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tv   [untitled]    June 29, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm EEST

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building, but now the armed forces counterattacked and drove the russians out of there. the ukrainian army recaptured, or never lost, several streets in the kanal neighborhood in chasovoy yar. this was reported by julian röbke, a white expert on the analysis of open data. also, according to the expert, russian troops are also unsuccessfully counterattacking the village of kalynivka north of the canal. earlier, they captured it and approached the siverskyi donets-donbas canal, but were then repulsed. on sunday, june 23 , crimea was restless. russian air defense shot down a missile over sevastopol, its wreckage fell on the beach where people were resting. the crimean wind telegram channel, citing local residents , reported that there were about eight explosions in yevpatoria and donuzlav, and ambulances rushed somewhere in yevpatoria . it flew on the radar to vitin or somewhere close to it. it was also reported that it could have flown to the military unit. between
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the villages of molochne and uyutne of saksky district, a fire was noticed there. the explosion was heard in the black sea and interwater areas. in the russian federation , it was reported that a person died as a result of the work of air defense four people, more than 150 were injured. as reported by ukrinform, russia wants to discuss the shelling of crimea during its presidency of the un security council. this was stated by the permanent representative of russia to the un , vasyl nebendzia. at the same time in the state. in the us department stated that ukraine minimizes the threat of civilian casualties in its offensive operations, this is how the us assistant secretary of defense john bass commented on the shelling in crimea on june 23, voice of america reports. regarding reports of civilian casualties population in crimea, the us deeply regrets the loss of any civilian life, any innocents killed during the conflict. i can't speak... about the truth
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of moscow's accusations, but if they are true in this case, i think it's important to emphasize, we see how ukraine uses its offensive capabilities. matthew miller during the briefing on june 24 also emphasized that crimea is ukraine and that russia can end the suffering of people with only one solution: to stop the war. we provide weapons to ukraine so that it can protect itself from armed forces aggression on its...sovereign territory, including crimea, which is part of ukraine, and russia could stop this war today and the suffering caused by the war that russia started today if it stopped occupying sovereign ukrainian territory and attacking civilians. advisors of former us president donald trump presented him with a plan to end the war in ukraine. in particular
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, it provides that kyiv will be able to receive military aid from the united states only if it starts peace talks with russia. at the same time, the trump administration, if he will win, he will warn moscow that any refusal to negotiate will lead to increased american military support for ukraine. trump's adviser on national security, lt. general, said this in an interview with reuters. army ret. keith kelloch. according to the presented plan, if negotiations are agreed to, moscow will receive guarantees from the us that ukraine will not join nato in the foreseeable future. the main elements of the plan are laid out in a document that is publicly available on the website of one of trump's friends finbanks however, trump campaign spokesman stephen chunk emphasized that
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only those statements made by trump himself or authorized members of his campaign can be considered official. our journalists asked the expert what awaits ukraine on the battlefield if the united states refuses to supply weapons. and how will our european allies behave if supplies of american weapons to ukraine are blocked. let's hear it. now there is a lot of talk about peace plans, the chinese peace plan, the istanbul variations were mentioned there, zelensky’s formula is the main peace plan, in principle, cannot be any other. 10 main points, and zelensky's formula, after the swiss peace summit, becomes the main, main element of regulating the war in ukraine. and
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no one will be abstracted from these 10 points, but against this background , trump, as a populist, is not bad at anything. he creates his plan, according to which he believes, with which he enters the international arena, that is, i have a plan, we will act according to it, i present it, so i am an integral part of peace initiatives, that are happening now in the world regarding the war in ukraine, so this is more self-promotion than something that... can be implemented, for example, in 2025, but if we imagine a situation where we are left without the support of the united states, then the european support will be enough for us for a long-term defensive type of war, that is, we will be able to maintain defense for a long time,
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gradually increasing our military-industrial complex, increasing production, others, opening some... production lines, europe will act in the same way, increasing its military industry, but in general it's to a rather long period will be precisely for defense needs and the defense strategy of conducting hostilities, one way or another at some point we must move to the level of counter-offensive actions. it is impossible to win a war by being exclusively on the defensive, one way or another you have to start offensive actions for... territories, and here there is absolutely no way to do without ss. republican front-runner donald trump's campaign is in dire straits. donald trump himself was under
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investigation, as you know, more than 40 charges have been brought against him official charges and some of them have already been confirmed by a jury. so now. national security advisers to candidate trump are looking for any opportunity to draw attention to him and, in particular, to trumpet him as the priority of the foreign policy priorities of his possible future presidential administration. as we remember, in the past, even then us president donald trump repeatedly expressed his own specific vision of ukrainian and russian history, as well as relations between. two countries, so not enough who doubts that the plan presented to his national security advisers regarding the so-called reconciliation between ukraine and russia actually reflects his own vision. the only key question is: what's next? to what extent does trump understand the consequences of this plan
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and to what extent does he understand the danger of if indeed american military aid to ukraine can stop and how will the allies of the united states around the world react to this? how much to trust... the word of america and the guarantees that america itself gives to its allies. at the july nato summit in in washington, ukraine expects a firm decision from the alliance, reuters reports. and the telegraph reports that uk and us authorities are at loggerheads over wording in the final joint statement. jubilee summit regarding ukraine's accession to nato. in london, they believe that it is necessary to mark ukraine's accession to nato as irreversible. and according to official washington , the wording should be made more optical, indicating how well-lit the bridge to
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membership is without any deadlines. about the preparation of the july nato summit in washington in our next story. in a few weeks , the nato summit will be held in washington, in which 32 countries will participate. among the main issues of the summit is the support of ukraine and its future in the alliance. since the beginning of this year , volodymyr zelenskyi has emphasized that ukraine wants to see real actions from nato. we would like to see a real step from the country that brings ukraine closer to the alliance, so that there is no stagnation, so that it is successful and powerful. summit and for nato countries to show that they are not afraid of russia. zelensky lobbied unsuccessfully political invitation to join the alliance at a summit in vilnius last summer, but this year kyiv wants to see a strong decision taken at a nato summit in washington next month as kyiv tries to advance
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its strategic goal of joining the military alliance, an adviser to president volodymyr zelenskyy on of foreign policy ihor zhovkva. i believe that this summit deserves to have a firm decision, including on ukraine, because i mean, if you lack firm decisions regarding ukraine. the summit will be useless. nato head jen stoltenberg and washington said they do not expect the 32 alliance members to invite kyiv to join during the war at the july 9-11 summit. at the same time, stoltenberg said that at the upcoming summit of the alliance in washington , ukraine will receive wording that it will become its member. he also added that nato already has a plan for nato training and security assistance for ukraine. he said this at a joint press conference with by us secretary anthony blinken after a meeting in washington.
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we have seen new announcements, i expect that these will be announcements about providing more military support to ukraine. i am sure that we will also have wording that ukraine will become a member of the alliance. nato will have a ukrainian military mission, but hungary will not take part in it, prime minister of hungary viktor orban said, - reports the hungarian newspaper portfolio. orban noted. that the russian federation attacked ukraine, violating international law, and the west sees this as an opportunity to weaken russia. he is also convinced that russia can be defeated by hundreds thousand inhabitants, but the question is whether the country will join nato. the west wants to win, but i think it is hopeless. even if it succeeds, the price will be so high that it is not worth it. hundreds of thousands of ukrainians and russians died, almost a million children were left without parents. a whole generation. in a hopeless situation. earlier, hungary promised not to block nato's decision to help ukraine,
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but will not participate in it. the hungarian newspaper also emphasizes that nato is not preparing for a military mission in ukraine in order to enter war with russia, but the alliance will promote cooperation among member countries in coordinating support and training for ukraine. the epic is over. with the election of the next secretary general of nato, as predicted, he will be the prime minister of the netherlands, mark rutte, known for his tough anti-kremlin position. he will be officially presented as the next head of the alliance at the mock nato summit in washington, and he will be able to officially begin his duties on october 1 this year. the current nato secretary general jen stoltenberg congratulated this choice is national. and stated that this is a very strong candidate who comes to lead
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nato at a difficult moment in its history. and what about russia? in previous issues, we focused in detail on the aggravation of the situation in the baltic sea, which after the accession of sweden and finland to nato, became an internal lake of the alliance. russia has repeatedly threatened nato, including new members sweden and finland, with inevitable consequences. if the interest of russia. will not be taken into account. last week , the danish government once again warned: it will fight very hard against the so-called tuna the oil fleet of russia, which includes more than 400 ships. this tuna fleet, in fact, a pirate fleet, which exists under different flags of different states of the world, illegally transports russian oil, which is under american and also european sanctions. the danish government made it clear. they will not put up with such a situation any longer. this means that the russian
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shadow fleet can be detained, inspected, arrested and even interned in the ports of nato countries. to prevent this, russia is conducting military exercises for the second time a month in the small baltic sea. moreover, the last time they were conducted using russian submarines, when two russian submarines were conducted. training by simulating a torpedo attack. during the second naval exercises, the baltic fleet of the russian federation practiced defense against surface and aerial drones. it is obvious that russia is trying to extrapolate the lessons of the war with ukraine on the black sea to other fleets, in particular the baltic fleet, realizing that the nature of the war at sea has completely changed, and the presence of a large number of surface, or even underwater. ships do not decide anything, everything is decided by technological advantage, and the fact that
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nato, taking into account the ukrainian experience , is making a serious bet on the development of uavs, as well as underwater and surface marine drones that attack russian ships has already become obvious to everyone. the united states, south korea and japan have condemned the deepening of military cooperation between north korea and russia. this is stated in a joint statement of the three countries, published on the website of the us state department. it states that the development of the partnership between pyongyang and moscow in... causes serious concern to all who are interested in preserving peace and stability on the korean peninsula, as well as to those who support the people of ukraine. more on this in our next story. the usa, south korea and japan condemn the deepening of military
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cooperation between the dprk and russia. this is stated in the joint statement of the three countries, published on the website of the state. us dept. the united states, korea, and japan are the most vocal in their condemnation of deepening of military cooperation between the dprk and russia, including the ongoing arms shipments from the dprk to russia, which perpetuate the suffering of the ukrainian people, violate numerous un security council resolutions, and threaten stability in both northeast asia and europe. it is also noted that the development of partnership between the dprk and russia. should be of grave concern to all those interested in maintaining peace and stability on the korean peninsula while upholding the global non-proliferation regime and supporting the people of ukraine, which defends its freedom and independence from russia's brutal aggression. the countries confirmed their desire to continue cooperating in order to counter possible threats from the dprk. the united states, south
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korea and japan confirm. intentions to further strengthen diplomatic and security cooperation in order to counter the threats posed by the dprk to regional and global security and prevent the escalation of the situation. the us commitment to the defense of the republic of korea and japan remains ironclad. combined the united states, korea and japan also confirm that the path to dialogue remains open and call on the dprk to stop further provocations and return to negotiations. russian president putin and the leader of the north. last week, on june 19, signed an agreement on mutual defense, promising to provide immediate military assistance to the other in the event of an attack, writes the washington post. the agreement formalizes arrangements that have been strengthened since putin's invasion of ukraine. ammunition-starved moscow and cash-strapped pyongyang are under austerity
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international sanctions, they are happy to do business. as the american newspaper ambassador writes. according to the center for advanced defense research, in the period from august 2023 to january 2024 , more than 74 thousand metric tons of explosives arrived in russia. cargoes were taken from two ports in the far east of russia and distributed along the western borders of the country. their weight is equal to approximately 1.6 million artillery shells of the type that russia used in the war. the data does not include the origin of the supply, but the analysis found evidence movement of russian ships between north korea and russia during the same period. russia, whose ammunition stocks are dwindling during the war with ukraine, is relying on its few remaining allies to replenish supplies. then as isolated north korea is always looking for ways to make money. because the west avoided his
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invasion of ukraine, putin is looking for partners who share his anti-western stance, including china and iran. on north korea, kim this week pledged a firm alliance with moscow and openly supported putin's war against ukraine, the strongest support for russia on the part of any foreign leader. more than 20 people were killed in an attack on orthodox churches, synagogues and policemen in the dagestan cities of derben and makhachkala last sunday evening. six attackers were also reported killed. the head of dagestan, serhiy melikov, said that more than 15-15 policemen and several civilians were victims of today's terrorist attack and hinted at a ukrainian trail, which caused a wave of indignation even among russians propagandists details of the attack in dagestan in
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our next story. riots broke out inside russia, so on june 23 in the capital of dagestan, makhachkala, and the city of derbend, a group of armed men attacked policemen, a church and a synagogue. as bbc russia reports , the head of the church was killed in derbent during the attack on the church of the intercession of the holy mother of god and the kelenoma synagogue. the attackers fired at these places with automatic weapons shortly before the evening prayer - reported the ministry of internal affairs. as a result of the attack, a strong outcry began in the synagogue fire extinguished. which was only possible at night. policemen and guards took the brunt of the attackers. they resisted and were killed. the terrorists also set fire to the building. with the help of beaches with an incendiary mixture. also, as reported in the russian jewish congress, there was a similar attack in mahadshkala. there they fired at the dps post, next to
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which there is a synagogue. russian media reported that there were no casualties. another shooting near the assumption cathedral. parishioners reported that the elder died there. in the church 18 people barricaded themselves. priests and parishioners. at night, they were taken out by the ministry of internal affairs. no one was injured, said a source of the interfax agency. the taken hostages were not confirmed, the attackers were outside when the battle with the security forces was going on, and another building, located next to the church, was on fire. in the village of sergokala, which is located 65 km south of makhachkala, unknown persons fired at a police car. one of the employees was injured. the russian media write that the sons of the head of the sergo-kalyna district may be involved in the attack. the head himself was detained by a security officer. as of june 25 , the number of people killed during the attack on churches and synagogues in dagestan has increased to 23, according to the information of the baza channel. 18
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police officers and five civilians were killed, and another 50 people were injured. five terrorists were also killed. there are strong separatist sentiments in dagestan, and the russians themselves do not consider this region to be part of the russian federation. this was told by a political scientist and an expert on the countries. it should be recalled that after the mutiny of the now defunct head of the communist party of the soviet union, wagner yevhen prigozhin, russian dictator vladimir putin came to dagestan in the first place because, it is said, social media analysis showed his administration that dagestan was almost entirely on prigozhin's side. he was for the central government to fall, and they would take care of themselves, conditionally speaking. speaking, according to polls, when they were conducted relatively normally in russia, the majority of russians did not consider dagestan to be the territory of the russian federation, so this is the mutual relationship of dagestanis with
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the rest of russians and vice versa. terrorist attacks in the dagestanis, who repeated themselves again on wednesday, showed that the russian authorities had once again forgotten the lesson of city's move. let me remind you that as a result of the previous several hundred russians were killed in the attacks in the moscow region, but then the official version of the russian special services was reduced to the fact that this attack was allegedly coordinated by the special services of ukraine under the leadership of western curators. ignoring the obvious fact that islamist organizations and primarily the islamic state are behind these attacks shows the weakness of russia's current position. then, as the main effort of russian special services are concentrated. under the internal pressure of dissidents and all opponents of the war, real terrorists in russia themselves feel like fish in water. the most
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famous cell of the islamic state in russia, vilayat khorrasan, is carrying out another terrorist act, and this is happening in dagestan, the weakest link of the russian government. as you know, dagestan became the scene of fierce clashes between officers. by the russian army and rebels since the 19th century. and it was there in dagestan that the second chechen war began at one time, on the wave of the struggle with which it rose the political star of dictator vladimir putin. dagestan is attractive for islamic terrorists from the idols primarily because it has the worst economic situation in russia. dagestan is traditionally the poorest and youngest. the region of the russian federation with the most radicalized youth. it is also noteworthy that at least three terrorists who were killed by russian special services during
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the sweep of makhachkala, as well as derbent, were related to one of the local leaders of united russia. his name is magomed osmanov, and he has already been officially suspended from his own positions all information about him has also been deleted from the official website of the ruler. the radicalization of dagestani islamic youth is taking place against the background of growing corruption, as well as high losses during the war with ukraine among the local dagestani population. dagestan itself resembles russia in miniature. there are only officially 14 official languages, and the total number of nationalities living in this small caucasian region of russia exceeds 100. at the same time, officially, the only language of... communication among all is russian. however, the differences and the gap between the radicalized islamic youth, as well as the old political corrupt elites, are all too
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striking. it should also not be forgotten that the situation in dagestan is being watched very carefully in other subjects of the russian federation, in particular in yenusheti, as well as in chechnya, where local islamic radicalized youth are also hated by local corrupt political clans. the main hope of the kremlin in such territories as dagestan, as well as chechnya, has always been connected with local corrupt elites. in particular, in dagestan, the kremlin'. bet on the tape sergey melikov, in neighboring chechnya on the tape of ramzan kadyrov. however, sooner or later this abscess must burst. therefore, few people doubt that no matter how many local rebels are shot by the russian special services, the radicalized youth in dagestan, as well as in chechnya, will not go anywhere. and this means that the following terrorist attacks are not random and cannot be prevented. it is
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also worth noting that the terrorists in dagestan specially chose the day of the celebration of the largest orthodox holiday of the trinity. it was on this day that the attacks were carried out to orthodox churches, and one of the priests, who ruled the territory of dagestan for more than 40 years, was killed in a classic ritual style for an idol, his throat was cut. all this was done on purpose... to cause a back wave of violence against supporters of islam in other regions of russia, but this time this idea did not work, but it does not mean that it will always be like this. this program was conducted for you by me, major of the armed forces of ukraine, taras berezovyts. thanks for being with us and thanks for watching. together to victory and glory ukraine.
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10:00 pm
this is the story of my younger brother, who, unfortunately, is no longer among the living.


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