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tv   [untitled]    June 30, 2024 2:00am-2:30am EEST

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this is an important thing when you realize that you are an author, you are the author of your life, well, you write your book of life. i think these are very important things, when you don't have your own meaning, you start looking for it in another life. when you don't have the courage to take the stage, you start criticizing those who do. when you don't have enough strength to get up from the sofa and stop. being a sofa critic, you start looking for where to direct this criticism, and it seems to get easier for you, but it really isn't. well, as i already concluded for myself, olena kryvyts absolutely not funny in this sense, she will obviously not understand what was wrong with these jokes, and accordingly, and also her colleagues, why it concerns us, and you too, because the quarter ... continues its
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work , they are now performing together with the women's quarter, such a big team, it's called the single quarter, and when you see, they continue to be criticized because they continue to not understand anything about the changes in society and they resort again and again to these and such pro-russian jokes, to offensive jokes, we can to recall the case of, we discussed it on the air... you know it, for example, about the girl from siskadovsk, yes, who, apparently, does not know how to speak ukrainian, she is such a caricature fool, but here, and this is how they showed people from occupied skadovsk, apparently, when they wrote this joke, they forgot to see that skadovsk was occupied, and it was absolutely disgusting, then the people of kherson region were outraged, and the mayor of kherson, skadovsk, seems to have frowned and
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even after that the participants of the quarter did not understand anything, they also started it all interpreted as some kind of political attacks, as some kind of order, and that is, i again conclude that this is some kind of lack of empathy, because people simply cannot understand that they are insulting people who are now, well, not for nothing , with their inappropriate jokes , in occupation, well, and also at all. we recently saw a case where a quarter ridiculed an employee of the rivne tsk, and here, you know, this is the story, they constantly pedal the question that they respect the military, but they collect for the military, they are grateful to the defense forces and so on, but the tsc is, well, in their opinion, obviously not the military, so they made fun of one of the workers and thereby faced criticism again and did not understand again. it is obvious
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from all this that they are doing it wrong, so we, well , i, again, i summarize it by what we will continue to see in the telethon, in particular, and also on various platforms of the 95th quarter show, whose participants cannot understand what circumstances they are in now, how society has changed and where they are next, maybe not understanding this, they will promote some absolutely. their messages are harmful because they simply do not understand. and olena kravets is constantly exposed to scandals, and here i still don't like this one moment, that we have a part of public people who quite consciously now admit that they did something wrong before, for example, they were infantile there, or they were not interested in politics , they performed for russians, on russian platforms, they thought, for example, nadya dorafeyeva said that i thought that being apolitical was... cool,
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they are the ones who sincerely stated that it is normal, they received huge support from society and continue to work, and those of our celebrities who begin to lie, manipulate, who begin to talk about the fact that they are being attacked, that ukrainian society is somehow not like that, it is very a frequent and very harmful thesis from my point of view, which is repeated time and time again by our show business stars, mostly those who blame ukrainian society, they say that it is sick. that it is somehow emotional, that we are all somehow aggressive, in reality it is not so, simple this is how society reacts to lies, and it's absolutely normal, you just need to stop lying, that's the point, but - olena kryvets, i'm taking her as an example, she's already, i don't know, been born for criticism many times over all these years, quite recently in the advertising company of, as you remember, the brand that decided on the underwear brand that released...
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began to produce underwear for military personnel, more comfortable, and they made a campaign, and when the faces of elena kryvets are there on the board and... she says a quote from a servicewoman, that's how it is now, and they couldn't to understand why not put a photo of military personnel, and why, and here is olena kryvets, and this company was criticized, but neither the company nor olena kryvets paid attention to it, and now they have reached the point where the criticism is even more intense, and they had to finally apologize for this campaign, especially when... the girls, the servicemen said that all these quotes were inconsistent, they were not asked for permission to use them, well , there was also a scandal with the show of elena kravets quiet evening, now we can watch different excerpts, this is a show on the state house channel, for
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which 33 million was allocated, and here - the show was not like that, of course, the three-show must be recognized as the 95th quarter, the authors tried to make it there. something good, something good, talk about culture, even, but olena kryvets finally discovered ukrainian culture for herself, but the problem is that the show was not popular, the show olena kryvets was not suitable for this format as a presenter, because this format is such late night show or under the late night show, i don't know, a sense of humor is necessary there, voleny kravets, especially she didn't have such a quick, improvised sense of humor, and that's why... she was criticized, saying that the president's friend got such a job without having any abilities for it, but in the end i want to say once again, once again to explain to you that people , who work in the quarter, for the most part will not
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change, because they do not understand why they should change, very recently one of the actresses, iryna soponaru, who performs in the women's quarter, she came. on youtube to alina dorotyuk, on the popular youtube channel. and here is also the presenter alina her asked: "well, what do you think about the criticism of all these jokes of yours, especially the joke about siskadovsk." let's hear what iryna answered. for some reason, these previous years, no one touched the quarter, i understand where the legs grow from. maybe someone from the audience doesn't understand, so i'll say it out loud, it's a political order, because the presidential election is right around the corner, and someone is tearing up. to the authorities, who are ready to discredit this quarter from all sides, well, i don't understand how it is possible not to see the connection between this, between these two, you know, events, so i don’t accept my account, and i advised, of course, it’s hard not to accept it, because
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ira was showered with a lot of bumps, and here and there there are some activists here and there and that, listen, it was a very funny number then, he went in very well , everyone kind of laughed, everyone laughed for two days, and then two days later they remembered that , oh, there was an excuse to attack the quarter, you know, to make a run of things and discredit the quarter, so i don't believe that this spark hit someone yes, that they are here, that this is an ideological campaign, well, i think that you have understood everything, i think that you, our viewers we realized that the 95th quarter is hopeless, we have been doing it for a long time. a lot of airs about it, well, we're doing another one, because it's still going on, and you know, i really hope that shows like the 95th quarter, like the diesel show, they just cease to exist, or become very marginal, because it's just, as they say,
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out of time, that is, such jokes are no longer possible, there was hope that they would change, but it simply breaks down into such and such interviews, when we understand that... everything on any criticism will simply be told to us that it is political the order and everything here is okay, they did not mention poroshenko, they like to mention him at every opportunity, well, now we are moving on to state cinema, the topic is no less scandalous, because you know if you are with us, if you watch our broadcasts , the state cinema, since the 19th year, when maryna kuderchuk came to manage it, has been exposed to constant criticism not only from the film community, but also from a wider audience, when the attacks of the state cinema on the dovzhenka center began, well, i did not expect that this scandal would go so far beyond the cinema bubble, and they will start people who, in principle, have never
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been interested in ukrainian cinema, especially, or the dovzhenko center, are outraged by all this, and now we have a situation with the council for the support of cinema, as i said at the beginning on... the program is a council, it is a body , which determines which films will win, which films will receive government funding, and accordingly, which films we can watch. we will be able to see in a year, two or three. andriy kotlyar is in direct contact with us, producer. andrew, can you hear me? congratulations. yes, i hear well. well, this is our song beautiful new we constantly talk about this on our broadcast, and about, in particular, this letter is, yes, another letter from the ukrainian film community with demands. and with requirements, in particular. to monitor how transparent it will be, the elections
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of new members of the state support council for cinema will take place, and please explain why, why there are suspicions that this may all be happening opaquely, well, in general , the management of state cinema and in general people who are connected to the management by this central body of executive power, has been discredited for many years. the very idea of ​​the state presence in the field of cinematography, that is , starting long before the full-scale invasion from the time of covid, ms. koderchuk shared her knowledge in the field of medical management and said that it is necessary to build more hospitals, instead of doing her job and defending the interests of the industry, as it was done these are her colleagues around the world, in europe in particular. after the full-scale invasion, the situation did not even worsen, it became
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more visible, because the body that should be at the forefront of the process of this cultural diplomacy, including the promotion of ukrainian cinema abroad, once again showed its inactivity, apathy, unprofessionalism, and the actual film therapists found themselves alone with all the challenges. connected with this, the ukrainian institute, which specializes in the promotion of ukrainian culture abroad, was largely responsible for this, but in general , again, in the first special full-scale year, we relied more on ourselves, on specialized public organizations, which , unlike drzhkino joined the process providing assistance, consolidation of the industry, those messages that we goto, well with... we go out to the world and in general they helped each other in strengthening the representation of ukrainian cinema,
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and all this time there was a body called the council for state support of cinematography, which is a great pity, instead of representing the interests of the entire community, establishing clear, transparent rules of the game, uh, for many years worked in the interests of absolutely specific uh uh... businesses, productions, interests and political agenda, in the 23rd year these gentlemen and young lady, according to the law , their powers should have ended, well, they simply had a contract, and in some incredible way derzhkino thought that it was obvious that their tenure was key to the defense capability of our country, and they were promoted through the cabinet of ministers. the decision to extend the term of activity of this state cinema council until the end of martial law and it seems like another plus 6 months
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or something. the film community reacted to it. we went through a difficult process together with the union of cinematographers of ukraine, caring colleagues, the public, three levels of courts, first instance, appeal, supreme court cassation, and in the end already in the supreme court cassation, the supreme court confirmed. the fact that the decision to extend the activities of the state film council is illegitimate, in fact, this legal process took about a year, we are now seeing one of the meetings of the state film council, there we saw, could see yuriy gurbanov, this is one of the members of andriy artem kolyubaev, who is a business andriy yermak's partner, i.e. such people, well yes, absolutely, well if, in general, these people should have simply left in the 23rd year and instead of
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them, they should have been at the transparent competition they can be there twice if there is a big, big nuance, they cannot by law be in positions twice and obviously this has become a problem for them or for the people whose interests they represent, now the community has consolidated, it seems to me that this is the first time in recent years when... very different productions , who, i don't know, competed with each other a few years ago, united in order to come to some kind of fair social contract that would allow... firstly, to restore trust in the institution, and secondly, well, in general promote development of ukrainian cinema on an honest and transparent basis. at the request of the supreme court, derzhkino is now starting to hold a competition for the election of new board members, and the first of its stages is the election of a commission that will actually vote
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for members of the derzhkino board, and we will see. serious risks in the fact that derzhkino can conduct this stage opaquely, in order to eventually form a commission of convenient controlled people who will again elect convenient, controlled people who will vote as they say and instead of the interests of the entire film community will present, represent something, something of their own, in short, this is all really, very difficult matters to explain, we want everything to be as honest and transparent as possible, we call on this in an open letter, we will call on the president, authorized representatives of the cabinet of ministers of ukraine , and in general, we emphasize once again that the money from the 2024
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state budget should be sent to the armed forces of ukraine, because... it seems impossible to distribute it honestly and transparently within the framework of the budget year. state cinema as the institution needs a deep reset, the re-election of the head of the state cinema, its members and in general a dialogue about how ukrainian cinema ended up, well, at the bottom, in fact, because in the next years due to inactivity and this state body being taxed, we will not see major ukrainian releases. but if we do, it will be one, two or three paintings a year. andrii, we have literally four minutes left, but i still have two important questions about , firstly, the demand to choose, well, the resignation of maryna kudarchuk, the selection of the new head of state cinema, there is an opinion that it does not matter, the figure of the head of derzhkino does not matter, because it is said to be controlled anyway and you can
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re-elect the same controlled person, they say, what is the difference. well, i say to all skeptics that if you think like that, you can already climb into the pit of death. and it was not worth going, how many people told us that it was impossible to disrupt the distribution of these funds, there were dozens of people, people's deputies, lobbyists, representatives who are closer, further to the authorities, everything worked out, it worked out, thank god , ukraine is still exists, one way or another. the judicial system, which is about justice, so without pessimism, we have achieved serious, well, goals in the context of preventing this non-transparent distribution of funds, and maybe the person of maryna khodarchuk herself, of course, she does not decide anything, but the very fact of this pressure and the fact that
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the community ready for a dialogue to find a person who will work in the interest. of the country, in the interests of cinema, it is obvious that maryna kuderchuk is not a subject, but it is important for us to continue the pressure in order to eventually come up with the figure that will suit everyone. and andriy, literally in two minutes, a question that concerns me personally it is disturbing, because for the sake of justice, it must be said that part of the film community, it is more people who still make author's films, it seems to me, although not only they have really united, i have not seen such a consolidation. but there are other ukrainian cinematographers who are mainly engaged in commercial cinema, who are in opposition to others, and they are more supportive of state cinema, and they constantly say, let's go to a dialogue, let's reconcile, let's all find a consensus, but is this possible dialogue, relatively speaking, there, well, you have, who are in opposition to this body, and those
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moviegoers who support it, i always say that the worst thing that the state cinema did was not that they even distributed funds incorrectly or did not go internationally, but that they divided ukrainian cinema, they created these artificial camps, who is here for us, who is here against us, this is the worst, it is obvious that we are all interested, commercial, non-commercial, author, general audience, we are all interested in making ukrainian cinema happen , so that it had big cash registers, so that they had big ones festival premieres and victories, oscars and so on and so on, understand. it's nice that all these parties are ready for dialogue, it's just that derzhkino has created conditions where a huge number of people depend on them, and that's not healthy. conditions, we shouldn't be dependent on here and now, go and there, i don't know, give bribes or make the movie we want, if we want sustainable development, we have to build
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a sustainable institution, without this, there is no way, andriy, thank you , and we will follow your further actions, indeed ours, andriy kotlyar was on our air, production 13, and i will say that i really... i have this opinion that our cinematographers are simply doing the impossible now and are simply going to court, seeking some kind of justice, i have not seen this before, that is, it is all happening but at the time of the full-scale invasion of this association, i am very happy to see such a consolidation, i hope that this consolidation will spread to an even larger audience, i still hope that... the issue of state cinema will be resolved, but you know, there is an opinion that as long as this government is in power, as long as we have it new presidential and parliamentary elections have not taken place and until we have a new
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president, the situation will basically be the same as it is, but again it is not hopeless, because we have a sufficiently active community that is ready again and again to fight for their rights and for injustice, that's why the current state cinema is uncomfortable enough to work and do what they do. that's it, friends, i wish you a good saturday and a good weekend, see you next week. glory to ukraine, dear tv viewers, on air tv channel about the west studio program will analyze the most important events of this week and, of course, we will try to predict what the following weeks will bring us. today's guests of zahid studio are the legendary american general wesley clark
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and the famous political scientist who is in washington, andriy pionkovskyi. the legendary american general wesley clark, ex-commander of the contingent of the euro-atlantic alliance on the european continent, will now be on the espresso tv channel. i congratulate you, dear mr. general clark and... thank you for the opportunity and the honor of speaking with you. the key story is the scenario of the subsequent war. we in ukraine experienced extremely unpleasant, not just disturbing, literally unpleasant feelings when several months were given to putin, when we are talking about the delivery of large-scale american aid. for six months, we in ukraine felt that everything could end badly for us, but now there is a feeling that the war is taking on new forms. additional dimensions, i would ask you to describe them now. it is very good that ukraine is finally getting weapons from the west, and i am too very pleased with the support from the united
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states. despite the six-month delay and misunderstanding in the congress. however, it is very important that ukraine defines its concept of victory and uses this concept to guide its demands. it is public, but there should be a clear plan for what this weapon is needed for. without a plan, people will say, well, the front has stabilized, there is nothing left but to defend and despair, but this cannot be allowed. in 1940, british troops were pushed out of the european continent, it took them four years to cross the english channel with american help, enter france, and liberate it. important geostrategic initiatives do not happen in a couple of months. it is not simply a matter of two more batteries or battalions of artillery, or hundreds of thousands more
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155mm shells, although all are necessary for defense, you need a concept of victory, without which your supporters in the west will find it difficult to formulate requirements for forces, supplies and reinforcements. so the point is to develop a winning concept. respected sir general, we understand that the concept of our victory, the formula of our victory and the scenario of further war depends on resources, and resources depend on specific political will, including president joseph biden, and we understand that some things in the white house were put on hold, only because putin threatened, maybe with the use of tactical nuclear weapons, maybe putin threatened something else, but we see that putin is inadequate, that is, the very beginning of the war demonstrated putin's inadequacy and all the atrocities that accompanied this war, when we talk, in particular, about the shelling of our peaceful cities, well, and accordingly, you have
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a feeling when we... we talk about, for example, tactical aviation, yes the f16s that are supposed to arrive this summer, that there will be enough of them , and how the united states will behave if putin really dares to use tactical nuclear weapons, because this is all very, very serious. you asked two questions: first, about the f-16. it is related to the following question: how many f-16 can be considered a sufficient number? you need 15, 50 or 500 of these fighters, it depends on your concept of victory, what is missing, at least in the public dialogue, although i don't know what is being said behind the scenes, is the concept of victory, what is it, this concept forms the basis for solving questions adequacy or inadequacy of the military supplies that you receive, as far as
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the united states is concerned, you have a very... strong popular support that reflects both your determination to fight for your independence and democracy and the willingness of the american people to support those who fight for freedom. this one strong sympathy embraces both political parties. if putin decides to use nuclear weapons, the united states will have to respond appropriately. although i don't know what that answer will be. i hope the us has too. an appropriate package of military response measures. this war will end when putin realizes that he cannot win and cannot hold the parts of ukraine that he claims are part of russia. this is how this war should end. we often hear that it should end with a diplomatic settlement, after all, all wars usually end with some kind of written agreement, but the question is what will
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form the basis of this one? agreement, the basis for it should be the results of the ukrainian concept of ousting the russians, the demands that this concept generates, and the determination to fulfill them in the process of implementing the plan, as soon as this starts to happen, i think that putin will be able to be overcome, and i am sure that he will definitely will not resort to the nuclear scenario. i am not asking you about this for nothing, because at one time you restrained not only the serbian language. in the balkans, you also restrained russian aggression in the balkans, you were among those people who were not afraid to bring the situation to the level of either, or, yes, we remember this case very well in ukraine, yes, and you managed to stop the crimes of serbian fascists who were under milosevic's guns, but on the other hand , there were no nuclear weapons involved, if we are talking about the seriousness of putin's intentions,
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how far do you think things can go... and do you feel the readiness of the euro-atlantic community to fulfill its obligations if, for example, putin starts one or the other form of aggression against one or another member state nato, will it be estonia, will it be lithuania, will it be poland. conflicts can be ended in two ways, one of them is to achieve a dominant escalation, when your opponent recognizes the hopelessness of his machine. and it seems that this is how we fought with the serbs in 1999. milosevic was a rational man, but he was also somewhat exhausted by five years of war. his resources also went to zero after he faced multiple pressures. milosevic made the mistake of trying to end kosovo. he hoped that nato's position would be influenced by the fact that
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kosovo was part of it. serbia, however, having assumed specific obligations, the alliance could no longer retreat. milosevic misinterpreted the political calculation at the highest level in nato. we then started with airstrikes, which could turn into an invasion of ground troops into kosovo and possibly into serbia. as soon as milosevic realized this, he compromised and withdrew his troops. the situation in ukraine. differs in its nuclear component, however, this trump card is in the hands of not only russia, because the usa, france and great britain also have nuclear weapons. swinging a nuclear map, putin must recognize the nuclear potential of the other side. if he declares that he wants to go to the end, then he should remember what happened with ado.


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