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tv   [untitled]    June 29, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm EEST

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this is the story of my younger brother, who, unfortunately, is no longer among the living. he
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started speaking late, but when he started, he immediately sang: i didn't understand, stepan, where he was sitting, in the clearing with a fresh spirit, the french cuckoo is singing, ku-ku, ku-ku, ku-ku, ku-ku, ku-ku , i live everywhere, and why, ku-ku, red and zumky, i dream about the fairy tale, with banjos. the book
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is called jilsomina in the land of liars. he lived an unremarkable boy, maybe a little taller than his peers, but his first cry confirmed it with a deafening voice. when he made sure that he was finally alone, then he lay face down on the ground and began to sing. by. for a few minutes, the whole earth began to move, moles, worms, ants and other underground inhabitants climbed to the surface and ran as hard as they could out of pity, thinking that an earthquake had begun. i will leave the world better than my eyes, he thought, maybe somewhere in the wide world i will find happiness thanks to my voice.
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"i am writing a piece for a non-existent voice, for a countertenor, and i arrive at the conservatory, walk on the third floor and hear someone singing ave maria kachin and really, and then you hear, what is a female tessetta, our father, you..." you are in
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heaven, so holy, he folded his hands like that, yes, oh, at me, what happened at the end, the doors are all opening there, see that a man is standing , a woman sings, and then a 2-meter-tall guy stands, singing the kachynivska ave maria, and maria nods her head approvingly, she is so blind. oh my god, this is mine and vasyl is enrolled, i just don't know which one, maria baiko was not only a singer, she was unusually musical with a refined ear, lions die without a windlass, she i understood that it was necessary to preserve that unique voice of vasyl slipak, a countertenor, we didn't have such... here, there were only
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a few such tenors in the world, a countertenor is the highest tenor in the tenor family. and besides, his voice was unique because it was a voice that could be called a non-professional, non-musical, english voice. but he also had the lowest one, because he was a barreton. now i will tell you about it, it is a very interesting, unique fact, i met vasyl when we took
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carmina burana orf for the opening of the festival, in four days before the premiere. the baretone is sick, and his part there are three numbers for the baretone, very difficult, i call and i say, we have to change the program to the opening, and as i say, the baretone is sick, vasyl sings for the baretone. and what do you think, the hall, as they say, not only applauded, but chanted along with him, the truth is, the hall
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was standing in general, the competition in france, this is the one you actually chose then, the grand prix on it, yes, yes , accepted 50 participants took part in it, from almost all countries of the world, there were two others like me, one from japan, and the other from it was difficult for france, very well prepared technically, and indeed they were competitors, to compete with them. vasyl slipak, laureate of the international competition, takes the stage. please ask. in kyiv, as he says , there was a youth evening there, and he sang the ruby ​​song, who taught you, i learned it myself, there are things in life that
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you fear, god, there is nothing to fear at all, when you fear god, he will help you and... i have no words, you know, i cried a few tears, because for my native son and for the son of ukraine, this is pride and glory, such there was, you know, such pride and such glory for us. korabav will be soaked, i'll
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have you. don't you have a dream to study there, this means england, the music academy of france is the only way out in my situation, because of that i think that in the near future i will go somewhere. my brother's voice surprised everyone, he won competition after competition. after another victory , vasyl met the famous conductor
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jean pierre lororet, who took him under his care and guided him throughout his life. so, vasyl was less than 20 years old when he came to france, he spoke only a few words of french. imagine a bright, wealthy france, which simply breathed freedom, as it was for a simple guy from the soviet union, of course, a new life began to change him, he became more confident, matured, and at the same time changed him...
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and in france basses are very rare , there are many baretones, but there are not enough very low voices, that's why everyone invited him, this is the right way, - exclaimed somino, who was listening to his grandfather's story with tears in his eyes. now i know what to do with my voice instead of wandering around the world and leaving behind ruins, i will try to set it up so that it brings joy to people. vasyl had many friends in france, but among them there were two whom he loved the most and called brother and sister. these were operas.
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it was really something incredible, i heard him once when we met for the first time and immediately said: "wow, what a voice! and he had incredible charisma, when you go up on stage, it was difficult to exist next to him, pay attention, vasyl to the stage. yevgeny was vasyl's closest friend, moreover. they worked together for many years. he had to
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learn a part that is learned in a month. in principle, he was always attracted only by the upper back. he was born for the stage, he couldn't sing just like that, vasyl, he was always moving, gesticulating. he lived his music, and that is why everyone applauded him and gave him first prizes at these competitions. this is a fact. oh, i'll tell you something now that i shouldn't tell you here, when we were doing joan of arc at
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the fire, he and patrick gareth were playing football over there in the chapel, and they found a ball and they played it, like that, and patrick gareth sang and stood at the gate. and vasyl hit the ball. disguised as mephistopheles before the very beginning of the performance. i said: quietly, if the curate sees it, he will drive us out of the church. he was like that, vasyl, he loved jokes.
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высовываться из окон, looks, people poured onto the balconies of the office, as if what is happening, this all happened within a few seconds and the more people approached, the more he gave free rein to his emotions. when the whole audience was already on the hook, vasya unpacks the robe, under which there was absolutely nothing, and we hear such, oh, probably thousands of people at the same time, then calmly it is clapped back, nothing happened, we were sitting on the balcony, well, something happens that is not even believable, that it could be,
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women, all grow up submissive, of course, this charisma, this crazy character, always attracted attention , remember, in my youth, i even envied him how easily he could meet a girl he liked, when he got older, it only got stronger
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when i left, skype was 24/7, that is, many friends made fun of him, simply they didn't believe him, he was eating with skype there, he put skype on the table, it was necessary to say hello to lisa, that is, as if lisa was talking to us and while sleeping at night, skype was not turned off, but the computer was placed next to the bed, that's how
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they listen to would breathe each other. the energy was just bursting, all the ego had to be seen with him everywhere, it wasn't scary, calm, that's how it was, that's not just a physical attraction, that's a spiritual one, that is. it seemed that their love was boundless, no one could even imagine what there is a force capable of instantly severing this relationship. so, long before gilsamino got to the land of the liars, the treacherous and cruel pirate giacomona came by sea. he conquered an entire country with a large
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capital. city, appointed himself king and ordered everyone to call him your majesty, and to cut out the tongues of those who refused, so that no one would think of telling the truth. freedom of ukraine. everyone was afraid and kept silent. it was a sign for chelsomino. time to use his voice, and then he got full chest air, folded his hands into a mouthpiece and shouted. it
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was the end of all lies. thousands of people were freed and joined together to fight to free the country from the lying king. he very quickly contacted the ukrainians in france to find out what needed to be done, to send clothes or money, he immediately mobilized for this, i am vasyl slipak, an opera singer, i have been living in paris for 19 years.
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and from ukraine they asked us to transfer everything we can, some help, and a lot of things, dishes, blankets, began to be brought here to the warehouse all. vasyl, won't you sing? vasyl took control of everything. vasyl, let's sing something for us! glory to ukraine! glory to heroes.
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and then the king ordered his army to destroy. everyone, not sparing either the old or the young, but people began to defend themselves,
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he watched all the live video, everything that was happening in ukraine, he was internally worried that he could not be there. our glorious ukraine has become sad. before i became really interested in ukraine, i did not know who the cossacks were, and later, when i saw vasyl at rallies in paris, for me vasyl... was a cossack, first of all a defender of his nation, a person who combines culture and the art of combat. and i had the impression that he was about to draw
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a sword. he held rallies every weekend. every weekend he went out with a megaphone. the revolution had a strong impact on vasyl, it was as if a fire was raging inside him, it was also noticeable in his work, he began to sing rock. searching the places where i'm convinced with
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me with refuges this was a completely different person, flags, here are these ukrainian ribbons, two-color, that is, it has already stopped, well an unhealthy atmosphere, at some point he said that ukraine was somehow more important to him than relations. the lying king fled and finally decided to take revenge and took the lives of many honest people.
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and vasya was lost, that is, suddenly his personal life ceased to be of interest.
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i wanted to do something, to feel useful. that is why, at some point, it seemed to him that if he remained in france, he would not be able to be useful to his country. tingling, numbness or crawling of ants in the limbs arise spontaneously and worry you. special the complex of active substances of dolgit antineuro
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politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland, topics that resonate in our society: drone attacks on kyiv and other ukrainian cities, drone attacks on moscow and other russian cities . analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country has to get the right to start. portnikov and guests of the project, us boring, because there is nothing to fight about, let's invent, help to understand the present and predict the future, for the world a second trump presidency will be terrible. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso.


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