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tv   [untitled]    June 30, 2024 5:00am-5:31am EEST

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correct from the word ram to take a sheep, probably, yes, who will like it, it’s bleeny, but honestly, if they decided that they will return aristovych to ukrainian politics, well, thank god, honestly, i’m much more afraid that russia will one day have enough sense , put on a non-public pro-russian person, on a person who, on the contrary, will not publicly shout that she is russian, that she separated from ukraine and so on, no, but quietly find such a, you know, type... kozlika and he is not will shout that let's be friends with russia and so on, well, that is, what in fact, always very much, but russia has never been able to make soft power, if they are really going to invest, i repeat varistovych, i am not sure, by the way, friends, that this is so, because look, well, we must not forget that all that, all i gave an interview to this nasty blogger, to all these latin dogs or to whomever, of course they cooperate, it is understandable, that is, when it is necessary, they say, there is a comrade major, we will do everything, of course, yes, but they still we have bloggers. they need revisions, and
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yaristovych, he is very good at russian the public, because he pushes them what they want to hear, now he is just like a real crook, a broadcaster, he just changes, you know, how to say, the target audience, which he breeds for money, then he bred ukrainians, it's just a pity, unfortunately, the authorities gave him the opportunity to do this on behalf of the authorities, let's not forget, by the way, about this direct crime committed by zelenskyi, his entourage, who invited this creature to work a second time during a large-scale... repeat, let me remind you, oh, but now he works for the russian audience, to be honest, i don't really believe that they are going to bet on aristovych, because well, well, that's who aristovych is, i'm sorry, that's, no, it's clear what you can tell me now, well, yes, it's also possible it was about zelenskyy to say, no, you can’t, because zelenskyy is not a ristovich, please excuse me, even when he was still there just in the role of a leader, or not the most successful in the territory of the former cis, so to speak... to say, yes, let's say,
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artistic, a kind of showbiz artistic group, which was really very successful, it's not the question is what kind of content they made, they were successful, so i didn't even compare him to zelensky anyway, he's just a crook, sorry, so not that you shouldn't underestimate him, but just look, just the same, you know how am i the same when everyone is grabbing, that’s how there is latinina, mr. portnikov broke, mr. portnikov is handsome, well done, respectable and attentive, well ... i believe that every time a ukrainian public intellectual or any somebody start talking to these old sorry whores we're already losing it's one thing, when our artists-musicians go to cannes and prove there that there is a ukrainian vision, why talk about the topic with old whores, the same goes for aristovych, you see, every time we give him some additional value, it's bullshit, on the contrary, very rejoices and thinks that he is very cool, he thinks, oh class, that...
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some fool will sign up, i will cut off his money, honestly, the best way to fight against this shit is to just throw him out of the public space, well, we can't, you see, we still have ours you colleagues who can't live a day without including some racist shit on the air, every time i want to look these guest editors and editors in the eyes and ask, how much will you drag this shit on our air, you he will learn english finally, he will learn polish, he will learn czech, how much russian crap will you drag here, stop doing it, aristovych, this applies first of all, because it is not just russian crap, it is also a crook, i repeat, just a crook, perceive him, you know, as a bazaar catal, and then everything at once will fall into place with the purposes of this being, and what he is doing it for, where he is doing it, for whom, do not take him as a public persona, he is a crook, a crook, he just steals your money through your bags, and not immediately climbs into my pocket... all the difference, thank you, bohdan,
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ola, this one, i would say, a political swindler, well, such a concept, a political swindler, we will use to the extent that he has any opportunities at all, and how likely it is that he can even claim something that he declared there ksenia sabchak, that i will run for office president of ukraine. uh, and does he have any voters at all? listen, how can he technically do it? he hasn't lived in ukraine for 5 years in a row. he has not lived in ukraine for more than a year, so this opportunity has already disappeared for him, even if elections are called tomorrow, well... if he
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suddenly decides to come and live, well, we understand that he will not do this, because it threatens there's a lot of things there, he he is afraid, well, no, i think that it is, but well... again, you have to understand a little here , you, i absolutely agree with bohdan that russians simply always misjudge, but they do not misjudge and misjudge that is why they are trying to pull out aristovych. they have such a wonderful plan, as they believe, that if they provoke elections in ukraine now, some people will come... who will want to negotiate with russia, and then they finally will be able to take over ukraine, you know, by soft power, because they will simply hand everything over to them, well, that's their real plan, don't think that there is some other plan, there is no other plan, it's like that , that now
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someone will come who will first agree on freezing the war along this line, then admit that already those territories that were captured by russia... let these territories of russia leave, after that, well, in principle , somehow it will be like that again under yanukovych, when all structures will be flooded here with some russians, well, and then everything will somehow be all of them will be removed, that is, this plan, it exists, there is no need to say that it is not there, why them, why are you standing for them, because the russians always choose a person who is public, they do not create anyone from scratch, they do not work like that , there is someone who has already... got out, they choose from what is available, but now from what is available, they do not see any more pro-russian politicians who would be popular from their point of view, except for aristovych, so it happened, everyone their people caught fire here, well, it really happened, it’s just called choosing
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the best from the worst, that’s what they have now the choice, well, actually, i agree with bohdan, it 's a good thing that they are so wrong in their assessment, because it's absolutely... it won't work at all, it's an absolutely losing bet, thank you, thank you, olya, that's the end of our conversation, let's remember about these week-long scandals of the presidential team, because mykola tyshchenko from a trip to dnipro received a 24-hour house arrest for attacking a former military man from kraken, borzov, serhii barzov, who headed the vinnytsia regional military-civil military administration. painted there in a drunken state state, here is this video, ordered the tcc officers to issue summonses to young men with whom he had a dispute. nabu came to search the former official of the dnipropetrovsk regional military administration,
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the coordinator of the great construction, yury golyk. and the same nabu used to come to kyryl tymoshenko, the former deputy head of the office of the president of ukraine. how are all these stories, how do they influence, whether and whether they influence how people perceive zelensky's team, because we have a monopoly, and monopoly, as i always repeat, involves mono-responsibility, is zelenskyi responsible for the fact that, as we see, to these scandals, is there any electoral answer, will it be, bohdan, well, i will remind you that it will happen. well, again, according to the latest polls , we have people, well, first of all , support for zelenskyi itself is starting, soon it will be less than half, but on the other hand, it is not very good from the point of view of what we have , sorry, everything the legitimacy of the government should be the same, but less with those, look, people hate the environment, have long been shifting
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direct responsibility for everything that does zelensky, on his entourage, on the fact that he does not know how to choose his entourage there, even his supporters, these are again not my words, you can open the research of kmis, razumkov, who else is there and what rating. published, it is a red thread everywhere, that's why everyone is here as if it were all slightly different stories, styshchenko is a very revealing moment, after all, yermaka's best man and it immediately went very hard on the media, but they couldn't help but react to it, look, all these stories are if, they are from different moments, they are not what it's just one trend there, because with kiryusha tymoshenko it's her golicom, it's a story about a case that stretches back to the 21st year of grand theft, tyshchenko is a more recent moment, it's as if it's just... you see, everything is starting to get confused in a single ball, why? because, how to say correctly, you know, it accumulates, accumulates, accumulates, people, okay, people understand that under zelenskyi will be the legitimate president until the next elections, whenever they are held there, but this does not mean that zelenskyi has the right to complete usurpation of power, not only that
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a few people rule on his behalf, whom no one elected at all, not only that, each of them has a lot of issues of a corrupt nature, of an emotional nature, just to top it all off, to them we... and so on, and people, well , society starts, some consciously want changes, and they start, and these, and these don't want any changes, they start messing around, and you know it, like a snowball, it will just really get into these messes. .. more and more, and the more volodymyr oleksandrovich will fight against the fact that somehow to renew the government, to do something so that it is not resolved only, excuse me, between him and yermak, well, there will be more such situations, because it is impossible for two people to control the entire situation in the country, especially with the help of such completely incompetent people, which these p there are six or so so-called effective managers that he has, thank you, thank you, bogdan olya, i think that they will have to show some demonstrative behavior now, well, that's punishment. because life after life shows that, in principle, when you have an otaku with some very, well,
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let's say, dubious power, yes, where very there are many such fecaps, well, you need to find the guilty, then you will be able to hold her, well , for a long time, in fact, there are many examples of how it can be done for a long enough time, but for this you need to really punish someone of your own, i think that they will be forced to do this to do and everything, just forced, this or that riot. or someone else, just from the other side, you know, well, it’s not, it won’t have such a big impact on society, if it’s just the figure of tyshchenko, they will have to do much more so that society at least somehow starts to to take these punishments seriously, like yes, well, really, look, they are doing something, well , there is not enough of one, roughly speaking, we need more, thank you, olya, olga len, bohdan butkevich. were guests of our program today, let me remind you, friends, that throughout our
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broadcast we conducted a poll, we asked you about whether you believe that trump is capable of ending the war in ukraine, we already have the results of our television poll, let's look at the results, 12 % yes, 88% - no, that is, 12% of people still believe that trump can end the war in ukraine, by the way, similar logical numbers in the youtube channel are also 12% yes and 88% no, once again friends, i encourage you to subscribe to our social networks, our pages on youtube, facebook and other social networks, your support is very important for us, read our news on the espresso tv website, we work for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and watch the broadcast of the tv channel, i put a full stop in today's verdict, i wish you all the best, take care of yourself and your family,
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have a good weekend, goodbye, congratulations, i'm olga len, these are chronicles of the war, and first of all, i remind you about our very important collection for the repair of... armored vehicles in the combat zone , because we are already reaching the finish line here, we have collected almost so much and we are getting close, a very important collection for our two best brigades, on soledarsky and zaporizhia direction, the repair and recovery regiment works in full, mainly on the contact line, in the gray zone, in the open sky, at night, this is all necessary for the emergency recovery and return to the battlefield of damaged military equipment without ... mps, tanks, minibuses, very important thing please join us, we need to collect
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600, 30,000 uah, there are already 563, we really hope that we will collect about 100,000, well , this week, maybe a little more, so look, here you see a qr code, number account, please join very, very much. it is important to close this collection, because it is a very necessary thing for our fighters, and we have already seen for several, well, probably eight months , attempts of offensive actions by the russians, let's see what has been happening recently on the front lines, and actually let's talk about it, battle map during the period of june 19-26, they became at the front. even hotter, the armed forces of the russian federation broke through near toreysk. during the week
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, the number of clashes increased by 30%. the russians advanced the most in the pokrovsk-turkey direction, they also became more active in the kupyansk region, but in zaporizhzhia and southern donetsk region, their activity was reduced by almost half. vovchan front. fierce local street fighting continues in the city of vovchansk, without significant progress on either side. due to the heavy losses of his... cat, which attacks mostly unarmored component, the russians, it seems, finally understood that the offensive had failed, so they changed their tactics and began to actively use cabs, in particular... it was in this area that for the first time during the war they used the most powerful bomb that the russian federation has (kap- 3000). the russians hit our positions in liptsi with it, and then repeated it twice more. it was in liptsy that the situation for the rashists was the most difficult, because here the zsu began to push them out of their occupied positions. a large number of other cabs are dumped by the russians on
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vovchanchansk, and also use tos thermobaric jet artillery for the purpose of destruction. dense urban development, instead , the defense forces in response deliver systematic strikes on the rear of russian territory. for example, our air strike destroyed the command post of the russian regiment, which was located in the village of nekhotiivka in the belohorod region, in the ulkhovatsky district of the voronet region, our drones destroyed a field depot, which then detonated for many hours. also, the armed forces of ukraine used hymers for the first time during an attack on the kursk region, where in the village suja was hit by the fsb building. on the offensive on kupyansk. the advertised offensive on borova has not yet begun, but the kupyan front has become significantly more active. mostly on the northern flank, where the occupiers in the vilshana area captured several of our positions between vilshana and senkivka. in addition, the enemy attacked south of berestovo and west of kolomiychikha. however, the defense forces repelled these attacks. turkish failure of the armed forces.
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while near the temporal ravine, the defense forces manage to successfully restrain the enemy and prevent him. nor bypass the city from the flanks, nor break through the kanal district, the invaders managed to seize our positions near turetsk almost without a fight. thus, during uncoordinated actions within the framework of the rotation, the armed forces lost well-fortified positions on the outskirts of turetsk, in particular in shumy and severnoye, which had been built since 2014 . in general, the russians managed to seize the area 2 km deep and 3.5 km along and come close to the urban development. probably right now... they are not ready to decide, but they have improved their positions, which will make it possible to increase the pressure not only on turkey, but also on the southern flank of the defense of the temporal ravine in the area of ​​kurdyumivka and kliishchiivka. the pokrovsky front is waiting for the climax. if there were about 40 battles near turetsk this week, the same number took place in the vovchansk direction, and in pokrovsky almost 300. from
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week to week, the number of clashes here only increases, which indicates that the rashists, feeling the taste of victory, are throwing everything here . to develop it. during the week, the enemy continued to move in the direction of the intersection of the pokrovsk-konstyantynivka highway and almost completed the occupation of novooleksandrivka, where he advanced 500 m. in addition, the armed forces of the russian the federations have occupied half of the sokil village, and are also trying to bypass the settlement from the north in the direction of yevhenivka. near novoselivka, the first defense forces were able to completely hold back the zagarians and prevent their advance from the previously occupied novopokrovsk. to the south between'. in pokrovsk and umansk, the russians are gradually leveling the front and advancing to the southern outskirts of novoselivka the first. our soldiers, who found themselves in half-stop in yasnobrodivka , managed to fully gain positions in a week, as well as in the neighboring area near karlivskoye reservoirs the environment of the employer. of course, the encirclement is still a long way off, but
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the occupiers have realized that they cannot take the city head-on, so they are gradually implementing the plan they have in mind. cities from logistics. to do this, they need to block the road from korakhivskoye, somewhere in the area of ​​bogoyavlinka. today, in order to achieve this goal, the enemy needs to break through another 13.5 km, but on the other hand, in the last year, they have advanced about 8 km on this part of the front. in a week , the russians managed to occupy a significant territory in the volodymyrivka area and break through 4 km to the west, which is quite a significant blow to our defense. destruction of russian infrastructure. on the southern front. if you take a broad look at the map, the situation in crimea, zaporizhzhia, and southern donetsk region is highly dependent on the available resources and logistics in the southern regions of the russian federation. throughout the spring and in june, the armed forces of ukraine concentrate their strikes on precisely these enemy regions. this week, the armed forces, together with the security service of ukraine, struck key refineries in the southern district of the russian federation. afipskyi, iliskyi and
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krasnodarskyi. besides, we have ours in azov drones blew up half of a large oil depot. and it flew to yeysk via the warehouse and the air defense training center. from where in ukraine are the shahedis launched. more than 120 drones of various types were destroyed. we win daily, death to enemies. well, viktor kyvylyuk, a military expert of the center for defense strategies, a reserve colonel of the armed forces of ukraine, joined us. greetings, mr. viktor. good evening, mr. ulgo. you know, let's start with the most high-profile story that happened this week. well, it is. actually, zelenskyi announced the change of the commander of the joint forces of the armed forces of ukraine yury sodol, he was replaced by brigadier general anatoly hnatov, but the most interesting. that this happened after the general was accused of incompetence and the loss of people, said the chief of staff of the 12th azov brigade bohdan
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krotevich, well, that's basically it, well, i don't remember such stories for all these 10 years, neither such open accusations, when a statement is submitted to dberk, nor such quick dismissals, what does this show, what? can you say that it was like that at all? well, this is the ukrainian personnel policy, but what if more precisely, it is complete absence. as for the president's actions, he is within his legal field, because it is his competence to appoint and dismiss senior officers , i do not see any violations here, why one commander of the united forces was replaced so quickly. another commander of the united forces, well, this question should be asked of the minister of defense, who wrote the submission, and the president of the supreme commander-in-chief, who made the decision. as
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for the message with which the chief of staff of the ozo brigade addressed the sbi, well, too i personally wonder why a person with an education, if i am not mistaken, mr. krotevich, graduated from our water transport academy and... an official who is a specialist in the field of water transport takes to evaluate the actions of a graduate of the operational and strategic faculty of the national defense academy, well, me i don’t know that there is such a thing at all, but this is our reality, on the other hand, the chief of staff of the brigade is appointed to the position if he has an operational-tactical education at the same national defense university, which mr. krotevych does not have, how can he appointed, well, it's probably too... let the sdf figure out at the same time why he was replaced, or rather not replaced, but why general hnatiev was chosen, this is the president's decision,
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there are enough deputies in the command of the combined forces to hand over the command of the troops to someone else, well, but the president decided otherwise, not consistency, not pleasantness when replacing an official, well... in principle, it looks strange, but we will probably never find out the reasons, well, some of the reasons are known, because in fact it is in the regiment azov, well, there have been problems with sodol since ancient times mariupol, they have big claims against general sodol regarding the organization of the defense of the city of mariupol, where, as we know, azov was surrounded and whether it was justified or not, this is still a question. controversial, i understand that this is actually now, they came under sodel’s command where they are, and there again some strange stories begin with
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the fact that people are taken away from them, new ones are not given, well, actually they have problems on the flanks, well, that is, there is a whole bunch of history of some kind, that is , there is exactly, well, precisely connected with combat activity in them, the 36th marine infantry brigade defended the same mariupol, the brigade commander. the 36th former general of the gnats was appointed commander of the combined forces and there are no claims, that is, there are probably more political reasons than purely military ones, there is also a strange story that at the same time sodol was left to lead the khortets landslide, that is, as if he still continues to lead the same azov, i understand, well, that is, it is not clear, yes , yes, that is, but you know here more. well, in fact, it can be like a conversation starter, because after all, the event of this week is the loss of noise in the turkish direction, and this
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direction has settled down for quite a long time in such a quiet way that nothing is happening there and as if no one is going to advance anywhere, and suddenly it became clear that as soon as there they unsuccessfully replaced the brigades, well, the russians began to advance there, and this also tells us what it really is about... the fact that, in fact, russian troops are conducting an offensive on the entire front , and where they simply do not advance, it is not because they do not try to advance, but because they are simply restrained there, and if you violate the capabilities of this restraint of these offensive actions, then actually, you see, there are losses right away, well, i can’t simply explain these here and here and here and here and there, and here we go, let’s try to sort out point by point, who decided that replacement. brigade was unsuccessful, well, actually, this loss speaks about them, these are conversations that
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have nothing to do with reality in principle. the loss is not the noises, but the ruins of the settlement noises, except for the foundations, there was nothing there at the time of the start of the russian offensive. the russians were preparing for an offensive in that area the last two years, they finally prepared, there was a group formed of five brigades, our intelligence saw all this perfectly, commander khortytsi knew about it for at least one and a half years. these are none. surprise, the enemy took advantage of their numerical advantage, five brigades are competing for two villages and access to the outskirts of toretsk, which the enemy has there today, this is about 10 thousand personnel, we were ready for this, the fact that the opponents, who have numerical advantage, captured the ruins of noise, well, this is a normal phenomenon, but a tactical defense zone.
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the fortresses on the turkish side were not breached, and in principle nothing tragic happened there. the fact that the enemy will move forward by inertia for a certain time is normal, until it exhausts its offensive potential, thanks to the efforts of the ukrainian defenders. if you look at this region a little more broadly, you will see that the enemy is stuck under a time chasm, which was supposed to... according to their plans to capture on may 9, outside the last days of june, but at the time of the ivars under the control of the defense forces and the enemy has no chance, at the same time, the enemy wanted to cover the turkish defense area, surround our forces there, but the northern flank has been slowed down, the task has not been completed, on the southern flank in the ocheretny area, the enemy is doing much
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better, but... this coverage of one of the flanks and the encirclement does not work, so the command of the enemy’s troop group center decided not to wait any longer for the 98th airborne division to achieve something in the time gap, because it is stuck there , and it seems that soon there will be one less division in the russian airborne troops, because the personnel is practically exhausted the whole, it is replenished by volunteers of various kinds called for... mobilization, bars-type formations, that is, they are no longer paratroopers, they are what is at hand, so turetsk should not be considered as some kind of surprise or a big failure, well, a completely planned development of events, well , nevertheless, it seems that they still reached the beginning of the city development, it is already somewhere close, and then the question is whether it is realistic...
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to keep turkey now in this story, if everyone there was preparing for something, it is realistic for today, but we will witness street fighting in turkey, it is absolutely certain, i think that in 7-10 days the enemy will enter the city and the fighting will begin there, and what does this threaten in the larger , well, on a larger front, the seizure of turkey itself, what can threaten, is an attempt to complete the seizure donetsk. region within its administrative border of the ukrainian, administrative-territorial division, accordingly, the enemy will do everything possible in the siversky, chasivoyarsk, toretsk, kramatorsk, kurakhovsky directions in order to fulfill the tasks of its military and achieve at least some goal, which their president proclaims proclaimed, announcing
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the beginning. and if we take the whole of this eastern zone, the most threatening situation is the pokrovsky direction, as i understand it without a doubt, and it is the development of events in the pokrovsky direction that also threatens the greatest consequences, as i understand it, if you say wider along the front, and on the pokrovsky front. direction, the enemy has achieved tactical success and has the strength and means to turn this tactical success into operative, the enemy has approximately 6 km left to cut the logistics routes of the defense forces defending in this area, in turn, such a development will allow the enemy to create disadvantages for
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further defense. conditions in the same turkey.


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