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tv   [untitled]    June 30, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EEST

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news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shirokopoyas works in the studio. the number of wounded as a result of the russian shelling of vilniansk in the zaporizhia region has increased to 36. the condition of six midges. rated as difficult. the injured have shrapnel wounds, contusions, fractures, and traumatic amputations. among the injured are a pregnant woman and nine children. seven people died, including three children, the national police reported. the day before, the enemy attacked the city with several rockets, two high-rise buildings and 12 commercial buildings were damaged premises, a total of seven cars were destroyed, critical infrastructure and public buildings were mutilated. the rescue operation at the site of the impact has been completed.
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a day of mourning for the victims of the russian attack was announced today in the zaporizhzhia region. a woman was injured by a mine explosion in the kharkiv region. it happened in the morning in the village of yaremivka. she stepped on the petal anti-personnel mine. a 68-year-old local woman was taken to the hospital with a traumatic amputation of her right foot, the regional emergency service reported. rescuers call to be be as careful as possible and remember the mine danger. the russians shelled selidove in donetsk region at night. damaged mine. some production facilities were completely destroyed. a fire broke out - the city council reported. the town of selidove is located not far from the front line in the pokrovsky direction. they stopped 200 m from the border. 17 men were detained in zakarpattia who wanted to enter hungary illegally. the border guards stopped the micro. bus, in which there were
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men from seven regions of ukraine, they were charged with illegal departure from the country to pay from three to 12 thousand dollars, the state border service reported. currently, the law enforcement officers are identifying the involved persons. they helped an injured tourist. a 22-year-old resident of ivano-frankivsk was injured while climbing mount yagidna. the man could not move further on his own, so he turned to the rescuer. emergency services located the victim, provided him with first aid, and then escorted him to the foot of the mountain, where he was handed over to doctors. the tragic death of teenagers in kyiv. two 15-year-old children fell from the 16th floor, they died on the spot. it happened on zhilyanska street. the police have opened criminal proceedings under the heading of murder marked "suicide". six people were injured in
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a road accident in mykolaiv, among the injured were two children. two land cruiser prado and vaz collided at the intersection. the driver of the latter and his five passengers, including four and nine-year-old children, received injuries of varying degrees of severity. everyone is in the hospital. the other driver was not injured, the regional police reported. police are investigating the cause of the accident. conviction is punishable by up to three years of imprisonment. 10 years of war - a documentary film created by the espresso tv channel with the support of the internews network and the us embassy in ukraine. recent history of ukraine from the first euromaidan rallies to the active phase of the full-scale russian-ukrainian war. the pre-premiere screening was organized in lviv. about the tape and the first impressions of the audience from what they saw below. 10 years. war, which
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actually lasts three centuries. the espresso tv channel presented a documentary film about an extremely difficult period of time. key points of our history and modern heroes. this is a struggle from maidan 2013 to ukraine's counteroffensive against the russian occupation forces in 2023. the heroes of the film were public activist and fallen defender roman ratushny, his mother, poet and activist svitlana povalyaeva. journalist, politician and military officer tetyana chornovol and paramedic yuliya paevska, nicknamed tyra. for all of us with you, these 10 years were here, we all lived through these events, we remember them well, we know them well, we passed them through ourselves, and for the western audience a lot the facts of this film will be new, so the main purpose of this film is precisely to show this context, what happened during these... in the plot, the destinies of the heroes are intertwined
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with the key events of the recent history of ukraine. all for the sake of reminding and imprinting. hard lessons of the past are in the memory of the audience, every revolution, especially the revolution of dignity, is a transformation, transformation of people, transformation of society in general. history is forced to repeat itself because no one listens to it. when will we constantly remind people and explain everything cause and effect connections, i am sure, then there will be much less chance of war in the future. the director and screenwriter of the film was oleg garenchar, who lives and... works in the usa, he has produced a number of historical, documentary and feature films for the bbc, and has received awards from international film festivals. harinchar cooperated with the espresso tv channel from the first days of its creation, from the maidan, so the bloody pages of our history are close to him.
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the fact that he involved politicians in the narrative, in the script, is the second story line, because the politicians, they are also the heroes of this the movie and their... decisions, how they made them, those decisions that affected millions of people, it will be interesting for western diplomats, decision-makers, politicians, and ordinary citizens to watch. for more than a year, they worked on a documentary film so that as many people as possible could see and hear the value of the heroic resistance of our people in the war with the russian invaders. the film was translated into english. we have to be able to draw conclusions from... mistakes, that's why the film tells about 10 years, and it also tells about 10 years because of the fact that people have clips thinking, i really wanted this film to be seen by people in other countries, a lot of what is here, we have seen, know, relive, and for many it will be a revelation, especially for those who do not know our history and
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not very followed what was happening in our country, and of course we tried to tell about it through the destinies of people, this is the most important thing, because war is the destinies of millions, there are three to... reach the world. espressu tv channel together with the all-ukrainian public organization were able to release 10 years of war for rent democratic forum with the support of internews network and the us embassy in ukraine. a delegation from poland visited the show, including legendary ones. founders of polish and ukrainian solidarity, public figures, politicians. i advise everyone to watch this film as well, it is a film about how the ukrainian state was formed, what parallels were drawn both with poland and with its neighbors, and that we must at
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any cost preserve, preserve ukraine, because now we are talking about the existence of our state. viewings and meetings with the team of the film 10 years of war in the near future from... will be held in ternopil, ivano-frankivsk and rivne. in addition to ukraine, the film will be shown abroad. subsequently, it can be seen on the espresso tv channel. the espresso tv channel calls for participation in the collection of drones and components for art reconnaissance of the 100th brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. the first batch that we plan to purchase is eight improved models of mavic flashcomm and five mavic 3t. quadcopters are robots in the sky that fuel safety and enablement . not to go forward, and most importantly, they help save the lives of our military, we must collect together with you 2.5 million hryvnias, so let's not waste time and ask you to join the collection for our defenders. i wish you good health, we, the fighters of the 100th brigade of artillery reconnaissance, are asking you to join our
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collection for drones and their components, which will help us in the future to destroy the enemy and protect our homeland. glory to ukraine! glory to the heroes. the second anniversary of the escape of russian troops from the island of snakes the sbu showed historical footage of the de-occupation, the battles for this border post in the black sea began on the first day of the full-scale invasion, just then at the ultimatum of our military personnel to lay down their weapons, which arrived from the russian cruiser moskva. one of the border guards answered the now well-known phrase about the russian warship . zmiyny island was occupied for 120. six days, and since the end of april 2022 , the ukrainian military has struck the island, destroying ships, warehouses with ammunition and enemy air defenses . on june 30, russian troops fled the island. propaganda called this retreat a gesture of goodwill, and in a few days
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the ukrainian snakes were once again on fire on the island of snakes. flag. look for espresso on youtube and be sure to subscribe, because there are live broadcasts of all program releases and. special projects that can only be seen here, as well as a short video on a hot topic in the shores section. subscribe, comment us your important thoughts. to find out more interesting so... information, follow the updates on our website, as well as on our social networks, take care! congratulations, friends, the program "saturday politklub", andriy smaliy and vitaliy, is on the air. today we will have a slightly different format, today for two hours we will talk in the studio, yes,
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we will discuss, discuss, talk about all the topics that concern you, that are important for the country, these are essentially military affairs and european union affairs, there will also be debates between biden and trump, ideological affairs, in short, everything will be, so... now get ready for the fact that we will be with you for two hours. so, let's start, mr. vitaly. yes, probably military affairs. and, this week putin's next statements, he says, are again about missiles, about the production of shorter, short and medium-range missiles. well, traditional his scarecrow is such that they will produce them, perhaps they will be placed somewhere in other countries. of the world probably compares this to what the north atlantic
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alliance is doing, how the united states of america is doing, because they often place their own missile complexes in allied countries, but the question arises, where can putin place all this? except we know which countries, well , nowhere else, in this there is a limitation in principle of putin's resources, because the only european country in which he can... his own weapons there is the republic of belarus, he has already placed nuclear weapons in it, he can place missile weapons, there is another territory, in fact, which is not a country, but which is an important bridgehead for intimidating the west, this is the kaliningrad region of the russian federation, in fact, consider it another country, well, if we talk about geography, and not about politics, then officially it is a part of the territory of the russian federation, but it is as composed, which is surrounded. from all sides by nato member countries, but at the same time it is not
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just controlled by the russian federation, but is part of the russian federation, and you know, i remember once, i came to svitlogorsk, and it was the beginning of the 2000s, some first attempts to civilize the kaliningrad region had already begun, because in soviet times there were no such attempts, this it was just... a completely neglected territory, even in comparison with the neighboring baltic countries, which were also soviet at the time, and we can clarify the question, but for the audience to understand, we understand that keninsberg, which was the real name before that, is kaliningrad , in fact, it was his own at the time, a fairly prosperous city and a fairly prosperous region, why was the soviet union so indifferent to this region at that time, compared, for example, to
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others, to lithuania, well, compare with those, with those regions that it controls, yes, maybe to answer this question, they did not believe in the constancy of borders, well, until 1975, approximately before the signing of the helsinki act, the soviet leadership, of course, they did not say it out loud, but they were not sure that it was all theirs forever, and therefore for them kalini... the region was like a bridgehead, by the way, this is exactly the right question you asked andrii, because this applies to both crimea and donbass, they will never believe, even if they control it for a long time, that it is theirs forever, and if it is not forever, then it is necessary, let's say, to use it, and not to develop it, if you look at moscow, and not only moscow, at kyiv, all these famous high-rises, they are built from the stones of koneksberg, ugh. literally dismantled the old city center, it was in ruins, but many german cities, as you know, after the second
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world war ii was in ruins, next to königsberg there is gdańsk, the ancient danzik, which was completely restored by the poles, the central part, all of this was literally collected one by one, why? because the poles treated gdansk as their own city, right? of course, they were neighbors there with the germans, with other peoples, but for them it was a part of their, one might say, heart, they restored it with joy and satisfaction, and when you come to kdansk now, you see an incredibly beautiful, old man. wine medieval hanseatic city. when you when you come to königsberg, you see khrushchevs in the center of the city, here are some new cheryomushki built in the center of königsberg, and even before the 70s, the ruins of the royal palace were located in the center of the city, it could be restored, it could be made into a medieval city center. the russians first
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wanted to destroy all ee, i would say. in such signs of the german presence, the only thing they did not destroy was the cathedral where kahn is buried, because it was completely blasphemous, even for them, it remained at the center of this an absolutely soviet terrible city, a medieval cathedral on the island where immanuel kant is buried, everything is always in the kaliningrad region, if you are interested, all the people who wanted to restore something were persecuted, they were silenced, and they were told that it was not necessary. i even remember that in the 1990s there was a schoolboy there who drove alone on old german kirks, and the guy himself tried to restore them, because he understood that this was just something catastrophic happening to civilization, and people, which there arrived, they were completely bewildered, they did not understand where they were at all, and this was also important, but why did i start telling about it, because when i came to this
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slytogorsk, which was the famous german resort of raaschen, where all ... you know, and now in the center of this slytogorsk there is such a big poster that, slytogorsk is an outpost of russia, farpos, well , forfos, such a resort, and i was traveling with the person who took care of the hotel and apartments there, i told him, well, listen, you are probably glad that you now have holidaymakers, as in lithuania is next door, where there is simply no place for an apple to fall in season in palandza, and he tells me, listen, it would be better if we had rockets, and i tell him, why... you have a rocket, you need rockets so that they are afraid of us, this is an ordinary person , whose business is to rent out hotel rooms and apartments to tourists, but she needed missiles, so when i hear from donald trump that he can explain something to vladimir putin, i would like to buy him a ticket to flight to gdansk,
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and that he drove from there to kali by car svitlogorska, i found this person and to her at first... i tried to explain why hotels are better than rockets, if donald trump succeeds, and i think that if he doesn't, he will have a heart attack, he will die svitlogorska and there will be a beautiful memorial for him, yes if he succeeded, he could then go to vladimir putin, but through svitlogorsk, and this is also the place where they can place these weapons, because it is very unnerving, but cuba, no, some latin american countries, other, i.e. no one. they will not be given such an opportunity for these 2 years for half a year, they heard something from cuba, that cuba would like to help the russian federation, that it is in solidarity with it, that they are trying to do something to improve the situation of the russians, that they are against these american insidious actions against russia, they say something, they keep quiet sit because they understand what needs to be balanced, even if not between the united
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states and russia, but between latin america. and china, they need more or less calm development, even the current cuban leadership, because the times of the infamous fidel castro, who was ready to place missiles in himself, they passed, this is a completely different story, we know an absolutely specific number of countries that are countries that accept the status of exiles on the international arena and are ready to cooperate with russia on such a level, this is the so-called korean people - democratic republic of north korea. this is essentially the lpr-dpr on the korean peninsula, it must be said honestly, this is the islamic republic of iran, but look, iranians, even half of iranians do not come to the elections, and those who do, the majority of of them votes for a person who is in favor of improving relations with the united states of america, it says something, about the mood in society, this is the second such country,
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let's say myanmar, but it cannot host russian weapons, but it is ready ... with russia, to cooperate, that 's all, all other countries that have good relations with russia, they can perform some acrobatic figures there, what about the countries of central asia, let's say, and belarus, of course, we are talking about belarus forget it, well, in belarus they have already placed a nuclear one weapons, and iskander installations, that's all, but i don't understand why it bothers you so much from the point of view of deployment, don't forget that russia is very big, the united states is deployed. north america, and in order to provide some opportunities in the asian region. and in eurasia they need allies, and russia itself in eurasia, and just right, as you say, they need allies in latin america, but they don't really want to deploy anything now, that time
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has passed, by the way, about another deployment, north korea allegedly sends to ukraine their engineering troops, or their engineers, yes, they will allegedly be stationed on the territory of the donetsk region in... the purchased, yes, the so-called lpr, this is what testifies to this, and you believe that it will be the engineering troops , and not people, no, well, we say so, engineering troops, because at least this is official data, yes, but we well understand that it can be other types of troops, it can be, it can be, yes, relatively speaking, some administrative staff, and more than that, let's be honest. already analysts fixed on in the territory occupied by russia in ukraine, in our territory, they actually recorded
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north korean workers who came, who worked, then actually hire labor there in order to carry out certain things, construction, some auxiliary functions for the russian troops, for the russian, as for the russian of the occupation regime, as the personnel are, yes, this is what the so-called engineering, yes, the troops, supposedly, well, they can be called differently, this is already the implementation of these agreements that were made during putin's visit to kimchynin, or after all, this has become the policy of two such terrorist states, agreements that have already been made before, no, i think that should be negotiated. the fact that the north korean military can enter the territory of ukraine must be negotiated personally with putinimchunin, it
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cannot be negotiated through the ministers of defense or through some advisers, it must be discussed personally, and by the way, i absolutely allow that putin could go to the north korea with two goals: the first goal is to provoke the kimchi into some kind of war with south korea, maybe hybrid, but for the constant maintenance of tension, this is... an absolutely real thing, and the second absolutely real thing is that he could arrange for some part of the korean military, north korean, of course, to enter the occupied territory of ukraine, and by the way, there is logic in this, because you understand, this whole kim dynasty, they are constantly trading north koreans, as if they are their slaves, they are always sending them somewhere about... and by the way, to the soviet union, to the russian federation, these people get pennies, most of their money goes to the state budget of the dprk, and this
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is the use of slave labor, it is not even migrant labor, because these people are not migrants at all, they are simply prisoners in the places where they are forced to work, and by and large, and these are the military that have arrived in... the country, if this happens at all, of course, no one will ask them either, but he can get money from russia for this, but he now realized that he can receive, let's say, rough money, which may not be an alternative, but an important addition to the money that the people's republic of china gives to north korea, that is , the people's republic of china has built economic relations with them in such a way that they can simply survive, because it knows that they are still ... where they won't work, nobody needs them, when, by the way, once again donald trump tried to negotiate with kimchinin that the united states would provide serious economic aid
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to north korea, he met with him twice, but kimchinin simply used donald trump, he did not agree with these proposals, but if he gave up the nuclear program in exchange for some american aid, this aid would allow to create some conditions for chinese-type reforms, he had a completely different country, but he does not need it . you know, he needs everything to obey him completely, so that no one could, so there, even a butterfly could not fly from flower to flower without his instructions, do you know if they control even butterflies on the spot there, well, from this point vision, andrew, it can be absolutely clearly said that the situation is simple. in all these putin-kim negotiations, there is a plot that is important to both of them. troops for money, maybe a conflict with south korea for money, putin is going to pay for all this, the question arises, with what, this is
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already a good question, but it is so... can we consider the participation of the north korean military directly in hostilities against ukraine. can this be? well, relatively speaking, like cannon fodder. now they are using a part of the russians as cannon fodder, but let's say that in order to to save some part of the russians, or at least to make up for these losses that we see every day, in fact. now the losses of the russians there are more than 500,000, 541,000, as of today, can they use 10,000, 20, 50, if necessary, 100, perhaps in order to, relatively speaking, use them in the assault, in meat assaults, so-called, which take place almost every day on the front line, well, there are two options here, or they will be participants in hostilities, but i
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think that this is also for... on a very risky history, uh, because this could lead to a strengthening of the sanctions policy, not from the point of view of the un security council, but from the point of view of the other states there to increased isolation, or these troops will formally perform non-combat functions, again, giving the russians the opportunity to release probably often, and by the way, this could be such an idea as a response to the proposal of french president emmanuel macron, so think in this direction, emmanuel. macron said that nato troops can be present on ukrainian territory, but not to carry out military operations, you remember, this is demining, engineering work, that's all, after he proposed it, there began, as it always happens in the west, a long and so far fruitless discussion, and even this coalition of instructors that the french president was going to create, it is not working yet, i think that... now
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macron is primarily busy with extraordinary parliamentary elections in the country, we will talk about it tomorrow, in particular, in the politclub program, we will talk about it on the espresso tv channel, and also about the results of the first round of these elections, but while macron is suggests, putin does it simply differently, he once again shows that his allies , unlike the west, do not think, but the west thinks to allow ukraine to fire on the territory of the russian federation as much as possible. meters deep, how much do you do it and so on, but the west along with that, just now finally agreed to the possibility of such strikes, and iran and north korea never asked, it's true, what are they doing with their weapons, the iranian shaheds, we saw literally immediately, as soon as they began to enter the service of the armed forces of the russian federation on the entire territory of ukraine, and they did not say, let's
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use them only in the border zone. no, it's the same with north korea, no questions will be asked, and this is such a demonstration that dictatorships, no different from democracy, easily overcome any red lines. we have to take a break, literally 3 minutes of pause, and we will return with this topic, the following topics, do not switch. when you sleep on an uneven surface, the spine is in the wrong position, because you cannot feel energetic in the morning and productive during the day, and with toper matryk you will forget that you are sleeping on an imperfect surface. order the mattrik topper for comfortable sleep at an affordable price. more and more ukrainian families choose topper matric, which comes in a convenient package that is easy enough to remove. within a day after removing the factory film, it
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