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tv   [untitled]    June 30, 2024 7:30am-8:01am EEST

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only forward to victory. and why do you think putin did not open the northern bridgehead when we are talking about the republic of belarus, right? because this is an extremely serious threat, but there is a feeling that putin is afraid of it. putin is determined to leave a deep mark on history, which is why he can be relentless. however, the forces that will determine the result come from the heart. the heart of the ukrainian people. increasingly stronger, after centuries of struggle, after the disappointments of 1918, after the problems of the 20th century, revolutions, the loss of crimea in 2014. everything it is part of the evolutionary process of struggle for its formation. success comes to those who persevere and continue to fight, this is the challenge ukraine is facing now. unfortunately, i have to end our conversation with our viewers.
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i would like to remind you that the legendary american general wesley clark, the former commander of the american euro-atlantic contingent on the european continent, was currently working on espresso. in the latest issue of ukraine magazine, an exclusive interview with diplomat oleksandr khara. why does russia have the right to veto ukraine's entry into nato. a high-profile investigation, the road to... where, how can the construction of a forest road destroy a historical monument? the unique vitaly portnikov about the impact of the war on ukrainians and the values ​​that unite the nation. the diary of the legendary nationalist mykola kokhanivskyi: the country is always at the forefront, look for it at press outlets or subscribe online. mom, i threw up and i'm sick. sfeko always only poisons you. in case of intoxication, dehydration may occur and it is important to restore the water-electrolyte balance.
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water for special medical purposes. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads, we will have even better ones. a special look at events in ukraine, at the border of kyiv will be with... all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 5:10 p.m., sunday 6:15 p.m. at espresso. greetings , this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already come to the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live kamikaze drone attacks. political analytics. objectively and meaningfully, there is
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no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. svobodalai, frankly and without prejudice, you draw your own conclusions. your place is waiting for you, the light remains on, for dinner - what you love, a warm bed is made, there will be walks, swings and swimming, you are waiting for you on your streets, at school. in your church, because in your
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house they see dreams about you, you are always in front of their eyes, they cry for you, they pray for you, we were surprised, because we knew that you were already somewhere nearby. half the battle is knowing how hard it is to win, and we will do our best to embrace you as soon as possible. therefore, when you are at home, when we are together, we are more than a family, we are a nation united around you. and now
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andrii pionkovskyi, a famous political scientist who is in washington, will work for the tv channel. glory to ukraine, andriy andriyovych, glad to see you. glory, good day, anton. well, an extremely important story is what the position of the united states will be. when we talk about giving us long-term care. a couple of minutes ago i spoke with the former commander of the euro-atlantic contingent on the european continent, general wesley clark, and he assured that the position of the united states will continue, so the aid will continue no matter what. but there is another factor, which is called donald trump and his advisers, who voiced rather strange, so to speak, methodologies that trump may use in the near future, in particular, to put pressure on moscow, but also, worst of all, on kyiv . your word, andriy andriyovych.
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general clark is right, it is happening in the us a conceptual revolution carried out by the reagan wing of the republican party. its three prominent leaders: the heads of the defense, foreign affairs, and intelligence committees, michael mccaul, mike rogers, and mike turner, first of all, overcame trumpist opposition to the ukraine aid act. moreover, they criticized the biden administration for insufficient support for ukraine. this is a serious blow to putin's agency in washington. i agree with clark's conclusion that support for ukraine now does not depend on the presidential election at all. through this revolution , a two-party pro-ukrainian majority was formed in both houses of congress. according to the results of the latest votes, we see that in the senate it is 80 to
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20 senators, 50 democrats and 30 republicans, and in the house it is 370 to 60. and this majority will not change. but there is still a supreme leader. armed forces of the united states of america, and we also understand that europe is extremely worried, particularly about what may happen in the next few months, so we do not venture to predict, because , you know, the american elections on the right ungrateful, that is, their analysis and futurology on the matter, but, but, but, first of all, that commander-in-chief you're referring to has yet to reach the oval office. it is a democratic state in which congress plays a decisive role in matters of war and peace. and thirdly, i believe that the revolution that took place in the usa and europe, which was carried out by macron, had an influence. now the leaders of the united states and congress and the leaders of europe set themselves the task of not
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just avoiding the defeat of ukraine, as the biden administration did. and to cause defeat of russia they understand that this defeat must be inflicted, that... be absolutely certain of the outcome by january 21, 2025, when the new president enters the oval office, so that there is no longer any doubt. and this is what all the latest actions are working on, we see how all the red lines are being erased before our eyes. the usa allowed attacks from the longest range, removed the restrictions on the range of strikes on russian territory, and here... and yesterday's sensation. all the american press says that the biden administration continues to resist, but that's it more sources say that under pressure from republicans, she will be forced to accept such a formula. yes, biden, as before, is against
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sending american armed forces to ukraine, unlike macron and his allies. but it does not rule out that the companies that supplied weapons sent their personnel for maintenance. of these weapons, that is, it is the same, in fact, that europe is going to do, to provide not only missiles and planes, but also the technical personnel that maintain these missiles and planes. in one sentence, macron destroyed the long-standing putin's ten-year nuclear blackmail, saying that french military personnel are already participating in a military conflict on the territory of ukraine. they already service our skal missiles, as do the british services. all this shows that the west really has a serious intention to defeat russia and
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understands the threat that trump represents. putin also understood this. mind you, he's not threatening nuclear weapons right now. he realized that these are empty threats, which... we see evidence in debates on propaganda channels, we already hear complaints: the king is not real. the king is not lived up to expectations, france has already declared war on us, is sending its troops, and we cannot launch a nuclear attack on france. but andrii andriyovych, i would ask you right away, without going far, so to speak, from our intellectual cash register, to explain why putin issued his ultimatum, that is , an irrational ultimatum, he made it publicly on the eve of the peace summit in switzerland, putin could have simply remained silent. but he says: no, ukraine must withdraw its troops from its sovereign territories, otherwise i won't talk about anything
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to speak, that is, putin, it was not clear in his head. great question, i don't agree, it shows that something has cleared up in his head. yes, this is an unprecedented offer in the history of world wars and world history. give me also the territories that i could not capture from you. i'm ready for a truce, no one will seriously consider it, no one will accept it, but look at this ultimatum from the other side, through the eyes of putin's patriotic cattle, which supports it, it's a retreat. putin started the war with an ultimatum to 30 countries nato, collect your money and get out of here. threatening destruction, he told them on the day of the declaration of war, if only they dared to help the ukrainians, to prevent me from destroying them. such catastrophes are waiting for you, which you did not know throughout your thousand-year history,
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that is, he threatened nuclear weapons, now it is clear that this is an empty threat, the west is not afraid of it, and putin is now busy with another issue, so he wanted to become the master of the universe, he was he is sure that kyiv will be in seven days and that the west will release almost a dolamansha, but now he is busy with other things. he needs to remain in power in a defeated country, because even his ultimatum is brazen and laughable, an admission of the defeat of his war plans, which he announced on february 24. now his task is to stay in power. and how to do it? make some kind of agreement that will leave a large part of the territory of ukraine in his hands. so he hopes to sell to his people. to his people and supporters this decision as an honorable draw.
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like, that's how i failed to accomplish our great goal. and he has already prepared the culprit, because the army consists of thieves and traitors. his entire fight against corruption is an attempt to blame the army for the failure to seize ukraine. everyone knows that timur ivanov was shoigu's wallet, shoigu himself was putin's wallet, and all these billions went into the pockets of putin's group. therefore, it is funny that he suddenly found out that there is corruption in the army. he is preparing two things: the first is to tear up this temporary draw agreement and sell it to the public. blame corrupt generals for the failure of the grand goal of capturing ukraine and europe. andrii andriyovych, well, no one will be able to sell in the west, you understand, any honorable draw that putin would like to come up with our... it will not fit in any western cabinet, that is , everyone will renounce it, that is, putin's
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plan, well, it is simply falling apart up-and-coming, but he has no other, grasping as if for the last straw for trump. trump is basically proposing the same thing, and i have a simple question: why is trump doing this? look, here's his last suggestion, which you voiced at the beginning. brings him nothing political, it contradicts the position of the majority of the republican party, the reagan wing of the republican party, which criticizes biden for insufficient support for ukraine and demands the complete defeat of putin, it does not add a single voter to him, that trump cattle that goes to his rallies and congratulates him, they don't even know what... ukraine and where is it? trump stubbornly continues to save putin. to save his
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hopeless plan, the furniture without any visible political reason, harms his political prospects. this proves what was said many analysts, there is some frightening dependence of trump on putin. do you remember that scene after the summit in helsinki, when they talked face to face with trump for over an hour. and then they came out to the public, small, mean, with a mocking smile, putin, and a completely confused, crushed, huge carcass of trump, i don’t know what documents... and what arguments putin gave there, but this is proven by today’s trump policy, his attempt save putin, as you rightly said, a hopeless defeat, no one from the biden administration today, for all our claims to this administration will not agree to this agreement, especially the europeans, its hope that trump will win the election and save, bring him
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salvation, this honorable draw. he went to north korea, they got tense. the united states also got tense in beijing, that is, on the way out, putin can take out from there, i don’t know, a certain amount of artillery ammunition and sell kim jong-un to his, visage, so to speak, this or that missile technology, that is, on the way out, as it were nothing, but putin went for it, taking into account the fact that the day before, he was literally there for several weeks in beijing with in all its glory, this is the strange voyage of putin and his cliques to the east. this shows both of his last desperate moves. the task he gave his agent, trump, was to promote the deal by any means necessary to an honorable draw for putin. but his trip to korea, to beg for weapons, shows the impasse in which he found himself. by the way, the trip to korea did not excite his
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senior partner, comrade chas, because he invaded china's inner backyard. the territory of the monster that was raised in beijing, to me it is the people's republic of china, yes, that is reminds me of something else, you know, the relationship between putin and lukashenko has always been difficult, quite acute, and lukashenko always went to beijing in difficult moments to show putin that he has another sponsor, which annoyed moscow terribly, and beijing is also annoyed by putin's showdown with north korea. putin's desperate moves only make his situation worse, but the worst thing is his z-patriotic community , the sentiment that the tsar is not real. zet-patriots wonder why putin does not punish france with the same nuclear strikes. but because macron reminded him quite firmly that france also a nuclear power. this is what i have been saying for
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three years on all channels that putin was never ready to implement. nuclear weapons. he knew very well that this was just blackmail to intimidate the west. now putin is pouring out other threats. after the attack on sevastopol, they blamed the americans. and they rushed to threaten them quite specifically. crazy mashka zakharova is not a propagandist, she is an official media. she stated that the americans would be severely retaliated against for their strikes on sevastopol. well, the patriots are already outraged, where are the nuclear strikes, and now through week, the same z-patriots ask putin. and where is the retaliation in the usa? will he find himself in such a shower of empty threats? previously threatened with nuclear weapons, now explains to his patriots that he is. we are ready to use
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nuclear weapons, but not now. there is no need now. continues a conventional war, and we 're going to win it, yes, okay, now they 're going to wait and threaten to attack american satellites, american drones, romanian and polish airfields where nato planes are already arriving and using them as bases airfields for strikes on crimea, but where are putin's strikes? 12 putin strikes: a visit to north korea, a visit to vietnam. and silence about dagestan, that is, there is a crisis of the genre, that is, it does not affect the war yet, but i completely agree with you, i think that in the intra-fascist environment more and more questions appear, that is, what should they do, they do not see any strategic prospects, not that i don't know how to win there, but how to survive in the situation into which
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putin is dragging them deeper and deeper. absolutely right, putin is a rat who was driven in angle. pay attention to the new circumstance of the caucasian-islamic-fascist rebellions. the main composition of these terrorists is the golden youth of dagestan. these are the children, two sons, and other relatives of the head of the united russia party in dagestan. head of the region. these organizations are associated with the national hero of dagestan. they have a fight without rules. and all those wrestling schools without rules, it turns out, trained all these islamic ones. in other words , it is not some socially disaffected people driven to despair by their situation who oppose putin. the same golden youth. elite of dagestan oppose the russian government, they do not arouse any sympathy in me, but when the frog competes with the viper, we only welcome
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such a phenomenon. well, but the question is why he somehow tries to bypass this story, that is, instead of what he could have unloaded his agenda, informational dagestan, no, somehow they try, they do not know what to do with such an impression. so, putin solved it. kadyrov essentially heads an independent sultanate, he does what he wants there. putin will have to, that is, the caucasus already in fact separated from russia. not to mention that putin has lost absolutely all positions in the south caucasus. when he refused to support armenia during the second karabakh war. there is azerbaijan, so during the celebrations in the city of shusha, president erdogan and aliyev signed an agreement on the unification of the army, and there is a single
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turkish-azerbaijani army, which is a de facto nato army. turkey, let me remind you, is a member of nato. that is, putin's geopolitical position, while he is mired in the war in ukraine, is collapsing throughout the post-soviet space. but... until things, this is very relevant, now is the anniversary of prigozhin's rebellion. prigozhin's mutiny took place essentially under the same slogan: the tsar is not real. only he did not call the name of the tsar himself, he called shoigu gerasimov in obscene words that i cannot quote on your air. but we remember how beautiful the rhetoric is on... two days before his mutiny, he addressed the people and the army, he spoke not only about the lack of shells, he criticized the war itself, he said that the people
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pushed us there is no need for a war in this short time, the ruble oligarchs have sent death soldiers, and when they realize who sent them there, they will tear it apart, and the beauty almost succeeds, with none. but prigozhin was also not alone to andrii andriyovych, we prigozhin, and someone transferred the money, and we understand that someone refueled the plane , someone organized and escorted, for example, prigozhin gangs in africa and so on, that is, it is either the main intelligence agency of russia, or it fsb? you know, the slogan is on fire. recently, general shamanov, a known war criminal, monster, spoke in the duma. he
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suddenly started criticizing the military again leadership and putin. he exposed the generals. as he said, generals sew their uniforms in the best ateliers, soldiers do not have enough female gymnasts. he repeated the same social slogans about the army being robbed. acted out the theme of the tsar is not real. this shows how vulnerable putin's position is. it is enough for one charismatic leader to appear, who will repeat the same slogans of prigozhin, and the second campaign on the kremlin may turn out to be more successful. thank you, andrii andriyovych, for this extremely interesting and informative conversation. and i want to remind our tv viewers that now in andriy piondkovskiy, a famous political scientist who is in washington, worked on espresso. well, the time of our program is over, stay with the espresso tv channel. my colleagues will inform you about all the most important events of this day. take care of yourself and your loved ones. see you
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on air. 16-year-old victoria andriets. before the start of a full-scale war. the girl lived on the left bank of the kherson region in the skadovsky district in the village of gladivka. the territory was occupied almost in the first days of the russian invasion and almost the connection with the girl was immediately cut off. where she is now is still unknown. it is quite likely that the child could have been taken to russia, but of course, it is not excluded that victoria may still remain somewhere in the territories not controlled by ukraine. and i really hope that with your help, the girl will be found in... let's take a closer look at her photo. victoria now looks 16-17 years old. she has brown eyes and blonde hair. if suddenly someone
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sees. girl, does she know where she might be, call us immediately the line of the magnolia child tracing service by the short number 11630. calls from all ukrainian mobile operators are free, you can also contact us using the telegram bot of the child tracing service. i also want to remind you that we are not stopping the search for 17-year-old serhiy samoilov, who also disappeared almost in the first days of the full-scale war on the territory.
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server and why he actually left home, yes, there was no connection or internet at home, it is clear that there were already problems with water and food, he was going to side of pokrovsk. serhiy planned to go to his mother's acquaintance in pokrovsk, which is also donetsk region, about 200 km from mariupol, but the boy's family did not dare to leave home, so serhiy left alone. it happened on march 6.
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at the moment, only one thing is known: serhii never got to pokrovsk, the boy did not return home, and no one knows where he is now. serhiy's mother still lives in mariupol and does not lose hope of finding her son. meanwhile , serhiy's father, who has been living separately for a long time and is now in controlled ukraine territory, is doing everything in its power to find serhii. he suggests that the boy could be taken to russia. but it is not excluded. that
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he is still somewhere in donetsk region, so i am appealing to the residents of the temporarily occupied territory, who may see this program on social networks. look carefully at the photo of the child: if anyone knows where serhiy may be, do not hesitate and dial the short number of the magnolia child search service from any mobile operator, 11630. calls to the hotline from any ukrainian mobile operator free of charge if suddenly there is no connection, write to the chatbot sluzhba roj. children in telegram, any information is important. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child. in any city, at any time. just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stop will accept ua.
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news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna works in the studio. belt. the rescue operation at the site of the russian missile attack on the city of viliansk in the zaporizhia region has ended. the russians killed seven people. two children were among the dead. another 31 people were injured. the enemy attacked the central part of the city with two rockets, damaged critical infrastructure, shops, residential buildings, public buildings and cars. several cars and buildings caught fire.


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