to say something, mr. vitaly, thank you, thank you, thank you to our viewers who watched, analyzed, along with us for two hours , well, let's meet with you. already in the saturday political club in exactly a week at the same time, take care, may everything be well with you, victory and peace, friends, ukraine's path to the eu, the first stage, or the key...
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moment for our country: security agreements with partners, what are the benefits of such agreements for ukrainians and to bathe or not to bathe , which is the beach season this year. the espresso team takes stock of the past week. anna eva melnyk is with you. good evening. on the threshold of a key moment. this is how the european commission called the opening of negotiations on ukraine's accession to the european union this week, it was officially announced at the intergovernmental conference in luxembourg. however, this is... only the first stage, now the preparatory process for the main part of the negotiations will begin: screening, that is , analysis of the legislation of the candidate countries for compliance with eu law, and in 2025 decisions on the next stages may be made. about ukraine's path to the eu, further in our review. february 28, 2022, the fifth day of a full-scale russian invasion. it is already clear that putin's blitzkrieg has failed, however,
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the fate of kyiv has not yet been decided, under such conditions ukraine submitted an application to join the european union. our goal is to be together with by all europeans, and the main thing is to be equal. i'm sure it's fair, i 'm sure we deserve it, i 'm sure it's all possible. then the eu took an unprecedented step and granted under an accelerated procedure. the country received the status of a candidate for membership, our state received it already on june 23, 2022, and already two years later , official negotiations on accession between ukraine and the eu began. i have never seen such a strong desire to make a country a member of the european union, as in the case of ukraine. i have never seen the process go so fast. like in ukraine, never. the intergovernmental conference has already launched the negotiation process. if you compare schedule of what is happening in
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ukraine with other cases, then we run at the speed of light. josep borel, eu high representative for foreign affairs and security policy. ukraine's path to the european union began back in the 90s. then, for the first time, president leonid kuchma announced his intention to become a full member of the eu. however, 2013 was a turning point. under the pressure and threats of vladimir putin, viktor yanukovych in the end moment refused to sign the association agreement with the eu. euromaidan began in ukraine, which ultimately won. since then , the path to membership has not caused serious internal debate, but has encountered serious resistance from the outside. paris and berlin were extremely skeptical about the european integration of ukraine, even despite the russian occupation of crimea and donbas. however, after february 24, 2022, their position changed dramatically. now president
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emmanuel macron and chancellor olaf scholz are ardent supporters of ukraine's accession to the eu. when we talk about the restoration of ukraine, we we are discussing the restoration of the future member of the eu. a few months after the start of the invasion of the russian federation , we gave ukraine a promise about ukraine's future in the eu. we will keep this promise. scholes also confirmed his support for ukraine's european course in december. 2018, when eu leaders were deciding whether to give the green light to negotiations with ukraine, hungarian prime minister viktor orbán was against it, when the leaders were sitting at the table and preparing to vote, the german chancellor sent the hungarian prime minister to drink coffee. orban is out from the room, the decision was voted without hungary. however, budapest, which will preside over the eu from july 1, will still have the opportunity to intervene.
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kyiv is burning in the wheels. on june 27, the european truth website declassified 11 demands that orban's government put forward in ukraine. mostly they concern the hungarian nation. ranks, and some of them have the appearance of outright blackmail, for example, the demand to recognize the entire zakarpattia region as the territory of traditional hungarian residence, it will be extremely difficult to find a compromise on some issues. we are wholeheartedly committed to resolving and fully implementing 11 on this basis problematic issues raised by the hungarian side to strengthen the protection of the rights of national minorities, and we will continue. external consultations with hungary in this direction. but negotiations will be difficult not only with hungary, but also with other bloc countries. first of all, those who have interests in the agricultural sector. i still remember the footage of ukrainian grain scattered on the polish highway. and polish farmers
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still threaten to renew the border blockade from time to time. this is not surprising, because in the case of ukraine joining the european union, ukrainian agricultural producers will claim a new share of european subsidies, and it will be extremely difficult for european farmers to compete with ukrainian agricultural companies. the process of negotiations on ukraine's accession to the eu will be difficult and will require our country to maintain the current pace of reforms. we understand that, for example, from the point of view of the agricultural sector, these will be difficult negotiations. some decisions may be postponed, for example, because poland, germany, and france have their own interests. adam shlapka, minister. of poland in the affairs of the european union. but still not the biggest the threat to european integration remains within ukraine itself. this is corruption, a problem that western partners repeatedly remind, even against the background of a full-scale war, and which public
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activists constantly talk about, which does not always elicit understanding from the authorities. ukraine is not the most corrupt country in the world. corruption exists. everywhere, and to combat it, we have created a large anti-corruption infrastructure. i constantly communicate with western partners, they always note our level and successes in overcoming corruption, but some people deliberately scale the problem, because otherwise the meaning of their work may be lost. thus, helping the russians, who invest millions in promoting the narrative in the west, ukraine is the most corrupt state. andriy yarmak, manager. office of the president of ukraine. how long can ukraine take from the start of negotiations to accession? it is impossible to give an exact answer to this question. in the case of poland, it was six years. turkey is already on this path for almost 20 years. in the public
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space, in the context of the european integration intentions of ukraine, moldova and the balkan countries, the year 2030 often appears. in particular, the current chairman of the european council, charles michel. referred to this date as when a major wave of expansion could occur, so ukraine needs to hurry up with reforms, however difficult it may be in the face of full-scale war. three security agreements at once. ukraine signed such agreements with the eu, as well as lithuania and estonia. it happened in brussels at a meeting of the european council. according to the documents , the countries guarantee long-term military and financial support to kyiv. humanitarian and political spheres, next is such an agreement with poland, it is planned to be signed before the july nato summit. there are already 20 similar treaties with allies. this means that we will receive $60 billion in military aid every year
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for the next four years. temporary protection for ukrainians abroad has been extended. the relevant decision was adopted by the council of the european union. the directive provides refugees with the right to residence, access to the labor market, housing, as well as social and medical assistance, and the temporary protection mechanism will be in effect until march 2026. currently in eu countries about 4 million ukrainians live there, a third of them are children. the first batch of ammunition purchased as part of the czech initiative was delivered to kyiv this week, said the prime minister of the czech republic, peter fia. and added that this year kyiv will continuously receive shells in large quantities. for the first time, on february 17, president peter pavel announced the possibility of purchasing 800,000 shells for ukraine. then prague created a coalition of countries that agreed to finance the purchase
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of ammunition for the armed forces. about 20 countries joined the initiative. regular personnel changes: president volodymyr zelenskyi fired yury sod. from the position of commander of the united forces of the armed forces. now this position is held by andriy hnatov. he is a brigadier general, a marine. he was the chief of staff and deputy commander. troops of the south, led the defense of bakhmut and mykolaiv, and also participated in the operation to liberate kherson oblast. volodymyr zelenskyy did not announce the reasons for the rotation, however, earlier the chief of staff of the azov brigade, bohdan krotevych , appealed to the sbi with a call to conduct an investigation into one of the fighters generals he did not give his last name, but the media reported that we are talking about lieutenant general yuriy sodol. azovits accused him of large and unjustified losses. soldiers of the armed forces. let me remind you that sodor became the commander of the united forces in february of this year. the struggle for the presidential seat.
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joseph biden and donald trump held a televised debate. for the first time in american history , they took place before national party conventions. opponents repeatedly mentioned the war in ukraine and argued about how the us should act to resolve the biggest conflict on the territory of europe since of the second world war. the republican trump once again stated that there would be no war under his presidency, and he is able to end it even before his election to the post of president, and ukraine will not win - the president is convinced, because kyiv is allegedly running out of soldiers. however, trump clarified that he does not accept russian dictator vladimir putin's conditions for ending hostilities. the attack on ukraine should never have happened. people are killed needlessly, senselessly, but i will settle this war between putin and zelensky, as the elected president, and
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i will do it even before i take office on january 20. instead, biden emphasized that putin is a war criminal and his goal is to restore the soviet empire. the current president noted that if we stop supporting ukraine, the head of the kremlin will not stop. so under threat of russian invasion. poland and belarus remain. do you want world war iii? then let him go and win, and let him tell putin: do whatever you want with nato. justice for russian crimes against ukrainians inevitably. the international criminal court has issued arrest warrants for the chief of the russian general staff valery gerasimov and the ex-minister of defense serhii shiigu. they are suspected of crimes, it is about rocket strikes by the occupiers. to the ukrainian energy industry from october 10, 2022 and at least until march
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2023. the russians are also accused of crimes against humanity, causing severe suffering, significant bodily harm, and harm to mental health. the icc warrants will remain in effect until gerasimov and shoigu are arrested. at the same time, they do not recognize it in the kremlin jurisdiction of the court in gaza. just like the previous two warrants issued for the arrest of volodymyr putin and. in the affairs of children in the russian federation maria lvova-belova. in just 10 years , the european court of human rights recognized russia's systematic violations against ukrainians in the occupied crimea. the government of ukraine proved that since the beginning of the annexation of the peninsula, the russian federation practiced cruel treatment and illegal detention of people, introduced forced russian citizenship, conducted systematic searches persecuted and discriminated against the crimean tatars. authorized
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in court cases, margarita sokorenko emphasized that this is the first decision in which an international court found the russian federation responsible for violations in crimea. let me remind you that kyiv filed the first complaint in this case back in 2014, and again in 2015 and 2018. only in december 2020. the ecthr accepted the case for consideration. at home, 90 soldiers were returned from russian captivity this week. these are 32 national guardsmen, 18 border guards, 17 representatives of the ministry of internal affairs, 15 soldiers of the armed forces of ukraine and eight teroboronov soldiers, as well as 10 civilians. two women were captured by muscovites. in 2017-2018, two ministers of the ukrainian greek catholic church were imprisoned in berdyansk for... resistance to the occupiers and five more people who were captured on the territory of belarus and deprived of their freedom. it was
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also possible to free the deputy head of the mechlis of the crimean tatar people, nariman dzhelal. he was in captivity since 2021. well, it's a big deal, and the fact that it's happening, and our guys, girls know it. and relatives see it, it is for them. hope is great, and it inspires to hang on, and it takes strength to hang on, the military specialty for women, a few years before the full-scale...invasion, girls had the opportunity to enter the academy of the ground forces, more and more of them volunteer to defend ukraine, we will find out which combat specialties are most often chosen by female cadets. i wanted to become a soldier while still at school. anastasiya motyshina from vinnytsia, a cadet at the national academy of ground forces named after hetman petro sahaidachny.
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this year she finished the first course of the specialty of managing the actions of mechanized units. in this profession... future infantrymen are trained and infantrymen, the first course was very interesting, the teachers give a very good foundation, very well, especially teachers with combat experience, teach very well, but at my faculty, in the infantry, our base is tactics, like in combat, how to be, how to act, when to attack, when, well, when to defend, that is, this is... somehow, this is our base, we need to know this. anastasia entered the military college for the second time, for this she passed a medical examination, a physical and psychological test and passed an entrance exam. the training began with the course of a young fighter, then the girl first wore a military uniform and a bulletproof vest. it was three weeks, which
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gave us a base, if we completed this base, and we simply already came to the academy. people, we are already, well, there is nothing to be afraid of, like, we have already done exactly that, it was very interesting, there was an interesting moral and psychological strip, there was mud on it, well, it was muddy, well, everything was. another cadet of the academy of ground forces, yulia kravets from lviv. after february 24, 2022, she dared to connect life with military affairs. on the advice of friends, she chose artillery reconnaissance as a specialty. artillery reconnaissance. why did i choose her by name? in my opinion, this is precisely the specialty that a woman or a girl can handle, for this you just need to really study and constantly improve both your practical and theoretical skills. cadets of the military academy study according to a clear schedule. i arrive at the academy at 7:30, we have
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a line-up, a divorce class, i completely fulfill my pairs, after lunch - it's pairs self-training and depending on what day of the week it is , it can be either mass sports or weapons cleaning, and after that 7:30 p.m., i 'm free. since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of russia , the number of women choosing combat specialties has increased at the national academy of ground forces, said the spokesman of the educational institution, anton myronovych. girls, like men, want to defend our country not just in some humanitarian profession, in which... here are specific positions, actually in combat units, that is why they choose a profession, as future officers, infantrymen, commanders of mechanized troops, artillerymen, engineer troops, and a number of others. according to colonel mironovich, women make up 15% of the total number of cadets of the academy of ground forces, future female officers will be able to fill the ranks
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of the armed forces of ukraine. kateryna oliynyk, andriy polikovskyi, espresso tv channel. to swim or not to swim, the beach season lasts 20-24, do ukrainians go to rest in their beloved odessa. our correspondents learned about the situation on the black coast seas and whether enemy air attacks and polluted water scared off tourists. kateryna halko will tell. odessa is the tourist center of our country. even before the full-scale invasion, millions of tourists and more came here. from ukraine. in 2021 , more than 3 million travelers visited the city. from 2022, odesa, as a port city with access to the black sea and, no less important,
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a cultural center, was and remains an important goal for putin. the russians are attacking odessa with ballistic and cruise missiles, as well as drones. however, despite everything, as soon as the sun begins to warm, the coast of the black sea is filled with tourists, they are not deterred by the quality of the water, nor by sudden air alarms. most beachgoers admit that they would rather rely on luck or air defense forces than seek shelter. well, the question here is, maybe someday something will fly, then, then yes. yes, no, good, i think, yes, it has never happened before, we are not planning, we are from kharkiv, we are not at all afraid of anxiety, what are you, what anxiety, but no, it is not scary at all, so it is not scary at all, you know, fate , the matter is that if necessary, then it will fly, and if you don't need it, then it will save you. kaleton, the first officially opened
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beach in odesa for the 2024 season. the condition of work is compliance with the security situation. as oleg kiper, the head of the odesa regional military administration, notes, the list will be supplemented in accordance with the completion of inspections. in total , about 20 beaches are planned to be opened. we... last year there were only six of them. the beach, which submitted documents and was examined by the commission, that it meets all the criteria, began to work. other beaches also serve today documents are being worked out, all the necessary possible and impossible security measures are being taken, and permission will also be given to them in the future. the head of ova, oleg kiper, also emphasizes that the season is not considered a beach season, but a health season, and there are many people who want to get better. and nobody pays too much attention to... the official list of verified places. last week before last, when
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the weather was good, everything was busy here, there were a lot of people. to be honest, it doesn't matter whether it is officially open or not, somehow it happened that it is easier to get here by car and it is not far to walk, and that's why this beach is for me suitable to tell you, everything seems to be fine, well, if, well, my children are here, if they were already, then they have been checked, well, we are already resting for a week, the water, yes, the water is warm, well, we are used to coming here, that is why we are resting here, except threats from the air, would-be swimmers can also face threats from under the water, along with fish and shellfish, the waters of the black sea now float... and mines. in addition, after the russians blew up the kakhovskaya hpp in 2023, salt water and toxic substances and even furniture got into the sea. however,
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ecologists note that the problem is critical as of now there is none. if we compare with last year, the situation in our country is safe so far. at the same time, traditional problems remained. in the odesa center for disease control and prevention, escherichia coli was found on several beaches of odesa. the find is not critically dangerous, but it is still a reminder to observe safety requirements. do not drink spring sea water when bathing. after you bathe, you must take a shower, wash your hands, observe the rules of personal hygiene, drink bottled water, that is, observe all those measures, which we adhere to. in order not to get an intestinal infection. so the 2024 beach season in rozpala. how possible is this during a full-scale war? whatever flies in
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the sky and whatever floats in the water. kateryna galko, oscar yanson from odesa for espresso tv channel. watch espresso, read our website and subscribe to our social networks, and of course, support the espresso youtube channel. stay close, it's all good. snow, physical activity, sneezing. even during such a small load, urinary incontinence can occur make yourself known. feminost uro helped me. thanks to the natural ingredients, feminost uro helps restore control over urination. feminonost uro - urination under control. are you waiting for heartburn? i recommend izoto. isota interacts with the acid in the stomach, which leads to a reduction in heartburn symptoms. izota your water, if you are worried about rest. anatomy of hate. putin and
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the new week project with khrystyna yatskiv and others. every monday at 20:00 at espresso. a journalist who joined the zsu, a political expert, who became a special agent, taras berezovyts in a new project on espresso. the real front is a thorough analysis of the main events. reports, comments of leading specialists and experts. analytics from the major of the armed forces. how to make sense of disturbing news and distinguish truth from hostile propaganda. the real front program with taras berezovets. every saturday at 21:30 at espresso. congratulations, the real front program is on the air and
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i am taras berezovyts with you. today in our program. the situation at the front: the zsu continues to destroy the occupiers. journalists found out details of donald trump's peace plan. japan and south korea are worried about the results of putin's asian tour. riots inside russia, which from. it is known about the shooting in dagestan. the armed forces of ukraine continue to destroy the occupiers. analysis of the situation on the russian-ukrainian front, further in our story. the russian army advanced in donetsk region in two directions, but the defense forces of ukraine repulsed the invaders
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near terni. about it on the 27th. in june , the deep state monitoring project reported. the defense forces repulsed the enemy near thorny. enemy advanced near vyimka and in krasnogohorivka. near sotnytsky cossack, the situation worsened after the rotation of units. and the enemy acts in subversive groups, not linear units. at the same time, as reported by the german daily newspaper bild, the armed forces of ukraine launched a counterattack near the temporal ravine and knocked the russians out of the micro. ion channel the battle for sivyar time west of bakhmut has been going on for several months. the city stands on hills, moreover , it is separated from the russian forces by the siverskyi donets-donbas water channel. to the east, across the canal, is the kanal residential microdistrict with apartment buildings. previously, the armed forces of the russian federation tried to bypass it from the flanks and attack directly. for a while they managed to occupy the destroyed buildings,
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but now the armed forces counter. attacked and knocked out the russians from there. the ukrainian army recaptured, or never lost, several streets in the kanal neighborhood of uchasomy yar. this was reported by julian röbke, an expert in the analysis of open data. also, according to experts, russian troops are also unsuccessfully counterattacking the village of kalynivka to the north of the canal. they used to captured it and approached the siverskyi donets-donbass canal, but were then repulsed. on sunday, june 23. it was calm in the crimea. russian air defense shot down a missile over sevastopol, its debris fell on the beach where people were resting. krymskyi viter telegram channel reported with reference to local residents that there were about eight explosions in the lakeside yevpatoria and donuzlav. and in yevpator, ambulances rushed somewhere . it flew on the radar to vitin or somewhere close to it. it was also reported that could have flown to the military unit between.


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