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tv   [untitled]    June 30, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EEST

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news time on the tv channel. espresso in the studio is worked by kateryna shiropoyas. the rescue operation at the site of the russian missile attack on the city of viliansk in the zaporizhzhia region has ended. the russians killed seven people. among the dead are two children. another 31 people were injured. the enemy attacked the central part of the city with two rockets, damaged critical infrastructure, shops, residential buildings, public buildings and cars. several cars and buildings caught fire. the fire was extinguished,
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i understand that, they informed the state emergency service, there are people who were there relatives with whom we talked, and the girl got burned, straight away they took it out too, this is your neighbor, no, they rented it, that is, i am in favor of it, these were trade pavilions, there was a rental, here there were shawarma, here it was sold, here there was a salon beauty, there the man burned in the car. two people were killed and three others were wounded during the evening shelling of donetsk region. the enemy attacked kurakhivka twice. shells hit the private sector. one person died, two others were injured. they are in the hospital, said the head of the regional military administration, vadym filashkin. in addition, the occupiers shelled slovyansk, one dead and one wounded in the city. two explosions rang out from the weapons still being installed, but definitely possible. to say that these were cluster charges,
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unfortunately, one person died, the attacks occurred in the slavyansky resort micro-district, let's hold on. two residents of a high-rise building in dnipro, damaged during the russian attack, got in touch: a mother and a son. the family was not at home when the shelling happened. the fate of several more people remains unknown, the head of the regional military administration, serhii lysak, said. the search and rescue operation continues for the second day. teapots disassemble the ceiling of the destroyed floors. the russians hit the house on june 28. one person died and 13 were injured. a grenade exploded in the center of lutsk. the police arrested the bomber. he turned out to be a 23-year-old resident of khmelnytskyi. motives for his act are currently being established, the sbu of the volyn region reported. fortunately, no one was hurt. fire in russia in
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nizhny novgorod , a waste disposal warehouse caught fire at night. the area of ​​the fire is about a thousand square meters, reported in the russian ministry of emergency situations. a column of smoke rose above the object, it can be seen for many kilometers. in local publications they write: tanks with paint and varnish materials are on fire, and there are probably gas cylinders inside the premises. locals also say that they heard explosions at night, according to the russian authorities , the number of dead and wounded. there is no two miners died as a result of a collapse at the revival mine in the village of mezhiryche in the lviv region, at a depth of more than 500 m, the rock of the roof collapsed under the influence of mining pressure. two miners were under the rubble. search the operation lasted several hours. it was not possible to save the men, said the head of the regional military administration of lviv oblast, maksym kozytskyi. 10 years of war -
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a documentary film created by the espresso tv channel with the support of the internews network and the us embassy in ukraine. recent history from the first euromaidan rallies to the active phase of the full-scale russian-ukrainian war. a pre-premiere screening was organized in lviv, about the film and the audience's first impressions of what they saw next. 10 years of war, what really lasts for three centuries, the espresso tv channel presented a documentary film about an extremely difficult period of time, key moments of our history and modern heroes, this is the struggle from maidan 2013 to ukraine's counteroffensive against the russian occupation forces in 2023. the heroes of the film are public activist and fallen defender roman ratushny, his mother, poet and activist. svitlana
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povalyaeva, journalist, politician and military officer tetyana chornovol and paramedic yuliya paevska with the call sign taira. for all of us with you, these 10 years, they were here. we all lived through these events, we remember them well, we know them well, we passed them through ourselves, and for the western audience, many facts of this film will be new, so the main purpose of this film is precisely to show this context, what was during these 10 years and why the russians are killing ukrainians today. in the film, the destinies of the heroes are intertwined with key events in the recent history of ukraine, all in order... to remind and imprint in the viewers' memories the difficult lessons of the past. every revolution, especially the revolution of dignity, is this transformation, transformation of people, transformation of society in general. history is forced to repeat itself because no one listens to it. when we constantly
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remind people and explain all cause and effect relationships, i am sure, then the chances of war in the future will be much less. oleg became the director and screenwriter of the film. a potter who lives and works in the usa. he has produced a number of historical, documentary and feature films for the bbc, which have received awards from international film festivals. harinchar cooperated with the espresso tv channel from the first days of its creation, from the maidan, so the bloody pages of our history are close to him. the fact that he involved politicians in the narrative, in the script, is the second story line, because the politicians, they are also the heroes of this film. and their decisions, how they made them, those decisions that affected millions of people, it will be interesting for westerners, and diplomats, and decision-makers, and politicians, and ordinary citizens to watch. for more than a year, they worked on a documentary film so that as
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many people as possible could see and hear the value of the heroic resistance of our people, in the war with russian invaders. the film was translated into english. we must be able to do. conclusions from mistakes, that's why the film tells about 10 years, and it also tells about 10 years because people have clip thinking, i really wanted this film to be seen by people in other countries, a lot of what is here, we have seen , we know, we are experiencing it anew, and for many it will be a discovery, especially for those who do not know our history and have not really followed what is happening in our country, and of course we tried to tell about it through people's destinies, this is the most important thing, because war is a million fates. and there are a million such people, and i think that we will manage to reach the world. espresso tv channel together with
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the all-ukrainian democratic forum public organization with the support of internews network and the us embassy in ukraine were able to release 10 years of war. a delegation from poland visited the show. in particular, the legendary founders of polish and ukrainian solidarity, public figures, politicians. i advise everyone to watch this movie. this is a film about how ukrainian was formed state, what parallels were drawn with poland, with its neighbors. and what do we need to preserve at any cost? save ukraine. romova is now talking about the existence of our state. viewings and meetings with the film team for 10 years. they will soon take place in ternopil, ivano-frankivsk and rivne. in addition to ukraine, the film will be shown abroad. subsequently, it can be seen on the espresso tv channel. the second anniversary of the escape of russian troops from snake island. the fighting for this border post
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in the black sea began on the first day a full-scale invasion. it was then that the ultimatum to our soldiers to lay down their arms, which came from the russian kreis. moscow, one of the border guards answered the now well-known phrase about the russian warship . snake island was occupied for 126 days. and since the end of april 2022, the ukrainian military has been striking the island, destroying ships, ammunition depots, and enemy air defenses. on june 30 , russian troops fled the island. propaganda called this retreat a gesture of goodwill, and in a few days on the island. snakes the ukrainian flag flew again. the espresso tv channel calls on you to join the collection for drones and components for art reconnaissance of the 100th brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. the first batch that we plan to purchase is eight improved models of mavik fly combo and five mavik 3t.
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quadcopters are those eyes in the sky that burn safety and do not give an opportunity to confidently move forward. and most importantly, they help save the lives of our military. we have to collect. do not waste time, join the collection for our defenders. to find out more interesting and relevant information, follow updates on our website., as well as on our social networks. we will see each other in less than an hour. then my colleagues will be waiting for you on the air. lesya vakulyuk and andriy saichuk. we know our 858th day of our marathon, in fact the news in front
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of us started it, here we are picking up this baton, and in the end it is all just a calendar number, a list of days, but in general the marathon does not stop and continues around the clock, and just like around the clock the war is going on, the russians are trying to seize our country around the clock in order to do the life of ukrainians in their country is impossible, and you know, yesterday... yuriy fedorenko was with us from achilles from the uav battalion and said that there are no illusions, there are no illusions, we see what happened in the occupied territories, we know from history, we know what happened in buch, ukrainians will not have a place in their country if the russians come here, and they will not repeat their mistakes, they are determined to completely destroy everything ukrainian, that's why we don't have any. some alternative, how to just hold this front and inflict
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maximum damage on the enemy, well, that's what we're talking about now about the military, and about the people who are in the rear, we don't really have any days off, or any good reasons there, for example, not to help the army, they simply don't exist, and there are no opportunities for us to live an ordinary life, as if nothing happens. you can rest sometimes when you have no strength, but continue to work. konstantin denisov is already with us, the spokesman of the legion of freedom is in touch. mr. konstantin, we congratulate you, good morning. good morning, i congratulate you and the viewers of the channel. i understand that you are from the zaporozhye region turn on what is the situation now? intense, constant artillery works like a fortune teller. so do ours, drones fly, both ours and russian ones, in general one gets the impression that
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the russians have turned zaporizhzhia, the zaporizhzhia region into a testing ground for their new drones, and rebs, there are a lot of them here, various, both shock and reconnaissance, and resets, and kamikazes, and everything you want, if only, and their losses here are big for them, but they test everything here later. continue to advance in other directions, they do not stop trying to push through our defenses, align that line front, which was formed as a result of the counteroffensive in the second half of the 23rd, beginning of the 24th year, but they are unable to advance , well, the situation in certain areas, that is where the libertarians stand, i cannot be responsible for the whole of zaporizhia. the situation is like this, they push and shove here and there, that is, positional battles are going on, as if, on our side, there is an active
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defense, on the enemy's side, they are constantly under the cover of drones, artillery, and armored vehicles, trying to periodically storm the positions of the defenders of ukraine. you know, we all learn in detail about the geography of our east and south, here is the town of vilniansk, which few people had heard of until recently in... yesterday it once again became the center of attention of all ukrainians and the world, but for a very bitter, in fact, star-studded reason , it was bombarded with rockets, the very center was bombarded, as of yesterday evening ivan fedorov reported that seven dead residents and about two dozen more were seriously injured. what can you say about this town, why it became the target of shelling? well, i want to say
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to dive a little into history, during the events of ukrainian revolution, the russians also tried to capture this town there, it was called a little differently then, but then the ukrainian cossacks and soldiers caught the good-natured trendsetters there and they did not manage to win any victories there. regarding the shelling of this city, well, unfortunately, you can follow... such a logical chain of actions of the russians that they first launch reconnaissance drones, and then, unfortunately, their missile attacks take place, so i once again for... call on all residents of zaporizhzhia area, when you see messages on various channels that spy drones have been detected, russians, it is better not to be on the street, to stay in shelters, because your life and health depend on it. we seem to have observed something similar in the 22nd year, when
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russian s-300 launchers started moving every evening on the territory of the pologiv and berdyansky temporarily occupied districts. then, accordingly , there were periodic rocket attacks on the regional center, the russians, you see, in turn, they strike exclusively at peaceful targets, no military objects, bases and so on, they do not fire at vilniansk, we can also to remember how last year they attacked the district hospital, there are no military depots there, there are no military personnel, there are no parking lots, equipment, they are fundamental. purposefully and deliberately hit civilian peaceful infrastructure, this once again confirms the thuggish criminal and terrorist nature of the russian occupation forces, and this applies not only to vilniansk, it also applies to gulyai field, which they are shelling, there they destroyed the market, destroyed the hospital, they beat churches, in zaporizhzhia they also beat residential buildings,
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they did not hit a single military object during the entire period of the full-scale second. zaporizhzhia also detained an intelligence agent of the russian federation this week, he was helping to precisely track the routes for the russians of the movement of military equipment and transmitted data so that the russians could then strike, they detained this man, i know, we always talk about this, where do these come from such... advisers, well, in the end, why be surprised here, there were always many pro-russian people, not always, but there were in zaporizhzhia, in zaporizhzhia, we remember that there was an attempt there and that russian spring in the 14th year, is the consciousness of people changing, are there still many such traitors, well, traitors were, are and will be, no,
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we can see that even in western ukraine they are catching russian correctors, these are really the results of many decades of russian soviet propaganda, communist propaganda, well, for this we must now do ukrainian propaganda, national-patriotic, military-patriotic, population education, explanatory work, explain the results, well, of course, not drimattiya and i mean, in relation to the work of special services, they calculated such agents in time. accordingly, they were detained, brought to court, materials were handed over to the court, and then these renegades received the maximum punishment, this is one thing, and secondly, both the civilian population, and the authorities and the military should observe informational hygiene and not give unnecessary excuses these children to film and monitor
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some information in order to then pass it on to the other side to the russian fsb. sinful and so on agents. i am also asked what news there is from the temporarily occupied territories of the region. the terror, the washing of the cities, the youth, the children - it will be a very big problem to work with this youth when we enter the liberated territories, and the militarization of everything and everything, if in a few words, well, the most - it is terror. against the civilian population, they continue to shoot staged footage, allegedly catching some mythical ukrainian spies, and they catch the same people in different communities of the zaporizhia region, and of course, yes, it is washed by the young people of the city, they pour in big money and various so-called military-patriotic dupes,
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they organize in terms of propaganda, they certainly work, be cool, we need to learn from them how to... do it only with a bow on ukrainian national-patriotic propaganda? yes, i also saw in the telegrams the collaborators, our collaborators from ours, i say so, well, what should i call them, because they were some kind of figures, and even people's deputies, let's remember, of the verkhovna rada quite recently, and they collected votes or bought them, there you are. a video is circulating about how two ukrainian spies, who were also collecting information for the ukrainian army, were detained in the zaporizhzhia region. territory of tokmak, here, and they are now facing 20 years of imprisonment, whether these were really
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ukrainian patriots and such partisans, or whether these were staged shots, it is difficult to judge here, because this is russia, the truth is that very little happens there, but there is a lot propaganda, we see it. well, thank you very much for this conversation, kostiantyn denisov, the spokesman of the legion, was with us svoboda, thank you, have a nice, calm day for zaporozhye, we will now take a short break, then continue. fm: galicia. listen to yours. anatomy
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of hate. putin and ukraine. the new book of espresso tv presenter serhiy rudenko. insight - first-hand information. behind the scenes of russian politics and events, which the author himself witnessed. unsuccessful attempts to change presidents, poisoning of political leaders of the ukrainian state. murder and bloody war, all about it in serhiy rudenko's book anatomy of hate, putin and ukraine. search in bookstores of ukraine. there are discounts presented unbreakable discounts on eurofast softcaps, 20% in travel pharmacies for you and savings. verkhovna rada. regularly passes new laws, but how do these changes affect our lives? we have analyzed new resolutions to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation, how legislative
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norms change our lives, what to prepare for? leading lawyers of the aktum bar association will answer these and other questions that concern ukrainians. watch every tuesday at 7:5 in the legal expertise program on the espresso tv channel. weekly. maria gurska meets with the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish sejm, the representative of the polish government for the restoration of ukraine, pawel koval. as always, we talk about the most important things that happened this week in poland, ukraine, and europe. what is being said about ukraine in the eu, how should we perceive the statements of european politicians and what will our accession to the eu look like. in the project close to politics, close to the world with maria gurska. every sunday at 15:30 with a repeat at 22:00 in collaboration with au sisters. verdict with serhii rudenko from now on in a new two-hour episode format, even more analytics, even more
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important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with telephone survey, turn on and turn on, verdict with serhiy rudenko, from tuesday to monday. this from 20 to 22 bring victory together with tssoa asbu. join one of the best special forces in the country. we are expanding and hiring. we invite civilian specialists of various fields. experienced commanders will ensure your quality training and education. fill out the form and choose. direction where you can be most effective. we are waiting for you in the team of tssoa asbu. together
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we will write the history of victory. details on the official pages of the sbu. well, gentlemen, we are going back and we hope that we will now have kharkiv on the line, there, in principle, there is also a lot of different things. it happens from not very good news, for example, the fact that new russian bombs have already been freshly made and are being dropped on kharkiv, well, it is not big news, but you understand, bye some good news, which indicates that kharkiv continues to develop and a new life is born in it, and not only that interesting human life, but also life, for example, here are such wonderful, beautiful and beautiful ... predators, these are two girls , jaguars that were born in the kharkiv zoo recently, and you see, they are very beautiful.
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creature, the yoguar is called, you know, the south american lion, because it is really a very large animal, it is much larger than a leopard, and it loves water very much, by the way, interestingly, it loves water, one of the few such felines, who like to bathe and willingly climb into the water themselves, if there is such an opportunity, well, meanwhile, they saw that this is usually a panihov, one with a basket. uh, for easter, well, you already know, although peter and paul were recently there, so maybe somehow it could also be dedicated like that, uh, in a word, what else do we want to tell you, which surprised me and probably you too , we all talked about how terrible biden's speech was, biden himself now says he felt a little sick, well the man is 81 years old, 81 years old, well, maybe he was excited, maybe... that he
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still has a cold, and now there is a lot of attack on him, including the media and associates and various leaders of other countries, saying that biden: don't run for president, you already old, i don't want you americans, but now there have been several polls and it turned out that biden's rating has actually not changed, and trump's rating has also changed, and that basically shows that, in general, people are voting in this election. just as at the previous ones, not so much for biden, even as against trump, and they say, it is true, that there is one a person who can change the mind of trump, this biden, if she says this person must go, then he will go, who is he, i will tell you later, well, just now we are joined by boris redin, activist and public figure from kharkiv, mr. boris, we congratulate you, congratulations, we started here with good
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news from kharkiv from... terikhov, who is holding two jaguar cubs in his arms, and in a basket, which were born in the zoo, and how is the kharkiv zoo there, or is he , is everything good there, well, in principle, it’s good, like all of kharkiv, there were also flights here once, well, i know that he suffered, yes there were, but still in the 22nd year, it seems already. there were, we remember, yes, there were , yes, yes, unfortunately, we were there too, and war, as they say, does not spare anyone, not even a baby, how the night passed, how the mood is morning, well, night, but normal, and the night passed, as usual, something was making a noise somewhere, and nothing unusual, how is the summer going
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now? ha, what news, how do people live? well, this year, it's hot, then rainy, the mood here, well, well, you know, it's clear that there were before the war, before the full-scale war, i mean, there were slightly different moods, everything changes, well, well, kharkiv in general lives in principle as normally as it can live in such. you know, there was a survey last year, and ukrainians were asked when they thought the war would end, and then a very, very large number of ukrainians, more than half of them significantly believed that the war would end by the end of this year, last year, and now, they also did a survey , and already only a quarter of ukrainians think that the war will end this year, and i just remember what...
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who we are, with whom we had a conversation, and the past year, they did not believe that the war would end in that year, and this means that we probably have a little bit of this gap between our optimism, conditionally speaking, and a sober assessment, it is shrinking, kharkiv, which is very close, kharkiv, which is constantly shelled, like there with optimism, what are the estimates now, when and how should this war end, well... as they say, people say who what, who says what, especially i know, but i remember, the jews have such an expression, in the next year in jerusalem, and they have been saying so for a couple of thousand years, that is, this war - it's a war, a century-long war, it's a very long war, you have to be able to live in such a war, it's not like...


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