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tv   [untitled]    June 30, 2024 1:30am-2:01am EEST

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if she doesn't follow those conventions, she just doesn't follow them, without even explaining why she does. well, it doesn't, because there is no compulsion. the world is largely built on contracts that do not provide for the enforcement of these contracts. and among the vast majority of civilized signatories of such agreements, there is not even an idea that it is possible to so impudently not fulfill something, without explaining your position, well, i don't want to, if you have already undertaken the obligation. well, that is, after hitler, no one imagined that a new hitler could appear, who could simply to disobey all international norms and so on, absolutely, absolutely, and this, this is still the wonder of our partners in the european union and nato countries, they are always trying to present some kind of problem with russia that needs to be submitted to some international body, to try to have some kind of relationship with it find out. through the legal
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authorities, well, it just doesn't happen, well, this week, please, can i have one question, and then you, just us, when we talked about international conventions there, courts and so on, you know, i will remind our viewers that recently the european court of human rights recognized the obvious, and they finally did after 10 years, after ukraine submitted to the european court of human rights all the crimes of the russian occupiers, which they committed there, yes. violated 11 articles out of 18 possible regarding human rights, and there is already a court decision, and russia will not comply with it, as i understand it, and then, does it make sense then, well, making such decisions and so on, what is it for us then means? for us, this means our movement in the system of international law, we, as a state, are part of the world community, which performs international commitment, supports this general movement. to
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legal issues regarding our problems and regarding the russian federation, but there is again no coercive mechanism to force russia to comply with any international agreements. well, by the way, the second world war is really a very good example, when, well, what treaties did hitler's germany fulfill, or which ones did they observe, and none, and as a result - this is a new page in the history of europe, the situation with russia is more complicated, because... . i do not see today even in the ideas of some kind of victory for us and our allies, conditionally say, a parade in moscow, and a change in the political system in russia, we do not set this as a goal, which means, unfortunately, that russia will continue to be in a state of hostility towards ukraine. and that's why i emphasized in my speech at the recent forum of the expert network that we need to think about the formation of such a frontier economy, huh. unfortunately, modern russia
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leaves us no chance but to be ready for further unfriendly actions. i actually wanted to mention the ecthr as well, but besides, the latest news that yesterday or the day before yesterday, just spread the media, which sounded at the forum of the expert network of the crimean platform, but you did not say about the situation around hersenes, you probably heard some of it. snakes interpreted that hersenez was destroyed in general, well, it didn’t sound like that, damage was caused, and damage was caused by large construction near hersenez, er, what will we see when we liberate the crimea, is the museum still left, what are we going to do with these illegal buildings, because the illegal building, which is called the kerch bridge, will of course be destroyed, but all these buildings that the occupiers... will build and have already
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built during these 10 years, uh, what will happen to them, what will happen to the people who work there, what will happen to the people who live there, residential buildings have already been built, as we will act in relation to the russians who went to crimea, and in relation to all these infrastructural changes, this is really a very thorough question, because according to various estimates, from 750 to more than... 1 million russians entered crimea there, these are people who did not have no rights to cross the borders of ukraine and stay in crimea, settle, buy real estate and so on. of course, the crimea was filled with real estate, and the taurid highway, and other objects. and in the future, of course, ukraine will not destroy them. well, i can't imagine that our government makes a decision to blow up residential buildings there in such a quantity. ugh. i think that we have someone to accommodate in crimea in these buildings. we have something. people who went through
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the war and are still fighting and protecting our present, and so i think that this real estate should be distributed already through some government programs, some there... as for these people, the situation there is not obvious, because some of them, well, 100% have to leave the territory of ukraine, ugh, but there are people who came there as teenagers, who became adults, who created their own families, when, relatively speaking, some families have a passport of a citizen of ukraine, some do not have this passport, they already have their own children. may appear during this time, so this issue is not mechanistic, that is, there is a need to form a certain policy on how to treat these people, how to deport them or encourage them to return to the territory of the russian federation. the only thing we have to understand is that if we
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leave this million, relatively speaking, new crimeans in crimea, we will never see either ukrainian or crimean-tatar crimea, and the recipe that was used was baltic? countries with gray passports, whether it works or not, what does the experience of these countries show? this, this is true, this experience cannot be used mechanistically, because despite the fact that even in such a small country as latvia, almost half of the population was the so -called russian-speaking, i.e. non-native population, some of these people after integration into the european union became absolutely loyal citizens. learned the language accordingly, received citizenship and are working today, but a huge number of people for various reasons, including some, you know, soviet principledness, they remain people with limited rights, and today this is also a certain challenge, a certain problem
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for these small countries , that is, they cannot go to the elections there, elect someone there, and even take public positions, but yes, but they live there, uh, but they are there live, and this, by the way, is a requirement of the european union, i.e. that there should be no forced deportation of these people, a certain part of these people do not have passports of the countries in which they live, but they are there and form a certain political environment, and emotional environment, and well, that is, really these are people, if they do not adapt to the state policy, to the state formation of this state, where they are, they automatically... become the so-called fifth column, that is, they are a certain danger for the future of this state, and the same situation will be the same for crimea, but it is still an element of instability, even if it, even if people are part of society, but have not changed their views, we know the story with latvia, that
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the mep from latvia, tetiana zhdanok, as it turned out, she was an fsb agent, she was elected precisely by these russian speakers, that is, she represented their interests in the european parliament. given the fact that ukraine is also going to become part of the european union, and we will also have deputies, er, people who are not loyal to ukraine, but live in it territories, once again, can delegate someone to the european parliament and actually influence all european politics in general, this is such a trojan horse, actually, which is introduced into the body of ukraine, that is, this problem is deeper than it seems, it seems to me that it is deeper, and there is also your solution? it is much deeper, well , today, at the level of the expert network of the crimean platform, we discussed that after deoccupation, crimea should be deprived of the right to elect its representatives to electoral authorities for five, or better, 10 years, i.e. to the ukrainian parliament or to local elections, well, there is such a historical
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experience, for example, with hitler's germany, so and so and then the political situation, political struggle and in particular the deputies of... the european parliament, if by that time we are already as part of the european union, that is, the military administration will be military-civilian, first military, then military-civilian administration, well, then we will move on to traditional forms of governance, there must be cultural and educational programs that bring the ukrainian context in the information environment, and as far as i understand, the administrative reform must take place, because despite the fact that the heads of the military will still be in charge. administrations, it is still necessary to build a decentralized system of self-government, such as that which operates in the free territories of ukraine, and do you understand the final design, that is, sevastopol, akyar will be a part, a separate administrative unit,
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will be part of the crimean peninsula, there are different scenarios , which are spoken it will definitely be part of the crimean peninsula, i would really like it to be okiar first, not sabavasto. uhu, secondly, we need a political decision and a constitutional decision, in my opinion, to deprive kyar of sevastopol of its special status, that is, it should be the same. city, like all cities in ukraine. moreover, taking into account a certain political component, which we see today in sevastopol akyar, his status must be definitely not special, absolutely ordinary. how it will look in the future designs, this is a matter that can be debated. from the fact that it will be a city within the borders of the bakchysarai district of crimea, or can it be one of the cities, like yalta from there. of the united territorial community itself, but this issue today, of course, is not resolved,
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it is being discussed, it is a problem for communication, experts, government officials, but under any conditions, we need to see such a new governmental structure of crimea today. today there is a decision regarding the formation of united territorial communities instead of those districts that exist in crimea today. it will such a scheme of administrative management is completely different, and we will focus on it, but it is still the same. will be fully operational only after elections can be held in crimea. well, now you said about akyar, and about the so -called sevastopol, and i'm wondering if we will see a change in the toponymy of crimea in the near future, are there any developments in this regard? there are developments, in particular , the crimean tatar resource center has done a lot to make these developments public, there are new ones that everyone can see names, new old names, let’s say, there are returned names, yes, toponyms of crimea, but it
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requires a lot of work from us with the deputy corps, so that the renaming takes place at the level of our parliament, and it is not an easy process, and plus such a decision during wartime, under during wartime, there are restrictions on this reception, because we still have two oblasts on mainland ukraine, which should have been renamed a long time ago, i mean dnipropetrovsk and kirovohrad oblasts, which actually already exist. syacheslavska and the constitutional court recognized that this could be the case the renaming of the slavonic oblast and the kropyvnytskyi oblast, and despite the fact that there is a war, these areas are still called that in our country, well, it is simply a matter of the fact that even before the deoccupation of crimea, we must be ready, and even when we enter crimea, in order to we have already done all the preparations so that all bills, everything is ready, the only question is to accept and implement it in crimea. there are two more important questions, well, i will ask one question, infrastructure,
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so that we are ready for the liberation of crimea, we are liberating crimea, it is clear that energy the bridge that was built by russia and together with the kerch bridge will be destroyed, and it is clear that there are already problems with the supply of water to the crimea, due to the fact that russia blew up the kokhovskaya hydroelectric power station, what will we do, where will we... provide electricity to the crimea , where will we get water from, will we find, will we restore kakhovska, and will we be able, excuse me, i will add, to restore this northern crimean canal? first of all, we will not be able to restore it, and there is no sense in it today, it is standing dry, and in many years, when the fate of the kakhov reservoir will be decided, i is particularly a great critic of recovery. hov reservoir, we have an absolutely unique ecosystem there today, which must develop, live there and solve the problems
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of water supply in that part of ukraine, we have to look for other engineering solutions, i think we will find them, as for the canal to crimea, this is again a very debatable, because , first of all, you can build a closed channel, not an open one, because, well , evaporation from an open channel was 50%, or even more, that is, it is really us. and if you do you remember what this north crimean canal looked like, it is swampy terrain around it for several meters, and it was generally such a structure that needed serious repair and renewal even before the annexation, but climate changes, the lack of water from the north crimean canal and an increase in the number of the population, that is, in crimea , water consumers have increased from 2 million to 3 million, that is, it is huge. the number of added water consumers, while let's pay attention to the fact that no serious
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water communication facility was updated in crimea, it remains in such a rather complicated state, we studied the water communication systems of crimea for the 13th year, for example, when there were still ukrainian objective statistics, there the level of wear and tear of funds in relation to water supply and drainage reached up to 80% in certain administrative units, i.e. nothing end which this time did not happen, most likely. and the second problem is that today the authorities in crimea, the russian authorities, raise underground water from the underground horizons and run it into the communal water intake systems. security, this the uncontrolled flow of such underground water, first of all, it is from the actual dehydration of these horizons, the water changes its quality, it becomes very salty, it needs additional treatment in order to make it safe for consumption, and the most important thing is that now this water is not will be, and when we return
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crimea, we will see this water crisis in all its aspects, as they say, and... a situation that will be very difficult for ukraine. as for energy, this is a difficult issue, but today we do not have enough power, and this deficit is very glaring for ukraine. if, conditionally speaking, tomorrow crimea will be annexed to ukraine, we physically have no way to ensure energy supply to crimea today. of course, russia will not supply anything there. this is obvious. that is, electricity, water, and natural gas. dear, these will be challenges that we need to prepare for, we talked a lot about this at our meetings of the expert network, what mechanisms are there to involve our partners in the black sea basin, to create a system of additional local generation so that people do not end up in a disaster, well, you can imagine itself the situation of one lucky day for ukraine, the last russian soldier leaves
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crimea, after that the russians turn off all the generators of the entire energy supply and everything... the situation of crimea stops in a state of disaster. and we should have an answer by then. we will now introduce some kind of local power supply system. we have a solution to the problems of water supply and drainage. and we have to provide the basic needs of crimeans so that life remains there. this is despite the fact that we do not yet know under which scenario it will be implemented deoccupation and at the same time, we still have problems because we have problems. the experience of solving these problems, which we have now, is just possible. we live when mobile power plants are created, and when some autonomous energy sources are created, it could be used after the liberation of crimea to provide the crimeans with electricity, so the power of the zaporizhia nuclear power plant will not be enough, or we cannot predict what will become of it in general, we have a couple of minutes, as
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nuclear energy experts say, in particular olga kosharna, for today... the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant is in such a state that it is technically impossible to put it into operation, it is a long way for the plant to be included in any power grid in a safe state, it has been in the state of so-called cooling for too long , or cold idle, and therefore we cannot count on the power of the zaporizhzhia nuclear plant, even after we fully restore our control over this facility. thank you very much, mr. evgeny, choksago, what does it mean. khalilova held this program together, see you in a week.
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"mom, i threw up, and i'll be put on, the heat always leaves me to be poisoned, with intoxication, dehydration can occur, and it is important to restore the water-electrolyte balance when ordinary water is not enough, i recommend reo to adults and children, let's save ourselves with water reo, reo saves, reo - water for special medical purposes. greetings, friends, on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland.
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topics that resonate in our society. drone attack on... and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other cities of russia. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. ukraine should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored because there is nothing to fight about. let's figure it out. they help to understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. a project for those who care and think. politclub every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. big ether vasyl. my name is vasyl zima, this is a big broadcast on the espresso tv channel, two hours of air time, two hours of your time, me and my colleagues will talk about the most important thing, two hours to learn about
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the war, about the military, front, component, serhiy zurets, and what is the world like, yuriy fizer is already with me, and it's time to talk about what was happening outside of ukraine, yuriy, good evening, two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchavka field from by me and sports news, i invite yevhen pastukhov to the conversation. for two hours in the company of our favorite presenters about cultural news chihchenina, our tv viewer is ready to say good evening to the presenters, who for many have become a dream day, she is ready to talk about the weather for this weekend, as well as distinguished guests of the studio , mustafa dzhemilov, the leader of the crimean tatar people, with us on yazka, mr. mustafa, i congratulate you, good day, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening on espresso. friends, hello, today we are going to talk again about state cinema and again about what
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films we will watch in a year, two or three, or at all, because, as you know, on our broadcasts, there is currently a fight around state cinema, around contests that have passed quite recently, that may be declared illegitimate, and all these tapes. more precisely, their authors, who came to ask for money, may be left without them, or may not, the situation is confusing, we will talk with andriy kotlyar, the producer of babylon 13, he is one of those who signed a letter from the film community, this letter calls for careful monitoring of... council elections and state support for cinema, this is a cinema support body whose members actually determine which projects in the competition are given
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money and which are not, and as a result determine which we will watch films, that is, the members of the council, they are the decisive people, i will say that now the council that exists today, it was recognized as illegitimate already in... during the year, various trials took place and now a new council must be chosen, and now takes over much of our film community, will this process even be legal? well, while we are waiting for andrii, we will talk about olena kravets, this is also quite a serious topic from my point of view, because you know a lot, and we have some scandalous moments in show business, and at first you are full. invasion, it seems to me that this is a positive trend, although there is a popular opinion that tells us that we need to make less scandals, we need to fight less,
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but in the end, i think that we were very short of a full-scale invasion here is such a heated discussion of our persons, we say, we often discussed some russian bloggers there, well, olena kryvets gave an interview to the youtube channel conversation host. sergey lykhovida, and in this interview, in particular, she showed, in my opinion, an absolute lack of understanding, a lack of reflection on that, and what harm the jokes of the 95th quarter brought, and she in this interview is its host, it was very complementary interviews, by the way, we have almost no such tough, more critical, and very often different interviews on youtube celebrities come to youtube bloggers or... somehow to fight back, to show how cute they are, and the same thing happened to olena kravets, the host asked her, they say, you know, you have a lot of questions about the fact that the 95th
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quarter, in which olena worked for many years, in particular blurring the borders between ukraine and russia, what do you say about that, i want to say for myself that the 95th quarter was not only engaged in this, because i had to watch constantly. their releases and now i also have to watch for monitoring, and this is not the only thing that they engaged in, in my opinion, outright mischief, they did not just make jokes about the black russians, they not only ridiculed the ukrainian language, ukrainian culture, they presented it through the prism of the russian point of view, calling it an ironic point of view, self-ironic, but agree that laughing at yourself is one thing, and you should definitely do it. but it does not need to be done as the russians do and have always done, in the quarter and, by the way, in many there, on many tv series that are broadcast in our country
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, it happens. is formed to at this time, this is exactly the image of a ukrainian in comedies, which we could see in various russian and soviet films there, and this still surprises me, and it surprises me that, frankly, olena kryvets still cannot understand what was not so with the jokes of the 95th quarter, even though during the full-scale invasion, since society had already begun to change, the quarter days, they... began to get into a lot of scandals, and they can't understand, and where these scandals come from, yet there was so good, well, let's listen to elena, what is she she said, there was no such thing as that we lived somehow separately from the whole country, you know, because humor was a bit of a reflection, our humor was a reflection of social events and political events, then in life we ​​did not live in
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the paradigm that we were doing something ... well, you know, i even, i even, well, it always surprises me so, well, that is, shifting responsibility to the past, for what is happening now, is possible, but there were many other events of a political, defensive nature , and if olena has already spoken about the political character, then i will also remind you that... in the 95th quarter, they were also engaged in frank political mudslinging, forgive me, because they were on igor kolomoiskyi’s channel and all mr. kolomoiskyi’s competitors received, received a portion, so to speak, of criticism, pins, enough sometimes cynical ones from the block, and you remember that there was probably a peak of cynicism when they made fun of the house. in valery
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gontareva, which burned down, they laughed about it, and now elena talks about some political points, and very often, by the way, and the 95th quarter, and there is a diesel show, for example, these shows are humorous, which are exposed, the authors of which are exposed now to more and more criticism, they absolutely do not accept it, they believe that it is either some senseless attacks, or it is hate speech, or... it is some kind of political order, that is, you see, even from this passage we can see that olena kravets is absolutely convinced that, well, why have we been criticized in the last 2-2 years, well , there was no such thing before, that is, but the question is that it was, of course, and since the 14th year, since 2014 there has been a lot of criticism of the 95th quarter, you can remember all these cases, loud enough,
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scandalous. and about ebonite sticks, how they joked about people, about students who were beaten on the maidan, they, there were a lot of disgusting jokes, really not self-deprecating, but disgusting, and they don't seem to remember any of it, they think that okay, there was no criticism, and we can also listen now to how olena kryvets perceives criticism directed at herself and... at the show in which she worked, and she, by the way, compared herself to gladiators, so that the gladiators come out to the arena and they do something, they pass through under the blood, and the people sitting in the stands, they can only show there the top of their finger or the bottom of their finger, and they do nothing, but here we are gladiators, says olena kravets, and we are something we do, and that's why we
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are criticized, well let's... let's listen to this, this is an important thing when you realize that you are an author, you are the author of your life, well, you write your book of life, i think these are very important things, when you do not have your own meanings, you start looking for them in another life, when you don't have the courage to enter the arena, you start criticize those who do it when you don't have enough strength. get up from the sofa and stop being a sofa critic, you start looking for where to direct this criticism, and it seems like it's getting easier for you, but it's not. well, as i have already concluded for myself that olena kryvets is absolutely impenetrable in this sense, she will obviously not understand what is wrong, and it was with these jokes, and, accordingly, also her colleagues, why
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is it a joke... we are with you too, because the quarter.


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